1 - 1 - , . - , PAttn'.itNi: The OREGON STATESMAN, Salecu Oregon, Wednesday Mpralng, Angnst 31, 1932 ,t n ere lly V-- I- Your Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 . . ClAMifled advertmlng " Single Insertion per lint. J Oo Three Insertions per line .'. soe 81x insertions pr line. .30c One month per Una. .$1.00 Minimum char ...... 2 ie Copy for this pace ae eepted until :! the Yom Ins before publication tor classification. C o p j re celred after this time will be run. tender the heading. Too Late to Classify. Ts SUteswran assnmes no financial responsibility tor errors which may ap pear In advertisements pab llshed fa Its columns, - and' la cases where this paper Is at fault - will reprint, that part of an adrertisement In which . ; the typographical . mistake occmrs.. The Btateaman reserres the right to reject objec tlonal advertising-. It . far ther reeerree the rixhtv to classify all adrertlslag un der the proper s classification. FOR RENT Tor rent, 1$ acre, close In. buildings, fer each, reasonable. Call owner. 771 j. Com L, , Good hotel. Is town 1580 popula tion t making- money. Trade far (arm, equity. Will assume. Oregon Bids. -..r Tel." SIM. FOR SALE Real EsUU Flare The Statesmen follow row ea yonr -vacation. Mailed to any .address two weeka only S3 cents. Good semi-modern home surrounded by beautiful shaded - grounds, fruit, nuts, berries. - grape arbor, and gar dens. Six rooms, . fireplace, basement, lot 110x135, garage. Near Junior high and granunar schools. Pared . street. nice view.. $3100, tarns, might aoeept some carpenter work on deal. Owner TIS Rural avenue.- phou 8854.- - - While on your vacation hare The Oregon Sutema-naed te too. call 818L . .-- -- .... -: ' HELP, WANTED MALE Day about 1 1 tn Uirn trade. Par I . Beautiful modern 1-rm. cor. ant while learning. References required. J elec refrla;.. elec. stove, hot watef heat. Phone 8749 evenings. A sfpUodid Mrric tatloiu rs1dnc and ihop on Pacific highway. Owntr Will M ftrfrJ4s f ow atlllf1r -tmlsV Aitlsm nrona-tW-at an A 1 ft mlfiAtf mrrtm FOR RENT APARTMENTS I trade for bottom farm and owner win -Kssums. . Modern 8-room house, clean, newly decorated, for rent at $19. , McGIIjCHRraT PENNINGTON J0I-1 U. S. Bank Bids. - paMNeanaiManarfaa SALESMEN WANTED Wanted t bouse to house canvass ers good proposition to right party Apply SSI Court Street. SITUATIONS WANTED Lady wishes -housework. Man wants furnace, plumbing, carpenter, repair. Phone S377. -a-fcj-w-irLftljnj"fcri"0 riri " garage. I S. Phone 6154. ------ - - - - . 'mrVwirfi iir- rrxj Beautiful Cdgewater Court, S- fur nished rooms and bath, laundry, gar age, elec. stove. $25, Phone SISi. --M"MJr'r'-ii rirvya(srTXTJ'iruj"uru-rxrxfL ' Very nice J -room apt Fireplace, gar age. Phone et. 1S89 Center. . Patton apartments downtown. Call Patton's book store. Olympic: 7J0 N. Liberty, t and J-rm. apts. Every modern convenience. TOUR CHANCE l4trge creek lot, nice home, at a bar gain for a few days. 100x100 lot, 5-K. house, paving paid. $1950.- MiKtit rent. R. A. FORKNER 1C10 N. Cottage - Phone Furn. 2-R. ant. HaseL Phone 76i. 22(1 Attractive new S-rm. apt, phone 720S. Clean furn. or unfurn. Phone 7226. Attractive apartments, 210 N. 14th. i i nnru u-i.nji.n njiAj-LTAji nr Furnished apt In modern, . quiet home. Mrs. White, 35S N. Capitol. Stratton Apta. 570 N. Winter St. i 2 and J-rm. furn. apts., strictly modern. State Apia., new management 2 or 3- warrts work for board and room. Box I rm., newly, decorated. 1 block from state Competent lady wants housekeeping In motherless home, $5 per month. Box 49. c-o Statesman. . School girt wants housework, board and room, small wages. Good refer ences. 215 D st WANTED Carpenter, cabinet or floor work. Prices right Thone S41, N. W. Kelly. Boy expecting: to attend university Basis ess Opportunities MONEY TO LOAN 'Bells of Harmony Beard ever COIN dairy ring out a loan service that ll really, really different. TOO GET TUB FTTH, AMOUNT OF LOAN TMCA8H OKX.T LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE un la) Arm te i vw , Beneficial Loan Society" OF SALEM Room 119 New Bligh Bids, tnd Floor LICENSED BY STATH 111 State St TeL 1-7-4-0 PERSONAL LOANS MADE aa furniture, cam. smlaiies or "tner good security. - Kepayaoie monthly. When la financial need us before closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Side Phone ISSS. 21, Statesman. bldga. Reasonable rent 1320 State. Nice furnished apts. 690 Union. Attractive 2 R. apt Reasonable. 261 S. Cottage. Furnished apartment electrically equipped, in new home. Adults. 449 North Capitou 2 and 3 room furnished and unfurn. apts. 17) S. Cottage. i FOR SALE Miscellaneous Crawford and Elberta peaches now ready. L. Townsend, Mission Bottom. eerfSeaaejeisweewAae" FOR SAl Old paper te e bun die Statesman' offkc. Canning peaches now ready. Imlah Fruit farm. Depression prices. Phone I2F1L : t-anr.nrjimn Vacation time Is travel time. The Oregon Statesman oners to sudsctid- ; era a Travel Accident Insurance Pol Icy for only 11.00 a year. Rartlntt neara for canning. 25o bu. Bring boxes. Puritan Cider Works, West Salem. Peaches Crawfords, Mulrs, Elber- I Modern suburban S-rm. house, A. tas, ready at Petteys ore nam, wauace I s w mo. van ADraras ii siasonic mag. road. FOR RENT HOUSES Furnished cottage In beautiful Edgewater Court garage. $25.00. Phone 5154. For Rent 4-rrn. house, W. Salem, rent $10. Inquire 1009 N. 5tb st PORTLAND,- Ore, Anf. Stt (AP) A buUetln Issued, by the dairy co-operative' association to Its members, annonnced new wnolesalo milk jpiiee agreement between the association and Port land milk, distributors became, ef- feetlTe Ancnst IS. The-new price Is a flat tl-St n hundredweight toe 4 per cent milk and tl cents a pound tor batter- fat in sweet cream. This Is aooat tt cents s, aandredwelfht less than the price etfectlr: under a achedalo established after long nr-. nitration last winter. The former price was based on tbe batter print price oted in Seattle The new price, the co-opera tire's bulletin said, will mean a, eat ot approximately IS cents a handred pounds on the pool price to farmers. "The adjustment in price was necessary becaaso of 'the largo spread between factory and grade B milk prices." the bulletin said "This difference was $1- a hun dred pounds for the first half of August. Factory shippers were attracted by the big spread which would eventually result in lower prices for all because of the in creased surplus TAX PATERS NOTICE WANTED loan of $1200 for I years rQ oi euu.u at 1 srood property security Box I on the second Monoay in aepiem- 11. Stateaman. I ber of each year for the purpose VUWnAr wANTED: r.ruwu-u-u-.rmr i Qf examinng an(i equalizing the $4000. loan on new modern Salem I assessment rolls of Marlon county. home m. one soi me nest locations i ureeon. All persons desiring to protest any assessment on said rolls must do so according to the following provisions of the law: "Petitions or applications for LIVESTOCK and POULTRY tho reduction of a particular as sessment snau do maae in writ- FOR SALE Scan mules. $75- I I Inr vaHflod hv thn nnth of the iZKT H.lST'J'&Sr SSfiaS UppHcant or his attorney, and be Rt 2. woodburn" miles a E. of filed with the board within 15 Monitor. i days from tho time it is by law 'jrT:V::C":'Z: required to meet: and any peti- line. -located at 335 Fawn- St Price I old, $40. Take cow la trade. Saddle tlon or application not SO made. FORCED TO SELL Properties at Less Than Half value $1200 house. 5 R. for I 809 $2500 home. S R., furnace $1050 1 A., house. S R., fruit $1600 20 A. farm $3500. Trade for house $1500 equity In beautiful home. Take lot and some cash. $2000. Extra choice lot for $1400 : has beautiful Oak shade trees. Best residential dist List your property with us. We sell 'era. BECHTEL-THOMASON 341 State Room 4. 160 ACRE STOCK FARM SO acres cultivated, balance good pasture, some timber, running water, good 7 room house with bath and toilet, gravity water system, large barn, silo, ' good fences, situated on good hwy. 1 mile to school.- Price $7500.00 will give terms or take small farm as part MODERN STATE STREET HOME Also a nice 10 acre tract east of Sa lem, value of both $9000.00 ; will tvade for a farm of equal value. Must be a good farm. We have a bargain In a I room modern Salem home for cash. SKARS & TUCKER 132 South High Street SNAP IN LATE BUILT HOME: Practically new modern 4 room home with two bedrooms, basement, furnace, fireplace, paved st, near bus PERSONAL INSTALLMENT XANS STATES LOAN COMPANY Sit Ores-on Bulldlnc. 2nd Floor. Offir hra. 10:00 A. M7 to 1:30 P. M. Telephone T783. State license No. S-KS. MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce youi payments Tou keep the car P. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty St and Ferry Phone 4733 Salem. Ore. LOANS WANTE CO-OP MM PRICE HITS LGVJER LEVEL GRAINS IN COMMODITY : : - . ? : i Bullish Efforts Fail And- List Slides - ; At Close 1)R0 P HURTS SHARES Salem filar kets NEW YORK. Aug. Jl (AP Successive, bullish efforts to push the stock market forward, in the faee.of reactionary com modities, were abandoned in tho final dealings today, and tho list slid off rather substantially. ;Tho close was irregular, with Several of tho earlier strong spots Grade R .raw 4 sallk, co-op pool price, $1.28 per htsdred, 8arplas 82c (Milk bsaed ea Asgast Vattef' fat even re.) Botterfat, sweet, 18c Batterfat, cow, 18c rami ajtd txgittaslk among the rubbers, coppers, mo-1 race said te r..,r. b, s. kr. I fTorlbl Canadian weather, was Strength at Winnipeg And Liverpool is-" v . disregarded CHICAGO. Aug. (AP) ' Gralaa weakened today in sym pathy with reactionary tendencies) displayed by cotton and stocks. ; Wheat suffered the most, running into profit taking which made price recoveries difficult, although buying support on setbacks was fairly good. Strength at Lirerpool and Winnipeg influenced by ua- r. tors and accessories and miscel laneous vails, showing substantial gains. Declines were in the ma jority, however, particularly among the so-called prrotal shares. -, The once average or se repreii iBTai.. uksL das. s4ntatiY Issues lost 1 point, ltSJGreea Pepeeri. lb. sharpest setback in almost . fortd SSl&2Z night. Turnover was 3,300.751 1 guttle esbbace Shares. I Oaiosi. del busebes . new fotsMes .V.-.nl Cora wa, in good demand with bet ere set saefsated by The Stateeeiea) j trade of the broadest TOiumv re oatdoer caeinsberi. dot. s I ported for months. Commission atumH veaea. ees. CsrreU. dot ... Beets, toeel. des. 0 1. 1 bouses were on both sides of the .16 to .is I market with liberal orders. Oats ' I were relieved of hedging pressure niu. rnd 1 demand. Provisions eased e 1 with grains, hogs and cotton. ea. I Wheat closed weak at almost X9 Seioeeb cms Apples, ba Plum, lb. rELV ! saSbasWpSeksa 'Both cotton and wheat recOT- 8weet p0ttoes. 100 lbs. ered for a time, after early set Celery Heart. backs, but reacted late to close t near the . day's lowest, which g?i. u?ce !!rZ proved unsettling to the share I Pesehes, ba, reuil market. Further strength In sucu I vera. oos. lines as wool and crude rubber, and firmness of copper and lead. railed to offset the effects of the setbacks in the more prominent speculative staples. Rubber stocks and several cop- .40 -0 .45 .85 .79 In town. Will pay seven per cent lnt SEE W. H. GRABENHORST CO. 134 & Liberty St rvam-ford neachea SOc. 35c. ZSc bu. Tou pick, bring- boxes. Roy Park, IS ml out on Wallace roaa. MsssawSJsaeJa1Bas-' Canning- peaches at orchard, Sc bu. Orchard run. Phone 76F2. Rt . box 32S. Crawfords. 35c Tou pick them. L. Townsend, Mission Bottom. Hales, Elberta peaches now ready. C, C Cbaflee, Wallace road. Phone j-L-Ln-ur. . : Peaches, bring boxes, 3494 N. Front - eee Peachea Elmer Mtnch. Tel. 1MF1X. J box 127. Wood wanted tor Majestic radio or 1 Modern S-room house and garage, will acll reasonable terms. Phone I Well furnished. 404 N. Winter. m-j--.1- uixir, nniw -.n -r I Beautifully situated six-room hou 3-roora bunbalow for rent, furn. or unfurn, 124S Chemeketa st Furn.- bunpalow In Oak Villa Court, 947 MUL Phone 3m. Adults. 2P. , For furnished or unfurnished houses or apartments see R. A. FDSIUGR 1619 N. Cottage Phone 3031 Modern bungalow, 250 S. Cottage. -room modern turn. home. Close In. Reasonable. 475 N. Com'L S29S0, reasonable terms, or will lease I pony, 120. TeL 48(9. ior one year at xzb.&o per mo. W. H. GRABENHORST CO., REALTORS 134 S. LIbrty Street Phone CIO. ""?ANOTHER SNAP: Five acres, all rood plow land. paved road, electricity, gas, near school. 4 room house, price ior ia MEDIATE SALE, 12000. 3100. cash. bal. 320. per mo. SEE W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 S. Liberty Street Phone S4IS. SPECIAL BARGAIN IN NEW HOME 34500. Will buy a new modern up to FOR SALE WOOD Dry wood at Tracy Phone 39SS. Dry oak, 4 ft. $5. Phone 8701. rl Karri far dry fir. oak. asn and maple. Reasonable price Phone i 8738. GUARANTEED DRT wood coal TeL 500S Salem Fuel Co. Trade ' Cottage. verified and filed shall not be considered or acted upon by the board." OSCAR A STEELHAMMER, A24-31ST- - j County assessor. Peat, ba. California Striag Beans.' lb. Apricett (retail) Early Crawford peaches, bo. Peas, eoatt 75 tO 1 00 1 J VVilUUI 41(IU, A V A- :S.S0 I cents oeiow ycsicraay s iiniso. corn 1-4-3-4 down, oats 1-8-1-3 off. Today's closing Quotations; Wheat: Sept old. .53 3-81-2:" new. .53 1-4-3-8; Dec. .57 1-2-3-4; May. .621-4-3-8. Corn: Sept.. .31 3-8-1-2: Dec J:78 .34 3-8-1-2; May. .39 3-8-1 2. Oats: SepL, .17 1-8-T1-4; Dec 19 6-8-3-4; May, .22 3-8-1-2. J .49 end 05 to .07 75 50 .03 8eedleaa rraoea..JCalit ( tolaala)LlS lee ereaaa meloaa ,-. ' 01 Picklinr otuaas (wholesale) 04 Danish Sqnash, doi. ... 45 Local -InskmeUoaa. lb. 03 pern reached new highs for the 10. i year. Goodyear rose to 29 3-4, 1 caataieapea. erate and closed at 27 3-8. up 4 3-8 net. ! Onion. Walla Waiu Flreatohe rose about 2 points, then lost more than half its rise. Anaconda- and Kennecott copper rose more than a point to new tops for 1932, but lost part of their gains. American Can and American Telephone closed 2 5-8 points lower. Beatrice Creamery lost as much and Air Reduction lost 2. Case dropped 3 points. .os 35 .88 .03 .40 .01 to .01 u :7o .85 Talk at Zena Made by Delzell Well Liked; Success Path Shown Extrai Standards Medinmi . Bees Baying Pric .17 .15 Calorad flrni Median Heat Light Hast CflTCKEHS .11 .OS .07 BIISS CLARKE ELECTED Spring cbickena 18 te .14 Lechers Broilers , , ,, .11 UKLB kill D-1 Wheat westers red. top 46 te 80 White. Ke. 1. top 48 te SO Barley, toa. ten . . 16.00 Oats, too. top . 17X0 SCIO. Aug. 39 Doris Clarke of Salem has been elected to teach I Bay. bsrinc orioi In the high school here to flu 1 'tek-.q ZENA. 1 lug. SO William. D. is I Delzell of Salem gave a splendid . talk on "Success and Happiness" to the young people of this and , nearby communities at the Zena church Sunday evening at 8:90 o'clock. The speaker was Intro-' duced by Vernon Merrick. Mrs. Hugh Craig was in charge of the program consisting mainly of singing by the choir and a duet by Gladys and Wllma .Crawford. 7.00 to T.50 vacancy caused by the resignation p"; of Frances Wesley who was forced meat ... 11. ha. nnaltinn hnii of I Lambs . ,"n , 04 " I tr ill health. T Business Directory Ewes Hers, top i Hoes, first eats Steers Cews .01 , 4.50 .4.15 Hubbard Homes Have Guests for Weekend BATTERY ELECTRICIAN MUSIC STORES TL D Barton Batteres Starter and date seven, room home, well lo- I wwwwwwwwwwwammoa 1 generator work. 545 Cnem eketa st. cated. double garare, cor. lot. near I DRT FIR AND OAK WOOD, ow school and bus. $509 cash. baL I and fuel olL Call oo ua tor price We terms, located at 1589 N. lth St J give good measure, good quality and DON'T NEGLECT TO LET U I food service. 6 -room house, value 8S000, sell for 11768. 2165 Myrtle ave. Owner rt. 7, PONT NEGLECT TO LffTUB IDM service. . . l SHOW TOU THROUOH THIS TERMER TRANSFER A STTORAOH rtwvnonfl Wood for sale. Phone 8887. CHIMNEY SWEEP GEO C - WILL Pianos, phooo- grapba sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies ne pairing poon graphs and sewinc tnachinea. 488 State street, saiem. Helfers Dressed veal, to reasd Sogs Md!oa Coarma , lloaair WOOl. 04 te .05 .01 Vi te .08 .08 tt te J08H .08 .OCVs tl 08 ae market Tt.-fi. nsara IS and 85 cents bush- 1 All conveniences. Phone 84F1L e 715 Rural Avenue. -none ssa. HOME. VT. H. GRABENHORST A CO, 114 a Liberty Street "lATLPu-Lrinririi-irtii-irii-ir i - TODATS BKST BUT IS A Dandy room suburban house, oak floors, fireplace, double set of plum- I blng, basement, furnace, rirepiace. ae. I mnrjt nare. own water system, close to school and bus line. Splendid view Telephone 4488. R EL Northneaa ' PLUMBING and HEATING Smooth cannlnr tomatoes. Deans, cabhere. Phone 77F5 at noon. TRADE Miscellaneous VT.-.yumAjVirMVyni'ivr mm Want to exchange ash wood tor sheep or frosts. Geo. Thomason, 841 State St., Salem. ! WANTED Miscellaneous Xj"ifyfjvriji-rrfijirrirf.rf"i''i - . . an hiiuta af rlflea Dlatols. ahotauna, eld gold nd jewelry. Condition oo ob ject Name your prlea. REINER'S EXCHANQW 1(8 N Commercial yxn n rvri -rii" """ ' ' " i t WANTED Used pianos. In i- change ea radios, phonographs, ot fur- Bltui . H. L Stiff. Furniture Company ""wanted A 8-foot double disc for tm rttTtajHartnwnJSSJOth MISCELLANEOUS asasleaaass4aspsa4a8a Kod.sk prints 8 for. 85e and up at Eke wis ever r-enney m aroro. WAITTED Original poems, sons. Sunset Pubs- Howard Bids., a F Cal. eaasasiaaaSaa-eWaVSaSaaaaaas FOR BEST RENTALS- SEE BECHTEL or THOMASON S41 State Room 4. Houses, apts., flats, $758 to $40. See our furnished apts for $12-$14-$18 $18 and up. Modern bungalows, $30-$25-$20; others for less. FOR SALE USED CARS SALEM USED CAR CENTER Operated by Valley Motor Co. 1831 Ford Sport Rdstr, 8008 ml S88 Re?ra,Sr rcoShi: !"S?rt Std. Coupe, new Urea- 378 er aome trade. BEE Mrs. Ellis with , LEO N. CH1LDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street Phone 8708. 1830 Ford Std. Coupe 182$ Ford Coach 1828 Ford Sedan 1931 Ford Panel Delivery 1928 Ford Coupe 1938 Ford Coach 28$ $21 S7S 45S SO 40 38 CHIROPRACTORS t DR. a L SCOTT, PSC. Chiropractor. 2SS N. High. TeL Re 8578. BBBBBaBBBaBaBBBBB DR& SCO FIELD, Palmer Chiroprac tors. X-ray and N. C M. New Bank Bldg. PLUMBING and general repair work. Graber Bros. . 188 So. Liberty Tel 894 - PAPER HANGING PnONH GLENN ADAMS for bouse decorating, paper hanging, anting, etc RellsMa workman - General Markets rlOSTCX ZXCHAjrQE PORTLASD. Ore. Aac. 80. (AP Frodnre exchaacs, aet pnees: butter, as- HUBBARD, Aug:. 39 Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Church, the latter a sister of Mrs. A. Fobert, were guests last weekend at the A. Fo bert home. Mr. Church is an em ployee at the Portland postoffice. Velma Scholl and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beers were guests for dinner at the home of their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Scholl. Mr. and Mrs. Beers left for Grants Pass in the afternoon where Mr. Beers la athletic Instructor in the high school. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ringo and children, Boyd, Adole, Aliens, and iraa x ; siaaoarea is; prune iirsoi ta; i A1hl. ,--. .t , lirsta it: ercs. Ircak extras so; lraa I ; . sediaat 8. Portland Grain home of Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Brown Sunday. Mr. Ringo is a Guernsey breeder ot note, living In Clackamas county. FLORISTS PRINTING RENT LIST SALEM HOMES $121755 South Capitol, 3 rms., bath, garage. 81 R 1715 South Capitol, $ rooma $20 3S3 Leslie, 8 rooms, furnace. $22.50 16S8 & Winter, 4 rma, fur nace, rirepiace. garage. $22.& 40 Columbia, 4 rms., fur nace, fireplace, garage. $30 915 Tamarack, ( rooms, mod ern. - - - A few of these have electric range, alt immediate possession. We have others all . sizes and prices for rent and sale like rent. BECKB A HENDRICKS " .189 North High Street . - ; . . 1 J a ' U or I7 f " 1 ItSS lTVrd Cotioe acre farm, oeautirui new, moaera i rh-vrolet Coach, new tires 141 home wia erjwjftoutj crop and et men- inr ume -i o iw. Salm. Route 1. Box 11$, Salem, Oregoa 192$ Chevrolet Sedan 1927 Dodge Sedan 192T Dodge Coupe EXCHANGE Real Estate ! 1929 Graham-Paige Sedan 1928 Nash Coach. '38 license 1 1929 Plymouth Sedan 1928 Butck Std. Coupe 1928 Bulck Coupe Salem property to trade for coast 1 197 nhrvaler 68 Coach property. 791 a lltK J i2 Jewett New Day Coach 1937 Oakland Roadster Qf.tMm.n iwrlhars have been 1 .... ..w.w.. t,-am paid $3,378.03 In claims on their $1.00 J Qow .,4 Ford Coup Body and i accident Insurance polldea Chassis 150 $8 36 It mo BTiTmVPnT xawta. namnb- CUT dowers, wedding bouquets j programs, books or any kind of 1 wiater 64; norUera'spriag 68 ; west-fu-eral wreatha decora tkw a C. W I prtntlng. can Tbe Statesman Print I era red 5 S. I Ing Department TeWhrme 01 SI snrmivn rw. a- a ris 5' ' ,3ii .irWaconda Group Given September 54 64 64 S4 I I.1I Xtocember 57, 67 8 87 I aJOtiy Hit starfcats. wheat: Big Bead blaa- steaa 58 ; seft white, westera white, hard Party Sunday BrelthaupV florist, f ST Court street TeL $904. 116 a Commercial ALL kinds of floral work. Luts Fler tst. 18th A Market TeL 8563. Oats. Ke, 3 white $17. Cera He.-a E. I. 83 L Killma stsadard $14. STOVES FLOOR CONTRACTING Olsea Floor Ce. TeL 811 L 8TOVE3 and stove repairing. Stoves for sale, rebuilt and repaired, an kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, hep baskets, hooka, togan heoks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, $62 Chenwtota Tel 47T4. R B nwwma FOR EXCHANGE Choice corner In small town, about 1 ami of around with river on one mTrTr?iik ! Hne. buildings need some repair. Ideal 4 R. furn. 140 Myers. Call evenings, i . r , -, rnnf-t lone nr. Price only $1200. Owner will accept vacant lot or assume small amount on Salem home. LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors $50 Stat Street Phone 6706 TERMS TRADES Rmm JIM or CHARLIE Phone 7910 - Marion and Liberty Sta Nice, mod. home. 680 N. Cottage. Small furnished house. Also 5 -room house en one acre. Inquire service station. 21st and Market Hemstitching, repairs and alterations at 433 Court St Will lease nearly new furn. house to responsible tenant In new. dist, Is, lot, I lawn, ahruba. flowers. Lea. llvlnr rm.. Attention, Steel Guitar, Spanish Gul- I dinette, 3 bedrma, kitchen has tile FOR " SALE FARMS - -n rt nnr-sriirs---ar--'i-' " -a. 1B A. all cultivated, fenced, 80 A. clover, 10 A. fine orcnaro. WE PAT Highest Price tor Tour Old Carl Hi Way Auto Wrecking Co. 287S Portland Road PHONE 8653 INSURANCE BECKS A HENDRICKS 181 N. High TeL 4947 LAUNDRIES THE NEW 8ALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY 213 & High TeL 111$ CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "We Wash Everything la Lax" Telephone 316$ 1264 Broadway TRANSFER WACONDA. Aug. 30 A jolly swimming party and welner roast was that enjoyed Sunday at Wheatland by a group of local people and their house gueets. In the group were Mr. and Mrs. George M. Becker and daughter, Barbara Jean of Rosebarg; Mr. and Mrs. Monty Keens and daughter Marjerle ot Salem; Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Becker and sons. Hotlls and Norrls of Hayward, California, George Moffltt ot Sa enz ceaatrr-kiUed hogs, best batchers, lem, Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Kahles Portland Produce 1 PORTLAND, Ora Aug. 80. ( AP) Batter prints, 98 score or better, 21- 22; aUadai-s, SO-Sle. g(sPaeitie poeitry prsdaeara sail In c prices: fresh extras, 20c; standard, le; soediasis. 18s; pallets ISs. (Jonstry meets -eelluig price te TtsU- CAPTTAL CTTY Transfer Co. 21$ State St TeL 777$. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty Get our rates. FOR local or distant transfer stor age, csll 8131 Larmer Transrer co rrucke to port tana ay. TRICYCLES endar 100 lbs, -6c; vealera. 80-100 lbs, -Se lb.; Usiba, S-Be lb.; year- ! Uags, ae is.: heavy ewea, Se lb. eanner raws. Se lb.: balls. 4 -6c lb. (ohair nominal baring price, 1931 clip ). Kate Ores a valaots. 15- 19s: pea nets, 10e lb,; Brasll, 1214c lb.; ehaeads. i-ifl lb.: filberts, so-zze lb.: veeaas. -oe lo. Casears bark baying price 1938 peeL se it). and daughters; Mrs. Allyn No som and sons; and Mrs. Dare Keene all of this community. $ room tar. Uke i players! - PrlscUla Meislnger. j drain, ample cupboards, smoothtop j house, plastered, bath, electric lights, J . ASperumceu oircwr iur muii" v. i r otse,' nuiii-m irvu inaT nanii urciBi eieciric . mur (jiiwu, u-iim -w.w nA ulmiMl orchestral COtnbln- I t.hlA. Hrdw4 flra.. artlatla flrenlaee. I .11 T. W. C A.. $$78. Enjoy I built-in bkcaae. Orchid bathrm.. show- Lth.r hrm hldrs snrfflK. SACRIFICE I -Plnyinff with others while you leant r. l'adry chute. Simmons spring and 1 PRICE $87.60 rracre. - j 4 -wheel brakes, rumble' seat new bat-I .mm U u t,m. ,. t7tt I tery. Car In good serviceable oraer. S5 tT. S. Bank Bldr. Phone 8798. .... . ,83. address 1188 r FOR RENT ROOMS Cbei.p rooms. 191 South Church. n n n nnriiirari-" "si-isa. Comfortable, airy steeping room. resworn hie. Mra Hansen, 740 rrry. ' ROOM-AND BOARD ' Board-room, stnv. heat. $20 up. $482. Vunj-if iru'B-i " ' mmm.m Roota, board, $25 mo. TeL 8317. XJtri-fWti'u'H"""i"i' ' ' ' m m m mmmmm mm,rm ' B-a Priv. homa $3$. 17$ N. 14th. LiuLf-nrim-iT --- ----- mattress, ig. closets and linen- closet Pipe furnace. In dry. trays, wash, ma- I chine, full basement House furn. com- ?iete, inc. radio sc mortatr overstuirea. 40, $ mo. or more. Box 33, Statesman. I Rent List LAWN MOWERS Sharpened and repaired. Also trades. H. W. Scott 147 8. Coml. TeL 4$18. SALEM HOMES $111758 8a Capitol. 8 rma. bath, garage. 8is 1718 Bout capitoi, s rooma $2085$ Leslie, $ rooms, furnace. ACREAGE i n n n ftnniwifmriA i' - "--"---"" 1 S aerea S In cultivation, house. Ham orchard. 13 miles from Salem, on good road. Price $1$00; 1-8 la wood, any kind of livestock, or farm I machinery. Must act quicaiy. - JOHN H. SCOTT, 111 JOun bx. Phone 4984. aassasaSasSswa4SsSssWa- I Waller. McKay's used cars With an O. K, That Counts . 1924 Star Touring ; $38 1928 Ford Couoe '3$ license 48 HOMOEOPATHIST L. GL ALTMAN. IX. D Homeopathic physician, of floe and I M 'Rlrv rVIUMOC. IVI Wll ICi . ft UUU. mmmm. Tricycle tires and expert repatrtnc at Mack's Bike Shop. 898 Court st " WASHING MACHINES All Makes Rented, sold and ' repaired. Easy. A. B. C Msytaa. Con loo. Meadows and Automatic. $11 and op. HOQQ BROS. W. C MAN Q ITU. Manager . Tat soil O AXGELOS ARE GUESTS WACONDA. Aug. 30 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Angelo of Salem T lo tted Sunday at the A. W. Nusom and F. R, Nusom homes. The An- laaL 19S2. 11U-12 IV.: I rlrw hi.. ... nvanlW rmtnnmA n.A .a. IW I - .. .- .w.v.. mm w I -. m V. t.l. Batterfat direct te shippers: atatiea. I - w; -r;-v-. ISe. Pertiand delivery prtesa. 17a Ik. Lira poeitry aet baytag price: heavy bees, colored, 4 lbs, as, 1314c: de sie- dlwas, S-Sc; lishU, T-Bc; llgbt breiters, lSel eetorsd reeeters. ever t lbs., 14-lSe; eU reeeters. 5c: darks. Pakla. 10-lla. Uniess eelnar Price te retailers: aew Walla Walla. SS-T5 eaataL Petateee loeeL 81 eraage bet; Takl. i 1937 Ford Roadster, 1927 Pontile coupe 1937 Paige Coach 112$ Durant Coupe 21 lleanae SB I 38 11$ 185 MATTRESSES Board and room, $ meals, $$ a week. "li?,7?-, ii mm. m nttiwln fim mad- I 1 tl Ford Sedan '21 llceaae $35 era buildings. Class B barn stocked 1 1988 Essex Town Sedan w 4th rin h-v. anm arood Jerseva and 1 1938 Ford Sport Coupe . - $85 ... im immm a wi.I. i I .n Ml,inmnt. 1ISBS. Thin Is a 1 1981 Ford Victoria , 888 f . ' ' . I lata Tlr.m. 833 N. Summer. VMtra. board, garage. $20 or $25. riose university. 1144 Center. (Wif.iwrmvvi' ...... .... .. iui for two near capital. Two meals, $18.00. Phone $887. j-i.wnr-i- 1 i Ttnam or bd. and rm. 578 State. Room and board.f 18 00 month. Xaun4.T work mcluded. 933 8. Hign. BTTTI Winnie Pettyjonn, Realtor 176 a High St S22.&0 940 Columbia, 4 rma, fur nace, fireplace, garage. .a jr Ttmanrk. S rooma tnod- 7 I WHY PAT RENT? A few of these have electric range, When you can buy a close-u suburban all Immediate possession. - We have I home. 5 rooms, alee, light, acre of very others all sizes and prices for rent! fine land, paved road. In Salem school i. itv mmm I riittrtrt. Onlv 8SS down. 815 month. BKCKE A HENDRICKS I Price cut to $1500. which la about half 189 North High Street I value. Shown by aa appointment enty. -XT-r .n-irtn - -r-i-1 wyw can't tell you over phone. See Bechtal Nice small house. 3438 Lea, or Thomason. $41 Stat st, room 4. 1830 Stude DicUtor Sedan C-U-VKOLI-TS 1938 Coach. 1829 Sedan well fenders 1930 Coaeh $$ - license . 1930 Sedan , 19$1 DeLuxe wheels Coupe wire 485 38$ 31$ , $45 $$5 4T5 Open Bveasnge aad Sundays TERMS TRADES Watch the Bargain Spot McKAY CHEVROLET CO. $33 Center Phone 1189 430 N. Ceeat afattresses from factory to home. Sptt&sT mattress $8.80. Renovat ors and fumlgators. Capital Beddtna ! Ckx Ttt. toil. leio Morta vtpKW. New mattress raade to order. 4d mattra-s raoLda i caroe4 clean Ins. sis- lag: fraff rug west vine 6a lem Fluff ru e Mattress factory, a. win at wnbtrr. TeL Sttl. ott r. -wtenr. Et toil . MTJSIC TEACHERS " V w. E. Rsntrat teacher of Violin and trembone. Phone 5L38. Real Estate Directory i Rrnrs a h end ricks 1$$ N, High Te $4t a M. EARLS 814 tt High 8t TeL 887$ SKsCOLOFSKT A SON 894-f rim Nat Bk. Bldg. TeL T$87 7Sc-S1.10. Strawberriee Oregea, S4s $L50-L7S ante. Wool 1933 clip, aesaiaal; WiUassette rall.T Ac lb.: aaatara Orcsea. S-lOe lb. Hsybe-iag prise fre i predacer: at-1 falfa. S12-18.SO: clever S9-0.5O: eaatcra Orsea UaseUy, 17-0; eats aad vetek. f9-.0. Portland Livestock POBTLASTD, Ore- Aag. SO-(AT) I Cattte SO, eaivas xo; aseet steeay. Btaan SOO-SOO lba sseaiass 4UM-4I.00: sejosMHl 8.S0-4.M; eOO-iioo IVa, nsedi ass 4.K0 8.M I eessaMa 1.S0-4.S0: 1100- 1800 lba. BMdlajB 4.00-S.S5. Heifers 850- 850 lbs- aMdiean U4.TSt siismia S.8S- Radio Pi og tarns KOAO Cervsnis 8 B0 Ea. 8:45 ram saarka reviea-s. Srt0 Meraiag eeacart. IS .00 Haaae aeaa assies ebaarver. llslS The Leaf Boad te Utflnl Step," 49c$WaS"T O-SSaTwisSdJ, 1$:30 "The slater Vehicle Operate sad Oar Traffic Laws." Harry Q. Graves. 11:33 Marker reports, crept aad waata- . J. F. LTLRICH $18 SUta Street TeL 88T3 8.25. Cews, carter aad aasaiaas, S.OO-S.SO; W-J. HOMER XX rOSTER 4-EALTT CO. $70 k Bute St . W. H. GRABENHORST. A CO. 114 a Liberty St TeL tt$8 POLLY AND HER PALS The Cheater" By CLIFF STERRETT 1" - . . ' ''"' '-'' - s. 1 TT!T!rTt t ,aS, ' ' """" " X.THINK yER SILLY TBE ) -I - . I 3 Y Tiisr JMOtJCir (OT Trt' H1JlTiX5? MAGGIE) krilV SO SH PEAX1E, EJUT Ip y OiJ ( .VIAKK UB BLTT THE U'Lj .l OUTGROW IT, ITS W yST .ir M ;B Fs' s - -fJ$A t9tm fSJHaeS t. nil IsTlS. IsW. ( 4Vc-e etfwl yw ' ' " f sosVeaSBaaBBBi ss -saassssaai am BgMapaaWaWaaaBBBBaWBBBWaaWSBs tpaasssaasjWsW4SSBWasWs WasBaapaaaaaaSM s - - ' -- - , , ' . .'', . ; " .." - , : - .... .- . .v. . -:' ,. ": - : ' - - ' - - ' -: " : ' - V '" ' - - ' " 1 - ' " ' v law eatter sad eaeter LAO-I a-rnsce exct-aaa aeea aaa eaetee tsei ..M-9Ot eataar. eeessaeai. aad saedie-B, j 1.3 o-a.su. vaaiara. saux ice. m ctaa 4tei-a S.OSASe: saadiaaa. S.78-Si0Ot emU , sad aqsmsa BjOOa.Ta. oaivee, xs-e lba, .geed aad eseiee a.Ta-a0 and aiedlaai 3AO-S.75. srava xset areas ataa. UtU tirbsa 140-lSO lba- geed aad eheiee Aas-S.OQ. Urbtweighte 100-180 S-SXWt I8-80O raa, S.TJ-S.OO. weighs SOO-SSO Bbs. 4AS-60 lbe S.TS-S.00; lSO-SOO the, CTS-S.OO. Msdhns weighs SOO-SSO Bbs. 4AS-60 120-t.O lba- B.7S-4.75. UesvvweUhtS 1 Cr $50-390 lbs. 8.T5-4.78J 19O-I50 lba, I tsa, 10 40c; Wttla-wtte vsUay Crmafords. Paaklaa asediast sad geed 8.00-a.Tf. Feeders. I Heasy Deere Ca-feraia, $L15-L18 vywelfkts ISO lbs. sews 8781800 lbs. I to-9Se hex. 80 HeeBceaakere tarlft bear. 1:00 Aa Tea Like I with Aatkoay S:15 Paras saarket reperts. , 7:15 A Dreea Baiveraity. Dr. L. a Terbes. Ore tea Kevamal eehooL T:45 Market reperts. steps end waath- 800 "Oeri'ag Perk sad Beef," A. W, OUvac 8:15 Blaow Tear State Krsfiar aad Ci Bay. - TJsws des. earteas. $3.25. Baasaas base tea. Se; heads. 5He tb. . Baapbasilae lesaL fLfS erate. 8tra berries Oracea. 84e SLSO-LfS eraje. coest, Te tb. Vehee-Tbe Dalies Craw- Kisertaa, -; ii-as m-im- ataekar 70-110 lbs, geed and ckeice I crate. Orapes rd ACaUga,. 88.35; $50-4.00.- whMe -Calsg-, S1.S5: scadlcsL sse-fi; . SUngkter aaeap and kasbe S0-abea8 Maeeka. 8L7S tag( SUMac, SLSS; Tekay. taady. L50 -tag.- Weraleaa cjagea,. SLSS Lsaibe SO lba, dewa. feed sad sbelee aeataL ... . ' .. ASJ-eUtS 8.8XV4.14. All weights Potsleae laaal 41 eraage hex; Tskissa eontwea li 0-8.50. . lesrUag wstbsrs SO. gaoaa, fSe-fLlO.' Cabbage leeel new 110 Ibs ssedhns te ekeiee 1.15-8,75. iree. 5 -60e erate. Oaieja-eeUi srlee) Ewea ISO lbs. saedleai e choice 1.00- te retaUersj new. Walla Walla, $8175 1 LSO: 180-1SO Ibe. .t s-LSS: ad wvixhts cell te .esuaea JO-.75. . 1 Fruits Vegetables 1 1 POaTLAKD, Ore, fJinru lacaL SS-79S arete. Ca- Sembete The DaMee. SO-40e box. Col- sir 8LT5 half era to; haarts, 4S-0e doe, beeeksa. Pieaeb lasat, 75 ersace bex. .. Teiastoe-Oreres, 10-40a pox, Prppars E.il The Daliea, 4e lb. Peas locaL Aaa. 80. APV1 1-Sai Wwar fXsatbU. 8H-8Ha. SwceS AnHeat Oracaa. Sae box. Orasxae I aatateea CaJtlocaia, S--S.1S Saatait . Catiferaia ilea Ha, S2.5014.7i box. Cas I sastbera ysau S0-75e ba. crate, taaaopee Diltord. ea-dard. S1-L10 e-ate. I Laitaoe The aMes aad leesd, BS-SSa TbeJDeUsXs-aeaa. - ataadare. 55-7 Se j erate. Boaaa loal. S H-fe lb. - Ooea-- raaeral Califea-ta, SI. 15-4.8 8. 1 8 He; DeaMh, Se lb.; seaa-wr. 80s peael Ltaaas CaBferala $IOiS-eM5 ease.' bex.