-fTAGEvFbl STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Saturday Morning. September' id; 1952 t. j Back to the Jailhouse for 50 Weeks HEART STRINGS acdonald mm ' "No Favor Sways Us; No Fear Shall Awe" From First Statesman. March 28, 1851 THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING CO. Charles A. S Prague, S?ixdonF. Sackett, Publish era Chasles A. Sprague - - - - . Editor-Manager Sheldon F. Sackett ----- Managing Editor Member of the Associated Press The Associated Prew la exclusively entitled to the use- for publica tion of all new, dispatcher credited to it or not otherwise credited la this paper. " Pacific Coast Advertising Representatives: Arthur W. Stypes, Inc.. Portland. Security Bldg. San Fran.. 'co, Sharon Bldg.; Los Angles, W. Pac Bid. Eastern Advertising Representatives: Ford-Farsons-Stecher. Inc.. New York, til Madison Ave.; Chicago, 360 N. Michigan Ave. Entered at the Postoffiee at Salem, Oregon, a Second-Class Matter. Published every morning except Monday. Business ffice, SIS S. Commercial Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mail Subscription Rates. In Advance. Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday, 1 Mo. 50 cents; 3 Mo. $1.25; 6 Mo. $2.25; 1 year $4.00. Elsewhere SO cents per Mo., or $5.00 for 1 yeaj- Iff advance. By City Carrier: 45 cents a month; $5.00 a year In advance. Per Copy , 2 cer.ts. On trains and News Stands 5 cents. State Board Retreat THE Portland Journal, whose eminent editor is a member of the state board of higher education, reviews the his tory leading up to the selection of Dr.! W. J. Kerr as chan cellor of the state educational system, Qnd concludes : "This Is why the former plan of the- board was changed and an Oregon man named to head the higher education sys - tem in the state." A splendid retreat it was, though not very glorious so far as the state board itself is concerned. For in spite of the fact that the choice of Dr. Kerr was most obviously correct, it was accomplished only by a minority vote of the board, and then only after most extraordinary pressure. " But that retreat should be only a beginning. And our hope is that under Chancellor Kerr's able leadership there will be further retirement from "the! former plan of the board". We would call attention to this; that Dr. Kerr asked for no'subordinate "presidents" and the board concurred. This is a great victory for efficien cy and economy. By making the chancellor an "on-Campus" executive, directly responsible for administration from top tc bottom, real work will be accomplished with a minimum of effort. Now if the board reverses itself some more and pro ceeds to liquidate its other mistakes, progress may be made in Oregon education. The state has this hope that under Dr. Kerr's leadership the board may be induced to make modifications in it3 rigid set-up which will enable educational institutions to function. i Bennett Leaves Senate TT7E shall meet and we shall f T vacant chair. Only it will not be vacant. Some new man willibe selected to fill the place of J. E Bennett, Portland's Tasping member of the upper house of !the legislature. And there may be some man much worse than Bennett to come to Salem. ! Bennett was irrepressible. He was fertile in ideas, and though they were usually wrong, Bennett was never modest in pushing them forward. Bennett should be credited witn a sincere desire to serve the people and nfyt the "vested inter ests"; but a senator should have brains along with sincer ity; and Bennett's judgment seemed grievously at fault many times. His "manners" too were often rfritating to his col leagues. It would not be surprising is Bennett is elected a mem ber of the city commission of Portland. That will satisfy him better for he can be a continuous performer in that of fice. He will scourge the grafters and hogtie the utilities; ahd throw plenty of sand in the gears of the municipal ma chinery. Immunity From Abrest PORTLAND authorities have arrested a maa described as head of a lot of the gaming racket in that city. The mo ment he was arrested on a minor charge the papers spill over what they had doubtless known for a long time. One readily draws the inference from the news story that theellow had operated long and quite openly, apparently under protec tion". He seemed to flourish while the Vindependent" oper ator would get knocked over. We recall also having had pointed out to us in a Portland Loter-a while back the fellow reputed to be the bootlegger to tl "400" of Portland. On call he would put on complete ser vice, even mixing the drinks; and of course with perfect im ' munity from arrest. The alliance between crime and police U very old ; and usually it is the higher! ups in politics who I stay the hands of the men on the beat. j ! It was characteristic of Col. '. t offer no reward and pay no Robins, who mushed the Alaska trails in '97 and dug a fortune out of the frozen earth, was a self-sufficient fellow. It is hard indeed to think that he could bo kidnaped, though he might have been mur dered. And Mrs. Robins shows good Judgment in following his advice- and depending on the authorities to do Vhat they can to locate her missing husband. It is hard medicine tori a family to take; but if thev would withhold payments quickly take the profit out of kidnaping, arid leave only the risk. Th Lindbergh case shows that there is noj nonor among Kianap ers, who will steal and kill a babe and still ljiold out for money. The Oregonlan wants the state house ioy3 to line up at the soda fountain and all take a sundae. It want, with many foraooths, no more of the personal wrangle between Hon. Holman and Unhon. Einxig. So mote It be; but the whole business was a personal and political wrangle to start with. The state put about that rating on Holman's first outburst. Since Holman is "Without political ambi tion" we have no idea he will desist with a fnere promise of choco late sauce all around. j Walker's political future in Wance, rjins a headline. In the garbage can, if we had any voice in the matter. The Mount Reuben mine In southern Oregon has been sold for $00,000. Now It may be resold to the Reubens for five millions. Schools will soon be under way again. Speeding motorists will need to watch the school slow signs. (Jive the kiddies the right of way. The ears have it! Corn on the ' . -'Local business men who de sired to attend the legion conven tion in Portland Tuesday, which is the holiday declared by the gov ernor, circulated a petition and got it concerns to sign up to close up on that day. Others, they stat ed, expressed desire to close it It should be made universal. The list includes many .groceries, mar kets, barber shops, etc Being a holiday banks and public offices will be closed. .The following is a list ot stores signing np :The Table Supply, Vpston'a Grocery, Safeway No. S19, Piggly Wiggly Market,' Ben son Baking Co., Model Cafe, Kin ser tt Earl barber shop, Elmer Or entt Grocery; Walker Market; S-'em Malt. Shop; Caplan's Cash 3-CLOSE ON TUESDAY at Corvallis and Eugene, miss him; there will be his Raymond Robins to tell his wife ransom In case he was kidnaped of rewards land ransoms it would cob" and watermelon. Grocery, jLee's Market, Willam ette Valley Transfer Co., Capital Barber shp. Wood Bros, grocery, Salem Hardware Co., Harry M. Levy, Pacific Fruit St Produce Co., Ross jE. Moores St Co., Piggly Wiggly grocery. Fred leyers. Inc., Will H. Bloch, Steusloff Market, Moyer's Market, Buslck's also The Mar ket, Ben's Market, Safeway store No. 37, Hoffman's Meat Market, C. & C store, Irish-Bing Food Co., Farmers j Public Market, ' Irish Cash store No. 7, Pay'n Takit, El mer A. Dane, A. A. Krueger, Safe way No. 66, 8afeway No. 78, State Street Market. D. L. Shrock. A. C. Meyers & Peterson, W. F. Fos ter, Paul M. Hand, Jacob A. Rise, Klinger & Pemberton, Werner's Market, Carl & Bowersox, Model Food Market. v PICK FALL BERRIES HAZEI4 GREEN, Sept. 93. V, Lehxnjan has picked several crates of j Marshall strawberries for market. The fall crop Is un usually, abundant this fear. JsNh6 'ffi ii a. y BITS for BREAKFAST -By R. J. HENDRICKS- 'One Arm Brown:" S S "m As promised yesterday, there follows a story written by "Cy" Woodworth on one of the colorful characters of Salem's early days: One Arm Brown came to Ore gon in the early sixties and was a resident for ever 30 years. He was employed by the government as messenger In Indian service. He traveled around so much that It would be difficult to name the county that he belonged to, but Salem claimed him as a resident. "Everybody knew him, but no one knew where he came from and he never told. His left arm had been partly severed and what was left was carried In a silken sling. How he lost his arm is an other mystery that was never solved. It is doubtful if his real name was Brown. He signed it O. A. Brown (O. ne) (A.-rm). He passed for a bachelor without relatives. He certainly must have had a past that he was seeking to forget. S m A "He was a very small man, weighing about 120 pounds, and was about five feet two inches in height. A very, dapper sort of a person and particular about his personal appearance; very proud of his Van Dyke beard, which he kept trimmed daily. "He gained his character by his extreme activity and his willing ness to help everyone. The ladies were very fond of him. which fondness was reciprocated, and he played no favorites. Although Daily Health Talks By ROYAL S. COPELAND, M. D. Y child suffers from epi lepsy, somebody just wrote me. "I have had him to several doctors and he has received treatment for many years with little bene fit. Is there any thing that I can do for him?" I receive many letters like this. Some of them indicate unnec essary fear. Epilepsy, o r "convulsions," as the trouble is commonly called, is regu larlv encount ered among in j chlidreT Its .CopId symptoms are terrifying to the mother. Yet sometimes the con- 'vulaions are ignored and not con sidered as anything unusuaL They are regarded merely as being caused by an "upset stomach." This atti tude is likely to be found in the family where others had convul sions in childhood. Convulsions may be traced to various disturbances. If the child has an "organic" cause, such as meningitis, hemorrhage or tumor of the brain, abscess of the brain, or some other important disorder, the trouble is serious and cannot be regarded as a mild disturbance. Physical Exaaaiaatioa However, the convulsions may be of the functional type and in that event, unpleasant a it is, the at tack need not cause undue alarm. In such a case the symptoms may be attributed to a disturbance in the digestive tract. Aa enema will bring speedy relief. In other cases, the convulsions may be brought about by the ab sorption ox certain poisons which form within the- body. These poi sons are caused by alack of proper elimination by the intestines or kidneys. It is rather a common I -. r 5 1 I employed by the government, ev erybody used him. "If an official, or any one else for that matter, wanted his wife or daughter taken to the stage, steamboat or train, Brown attend ed to It. It was said, and truly so. that he would put a lady on the train at Salem, then he would take the smoker so as to meet her in Portland where he would look after her baggage and see that she had a cab to take her. to her destination. Usually there was someone going back that he would look after. V "Brown was an expert horse man, and it was quite a sight to see him handle a team of horses with his one hand, but he did it, with the help of his knees, and he would undertake to drive or ride anything that could be hitch ed up or saddled. His work called for a lot of riding and driving, and, no matter what the weather, or the obstacles or the distance he was always ready and willing. S "He would be sent to an In dian reservation to arrest some bad Indian. He never hesitated but went and took the chance. Fear was unknown to him. In the latter part of his stay in Ore gon he was a deputy United States marshal and would be sent to bring in some desperado. Un armed, he would hunt out the fu gitive and bring him in. Usually he went alone. Being too small for anyone to fight with, he used moral persuasion to induce the fugitive to come along. symptom in disorders of the kidneys and liver. Convulsions are sometimes en countered in children suffering from malnutrition. when the under nourishment is corrected and the child is given the proper diet and treatment, the tendency to convul sions disappears speedily. Bear in mind that if your child suffers from convulsions, it is neces sary to have a complete physical examination by a doctor. This ex amination is important. Treat ment to be of any value, can be given only when the cause of the convulsions is known. Remember that if the attacks are repeated and become more and more severe and prolonged, the child requires care ful medical attention. Call the Physiciaa In what I have said, I do not re fer to the form of spasm seen in children who are subject to "tan trums.' These children are ir ritable, become easily excited, get blue in the face, and may become limp or stiff. These performances can be traced to neurotic tendencies and can only be cured by improve ment in the child's training and behavior. When the child has a convulsion, do not lose your head. Call a phys ician and while he is on the way, keep the child as quiet as possible. Avoid aD, unnecessary noises and excitement. Place the child in a hot tub, try ing the heat on your elbow first to make sure that the water is not scalding. Apply cold ice-packs to the head. Do not give any medicines or "tonics" unless they .have been pre scribed by your phvsician. Leave the medication to him. Convulsions that are serlected nd are allowed to occur repeatedly. are a menace to the health and fu ture of your child. Much unneces sary suffering and unhappiness can be avoided by early and immediate attention. CwnUM. lit. KIM fwbmi SrWIoM. ha "If anyone was in trouble, sick ness or distress. Brown was the first one to help. He frequently took entire charge ot funerals when it was hard for the relatives to do so, always hunting up and looking after the needy and poor. . "His many friends in Washing ton, D. C. were of the best and holding the highest positions. These friends obtained a govern ment position for him in his old age until death claimed him. Brown is kindly remembered by those who knew him, and, after all. a pleasant memory Is about the best heritage that anyone can leave." s s s Mr. Woodworth mizht have truthfully written a great deal more about this interesting char acter ot the early days. He could have related that when there were Indian uprisings, with citizen sol diers hurried to the relief of set tlers , "One Arm Brown" was sure to be with them. v Col. William Thompson, called also BUI Thompson and Bud Thompson, the governor's "mad cap colonel" of the Modoc war. in writing of the Bannock uprising in eastern Oregon, told In hf book of the helpful activities of "One Arm Brown," who was on the spot when any need called ror quick and deoendable arttnn CoL Thompson, now approaching tne century mark in age is 1 prominent citizen, perhaps thi most prominent, of Alturas, Cal ifornia. S (The Bits man is rratlfied fo be able to announce that he has another letter, from a person who tells him that he knows where the Dorion Woman was buried, and is also in possession of other facts concerning the life of that famous woman who un knowingly wrote her name large across the pages of early western history. S Within two or thr vAti there will be more to say about this; with the hope that the long search for the zrava of tha Dor. Ion Woman, nation wide and pur- suea ny many history minded people, may soon be at a success ful ena.) New Views Yesterday Statesman renorter asked: "Are you paying anv at tention to fall styles? If so. do the new fashions impress you?" Mrs. Georsre Wrmf f honwir-. "No, I haven't paid much atten tion; 1 v been too busy. I do think, though, that the eolorlngs are so much better and richer, particularly the wine shades. It seems so good to get awsy from the blues." Mrs. Hannah Martin, attorney "Did you ever see a woman who did not pay attention to styles; some of them I like and some of them I do not like." MLs Elizabeth Clement, stu dent! "Of course I have been watching them, and I like them very much." Daily Thought "Let us be done with saying that youth is happy because of Il lusion. As we grow older, onr eyes become achromatic; rose - colors fall away, and we see life more nearly as It Is, and find It more Interesting. The world as It Is, men and women as they are, are mora worth knowing than fancy pictures created by Ignorance and inexperience.' William Lyon Phelps. SYNOPSIS f Y eg and pretty P.trld. Braltfc. wait beeesaes eagaged U wealthy, chI J! tZl hwb. tw l . Jack Laurence, w.. I wux- ever wanted U Use herwffl ree- cne her treat Blaine. la despair, she turns te Jimmie Warren, her Aunt PasseU's heabaad. They become ia- ..j . n 1 1 t. V. t hlU. K I 1 ij .... j Tii. realize how much she really cares. Finally, Jack arrives. Pat learns he Is the son of wealthy Senator Lao re nee. who was kidnapped a few to inveigate his father's property. Pat tells him he is toe late aa she reknowi; rivalry develops between the two , j 11 1 :j. o.t Unable to sUnd the strain, she de- temine. to have aa understanding with him and asks hit. to dance :.u u rk- . .:- PTfa5ni 1. ji.Zi. Yn7 Pat faints La Jimmies arms. He U eoaacioas of everyone e stares.! As they leave the dance floor. Jack relieves the embarraasiag sitaation kw Iru.i. fV.m Pan.!, la . ful to Jack. She wires Mr. Braith- t. md mmt p. Pat - HiIm i. !.,. tfc.t k- .h.um 1 .-! - .-j t -.-4 hr t fIl la lava with Ji-imi lack tries to convince Pat that what I WeU Jimmie going away on she feels for Jim-tie U not real I thr months' croise with his wife lave. Pat belicva that hv hr .there would be nothing for her to closures she has forfeited Jack's friendship, bat he Asnres her he wiU stand by as loag as she wants him to do so. Marv Loo. friend. telb Pat Jimmie was looking for her. CHAPTER THIRTY "Arthur Savage's drunk lord," continued Mary Lou. "That's why he didn't leave that pillar he was leaning against when you came np. He can't. He'd falL I teH you r-, -f tv.f v-- v- as a he comes from Tampa and he has Spanish blood or something on his -,-fV.--. rr- v-if- --- -- Mr. Warren or somebody." tut K--fW -!-!- v.. v... . gun," declared a wooly headed ht- u Ki.-j. k- t? AnA tent aavin- wnil. ha wa, wi tZ vu . - Cedric-Cedric's drunk too. but not so drunk as Arthar-he kept say- lag -Hen's going to pop around r r these dirini before morninj Cedrie told me Arthur looked dan - . rr.n "Oh, Arthur's a big bluffer," scoffed Patricia; but a chill caught v.. k v v. v to shoot Jimmie several times in the -A..-1- J : v- a nA nni nn Vnj r vn nn " r Pamela was sitting In the lounge reading. She called to Patricia: "1 had a letter from your father this morning, Patricia. .v cv v. j v j inquired. There was nothing. "I donT understand it. Why'd he write from me," smiled Pamela, lazily. Patricia stared at her a minute. Then her eyes narrowing, ahe said a a tirht low voice. "Whv did vnn - " a ' zn ' " write to my lather t Paraela Uughed: "You speak as ir ne were your sweetnean ana had no right to write him." "Let me see his letter." -I navent it witn me. "You let me see Dadum's letter." "Don't get so dramatic, Pat. The and looked e e o 1 and quietly en letter is in my room on the writing grossed by the dance. Patricia w on table. Ask for my key and go get dered if ahe ever wore any other it." color, and how many costumes she A shamed flush overspread the girl's face. "Why'd you write hira?"Jcept in tone. And each costume ap- she asked meekly. Yesterdays ... Of Old Salem Town Talks Croon the States man of Earlier Hays September 10, 1007 One hundred and two bids were received by the state land board yesterday for the purchase ot an aggregate of 10000 acres ot In demnity school lands. Prices of fered ranged from $5 to $35.50 an acre. SAN FRANCISCO A Jimmy Britt broke his wrist when Joe Gans blocked a left swing to the body, with the result-he lost his chance at the lightweight cham pionship of the world. Dr. II. J. Clements has arrived from his home in Indiana to take a chair in Willamette university. He will teach biology, histology, bacteriology, pathology and em bryology In the medical college. He formerly was dean of the Flint Medical college at New Orleans, La for six years. September 10, 1023 PORTLAND The third place Angels yesterday evened up the series with Portland by taking a doubleheader, 4 to 1 and to 1, shoving the cellared Beavers still lower. San Francisco and Vernons continue to lead coast league. SAN FRANCISCO James E. Britt, 41, former contender for the world's lightweight boxing championships, was arrested here yesterday on a charge of driving an automobile while drunk. He is employed as a salesman. Miss Constance Cartwrlght and Brazier Small were married ata pretty home wedding Friday, Sep tember S. The marriage service was read by Judge George H. Burnett. PATRICK RETURNS TO FARM -KINGWOOD, Sept, 8. Albert Patrick ot Portland, was . a din ner and overnight gmest Tuesday at the home of his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cannoy. Patrick "Because JTmmie and f are ready ? L.?!. ,"7 ' lon to a tourist hotel. I suggested - V -I. 1.1,. V. (.f..l t,4 V. V 'LTi v'T t would be pleasanter for both of you plcke0B Cp- " " -tTI. 4 " " aZ Z .tTrt Tout "JJ- te start on our cruise. cruise?" this season.1 "Yea, bu "But what?" ft .V LI t V J chJe "Why should you think that?" "Oh. I dont know What did TnY-ZxZ I No. Its your letter. lt I0?? to 7- BetUr p.r ,v fMli-- ,;v. Patricia turned away, feeUng like whipped child. Such a scene over Aunt Para had had , 1 . . " , . ? lae " Tr. f I A rf )- il Tiimmii w pt And she and Jimmie were waiting? to start on their cruise. What did - , ' " . ' ' """" I uj uju miner wi asu uver t M perfect fool of myself. 1 Telling Jack all about it. . . She I icik "u 01 -TrryMuaa: df bnf ro on to Paris and forget wlKIe mttr- And thU ahe eoaldn do- S3 simPlT couldn't. She must talk with him. But Jimmie aPP?, unmeataieiy alter luncn. Desiaes ue gang, sensing the approach of aa explosion of one sort or another, kept close to Pa tricia. The sun being favorable in e afternoon, they aU went to the dnc- Prforc went Jon ... lo?J 'f0 been tTTcted the beach by the hotel as a dance flo?r' f"", oi the winter entenment Seats rose from the platform in tiers like a grandstand, facing the sea and roofless since rain meant no dance. Forv J on ombreUas, I or Drouea. bJ ho It - ests; cars were parked in endless proc"ion P nd dow?Kthe bch frm every neighboring town " f" " Ml " - mm Tlatina A nt n 1 1 A 4ajI op u Daytooju A multitude stood & grandstand crowding r w, . " .. " j ".7 j v Ja dnc. pona, aad,.th "v Men bareheaded, using their hats 'heir faces and necu. nomen wniunz wim nana- I kerchiefs, papers, palm leaf fans. I FSi f Sk fhr10ht -tiai ahA-a r 7- - - 7 v u of jumping. I bj Bt uicM a (iwamuK Bodies steaming in the heat All I shuffling through savage rites to the sun. "How does that Mrs. Brownley manage to keep cool with every 1 ... -:- in,- j. manded the wilting lita, whose languid pose was no longer an ef fort. Following her resentful eyes. I -. ... ... -. . rsmoi saw atn. crowmey in one of the end seats quite near. She ap- peared the only person in the entire 1 vast throng who was entirely com forUble. Her face was groomed, her eyes serene. Wearing the ln- levitable sand color, ahe carried parasol to match, employed no fan. I had, since she never repeated, ex peered more exquisite than the last has been in sounthern Oregon, all summer where he is interested in minium operations and is now In Polk county to oversee the prune harvest on his farm at Zena. Hazel Green B. C. Zielinskl made a business trip by airplane to Kelso Wash. By courtesy of the pilot, Mr. Zielinskl had the pleas ure of viewing his farm from the air. 24 Years Ago COMMANDER PEARY REACHES NORTH POLE From the Nation' News Oar abilities, facilities and detail hafe made Rlgdoa when aa occasion arises. L Warren, edging through the crowd, stopped beside lira, Brown- ers seat. His voice, though low. came clearly to Patricia above the stir of the crowd, the strange noises of the Indians. "Can yoa imagine a snow flurry in New York today?" he grinned. addressing the woman with the casual informality of the winter guest who speaks in passing or not, passes and forgets or remembers, if Interested. Patricia, having found him in the crowd, had seen his slow but purposeful approach and knew that he had definitely made his way to the woman for this casual penlng. lira. Brownley accepted him as casually. "It's lata for snow, lsnt It?" she replied in her gentle drawL She's not a Southerner, though," thought Patricia, hearing her voice for the first time. "Has the drawl, but not the true accent." "Yes, rather," Jimmie said. "Still. 've seen snow later than this." "Oh, I've seen snow In Msy ta Chicago," said Mrs. Brownley, her soft hazel eyes turning up to his face for the first time. She smiled cordially, then turned again to the dancers. Friendly, willing, but not eager. Inviting him, then leaving him quite free to stay or go as he chose. He chose to stay. She did little to further conver sation, but subtilely furthered it by her pleasant though quite gentle interest. Now he's Interested In her. thought Patricia,, bitterly. Oh. Jack's right. Pd never trust him. But why shouldn't I trust him if I truly feel ifs all right for him to make love te me? I'd trust Jack, and he admits I'm not his first love. ... Mrs. Brownley and Warren had forgotten the "show," and were dis cussing weather conditions, tem perature, and so on, In various parts ef this country and Europe. Clearly Mrs. Brownley was widely traveled and surprisingly obser vant, for one of her cool unhurried temperament. Not until the musicians were get ting ready for the next number did Warren ask to see Pamela s pro gram. She had purposely kept every fourth dance open. He glanced at it. "You can keep those open for me. If you like," he said. The musie started. "If youTl excuse me, I have this danee. Here's your partner now. Hello, Stacy." He hurried away. A tail gangling youth touched Stacy on the shoulder as he was leading Pamela out on the floor. "Justa minute, old bean. Mrs. War ren, may I " He held out his hand for her program. "I had saved these for Jimmie," she smiled, "but it isn't food form to dance too much with one's hus band. Take as many as you like." He promptly filled her program. When the fourth dance started Warren made his way over to her. "All taken, old dear," she said care lessly. "Sorry." The gangling youth came te claim her, and she moved away. During the dance she noticed Jim mie leaning against a pillar. So he had really taken note of the open ings she nag left, and had kept the dances open for her. At least he could be depended upon not to neg lect her, ahe thought bitterly. He danced the fifth with Pat. Pamela was not surprised at the close of the dance, when Jimmie and Pat strolled out on a side ver anda. Arthur Savage, leaning against a window, followed them. He was highly liquored. "WQ1 you excuse me?" Pam ask ed her partner. "I think 111 run up to my room and get a shawL I feel a slight chill." It was a sweltering night and she saw a look of sur prise dawn in the man's face. (T B Cootmord) O 19-32. by Kin Features Syniicatr. Ie. VISITORS AT RICHES TURNER. Sept. t. Miss Erma Riches, an employe of the Port land postoffiee, spent her vaca-' tlon at the home of her sister, Miss Alice Riches, and visited other relatires and friends. Miss Norma Riches, who Is a teacher in Boucher college of Baltimore. Md., also visited the Riches rela tives before her departure from her former home in Portland, for the east. Files New York, SepU 9, 1909 sense ot correctness of every Service tha ana reached for