The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 09, 1932, Page 2, Image 2

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    1 K
The OltEGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Friday Morning. September 9, 1932
Little Wilbur Enderude, son of
Hr. and Mrs. S. C. Enderude of
Fowler, Colo., who have been vis
iting Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Owre
for some time, fell from a scaf
jf elding -which Owre used while
resnlngling his residence. Two
'bones in his right forearm were
''fbroken. An Injured left shoulder
land elbow are also causing 'the
lad much pain. The Enderudes
,bad planned to return to their
, Ihome Thursday in preparation
'lor school, but the trip will be
(postponed until Wilbur Is able
to stand the ride.
' Owre Seriously 111
P. W. Owre, chairman of the
tjIcKee school board, and road
fpatrolman of district No. 49, is
' 'seriously ill at his home near
.MeKee. Appendicitis is belieyed
tthe cause. . Sereral doctors hare
,:been summoned, but they cannot
agree on the nature of the attack.
, ' Having sold his farm east of
Monitor, Eugene Moen and son
Lloyd have gone to Tacoma.
where they expect to make their
home. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Sut
ton and four children of Staples.
MInn., haye taken possession of
.the farm. '
i Mrs. Carl Mon seriously cut
Jier thumb while splitting wood
' Recently. The flesh was so badly
mangled the doctor found it nec-
' essary to amputate the thumb at
, the first Joint.
L. Imlah Faces
i False Statement
Charge in Court
; Lawrence Imlah, arrested on a
Charge of making a false state
ment tothe Industrial accident
commission in connection with
laim following an accident,
-pleaded not guilty in justice court
5-esterday. The plea was entered
through his attorney, E. K. Pias
ecki. He wag bound to the grand
Jury and rekt.sed on hj3 own re
cognizance. It is alleged Imlah gavedate on
which the accident involved oc
curred a week earlier than it did
actually happen.
Pearl Swanson
New Assistant
To W. U. Dean
Appointment of Pearl Swanson
as assistant to Dean Frank M. Er
Ickson at Willamette university
was announced yesterday for the
following scholastic year. Miss
Swanaon served last year as as
sistant in the education depart
ment which Dean Erickson heads.
' This year she will assist the
dean In administrative work, keep
all personnel records and in addi
tion do assistant's work in the ed
ucational department. Miss Swan
son was graduated from Willam
ette tiniver3ity this spring. She is
a resident of Salem.
Paving Progresses Resurfac
ing work on North High street
progressed rapidly yesterday. The
West Contracting company equip
ment was started at 1 o'clock and
by quitting time the crew had cov
ered the west half of the street
between Marlon and just past
Center streets. If that rate of
speed can -be maintained, the
street will be finished early next
wesik. The job will extend from
Marlon to Cdurt street.
Kalladay Fined SIO Darid Sl
lad&y, route 3, yesterday was fined
$10 by Municipal Judge Poulsen
when he pleaded guilty to charge
of failing to give right of way to
a pedestrian. Mrs. Roy Weston,
1J7C North Commercial street,
suffered painful injuries as a re-
Suit of being struck by Salladay's
car at Court and High streets Sat
urday night.
Mrs. Bjork Home Mrs. A. T
Bjork has returned from a three
months trip to the Dakotas and
Minnesota. While in South Dako
ta she spent some .time in the
Black Hills.
. t ' yv.
. Warningl
:-: " s W" 'v i rt'
A ' - . v "
I 'mi A A .hA
, A chtpt oderpwcred or poorly contracted tefric
rator is crpcDu at ny price Vm arc a.atMMw4
f muuf hcwh nca ttlngmatt wider th imptw
Moa that vm ara muqc nn Frigidaire witfc its
' extra power, tin food space aad extra vsioc Frigidaire
hi aot lowered k standard ro ak the ow p ic poa
pblItispassinKOtothesnbactbeecooomislbathaTa Sea made iposstbleia the last fewmoaths. He sum you get
itemoM Friaidaire. Unless tlie refrigerator roa bar bear
be "inaiiiaiM" aaatavplate, $ it mats t'mim fr&isin.
The Gall
1 i -
Todaj Chic Sale In "Stran-
geif in Town". -
Saturday Midnight preview,
Lionel Atwood in "Doctor
' XN
Saturday Captain Edward A.
Salisbury's "Gow."
Today George O'Brien in
-Mystery Ranch".
Today-r-Monte Blue in "The
It's ice weather anyway.
M. M. C.
Anyway what?
Anyway be at the Mickey Mouse
club meeting tomorrow cause
everybody's going to' have a good'
time, if!-
1 ' M. M. C.
Anyway the Mickey Mouse or
chestra la going to play two swell
i M. M. C.
Anyway something is just
around; the corner and this time
it's school. -j
j- M. M. C
Anyway when Pauline Zoe
Chambers got through dancing
and staging last week there was
so much clapping it darn near
busted imy ear drum.
The irest of the program was
put on! by our new find Helen
Lathmajn, and Betty Brandt, Na
omi Alsop and Rita Mae HilL
j M. M. C.
Anyway Uncle Churchmouse
says, "Leap year may come once
every fpur years to some people,
but it's; every year for the pedes
trians. I
! M. M. C
Anyway Uncle Al has left us,
and he's going to sell real estate
Instead i of movies. Good luck Al,
we'll miss you.
M. M. C.
Anyway greetings to our new
Uncle Uncle Jerry. I know you'll
like him he's a swell guy.
I So Long,
Students who will matriculate
next week at Willamette univer
sity are1 already arriving in Salem
in ordeij to secure part time work,
If possible. Reports at the univer
sity yesterday showed that a large
percentage of the incoming stu
dents would need some inrnma
from part-time work to supple
ment the funds they were bring
ins: to bezin the school year.
Thus; far 230 applications of
iresnmen have been accepted by
the university in comparison to
275 received by this time in 1931.
Fifteen applicants of students for
advanced rank have also been re
ceived. 1
Some reduction in the upper
classes Is anticlDated well in
the freshmen and unnlinmnm
ranks, due to Inability of students
10 nuances tuition and living
costs during the next year."
Robbers Wound
Glen Eden Man
NEWPORT, Ore., Sept. 8
iAP) 'Shot through one shoul
der and suffering from severe la
cerations about the head, a man
who gave his name as Ed Jones
of Glen Eden, was found in
semi-conscious condition back of
a building in the business dis
trict here yesterday. Police be
lieved him the victim of robbers
mis condition last night was
said to be critical.
1 ' 1
Mickey Mouse
Now, we offer a genuine TRIGIDAIRE with a . . .
Supef -Powered Two-Cylinder Unit
Miss Ylolet Swanson, Instruc
tor in spelling, penmanship and
social science at Leslie junior
high school last year, has been
selected as director of the Op
portunity, er part time continua
tion school. She succeeds Mrs.
Raymond Fite. former Gertrude
Anderson, who resigned early in
tne summer.
Superintendent George Hug
and T. T. Mackenzie, supervisor
of vocational education, selected
Miss Swanson because of her ex-,
perlence In giving Individual In
struction to pupils, as is done In
the Opportunity school. She has
taught this system in Corrallis
schools and demonstrated It at
Oregon State college, and also
taught In Fargo. N. D., before
coming to the coast. She Is a
graduate of Mayvllle state teach
ers' college and a graduate stu
dent of University of North Da
kota and Oregon State college.
The Opportunity school has
been removed from the Garfield
building to Its former location
in room 1-C of the high school
building. Miss Swanson will be
there to receive prospective pu
pils each week day afternoon
rrom 1:30 to 3:30 o'clock and
Wednesday mornings from 9: SO
to 12 o'clock.
For reasons of economy and
convenience to the public the
Salem health unit on September
15 will be moved from its pres
ent quarters. 434 North Httrh
street, to a suite on the second
floor of the Masonic building. Dr.
O. A. Olson, chairman of the
executive committee, announced
The health unit has occnnied
the present building, owned by
the school district, since a few
months after the establishment of
the child health demonstration
The Quarters to be vacated bv
the health unit will be occunied
by offices of George Hug, sup
erintendent of schools, and other
school officials following refinlsh
inr of the rooms and installation
of a furnace. The space to be va
cated in the high school building
will be turned into much needed
class rooms.
Farmer Injured
While at Work
On Barn Roof
DALLAS, Sept. 8 Walter Mul-
ler, farmer at Salt Creek, was in
jured yesterday while shingling
his house. He fell from the top of
the roof striking on his back on
the door step. A doctor was called
and It was discovered that he had
suffered a fractured rib and oth
er bruises. His spine was not In
jured as was at first feared. -
He is resting quite easily at his
home In Salt Creek.
Rate fl.00 to fl.SO
Modern, Hot and Cold Water.
Steam Heat
in the
Think of it! A gtnutut Prigidaire
powered with fw cylinders instead of
one us powered to give you last freez
ing, lower operating cost, perfect food
preservation always! A genuine Frigid
aire with one-fourth greater food space
in the same sized cabinet s i ; at the lowest
price in Frigidaire history.
Come in and see the revolutionary de-
A Genital Motors Value
Pair Can't1
Hat Models
BUI Murphy and Jack Alvta,
transients, were resting la city
jail last night as the result of
their, desire te try on hate they
had allegedly lifted from the O. J.
Breler store, 141 North Commer
cial street, earlier In the day. City
Srtleemen, Informed of the theft
score red the pair trying; oa the
hats In the alley near the D. A.
White & Son feed store.
The officers learned that the
two men had sent a 15-year old
boy from the "Jungle" cams to a
drug store to purchase a Quantity
or denatured alcohol. Mixing
themselves a drink with the stuff.
Murphy and Avlin proceeded to
pnt themselves under Its Influ
ence, the police said. '
The boy was turned over to
Mrs. Nona White, county proba
tion officer.
i i-rincipa or saiem high school
and the two junior highs hare
agreed on a uniform lunch hour.
Superintendent George W. Hug
announced yesterday. The hours
for the three Institutions were ar
ranged alike to answer complaints
made by parents to the school
This year the senior high will
start at 8:40 In the morning, re
cess at noon, reconvene at 12:54
and stop for the day at 3:10 In
stead of 3:10 as la other years.
Parrish Junior high will begin at
8:50, recess at 11:50, reconvene
at 12: 40, and dismiss at 3:40 and
Leslie Junior high will start at
8:45, recess at 12, reconvene at
12:50 and dismiss at 1:35.
The nine elementary schools be
gin at 9 o'clock In the morning,
the primary grades recessing for
lunch at 11:30 and the upper
grades at 12 o'clock. All grades
reconvene at 1 o'elock, with the
primary pupils being dismissed at
2:30 and the upper grades at
Poling's Visit
Postponed Until
Later in Month
Dr. Danial A. Poling, national
prohibition leader and urMldtnt
of the flying squadron, will not
appear here Sunday night, Sept.
11, it was announced yesterday.
Instead, he will address a un
ion mass meeting In the armory
here Wednesday, September 21.
" ruuuiili tad ttaMf Cl
hnm. MUad vttfc m.W
umf D,m.i.l a.c jL
BB.4HA -""f'TLr:
sou n DatKcsrs jrmrw7
FOX Picture
ex- t vj
Greater food
same sized cabinet
relopment that makes possible this
greater food space i i i see the Cold
Control, waist-high shelves, end one
piece porcelain interior Nothing has
been "cheapened. It's the same Super
Powered two-cylinder Frigidaire. You'll
agree it is a marvelous yalue Terms are
so liberal it's cheaper to install Frigidaire
now than to go another day without it
Eof f Appliance Co.
347 Court Street, Tel. 9119
Salem, Oregon.
Dealers conveniently located everywhere
Frictdalre also
Aa unusually short picking sea
son has prevailed la hop yards la
Marion and Polk couatles this
year, with the bulk of the crop
nearing the end of harvest now.
8ome of the. largest yards la the
twe counties expect to finish pick
ing today and tomorrow. At the
large T. A. Llvesley yard la the
Keizer section, and also at the
Mitoma hop yard, harvest Is ex
pected to end today. In many of
the smaller yards picking has last
ed less thaa half as long as usual,
and crews have been forced to rest
half of each day.
While the picking has been ac
complished more quickly than
nasal, the yield Is only about 25
per cent off last year, and about
60 bales short of. the earlier
estimates given for this year.
Growers say now the 1932 harvest
will run about 45.000 bales.
Aaother of the larger hoo yards.
Horst's, will work through most
oc next week, while the Lachmuad
and Jermaa yards will finish
about the middle of next week.
Petitions Out
Seeking Close
Of Stores 13th
Petitions were started along
North Commercial street business
houses yesterday late afternoon
seeking to have stores closed next
Tuesday, In keeping with the gov
ernor's declaration or a legal hol
iday for the Legion convention.
Only two or three turn-downs
greeted the petition in the time
it was in circulation yesterday. It
was presented to food businesses
This action runs counter to the
declaration earlier la the week
that following a canvass of the
Salem Business men's league a
majority of the merchants prefer
red to keep stores open Tuesday.
RICKREALL, Sept. 8 Hop
picking c6mmenced on Tuesday
morning in both the Middletoa
and Carroll hopyards with full
crews. A short season Is expected
as the hops In most Instances are
very light.
Home of 2Sc Talkies
Tonight we present oa
the stage
"Community Vaudeville"
Three Prizes S5.O0, $2.50 tt
Vaudeville starts at O o'clock
First Showing in Salem
Of this wonderfnl story by
with. Noah Beery and
Dorothy Burgess
Also Paramount comedy. News,
Cartoon Comedy "Minnie the
Moocher" and serial, "The
Shadow of the Eagle"
Special Mickey Mouse Matinee
Saturday, 1:30 p. m.
aqntpanriii for Etoraa, Afar
Expect Biff
Series Gun
Representatives of the leading
clubs Hf the national aad Atner
eaa lescne pennant races, meetlns;
with v Baseball Commissioner Laa
dls here tomQrrow to fix details
Car the world series, are ezpeeted
te select Wednesday, September
28 for the opening game.
They will not name the spot
bejoad Identifying it as "the
American league peanaat-wtnnlng
cltr" . but - the Yankee stadtnm
meanwhile la being groomed for
the opening of the series.
Twe gameswill be played in
New York, followed bj three in
the national league's territory,
probably October 1-8-3, if Chica
go comes through to win, as now
appears likely. The sixth and sev
eath gimes. If necessary, will be
scheduled in New York, likely oa
October 5-S.
Senator McNary
To Talk Before
Local Grangers
Senator Charles L. McNary will
be the main speaker at the regu
lar meeting of Salem grange No.
17. Saturday afternoon at 1
New one way aad round trip fares
between all Southern PaciJk sta
tions in Oregon I Good in coaches
or tourist sleeping cars. Ketura
limit on round trips 30 days.
MED FORD ...S5.65 99.15
PORTLAND .. .OO 1.60
ROSEBURO . . 8-25 5.15
MARSHFIEL.D 5.85 9.50
EUGENE 1.45 2.15
Southern Pacific
A. F. XOTH, Agent
Tassenger Depot, ISth Oak
TeL 4408
Qoality iabrkj
excellent workraaor
ship si a price
that ateans big sav
aagsl They're Ml
Kmri and only
Cassiaie re s
Worsteds ia the
popular a t w
lt BRIGHT sbemi
eeJseW recsVr
AH &
BIG sbtar will J O
beg t borrow -j ""
these I T
4' 7 te H
D E P. A 12
o'clock, at the ball over Miller's.
MeNary will, speak during the lec
turer' a, kour, . .beginning at . ' 1
o'clock.-and at ,thls period the
grange ,meetlig will, be thrown
open, to the general public , j
m svtiai
.4 lirHil ae
eiie (saaassaeaj ssej
- a i t
3 Uoctor
y wfyr ( mouse v
t QZZfZJiWll Toaed" Again"
.lT-1'IT',r, U 2 Reel Coined v J
For tht lad who's just
graduated into "longer
Cood sturdy material wen
nude t Choice of two longies,
two knickers or lonjp'e and
Boy' Shirt
Shorts Set
High Quality
Cellophane Wrapped
Now You Save More
Than Ever!
Doyo "Oshlde"
FeUowt they're made the way
yoo Bke em roomy and foil
and stitched to held I Good qual
ity 220 denim a creat buy at
this new low price I
T tl E N T ;
160 N. Iiher ty St, Salem
closed session, at which ser
eral isslnesx matters rOl eonie
up,' follow tie iopet meettag.
In stfdftloa' t McNSry's talk, eev-
esal mujlcal, numbers. wilL feat
thffifTa4 'i -;)TI .
tiR- cat!! -al UJlr CvlbTTnan
W bi tot li3i&rDOT tire- nrt-
GfemO cats , yair. rrcinU
&ny7mv imam Warm
S r'm ISaCff m mi - I
suru TODAY j
Snapshot h
Senns Scheol Outfit
Wiit Vrraf FTntj e
AsMrted iaav
y patterns
aad timely
color ingi
These WILL Wemrl
DOTG' 1"?
nnAWM 01.39
ELIX 01.59
StlOEO 01.79i
S I j A f