The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 16, 1932, Page 1, Image 1

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    U. ,;
The - Statesman's annual -ii.
bargain ; period is on. For .
less than a cent : daily 70a
. may; hare this paper, deliv
ered by mail In Oregon.
r Subscribe bowj $3.
' Fair and contused warm
i today.. and Saturday; Max.
Temp. Tbarsday no, Mln.
' V river -.4 feet, smoky,
northeast winds. .
Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, September 161932
No. liS
H' fir .L- w,: (lf W3W 3S esjOiaRS
: -r . , - ! founded io5i . - - . . .;--. - '
e .
v i
Strenuous Applause Given
Drum and Bugle Kings
On City Streets
Auxiliary Trio Also Given
. Its Share of Praise
i In big Reception
National champion, 1032.
Seven times state cham
pion in eight times entered.
Winner of second place In
nation, 1928.
Winner of fifth place In
nation, 1929.
Drnm Major Charles
WMttemore national cham
pion, 1932, state champion
three consecutive years.
"Hall, the conquering hero
comes" and all like tunes were
well in order last night, as at
tested to by the huge throng of
Salem citizens who turned out to
welcome home the nationally tri
umphant Capital Unit, American
Legion auxiliary trio, and Capital
PoBt No. 9 drum corps, the latter
United States champions by vir
tue ol eight years of strenuous
existence, seren state victories
and three previous treks to na
tional conventions.
All Salem, it seemed, was out
to see the con querdf&V trio and
corps, march the downtown
streets, escorted by city officials,
civic organizations, bands and na
tional guardsmen.
: The long line of march, from
12th street on Court street to
Commercial, ' eastward on State
street to the courthouse square,
presented to the victors solid
ranks of spectators in parked au
tomobiles and afoot. Before the
i parade reached the speakers"
stand in the square, room wltMn
bearing distance was unobtain-
Proudly displaying their re-
snlendant trophy cup. the auxil
iary trie, riding, led the parade.
Members are Mrs. Walter Zosel,
Mrs. Dennis Bowe and Mrs. Mll-
; dred Wyatt; director. Miss Lena
Belle Tartar, and accompanist,
Ruth Bedford.
Following were the Capital
Post official sedan, color guard
from the armory, Chemawa band,
car bearing Mayor P. M. Gregory,
Douglas McKay, chamber or com-
merce president, and Irl S. Mc-
Sherry, Capital Post commander;
platoon of guardsmen, headquar-
ters battery ot Z49tn ariiiery ana qianapolls, secretary; Mrs. Ce
Company B of l2nd infantry; cilia Wenz, of Indianapolis, treas
Major B. F. Pound; the champion urer; Mrs. J. J. Doyle, of Toledo,
drum corps,, 124 legionnaires, le-
(Turn to page 12, col. 1)
HURON, S. D., Sept 15
(AP) Secretary. Patrick Hurley,
opening the republican campaign
in this region today credited pre-
sldent Hoover with piloting the
United States "through one of I
the greatest economic storms in
Upon his arrival here in his
rl.n.A. tlM
the war secretary said he had
nothing to do with dlstribuUon
of a namnhlrt at tn Am.rlrii.
Legion - national convention in
Portland, Ore., referring 1 to the
Expressing surprise
tributlon of the statement ; at the
convention he said be had writ
ten It but had not sent It to the
convention or authorized use of
the department frank.
In a formal statement later
he said:
'I did not authorize the use
of the .frank in circulating that picket posts by .10 special depu
statement. If the frank was used ties earlier in the day, a band ot
I regret it. The statement Itself farm strikers tonight ambushed
was of course public It was. pub -
nsned jn the press and could be
circulated by any one. I have not
full details but presume that it
wag not the statement that was
censored but the methodXpf dls -
CR0SSETT. Ark- Sept" ; 1
(AP) Frank Tucker, 24 year old
negro, was taken7 from jail and
hanged to a light pole near the I blockade, line they wera confront
centef of the business, district led by a group of 500 farmers who
hero today, after ha slashed tho
throat of a deputy sheriffs Henry
Reed, 3 s, -while awaiting a hear
lag on a larceny charge. -
Brings Laurels
Home to Salem
A-V".itionl honors were brought
jto this city by Charles Whitte-
more, drnm major of the Sa-
ilem drnm and bngle corps whr
waa adjudged national chain.
pion In his own special de
partment. "I am certainly
pleased to win this great hon
or, Whittemore said laat
night. I am also greatly
pleased to lead sach a wonder-
ful corps aa Salem a.
jy. Upirfpr Vif P-Prpldent
WrS. fldOer VICe-rre5IUeril
For West; Earl Dutro
40 et 8 Official
PORTLAND, Ore., Sept.1 15
(API Mrs. S. A. Blackburn, of
Versailles. Ky., was elected and
installed as, president of the
American Leeion Auxillarv at the
national convention here today,
she was unoonosed.
j Three other national officers
were re-elected and a new- hls-
torlan chosen by the executive
council. They were Mrs.1 Gwen-
dolyn'4 Wlggln MacDowell. of In
I Ohio, chaplain; and Mrs. Malcolm
Pouglas, of Seattle, national his
torian. JQ
i The following new vice-presidents,
all unopposed, were elect
ed: Mrs. W. Helder, Sheridan. Ore.,
western division; Mrs. Charles S.
Schall, West Haven, Conn., east
ern division; Mrs. C. A. Corbin,
poplar, Mont., northwestern divi
sion; Mrs. Roland B. Howell,
TMbodaux, La., southern divi
sion; and Mrs. O. H. Allbee,
Marshalltown, la., central divi
sion. Mrs. Pat Allen, of Portland,
"r,! :rw5.-
dent of FIdac lilirT
was elected' American vice-pres
PORTLAND. Ore.. Sept. 15
(AP) John A. Eldon. Cleveland,
O.. attorney, was elected national
bead of the 40 and 8, honorary
1 Of! ICO O
fun and service order of tho
f?l?:z? A3 h nnMl
T itV i i i
I Torn l PS 12, COl. 1)
X -
" J?
Picltera'-Imiate -by
SIOUX CITY. Sept.: 15 (AP)
In retaliation for tbe arrest ot
24 farmers overpowered at their
1 three : car loads of deputies and
pelted them with missies as tney
sped through blockade lines,
S Tha officers wera lured into the
I ambush by a take telephone call
to Sheriff John A. Davenport's ot-
flea notifying him-that truckers
Wera waiting for special deputies
to escort them through; tha block
ade .on tha .Correctloavllle road
1 three miles east of here.
As tho deputies : reached the
I met them with a barrage of rocks
I and clubs. Windshields werebrok-
- 1 en- and, several deputied suffered
I minor injuries.- ' '
Super-Precision of Salem
Musicians Triumphs in
Hard Fought .Test '
I neir knowing OPeCiaCUiar
In Perfection; Others
Rpttpr hnwmfm
w v w vviiiwbi i
naning oacK to the slogan
pages or yesteryear "Do you
know that Salem Is the .home
cii7 oi me greatest arum and
dubi corps in xne unnea swtes?"
no neea ior a slogan page,
Everybody In Salem knOWS it
and a good many million oer-
" TSr n?tlon read U
JSr 3 " wieresi yes-
iv" w.v uiveu-
tion has captured popular fancy
In every locality.
But not everybodv livinr nU.n.M v
K1tfr.t!,fnonb, t0
Wednesday night and see the Sa-
lem drnm com lrlumi.ii nT
best tbat nthpr irvutiM
throughout the nation could nro.
dnce and the manner f th.t
victory is as worthy of note as
was the mere fact of it
Others SDectacnlai-
In Unusual Ways
Now in its verv natiirA Hrm
and bugle corps eomnetltion la
spectacular, and Itn Mon i
precision military precision.
Andso it must be recorded
that the performance of thm R-
lem corps, spectacular thonrh it!
was. was not tha most obvtnnai
spectacular of the Tenlng,,HinlmnPI. condemn th war de-
ors on that seore ielonr rather
X xioDio post corps
of Seattle, with its guidons, col-
or guard, two drum majors and
luuiKKi director ana its music
resembling that of a symphony
phony n. .).. s.. v. i... 7.
7i . uc,uu I
vuv rinucui corps wmcn songnt
by sheer force of numbers and by
seemingly intricate marchlnr. to
gether with excellent performance
both in marching and music, to
carry off the awards.
Still on this score of snecta-
cularlty something must be said
ior the Bend boys in their West
Point uniforms with their highly
appropriate adaptation of "Par-
, nwwi owmicio. noil
that the Bend boys are wooden.
moSf of populkr, well-know S.SH?"?!. i Pter, to
tunes, must not be overlooked S" ? TJ?, ?f "F"!
nor MnnturoT- nnr Ran Tn..- I
Birmtnrhftm '
Sanerfici.1 am.
iWnMi , r.1..
ciTiiuB cwrpa ea in oi
these superficial aids to spectacu-
larlty; its intrinsic excellence.
rather transcended them. And
i- . i
(Turn to page 12, col. 3)
Check for $1000
One Reward Won
hir .SaPfTl I.flmC
PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 15
Vr; iuo ounu, ure., uium
corps, procMumea cnam-
pion oi me American region.
of the American
7" 1AJ P'?8ente1 ,thv cnckj administration Of tho posUl ser-
fA, 11 flAJI t1t& llfe.l that mn rm IT. ...
" .v ' v, Y " , "
with tha national pnamnionnhln.
- tW.;;;
Eakln of Oregon accepted the
check on bebflf of the drum
corns from Henrv li Stevens, re-
-, . , r ' . .
tiring naUonal commander of the
Frank E. Samuel, assistant na
tlonal adjuunt, said the saiem
post won two other trophies by
taxing nrsi piace in me arum
corps contest. The two are the
Russell O. Crevlstfm and the Mi
ami trophies.;
Iowa Officers
Deputy sheriffs were first call
ed out today before dawn and es
corted five truck loads" of. lire-
stock throueh the blockade. When
they returned, however, the strik- nis jaw. stumbling as no fen, nis by Capital Post drum corps ln a I in circuit judges salaries inrougn
txru hail harrtcoAM of nolea. lors 1 right ankle gave way nnder him. I telerram from the Miami dram. I out the stata for tha month' of
and threshing machine belts la
tho road and refused to permit
any traffic to nags.
Sheriff Davenport.then surpria-
ed tho 35 pickets on duty by send-
heretofore barred by the sheriff.
Several . pickets . escaped - through
the cornfields - after. losing , tho
hand-to. hand engagement, but. a sensational display at the Amerl
number.ot others wera severely can - Legion convention at Port
beaten and all those who remain- land, will soon be shown in "the
edwere placed under, arrest. local windows ot ." tha Portland
Charges of unlawful assembly Gas A Coke - company, whose
wera . filed . against them lata to- general , sales, manager r J. H.
day". Each was released under Hartog, arranged tha .striking ex-WrOo-Owndaad,
hearings were set. .hibjt, . Hart9g.later. will present
for tomorrow morning -. tha picture to Capital post.
Louis A. Johnson Succeeds
Stevens; Chicago Next
Convention Place
War Department Censured
For Propaganda; wet,
Bonus Planks win
PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 15
(AP) A demand upon congress
for more than two billion dollars
tor bonus payment, an argent re
quest for overthrow of prohibi
tion, and a rebuke to the depart
ment of war turned the eyes of
Sion here today. The men who
i years ago 'Dore arms in me
nation's service concluded their
14th naUonal convention with
lAatiAii a tha via r Inn a 1 jsnm.
mandershin of Louis A. Johnson
of Clarksbnrsr. West Virginia.
Tumultous scenes livened the
closing hours of the four-day
meeting. Anti-bonus speakers
were heckled and pro-bonus
speakers cheered. No one took
the floor in opposition to the res
nlntlnn in ran1 1fii imonH
ment hn nt wr--mT ,
approval greeted the votes of
iarge delegations as they threw
their strength to the wet case,
Botn resolutions were approved
by overwhelming vote, the bonus
the prohibition stand 1144 to
Harry M. Arthur, South Caro
department commander, said
tbe war department had gone far
outside Its jurisdiction and had
Kreat,v removed itself rom its own
province by distribution on the
convention floor mimeograph
statements bearing the name of
Patrick J. Hurley secretary of
war and setting forth "in the in-
terests of truth and accuracy
pertinent facts" about the routing
or tne oonna marchers from Wash
Mngton, D. C.
Arthur shouted a bitter eom-
Plaint against such action, and his
jj nm9hiyt c rrled b eama-f
Cnaer Election
,.J0,nn'V; V BrcUced
laweet Virginia ior io years.
lBd vha wrTud ABTMf nnr..
,m. Z. m ' , 7 i. I
(Turn to page 13. col. B)
ODntuncirrn i, . r
,v pu A,
communities while tho ln-
creased rates were effective.
"Heretofore, it has been the
doiict or id nosiai aaministra -
:. ,nBtiBnB,,,i. t mJZr,A mVA
;1ontlnu.01uVy ,?, exten "5
tmp",!. L1"""18.," i?0"'
f.1 e7' "'A' "lI
Ileve that . so long as the three-
cent rate is maintained, this pol
icy should be suspended, and post
al facilities limited to subsUnti-
wlth onlj Bucn extenion od
i Diiious as are necessary 10 pro-
IrW service to new communities.
I Brown said the service should
Ka rl 4i iShA In aitu f Im rVi av If
i jWQ een( rate.
In my opinion," said Brown.
wtB. oni ,,. t-r- -
I vice is mat, broadly speaking, ex-
I . . ...
"a "w
n1'1 taciiu es ior me
.f?1!??,, J0Stl patr??S
snouid ail umes wait upon tne
lauwiuacy 01 me revenues 10 sup -
p0rt them."
Z7 T, A 7.1
A 1 g titer S AH tile
Is Broken When
His Jaw Struck
SEATTLE, Sept. 15 (AP)
Willard Dix, Bellingham heavy
weight, hit Fred Stock, of Taco
ma, so hard on tho jaw in a bout
at the White Center arena tonight
that Stock fell down and broke
his ankle.
After taking the first round by
a fair margin. Stock got in the
way-eTTrae ot Dix's wild swings In
the second that landed flush on
ana oix was given a tecnnicai
j knockout."
irne Utniiroc
Uip& Ar ILLUl
Will Be Shown
1 4 . The llf e-siso pictures of Capl-
tal Post drummers and . buglers.
Explosion of
Plane Feared
GORLESTON. England. Sept
IS (AP)i-A lifeboat and tugs
went out from this suburb of
Yarmouth tonight in search of
aa airplane reported to have
come down and exploded la the
North sea. There was no Imme
diate indication whether this
could bo the missing trans-Atlan
tic airplane, American Nurse.
The plane was sighted by the
Nicholas lightship' about a mile
or so off shore. The lightship
fired distress tignals.
When the lifeboat, and tug
reached the spot the master of
the light vessel reported to them
he had seen a plane on the water
with its. engines' running.
mA k tw. iio-ht. ..m
The tug and lifeboat cruised for
some time but found no trace of
the ship. Visibility was very poor.
Officers Will be ChOSen,
Resolutions Adopted;
Laslett Speaker
The annual Marlon county
otisn IngMtnt, tilll mumH I
. v .--f.. vik ..hi
vegterdav will conclude this aft-1
ernoon after a musical program
and election of officers for tbe
county division or tne Oregon
ft fa foflpn on a qda1! of inn rfin I
cipal H. E. Tobie of Stayton. asso-
elation president, yesterday nam-
ed superintendent vern u. Bam
of Woodburn chairman of the
nominating committee and Her
man Kraemer head of the resolu
tions committee.
An unscheduled
feature of
yesterday's program
was a talk
and display of junior Red Cross Because this territory is h on
work by Allda Bigelow of Port- eycombed with box canyons, only
land. crews familiar with the lay of the
Tvl w t wa m vl 1 1 Kavln 1anl a i Ka m w Iwt 1 e-Hrln m r h a
9:30 o'clock with music under
rection or Miss iena Bene Tar-
tar, followed by a teachers' asso-
elation meeting. At 10:30 Dr. H.
R. Laslett of Oregon State college
will sneak on "The Building of
Morala'V. During .iaa noon .hour
aduatea , of ortgoa normal
schools will hold their annual re-
nl" luncheon wUh J. 8. Land-
erl former president of Oregon
Normal school. Monmoath. aad J.
c Churchill, president of the
b.' """"-V"-
three state normals, as
The teachers business meeting
will begin the afternoon program.
Following wlU be conferences,
another address by Dr. Laslett.
and as 3:45 o'clock, a recital by
Anthony Euwer of Corvallls.
8T. CHARLES. 111.. Sent. 15
(API While a frustrated snider
i i . . w v r
i . ... ' .
Mnil freed a 10-lnch garter
snake that had been held prison-
It in 1U web for 25 days
"The affair wa. assuming in-
ternational compllcaUons." said
Mayor Langum. wnose sympa-
thles were all with the spider.
so i aeciaea to pui a Slop lO II.
i . . . . .
ADout zoo spectators, members
ox numan
societies, wagerera
crowded Into the
small pump house to witness ter-
minatlon of the duel.
Tho - snake whose
head had
hn i.nfi. i
th- .-K it
der's lair appeared somewhat ex-
bausted when tho mayor snipped
1 L j ... .
l lLa cbo.
I v.... v .1 u- 1. . .1.1. .
.--m Lk.vl"
- nv ;,ft "T w Jvl
S li J?t .Kriffi
w uU lore
1 Y '"
"IH admit," said Mayor Lan-
gum, "that it was unfair to the
humane society that the whole
fight was illegal. I don't know
whether It way or not, but I fig
ured that to save argument and
prevent tha matter from reaching
international proportions It
would be wisO to intervene.
Miami Sends Its
. And a Challenge
Congratulations and a potential
challenge wera received last nirht
mera and buglers, three times na -
tlonal champions.
"Sincere congratulations on
winning the championship." It
read. "We wera very much dlsap-
pouiea in nov neing ante 10 at -
tend tha convention and partake
ot the wonderful Oregon hospital -
lty. Wlll-iea you - in Chicago. '
Wlaners ot fifth plac; tha BIr-
mingham, Ala., legion drum corps
passed through Salem yesterHay
afternoon on its way homo. To
make tha trip to the national eon-
ventlon at Portland, tha Binning-
ham American Legion post pur
chased t-a motor busses. "
AgRFiDl jjnT ninljY
Near Pacific Highway; men
Of State Department
Sent to Combat
Coos Bay Situation Deemed
Critical; no Relief in
Weather Outlook
Two fires in cleared land on
east side of the Pacific high-
way, Just south of Pine Tree Inn,
last night were threatening near
bv timber. Lynn Cronemlller,
state forester, sent one of his
men there to direct the fire fight
Marshaling all its forces, the
state forestry service Is doing all
it can in an almost hopeless at
tempt to eombat fires raging in
Coos and Curry counties, the
most serious conflagrations in the
nounced. He yesterday dispatched
state this rear. Cronemlller an-
his assistant, P. S. King, to that
I reeion to see what could be done.
The Portland weather bureau
thnr was nn rllf In affht from
nrMnt drv conditions for the
. - . I
" . " . . z .
. .rT.. . !
fires hav broken out every
piace" in the two counties, he
,&ld Wltn th exception of the
sans j r aK I
i iora lire in uoos coumy . trone- i i
hniiler said his crews might be
abl6 to confine the flames to log-
In the Tioga section however.
the fire is growing rapidly and
crowning the beet virgin Douglas
fir in the county. District Forest-
er E.- L. White telephoned Crone-
dl-(fires. All available personnel of
tne forestry department was ai
work directing the attack on the
flaming destruction. Additional
equipment was shipped southward
from Portland last night.
1.. ."Dn . situation m. coos is ao-
Taolutely criUeal," Cronemlller da-
cured. i
At noon yesterday, tha Polk
county ranger reported there were
no fires In his territory, Jaek-
Josephine eountles like-
wise were free of flees.
lUllllbk Will IUIIW
i-zrw iuiuv, ocui. a u jm. i
m.- IV T-.-. IT k."' J';."? wepllon KITen ln
I uuu v a waata avuvav
Washington was adopted toaayjy
the United Textile workers "of
imprVA Th. i-tiT T.i7r dl
tuJi t'n TJndnr 1 nrMnt
S"r2L ndor Presidential
I Th MflAlntlin atafAjl I n
i M.v. t v-
AU wunauun iutm
dma tha weak, vicious, mean
d treacherous atUck which the
White House has c.u.ed to be
J ifj.".0.!!?0"
'-"Y-"4 r ".7"
I ""."." .
rnnTmnnnia ni nnwimniM
r ' . Z
1 ,
... . -t- a,.
I " . . T
5tea l? dorse a preslden-
tlal candidate.
A resolution approving Frank-
lin D. Roosevelt for president and
another approving Norman Thom-
' .
Vote on tha bonus resolution
was taken after tho convention
heard a description of the evle-
"on of the bonus army by Ed-
J. Heany. president ot the
Mjt of te,tUt) worker-
in Philadelphia, and said to have
been an executive committee
member ln the bonus expedition -
I ' v
Most Judges
To Accept
Twenty-ono circuit, Judges ln
Oregon have voluntarily reduced
their salaries but seven, are still
receiving tho monthly remunera
tion provided by law. Tho States
man 'learned yesterday from fig
ures available at tha offices of the
secretary of state and state treaa-
I urer hero. Aggregate reductions
1 August amouniea 10 sivis ue
total payroll amounting to fix.-
111 compared to $13,125 before
a ten per cent reduction waa tak-
en by tha 21 Judges.
i im BMiTtmeai i rvuuw
I lea on tho part ot th circuit Jud-
1 ges followed a three to 15 per
leent redaction enforced upon an
Siaie employes as u nuj x. xj
IresoluUon a' group et circuit Jud-
I gea In Portland - volunteered to
tak a 10 per cent pay cut eX-
fecUv August I. - . i
Jadge who have reduced their
salaries have dona so la two
ways: tha first" has been to send
- 1 a voucher to th secretary . f
IsUt calling for a warrant 10 par
Giesey and Schwab Freed
Case, Deliberations Lasting
Decide They are not Culpable; Touching Scene Fel
lows Freeing of Defendants
Intention to Defraud Lacking
Men are Victim of Depression; Gase Outgrowth of
Bank's Closing and Interwoven Affairs Involving
Mortgage Investment Company
DR. B. F. GIESEY and Zeno Schwab were found not guil
ty of illegal use of funds of the Aurora State bank in a
A w
Thursday. The jury was out one
mpn. Aurora resident."., riarf hppn
" "
teiuuer o
Schwab's daughter, sitting
ported, hugged and kissed-her father as- tears came to ber
eyes. Dr. Giesey, smiling, rose from hi3 seat in the courtroom
to join with Schwab in shaking hands with each of the
Judge Fred M. Wilson of
M 54 FirSt day, AlmOSt Up
To Year ago Figure;
Hold Conferences
On hnndrfxl and flftv-four
freshmen enrolled yesterday at
wmamene unjTersjiy ior m
1133-33 year, a drop of only If
over the 170-mark made the
first day of freshman conference
in 1331. Two hundred and tair-
ty-two freshmen applications have
university and a large percentage
Today's program of the two-
day get-acquainted gathering In-
cmuca tuumtiucci vciwvcn w
neopnytes ana uean uam ana
Coach Keeno and an introduction
io inn umnii dt rrDienor xier-
man ciara. Tonisni tne new -
comers are guests of the faculty
i nm l
Saturday registration ior class
work thft ttnt "mester
mM 011 nd tB
or,anlld tt a meeting held at 3
Members of the three other
classes of the university will be
registered Monday. Dean Franc
I M. Erickson said yesterday he
"rollment. He thinks the toUl
1 rexlstratlon for tha first semes -
ter will exceed 500 students.
were used extensively bv the stata
I f rnc Stnmn hv .
I wvw-w.. j
J?rtvrc TJr. Pane
. CEXTRALIA. Wash., Sept. 15
(AP) Tho 14 army revolvers
stolen from the Centralia na-
I tlonal guard armory two weeks
I ago,' together with several -lots
of clothing, groceries and cigar
ettes, were recovered today, po-
lice announced, with tho arrest
Md eonfegslon ot three high
school youths.
I They wera Warren Holm, IS,
' Lester Spurgeon, 17, and Leslie
Gladson. 17. police said.
Pay Reduction
eent lesg than provided for by
law. Tho other method has been
then to rebat 10 per cent, ot th.
amount ln a cheek sent to . th
Jadge. who have thus tar mad.
no reduction or rebat. lnciuae
. . . a evi .w.v..
Hewitt. TaswelL MeColloch and
rnrtw Mdndlon. of 314K
month U tha amount paid circuit
irAm M.i.,.1. i nm. mm. rin
be posslbl If an ot th 21 Jud- dns la their debt Ondlag agrae
... - v. .... . v ..inrt.r. I ments.
Z.JT.r,: r
' Tha monthly salaries ot circuit
judges waa raised la tha 1123 .tm v. i.w raMiva
frota;TIH. to fSOt a month.
na in-M n th (kM ' -ntrt
comprising - Marion ' and' - Una mixed claims. However, haha f
eountles aachr receive 1500 a I not annouacad sh. Inteadad' ta
month according to tha law. Judge
Lewelllng drew a 1450 warrant
x. iiia inmi) uniM
Judge SfcMahaa drew -fSOO aadlwoald readily grant tha delay 12 ,
mad no rebate, ta data. - ta tho I requested despite lack of 30 dayg .
state treasury. - ..." - -
Quickly After Jury is Ghrcii
Only Hour and a Half to
Says Winslow, Averring
. v .
and one-half hours. The two
nn trial inr Tn(5idav.
by him when the jurors re-
The Dalles who heard the case
owill hare a motion argued berere
him this morning in another salt
and then leave for his hone. He
was sent here by Chief Jnstira
Bean to serve in lieu of Judge 1
H. McMahan who disqualified
himself for the litigation en
grounds of acquaintance with the
Xo Fraud Intended
Says Their Attorney
W. C. Winslow, repreaeatiag
the defendants, told the jury In
hli argument that the defendants
had no intention to defraud the
bank when they loaned its funds
beyond the $C000 legal limit to
I txrmn v.
investment company. Ho polated
ost tha heavy personal loasea sas-
talned by both men and said that
bad time, not frand, aeeoantad
for tho downfall of the bank aad
the loan eompany
Barnett H. Golditeia. special
' hM h. i .r.i t...w
Cane Oatrrowth
of Bank Closing
Argumeat la tne ease
i,toid hv noon. Jndc Wm
Bpnt one hour readiag his ra-
i a t. , v m ..-
1 i-v v..w
placed ,n tDe hands of the etata
bank examiner in February. ltJL.
Shortly thereafter tha Willamette-
Valley Mortgage Loan company
went into a receivership. Dr. Cia-
"0 Schwab were tho prta-
cipal officer, ln each concern.
Criticism of the conduct of the
two institutions was wides tread
I at Aurora following their elan-
tng. Demand for a sneeial di
cutor was made to Governor JaV-
named to collaborate with Die-
1 trict Attorn sr Carson ln
Ilinr the nrosecntion. Record, el
i -. w
tHe stata. hanklnr denartmat
la presenUng its ease.
The first vote ot the Jarv waa
reported to be seven for' acquittal
to flve for eonvietlon.
(AP) Arr emphatic assertioa
there had been no negotlatlaaa
with other nations looking to
postponement of war debt aay
menta cam from th treasury to
day aa the period la which ta
debtor eouatrie must notify tha
Washington government it they
have such aa intention n eared ex
piration. "Oor cards are on the taa
face up." said Secretary If nia.
"and there have been no war debt
"E ..T. .TTu
- f. ir
i ZJ ' ZZH TZ 7v- i-.Vm-L
I For other countries th. time lisv-
lk 1ZZ
I nations. Esthonia,- Latvia aad
Polaad had prvioasly tiled ao-
paymenU of
I would ha postponed, andar a
Oermany has discussed wtth
treasury officials the qaesUoa at
taking advantage of her privilege
I of delayinr saymeat ot tna ap
Unbar 30 insUllment oa i Ua eet
I ot tha army of occupation ana
I exerelaa that aptioa. As ta. pay-
I ment is small, aooui ' . T
I ft vu axnaetad tha United Statea