The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 10, 1932, Page 3, Image 3

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Satorday Morning, September 101932
I Hi he e Visiters
Play Course
A splendid day of golf arid vis
iting were enjoyed by the Mc
Minnyllle visitors and the JUihee
hosts Friday at the club jbouse
when the Salem
The final score was 28 toi
15 In
Ulihee's favor. Individual
for McMinnvllle included
A. E. SceUers, low and Mr.. Ho
mer Ross second; Salem wjomen.
Mrs. William Stacy, first anil Miss
Alice Chandler, second. The shoot
ing of young Miss Chandler was
considered with amaxemejit by
her elders for she is only H years
old and shot a 45 game. j
A luncheon at noon made; a de
lightful diversion in the! play.
Mrs. Braiier Small was chairman
of the luncheon committee, f
Guests from McMinnviUe In
cluded Mrs. A. E. Scellers Mrs.
Homer Ross. Mrs. J. C. Compton.
Mrs. Eugene Marsh, Mrs.i John
Malony. Mrs. William Fosteif, Mrs.
W. E. Alexander. Mrs. E. Cdrbett.
Mrs. Jack Willson. Mrs. eland
Clark. Mrs. Ralph Olmsteadi Mrs.
Gilbert Tilbury. Mrs. L. Hi Mar
dis. Mrs. Glenn Macy and Mrs. L.
C. Ferry. !
The Salem women. will Return
the match In October. Nex Fri
day the last play will be made on
the ecclectic tournament. jA no
host luncheon will also be a fea
ture of the day. -i
College Tea Will j
Be Attractive
" A pretty rush tea will bei that
this afternoon planned for; be
tween the n,put 3 aijd 5
o'clock in the1 ptetty gardens of
Miss Mabel Robertson. Members
of Alpha Sigma and Alpha jRho
chapters of Alpha Omicron soror
ity of University of Oregon? and
Oregon State college will be host
esses for the affair
Girls from, Salem, and out of
town guests from Corvallls, 1 Mill
City and Woodburn are expected
to call during the afternoon.!
Actlvn members who are work
lng out the tea plans include !Miss
Vivian Eiker, Miss Margaret
Livesley. Miss Mabel Roberts,
Miss Phyllis Pennlson, and Miss
Clandia Buntin
Mrs. Keith Brown entertained
members of her bridge club atj the
Brown country cabin Wednesday
afternoon. Mrs. Ruskin Blatch-
ford held high score for the after
noon of cards and at the tea hour
Mrs. Max Rogers assisted the
hostess. The group included Mrs.
George R. K. Moorhead, Mrs
George Rhoten, Mrs. Ruskin
Elatchford. Mrs. Gardner Knapp.
Mrs. Fred Duncan, Mrs. T. T. Mac
kenzie Mrs. Max Rogers, Mrs
Webster Ross, and Mrs. Brown.
Pleats are the thing for yount;
ones; smart contrast is the thing
for young ones, too. That's what
makes this frock so appealing.
There's binding and topstltching
to accent these details. Smaller
tots will like the frock beltless.
The nicest thing she could have
for school wear. With lon or
short sleeves.
Pattern 2438 may be ordered
only in sizes 4 to 14. Size 10 re
quires 2Vi yards 36 Inch fabric
end H yard contrasting. Illustrat
ed step-by-step ewlng instruc
tions included with this pattern.
Send fifteen cents (ISc) in
coins or stampa (coins preferred),
for each pattern. Write plainly
your name, addrms and style num
The fall and winter edition of
the Anne Adams Pattern catalog
is ready I Charming, flattering mod
Is 33 par of the newest and
best house, street and formal
.'rocks - cleverly designed styles
for Isrge figures and beautiful,
practical models for juniors and
kiddies. Lovely lingerie patterns,
and suggestions for gifts that can
ba easily and inexpensively made,
are also Included. Bend for tha
new catalog. Price of catalog, fif
teen cents. Catalog and pattern to
gether, twenty-five cents. Address
all mail orders to Statesmaa Pat
ters department, 343 W. 17th
street. New York city. j
17th street. New York City. I
Pattern ;
News and Club
Olive, M. Doak,
Saturday, September 10
Salem Woman's club, first session of fall, at Worn
en's clubhouse; 2:30 o'clock.
Fall Flower Show, auspices Salem Garden club
and Marion County Commercial Growers, opens at 255
N. Commercial street.
Sunday, September 11
Rev. P. W. Eriksen of American Lutheran church,
lecture at Union hall, 457 Court street; subject, "Pyra
mids of Egypt."
Mrs. Max Rogers
Entertains Glub
Mrs. Max Rogers entertained at
her home for the opening session
of her auction bridge club Thurs
day afternoon. Plans were out
lined for the year's meetings. The
first official meeting of the club
will be held Friday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. A. D. Adkisson
at her rural home In Brooks.
The club membership Includes
Mrs. O. D. Adams, Mrs. James
Burgess, Mrs. George Rhoten,
Mrs. Max-' Rogers, Mrs. Earl Coo
ley, Mrs. V. A. Douglas, Mrs. Alex
Jones Mrs. Keith Brown, Mrs.
Fred Wolf, Mrs. George Hug, Mrs.
Floyd Siegmnnd. Mrs. Charles Mc
Elhlnney, Mrs. Fred Duncan, Mrs.
T. T. McKenzie, and Mrs. J. S.
Harper of Gervais and Mrs. A. D.
Adkisson of Brooks'
Amity A lovely miscellaneous
shower was given at the home of
Mrs. Lenna Harrison recently,
honoring Miss Addie Martin,
whose marriage to Mr. Clyde
GIbbs will take place in Dallas
Sunday, September 11. The host
esses were Mesdames Lenna Har
rison, and Bessie. Sorenson and
Miss Mildred Harrison.
Guests present besides the hon
or guest and the hostesses were:
Mesdames F. G. McKemins, Carl
ton: Robert Brown. McMinnvllle;
Harry Broadwell, Gladstone; W.
R. Cooley, Washington; L. Sayler
and Gay Lee, McMinnviUe, and
from Amity, Mesdames Elwood
Cooper. Carl Martin. Eugene
Strout, Kate Weston, Wanda van
Horn, H. R. Martin and J. C.
Richter and Misses Laura Judy,
Edna Strout and Erma Shields.
The 83rd birthday of A. Brade
son of 411 South 16th street, was
observed at Hager's grove Sun
day and about 50 of his children,
grandchildren, and great grand
children called to greet him.
Out of town guests for the cele
bration included John Toycen and
Mrs. Julia Nelson of Spokane;
Victor Bradeson of Olympia; Mr.
and Mrs. Ed McAltree of Agate
Beach; Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Christensen of Newport; Mr. and
Mrs. J. N.-Valoon of Albany, and
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bradeson
and two daughters of Portland. In
all there were five children, 12
grand children and 5 great grand
inHuded in the cele-
The Woman's Missionary socie
ty of the First Christian church
met in the church Tuesday after
noon to enjoy a short business
program and then a program of
entertaining material concerning
Indian life. Mrs. Sarah McDowell
led the devotions, Mrs. E. C. Case
had charge, of the program num
bers. Mrs. V. R. Hickethier and
T. S. Mackenzie gave interesting
talks concerning Indian life and a
group ot interesting legends were
given by young people from the
Indian school at Chemawa. They
were dressed in Indian costume.
Miss Bernice Rickman sang as a
solo "The Land of Sky Blue
Zena, Mr3. W. N. Crawforl.
teacher of the primary class of
the Zena Sunday school entertain
ed her girls and boys with an In
formal party in
Barker woods
! Out of door games and contests
were the diversion of the after-
noon. "
Members, and guests present
were Richard and Robert Ebert,
Merrllyn Boyd. Norman, Naomi
, and Chester Merrick, Joe, Ruth
and Ardon Shepard, Kenneth Cas-
pell, Raymond Stephens, Alice and
! Wilma Crawford and Mrs. Craw-
o o
Hazel Green Tuesday evening
a group of friends surprised Miss
es Alice, Hazel and Stella Cook
at their home.
Those enjoying the evening
were: honor guests. Misses Al
ice Hazel and Stella Cook, Marvis
and Elliott Godsy, Mr. and Mrs.
Julius Slattum, Melba Godsy,
Iola Luckey, The'.ma Barnett, Vir
ginia Brulte, Cecil, Earnest Lack
ey, Mace Morford, Ralph Lehman,
Lucille Lee, Harold Slattum,
Ralph Wagers, Kenneth Barnett.
Kenneth Luckey and Mrs. Joseph
Cook, mother of honor guests.
Turner Members of the Tur
ner dramatic club were entertain
ed Tuesday evening at the home
of Mrs. Stella Miller with Miss
Mabel Tucker. Joint hostess.
Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. Eddie Ahrens, Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Martin, Mr. and Mrs. D. B
Parks, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McKIn-
ney, Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Mc
Kay, Helen Peetz, Herbert Briggs,
Harold Smith. James Vernon
Coates and the hostesses, Mrs.
Miller and Miss Tucker.
a a
An attractive evening was that
of Thursday evening at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Chambers at
which time honors were divided
lor nonor guesw py ausb e
croui ana miss Miiarea uroui,
and Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Smith. of Cmmden, N. Jn Is shown just af
the latter of who have Just re- ter had 1 crowned queen of
lurnea 10 mane ineir noma in sa-
lem. The Misses Crout hav been
house auests of Miss Dorothea
Steuslof f for several days. They
left Friday evening for their home
in Portland.
Society Editor
Allen Descendants
Meet in Reunion
Rickreall. An even of mucb
interest and enjoyment to those
concerned, . was the reunion of
the relations and descendants of
Solomon, Samuel, Isaac and David
Allen, pioneers of 1846, who
were prominent In early Oregon
history. The reunion - was held
September 4, In Hasel Green
The oldest member present was
Mrs. Miriam Allen, widow of
John C. Allen.
: With reminiscences of other
days, the renewing of old friend
ships and the forming of new
one, the day passed quickly and
At , a business session, it was
voted that the reunion be made
an annual event', the next meet
ing to be held in Hazel Green
park, Sunday preceding Labor
day, 1933.
me louowmg oiricers were
elected to serve for the , coming
year: William Lester Allen.
Chemawa, president; Lottie Al
len Bobbins, Salem, secretary and
treasurer; Bert Allen, Salem,
Those attending the reunion
were Mr. and Mrs. Marion Allen
and son, Ralph. Vancouver,
Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Al
len, Sisters, Ore.; Mr. and Mrs.
Hamilton Allen, La Grande, Ore.;
E. E. Allen, Prineville; Grant
Allen, Post, Ore.; Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Allen and son, Granville.
Mrs. Olive Allen and daughter.
Pearl, all of Amity; Mr. and Mrs
Lester Allen and family, of Chem
awa; Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Walt,
Mrs. Lena Alien Boone and
daughter, Elva, Mrs. Una Allen
Hyde and son Earl, Mrs. Lottie
W. Robbing and son Allen, Mrs.
Miriam Allen. J. D. Allen, Char
les M. Allen, George M. Allen.
all of Salem, and vicinity; War
ren B. Allen and family, I. A.
Allen and family, all of Rickreall
Guests who enjoyed the day
with the group were Mr. and
Mrs. M. E. Gerow. Post. Mrs
E. J. Buster. Phoenix. Ariz.
Monmouth Various faculty
members of the Oregon Normal
school are on vacations this week.
Dr. and Mrs. Arne Jensen and son
Arne. and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. San
tee and sons, Harold and Donald
are on a motor trip south to Cres-
cent City and way points.
Dean and Mrs. J. B. V. Butler,
accompanied by their son and
daughter-in-law. Dr. and Mrs. J.
B. V. Butler of Portland, are in
San Luis Obispo visiting another
son. Dr. Willis C. Butler and his
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Dodds are
motoring in California, planning
to go south to Ventura to visit
the Layton Smiths, former Mon
mouth folk. It is Mrs. Dodds first
trip to California.
a a a
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Christie, nee
I Harriett Page, were the inspira
tion for a Jolly surprise party
Thursday evening and a delight
fully Informal time at the home
of Mrs. Christie's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. A. Page. Mr. and Mrs.
Christie have Just returned from
a wedding trip following their
marriage August 27.
A happy time was enjoyed by
tho Jason Lee Sunday school
class of Mrs. Phil Aspenwall,
Friday afternoon, when the group
motored to Silverton park and
enjoyed a swim and lunch in
the park. Those attending ln-
eluded Katherlne Glese, Mildred
Rlchman. Loralne Canfleld. Ele-
nor Aspenwall. Dorothea Klets-
Inr. Mrs. Aspenwall and Mrs.
H. B. Carpentier.
. Holdinjr trophy emblematic of
v M .4tt. Mi. TWorW Hnn.
American beautv and riven the title
"Miss America." Miss Hann was
I ehosen from tmonr hundreds of.
I girls. who competed for the honor at
j the beauty pageant in Wildwood,
N. 'Vx.::-:-..:-x...::;f.:-- 3 .
r o i s
i , "
Sport Dance is
Colorful Event
One of the gala sport dances
which has set apart this summer's
entertainment was given Thurs
day night. The affair was given on i
the tennis court In the gardens of j
Miss sally Bush and the gay light
ing effects together with the love- i
linesa of the natural setting made '
an attractive -ballroom for the
yonng dancers.
Hostesses for the dance were
Miss Marguerite Smith. Miss La
neta Bellinger. Miss Betty Ba
ker and Misa Florence Utter. A
late supper was served Informally
from the garden house near the
court. .
Guests included Miss Delores
DeLong of Portland, Miss Flavta
Downs, Miss Eleanor Trindle.
Miss Bessie St. Clair. Miss Daisy
Wlckeham. Miss Julia Johnson.
Miss Evangeline Millard. Miss Is-
obel Gregg? Miss Martha Sprague,
Miss Mary Frances Henderson.
Miss Margaret Doege. Miss Mar
garet Gillette. Miss Edna Savage,
miss June Johnson, Miss Ha Mills,
Miss Rovena Eyre, Miss Mildred
Moser and Miss Francis Ellis. . .
Merle Walts. Paul Tyler. Ice
land Gillette. Wayne Doughton,
Ean wmtermute, Clifford War
den. Elmer Earkus, Carl Mason,
Dean Ellis, William Skewis. Jack
Kinney, Clifford Baker, Jim Nut
ter, Bob Elgin, Harry Elgin, Sob
Huitx, Bob y eager, Lu Singer,
Henry Singer, Bill Gahlsdorf. Ray
Moorhouse, Bob Gray, Claybourhe
Dyer and Wallace Sprague.
Additional guests for the affair
included Dr. and Mrs. Floyd Ut
ter. Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Downs,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Smith. Miss
Elizabeth Lord. Miss Edith Schry-
ver and Miss Alice C. Brown.
Alpha Phi Alpha
Dinner Tonight
An attractive dinner party fol
lowed by a theatre line party will
be an event of this evening at
which time the Alpha Phi Alpha
sorority will entertain In compli
ment to a group of maids enter
taining Willamette university this
year. -
The dinner will be served In
the Green Gate room of the Spa
and covers will be placed for 28
In charge of arrangments is
Miss Edythe Glaiser. Miss Roberta
Varley, Miss Edwina Broadbent,
and Miss Harriett Adams.
Mrs. Mareah McPher&on will
entertain the Wesleyan Service
Guild of .Jason Lee church at her
home In Dallas Monday evening.
There has been arranged a pro
gram and a delightful evening Is
The next regular meeting of
Centratia Temple, Pythian sisters,
will be held next Tuesday night,
September 13, at the Terwilliger
home 770 Chemeketa street. Com
mittees will arrange for the
winter entertainment.
Prof, and Mrs. William Wallace
Graham were guests In Salem
Thursday. They motoref down
from their home in Portland.
a o O
Mrs. L. O. Clement Miss Edith
Clement and Miss Elizabeth Clem
ent spend Friday in Portland.
Rev. Charles I. Spellman, He
brew evangelist from Los Angeles,
will speak Sunday night at 7:30
o'clock at the Alliance YJospel tab
ernacle, 655 Ferry street. His
theme will be present day condi
tion in Palestine and the Jew In
the light of prophecy.
Rev Spellman is engaged In In
terdenominational vrjjrk In behalf
of the Jewish people.
,The pastor of the Alliance, Rev.
W. H. Caldwell, announces the
opening Sunday morning at 11
o'clock, of a series of sermons
based on the general topic, "Let
ters to the Seven Churches of
The young people of the church
will have charge of the first half
of the night worship during Sep
tember, and this Sunday night the
leader will be Dan Frleeen. A 15
mlnute period of Instrumental
music preceeds opening of the ser
vices. Miss LaVern Olson Is presi
dent of the young peoples' group.
Pasture Blaze
Near Waconda
Gains Headway
WACONDA. Sept. 9 A 15-acre
field of pasture land caught fire
Wednesday on the place now oc
cupied by Ivan Brundldge, a half
mile north of Waconda. After two
hours of fighting fire about 50
men had It well under control
and a nearby SO-acre barley crop
was saved.
Large crews of hopplckers are
working In the hop fields of this
district. Most growers are accom
modating as many people aa pos
sible, some picking only every
other day so that the unemploy
ed may work a few hours each
Holy Land Film
Will be Shown
The Passion play, timed in
Europe, Egypt and the Holy land,
will be preented Monday night at
the American Lutheran church, at
8 o'clock. It will be presented with
beautiful musical recordings and
a special musical program by Law
rence A. Lambert, baritone soloist.
There will be no admission hcarge
andlbe public Is Invited.
Roberts Arranges Program
For Sunday Night at
M. E. Church
Through the courtesy of Prof.
T. S. Roberts, the following con
cert of mnsle has been arranged
for the .evening service at the
First Methodist church Sunday,
September 11, at 7:30 o'clock:
Organ Prelude, Vesperale
Anthem, Angel Voices ... Shelley
Incidental solo. Mr. Barton
Solo, Out ot the Deep Marks
Mrs. Thomas ,
Anthem, My Faith-Looks np to
Thee Bassford
Duet, I Waited for the Lord ...
Miss Moore, Miss Albert
Anthem, The Day Is Past ond
Over Marks
Tenor obllgato, Mr. Craven
Offertory Instrumental Duet
Marche Triomphale. .Gullmant
Piano. Miss Parker
Organ, Mr. Roberts
Quarter. Ave Maria. Bach-Gounod
Incidental Solo, 1 Miss Moore,
Violin Obligate Miss Scott
Duet The Lord is My Light. . . .
Mr. Barton, Mr. Craven
Trio, Meditation Metzke
Violin, Miss Scott. Piano, Miss
Parker. Organ, Mr. Roberts
Anthem, Sanctus Snlrltus. .Suppe
. Personnel of the donble quar
tet: Soprano, Eleanor Moore,
Gladys Mclntyre-Thoraas; contral
to, Josephine Albert, Hasel Shun;
tenor, Ronald Craven and Arnold
Taylor; baritone, R. D. Barton,
A. B. Hansen.
Other assistants are: Professor
Roberts, organ; Carolyn Parker,
piano; Jeanette Scott, violin.
Britton Ross, pastor ot the
First Baptist church will begin
Sunday night a aeries ot sermons
on "Solomon's Great Temple."
This is a very Interesting subject
to a great many people. Mr. Ross
had the privilege of traveling
through the Holy Land visiting all
of the historical points and he
stood on the site of the old tem
ple and went down Into the quar
ry where the stone was cut and
shaped for the temple.
He will have some interesting
things to say about the .site and
will answer the questions "Who
Built the Temple and Why was
It Built?" September 18 he will
preach the second sermon on Sol
omon's Great Temple giving the
spiritual significance and answer
ing the two questions asked by
many people today "Will the Tem
ple be Rebuilt and Who Will
Build it?"
Beginning the first Sunday
night In October Mr. Ross will be
gin a series of sermons, running
through the fall and winter on
the Book of Revelation, using a
large hand-painted chart 21. feet
long and seven feet wide. This
chart Is the work of Mr. Ross.
A full house has greeted Mr.
Ross for months past and all sum
mer long the church auditorium
has been full and great Interest
has been manifested In the work
of the church.
Rev. Fletcher Galloway, pastor
of the First Church of the Nara-
rene Is announcing two series of
sermons beginning Sunday which
will be given in the morning and
evening services. The Sunday
morning series will deal with tho
Gifts and Graces of the Holy
The evening series will be on
"Disputed Varieties" and the first
message will be tn "Why must
Jesus die in order to save?" Some
of the other subjects In this series
will be: "Is Heaven a Place?".
"Is there a personal devil?",
"How did we come to be like we
are?", "The Judgment," "What
about eternal punishment?"
The large chorus choir In
charge of John Frlesen. director,
-will furnish the special music for
these services.
Frank M. Lltwlller. superinten
dent of the Sunday school, has ar
ranged special features for the
program each Sunday leading up
to the date of the annual rally
which takes place October It
when the attendance goal has
been set at 600 present.
AMITY, Sept. I. Jay Coulter,
a former Amity man and now an
attorney In the government de
partment at Washington, D. C.
Is visiting here with his mother
and other relatives and friends.
First Baptist
Marlon ami North Liberty Sts.
11 A. M. "How Did It
7:30 P. Ma "Solomon's
Great Temple. Who Built
It & Why WTas It Built?"
This la the First Sermon ot a
seriea of Three Sermons on this
Interesting subject.
Special Music by the Male Cho
rus and the Mixed Chorus.
Good Singing A Spiritual
Message and a Hearty Welcome
You Are Invited.
in theiChurches
nxm runrxoosTAX. mxmiov
259 Court 8l Job W. Brea-a, paster.
8ub17 school at 10 'clock, OeU Crea
soa, Bopt. Morning worship at 11. Eran
g lis tic service at i p.m. Monday arming
at 8, Fellowship meeting. TneseUr ae
Thursday evenings at S. Betarday t sa
int, loaag Peeple'a abating, Virgil C.
Oleosa from Jefferson will bring the
Chorea and Chemeketa tract. Bar.
Geo. H. Swift, rector. Haly Coeamonieo
at T:0 a.m. Moraiag prayar aad sermea
Ck,rek c,o1 1B-
LABI8H CKXTER Chart! achool 10 W. A. Starker, Sept. Warm kip at
11. flabject, "Tha Good Samaritan.. Par
able." a K. at 7 p.m. Mia-weck oto
tioa TVo rd j evening at S p.m.
CLEAR LAKE Chnrrh school 10 am.
rT. P. Collar. Sapt. E. L. C. Z. at 7
PA Erasing worship at coadaetee by
tha pastor.
MIDDLE GROVE Chare ackaol 10
a.m. T. P. Walkar. Sapt. T. I C E. at
7 p.m. Mid-weak Biblo atady a ad prayer
eot-rlea Wadaeaday at S p.m. with tba
Frank Bcharf family.
U. R. Schaooraua, paator. 1191 Uaion
SC. Salem.
ii Parry St. W. H. Caldwell, paator.
Phoaa S698. Rea. 45S Belmont St. Baa
day achaol at 9:45 a.m. Mra. Gilbert
White. Sapt. Morning worship at 11 a.m.
Theme, "Tha Latter to tho Cfearch at
creator avaageltaua aervioe
at 7:30.
Tha openiag aerriea in charge
of tho Toting People. Kef. Chat. L Spa
man, Hebrew evangelist, will apeak oa
tho abject: "Present Conditions in Pal
estine" or "Tha Jew la tba Light of
Prophecy." Prayer aerricea oa Taesday
sad Friday oTeaiags. Orehettra practice
Wedaesday evening. Toaag People'
night, Thursday. Harold Springw, leader.
North Winter and Jefieraoa. Rev. H.
O. Hamphrey. pastor. Church school at
:45. H. B. Carpenter, Sapt. Rev. M. A.
Marty. district superintendent, will
preach at both tho 11 a.m. aad a P.m.
services. Epworth leagues at 7 p.m. New
aetor here Sept. 18. Morning sabectr
''Tha Temptation to Tempt Ood." Even
ing: "Tha Challenge ot tha Socood
Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Morning
sermon at 11 o'clock. "St. John tho Ar
tist." This la tho first of a series of two
S sermona. Epworth league at 7 o'clock.
Kenneth Bear, leader. B o clock service:
pastor's subject, "Liabilities Brought
Over from Childhood." N. Sherman
Hawk, pastor.
Chnrek school servieea begin at 9:40
a.m. Mrs. W. A. Barkua, Sapt. Preaching
services at lu:og a.m. and 7:ao p
B. Y. P. U.'a at 8:80 p.m. A. hf. "Tho
Overcrowded Life." P. H. College night
ia honor at oar yonng people preparing
for college work. 8hort talks by yonng
people. Monday, trustees' meeting at 7:30
o'clock. Wednesday, prayer and fellow
ship service. Thursdsy. choir rehearsal at
7:80 o'clock. Friday, Missionary meeting
at tba homo of Mrs. C. H. Ostrin. 1960
Chemeketa street. W. Earl Cochran, pas
Corner 19th and Breymaa street. J. H
Briscoe, paator, 1724 Chemeketa street
Sermon at 11 a.m., "Tha Awakening."
S p.m. The Unanswered Question.
Sunday achool 9:45. Wendell Cross, Sapt.
Yonng People's Meetings 7 p.m. Mrs. Leo
Cross, lesder. Week-day services Thurs
day 7:80 p.m. Prayer and praise service,
rrasT tjnttaeiax
North Cottage and Chemeketa streets.
Rev. Fred Albaa Weil, minister. Service
at 11 a.m. Sermon, "Sflf Expression.'
Mrs. Walter A. Denton, organist.
Highland and Church streets. Glen Sin
ard. pastor, 2345 Ksplo avenne. Tha
pastor will speak Sunday about tho fol
lowing subjects: 11 a.m. "The Lost
Sheep." 7:80 p.m. "What Mnst I do to
be Saved! ' Sunday school 9:45 a.m
E. M. Beckett. 8upt. Junior C. E. 6:30
p.m. flenior and Intermediate C. E. 6:30
p.m. Mid-week prayer meeting Thursday
at 7:so p.m.
South Commercial St. at Mtci-s.
Dsrlow Johnson, psstor. 848 E. Myers St
pnone 9687. Morning worthip at
o clock. Snecial Fsmilv Dsv Service.
Members and friends invited to come by
ismuiei and sit in fsmlly groups. Sermon
Will Be Carried Over Until
Tonight 8:30 P. M.
IBaWfc ' - el "r -
"the Art of Uvftg To rather." AaUem.
'Tho Everlasting Hills'. Hansv Kveniar
boar service begiaa at T :80. Special ma- I
a ay onler eaoir. inoeeaaaio oa "Tha
Real Issaa aa Regards tho loth Amend
ment." Bermonet. "Why Dry." Loalio
Magna meetiag at 6:30, Darlow Johaaoa
loading ia a eentinaatiow of tho diaeaa-
aioa oa "Fhir-Mlndedness." Charch
achool at t:4S aja.. V. M. 8ackett. Qa.
Sapt. Mid-week hoar for prayar aad atady
oa Thursday ovoaing at 7 :30 in Lea lie
nxsr chtoch or tot nmm
llth aad Ceater atreet. Rev. sletrber
GaUoway. pastor. Besideneo 702 Mar
ket atraet. Fboae 9630. Tha pastor wtn
spoak baaday from tha followiag sab-
Jocts: 11 a.m. "Gifts aad Graces." A
stady of tho baptiam with tha Holy
Ghost." 7:30 p.m. negiaaiag a serioa oa
'Diapated Verities." Xo. 1 "Why Did
Jetas Have U Die U Bavef" 8aaday
school 9:45 a.m. F. M. Utwi IWr. Sapt.
N. Y, P. 8. aad Joaior aacioty S :30 p.m.
rtrairBX chbistiaw
l. 3. Gi 1st rap. pastor. 8aaday achool
10 am. Morniag worship 11 a.m. Ger-
a aabiect. "Tha Holy Spirit." Evea-
ing sermon. "Tile Charch aad Edaea-
Uss. C. E. 7 p.m. Evening serine a S
Kelsoa Hall. ChemekeU stroet between
Commercial and Liberty. Gordon Flem
ing, pastor. 8uaday services 6 to 7:10
l. Messages aad HeaUag. S p.m. 1 actors
subject "Heilt" followed by mesaagee.
Mid-week loctaro oad measaga service
at 35S D street, between Commercial aad
Front street Tharaday at p.m.
19th aad Ferry streets. H. C. Stover.
minister. Morning worship at 11. Sermaa
by the pastor. "A Religina for the Pres
ent Day." Evening service st 7:30. "I
Want a Master" will ba tha theme of tho
evening sermon. Masieal numbers by tha
choir.' Tao charch achool meets at 10
a.m. C. C. Harris. Sopt. Christian Eadeav-
or at. 6:45 p.m.
Thirteenth aad Ferry streets. C. O.
Westoa pastor. Sunday achool at 1:45
p.m. K. C. Fergusoa, Bapt. Charch service
at S P-m. Evangelistic service st 7:45
pjn. Special muaical numbers at each
service. Taesdsy at 7:45 p.m. Biblo stady.
Wednesday afternoon prayer meeting at
1:30. Tharsday evening special miisiea
ary service at 7:45 p.m. Geo, R. Woods
spesker. Ssturdsy evening Young Peo
ple's service at 7:45 p.m., choir at 9.
North Cotters and D streets. O. W.
Batsch. minister: 8?nday school 9:45
a.m. Sam Sehirraamn. 8apt. Morning wor
ship 11 e clock. Permoa topic, Ood a
Hand." Women's Missionsry meeting at
3:30 p.m. Mra. G. Hillmann. president.
Evening service at B p.m. lorte: I be
Instabilitr." Regular mid-week prayer
service at 8 p.m. mednesdsy. .
Corner Hasel and Academy streets.
Sunday school at 10 a.m. Lesson: I 8s
uel. t. Preaching at 11 a.m. and 7:30
p.m. Mid-week prayer and testimony
meeting Tnursdsy evening at a o clock.
Seventeenth aad Conrt streets. Hurh
X. McCallum. psitor. 1744 Chemeketa St.
Phone 8104. Bible achool at 9:45 with
Mrs. Irene Weller aa Supt. Morning wor
ship and Lord a Supper at 11. Sermon
theme: "The Law ef Use." Christian En-
deavar societies meet at 7 p.m. Evening
evangelistie service at 8 p.m. with special
mnsie and livo congreeational singing.
Special sermon on "Tho Delinquent
Doubter." Mid week praise and prayer
service Wednesdsy at 8.
Church street between Chemeketa and
Center streets. Rev. P. W. Erirksen. pas
tor. 10 a.m. "Vision of Ood." Specie
music. Luther lea me at 7 p.m. Olive
Shurts. leader. At 7:30 p.m. the pastor
will deliver a lecture at tha Labor tern
pie, 455 Conrt street on "The Great
rvrsmid." The Ladies' Guild will meet
next Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. at the
church parlors to resume fall work, with
the mition study by Mrs. C. M. Byrd.
Masicsl prnimm bv Mr. J. A. Rho!eth
Mr. P. W. F.rirksen in the chsir. Host
esso for the dsy sre Mrs. E. W. Acklin
Mrs. W. C. C.sre and Mrs. Elton H.
Missouri Srnod. Rev. H. W. Grov nss
tor. English norvices st 9:45. A. M. Ger
msn at 11 o'clock.
p p
Reliable Merchandise,
Wanted Fashions
nxrr corormatiorai
- Casta aad Liberty atraeta. J. X. SV
asawds. minister. Servieea after tho veea
Ilea iatertsa wiU rosasaod mm Bandar.
Sunday school ot 9:45. Moraine woraeip.
11. Sormoa by tho pastor. Too Big fo
Uy Kodak."
Cree tbitAl . A J . w- uB
. Lieakaompcr. pastor. Saadat achaoi
19 ajs P. E. Kraso. Sapt, Gormaa ser
vices 10 a.m. Babiect: "Witbowt a Par.
ablo 8paka Ho Not." Eagliah service 11
s tlees. Babioct: '-Saved to Sarve." feoo-
u masic by tho male caartet.
Kelson JJldg. Comer ot Chemeketa aaA
Liberty. Saaday achool at 10 a.m. Preachr
lag at 12. Teuag Foik'a Mutual la
Provoaaoat association . ovoaia vrorrasa
Tuesday eveaiag at 7:e Sopt. IS.
Chemeketa aad Liberty atraeta. Sunday
aorvieao at 11 a.m. aad S p.m. Sabiect,
8absUaco." Sunday achool at 9:45 aad
1L. Teatimoar meetiag Wedaoadar at m
p.m. Koadiag room at 404 Maaoaio Tem
ple opca from 11 to 5:SO except Soadaya.
Korth Sammer at Msriea atraot. Emorr
W. Pottieord. D. D, minister. - Church
school at 9:45 a.m. L. L. Tharatoav Bapt.
jsoraiag worship 11 a-as. Urraa relate
aad affertory by Mrs. Ethai Pafing
rbelpa. Bermoa: "Tha Miracle of tho
Birth of Christ." Christian Eadoavor al
7 p-m. Evaageliatis aervico at 9 paa Sab
iect: "Fargiveaeaa." Gaspol aoag s rrico
led by J. H. Frieaea aad apoctal aras
by tha mala quartet. Biblo atady aad
prayer Tharsday at S p.m.
Maria aad North Ltbertr streeta. Brit.
Us Rosa, minister. Bible achool at 9:45
a.m. Fred Breer. Sept. Mora tar worse '
at 11 O'clock. Sermea "How IHd it
Happen t" Jr. aad Sr. B. T. P. TJ. at
6 -.30. Prayer meeting at the aame boar.
Orcheatra prelude at 7 :40. Eveaiag ser
vice at 7:30 e clock. Sermea "So o-
moa'a Great Temple Who Beilt it aad
Why Waa It Bailtt" Special mease by
tha male chorea and tha mixed eherus at
both services.
8eeta Commercial at Washiagtoe.
Charles C Ha worth, pastor. 8aaday eeft'
rtce 10 a.m. Baaday acatooi.. Rat a a
Cook, Sept. ll:0O moraiag warship. Ser
maa : "Is Revival Comiagl" 7:30 p.m.
Eveaiag worship. Tharaday T:S0 p.m.
prayer meeting and bible atady.
Tha Saaday schools asanV at the Sum
mit charch and at the Ford Memeral
check at 9 a. m. The moraiag dis
course at 11 e clock at 8ammit church
will be "Aa Ago Iaseasible U Kind
ness." At 9 o'clock the eobjeet will bo
"A Man and Hia Choieee." -Special mu
sic far each of these servieea.
Saaday achool at 10 a.m. Preaching at
9 p.m. by E. K. Bailey. 8abiecct: "A
Gospel Maa With a Cospel Miad." At
7:30 p.m. James MeAuiey speaks oa toe
Battle of Armageddon.
Winter aad ChemekeU streets. Grevr
C. Birtcket, D. D., pastor. 9:90 a.m.
Charch school under the direction of L.
M. Rsmage. Sept. 11 a.m. worship. fVr-
moa by the pastor: "Turaiag the
World Upside Down." 6:80 p.m. Or.s-
tiaa Eadeaver societies. 7:30 p.m. evea
iag service with enthasiastte eorgreva
tional singing led by the orchestra. Ev
ening meditation: Waa Jesus aa Acci
Hood and Cottage streets. G. T. KrsL
psstor. Sundsy services at 11 a.m. aad
7:30 p.m. Sunday school 10 aval. Jamea
Davis, SupL Young People's meeting 6:39
p.m. Claud ine Gillespie, president. Prsjer
and testimony meeting Wednesday 7:3')
B. Esrle Parker, minister. Bute si.d
Church streets. 9:45 sra. Charch achool.
Dr. D. H. Sehalse. Supt. H a.m. pobMe
worship. Sermon by the pastor: 'Tor
This is Life ... To Know God." 6:30
p.m. Combined High School leagne and
Yonng People's Forum. Topic: "Fsd."
7:30. eoneert ot sscred muste by doable
qnartet. orrsnirt and pianist T. 8. Ro
berts, organist.
Frank Sakamoto and family mov
ed to Portland Thursday. They
have been living In community
since last autumn. Sakamoto will
operate a fruit stand, a recent
' purchase.