The OREGON STATES1LN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, September 9, 1932 RAGE THIRTEEN -'in EcoMtnically Jere - ' 1 ; IfM . 1 lour si' Statesman Classified Ads Call Classified Advertising Single t&sertloa per Itne.lOe Tbre Insertions per line ,..zOc Six insertions per Urj. .30e One month per line?'. SI. 00 Minimum charge ...... J 5c Copy for this page ac cepted nntir : 3 0 the even lng before ' publication for classification. . Copy ra ce! red tter this time will be run under. the heading Too tate to Classify. The Statesman assumes HELP WANTEDMALE l men -with $200.09 each for per manent position guaranteed: return and money-full.' secured. Selling ex perience helpful but not necessary. Box 40. To Statesman. " A representative of the, motion pic ture Industry will interview men in terested In th projection division of motion pictures Many opportuniti for ambitious, young men. Phone Mr. Jastrom, Hotel Senator for appoint ment. i.,t ayttn s rivlier. familiar with interchangeably of all rnaKe cara Hl-Way Auto VTreck. 2S.5 Port land Rd. ! HELP WANTED FEMALE nrxrnirT- mmaia nsrod. refined un incumbered housekeeper, 3 adults, lit ,i wa.hlntr. Room, board, $15. Box 41. care States-man. SITUATIONS WANTED m.i. vinr,i hnv wants work for room, bonrd, or both. References fur nlshed. Box 38, care Statesman. Toung ladr wants work. Anything considered. Dependable. Box 42, care statesman. FOR SALE MlsceUaneoaa l'RnSlALEMl''iialersl" 1 icV bB die Statesman office. fonntn txaehes now ready. Imlab rmlt farm. Depression prices. Phone tOFll. ' iim ( travel time, in Oregon Statesman offers to subscrto- ert a Travel Accident inura.uv Icy for only I1.0 a rear. Hales, Elbe-ta peaches now ready. jF21. .nnnnfrrvw ATTENTION FARIUERS: Why pt b iy a NON-ASSESSABLE policy. In nnp(in MITTL'AL, of McMinn- viile. It Is the cheaiest in the long run. See our sgenta ST AND LEY A: FOLEY Tliose big luscious improved Elberta i.. nn tlso Hales ann ir,iir oualltv the best. Orchard u-..-, r.i,.iro,l Rartlett pears for can ring 25c bushel. Puritan Cider Works, W est Salem. - - - i Tomatoes 50c bu. 7'TFS noon. FOR SALE Two ilrst-ctoss saddr tar Te:ia saddle 18-inc! n(r,,ir rr,a ttto horse trailer, baj vr n. Fliley. 365 North Commercial, Nash garage. FOR SALE PortaDie iTfw","V end electric neDn clo:k. 224 N. High street. FOR SALE Cad. car In good eiare or trade for electric washer; radi. wood or what have youT At Cottage Farm J' . 18 ft. cedar built speed cruiser. Star motor, all accessories. See at Johnson's Gravel Bunker. Bnrtlett pears 25 and 35 cf-nts Ivsshel. 76$ Rural Av.. Ph1one J5 pullets and frys for sale. 4 mo. o',l. Rocks nnd Ri 40c apiece It t .ken this week. m' S. Commercial Street Peaches, lmon cling, J. w. naie. Improved Elbertas, and Crawforda. A K Lamb, on "Wheatland Road in tligslon BoUom. n . .anninir inAm 15e rter box. 1 v ii a ...op - T. ir.i. onntilnfrs ml. west 01 Koscdale School Amiatrong. rvrmt!n!fMi ranee wood and Kas, 4 role sas, fn fine shape ; for sale cheap. St 1 3. CMmMCfal pr.fwv Al'.en A parlor fumace, like new. S. rommerrlal. i H- pip:. TRADE Miscellaneous - - .-. - a.. Ttmfin to trada for wood. C3S Jef ferson street. - n i-ifaa-aa faf ifVi . Trtnle elec. washer and furniture fnr w(d. S. Church. Tel. 8S!2. Y A N T K D Miscellaneous All kinds of rifles, pistols, shotguna Id aold -nd lewelry condiuon no 00- lect Name your price. REINER'S EXCHANOB 16 N Commercial juiri.rL-i.iii"i ----- - - mm W A N'TP n 1 1 mmI Dtanos. In es change on radios, ohonogrspha 01 fur nlture H I. Stiff Kiimlmre Oomsni T,riiOjxrijxrxfJvi'js s sa Bull wanted for bull-flKht at state fair. Must be vicious, flahtlng mean. and have horns Ed Wright, In care f state fair, Salem. Will par caah for second hand bi- MISCELLANEOUS Kodak prtnu for 15c and up at B lie wis over Penners store. WANTED Orlcinal Doetns, songa Bnnset Pubs.. Howard Bid.. S . ijai FOR RENT ROOMS mmmmmnm Large room, la private home for gentleman. Hot water, neat, garage. dose in. Tel. aoi. POLLY AND HER i IC''Re'a GOLF PRLlJat'jC NOxT" "" V ILAMD IT WON'T HURT ( SrVLSTHEAJTTi riX yf BUT AFTER ALu, 4 ItVOU TO GIVE A FEW f 'i BE DEUGHTTED TO 2 tfA I'M NOT MARRYING f FREE LESSONS; t ' Ms I f TEACH My RJTURE) VDUR WHOLE Vs. trryyZG wj y ?. r-j waii Or-w-r - L"U ill VA U Km- r !--' fi.- -lsr-y . . . . -A .... . t . ' do financial responsibility for errors which may ap pear ia advertisements pub lished In its. columns, and in cases where this' piper Is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement in -which, the typographical mistake occurs. I The Statesman reserves the right to reject objee tfonal advertising. It fur ther reserves the right to classify all advertising un der the proper' classlflca , tion. FOR RENT ROOMS Down town rooms. 595 Court. Room in modern home, home priv- lieges. See Mrs. Luthy at Penney's I to II. ROOM AND BOARD Board-room, stm. heat. $20 up. 5482. Room, board. $25 ma TeL 317. B-R. Priv. home. $20. 275 N. 14th. Room, board, garage. $20 or $25. Close university. 1144 Center. f UK KEN I A 'AKTMKN1TS Nice front apt, S5S Center. Attractive new 3-rro. apt, phone 7203. Attractive 2 R. apt Reasonable. 266 S. Cottage, Modern 5 R. flat, overstuffed furn., I rest i to correspond. Sewing machine, washer, cleaner, furnace heat, front i porch, garage, etc. 965 N. Fifth. Very nice S-room apt. Fireplace, gar age. Phone 6294. 15S0 Center. Patton apartments downtown. Call Pat ton's book, store. Hazeidorf modern 2 and S room fur- I nlshed and unfurn. apts. 173 S. Cot tage.! Furn. 2-R. apt Phone 7664. 2281 Hazel. Beautiful Edgewater Court, 3 fur nished rooms and bath, laundry, gar age, ielec stove, $25. Phone 5154. 0 3 room apartment 44$ 8. Winter. Beautiful modern 8-rtn. cor. apt. elec. irefrig., elec stove, hot water heat. garage. $28. Phone 5154. Nicely turn. 3 R. apt In new home. Frigldalre, elec. stove, hardwood floors fireplace, lots of closet room. Aduuts. lei. 43U-. it5z vouri. 1st floor apt. 1325 State. Fiir. apt 3 rooms, light and water, 13S4 1 Marion street Close in modern steam heated apts. at Special low winter rates. Phone S490J Nice furn. apt. 690 Union. Clfan furn. and unfurn. Tel. 7226. Furnished apt. light, water, free. $10 per mo. 20 N. 19th St. Strictly modern apt. 3 rms. and sleeping porch, garage, frlsldaire, very attractive with nice grounds, 146 N. 14th! KINU UFSTA1KS. OR RENT HOUSES Furn. bungalow in Oak Villa Court, 947 Mill. Phone S29C. Adults. $20. 'RETTlSTrATEMnF10MSS $12 1755 South Capitol, 3 rma, bathj garage. $15 1715 South Capitol, 6 room $2s lot Leslie, 6 rooms, furnace. $22.50 1860 S. Winter, 4 rma, fur nace,; fireplace, garage. $22.50 940 Columbia, 4 rma, fur nace.! fireplace, garage. $3V 945 Tamarack, rooms, mod ern. ! A few of these have electric ranee. all tmntediat possession. We have othors nil zen and prices for rent and kale like rent. 'ntvivn a rrtrwrtDfrrira . xvrj nciiLnivsAhi 1S9 North High Street Mod. 4 R. house. $15. 255 Division. MODjSRN six room house Just refln lshedi Inside. Double garage. Three blocks north of statehouse. Phone 8480.i Furnished home. 6 rooms, close In. rent reasonable. 475 N. Commercial. 3 rma. basement, garage, 1082 Fir St.. 510. , 3 rma. rumaee, garage, loss tt. J 12, on paved alley. 20&0 S. Church, 6 rms.. modern, IIS. i WINNIE PETTYJOHN I 17 South High Street - Modern furn. J-room bouse. Ander son Court TeL 010. Modern furn. 3 rm. house, close la. Phone 6010. FOR SALE or rent by owner, prac tically new modern room house, phono 7322. 8 room house. 39 & list N,'.ii.'rfw4Nv" (-room furn. house. 434 Union St, 326 mo. Inquire 448 Union. n m yn New 4 rm. house, furnace, fireplace. gas range, water heater, narawooa floors; garage, close to Highland and! Catholic schoola IZO. 3439 Myrtle Ave., Phone 8920. SasstSie,Neee,aw ; 6 R. rood, bunfralow. furnished, dott bis garage, 1115 Shipping. TeL 5(39. SSjSasSsaaBaafeJaf4kajavatkSeiaassvA 3-lmngalow for rent turn., or unfurn. 1248 Chemeketa St FOR RENT sewVtW,saNeasse I FOR RENT Several good homes, furnished and unfurnished. Priced rignt Two acre tract, at city limits. acre tract, at city irauiav far,.., citv conveniences, barn room for cow and chickens. Pries Sis per month. .. . . .,. 320 SUta Street Phone 6706. PALS FOR RENT Jkm t S-R. turn. apt, priv. bath, gas, I R. well turn, garage nous. 22tl Ha ul. TL TISi. FOR SALE Real Estate Have The Statesman follow r oa roar vacation. Mailed to any address two weeks only 35 ceata Good semi-modern home surrounded by beautiful shaded grounds, fruit, nuts, berries, grape arbor and gar dens. Six rooms, fireplace, basement, lot 120x135, garage. Near Junior high and grammar schools. Paved street. nice view. $3500, terms, might accept Home carpenter work on deal. Owner 765 Rural avenue, phone 8851. While on vour vacation have The Oregon Statesman mailed to rou. call 9101. OPPORTUNITY : S rm. house and 2 acres, wonderful rlew of mountains and good soil, house has furnace, elec. lights, well built In, garage, straight loan of $2250, will sell like rent or take auto or lot for equity. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtar 175 8outh High Street SPECIAL v I 3-4 acres. 3Vfc miles from Salem on good road. All in cultivation, mostly assorted rults, fine solL good well. room house, garage and chicaen house. -Price for quick sale $H80 half cash. MELVIN JOHNSON TJ. 8. N. Bank Bldg. mhrttl',l'i A snap 100 acres, 30 acres till able, balance timber and good pas ture, fenced, unimproved price $1,- 250.00. Easy terms. 14 acres, unimproved bottom land. rlenr will taka Salem hornt a.nd II- sume. I -n V . 3 n at szu.uu. B R. furnished house, rent 20.00. McGILCHRIST tt PENNINGTON 209-10 U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. 4 rm. modern home at 289 N. 23rd St Furnace, garage, good condition cal1 nd owner for a bargain In a comfortable home. $2250, good terms. rm. house, basement, furnace, large lot, fruit trees. In good condition. A snap at $2400. Apartment house, 8 rentals, good lo cation close in. Building Is in good condition. A bargain at $7500, 4 rm. strictly modern house, corner lot 12250. A. choice dairy farm, running wat er, modern bldga A real bargain. 17500 105 A. near Slem on paved highway. Fine set of bldga One of the best dairy ranches near Salem at $14,000. BRING YOTJR TRADES TO US J. F. ULRICH COMPANY 325 State Street Phone 8673 8 rm. modern furnished, cheap. OWNER at 431 3. Cottage. Upper Hat Get that house now. Move in. Start the kids to school. I can Bell you one like rent H. C. SHIELDS 228 Oregon Bldg. Tel. 8902 Forced Sale Better Hurry 5-R. house, English type, basement furnace, fireplace, all modern, paved street, dandy location. North Salem ; price $2350 $350 down payment ANOTHER ONE Dandy 4 room, large living room, basement, furnace, all modern, fine location, paved street, price $2300.00 ; S250.00 down. Don t call and ask where these are but say I want to see them. Call 9S29 SEARS A TUCKER 132 South High Street WORKING MAN'S CHANCE In North Salem, 6 room res., street paved, walks In and paid for $1000 and terms. 1 story English type house. In side unfinished, owner going on farm and will sacrifice, price for quick sale to $850. Immediate possession of a choice 1 acre tract well located on paved road. best of soil, drove well, 4 room house with nook, and bath room, garage and woodshed. Price $2100, terms like rent LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street Phone I70S. EXCHANGE ReaT Estate rki Salem property to trade for coast property. 791 & 11th. Statefrnan mibacrfberfl hnv bn paid $5,378.03 in claim on their ll.OC accident Insurance policlea Exchange 1 A. home. Improved, near La. A. calif, for Improved tract !n cen tral Oregon. Owner write GEO. s. WALTON, 20405 Runnymede St., Can- oira Park, Calif. FOR SALE FARMS STOCKED AND EQUIPPED FARM A nice farm of 60 acres fully equipped, hay and grain goes with place. Has federal loan and owner will trade for clear house In Salem for equity. SEE Cal Pattort with LEO N. CHILD3 CO.. Realtors 320 State Street Phone (708 94 A. grain and dairy farm, good loc. dark soil. 710 N. High. SACRIFieS-MUST SELL My 27-acre place, only 7-mIles from Salem on paved road, all In cultiva tion, and a-ood sou. 6-R. house, bam. $800.00 down and assume a I1500.0 mortgage. Tou can't best this place for price offered. Only $2300.00: see my agent as I only will offer It for a few days SEARS. A TUCKER 133 South High Street ACREAGE BIO SNAP 1 ACRE New Modern Suburban Homi 14000. Home for $2600. Strictly modern elec. lights, best of plumbing, basement furnaoa, beautiful kitchen. all th bit tos, hwd. floors, nook, one and hair miles city limits, garage. lawn, shrubbery. Shown by appoint-1 ment SEE BECHTEL or TIIOMASOJ 311 State Street Room 4. I r.. . V. mm .- . C Ann. ttMtmm. S iojr ntiw i uwuvc, poultry kouse. earaae, spring, well, I lencea, mam roau. owner neeas mon I ey wui sen cneap. I trcir trm mirwooitr 820 TJ. a Bank Bldg. WANTED USED CARS The AtatU Chorus' ACREAGE tO-acres 7 miles from Baletn on pave- I rnent chocolate loam, family orchard. I croMi and walmrta. at rirbert tree building about lxC f.100 I terms. I 1IH acres 6 1-3 mCtes from Salem on I 1 - gravel road, rood oil. family orch- I ard. wonderful spring', engine and 1 tank, water piped te nouae, . a room 1 barn, chicken nouse. garage. I bandings nearly new. 1350$ for ser- I vice station, camp ground or coast I property. 1-4 acres Itt miles rrom saiem, ideal 1 suburbaa borne, dark solL good'WelL barn, chicken nouse, double garage, family orchard Just coming into bear ing, room plastered nouse, s bed rooms, basement, furnace, rirepiaoe. wired for electric range. $4710. SI acres 9 mra irons Salem, 41 A. cm tlvatlon. balance oasture. chocolate 1 sotL ever flowtn oarlna?. 4 room house. barn, chicken house, hog house, gar age, 13000 9509 cash, i balance terms. MELVIN JOHNSON 329 U. & N. Bans: Bldg. Phone 1791. Business Opportunities Best small apart business In Salem. Small amount Invested. Investigate 14 t. Chnrch. MONEY TO LOAN PERSONAL LOANS MADE on furniture, cars, salaries or other good security. Repayable monthly. When la financial need see us before closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT t CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg. Phone 8S83. 'Be.!s of Harmony' Heard over KOIN daily ring out a loan service that Is really, really different. TOO GET THB FTJ1X AMOUNT OP LOAN TN CASH ONLT LAWFUL INTKREST STRICT PRtVACT QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ON LOANS $10 tO $300 1 Beneficial Loan Society OF SALEM Room MaAA4 nr $1$ State St TeL I-7-4- wwwmwmwwwww I PERSONAL INSTALLMKNT X)ANS uvi. . I 111 Oregon Building. Snd Floor. Office hra 1:00 A. sl to :10 P. 14 Telephone 7783. State license Na S-16S. MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts "Refinanced Arrange to reduce youi payments Tou keep the car P. A. BIKER Cor. Liberty St. and Ferry Phone 473? Saln. Ore LIVESTOCK and POULTRY POULTRY WANTED SALEM POT7LTRT CO. 251 K. Miller Street South Salem FOR SALE Sixty Barred Rock I nens win naicnery contract ixji jj. FOR SALE WOOD Dry wood at Tracy'a Phone 198(. Wood for sale. Phone JSST. LK I r in anu imk winiu oai I .. n r-ii ... nri.""""' auu aa;s VIS- rass vu a. s a sa a,eaa v give good measure, good QiiaMty ana (food nervlce. 1.ARMER TRANSFER aTflRAUK Teleohene 1111 Call Sagsle for dry fir, oak, ash and maple. Reasonable prieea Phone 3735. GUARANTEED DRT wood ooej TeL 5000 - Salem Fuel Co. Trade L0-T. F.0lTNP LOST Black suit rase between Sa lem and Falls City. FtnOer please re turn too ft r Lunch, 342 N. Commer cial St.. Salem. PERSONAL AssAsSMttaaSSaaSlathtfaasSMtaeWi NOTICE, TO THE PURLIC After fhls date. September 1th, 1932. I will not be responsible for any bills contracted by any person except iV!Mr. Conrsfl Fox. FOR SALE USED CARS SALEM USED CAR CENTER Operated by Valley Motor Co. 1931 Ford Sport Rdstr.. 8000 nM $383 1931 Ford Std. Coupe, new tlres 376 1930 Ford Std. Coupe - 285 1929 Ford Coach 226 1929 Ford Sedan ..376 1931 Ford Panel Delivery 456 1926 Ford Coupe SS 1926 Ford Coach 40 1925 Ford Coupe 31 1930 Chevrolet Coach, new tlrea 346 1926 Chevrolet Sedan $ 1927 Dodge Sedan ISO 1927 Dodge Coupe 13$ 1929 Graham-Paige Sedan 360 116 146 376 146 7$ 96 16 1926 Nash Coach. '33 license u;9 Plymouth Sedan 1928 Bulck Std. Coupe 192 Bulck Coupe 1928 Bulck Standard Sedan - 1927 Chrysler 60 Coach 192C Jewett New Day Coach 1927 Oakland Roadster 1926 Studebaker Phaeton Good '24 For Coupe Body and Chassis 16 TERMS TRADES See JIM or CHARLIE Phone 7910 Marlon and Liberty Sta CASH WAITING For yonr old or wrecked car. Save 50 to 75 on all parts, HI-WAT AUTO WRECKIKtl CU TeL 8653 WANTED The best late model car that $150" to $200 cash will buy. Phone 7419 or 3nf C. Stewart's disease, or. bacterial wilt of corn, is appearing in , .m. vi many sweet corn fields tills jear certain dent com - i a weu .w in Tarieuest says tne aepartmenx . . . agriculture. 7f FOR SALE USED CARS . i m0 m McKAT"S USED CARS WITH AN O. K. THAT COUNTS ' star Touting s imi Maxwell Touring, good Urea 10.00 Overland Touring $6.00 37 Pain Coach 135.0S 11S Duraat Coup 145.6S 192 Essex Sedan , . 335.00 ijjo rora sport troupe new tires sis.vv 1531 Ford Victoria new tires 345.00 1930 Stude Sedan 466.0$ LOOK k LOOK! 133 nymoutn tseoan noaun power, new piy tires- free 'wheeling oniy . it, 000 miles look and runs like pew I59.I0 CHEVROLET3 1928 Coach., "38 license 195.01 1989 Coach. ....... 185.0S 1930 Coach 'S3 license 845.09 1931 Trnck 'S3 license 4 25.99 Open Evenings and sunaays TERMS TRADES We pay rash for used cars UfKlT CHEVROLET CO. 383 Center Phone 3189 43 N. Com'.l MEN J. HIPPER CALLED BY DEATH INDEPENDENCE, Sept. 8 Andrew J. Tapper passed away at his home near Brunts Corner, September 7. He was born In Jacksonville, Oregon. February 14, 1811. Most of his life was spent In th Willamette valley He served as police officer In Albany, Independence, Dallas, and St. Johns. He was a police officer In In dependence for 28 years. He was also fire chief In Independence and deputy sheriff of Polk coun ty. For the past five years he has resided on his berry farm nesr McNary. He Is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary E. Tupper, one aaugnw, Mrs. Irene Gorden of Portland, one sister. Mrs. Susan Lanktry of Independence, ana a gruuuauSu- tAr xfnrcpla Gordon, He was a membAr of the Evangelical church, . r TT Trr 1a, caw- ana 01 me A.XJ- j- vi6. o. Ices are to be held at the Keeney funeral parlors Saturday at 2 o'clock. Dr. Dunsmore wll be In charge of the service. Burial will be at the I. O. O. F. cemetery. O Bits for Breakfast I o o (Continued from Page 4) dence' was on the northeast cor ner of Hlsh end Center streets. near the old meat market of Thnmas Cross, erandafther of Curtis Cross of the Valley Pact tj0n 0f Salem packers Business BATTERY ELECTRICIAN r n D.rfnn Rntereav Startef and i n.nrk Kss rhpmenets ax. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4450. R. E. Northness. CHIROPRACTORS DR. a U 8COTT, PSC Chlropracter lit N. High. Tel Rea 57t FLORISTS CUT flowers, wedding bouquets funeral wreaths, decora ttona. C. Brelthaupt. florist. 667 Court street Tel. 6904. au. kinds of floral work. Lots Flsr 1st lth A Market TeL 9592. FLOOR CONTRACTING Olsen Floor C. TeL 91 1L INSURANCE BECKE A HENDRICKS 1K9 N Hleh Tl LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LACJNDRT THE WEIDER LAUNDRY 263 a High TeL 9126 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRT "We Wssh Everything In Lux" Telephone S15 12S4 Broadway LAWN MOWERS - Sharpened and repaired. Also tradea H W. Scott 147 8 Com'! Tel 451S. HOMOEOPATHIST L. Q. ALTMAN. M. D. Homeopathic physician, office and residence. 507 Center" Phone 5631. General practice. MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to home. Spring mattress) Renovat ors and fumlgatora. Capital Bedd.r.a Co. TsL 4049 3030 North CapttoL New mattress mad te order, eld mattf-Ma rfmiita : earrjet cleaalDat sis ter -. Huff rua weaving. Saltan Fluff I H,T. Mattress Factory, u. istn I Wll Wilbur. TeL 1441. Otto F. Zwlcser. MUSIC STORES geo c WILL Planoa. Phono- I graphs, sewing machines, sheet musta. a a rn n nno su un ism. riprstsuriijBi uisva7 r - hV Vd Mwina machiSea 3f State Street Sulem. you if just j A it - r ' Mill I r- xr TOMATOES DOWN 5 CENTS ON LUGS GRAIN MART SUFFERS Stores buy Virtually- No Fresh Prunes; Wheat Lower With heavy loads of local toma toes oa th markets here, the price to gTOwers'broke yesterday, when offers were 15c on lags and 40c on bushels. rrutt buyers for the local stores are making virtually no offers on prunes, although a few were tak en yesterday 'Sit a cent. This Is double the highest figure offered bv canners. $10 ton. However. prune men are not meeting ready . ... -..v . v f maraciB, nun -w,.,, . canneries. Plums still bring 2c pound at the stores. Wheat dropped 2c on the high est local offer yesterday, while dealers who have been offering 5c neia meir ngure. im iop oa white Is 5Je. Barley Is showing . . v ik f SUSHI bi.ioubi.u, -"V I only on rery fine quality, at S 1. Bridge Workers Leave Station At Jefferson JEFFERSON, Sept. 8. D. L. Pruitt and Robert Bailor of Til lamook have leased the service station and barbecue at Camp Santiam across the river, of Mri. Maude Blackwell, and hare taken nossesslon. They are building an aonov tnr living nn9rtra. Both nuuv, " o men are with the Clackamas Con struction company and are em ployed on the new bridge fiere. Mrs. Blackwell reserves the camp rrnnnd and reoorts that the cab- In. are. all occupied bV Workmen on the new bridge. Mr. Winters, bridge carpenter, whlla worklns: on the false work . .... , ei on top Of one or ine arcnea oi the new bridge, Tuesday, nil nis fineer mashing It. causing him to linger. masninRii,vu faint and fall, and had it not been for a fellow workman wno caught him. he would nave ran- en a great distance ana migns have been senousiy mjureu. -o i Directory MUSIC TEACHERS W. E. Rauhut teacher of violin and tromrone. Phone 6138. PLUMBING and HEATING PLUMBING and general repair 1(6 8a Liberty work. Orsber Bros. Tel PAPER HANGING PHONES OLENN ADAMS for bouse decoration, paper haiuring. ttntlna ftf ReHM wftrfcmww . PRINTING FOR STATION ERT. cards, pamph leta programa books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Print lng Department 316 a Commercial Telephone 9101 STOVES STOVES and stove repairing. 8tove for sale, rebuilt and repaired. All kinds ef woven wire fence, fancy and Plain, hop baskets, hooka, locan hooka Salem Fence and Stove Works. 262 Phemekete Tel 47T4 R B Fleming TRANSFER CAPITAL CITT Transfer Co. 22t State St TeL 7773. Dlstributlna:. for warding and storage our specialty Get our rates FOR local or distant transfer ttor age. call 3131 LarmeT Transfer Co rnicka to Portland dally TRICYCLES Tricycle tires and expert repairing at Mack's Bike Shop, 695 Cwtrt St WASHING MACHINES All Makes Rented, sold and repaired. Easy. A. R C Marts:. Conlon. Meadows and Automatic. $16 and op. nOQQ BROS. W C MANGUM. Manager 399 N. Rich TeL 1033 o 1 . . o Real Estate Directory I RET! ICE A HENDRICKS 161 N. High Te'. 494 a M. KABLB S24 N. St Tat. MTI sncoLorsKT a son 204-5 First Nat Bfc.Bldg. TsL TtOt N J. 1". tTLKICH 326 Stat Street TeL 1673 HOMER D rnSTEB REALTY CO. 370 8 tat St TeL T623 VT. H. QRABENHORST CO. 134 a UbeTty St TeL 4S By CLsIPF STERRETT rt ,XmTU 7. Salem Markets Grade R raw 4 milk, co-op pool price, SI .28 per henUrrri. Surplus 82c (Milk Sams as August batter (it averse-) Battrrfat, sweet, 10c. Butterfat, soar, 17c ITtOTT AJID VBOETAS1XS Price pels' to growers by Salem sayen. September 1 (The price beiew. MpplireV by s ecsl (roeer. ere indicative of th Sally market bat are set gaarsatecd by Th Etstetman Oatdoor Cocsmbcra, Ses. .10 HoU Cukes. ao. to Carreti. doi. -- 10 RMt. lo,.! dot. 10 to .IS Turaipa. kea. dot. .50 Grwi ireppers. lb. .04 .01 H Local dbbafe. b. top Radishes, dot. benches 30 Seattle cabbag .03 om. do baacbet .20 lCuinSZ .TJ to 1.00 3.50 10117 Beam .40 Local "ifr. Local testae ..SO .45 .85 .89 PeattU lrtoce peache. bo, -retail" sweet Corn, a 01. .05 to .07 H Spinach crate 75 50 02 Apples; bo. Pluna. lb. Peart, ln local . Strinf Beana. lb. Aprieota (retail) 3J .01 J 35 Peaches. Alberta e3 03 -15 .40 ..01 -.70 .85 Peat, coaat Tomatoes, log Tomatoelea, bo. Watenaeloaa Cantaleowea. crate Oniona. Walla Walla. Sredleaa rraDea. Calif. ( wholeaale) 1. 15 Ira cream melona .01 1 Pickling onions (wholesale) 04 V Danish Saoasb. dm. 45 Local Mnskmeions, n. 03 togs Bayuis Prices S'tfi 1B 18 Standard! Mediums ...18 CHICKEHS Cnlertd fleni SfMtinm H,fia ..09 Lirht Dens . -07 Sprins chickens 13 to .14 Leghorn Broilers H GXAIW AVD EAT VTheat. westers red, top 50 to .51 White. No. 1. top 50 to .53 Barter ton. too 16.00 Bar eT ton. l 0a toa 16 00 t4t 19 0o i Hay. boyin prieea Oats sod euk, ton : 7-. Alfalfa, valley. lt nttinf9.00 10.00 - ' meat Lambs, top 3.75 . 01 4.50 4.25 ...03 te .04 ..01H to .03 .....02 to .03 4 .08 ocvt top f- first cats Steers Cows Heifers . Dressed veal, top Dressed hoes WOOL Medium Coarse . Mnnair n 08 o market General Markets PBODUCE EXCBKOE PORTLAND, Ore.. Sept 8. (AP) Produce exchange, net prieea: Butter, extraa 20c, atandarda 19s, prima firsts 19c firsts 18e; ens, fresh extras 21c; fresh medinma 19c Portland Grain- PORTLAND, Ore.. Sept 8. (AP) Wheat Opes Hirh Low Close May eiH 61V 54 59V September 54H 64H 53 63 December 57 hi 57 56 56 Cash wheat: Bit Bend bluestem 58; oft white, No. 1 hard winter S3; north ern sprint, western white 52 H: westers red 51. Oats. No. 2 white 17.00. Corn, No. 2 yellow 20.75. Uillrun, standard 14.00. Portland Produce POBTLASD. Ore.. Sept 0. (AP) Batter prints, 02 store or batter, 22 23c: standards. 1122c, Botterfat Direct to shippers: Station 15c. Portland delivery price 17c poocd. Ec-s Pacific Poultry Producers' sell- inc urices: Fresh extras 21c, standard 20c. roellums ltfc. calleta 14c, , Live poultry Xet burins price: Heavy hens colored, 4 pound np. 1314c; de mediums 9 a. liihts 8 c, apriozs col ored 16c, all weiKhu white 15c, colored roostera over 3 pouads 1415c, old roos ten 7c, ducks, Vekins. 11-12c Conntrv meats Selliac price to retail era: Coontrv-killed hoes, best butchers. under 100 pounds, 0-6e: vealera, 80 to 100 pounds, 9 9c: lambs 9e pound, Taarlinrs 5e Dound. heavy ewes 2 pound, canner cows poaad, bolls 4 -5 Dotind. Nuts Oregon walnuts 1519c, peanuts 10c. Eraxils 1214c, almonds 15-16c. fi! barta 0-22e. necsna 20c Cascars bark Burinc price, 1933 peel. Be noQBd. Heps Nominal 1932. ll-13e pound; rantru-ta 1932. 12c Onions Sellinr prise to retailers: Ktw Wall Walla. 65-75e eentaL Potatoes Local. Tie orange bars; Tskl- m Gema 75a. Strawberries Oresoa 24. 9U0-L75 rntc m Wool 1933 clip Bomlal WHlasaetU valley 0e pound, eastern Orefoa S-lOe PeQB- HaT Bayiac erica front producer: Al falfa flJ-12.50. clover 99-9.50. est tern Oreron timethy 117-50, eeU sad vetch 9 9.60. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore, Sept . (AP) Cattle Beeeipts T5, ealvee 10; qaeUbty steady. Steers. 600 O0 aeeads saediBss. 4.50- : eommoe. $3.60-4.60; 000-1100 poaada toadiam, 14.5010; eoouseaL $160-4 SO; 1100-rSOO peaeas sseaissB. $4-5.85. Half era, 559-05O peends saediaaa, $3.35-4.75: eosansoa. 9t.S5-S.t5. Oowa. CAM. $2 $ -50; low eauer eatier. $10-1. Balls, yesrliBf ezcredH, geed sad ekeiee (beef ), $3.50-3: eattee, eoasasee. a ad saedimsa. $1.50-3.50. Vealera, sailk tad. feed sad eaairs, $6-6.60; ssedtesa, $4-M- : eU ead eommoB, $3-4.60. Calvea. 150-500 poaads, sad ead raoiee. $4.50-0; eoes dm ead asedisaa. $1-4.50. J VhTTir1s?PW016O poaU. t-ed aa enetce, a-. . . . peeads $4.65-4.85: 180 00 peesds $4.65 4.$5. Mediant walfM, 100-130 pesusds. $4-4.85; 330-350 lbs, $3.75-4.35. Heavy waighta. 150-300 pevaea. $3.75-4.65; 290 $50 peaada. $3.50-4.50. Paekiag sows. 175-504 paasda, saWiaa sad feed. -$.7$. rseders-steekers. 70-130 peeads. feod and ekeiee. $3.75-4.15. 8lsfaer aa..y mmm iwow TOO; aoeublf steady. Laaabs, peamde dews, I SSolee. $4.35-4.50; saedissa. 3 ceod aal I3.S0-4.25; I all waivata. eoaamea. St.50-S.5O. YearliSf Wetf,er, -tl6 pesnda, ssedtBia te efeeree. SI SS. Ewes. ISO ivoonii. mecivm 10 eaolre, $1-1.25; 120 150 pnands. aiediass lie ebuaice. 75efl: al! weisSts. eull te eaatatea, $0-75c . Govern racn. graded and sta in d beeC dot lag the last fiscal rear totaled II 3,78 4,St poands, com pared with 10S,51t,000 pounds the preceding year, as Increase ot 7 T.I per cent. SETBACK Drop, in Cotton Marts And Canadian Crop Cause 3 J4 Drop CHICAGO. Sept. 8. (AP) Jolted by cotton market tnmblea and by enormous rural deliveries of wheat In Canada, grain yaluee suffered material setbacks today. Rallies in wheat because of evening np for the government grain crop report due tomorrow failed to bold. The downturn car ried wheat to IK cents a bushel under Tuesday's high point. Wheat closed nervous, 4-I cent below yesterday's finish, corn down, oats ;-H off. Today's closing quotations: Wheat: September, old 52 -53. new S2; December. 5T4 57; May, J-S2',. Corn: September, SOU: Decem ber. 32-SS; May. Oats: September, 1C; Decem ber May. 21. 2.7 By JOHN L. COOLEY NEW YORK, SepL 8. (AP) -A swift decline in cotton futures, representing net losses of about S5 i bale, brought heavy offerings into the stock market today and share values were pared down. Although selling was at a brisk pace at times during the after noon, swelling the turnover to 5.392.049 shares, or the second largest ToTume this year, declines were Insufficient to cancel yester day's average gain. The net loss of SO is?ues was 2.7 against Wed nesday's rise of 3.2. Until the government's crop re port, estimating a larger produc tion than expected on the basis of private forecasts, set cotton fu tures tumbling, stocks had been able to work irregularly higher, thanks to bullish demonstrations in rails, foods and whatever other issues proved responsive. The opening was extremely active, blocks of 1000 to 5000 shares be ing plentiful. The close relationship between cotton and share prices, recently so much in evidence, was clearly demonstrated when that staple be gan its slide after publication .of the crops figures. Although bulls were still inclined to fight the dip whenever they saw opportunity. their efforts were of little avail against the dominant downward trend. U. S. Steel lost more than 3 points, Bethlehem more than 4; Allied Chemical. American Tele phone, Case, duPont. Union Car bide, Westinghouse, North Ameri can. Consolidated Gas, Westers. Union and United Aircraft 2 to 3, and a large number a point. F VISITS RUTLAND. Vt.. Sept. 8 (AP) Governor Franklin D. Roose- dental candidate ever to invade republican Vermont, rode through Its windswept hills In an open motor car Wednesday and paid a visit to the state fair. Speaking impromptu at a lunch eon, Roosevelt remarked: "I said at Chicago after the nomination I would break prece dent I am breaking them today. "I understand no democratic presidental candidate ever visited this state after the nomination. I think a precedent also will be broken in November. That's why Ve are not conceding Vermont to the republicans." Vermont has always voted re publican la presidental years. Ask Bankruptcy For Elks Lodge PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. t (AP) Portland Elks lodge. No. lit, today tiled a voluntary peti tion ot bankruptcy In United States district conrt. The petition was signed by William H. Hart ford, exalted raler, and was ao companied by bis oath that he was acting in. accordance with a resolution adopted by members ot the lodge. A schedule of liabilities and as sets will be filed later. conn dip pmes DEMOCRATIC Radio Piogiatps j TrUUy. Septesabe t XOIJf rertlaaaV 4$ JU. 6:00 KOIK's Kleck. 7:45-Orra ceaeert 9-00 CroULea MaWies. 9:4 5. Atlaatie City stealeat, CBS. 11:45 Piaae Ptetarea, TLBS. 13:45 Reaa rrsaklla's reaestra, CBS. 8:00 PeaaJaiae Vaaetea. DLB8. 6:30 The Marea el Trsse. CBS. 6:15 The rtaklag BelWtia. 6:30 Dfanev daaee anssia, CBS. 7:00 Colas-sis Syarpbewy. CBS. 7:34 Chaada Us Matieias, DLBS. 8:30 Bswedway Kiakta. 9 :OJ The Bawssisrs, DU8. 10:0O atcXlray'e ataUswesa hud. 10:30 De Silvia's Beyal Caickta. KOAO Oerrania 666 Xa, 6:45 Xarai aiarket reviews. lOrOO Heeae Keeameiea Observer. 11 :J0 -Chat with aha 11 : 15 Mark reports, crepe sad waaaV , p- 1 :0O Honishera' Thrift boar. $: As Tea Uka It with Aataewy IS Farae saarkaS reBorta. T:15 Philosopher ( the Creasroaae. t :4J Market re aorta, erepa aea V feeeresVA - - - $:15 Teat Tar tute. tim 1