Th. OREGON STATESMAN, Salexxu Oregon, Sunday Morning. September 11. 1932 FACE NINE Qiricfcly artel Economically Here Wants Will be ,1 I 1 t 3r i i. M M Statesman ' Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Adtertlslng Single Insertion per line.lOc Three insertions per tine im Six Insertions per line. .30$ One month per line. .1 .0j9 Minimum charge .2$e Copy for this page aej- Inz before publication fuir . .... .. J eiasaincauon. tov; r aftor thl time wi - be run under the heading Too Late to tuassuj. Tfce Statesman assumes r li. HELP WANTED no financial responsibility for errors which may ap pear in advertisements pub lished in Its columns, and in cases where this paper la at fault . will reprint that part of an advertisement In which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject objec tlona! advertising. It fur ther reserves ihe right to classify all advertising un der the proper classification. ACREAGE FOR SALE Real Estate FOR SALE er trad tor Balem I - BIO SNAP I ACKB BTODcrtr 29 acre fruit iann with I ' New Mode Suborban Home dryer ten miles south of Salem, water I 14009. Horn for 11500. aUrfctly piped to buildings. Ivan Hadiey, R. X, I modern elec lights, beet of crumbing. Turner. Oregon. Good semi-modern home surrounded by beautiful shaded grounds, fruit. nuts, berries, grape arbor and gar dens. Six rooms, fireplace, baeemout lot 120x135, garage. Near junior nign and grammar schools. Pared street. nice view. 83500, terms, might accept bath, elec water system, full cement basement, furnace, beautiful kitchen, all the bit. Ins, hwd. floors, nook, one and naif miles city limits, garage, lawn, shrubbery. Shown by appoint ment. 8 HE '- . BECHTELi or THOMASOI 141 State Street Room 4. WANTED: Names men womenL IS to 50. wishing steady rt-depres Ion government jobs. $105.00- loS.00 month. Common education sufficient. Full particulars and sample coarjlng FREE Apply today. Box USSj care of Statesman. J WORK FOR "UNCLE SAM". SW5. 1101 00 month. Men women, 18; to CO Steady. Hundreds post-depresjion government jobs. Prepare now L st Positions FREE. Write Franklin Institute. Dept. 381 F. Rfch . ester. N. Y. ! - HELP WANTED MALE , A representative of the motion pic ture industry will interview men ; in terested in the projection division of motion pictures. Many "P?""""'? for ambitious young men. Phone Air. Justrom. Hotel Senator for appointment. HELP WANTED FEMALE Special'" work for housewives who in -wifi ot once. No canvass ing, experience or investment. Give dress size. Mayfalr Styles, Dept. 3828. Cincinnati. i fiivvisflW.' 116 weekly! to a'art demonstrating new advance fall x- .rr,cripnr or Investment. - ree? Dent. C-1831. Harford Frocks, 433 Fourth Ave., City. ......... iiiv. nnentnes direct representatives knit sportswear made to measure gar ments. Attractive style, prices and commmlssion's. Write Holly-Ma d Knit, 4 350 Hollywood Blvd., iioaywwuu. Calif. New Vork ROOM AND BOARD B-IL Priv. home. $20. 273 X. 14th. Board-room. stm. heat. J 20 up. 6482. Room, board. $25 mo. TeL 6317. Board and room reasonable, business people only. Tel. S63i. some carpenter work on deal. Owner I is acres t 1-1 miles from Salem on 785 Rural avenue, phono $854. 1 gravel road, good soil, family orch ard, wonderful spring, engine ana While on vour vacation have The I tank, water nioed to bouse, f room Oregon Statesman mallei to rou, call I house, barn, chicken houses garage. 8101. v .i buildings nearly new. issue tor ser vice station, camp ground or coast OPPORTUNITY: B rm. house and I i i r U. mllM from Salem. Ideal 2 acres, wonderful view of mountains 1 mihiirhnn timi. dark solL rood well. and good soil, house has furnace, elec I barn, chicken house, double garage. lights, well built In, garage, straight I family orchard Just coming Into bear loan of $250. -will sell like rent or m, g room plastered house, t bed rooms, basement, mrnace, i ire pi ace, wired for electric Tange. $4750. MELVIN JOHNSON 320 T7. 9. N. Bank Bldg. Phone 8780 take auto or lot for equity. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 175 South High Street SPECIAIi 8 3-4 acres, 3 miles from Salem on I 20 seres on pavement, fine soil, no K imi In flltwta A Slve . .. .... . . 1 . , . , I WUIIUIIIR w av.vw ... - gooa roaa au m cainvauon, inm. at $2500.00; $S0O.OO down, assorted ru its, fine soil, good well. SI for sale used cars lOTTirura nTTTi?nn Tin Wat aqwww i?ivmc 3f Jf JB as . WHEAT DROPS 1c MORE SATURDAY s?AT1?M USED CAR CENTER Operated by VALLEY MOTOR CO. lt:$ Buick Standard Coups $175.0 1IS Buick Suadsrd Sedan 1$1 Buick Standard Coups lfl Buick Master Roadster - ; 111 Chrysler T Sedan $75.00 lt Chrysler I Sedan 1S.0 lif Chrysler 9 Coach 14S.O0 1930 Chevrolet Sedan J45.00 1S Chevrolet Panel ueuvery ii.t 1JT Dodgs Coupe 135.00 1031 Ford Town Sedan 435.00 1131 Ford Standard Coupe X7.os 1IS1 Ford Deluxe Roadster 3(0.00 1930 Ford Standard Coups lis.ov 19!0 Ford Sedan 875.00 192f Ford Sport Coupe 33 lie. I1S.00 1931 Ford Panel Delivery 192$ Ford Coupe 19S5 Ford Sedan 1934 Ford Coupe '21 motor 19t Ford Coach . 124 Ford Coupe . 192$ Jewett. new day coach -192$ Oakland Sport Roadster - 1920 Plymouth Sedan 192$ Srudebaker Duplex Phae ton 455.00 70.00 45.00 35.00 30.00 35.00 75.00 $5.00 $5.00 950 95.00 95.00 room house, garage and house. Price for quick sale half cash. MEUVIN JOHNSON U. S. N. Bank Bldg. chicken $1150; FOR RENT- A enap 100 acres, 30 acrea till able, balance timber and rood pas- PAHTMENTS I ture' fenced tiT'lmproved price $1,- 14 acres, unimproved bottom land, I clear, will take Salem home and as sume. 5 R. house, modern, clean, for rent at S20.00. 5 R. furnished house, rent $20.00. McGILCHRIST 4 PENNINGTON 209-10 U. a Nat'l Bank Bldg. Nice front apt., 65$ Center. Attractive 2 R. apt. Reasonable. 2Gc S. Cottage. $0 acres 11 miles No. Balem, Just off Pac. highway, fair house and -barn, some machinery, 3 cows, 3 -horses, mortgage $1300.00: exchange for res idence. Would assume some. Want stocked snd equipped farm 40 or CO acres clear for 4 clear bouses, 3 rented ; owner Uvea In one. Hotel, servlcs station and store on Pacifto highway: price $25,000.00; owner wants farm. 1927 Studebaker Roadster 1924 Dodao Truck 1930 Ford long wheel base truck 400.00 TERM3--TRADES SEE Jim or Charlie Phone 7910 Marlon A Liberty Streets Modern S R. flat, overstuffed furm. rest to correspond. Sewing machine. washer, cleaner, furnace heat, front porch, garage, etc. 96 j N. Fifth. 20$ No. High S. M. EARLE - Phoiie 9C78 Very nice 3 -room apt. Fireplace, gar age. Phone 0294. 158) Center. Forced Sale Better Hurry B-R. house. EnKllsh tvrve. basement. furnace, fireplace, all modern, paved street, dandy location. North Salem ; j Business Opportunities Spring V alley ; Farms Starting Clover Harvest SPRING VALLEY, Sept. 10 The last spring grain was thresh ed here yesterday when the Strat ton thresher finished the crop ot L. F. Matthews. Several farmers Patton apartments downtown. Call 1 Pr,co '"'Vrmo nw Small 11 S. Church. Pattona book store. Hazeldorf modern 2 and 3 room fur nished and unfurn. apts. 173 . S. Cottage. Beautiful Edgewater Court, 3 fur nished rooms and bath, laundry, gar age, elec. stove, $i5. Phone 5134. room apartment. Beautiful 415 S. Winter. modern 3-rm. cor. apt. elec. refrig.. elec. stove. I rot water heat. garage. $28. Phone 5154. Fur. apt. 3 rooms, 1384 Marion fctreet- ligiit and water, 1st floor apt. 1335 Btate. Dandy 4 room, large living room. basement, furnace, all modern, fine location, caved street, price $2300.00: 1260.00 down. JJon t can ana asa where these are but say I want to see them. Call i629 SEARS & TUCKER 132 South High Street MWMMMsssiSWaW,siSsgs 137 A fair bldg.. 60 A. bottom land tn cultivation, water piped to bldg., some; equipment. Sell, trade, or rent. IT. C. SHIELDS 228 Ore. Bldg. Tel. 8903. FOR SALE OR RENT: Late built modern 4. room home with two bedrooms, located at 335 Fawk St. Price $2950, easy terms, MONEY TO LOAN huller while others are still mow ing. The Spring Valley school house has been cleaned In preparation ppncnMii. inivn ior me Beginning vi scuoui mou' MADE! on furniture, cars, salaries I day. September 12. Mrs. Jesse or other rood security KepsysDie Rnv -f indanendencs will teach her second year here Car Loadings go up; Th Puts Courage Into Traders NEW YORK, Sept 10 (AP) Stock failed to give a very clear-cmt performance In the week-end market today! Realising sales, which affected the general list, gave way to a rally In the last hour when lead ing recovered under the stimulus of a favorable car loadings report and the closing average, covering 90 issues, closed with a small gain. In the rank and file, how ever, there were more declines than advances. Volume dwindled to 1.493.200 shares. Steel Common. Bethlehem, American Can, General Electric, Westlnghouse, General Motors, Du Font and National Biscuit, among industrials, finished un changed to 3-4 higher. Southern Pacific again piloted the ran group, showing a 2 point rise. while' Union Pacific. Santa Fe ana Delaware and Hudson averaged half a point up. American Tele phone, helped by word that the August Installation figures had shown improvement over July, rose one. Western Union firmed nearly 4. while Coca Cola again rallied. Coppen were still indis posed. The steel corporation s backlog gained 3,293 tons In August. Close in modern steam heated1 apts. rental $26.S0 ; this house Is In perfect pt finorlnl lr.w winter rates. Phone conaiuon. 8490. write particulars, jex- j-eriPnce. r.go. salary f- 4!. r Sta-T'fln. I SALESMEN WANTED Outstanding sideline. Coveralls, shop coats. Highest quality herringbones, coverts $1.95. 12 patterns. Exclusive rianufacturer established 1 Comm. advanced. Outfit free W LAR EVA. 1120 Maple, Los Angeles, j '"neWIQuTd METAL MEXDsTob-i,-ts of mtal. porcelain, robber, class etc. without heat. Agents-distsrib-vtors make to $60 to $2W weekly. Write for free sample showing Uses-Metallic-X. Elkhart. Ind. 1 SITUATIONS WANTED Nice furn. apt. ES0 Union. Clean furn. and unfurn. Tel. 7226. Furnished apt., light; water, free. $10 per mo. !.0 N. 19tU St. Strictly modern apt. 3 rms. and sleeping porch, garage, frlgldaire, very attractive with nice grounds, 145 N. Hth St. RING UPSTAIRS. F0! JTCENT HOUSES Furn. bungalow in Oalc Villa Court, 947 MilL Phone S298. Adults. $20. RENT LIST BALEM HOMES $1$ 1755 Sout'u Capitol. 3 rms, bath, garage. $16171S Soutn Capitol, 6 rooms. $20 353 Leslie, 6 rooms, furnace. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 South Liberty Street Eaultv Tillamook dairy farm, stock ed and equipped. (Butter fat 32c) for Willamette Valley or city, r . K. tJeais, Pacific City, Ore. Have The State:. man follow you on your vacation. Mailed to any address two weeks only 25 cents. monthly. When In financial need ua before closing a loan. OENRRAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg. Phone $55$ Bells of Harmony Heard over KOIN dally ring out a loan service that la really, really different. TOO GET THE FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ON LOANS $10 to $300 Beneficial Loan Society OF SALEM Room 1H New Bligh Bldg. 2nd Floor LICENSED BY STATE SIS State St Tel. $-7-4-0 W. J. Pruitt will begin picking his prune crop the last ot the week. . They will be picked green for the canneries. EXCHANGE Real Estate Salem property to trade for coast jproperty. 791 S. 13th. . , Statesman subscribers have been paid $3.378 03 In claims on their $1.00 accident insurance policies. Book Lists Will Be Out Monday KEIZER. Sept. 10. School children will not report for their book lists' Friday, as first an nounced, but instead will secure them at school Monday. Se-ptem bar 19. the oneninr day. Miss Ruth Rulifson, clerk, hss an nounced. The change is necessary on account of the annual fall In personal installmkst )ans stltnte, which will be held In Sa Salem Markets Grade R raw 4 milk, co-op pool price, $128 per bviMlretl. Surplus 82c. . (Milk sa Asgsst batter tat aver-) Buttrrfat, tweet, 10c Batterfat, soar, 17c rSOTT aJTD rXOSTABLES Price said ts growers by Smlest bayers. Beptenber io (The Brieve beiee. sapplied by s seal grseer. are ladieative el the daily Market bat are set gaareetacd by Tke Statetnsa) Ostdoer Ceeembera, sa. , 10 Hathoaie CekM. oi. Carroia. dol. . 10 Beets, local, doa. -10 to i Taraioa. leea. dot. . -JO Grees Peppers, lb. Local Cabbaxa. lb. top Radishes, dox. beaches Seattle eabban .... - Oaloas. doa bnnebea - New Pntateea 04 oi H 20 .02 Sweet Poiatoea, 1QO lba Celery Hearts Local celery, doa , Local lettuce crate Seattle lettuce Peaches, ba, retail , , 8weet Cora, dot. , Ssieaeh crate - Apples, be. - , ,,. Plasia. lb. .40 .7S to 1.00 8.50 .40 .SO .43 .85 .OS te .07 H 75 .50 .01 Pears. ba local . Strinc Beaes. lb. Apr! rota retail) Paschea. Alberta Peat, coast Toaaetoea. tog Tonatede. bo. w atermeloni Eschange 1 A. borne, improved, near L. A. Calif, for improved tract In cen tral Orpirnn Ownn1 write GEO. 8. $22.501660 S. Winter, 4 rms., fur- WALTON. 20403 Runnymede St., Can- nnce. rireDiace. carace $22.50 940 Columbia, 4 rms., fur nace, fireplace, garage. $30 945 Tamarack, 6 rooms, modern. Ph. "413. L. E. Swenwold, J.190 J all immediate possession. We have otneni an sizes ana prices ior rem and ate like rent. BECKE T HENDRICKS 189 North High Street STATE LOAN COMPANY $11 Oregon Building. Ind Floor. Office hrs. 10:00 A. M. to :30 P. M Telephone T783. Stats license No. 8-165. plUVIjUVVVVVWVNV!!1! fcaah - MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce youi payments Yon keep the car P. A. EIKER ' Cor. Liberty St and Ferry Phone 473? 8lmvOr lem Thursday and Friday. Hay is Burned In Barn Blaze; Cattle Saved WEST STATTON, Sept. 10. Vernon Tyler lost his large barn and Its contents by fire of un known origin Thursday afternoon. There was several tons of hay In the barn but his winter supply was not in. E. C. Lewis had two tons ot hay in the barn and a Red Poll bull, but neighbors were able to get the animal out, along with sev eral calves and heifers belonging to Mr. Tyler. A nearby building was saved by carrying water. The barn on the adjoining farm, occupied by the McKim family, caught in several places. Two large pine trees also caught fire. Caataloopea, crate poiena. Walla Walla. -.85 02 -83 0I -.15 .40 -.01 -70 .85 Ra41ama rriDM Calif. 1 wholeaale) LIS lee ereesi peloaa . .01 4 Picklin onions (wholesale) 04H Daaiih Soaath. doa. 45 Loral If okmelotia. lb. -.03 Fitras Standards Mediums EGGS Baying Prices Bumper Canada Crop Sets Bulls Back At Chicago CHICAGO. Sept 10 (AP) Wheat slid down a cent a bushel today, making 4 cents loss in the last fonr days. Official announcement that Canada's 1932 wheat crop was larger than looked tor and had been equalled only three times in history put bulls at a disadvant age. The United States govern ment crop report as to corn also was a weakening factor. Wheat closed unsettled M to 3-4 under yesterday's finish, corn. 1-2 to off. oats at 1-4 to 1-2 decline. Today's closing quotations: ' Wheat: Sept. old 52 S-t. new no trading; Dec. SC 1-8 to 1-4; May 61 3-8 to 1-2. Corn: Sept. 29 3-8: Dec. 32 1-8 to 1-4; May 37 1-S to 1-4. Oats: Sept. 15 1-2; Dec. 18 3-3 to 1-2; May 21 1-4 to 3-8. .1 .1 ,i Colored Heaa lledinm Bras Lifht Hens CKIC&EN8 .18 te .11 .Ot 07 .14 ..11 Sprir.f cliirkeos Lccnora Broilers OsAXH ABTO HAT Wheat, westera rtd. top 50 te .51 White. No. 1. tcp 50 to .58 Rrle ton. too 16.00 Oats. ton. top 18.00 te 19.00 Hy. boyinc prices Oats aad fetch, ton T.tO U 7.50 Alfalfa, raller. 1st -ntlnf J iO-10.00 MEAT I-ambi. too 8-75 Kwri 01 Hoes, too 4.35 Oliver Brothers Will Return to Portland School RICKREALL. Sept. 10. John and Gilbert Oliver, sons of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Oliver, are spending a few days at their home before re turning to Laurelwood academy, where they will again attend school. This is John's third year there and Gilbert's second. Mr. and Mrs. W. Dixon and La Verne Burch of Portland and Van R. Shott were week-end gueets of Mr. and Mrs. T. W; Burch. Mrs. Shott, who Is at the Burch home with her son Jimmy, Mrs. Dixon and Miss Burch will remain until Sunday. J. O. Price, who was transferred to a Dallas mall route last fall. recently bought a home in Dallas and moved his family there on Monday. Mr. Price has turned his general store bulfiess over to bis son, Delbert. Hoes, first cats Steers Cows ...4.10 .03 te .04 r Business Directory Heifers Dressed resl. top Dretied bors o BATTERY ELECTRICIAN B, D Barton Batter'ea Starter end generator work. 64 5 Chemeketa sL MUSIC TEACHERS W. E. Rnuhut, teacher of violin and Phone 51 Jl Median Coins . Mail! . WOOL ,om to .01 02 to .03 .08 Normal Town Pleased With New Chancellor ii 08 ee market Ymme laily wants work. Anything considered. Dependable. Box 42, care Statesman, rairs S. 22nd. oga Park, Calif. to trade 2 miles out io LIVESTOCK and POULTRY I acres, arooa Diags., z acres biihwwi- Hlgh school gfrl wants worgjior room ani board. Write to Mayme Nel Bf,n. Wooflh'irn. Ore.. Rt. No. 2. I FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALE Old pavers 10c bun die Statesman office. i Canning peaches now readjr. Ifclah Truit farm. Depression prices. Phone SSF11. ! vacation time !a travel time, i The Oregon Statesman offers to subscrib ers a Travel Accident Insurance j Pol ler for only $1.00 a year. """tialeElterta r. C Chaffee, ailace roaa tjw B2F21. J Tomatoes Jipo to-j. 7 7 ooa j,-,, Peaches, lemon cling. J. H. jlale. Improved Elbert.if", and Crawfprds. A. L Larr.b, on Wheatland P.oajd In Mission Bottom. ,. . , -. -- r - - Allen A parlor furnace, like inew, T j j P-0"?! r.C.'al, TeT -6-,-5n . l.r.r- r- Apples. You pick. 50c bx. 2137 Staple. I MODERN six room house lust refin- , lalied Inside. Double garage. Three blocks north of statehouse. Phone 8 4 SO. Furnished home, ( rooms, close In, rent reasonable. 475 N. Commercial. ,ns'rmssen5ea St.. $10. 8 rms., furaece, garage, lOSf Fir, $12. n paved alley. 2060 S. Church, f rms., modern, $18. WTNNIE PETTTJOHX 173 South High Street rle. lnve nice on hiehway. Will take Salem home In trade. See Arthur Madsen with LEO N. CHILDS CO. REALTORS S20 State St Phone CTOt. 10 acre well Improved nut and fruit, to sell or trade for Salem home. Box 43, Statesman. 5 room houset mostly fbrnished for sale cheap. J. K. Johns. Detroit, Oregon. POULTRY WANTED SALEM POULTRY CO. .255 E. Miller Street South Salem CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4450 R. E. Northnesa PLUMBING and HEATING PLUMBING and work. 5rabr Broa. Tel S94 general repair 1 St So. Llbertr FOR SALE WOOD Dry wood at Tracy Phone 8988. "Wood for sale. Phone 8887. DRY FIR AND OAK WOOD, oal and fnel oil Can on ua for prices: We CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L. SCOTT, PSC. Chlropracter N. High. Tel Reg 8578. PAPER HANGING PHONE GLENN ADAMS for bense decorating, paper hanging, tinting e Reliant workmen FLORISTS PRINTING redding ........- .- l -. . - . I 1 uuwiri, cuu'" " : nv.j. n.rrna irimnth farm. trM 1 BTlTe anjoa mosiurm, anraa niiatiu uiu . , ,k. Jrallnna fT w water, half value for Property here, I f roe; STORAGE I Brelthaupt, florist. 657 Court street hwy. and river. Box 44. care States- T-ARMER I",.1?1.,., 8TORAOB: T.l 5904. ALL kinds of floral work. Luts Fler FOR SALE FARMS MoIr-rn furn. S-room house. Ander son Court TeL 5010. 8-room bungalow for rent furn., or unfurn. 124 8 Chemeketa St A 4-room modern cottage at 1224 S 22.1 st. W. J. Knox, 2107 Center St Nice home furnished. Cheap to per maneit party. 12 SC N. Capitol St Mr-tern S-room house, near" univer- sitv. Unfurn. or partlaily lurn. lell 6ois. SACRIFICE MUST SELL Mr 27-acre olace. only 7-mlles from Salem on paved road, all In cultiva tion, and good soil. 5-R. house, barn. $800.00 down and assume a $1500.00 mortgage. You can't bent this place for price orrered. only z3uu.ut; see my agent as I only will offer It for a few days. SEARS A TUCKER 132 South High Street Telechene 8181 umi Sams ior ur J nr. " I . . . ... . t, asa and maple. Reasons ble prices. Phone isr. ism ... ..... 3781. GUARANTEED DRY wood coal I TeL 6000 Balem Fuel Co. Trade Cottage. FOR STATIONERY, cards, pampb lets, programs, hooks or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Print lag Department 1 1 1 S Commercial Teler-bon I 1 STOVES General Markets PRODUCE BXCHAirOE PORTLAND. Orr, ept. 10. (AP) Produce exchaare. net prirea: Batter. extras 23c, standards 19c, prims firsta 19c, firsta 18c; rets, frssa extras zle; fresh mediama 19c Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore, Sept 10. (AP) I Wheat Opea Uich Lew Close I Hit 59H 504 59 59 Septrsaber 52 52 52 H 52 H Derember 55 S 65 S 55 55 Cash wheat: Bis Bend bloeatea 57 4 ; soft white, bard wtatar 52; westera white. nortbera iprinr SlU; western red 50 H. Oats. Ko. 2 white 817. Cora. No. SE yel low 820.79. Millmn, aUndard, 8 14. Portland Produce MONMOUTH, Sept. 10 Mon mouth residents are expressing satisfaction over the appointment of Dr. W. J. Kerr of Corrallis at chancellor of Oregon's higher In stitutions ot learning. Dr. Kerr has many personal friends her among the townspeople as well as faculty members of the Oregon Normal school who feel that hia selection for this position Is the best possible solution the) state board could bare erolred. Radio Pi ogi ams Trr oak, 4 ft., 85. Tel. 8708. FLOOR CONTRACTING Olsen Floor Co TeL 91 1L STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves for sale, rebuilt and repaired. am kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and I nlftfn. hon b-tsketa hooka locan hooka ISslem Fence and Stove worne, isi Chrnuk-I- Tel 7T H B P"l-nrt PERSONAL INSURANCE FOR JIF13. SALE- Xew bo-t, suitable for outboard mo- Wood ran-re, 4 hole oil burnerj sell -lenp. Call 4S3 University ?t. ! WANTED--MiscellaneoU All k-!nt at riflea Dlatols. shotguns. old gold -nd Jewelry Condition ne ob ject Name youi prlc. REINER'S EXCHANQB 130 N Commercial NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A FARM Immediate possession of a 25 acre tract 4 miles out on rock road, good set of bldgs. 7 acres in choice fruits and nuts. fewT&rres pasture and tim- Venriv rpw B-R. unfurn.. hdwa. I her. baL in cuitivanon. A wonaeriui tile, basement, trays. $35 or $30 leased, buy for $3300. Cash $800, bal. terms. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC After thla date. September 1th. I 18S2. I will not be responsible for any bills contracted by any person except myiself. Conrad Fot. I8 BECKE A N Hle-h HENDRICKS Tel TRANSFER LAUNDRIES -Heifer calf. Phone Spl?ndid mod, homo. 660 X. Cottage. 1550 N. lStlu Aft. or evening. 60-aerea of dark fertile land north of Salem In good district, fine bldgs.. FOR RENT Modern 4 room house, io acres timber and pasture, bal. in cultivation, running water, formerly sold for $15,000. Price today only $6, 600; cash $2000. baL easy. Stocked and equipped, hay and grain In barn, 80 aero farm, 9 miles out on nicely furnished. furnished. $18.00 8. M. EARLE 208 North High $20.00; one partlxj Phone 9878. w iNTEft-Used ' otanos. in change en radios, ohonographe, ot nlrnre H I. Stiff PSimltiir fnm' ex- tur MISCELLANEOUS Kodak prints 8 tor tSe and p at Skewts ever Penney'a store. WANTED Original poems, songs. Sunset Pub.. Howard Bldg.. 8 F.jCal von TfEVT 7 room house, near l tmA M4 fair hlrtea . most all In cul tivatlon, running water, ciose io bciiw. A real snap for $7500; part terms. Another one, of SO acres, sandy loam soil, on good road, fair bldgs., fully equipped, and' barn full Of feed. Price $7000; owner will take Salem home for equity and purchaser assume federal loan. For good buys In farms, See LEO N. CHILD3 CO., Realtors 820 State Street Phone 8708. TQUWijXJU'Lri.ri-O.n.i-iri.-i ri r .l.....- Parrish liieli school. Reasonable. In quire 991 Cottage St. or phone 56F21. 4 room, nicely furnished bungalow, garage. Cheap. 140 Myers. FOR RENT 5 and 6 room modern house 118 Marion street. Phone 6494. 6 room modern bungalow, furnished or unfurnished, ssu atai Keu x-aone 5027. f Modern 5 rm. furn. 1183 Waller. F0R ALEUSE.P. CAR8 CASH WAITTNO For your old or wrecked car. Say ,50 to T5 on all parts. HI-WAT AUTO WRELKIAU WJ. Tel. $853 EXCEPTIONAL BUT Buick coupe, master a! x. Very good running engine, body and tires. Clean upholstery. $65 If bought at once. 2875 Portland Road. Tel. 8653. THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THlt WPinra LAUNDRY 2C1 8. Hlah TeL size CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY -We Waah EverrthlnK In Lux Telenhone l5 1M4 Rrnartw CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. Z2S State St Tel. 7773 Dlatrlhutlng. ror warding and storage our specialty Get our ratea FOR local or distant transfer etor tge, cell 1131 I Jirmer i ransier w Tnirlm to Porflinrt rtal'T TRICYCLES LAWN MOWERS Tricycle tires snd expert repairing at Mack's Bike Shop. BR Court at. Sharpened and repaired. Also tradea H W Scott 147 S Coni'l Tel. SI. LAND BARGAIN :. MCKAY'S USED CARS WITH AN a K. THAT COUNTS Star Touring I 80.00 Maxwell Touring, good tires - zv.ow Orerland Touring - , . , ss.ue 1927 Paige Coach 128.00 1929 Durant Coup 165.08 ! 1929 Essex Sedan ZSa.oe . , ViiT T.i I Sussex oeoao , ISO acres, good hlU land, part In 1J9 Ford Bport coupe 8 new m,ltlvltlnn hnlancA DHStUfB ana lOlM fnn 0-niwt Bnpnnit STTOWth timber. Old Good 6 room house, fruit, double I hniitntra. nine mllea south, price $6,- I garage, business district. Convenient I g00.. for Immediate Bale. Terms, wlth- tlres 825.08 FOR RENT ROOMS) Larsre room. In private home! for gentleman. Automatic beat, gat-age. Close In. Tel. 452. , Down town rooms. 595 Court. for shoe shop or dressmaking. 871 N. IVwpltal. RoasonaMe rent. FOR RENT ROOM AND BOARD Room, board, garage, $20 or Close university. 1144 Center. r I POLLY AND HER PALS 2 2-R. furn. ants., priv. bath, gas. t R- well furn, garage bouse. 2281 Ha-i zel. TeL 76S4. - FOR SALEReal EsUtc S room modern house, value $3000, aell for $1700. Owner Rt 7, Box 227.- tn reason. ACT NOW I IT'S A REAL OPPORTUNITY. .W, H. GRABENHORST CO. 134 South Liberty Street ACREAGE 1931 Ford Victoria new Urea 345 00 1938 Stude Sedan -465.00 LOOK! LOOK! 193$ Plymouth Sedan floating power, new f ply tires free wheeling only 17, aoA mil look and rasa . Ilka new CHEVROLET 3 19S8 Coach, "33 license 1929 Coach HOMOEOPATH1ST t. fl ALTMAN. M. D. Homeopathic physician, office and realdenca. &07 (Jenier. s none I Oenernl practice. MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to home. Spring mattress $8.00. Renpvat era and fumlgatora Capital Bedd'.ng Co. TeL 6069 3036 North CapltoL Maw miitrMi made to order, aid mattress remade: earpet cleaning, sla Ing ; fluff rug weaving. 8a lam Fluff Rug Mattress r aexory. a. in Wilbur. Tel S44L Otto r. Zwlcker. Es. 1911. WASHING MACHINES All Makes Rented, sold and repaired. Easy. ABC. Maytaa. Conlon. Meadows and Automatic. 815 and up. HOOu BROS. 24 A. north, new 4 room house, bath, 1 1938 Coach l license elec. creek. 20 In cult. $2850. 10 A. east, gjooa soil, a a. nmr (itIm fin mad. room house. le rood barn. 83200. $500. cash. baL easy. Cj. J. JACKSON. $41 State St 1921 Truck '88 license Open Evenings gad Sundays TERMS TRADES We pay cash for need car McKAT CHEVROLET W. 191.98 285.98 848.98 1 425.06 MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Pianos. Phono graphs, sewing machines, sheet music aad piano studlea Repairing phon araoha and sewing machines, 433 338 Center Phone 8188 438 N. ConvU Stat 8 treat Salem. 339 O- W. C MANGUM. Manager N. High TeL 6022 O PORTLAND. Ore.. Sept. 10. (AP) r.jtter DriLts. 9'1 srora or better, -1 2:ir: standards. 21 22c. Batterfat Direct to shippers: Etatio PortLaod delixerT Drices 17e peand. Errs Paeifie Poultry Producers' sell ice prices: fresh extras "le, standard idr. mo'.iamt 19c. pullsts 14c. Lira noultrr net burins pries: nesry hens, colored. 4 S lta op. 14c; do me diama. 10c: lichts. fc: spriocs. colored, 16c: all areichts. nhite. 16e; old rocitcrs. T,- Hnrll Pkin ll-le. ConatrT sarata Seiiinr price to retail rs: Country kilted hers, beet batchers. under 100 pounds. 6 GHe; vealera. 60 te 100 pounds. He: lambs ie pouno, Taarllcrs 5a Bound, heavy ewes ?He pouad. csnncr cosrs Se posnd, balls Ai it noTtniL Nuts Oregon wslnnts 1519c. p?ntits 10c. Brsiils 1214c. almonds 15 16c, fl- hjrt 5 0-22p cecsns 20e. Casrara bark Buyinf price. 10C2 peal. 3e pound. Hops Nominsl 1932. 11H-I3e pound; rnnlrutl 19S2. 12c. Onions Sellia price to retsilers: w wHn Walla. 65-75e eentaL Potatoes LocaL 7e orance kos; Takl- m Pttii 7S e Strasrberries Oreron 24c, fl.30-1.7S crte. Wool 1932 elip eoniinal: Willamette salley 10-ltc pound, eastera urefoa tn lie Doand. Ha'' Burinr price from producer: Al falfa'f H12.50. eloree 99-0.60. eaatera Orecea tinothy 817.50, eata sad rasck 89 9.50. STTJTDAT, &XPTEKBEK 11 K.QW Portland 620 Ka, 8:00 Orraa concert. NBC. 9:00 Ariea Trie. BC. 9 :30 Aaserieaa Lesioa progTSaa. 10:00 Great Composers. NBC. 11:30 National feundaj Foraa, B0. 12:15 Teasple of Songa. N EC. 12:30 Highlights ( the Bible. KBO. l-.OO-i-Psbbath KSTeriea. BU. 1 :30 Albert Oilette. baritone. 8:30 Harry Keats. "M.ssts Biogra phies. " 5:15 Album of Familiar llcsie, NB(X 6:15 The Old Singing Master, NBC. fl:4S Jth Parker. NBC. 8 :00 Stoess orchcttra. NBC. 8 :30 lrtni. 9:30 Hotel St. Francis orchestra, KBO. 10:15 Bridge to Dreamland. NBC. 11:00 Bal Tabaria er-hetra, KO, 11:15 Bagdad organ. KOIN Portland 940 Ka. 8 .00 Mormon Tabernacle prograsa. 8:45 Kmery Dentsch and ereneatra. 9:30 Commaaity Center faculty recital. 10:30 Ana Leaf, concert organist. CBS. 11:00 Sunnrsid Congrerstioeal chorea. 12:00 Cathedral Hour. US. 1:30 Poet'a Gold. CBS. 2:O0 The Ballad hour, CBS. 2:30 Lindser and Harline. DLBft. S:45 Theo liarle. ttnor, CES. 4:00 Columbia Dramatic Laboratory. 4:30 William Halt baritone. CBS. 5:00 Grand Opera lliniaturea, CBd. 8:00 Kirat Chnrch ef Christ. Scientist 9:00 Ward Hnttoa ensemble. DLB8. 11:00 McEItot's Greater Oregeeiana. Real Estate Directory I Silverton Folks Get Interesting Chicago Letters SILVERTON. Sept. 10 Silrer- a 41 SOCOLOFSKT SON ion inenus ic ieuuj i-v..- 304-8 First Nat Bk. Bldg. TeL 1897 I Interesting letters from Mr. ana " Mrs. Soren Ostorgaard who maae MOrDAT. gEPTXifBEB It KQW Portia nd 020 Ka. 6:45 Anion Weeks' orchestra. 8:15 Little Orphan Aame, U. 8:30 Cecil and Sally. o":00 Dancing Accordion, Araie HarV TLroag;. Anaa 8T BECKE 181 N. High HENDRICKS Te'. 4847 224 N. & M. EARLB High St TeL 1678 J. F. $21 Bute Street DLRJCH HOIIER D FOSTER REALTY CO. 270 H State 8t TaL t$23 W. HL GRABENHORST A CO. 134 & Uberty St TeL 6468 "An Outstanding Poinr asi t their horn here for a number of years and tour years ago leu ior Chicago. They ara making their home at Wlnnetka, a suburb ot Chicago and Mrs. Ostergaard Is teaching in the famous obserratlon school J . MMHpHMHHHHMMHWMVaHNMHWa MSVmnj CtJOE, THE PRO? T&J3jC GlVlrT CARRIE hXSl (SPOT DIRECTLV ) (HIS PUPILS IS TO jTHER ( RJSTLESSOh) ViShtA J?& V- juffl) BEHIND THE POINT THEIR CHlrjVAM' SHE AIN'T f VS. S -X I ' &CtZk 1 ft WbALUj I lriT yl fif1 Bv CLIFF STERRh. VI ther. Sho writes that from kin 1 . . . - .VIT J - -a nersrarrpn no. ins cuuuicu narmltted to follow their Incllna tloB ln tha line ot stud and to maks progress as rapidly or slow ly as their nature permits, airs. Ostergaard taught ln this school IS Tears ago, before coming to SilTerton. - i BoyingtonWill Enter Business MEHAMA- BeDt. 10 F, i BoTlnrtoBt owner ot the Boylng tea lasrn farm a hall toue easi et Mehama has rented the office next to Saneylelds shoe store in SLayton and will start a real es tate afflce. Mr. Boylngton has Just recently sold two tracts or land belonging to mm. 10:i: -Smil der. 10:30 Woman a Uasiae o( U Aia, 11 :30 Me and My bbadow. 12:15 Farm aad Heme hoar, STBC 1:15 Oladrs Johnsoa.,Tieua sis srgna. 3:00 Tea Time Bsiasrv 3:13 Gerdesi Onatad, tenor. 5:00 Piratea' elnb. 5:15 Saaaon Islanders. 5:80 Parade ef the States. BO. 6:00 National Radio Forum, KBO. 6:30 Demi-Taaae Berae. NEC. 7:00 Amos: 'a1 Andy. XBO. g:jOBillJons sad Eraie Hare, HBO, 8:45 The Wiiarda. 19:15 Daneiag srith Tie Meyers. 11:15 Evening Btar. KOrS Portland 118 Bs. 6:00 KOlX'a Klock. T:45 Organ concert. :00 Ooldoa Melodise. t:30 Striae ensemble. CBS. 10:5 Colambia Sain orchestra, CBS. 11:45 Colambia Artists recital. .oo. 1:00 The Book ef Ute. :0 Pemiaiae Faaeiea, DLBS. 6:00 Edacstioaal featmre. 6-30 Gay Limbardi sad Beyal Caae dians. CBi T:00 Columbia 8Tpbesy eeehestra. 10:00 Leather Paahers. Joe Watcnaaa sad Ar Kirkhaaa. 10:15 Ueae Quaw's erehestra, DLBS. KOAC Oorrallia 888 Xa. 6::4S Farm saarket rerlevs. S :06 Morals? eeaeort. 20-00 Hoase Eeoaesake Oboorw 18:30 "lee Crenav" Pref. O. Wilstoe. 18:35 Market report, eropa aad -eeaaa. er (ororsst. S :O0 Hemaker Thrift bee. JlooAs Tea Uka Is srtU As thenar TtlS 5rerea" Feeta: "H. U T:5 Market reperta, arepa aad weafn er f ereeaa. 8 :00 PUaa foe ihe Lisa ceaaty "H fair. D. O. Weedaeetk, eeemey Judge; Kra. Ida Gmr. eeaaSf scheef eaperlateadest; Bebert U Bart hart aad FUyd Mullen; 4-at arsrs from erer the state.