' - Taa UKEKUryfTKSaiAN. Sakm, Oregon. Saturday Morning. Stpttmbtr 3. 19S2 . ' . I iTHtipEET MBIWWOT; MEMB - lasSfef l!DP HARVEST DTJ III imci i unrancni iwui in th ch urches .MW1 : S P 1 1 : : : ffl n STB CT 1 1 1. 1-1. Ill I L1UOLU! . , , , , --r, , . , -ww ------ .- M Youth in Session at Silver - ton; Statewide Affair Draws 40 Delegates I SILVERTON, Sept. 2 The Federation convention of the Ore gon district of the Lutheran Free church young people which is fee ing held at Immanuel church un der the auspices of Calvary Young People's society Is proving very successful la spite of the busy sear aim. niroo inompson, president of the Federation, - has outlined neb Interesting programs t that rgood audiences are attending both from here and neighboring towns. Besides this there are around 40 delegates registered. Saturday morning will he del- voted v to the annual business meeting and the election of offi cers. There is no nominating committee, all nominations being made from the floor. Very , little new. business is expected to be brought up. .: ' Saturday afternoon the visitor will ' take ' an outing to . Silver Creek Falls- starting at 1:30 o'clock from Silverton. It is' exj pected that many from Silverton will accompany the visitors' on this outing. Rev. M. Olesen of Portland will be the principal speaker at thai evening session 'which will begin at 7:30 Saturday night at Im-j manuel church. Other numbers on this program will be, a. vocal: election by the Jobanson trio of Portland; a reading by Mrs. Ray Gaines Of Portland; vocal duet,! Martha and Nannie Johnson. As toria; vocal duet. Mrs. H. Brokke and Harbo Thompson, Silverton; elections by the grand choir and by a sextette from Astoria and a piano solo by Franklin Evenson. A large number of special vis itors from Portland are expected down for Sunday, ; The sermon Sunday morning will be given by the Rev. J. S. Paulson of Silver ton at 11 o'clock. There will be a Norwegian sermon; at 10 o'clock by the Rev. J. Loland of Astoria. Special music will be given by the grand choir. Sunday afternoon at 2 p. m. Miss Frida Aase of Astoria will give a paper and Slwgard Kolden of Portland will give the address. Musical numbers will Include a vocal solo by Lester Jobanson of Portland, a vocal duet by Mrs. W. Anderson and Mr R. Bolen and a vocal solo by Mrs. Erikson all of Portland. Sunday evening will conclude the convention program. At this various visiting pastors will apeak, Sankey Johnson of Aster la will give a vocal solo and the Portland choir' will give selec tions. YOUNG FRACTTJItES ARM NORTH SANTIAM. Sept. 2. C. L Young suffered a fracture of the bone in his right arm when he slipped and fell on the porch at his home here Wednesday. The fracture Is near the shoulder. " w a . t rr aaa " a. ' O tfSl tiCGirr it Urns Tcaoco Cow .-.-BnfnwnaBaxaaBBaBBnBBaanaa trtn?2Sa XTftt n G$ACB OOSPET HAXXt 83 North Commercial street. Snader school at 10. Breaching In the afteraooa at 3 suhjeet, 'Christian Polities.' E. X. Bailey will be th speaker. Gospel meat ing at 8, Janes KcCanley will speak. Et erybsxiy welcome. Na collections. AMEBIC AH LtXTHERAK CET7BCH Chorea street between Chemeketa and Center. down-town church. Bev. P. -W. Eriksen, pastor? 10, moraisr, worship, sermon topic Tha Cora of liiirti.'1 Special mniie, solo. "My Task" (Ash 7 ' - J ' IS MWV v.:.. '-ene ivoioe. leader. ZKMAHTm. BAPTIST Corner of Hazel and Academy streets. Baaaay acboot at 10. lesson. I Suaael 10. Preachiar, 11 and 7:30. Mid-week prayer . . - . - . -" twiauvn wceium, iBsruaj, a p. ns. chubcs or son Knott and Cottar atreeta. G. T. Neal, pastor. 17M North 5th street, shone 8717. Snaday serriees, 11 i. a. and 7:30 p. at. Moraine; subject, "Cast Thy Bread Upon the Waters" ; evening-. "Ta 8haU Knew the Troth and the Troth Shall Make Tom Free." Bonder school. 10 a. as, yoaag people s meeting. :3U p. as. rrayer sad testimony meeting Wednesday 7:30 D. nv A cordial welcome is extended to any and all of these meetings. The church "where strangers do not feel, strange." XTAXOEU8TI0 TABEBJTACXB Thirteenth and Ferry -streets. 0. G. Weston, pastor. Sunday school 1 :5 o. a R. C. Ferguson, Supt. Church service at P. a., eTangeiistie semce at 7:45 p. m special music at both serrices. Tuesday bible stndy at 7:45 p. aa. Prayer meeting Wednesday. 2:30, Devotional serrice at 7:43 Thoradayv Young people a service Saturday night at 7:45, choir at . PKESBTTEBIAJF CHTJBCH Winter and Chemeketa streets, Grorer C. Eirtchet, DJ).. pastor. Dr. Birtehet has retarned from his vacation and will ec capy his pulpit at both serriees Sandsy. 9:30. ehurch school, L. M. Bamaga, Snpt.; 11, morning worship Labor day serrice, "The Sanctity ef Labour." Wendell Rob inson will sing "St Paul" (Mendelssohn). 6:80, Christian Endeavor societies will meet. 7:30, evening worship, subject. "Building Materials.". rr.'PATn.'a episcopal chttboh Church and Cbemeke.a atreeta. BeV. George H. Swift, rector. Holy communion, 7 :30 a. m holy eucharist and sermon, 11.- Services at St. Paul's daring Jane, July and August were held at 10 a. m. Beginning -Sunday, Swtcmber 4, services will ber held at 11 M m. instead of 10. Earl services as ususl at 7:30 a. at. SPIBTTTALIST CHTTECH OT DIVINE TBUTH Kelson hall, Chemeketa street' between Liberty and Commercial. Gordon Fleming, Sastor. Sunday services to 7:30 p.m. tesssges sad healing at S p.m. Lecture subject: "This Invisible World Aboat Us," followed by messages. Mid-week meeting at 253 D street between Commer cial and Front streets Thursday at 8 p.m. TTBST METHODIST EPISCOPAL Church school graded for all 9:45 a.m. Dr. D. H. Schultse. Supt. 11 a.m. publie worship. Observance of the sacrament of holy communion. Special masie by -mixed quartet. 6:30 p.m. combined forum and high school league. 7:30 p.m. Evening ser vice. Sermon,. "Penniless Riches," Dr. B. E. Parker. Mosle by quartet. T. 8. Boberts, orgsnist. Thursday, 7:30, mid week prayer service. TOST CHTTBOH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Chemeketa and Liberty streets. Sun day services at 11 a.m. and 8 a.m. Sub ject, "Man." Sunday school at 9:45 and xx a.m. .testimony meeting Wednesday at 8 p.m. Read ins room at 408 Uunnin t.m. pie open from 11 to 5:30 except Sun- A JH - 1 1 uj a autt- nouaays. COTTRT STEEET ntmoTTSV Seventeenth and Court atreete. Hugh N. MeCallum, pastor. Bible school as sembles at 8:45 a.m. under Supt. Mrs. Irene Weller. Morning worship sod ser mon at 11. The Sermon theme is another of the series on. the Beatitudes. "Happy Harmony." Endeavor societies meet at 8 p.m. Evening evangeflstie serrice at 8 p.m. Mid-week service Wednesday at 8 p.m. FIBST GERMAN BAPTIST Xorth Cottar ini D lr..t. a w itutscn, minister. Sundsy school 9:45 I'MRWWffJlT.W.T.. . aiiuv .af an ua .,av. w. 3- ' av .m s uwwliiMia 1 V THE CIGARETTE THAT'S MILDER THE CIGARETTE THAT TASTES BETTER THEY'RE TAKES JOB - t , Rov. Glen .Rinard, imcomlng pa. w oi.iiifl Highland lYienda . cfanrch. V. 8am Rc1iirmB Anns IT...:-. -- r - w w.vh. swan IVDIQ m S BO Call ta Work." Choi .. n,. T-. Supper after the morning service. Young Peoole'a Davatianal imiu T . v mng seme at 8 pan. Topic: "The Face I Jeans Christ." Begnlsr mid-week prayer service at 8 p.m. Wedneeday. FIBST SAPTI8T Marina and North T.iKw . ii-: ton Boss, minister. Bible school at 9:45 a.m. sred Jfroer, Supt. Morning worahip at 11 a'elAclr- Rjm.A 1 Wk. Iff. . (, Jr. arid Sr. B. Y. p. TJ. at :80. Prayer rvi1" !L D"r Jh9 veainr service at preiuae, jsiss Miner, orgaa- Sermon 'lfiPt .vx- o. rrrv . jabilee gospel quartet will bring special "' tl serriees. Prayer meeting and Bible study Wednesday sight at 7 :30 - u ose vi time i or an services from 8 o'clock to 7:30. ! WEST SALEMC Thaw HnnilaVV ai'kwslai aM ...!. A. Summit Aid At TotA VanArial .... 9:45 a.m. On nttxt Abm4 11 A.m. thm T)mAt will wMv .a. i.t. ' W - waaa jr CVU 0 WlftA, Grove church. A cordial iavitatioa is be ing extended to all ef the friends ia that vicinity ta join In this service. The evening sermon will be preached by the Dastor at tha Fnrd Hmwiil -. -. a p.m. The subject af tha evening diacourse in ue uoa a .modern worxmen. JASOhT lI MEMOBIAI. METHODIST winter ana Jefferson streets. Hugh B. Foake, Jr., minister. Morning worship service, 11 a.m. 8ermoa by tha pastor, "A Redemntiva fin A fi.ll- v A1 ander Melovidoff. Church school session. ; a.m. a. a. larpenter, Hupt. Evening worship hoar 8 p.m. Mra. Necia Buck will report on the recent W. O. T. V. conven tion, and 1 n fnrro . 1 Aia..,.!.. will l low. Tha publie is cordially invited. Ep- worw leagues meet at 7 p.m.- FIB8T TJNTTABIAN Cot tare and Chemeketa atraata. Trad Albea Weil, minister. Opening service at II a-m. following tha aommer interview ot July and August. Sermon; "Reunion." HIGHLAND FRIENDS ,Glen Binard, pastor. Bible school 9:45 sin., E. M. Beckett, Supt. Morning wor ship 11 sjn., and the evening evsngelistie .r.1. , T -irt M T..U. n a.n - " v. ..wv y.i.i Bull ivi v. W.VW p.m. Senior and Intermediate Q E. 6:30 as i :ow p. -0t. 4 ?t- 5 P PURE V TOUT CHTTBOH OF THE , aTAZABEVB 13th and Center streets, Bev. Fletcher Galloway, pastor. Residence, 2035 - Mar ket street, thoae 9630. The. pastor will peak Snaday (roes tha follewing aub ttV. IK "Th Uttarawst salva- turn." T-Sn n ' G : -. ii ,, f UBUJ, k,' : ajai. F. M. Litwiller, " . r. a. ana junior society 6:30 p.m. - FIBST CHBISTXAV pastor. 8nnday school 9:45 a-as. Moraiag V, :r i..irm. i.Tnuar 'woranip a eloek. Taung People's meeting J p.m. Ta pastor will preach both morning and renl n w Sibwiil .i . . . u Mid-week service prayer sad Bible Study ,...ww - TTJBJTEB CHBI8TXAH -Ellmora J. fiilatvaa. . .v..tA. a.:... at It a.m. and 8 p.m. Maraiag anhjCrt: ConunnniM k imii.3.. x- enUg subject: "Tha Good right."- 8ua- aay aeaooi o'clock. Yeang People's meetings 7 o'clock. Subject: "What is "Attitude te Work and Workers." Leader, Helena WltaeL ' TEMPLE BAPTIST -Corner 19tk and Breymaa treets. J. H. Enseoe, pastor. Residence 1724 Chemeke ta street. Services 11 s.nt and 8 p.m. Sermon topics: "He Knew His God," a.m. Snaday school 9:45 a.m. Wendell Crass, Supt. Touag People's meetings: B. Y. P. U, Sr. and Junior. 7 p m. week-day. service Thursday at 7:30p.m prayer meeting. CALVARY BAPTIST " . Saaday aerviees begin with a graded church school at 9:40 a.m. Preaching eeryieee at 10!50 a.m. and 7:30' p.m. B. Y. P. C.'a at 6:30 p.m. A. M. "Our Cov enant." P. M. "Remember," a Labor ,T aerviee. Pastor will preach ia over Th.U wk! Tuesday. Uschers and officers' meeting at-7:80. pa. ; Wednes day, prayer and fellowship service. Thurs day: choir and rehearssL W. Earl Coch- u, paawr, IeBijs MEMOBIAL South Commercial St. at Myers, a 'Dar low Johnson, pastor, 348 E. Myers. St., ?!!?. -M8Ti Morning worship, special 'Old Folka" serviee, 11 o'doet Revs. A. B. MolUgan, RohU Smylie aad H. C. Laaveaworth. retired ministers, will have f art ia the serrice. Sermon by the paa on VTha Sunset TraiL" Happy even lag boor aarriea begins at 7:80. Music by junior choir. Labor Sundsy theme with brief discussion on "Tha Church -and fJ'OT.' . od aermoaet by . tha pastor oa "The-Divine Right of Labor.' Leslie Ep worth league will meet la the Live Wire room at 6:30 with the newly elected pre sident, Darlow E. Johnson leading oa tha topie of Fairmiadednest. Chareh school at 9:45 a.ss. V. M. geckett, Supt. Mid week prayer aad study hour Tharsdsy. 7:80. Leslie hall. " FIRST EVANGELICAL ' North Summer at Marion street. Em ory W. Petticerd. D. D.. minister. Church school 9:45 a.m. L. L. Thornton. Supt. Morning worship 11 a.m. Orgaa prelude aad offertory by Mra. Ethel Poling Fhelper Sermon. "Every Name Histori esL" Christisa Eadeavor at 7 p.m. Evan gelistic serrice at 8 p.m. Gospel aong serrice led by J. H. Friesen and special moslo by tha mala quartet. Bible study and prayer Thursday night at 8 o'clock. Y. P. M. g. MEETS This evenlnar in this nrvr room of the Free Methodist church the conference executive committee of the Young People's Missionary society will meet in business session. Manv nlnn will be completed for the year actlvl- AS m . . . ues as wen as starting the plans for the annual convAntinn tm will be a very busy session and me majority of the members of the committee have almifiA their intention to be present. SCHOOL OPEXS SEPTEMBER 19 NORTH SANTIAM, Sept. 2 The North Santiam will open Sep tember 1 with Waldo Riches ot Turner and Edna Ferr of Anmi- vnie as leacners. -jjrnannflaVajflr W'.Y.-iMAV.W.V.W. j J r t y r :::: :-:.:.:-:.x.:r-;:vx;:::::.x7 a' a'. An Interesting meeting of the Sunday school cabinet of the First Church of the Naxarene was held at tha home of the superinten dent, Frank M. Litwiller, : last Tuesday night and plans were made, to bring the attenance of the school up to ,vhe S00 mark this fall and winter. There . has been . a continuous increase ' in the school during the past three ot four . years and" the" present membership ia . -271,- The . past summer ' the average attendance has held up above 200. , ' Special features, are planned for the . program each Sunday, laeding - up to the. -annual rally day, which U Bet -.for October, t. The rally day attendance goal is 600. Last Sunday was mis sionary, day ., and . the.; program was In charge of George Friesen, teacher of a Junior boys' class. He was assisted by the, Women's Missionary society of the' church. A night school for bible study and leadership training ia to be opened In a few weeks, with Rev. Fletcher Galloway, pastor, ot the church," In charge. The work, of fered will be mainly for. the young people. - Rev, Galloway will speak , to morrow from the following sn Ik Jeetsr il a. m., JThe Uttermost Salvation,' and T:30 p. m Hope, for the Sinful." John Friesen, who directs the large chorus choir and also the male chorus, wUJ furn ish, the special music. ' T MM FB1EHDS The Highland Friends ehurch. Highland avenue, welcomes its new pastor tomorrow at both the morning and evening services, the latter an evangelistic, meeting. Glen Rinard, who comes to Sa lem from Sprlngbrook, Oregon, has been pastor there for the last three years. Rer. Rinard graduated from the Friend academy at Greenleaf, Idaho, attended Nampa Nasarene college and later the College of Idaho. at Caldwell. . He received his B. A. degree from Pacific col lege at Newberg in 1529. Mrs. Rinard ia a graduate of the Portland Bible Institute in the class of 1922. Gideon Meet istu Start in Portland The Gideons of Oregon will hold their annual state conven tion in Portland on September 8, 4, and 5th. Headquarters will be at the Multnomah hotel and Salvation Army citadel. The state of Wash ington Gideons will Join in with the Oregon Gideons who will oc cupy pulpits of about 30 differ ent cnurcnes. HMISIEBU I' . t a . i- SILVERTON, Sept. . a Mr. Baggier, the father of Mrs. Fred Thtunberg, was painfully bnraed . Friday mormlng when the gasolime motor oa his woodsaw ex ploded. The fire eanght ta Mr. Beggler'a left ana and ran to his shoulder. He was take at pace to Dr. Me OannelTs office where-he waa treated.' . The Beggler woodsaw waa at tha Harvey Lincoln home at the time the accident oc curred. . The . engine had topped' aad the aaea wero endeavoring to get It start ed . again when , the explo sion took place.' - Mr. Beg gsara assistant grabbed a can vaa lying, nearby- and thre,w aboat Ur. Beggler, thus potting oat the fire. School Clerk to he '' ; Chosen; Tuesday For Scotts Mills Area . SCOTTS . "MILLS. Sent. 2. fcAt . a- .recept m'eetlng of the Scotts Mills - school board, G1U Oetger was hired as Janitor tor the coming year.- A school Meet ing will be held September t, at 7 o'clock, to elect a clerk for one year. .... Mra. Carl Millard and son Hom er, Mrs. William Cone and George Dimick left for Table Rock Mon day tor huckleberries.. Cleo Saneressig and .Mary Mo berg are employed in the Wood burn cannery. A goodly number from this vicinity, are busy .in the hop fields. Huckleberry Pickers Returning: From Job ZEN A, Sept 2.' Julia Shep ard, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Ralph C. Shepard ot Zena. re turned Wednesday from a week spent in picking huckleberries, in a patch 12 miles above Mill City. Miss Shepard accompanied Mrs. Tassett and son, Lee Bas sett, of Salem who remained at the patch. Dorothy and Betty Bassett will stay at the Shepard home until their mother returns. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne D. Henry of Zena, left Friday morning en route to Rockaway, where they expect to remain until Monday. They will be Joined by a group of friends from Salem during the weekend. Mr. Henry will fish for salmon before returning home. SECTION CREW CUT GERVAIS, Sept. 2 The South ern Pacific section crew working out of Gervais was reduced by two men this week. The erew has been working three days a week, but beginning next Monday, Septem ber 6, they will work on a five-day basis. f, I i . : : . j j " r IT"T"' 'ai in a i in' f a " r-1 - -sari i - ----. . -r WACONDA, Sept. 2 Hop pick ing started Thursday in the Guy Smith hop yard. Wesley Dostal oa Mission Bottom also started pick ing tha first. ' - Pearl Patterson is foreman in the Russell hop fields where har vest has been in full awing since August 25. ' Ray Patterson ! drying bops for a grower at Independence. Mr. Patterson baa dried hops here for five years. '' 'About 45 people have camped at the A. W. Nusom farm where hop picking will start Monday. Twelve acres of Allyn Nusom's hops will be picked by this crew prior to beginning in A. W. Nu som's yard. Gervais Must Boost Rates On Its Water GERVAIS. Sept. 2 Problema -discussed by the city council at its meeting held Tuesday night were -the high cost of electricity for operating the city pump, rent' al of the city hall to the grade school district the fees charged by the county court for graveling third and E streets aend the use or roller skates on the streets by children. Since the cost of electricity for operating the pump exceeds the pneome from water rents the coun cil figures it will have to raise the .monthly rate or. put on an addi tional charge for irrigation. Rental of the city hall to the grade school for a period of nine months was set at $25 per month. This does not Include heat, light and water. No decisive steps were taken on the roller skate problem, but a warning was issued that children must use care when meeting peo ple and in rolling over crossings ahead ot approaching cars. GIRL SCOUTS ORGANIZED SILVERTON. Sent. 2 A ond Girl Scout troop has been or ganized with Frances Nelson as the .captain. They hare called themselves the Blnehlrf, trnnn Members are Mary Jane Nlfsker, KUtn Nelson. June Bowman,. Jean Bownlan. Dorothv HnddiMtnn Alice Klostx, Louise Specht, Hel en canaaa, Donna Storaaslle, Genevive William anri n n t h Thompson. OPENING DATE SET ROSEDAiE, Sent 2. The school board met on Tuesday night and decided noon Rntem. ber. 19, as the opening date of me itoseaaie scnool. Mamie Bos- track wm be tha teacher. Dallas Demos To Hear From PartrChiefe DALLAS Sept. 2. Plans were comnleted for tha b!r d em arra.fi a picnic on Labor day and hav been , announced by Lynae' M. Black, who is in charge of soma ofi the arrangements. The affair will be held at the Dallas city park but in case of bad weather those in charge pfen .to hold H at : the Woodman - hall here. The program ia scheduled to begin at 10:00 . m- with nam bers by the Dallas Jin lor band. Mrs. Rosemary Schenk. state rice chairman of the party will b present and will introduce Har vey Starkweather, - democratic candidate ' for congress. -Other speakers will be Walter B. Glea son Ray Wisecarver, James Ha loney, Louise Palmer Weber and Alfred Dobson, candidate for at torn ey-ganeraL. , . .. ' The Grand Ronde Indians hava cuaiieaea any team xrom lawaa to a baaeball game to be played on the -local campus If tha weath er permits; Other interesting events sched uled for the picnic wm be & freer barbecue, athletic events, ' band numbers . and . swimming events. most of the outdoor events de pend on the weather Charity Applicants Must Work to Obtain Goods Ticket, Plant SILVERTON. Sent. 2. Wel fare work will be carried on her this winter aa it was last year. Those who are unemployed and in need Of food and plothlnr sra given an oppontnnity to work tor u euy ana in turn be paid with a ticket which ia good for nroduea at the WAlfar atnma which is eocducted by the welfar ooara. The plan proved unusually Successful at Krivrtnn leaf Year Working on the board are Mayor v. jsastman, cnairman; Earl J. Adams, nrest dent of th am ber of commerce; Robert Goeta, superintendent of the Silverton schools; and Mrs. J. E. Hosmerv. president of the Silverton Wo man's club. REV. LARSON TO SILVERTON SILVERTON. SeDt. 2 Rat. Ernest Larson has accented a rail to serve Calvary Lutheran church here. The serriees for the past several months have been eon ducted bi-monthly with the Rer. J. S. Paulson of Ennmelaw. Wash., in charge. Rer. Mr. Lar son will arrive In December to take charge. He Is from Ellendale, Minn. CRANGLE HURT IN WRECK LINCOLN. Ranti S P a Pnn. gle is ill at his home at Lincoln. Injuries received in an anrnmrihr accident are thpught to be respon sible for his condition. Ho is un der the care ot a Salem physician.