PAGE EIGHT The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, : Oregon, Saturday Morning, September 10, 1932 POLK 1982- FROM PRIMARY TO PREMIERE 1 iMIS SEVERED MATCH KING . f FOR HITLER 33 CUHM. SIUI1 is m miiiister FACULTY TOLD BY BREAKING GLASS Teaching List for 72 Dis tricts of County Vir tually Completed DALLAS. Sept. 9 A list of the teachers for the Polk county schools for the 1932-33 school year was Issued this week bjr County School Superintendent Ja- siah Wills. The list covers the 72 I sehool districts of the conntv hi ; Is not complete in some localities. The list issued was a3 follows: I . -Dallas, R. R. Turner. supeTin- icnuem; s. js. Whitworth, Pre ton P. Douehton. Fairfax w p3. rhh, Cramel Shreeve, Robert I). Kutcb, Phillip E. Ford. Mrs. .n J. Turner, Mrs. Jamie F Whitworth. Veroka Wamnlor wi. xel Henry. Elizabeth M. Sedg wick, Helen M. Hull, Alice M$ Bride, Helen Lee, Laree Johnsoi), high school; Mrs. Anna Forrette, u. u. juen, Virgil L. McPhersori. . josepn Hartley, Almos LeFors, Margaret . E. Spencer, Odessa rant, Mrs. Anne B. Taylor, Mrs Alta Cerny. Dorothy rnnk Mri Myrtle H. Smith. Esther Cleve- land, Addie Martin, Dorothy ocnaaier, uenevieve Coad. Doris Coad. Ethel Jackson. Edris Greene. Miriam Hart. Mrs. Kath erine Voth. grade school; Mr. Jonn Jii. Johnson, Mountain Top BUUUUt, Smithfield, Nan Illff; Eola, Mrs. Kana Grant; Pedee. Mr$. Mattie Osborn, Eya Poole; Red Prairie, Mrs. Georgia B. Emer son; BrldeeDort. T.llv in nvhniov. Balhton. Agnes Richards. Den my m. Covey r Salt Creek, G. Mj Baergen; Parker. Laurence Kemp? Valley View. Mrs. Irene S. Lar son, j Monmouth. F. M. Roth, Editji Clark. Alfred T. Allen. J. Alfred Cox, John C, Blevens, high school; Dora Scheffskey, Florence Beard sley, Phebe B. Cox, Neva DallasL Ruth McClure, Lucille Wall. Cai therine McEwan, grade school; Orchards, Lena E. MayjAirlieL Walter C. Beck, lone Imbler, Mr3. J. E. Lewis, Vallette Ree Bethel, E. Warne Empey. Mrsj. Marie Johnson, Dolores L. Kahlel fJuidiatIcMullen; Polk Stations Mrs:JiFannie Domashnfstv nai Grove, Clara Elliott. ' ! Ward. Mrs. Hilda S. Worthy lake; Perrydale, R. W. PorterL Doris Gettmann. Kenneth Rameyl Helen McMillan;. Fairview, Lois P. Yocum; Gooseneck, Mrs. Clara Barkley; Cochrane, Mrs. Florenc Chapman; Gold Creek, Dorothey E. Beck; RickreaU, F. M. Mitch til, Chester C. Gilliam, Mrs. HeE- -- i i V ' ... - v - " ; f - -, i 7 - 7 At iv r x " II r-v ; " , ; 'r Perhaps to celebrate his victory in the primary as Democratic nominee for Uiuted SUtes Senator from California, William Gibbs MeAdoo and his daughter Eileen attended a movie premiere in Hollywood. Here they are as ttey arrived at the theatre. Left to right are: Jack Warner, film executive. Miss MeAdoo, her triumphant father and Miss Dickey Jones. en Kutch. high school: erada school not reDorted: rak Pnint Pearl Eyre. Independence. Paul E. Rohin. son. Howard Bennett, Margaret Eddy. Loren Mort. ivirnih Young, Fern -Wheeler, Hasel Stalsberg, high school; Oma pelle Emmons, Mary A. Donaldson. Mr. Delia T. Keeney. Mrs. son, Elsie Bolt, Helen L. Martin, Henrietta B. Wolfer, Lelie C. Howe. Clara V. Thorn school; Antioch, Fred Teats: Brush College. Mrs. Marv w s- hon, Ruth Bennett. West Salem. Lvle D. Thomas Hazel A. Emmett, Trula B. Grant, Roberta Peterson, Ethel L. Mc Coy, Ruth E. Rutlpr Flrn-n Pul ley, Catherine M. Dvr- Rnonn Vista. Mrs. ConsUnce Henning son, Lillie Smith; Buell, J. I. Rose; Spring .Valley, Mrs. Ethel E. Sohn; Popcorn, Josephine Smith; Harmony, s. P. Burgess; Upper Salt Creek, C. D. Chorpe'n Ing; Montgomery, Dorothy H. Hill; Lincoln. Mrs. Irene Castle; Enterprise, Luetta Baker; Surer, Airs, ueiena Conkey. McTimmonds Valley, Veda W. Johnston; Greenwood, Mrs. Alma Dempsey; Fir Grove. Mrs. Ossie Best; Sunny Slope. Mrs. Bernice Cody; Oakdale, Winona Finn; Mc Coy, Helen Huntington; Guthrie, Justina Thiessen; Black Rock, Lillian Hatch; Liberty, Mrs. Gol da Hayes; Falls City, Dale J. Ickes, Mrs. Mabel Hatch. Geral dine Richardson, Mrs. Frances Speerstra, Lurena Treat, Irma M. Locke, Sherman H. Foster, Mrs. Hazel Gronewald. Pioneer. Eueena Shanks- Out burst, Marie Vinzelberg; Mt. View. Geondanna Brizes. irion- nor Briggs; Valsetx, Mrs. Margar et March; Hopville, Melford Nel son, Mrs. Hope Huntley; Grand Ronde, C. T. Wilde, Esther Win ters, E. B. Hudsen, Willoughby Howe, "Edna M. Schaad; Mistle toe, Leila J. Hammersley;. Wild wood. Wilbur Crockerr VhIIpv Junction, Esther Llerman, Mrs. Clara McQueen; Broadmead, Dor othy Fast; Fern, Pearl Groves; Orchard View Mrs. Odll Ine: Union High No. 1, R. Glen Brady; z.ena, uorothy cook Spokane Fails to Release Rev. James for Hazel Green Church HAZEL GREEN. Sept 9 Rev. Clark M. Smith of Dufnr. has' been assigned by - United Brethren church to the pastorate here instead of Rev. . Roy James of Spokane, whose members were not willing to release, him. Mr. smith expects to arrive with household goods Sept. 14. The family is to come a few days later. Robert Massie and family and Mrs. Massle's brother Alexander Sharp and family, who occupy the parsonage, are to move to Sa lem Saturday. The congregation here will go to Salem to Englewood church Sunday at 11 o'clock to hear Mrs. J. Hal Smith of Dayton, Ohio, as sistant secretary of foreign mis sion board of United Brethren church. Otterbein Guild will meet for program and business meeting Sunday afternoon, Sept. 11, at home of patroness, Mrs. Looney with Miss Hazel Cook in eharge. Reports of recent convention in Portland will be given by the del egates, Imogene Wood and Nora, Rutherford. The reading contest will be planned. A picnic supper la to be served. The Women'g Missionary socle-. iy win meet witn miss KUDy Woodward, literature secretary in October. Mrs. Margery Looney was appointed chairman of pro gram committed for the obser vance of World's Missionary Ad vancement Day" In October. JOSEPH UMBEL C11LE0 Bi DEATH AMITY, Sept. 9. Joseph V. Grabel, 75, well known Amity resident, died at his his home here Wednesday morning. Funer al services were conducted Fri day afternoon at the Amity Methodist church. Interment was in the Amity cemetery with the Odd Fellows in charge. About a week ago he suffered a stroke at the store, from which he never recovered. He was born February 14, 1857, in Harrison county Indiana, and came to Oregon about 27 years ago, with his brother and family, locating on a farm south IT A (C- I TODAY IS THE F3 S i For You. to Profit From Thu Smashing I I I w PDflfl S9AX,AD DAY WERE THE TWO MOST CROWDED DAYS IN THE HISTORY OF THIS STORE. BUT A LOT REMAINS AND IT IS GOING OTO GO EVEN IF IT HAS TO BE GIVEN AWAY BETWEEN NOW w AMn xrmr ajoi aw tavioi pt SyS&f? AE Kl CASE OF WHAT WILL YOu GIVE. ALMOST iERI?i5G WAS REMARKED LAST NIGHT. LOOK FOR BROKEN LOTS traStis Here's Three They wouldn't mqve at $35 ( I hey wouldn t $19.95 move at NOW THEY ARE i GOT TO GO! TWO TOPCOATS $2o) GOT TO GO! MORE GOT TO GO! You Wouldn't Buy $12 at $6.95. Alright buy them at 95 GOT TO GO! Yoa wouldn't dean out my 99c G so take them at Get them before nine tonight 5 pr. of Were $6 but they're badly soiled Wear a 14 Size Too Many! Just Come and Get 'em at GOT TO GO! Refuse to Have Any left to take 'em away, but take 'em away quick Broadcloth or Flannel Bot Gt Them! J0J? UUlf ()C)( GOT TO GO! j GOT TO fiO; j COT TO GO! VCiD GCg0J I 4T i 1 i . . - . . i .. r ' - . - i J Open Until Nine Tonight 426 STATE STREET Pbiitively. the Last Day ' A Jr : ' Captain Herman Goerine, a mem bet of Adolf Hitler'a Nazi's, wh by a coalition of the Nazi, National ist-and Centrist partiea in the Ger man Reichstag, has been elected president of that body. This Hitle? -victory may be invalidated by Prsi dent von Hindenbnr if he shonlV sift-a a parliamentary dissolution decree. of Amity. He followed the trade of a carpenter for some years and a few years ago went into the confectionary business with his brother, later taking into partnership Dean Craven and op erating the store under the name of Grabel ft Craven. He Is survived by four nieces and four nephews, besides other relatives. BETHEL, 6ept t Lillian Hamrlck, small daughter, ef Rev. and Mrs. 8. Hamrlck, had a pain ful accident Thursday afternoon. In closing the kitcnen door she brokethe glass in the door and cut a "small, deep wound in her wrist.. which bled profusely. She was rushed Into Salem where the doctors found a severed artery which they tied, and Pressed the wound. Lillian will be under med ical supervision for several days. Mrs. Otho D. Smith and daugh ter Shirley Jean of Roseburg are at the home of Mrs. Smith's par ents. Rev. and Mrs. S. Hamrlck. Miss Margaret Diion, graduate nnrae of the Multnomah county hospital of Portland, is a guest at the J. R. Carruthers home. " Miss Dixon is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Dixon late of Portland but now of . Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. She is entering her sen ior year for her'B. S. degree this month at the U. of O. The Dixon and Carruthers families were Lfriends for many years in Canada. Blaze Levels H. Popp Home Near Pioneer PIONEER, Sept. 9. Thursday about noon Hans Popp lost his home by fire. Mr. Popp was ready to leave for Salem with a load of wood when he saw that the chimney was on fire. He tried to put it out with water but was nnsuccessul and burned his hands badly. The fire warden on Dor- an's peak reported the fire and " " -.:..-'. V '....'- K . - I- I: V -., . ,, V , x Bjorn Prytz, Stockholm industrial ist, who has been selected by credi tor concerns to be president of the International Reconstruction of the Swedish Match Company, of which the late Ivar Kreuger was head. He will attempt to settle up the affairs ff the concern which was the larg est of its kind in the world before Creuger's saicide bared its a man from Dallas was soon out iu uvip iigm nre. Most of tne close neighbors Joined in helping fight the fire which kept It from spreading to Slater's on the west. All the out buildings were burned excent th hum Ur Popp lost every thing in the house bnt m. rhMt vllh anm clothes and some blankets. air. ropp nas no family, his people are In Germany and he is tires nere aione. CUB OF MN ILL BE STUDIED i iMONMOUTH, Sept. S A dem onstration of brine-curing and smoking mutton will be held Sat urday, September 10, at the James Riddell farm north of Mon mouth, as an aid to sheep men in disposing of their mutton; also as! a means of providing cheap meat for relief purposes. The state college extension service Is sponsoring this and sub sequent demonstrations of tne same sort, thronrhont th tt HJ A. Lindgren.U!vestock special- ut rrom Oregon State will be as sisted by J. R. Beck, Polk county agent. A- practical method of home butcherinc of mutton, also vreo- aratlon m.nA treatment nf t mmt for the curinr nrocesses. will bo demonstrated; Sheep men and homo makers interested in either selling or preserving for horn use are invuea to attend this meeting beginning at 9 a. m. September 10. AT OOM3ITJNITY MEET ROBERTS, Sept t The folks going from. Roberts community to Champoeg to join the big celebra tion of the club of Federations were: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rice. Mr. and Mrs. Gorden Bowman and children, Lloyd Gorden, Jr., and Marjory, Perry Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Lott and son Francis; Mar ion Sborey, Mrs. Woodard, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Carpenter, N. Car penter and D. Carpenter. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Jungwlrth returned from a very successful trip to Snow Peak, where they hiked aft er huckleberries. Now is the Time for Men to Buy Shoes at Greatly Reduced Prices EI33 formerly sold at $8 now go at formerly sold at $9 now go at All Other Shoes From $5 to $6 Go at One Price ... i h i n I J7Am fi o m