The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 15, 1932, Page 6, Image 6

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    PAGE SIX .
The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon. Thursday Morning. September 15. 1932
ociety News
Maids Gomplimented
' At Headrick Home
A prstty afternoon party -was
- that for which. Mlas Catherine
Headrick was hottest at the Otto
Headrick home Wednesday eom
pUmentinf? a group of the younger
maids of the city.
Bridge wa In play for several
-hoars. Winning scores were held
by Miss Doris McCalllster, and
Mrs; Marrln Headrick. At the tea
: hoar Miss Margaret Hauser and
Miss Edna Headrick of Monmouth
assisted Miss Headrick.
Quests were Miss Barbara Me
Donald. Miss Cleo Ititner, Miss
Jane Fisher. Miss Jean McElhin
ny; Mtas Virginia Cross. Miss Mar
garet Hauser, Miss Jane Robin
son, Miss Jeanne Patton, Miss Ma
rie Patton. Miss Eleanor Trlndle,
Miss Jeryme Upston, Miss Jose
; phine Cornoyer, Miss Alice Speck.
Miss Doris McCalllster, Miss Car
olyn Hunt, .Miss Doris Drager,
Miss Edna Headrick of Mon
mouth, and Mrs. Marvin Head
tick, i .
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pierce were
house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Er
nest Thorn while they were .In
Portland attending the Legion
convention activities.
Olive M. Doak, Society Editor
Thursday, September 15
Spiritualist church of Devlne Truth, circle with Rev.
Gordon Fleming. S o'clock, XSS D street, between Com
mercial and Front.
Friday, September 16
Oregon Normal school club luncheon, 12 o'clock,; at
Presbyterian chureh, Friday, September If. Interesting
program and important business meeting.
j Women's Alliance of Unitarian church, with Mrs.
F. A. Weil. (57 Chemeketa street, 2:30 o'clock.
Hal Hibbard auxiliary, U. S. W. V., with Mrs. Le
Rojr Hewlett, S17 North Summer street; social after
noon. Mrs. C. H. Ostrin hostess to Missionary society of
Calvary Baptist church, 2:30 o'clock, at her home, 160
Cheineketa street.
Oregon Normal school luncheon, 12 o'clock in din
ing room of First Presbyterian church; former normal
school students and friends invited to attend.
Sunday, September 18
First district conference of Business and Profes
sional Women, all-day meeting in McMlnnville; one
o'clock luncheon, reservations with Julia Webster or
Rutin Mc Adams before o'clock Thursday.
fll 2399
B. & If. W. Club
Conference Planned
The first district conference of
the Business and Professional
Women's jclub will be held in Mc
Minnvillej Sunday, September 18.
A 1 o'clock luncheon has been
arranged jat the chamber of com
merce rooms and it is requested
that all Salem members planning
on attending this make reserva
tion with! Miss Julia Webster or
Miss Ruth McAdams before 6
o'clock Thursday night.
It's hard to believe a home
frock could be so smart if it
weren't- before your very eyes.
The flounced sleeves and collar
eomlng from bands of contrast are
so smart and you will love the fit
ted waistline . . . dispensing with
the usual belt. The frock closes in
coat fashion. Any cotton print
would be attractive and practical.
Pattern 2399 may be ordered
only in sizes 16 to 20 and 34 to
44. Size 16 requires 3 yards
36-inch fabric and yard con
trasting. Illustrated step-by-step
sewing Instructions included with
this pattern.:
Send fifteen cent (15c) in
eoiai or stamps (coin preferred),
for each pattern. Write plainly
your name, address and style num
The fall and winter edition of
til Anne Adams Pattern catalog
is ready I Charming, flattering mod
els 32 pares of tbe newest and
best boose, street and formal
frocks eleerly designed styles
for large figures and beautiful,
practical models for juniors and
kiddies. Lovely lingerie patterns,
and suggestions for rifts that can
be eaftily and inexpensively made,
are also included. Send for the
new catalog. Price of catalog, fif-
teen cents. Catalog and pattern to '
getber. twenty-fire cents. AddreKs
all mail orders to Statesman Pat
Urn department," 243 W. 17th
street. New York city.
I7tb street. New York City.
Aurora : In compliment to
her husbabd, Mrs. E. G. Robinson
asked friends in to dine Saturday
evening. Taking advantage of the
few remaining warm evenings,
the dinner was served on the
spacious porch overlooking the
river. A book "Franklin D.
Roosevelt" and a candle lighted
cake announced the occasion. A
pleasant evening of bridge fol
lowed. The guest list included
Dr. and Mrs. Briar, Mr. and Mrs.
Lou Adams, Mrs. J. C. M. Dodds,
Mr. and Mrs. Hummell of Oregon
City, Dr. and Mrs: Shewey and
Mr. and Mrs. Strayer of Canby.
Mrs. Francis Greenr Mr. and Mrs.
A. L. Strickland and Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Sadler, Aurora.
Monmouth A dinner party
Sunday honored the birthday an
niversary! of Miss Mabel Rlddell,
the hostess being Mrs. David Rid-
dell. Those enjoying the occasion
were Miss Riddell, Mr. and Mrs.
George Baun, Mr. and Mrs. D. A.
Hoag, Mr. and Mrs. William Mc
Crae, Wallace, Kathleen and
Margaret! McCrae, Mrs. Riddell
and he? daughters, Constance
and Davida.
Monmouth Miss Ida Mae
Smith. Miss Katherine Arbuthnot
and Miss; Alabama Brenton, Ore
gon Normal school faculty mem
bers, have spent their vacation
motoring; in California. Miss
Brenton ihas been visiting ner
niece. Mis3 Elisabeth Fuselman,
in Sausalito; and the other worn
en went :on to Lake Tahoe.
Miss Lola Millard who has been
touring Europe for the past sev
eral months, returned to Salem
Tuesday Her tour was made with
a group? of students from Smith
college fcnd visits were made to
prominent points of Interest on
the. continent. Upon her return to
the United States Miss Millard vis
ited at several eastern points be
fore returning west.
Wacohda. ' Coming as a sur
prise to his many friends here
was this marriage of Clarence
Grady to Miss Marie Pointer at
Highland Congregational church
in Portland. The young couple
will make their home at the
Amalgamated mines near Meha
ma, whpre Mr. Grady has employ
ment. 1
j . .
Silverton Mrs. Custer Ross
and her daughter. Miss Margaret
Ros3. jhave gone to Tacoma
where IMlss Ross will enter the
Annie tVright Seminary for Girls.
Miss Rjoss has been attending tbe
Silvertijin high school. Several so
cial affairs were given for Miss
Ross before she left for her stu
dies. I
Missionary Society
Will be Entertained
Mrs. C. H. Ostrin will be hostess
Friday to members of the Mission
ary society of the Calvary Baptist
church at her home, 1960 Chem
eketa street.
Mrs. Wayne Henry will present
a book review of the Indian story.
Kiowa." Mrs. W. J. Nelson will
have charge of the devotions and
special music Is being arranged
under the direction of Mrs. W. F.
Foster .
Bethany Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert Grinde were dinner hosts
for Mr. Grinde's mother, the oc
casion being the elder Mrs.
Grinde's 77th birthday anniver
sary. The dinner table was cen
tered with a large birthday cake,
the gift .of Mrs. A. Orrison of
Present at the dinner were
Mrs. Grinde, Mrs. Attie Lee, Har
old Lee, Marvel Grlndle, Mr. and
Mrs. Roscoe Ames and Miss Lou
ise Lemon of Albany; Mrs. J. J.
Seeley and Doris Seeley of Med-
ford; Mrs. Lena Royce of Port
land, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bent-
son of Vancouver, B. C, Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Grinde and Opal and
Lee Grinde.
Mrs. Blanch Brown of Oakland.
Cal., and Mrs. Ella Payne and
daughter Mrs. Georgia Grant of
Fresno, Cal., are house guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin B. Stewart.
The visitors and hosts will leave
today for a motor trip along the
Oregon Coast highway.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Young re
turned Sunday from a week's trip
which took them to Canada over
the Caribou highway. From Van
couver the Toungs took a steamer
to Seattle and then home by mo
tor. Mrs. H. G. Malson was the guest
of her sister, Mrs. Ben Dorris
of Portland while she was attend
ing the Legion convention proceedings.
World Wide .Guild
Is Entertained
Sterling chapter. World Wide
guild, of tbe Calvary Baptist
church met at the rnral home of
Miss F. Mildred Taylor near j
Woodburn Monday night.
The meeting was opened by
Misa Zelda Harlan leading is a
number of guild songs. Miss Jean
McElhinney presided, i devotions
were led by Miss Carol Stoddard,
snd Miss Lois Cochran was in
charge of the interesting program,
assisted by Miss Tommy Alexan
der, Miss Harlan and Mrs. Loraine
Graber. j
Lunch was served by Miss Al
exander, Miss Ruby Vosberg and
Miss Taylor. After lunch George
J. Alcher entertained with nam
bers on his concert xither, accom
panied on the guitar by Miss Tay
lor, i
Present were Mrs. H- S. Gile,
advisor; Mrs. Earl Gregg, assist
ant advisor; Miss Mildred Mosher.
Miss Loree Barham. -Miss Zelda
Harlan, Miss Edith Mae Jenks.
Miss Carol Stoddard, ! Mrs. Alma
Willis, Miss Ruby Vosberg, Miss
Edith Starrett. Miss Jean McEl
hinney, Miss Clara Jane Harms,
Miss Lola Dale Pickens, Miss Eva
Cochran, Miss Lois Cochran, Mrs.
Loraine Graber and the hostesses.
Miss Alexander, Mrs. George J.
; Alcher and Miss Taylor.
Silverton An enjoyable Die-
nlc was held in the Coolidge and
McClaine park at Silverton Tues
day night when Mrs. Coffey.
Miss Mae Coffey. Mr. and Mrs.
F. E. Sylvester, Miss Shirley Syl
vester and her house guest. Miss
Mary Teres! of Portland, Mrs. A.
J. McCannel, Miss Jennie Gra
ham, Mr. and Mrs. Edson Corn
stock, Roger Comstock, Janet
Comstock and Mrs. S. J. Com
stock, gathered for supper.
Miss Coffey will leave in the
near future for Portland, where
she will attend business college.
Miss Sylvester and Miss TeresI
will return to the University of
Oregon where they are students.
Roger Comstock, who has been
spending the summer at Port
land, will also return to the Uni
versity where he will enter his
junior year.
Mule Victory
Certain Says
Mr. Daniels
Josephus Daniels, secretary of
the navy under Woodrow Wilson,
passed through Salem Wednesday
morning, pleased with Oregon,
pleased with the legion conven
tion he had attended and highly
delighted with the Maine elec
"From Portland, Maine to Port
land, Oregon, the nation Is going
democratic this year. declared
Daniels who is publisher and ed
itor of the Raleigh News and Ob
server, at the capital of North
Carolina. "You ean also count on
the south being one hundred per
cent democratic."
Daniels greeted several local
democrats In a short chat at the
Southern Pacific station during
the stop of his southbound train.
"Mr. Hoover has been a hard
working president, a sincere, able
man but In my opinion he has
been unable to meet situations as
they arose," Daniels said. . "He
came into office highly touted
and felt that by appointment of
commissions all problems could
be worked out."
"Wrfi I for Roosevelt? Assured
ly: he was my assistant secretary
of the navy for seven and one-half
years and I assure you he Is a
navigator. Daniels eyes twinkled.
North Carolina Is still a dry
state la Daniels' opinion. "But the
main Issue-and I'm still an ar
dent prohibitionist Is bread and
housing, not -liquor."
Daniels, reverting to Maine, said
the republican party had always
claimed that "as Maine goes so
goes the nation" and for once,
"I'm going to believe them," he
Demos Organize
At Courthouse
Meeting Today
Carl Donaugh, state chairman
of the democratic party, will ad
dress the Marlon county central
committee here at a meeting call
ed for 1 p. m. Friday. John Mar
shall, county ehalrman, said sev
eral demecratle candidates would
also attend the meeting and make
Marshall said o r g a n I s a tlon
would bo completed for the fall
campaign. The gathering will be
at the courthouse here in the
courtroom of department one of
the circuit court.
Scarcity of teaching positions la
showing np at Salem high school
in the number of university grad
uates who. are enrolling for post
graduate work in commercial sub
jects. Unable to obtain Jobs as
teachers, they are turning to type
writing, shorthand and bookkeep
ing as possible sources of gainful
The fall lineup of students try
ing to decide the courses they
will take at the senior high school
began In fall force at the princi
pal's office yesterday and both
Principal Fred Wolf and Myrtle
McClay, his secretary, were kept
busy conferring with the boys and
girls and their parents.
Six more new students enrolled
during the day:
Martha Rose Roddy, sopho
more, from McMlnnville; Henry
Megir, senior. Sacred Heart aca
demy; Eleanor Johnson, sopho
more, Hubbard: Dorothy Bean,
sophomore, Washington high.
Portland; Alicia Butler, junior,
Laurelwood academy; Fred Fisch
er .senior. Silverton.
Registration for tho Chameke
taiwObsldlan hike around the IS
falls In Silver creek nark Is open
At the Senator hotel. The Salem
psrty will leave the hotel at S
o'clock Sunday morninrf and meet
ing the Eugene hikers at the falls.
Gladys . Miller. W. L McCJoad.
Rnby It. and Ed M. Hoffnell vera
taglstered for the trip last night.
and back
Leave atry day 16 day Hank.
Good oa fast trains in snodcra
reclining chair cars. Abo im tour
ist sleeping cars (owmigb berth
as little as $LSO extra).
Ob Wy fsrtt
Doothcra Pacific
A. r. MOTH, Agent
Passenger Depot, IStb A Oak
Tel 4468
Helps Correct Constipation
with "Bulk" and Vitamin B;
Also Has Iron
Among the many Salem people
to be in Portland for the Legion
activities have been Mr. and Mrs.
Robin Day, Mrs. W. Carlton
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Car
son, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fuhrer,
Dr. and Mrs. William Lytle and
Dr. and Mrs. Roy D. Byrd.
Mrs. Mae Gingrich will open a
physical education class at the
Marion hotel tonight. This in
teresting venture is attracting the
attention of about IS Salem ma
trons for the opening meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Frink of Cor
vallis have been recent guests at
the Harry Rowe home.
Mrs. Grace Thompson and Miss
Faye Thompson have Just return
ed from a week spent at Seaside.
V V Ml
It f
r' v NEW 'YORK'-.
-pIME it limited.
1 still let Low
.but you can
Round Trip
Excursion Fares on the Canadian
Pacific Railway to Eastern United
States and Canada. Daily service
from .Vancouver, B C
points east of Chicago! and St.
, Louis are effective to October IS.
Return limit 34 days, not exceed
ing Oct. 31. ;
'' " i
FARES are effective toj October'
15, . excepting tickets ! east of
Chicago ' and St. Louis, which
. will be on sale to September 39.
Return limit October 31.
. Inquir about special low coach
and intermediat larks to. all
Eastern potnii, . effective., to.
December 31,1932. if.
Recent scientific research shows
that Kellogg's ALl-Bran contains
two things needed to overcome tem
porary and recurring constipation.
It has "bulk" to exercise the intes
tines, and Vitamin B to tone the
intestinal tract.
These two important food-ele
ments promote regular habits, and
help do away with the headaches,
loss of appetite and energy, so often
the result of constipation.
The '"bulk" in AliBran is mild
in action much like that of let
tuce. Inside the body, it forms a
soft mass, which gently clears the
intestines of wastes. Special cook
ing processes make All-Bran finer,
softer, more palatable.
Isnt this pleatant "cereal way"
far more healthful than using pills
and drags so often habit-forming?
Just eat .two tablespoonfuls of
Kellogg's daily -enough for most
types of constipation. If your in
testinal trouble is not relieved this
way, see your doctor.
' Besides, All-Bean brings your
body twice as much blood-building)
iron as an equal amount by weight
of beef liver.
Equally tasty as a cereal with
milk or cream, or used in cooking.
Recipes on the red-and-green pack
age. Sold by all grocers. Made by
Kellogg in Battle Creek.
$8,700 CONTEST
. Five fine General Motors
automobiles, tea Frigid
sires, tea prizes of $25, sad
twenty prizes of $10, are
being givea away, free.
Simply visit our showroom
where we are demonstrat
ing the revolutionary
development that gives
one-fourth greater food
space in a
- .W'a'jui
MS-Af dwyn am .rortha. Sa'Cwstr 06J7.
. ctmatM metric lajsuttM onmi coa ; worn .
I im 1
V at
at the remarkable price
Ask for an entry blank and
wrke a sixteen word statement
about what "Greater Food
Space means to the purchaser
of an electric refrigerator.
. That's all there is to it. Contest
ends October 19.- Come in to-'
, day and get. your entry blank.
off Appliance
Company. ;
S47 Cowrt .Street, Tei. s)tlf
' Salem; Oregon "
. Dealers conveniently located
. everywhere .
Read this advertisement carefully also our big 8-page
circular you will receive at your door. Note the startling
'Buy 1 Get 1 Free" offers for the lirst two weeks. lour
dollars will hit a new high in value every day of this great sale!
Only a fete of the great Bargains are shoun in this advertisement.
Come to our store and you'll save as you've never saved before!
Value supreme in genuine
rugged long lasting, safe
center tfactioned Western
Giants new, fresh stock sensa
tionally reduced for this event,
During thie RED STAR Event You Can Buy
Netionalhr Advertised Tire.
(FVitM rUabs4 Jibm Zie 1932 X"-'
04rwtW. CooaVica) SAm torn. US. Rani.
Will I tM
r. Greater Trade-in
on Your Old
Western Giant
Ctmxm TractiM
1 Tire, $3.48
Western Giant
Ccatcf Trsctioa
1 TKt.J3.73
Western Giant
Ceatar Trsctio
2 55
Tires &
1 Tire, $4.21
Western Giant
Ccarsr Traction
1 Tire, $5.70
Ask For Prices on YOUR Size.
D tMt Western Giant with 2nd,
3rd or 4th line tires advertised by others.
Western Gint 4-Ply 6-ply under tread
and 6-Ply 8-pry under tread are Stand
ard Quality.
DestUe Dsrry ave Wat! Tire ALSO
Drastically Reduced ask for Low Red Star
Inner Tubes Also On Sale
Paint Bargains-
A Special BUY 1 GET 1 FREE
OFFER on Col-O-Tec 4 Hour
Enamel VA p. 5c
Vi pt 45c Pint 75c
Drastic rtductiom on ear entire
Pmint tin mik for Sale pcicru
...just in time for you
to prepare for winter
driving. Tfce follow
ing tpeciml prU or
with yvmr mU btUT
111 li rA v Si I
6.13WisareSUaafl 5 45
6-11 Wanf Hy. Dry. 5 JS
6-11 Wixarsl Hy. Dty. 7.W
6-15 Wizartl Hy. Dry. f tS
(-17 Wizaral Hy. Dty. 11.95
(19 WixareHy. Dty. 1JJ0
12-7 Wix's DetJeje S. 935
6-11 West em Giaat LI5
6-13 Westera Gumt KM5
HOLLYWOOD "Kustom Bilt
Seat Covers
On Sale
Substantial reduc
tions on the finest
seat covers in the
West. Get Sale
prices for full sets.
Snug Fitting Slip-On (FJ) 0)c
js & up
Seat Covers.
Coupe or Roadster
Tudor Sedan or Coach.
4-Door Sedan
-$ ,9t
. 1.96
. 1.96
1.1 $
3.1 S
(Oftrtd for Z umk$ oty fiWr
i safe, to a customer) .
Meny Others Also On Sale
Household Fuse crystal 5e
Imperial Dust.Ooth 47c
Household Appliance
Cord and Plug 47e
Genuine French Chamois, $1.45
4 I
fits small . ClTl Q3
Other y VC
Ftatel Gfft mmm,
$1.1 to ' 9naIhE
$1.50 v
4 1 '
WIZARD Radio Tubes I
CarsareeJ Oa Year
For All Sets 5 5c UP
Limit 10 to a customer. Offered
for 2 weeks onry.
4 .
CO EC 1 S-Pece electricians
rl.CC : Tool Kit with every
set of 4 or more Champion or AC
Spark Plugs at our regular low
purse-pleasing prices.
SiIM on
A Gallon.
Get One FREE.
Highest quality western efL SA.E. 2a 30
or 40. In bulk bring your own can.
Gallon S.A.L 50 in bulk 44e
Limit ooe oilton to automtr thit o&tr
tot two awe only.
Pennsylvania Oil
GuaranfMd finect qtuRly nont
- l (KAftLawf aeaaa aflaaW atOT
o74o "R?C
2 oat. S A. L 20, 30
5 oaf. SA.E. 20. 30 or 40-$2.1 9
2-flal. S-A.E. 50 . $1.16
5 0L S-L 50 $2.76
Greyhound RadUtor Cvnamerit $ 1
Vanity Radiator Ornament $1
3 - 40c Bond Dry Batteries $1
No-GUre Interior Mhtot $1
Deluxe Corduroy Cusfwon$l
"Buddy" Flashlight LarTtrn$1
Garaoe & Trouble Lamp l
"DeLuxe" Onyxeid Lighter $1
Dandy" Spotfight $1
Electric Soldering Iron-
ImtaPatresi Serf ice
If you wish, we will direct you te a.
reliable shop where your Neverbum
.Brake Lining will fee installed in a
first-data manner at a reasonable
Bralio , Lining-
A wonderful lining for light cars :
and all 2 wheel brakes. Limit, 18
feet to a customer. Offered for -two
weeks only. Per foot
ec cording to sizel C
HO Stores in theWest-
201 North Commercial St,
Salem, Oregon
Neverbufff Molded
Brake Lining
The longest lasting,' perfect, snoit
economical lining - for- att internal
brakes. 25 OTF - our regular
low prices v t ; -: .
afc mbemt Brmlf lisdrng
ImsiailmtUm Service .: -