4 i I . ... , PAGE SEVEN ! Tour Wdmsy w -inlMiw Economically Mere Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Adrei stag Single Insertion per line.lOc Three insertions per Line toe Six Insertion! per line. .30c One month per line.. 1 1.00 Minimum charge 3 Be Copy f pr this page ac cepted until 0:30 the even lac before publication tar classification. Copy re ceived after this time will be run under the heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assumea no financial responsibility for errors which may ap pear in advertisements pub lished In Its columns, and in cases where this paper Is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement In which ' the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject objec tions! advertising. It fur ther reserves the right to classify all advertising un der the proper classification. HELP WANTED Will lama bop yard will start picking early horta August 29. HELP WANTED FEMALE Wanted Salesladies for all or part time work, permanent. Fan lines now ready. Apply Sat morning before IS at 181 State at room lit. Wanted, school girl to assist with housework. Full time until school Unpens, write BOX Z. PTai--mwn. SALESMEN WANTED S roofing salesmen 120 N. Com'L 8 a. m . with cars. Call Mr. BondelL FOR RENT ROOMS - - - -M-i iiriiiifir-MnnnrinjLnjvjuKji One or two quiet sleeping rooms, pri vate home, near linen mill and Holly wood. Garage. Phone 8742. ROOM AND BOARD Board-room, stm. heat. $20 up. S48X. 000000 VWMtW'xSMWVW Room, board. $25 mo. Tel. C317. 000000000000000000000000m Man or woman desired to solicit landscape and floral service. Perman ent with salary. Give phone. Address Box 80, Statesman. National organization has opening for two salespeople. Fall lines ready, steady employment. Apply Sat. mora ine:. 881 State et., room 806. SITUATIONS WANTED Lady wishes housework. Man wants furnace, plumbing, carpenter, repairs. Phone 8377. Painting contractor fully equipped to handle large or small Jobs. Free es timates on blue print. Phone 8431, BUI Va-hy. . FOR SALE Miscellaneous Crawford and Elberta peaches now ready- I Town send. Mission Bottom. yuTxuxrujnrJ"xrxrxriru'TrLri rLitri rvy Peaches now ready. C C Chaffee, Wallace road. Phone SXF21. tjruruMrVWMM-"V"'' m mm mmm mm FOR SALS Old papers 10c S bun dle Statesman office. Canning peaches now ready. Imlah Fruit farm. Depression prices. Phone S5F11. n&0000000000000im0000m'' Vacation time Is travel time. The Oioon Statesman offers to subscrib ers a Travel Accident Insurance Pol Icy for only I1.0S a year. owasxnjxrtjsijjBrb Dependable wringer service for all makes of washers, especially Horton and Maytag. See Mr. Ellis, with Hal es: Else. Co. B-R Prlv. home. 825. I7J N. 14th. Board and room. J meals, ft a week. 835 N. Summer. Room, board, garage, 320 or 825. Close university. 1144 Center. Room or bd. and rra. 678 State. Room and board for gentleman. Hot and cold water, large closet, garage. Home privileges. Reasonable. 332 N. Church at - FOR SALE -Real Estate Rave The Statesman follow yon oa roar vacation. Mailed to any ad dress two weeks only St coats. To eloso aa estate, two lots and 1 room house at corner of Brooks and Highland are. Submit an offer. Write or call. X. Baumgardnsr, Warren, Cre,, route 1, box 85, or see Ronald Glover, Oregon bid, Salem. Good semi-modern homo surrounded by beautiful shaded grounds, fruit, nuts, berries, grape arbor and gar dens. Six rooms, fireplace, basement. tut 180x135, garage. Noar Junior high and grammar schools. Paved street, nice view. $3500, terms, might accept some carpenter work oa deal. Owner 7 IS Rural avenue, pnone s. While on your vacation have The Oregon Statesman mailed ts you. call 8101. One of the best 10-A. tracts In Mar lon. Tins Improvements. Owner says solL All equipment goes with farm. including furniture. G. T. Wadaworth. Cervala, Oregon. A splendid service station, residence and shop on Pacific highway. Owner will sacrifice for quick sale. Salem property and 10 splendid seres i to trade for bottom farm and owner will assume. Modern 5-room house, clean, newly decorated, for rent at 320. McGILCHRIST PENNINQTUN -0-10 U- S. Bank Bldg. EXTRA CHOICE LOT located in best residential district ta city. Has several beautiful oak trees. Pries for a few days, $1400; was of fered once $2250. Another one for $100, was offered one time $1500. Need the money. See Bechtel or Tbomason, 841 State, room 4. TOUR CHANCE Large creek lot. nice home, at a bar gain for a few days. 160x100 lot. B-R. house, paving paid. $1050. Might rent. K. A. iUtUVJiaK 1110 N. Cottage Phone 3031 MONEY TO LOAN PERSONAL mSTAlXMENT XJAN I BTATB LOAN CUSLFAHX til Orearoa BulldlnK. lnd Floor. lOffleo hra. 10:00 A. U. ts :S0 P. If. Telepbono T788. BUM tlconso No. I 18-115. MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce rout payments Toa keep the ear . P. A. EIKB 1 Cor. Liberty St. and FBrrv Phono 4T32 Salem. Ore. FOR SALE USED CARS LOANS WANTED $3500 wanted. Salem Income proper ty. S years, . Ample security. Bee Becks A Hendricks, 180 N. High street. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY. Poultry wanted. Salem Poultry Co., 856 E. Miner St., Boutn saiem. FOR SALE WOOD Dry wood at Tracy Phono 191ft. 000000000000000000000000000m Dry oak. 4 fL. $5. Phoao $708. McKATS TJSXO CASS With an O. K. That Counts 1184 Star Touring- $ 85 ItSS Star Sedan, sew tires . , 35 It 15 Overland Te'SI license , 55 1887 PonUse Coups 135 1837 Paige Coach 115 188) Darant Coups 1(5 ltssiMTc iBedaa lit 1828 Oakland Coupe . 823 1131 Ford Victoria StS 1330 Studebaker Dictator Sedan 455 C H EVROLETS 12$ Coupe, '33 license ' 181 I9is coach , lis 1838 Coupe. '33 license SOS ltis sedan, weu lenders , , lis 1830 Sedan ... 80S 1831 DeLnxe Coach, well fenders 4(1 1831 DeLuxe Coupe, well fenders 475 Open Evenings and Sundays Easy Term Liberal Trades Watch the Bargain 8 pot MeKAT CHEVROLET CO. 13$ Center - Phono 81$3 - 438 N. Cotal Cafl Saggle and maple. 7I. for M Ul J " ' v bio prices. ash Phoao GUARANTEED DRT wood ooal TeL 5000 Salem Fuel Co. Trade ! Cottsge. DRT FIR AND OAK WOOD, oal and fuel olL CaQ oa as for prices. Wo givs good measure, good quality ana good servlca. lRER TRANSFER A STORAGE Teleohone S1S1 18-Inch old fir m timber, any amount. $2.25. 20 miles E. of Salem on Sam Matheny ranch. Ask for Schlo- wood camp. idlck Meal" range. Phone $227. Orirmitflni. best Bartletts. .85. 8 Southdown bucks. J. H. Wright farm. Wallace road l mL Snort '- touring '20 Jewett, $25, or light Nash coupe. 1587 Winter. Ttartutt ncara for canning. 25c bu. Bring boxes. Puritan Cider Works, West Salem. Peaches Crawfords, Mulrs, Elber ta a. ready at Pettey'a orchard, Wallace road. Crawford peaches, 60c 25c. 25c bu. Ton nick, brine boxea Roy Park, 10 ml. out oa Wallace road. , i,rnrw-iir,irir - - - - Canning peaches at orchard, 50c bu. Orchard run. Phone 7 C Ft. Rt $, box 320. Mulr and Elberta peaches now ready. Imlah fruit farm. Phone 61 F1L Peaches, bring boxes, 2194 N. Front. Early Crawford canning peaches at the old A. M. LaFolIett orchard on Mls- .iu amlnni KSn iwr bushel box U oick them. Good peaches good plck- i., nn MFwIn. Cheaoer ones it you ..ni thm Tirtnor boxea Turn In at the Rig A sign about one mile south of Wheatland ferry. Britt AsplnwalL puhM for sale. 50c bu. Come and pick yourself. First house N. of Kelser school, fnons nr. Peachea Come to Petteys orchard flRturdav and Sunday. Pick and save money. Peaches, Crawfords, 60c at orchard. Tou pick, bring container!. M. P. Ad ams orchard, V mi. N. on Wallace rd. ujuuunuifinmnr ' - -...- FOR RENT APARTMENTS Beautiful modern 3-rm. cor. apt.. elec refrlg.. elec. stove, hot water heat. garage. Z8. Fhone 5154. Beautiful Edgewater Court. $ fur nished rooms and bath, laundry, gar age, elec stove, $25. Phone 5154. Very nice 3-room spt Fireplace, gar- ! age. Phone 62 4. 1580 Center. Patton apartments downtown, Call Patton's book store. Olympic. 730 N. Liberty. 3 and 3-rm, apts. Every modern convenience. Furn. 2-R. ant Phone 70S4. 2261 HazeL Nicely turn. 4-rm. apartment on bus line, very reasonable; located at 681 Highland are. Call Friday or Satur day. Phone 8905. Attractive new 3-rm. apt, phone 7203. : Clean furn. or unfurn. Phone 7226. Attractive apartments, 210 N. 14th. Six-room modern apartment, ground floor, piano, radio, overstuffed furni ture, electric stove, heat and water furnished, garage, three blocks from courthouse. Also one room and kitch enette apartment. Iran G. Martin. Ma sonic temple. 4-rm. strictly modern apartment. Frlgidalre, hot water heat, garage, well furnished. 145 N. 11th street, RING upsta'ra 3-room apartment. Call afternoon or evening. 266 8. Cottage. For Rent Furnished apt., water and lights free. $10 per mo. $20 N. 18th. EXCHANGE Real Estate FOR EXCHANGE Win accept good bldg. lots for my equity above $1000 in 6-room, plas tered house, basement, furnace, large i corner lot. A bar rain for someone. Two good houses. 4 St S noma val ue for both $3000. Will exchange for i acreage near Salem. 14-acre tract ox ricn, oortom lana. 1 most all In cultivation jo bldga Val ue $2000. Will give clear and assume up to $500 on saiem noma LEO N. CHILDS CO- Realtors 320 State Street Phono 6708 Salem property to property. 791 & ISth. trade for coast Statesman subscribers have been paid $3,378.08 in claims on their $1.00 accident Insursnce policies. Clear 6-A. tract near Salem to ex change for 40 to 60 A. Will assume. H. a Shields, Ore. bldg., phone $908. Furnished apt home. Mrs. White. in modern, quiet 335 N. Capitol. FOR RENT HOUSES Furnished cottage In beautiful Edgewater Court, garage. . $25.00. Phone 6154. S-R $12. Phone 5980. Geo. Stoddard. For Rent 4-rm. house. W. Salem. rent $10. Inquire 1009 N. 6th St. FOR SALE FARMS STOCKED AND EQUIPPED FARM SO acres most all In cultivation, S miles out on paved road, good build ings, well end water system. Price 85000. part terma LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street Phone 6703 FARM BARGAIN! 65 acres, practically all under culti vation, running water, fenced, fine set modem buildings. Rock bottom price is $7600. income raurosruun Confectionery and lunch room, doing good business, close-in location. Reas onable rent. KtocK ana equipment ior sale at $1500. Kb. A Li J11I BUI a S-rm. strictly modern home, close In, fine location, close to schools. Reduced to $3250. . . . ' S-rm. modern borne, ciose-m loca tion, N. Salem. A real buy at $4500. J. IT. U-tKiCH. warni 325 Bute Street Phone $678 Wood for sale. Phone $887. Old fir, 10-ln.. $4.50. Phone 0491. LOST AND FOUND Lost Wed. p. rn between Shaw and Saiem on graveled road, lady's black leather purse containing glasses, 3 $20 bills and about $3.60 other money, ad dress of E. N. Johnson, A I rile. Ore. Notify Statesman office or Wm. Plck- ell, Shaw, Ore. Reward. PERSONAL MADAM ROMINB spiritualist, palmist, tells all la love, marriage. business. If you wsnt facts, not prom ises, call oa her for advice. Capitol Cottage No. 8, IK miles north on Pa cific hirnway FOR SALE USED CARS Qood Light Trailer Waterproof top. Fine for camping trip or any light hauling. See It at Day Nlles Service Station Corner Cheaeketa and High 8ALM USED CAR CENTER O Derated bv VaUev Motor Co. 1881 Ford Soort Rdstr- 8000 ml$366 1931 Ford std. Coupe, new tires, its 1930 Ford .St Coudo - 136 1929 Ford coacn sz 1929 Ford Sedaa 876 1931 Ford Panel Delivery 456 1910 Ford Coudo 1916 Ford Coach 40 1915 Ford Coupe 35 Ills Chevrolet Coach- new Ures Its 1926 Chevrolet Bedaa ... -. 66 1987 Dodge Sedaa , . 150 19t7Dodxe Coudo . 135 1929 uraham-paige Sedan , , x 1926 Nash Coach. l license lis 1929 Plymouth Sedaa 146 1928 Bulck St Coune 376 1916 Bulck Coups 165 1925 Bulck Standard sedaa n 1927 Chrvsler "40 Coach - 14 6 1926 Jswett New-Day Coach ., 75 1927 Oakland Roadster 95 1924 Studebaker Phaeton . Good -'34 Ford Coupe Body and Chassis TERMS TRADES See JIM or CHARLIE Phono T910 - Marlon and Liberty Sts. Bulck truck for sals cheap, or wfll trads for light car. 440 mju sxreeu LETTUCE PLENTIFUL, PRICE DOWN WHEAT LOWER FINALLY RALLIES Watermelons , Figure In See-Sav Mart; . Many Remain Local lettsee became plentiful oa the market hero yesterday wltn. a resultant fall In prfca. Wholesalers reported paying 41 cents ft crate, a drop of IS cents. At retail the price . Tsried some what, One dealer offered three larre heads for a dime. Green peppers also took a drop, coming down from eight cents. wholesale early la the -week, to four cents yesterday. They were selling- two for 15 cents retail. . Faced with large stocks of old watermelons, dealers entered Into a see-saw market, it was report ed. At wholesale they were sell ing tor one to one and a quarter cents. This price does not even pty the freight, dealers say. The operators were In a quandary as to whether or not to start selling new stocks. Sweet corn wavered yester day, with the better ears bring- ins; seven and oae-half cents wholesale, and others five. Fruits and other vegetables re mained steady, as did meat and eggs. Salem Markets Grade It raw 4 sallk, co-op pool price,' $1.28 per bandrert. SarplM 82c (Milk kased oa Asgast saKer fst average.) Bntterfat, sweet, 18c Batterfat,.eor, 18c rXOTX AID fXOBTABZ S Price eeie te -r bv Sole saren. Aerast (Tke prices beleo. ea spiled sy a lees! rrecer. are iajiesti-e ef the dallr aterket bet are set guanata by The SUUsstsar Oatdoor Caroabcr. toa. 10 HeUeese dikes, ess. . 0 Carrots, aoa. 10 Beets, local, set, , Tarsi?. Iocs. See, Oreea Poppers, lb. Local Cabbage. IV. top Radishes, So, beacboe Seattle cabbage . .10 te .15 -60 .04 .so 0S Oaioaa, See beaches Nov Potato . Celery Ilaarte Local celery, a as Local lotteee era to Seattle lotteee Poaebes. be. . Bwool Cora, aos. Spiasch. crste Apples, be. -90 .Tilt 1.00 40 SO .50 -04 to Pleas, lb. -Psara. be Caltferaia B trinf Boaas. lb. apricots irctaili 4S S5 to .TO .07 H 1 SO 01 Stock Market Gain is Helpful Factor in Late Recovery CHICAGO. Aug. 11. AD Wheat had a reactionary tend ency today, although a Lata sub staatial recovery from the low point was made following lm prorement ia the stock market. Generally bearish routine news caused som early weakness after an opening flurry of strength. Profit taking by eastern Inter ests eased prices dowa a cent below yesterday's finish, before buying brought about a moder ate rally. Cora and oats were easier with wheat. provisions eased with grains. Wheat closed week. 1-1 to 1-2 cent lower than yester day's final quotations, corn mix ed. 1-4 to 3-S lower to 1-4 high er, oats steady to 1-8 off. Today's closing quotations: Wheat: Sep. old. 513-4 to 12. new. 51 3-4; Dec. 65 1-2 to 5-8; 1-8 to 1-4. Sep. 30 1-4 to 3-8: Dec. to 1-4; May 38 5-8 to WE PAT Highest Price for Tour Old Carl Hi Way Auto Wrecking Co. PHONE 851 imjmmiWVin n. ii i - - - - 141 (Thovrolet coach, rood condi tion. See Kletstng at Statesman office i or call at Marion rarase. BEAX PICKING AT EXD TOTtNER, Aug. 26 Bean pick ing was finished Thursday in the W. J. Denhem bean yard. Thirty pickers were kept busy during me harvest. Mr. Denhem has raised beans several Tears and has his own irrigation system. General Markets FBODUO SXCEAiroB PORTLAND, Ors, Au.. 2 (AP) Prod see e-ehanr. sot prices: Batter, trss IB: taadsrds 18: prime firsts IS: firsts KH: ccrs. fresh extras 20; frosh modiams 18. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore, A. S8 (AP) Wheat Opoa High Lew Close Msr 0V 60 Sept. 54 64 68 Vb 68 H Lhxs. ssis o tts sent Cash aarkots: wheat: Bis Bead blao- stom 68 H; oft white, wasters white, herd winter 68: northers sprier 68 H : west ers red 61 H. Oaks, No. S white 817.00. Core. No. t E. T. follow 111.00. -Ulna standard $18.5. Portland Produce Ksrly Crawford pescaet, be. Psea. coast .01 to 1.T ss .88 -08 -40 .01 T0 May CO Corn: 32 1-8 3-4. Oats: 18 1-4: Sep. May 18 1-8 21 1-8 to to 14; Dee. 1-4. Toeaatoos. wheUeale . Watersneloae, whole . Caataktupaa. crate OnUas. Walla Walla Roedlese rrps. CalUU wkoiossis) 1.13 lee ereasi melons una Picklinc eaiaes (wholesale) 04 Dsaith Sqaash. dos. , , 45 Local Maskmelloas. Ih. OS WOOL VA UPS 61 Extras 8 taadsrds Mediaas . boos Baylg Prices .18 .IT at C ICKXKS .18 te .11 .01 .14 -11 Colored Hens Mediant Hess Lif fat Boos , Sprins chickens - Lorhore Broilers . auu a buss TrVeit, wosUra red, top 40 te 60 White. No. 1. top 48 to SO Barter, toa. top ,. , 16.00 Oata. tos. top 1T.00 Hs. bsrias prleee Osts aad fetch, toa T.00 te 1.50 Alfalfa. Tails-. 1st eattiaf 8.00-10.00 New crop Me. 1 mr eats. bn IS Business Directory T o BATTERY ELECTRICIAN MUSIC STORES R. D Barton Batteres Btsrtrr sad generator work. 84 6 Chemeketa st. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4458. R. & Northaesa, QEO C WILL. Planoe. pone I rraphs, sewing mac h! nee. sheet music. sad plana stootea Kopainng pooa- rraphs and eeerlnc ma rhlnea 48t Stat street, saiem l CHIROPRACTORS DR. a SCOTT, P8C Chlropracter lit N. Hlga Tet Rea tilt. DR3. SCO FIELD, Palmer Chiroprac tors X-rsr and N. C . New Bank Bldg. PLUMBING and HEATING PUJKBINO and work. Oraber Broa Tel S(t4 general repair II So. Uborty PAPER HANGING PRONB O LENT ADAMS for hsass I decorstloK. paper haaalng. Uotlna ehi RelloMe workman ACREAGE Modern suburban 5-rm. house. A $15 ma Carl Abrams 411 Masonic bids. For Rent A 4 -room tage at 1224 S. 22d st 2107 Center st. modern cot W. J. Knox, S-rm. house, modern, at 20(0 & Church street. $20. . 6-rm. strictly modern, 1785 N. Win ter street. $22.50. Winnie Pettyjohn. 175 3. High St S-room bunbalow for rent, furn. or unrurn., 1248 Chemeketa st Furn. bungalow In Oak Villa Court. 947 Mill. Phone 129. Adults. $20. For furnished or unfurnished houses or apartments see K. A. JfUKKJ NK 1(10 N. Cottage Phone 3031 5-room furn. house, with water and Crawford peachea, 60c bushel. Roth's light $1$. 2276 LaureL -.rvtc station. lst and Marset. I vow bust rentals Nice furnished apts. and houses. $12.50, $14, $18 to $40. Water, and lights with some of them paid. Un furnished, $7,50 to $35. In all parts of city. Becbtel-Thomason, S41 State, room 4. WANTED Miscellaneous - - mm mmmmm All kinds of rifles, pistols, shotguns, aid sold 'nd Jewelry- Condition no ob- tact Name your prlce. REINER'S EXCHANaH 150 N Commercial Uj-.-LUk. -ii-irni-iri-i- -------" WANTKD Uaod pcaaos. In ex change on rsdloa, phonographs, or fur niture. H L. Htin -lira"-"- -!-- nnnwvviri 1-1- ---------- TC.n.X arm arood Quality Ken- etu.tr- Wnnder beans. Will Say bOO sack. Boa 85, Statesman. &11SCELLAN EOUS KoAmM ritt t for SS mA op ft WANTED Original POMn fSiEf Sunset Pubs- Howard Bldg. a f - Hemstitching, repairs aad alterations at 41$ Court Bt. T-ariU Tommnnlty Art and Needle club, wm , seU anything saleable as Xmas gttta. Join now, limited namber accepted. $1.0 dues, small percentage. Writs P. 431 box 119, nawm. attontian. Steal Guitar. Spanish Gul tt tJa-rat Prtaellla Melsinger. .itiwHmmmI dinctor for beginners club - work and advanced orchestral oombln atlona. Call t. W.CAj 1178. Enjoy playing with others while you learn. 4 a ar.ree verv nroductlve farm, mod ern buildings. Class if Darn stocsea with fine hay, some good Jerseys and nil farm equipment I J soo. inis is BUYI Winnie Pettyjohn, Realtor 17S a High St WHY PAT RENT? When you can buy a close-in suburban home, 6 rooms, elec light acre of very ' fine land, paved roaa. m saiem scnooi district Only $50 down, $15 month. Price cut to $1600, which Is about nan lvalue. Shown by an appointment only, can't tell yon over phone. Bee Becntei or Tbotnason. S41 Stats st. room 4. 10 acres. 1 mL from Salem on nave droad. T A. cleared. 1 A. orchard. all fenced, 4 -room house, barn, good I soil. 11900. 20 A. mL rrom saiem, o-room house, fireplace, electric lights, 16 A. cultivated, barn. 2 chicken houses, run ning water, $2750. 45 A. 12 mL from saiem. on pavea MuL small house, barn, all fenced. some fruit creek, at least 500 cords of ! wood. $2500, $500 down. S5 A. southeast of Wood burn, 28 hill. 1 A. old fir timber, (-room house, barn. family orchard, all fenced. An excel lent farm, equipped. Tase traae. 220 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phons (7S FLORISTS PRINTING CUT flowers, wedding bouquets funeral wreatha decorations. C. T Brelthauct florist (ST Court street TcL 5804. FOR STATION ERT, cards, pampn Mta program a books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Print ing Department $11 a Commercial Telnhrtno tIM ALL kinds of floral Work. Lots 1st, Kth A Market TeL 1582. Flsr- STOVES FLOOR CONTRACTING Olsea Floor Co. TeL S11L INSURANCE STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves for sale, rebuilt and repaired. Ail kinds of srovea wire fence, fancy and plain, hop baskets, hooks, logan books, Salem Fence- and Stove Works, 2(2 Chomekota Tel 4774. R B Flemlns TRANSFER it BECKTE M Hleh HENDRICKS Tl 484T LAUNDRIES FOR SALE Real Estate EXTRA SPECIALS Better Buy Now 100 acres, goodZ-R. house, new barn. garage, poultry; family orchard, run ning water, good road. 19 A. cult, za A. Umber. Priced at $2500, $1000 down. Better hurry. Dandy Rancn Near invert on 100 acres, 10 A. hops, 70 A. crop, 20 . timber and pasture. Sandy loam solL river bottom. 7-R. modern farm house, S auos, dandy nam. and a line place. A ranch you will be proud of. Has a mortgage of $8000. Will pries at about one-half worth. $12,000. Trads for campgrouaa. gas station, email ranch. Stocked and Equipped sancn 22 A. fin Howell prairie soil, mod ern 5-R. house with basement, electric liahts an water system, s A. nns osr- ries, hay and grain la barn, S good sows team, neultry. ail oauinmsni. Gkes for $7350. Better look this over. We sell or trade ranches, see ua. SEARS 4k TUCKER 13 3 South Commerc ial 8 t Ben XMnond Park lota. Gas; lights aad water, restricted district. Prices reduced (. Pbooe - MONEY TO LOAN TUB NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE W EIDER LAUNDRY 2(3 a High TeL S12S CAPITAL. CITT LADNDRT -Wo Wash Everything to Lus" Telephone) 3I5 12(4 Broadway LAWN MOWERS . r i Sharpened and repaired. Also trsdea FL W Hrott. I4T H com I. I PL !. CAPITAL CITT Transfer Co. 114 State St Tel. 7773. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty I Qet our rates. FOR local or AH slant transfer stor age, call 3131 uarmor Transfer CO rnteUe to Portlenfl aativ TRICYCLES Tricycle tires and expert repairing at Mark'e Bike Shop. 596 Court st WASHING MACHINES 'Bells of Harmony' PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS Heard over KOIN dally ring out a loan service that Is really, really different TOU GET THE FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ON LOANS $10 to $300 Beneficial Loan Society t9 SALEM Boom lit New Bligh Bldg. 2nd Flooc LICENSED BY STAT US State St TeL l-T-4-0 PERSONAL, LOANS MADE oa tarnitursv ears, salaries or other good security. Ra payable monthly. When fa floaadaj Bead see us before closing a loan. GENERAL. INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg. Phone S5IS. Est Dr. Edgar a Fortnsr, physician and surgeon, suite 408. U. s. Nan. Bans Bldg. Phones emce, sszi resioenoe (436. All Makes Rented, sold and repaired. Easy, A. B. C. Marts a;. Con Ion, Meadows aad Automatic $11 and up. HOGG BROS. PORTLAND. Ore Asf. 3( (API Batter Frists, 92 core or better, 30-3 le; its dares, 1O-30& Errs Psoitis pealtry producers' sell lag p prices ; frosk extras, 30c ; steaeard, le; ssediaas, 18e. Ooeatrr stools sclliag prise te ra ti liars: seaatrr killed Boca, boat bates.. era, seder 100 lbs- -6c; vealara, 80 100 loe SB He lb.: Uasbs, tts lb.; yasrUags, fie lb.; heavy owes. 3Ve lb.; caaser cows. 3s lb.; bells, 4H-5e lb. Nats Oreros walanta, la-tse; cu berts, SO-22e lb.; peeaaa, SOe lb. Caseers Sexk seytag pnee less sees S lb. Hope eomiasL 1031, 11H-I3e lb.; eontraeta. 1033. lie lb. Betterfat direct te shippers: etatlea, 15e; Pertlaad aolivery prices, lie lb. Live sevltry net bayiag price; keevy boas, eoterod. 4H Ibe op, 14 15e; de BM-iaais. e-lOe; lijsta. T-Se: UfHt srou sr 14s: colored Toasters, ever S lbe 14 15e old roosters, 6e; docks, PoUsa. 10 lie. Onloas solllaf price to reteilert: sow Walla Walla, 10-BOe eeaUL PoUtoos loesL $1 erasfs bos; YsU- T&--S1.10. Strawberries Oregoa. 34a, $1.50-1.76 erats. Wool 1S3S clip, aominal; Witlaaiette valley, Se lb.; eastern Oregoa 7-Se lb. Hey ba 7 int price fross prodaeoe: al filfs. $13-13.60; siovor, (4-9.50; eest era Orefoa timetky, $17.50; eaU sa votes, $9 t.50. Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Ore, Aoc. 38 (AP) Csttle 35, calves 40 ; aaist, bet steady. Slsere SOS 900 lbs, -todeiss 4.0O-6.85; et-BN I S 5 -4. 00; 900-1100 lbo so -a 4.00-ASS; oomstoa S.3S-4.O0; 1100 1S00 lbs medisss . 75-6.75. Heifers 650 860 lbs, median I.OO-4.75; eem-oa 3.00 3 00. Oows, cstter ead mod i obi 1.76-S.40: low cotter and setter 1.00-1.76. Bolls, yearlings excluded, good sad choice (beef) 3.75-3.25; cotter, eommoa sad mediant 1.75-2.75. V osiers, milk fed. good sad choice 4.50-5.00; mediaa 3.50-4.60; call aad eommoa 2.00 3.60. Calves 1.50 600 lbs, good aad ehoite, 8.50-4.50; eommoa aad medioai 8.00-8.50. Hers 850; barely steady ead weak. Light lights, 140-100 loe. goea ssa choice AOO-4.75. LirhtweichU 1(0-180 lbs. 4.50-4.75; 180-200 lhe. 4.50-4.76. Mediaai weight 300-330 Ibe. 4.00-4.74; 220-260 lbs. good aad choice 8.75-4.00. Heeryweishte. 350 390 lbs. S.8S-4.60, 290-850 lbs. good end choice 8.60-4.35, Packing sows 375-500 lbs. aaedioat aad good, 3.00-3.75. reodes-etockere 70.-130 lbs. medio- sad good 3.50 ASS. Slaoghter sheep sad lambs 1400, steady. Lambs. 90 lbs. Sows, goed sad eholee 4.25-4.60; median 8.60-4.25; all weights eommoa 3.50-8.50. Yearling wethers 90 ! 110 Ibe, medio to choice 1.35-8.75. Ewes 130 lbs, mediom to choice 1.00 1.50; 120-150 lbs, .75-1.25; sU wslghta. coll te eommoa .60-. 75. Lsmbe , F.wee Hogs, top Hogs, first cats , 8trrs Cows SCBAT Heifers . Dressed Dressed Mediom Coarse . Mohair vesl. top hogs 04 -01 .03 H WOOL 04 4.50 4.35 te jos to .OS to jDSH .OS .se OS oe ao asarket 31S W. C MA NO CM. N. High Manerr TeL Fruits, Vegetables H0M0E0PATH1ST L. O. ALTMAN. M. D. Homeorjathlc phystclan. office and restdeocsk 607 Con tee. Phono SSSS. I General practiceu MATTRESSES Matt New ( ore and Co. TcL Real Estate Directory BECKS A lit M. High HENDRICKS Te. (033 o I 1 4347 a M. EARLB 114 . High St Tet $(71 froen factory re lb. mattrsae It. OA. Reno rat fumlgatera. Capital Bedding (ess. toss North capital. socoLOFSirr a son 304-1 first Nat. Bt Bldg. Tel TStT New mattress made to order, eld mattress remade carps eieanlnsjws Inei fluff mat wsavta Bsleni Flnff Rue St Mattress) SHorv. O. lltk m WUbqr. TeL (44L Otts F. twiefcen, I it 191L J. P. CLRICH 22$ Btats Btreet TeL MIS HOMER Ot F08TX 3k REALTY CO. 37(14 Btate t. Tel 7533 . tL ORABENHOR8T eV 4XX 134 a Uborty St. TeL (4(3 POBTLAND, Ore., Aeg. SO AP Apricots Oregoa, 85e boa. Oraagee CaUfersis Valoads. (3.50-A76 box. Oaa tslespee Dillsrd, stsadsrd. $L10 era U; The Dslles-Ysklsra, staadsrd. 45-76e crate. Qrspefrait CaUemU. (8.35-4.35. Lemeas California, S7.Se-e.36 ease. Limns 6-des. carta as, $8.86. Beaaaas beaches. So; kaade, IHl is. Raspberries toe at. $L75 crste. tUrsw-borrieo-Oregoa. 34a, $l-60-L76 era to. Hoekleberrlee moeatola. fsjey. IS He poasd. -Feeehee (Oe bos; Too DaUee Orawiords, sUbertes, 60-65e Taklms SU bortaa, 45-6 &e; Wlllsssetto vsUey Crsw ferda, 44V45e bos. Beaey Poos CaK ferwia. 41.16-1.36 crets. Orspes red Xslasa. $2.25, . white Malaga. SL38; seedless, Soe-Sl: B. Msaoks, ai.ys tog; Re bier, $1.35. Wstermelo C-vUfe-ais Kloadika, $L10 eeatal; Oregea. $L3S centaL . Cshbsie local sew srep, 3-3 He Bh. rhileee eorHor Brles to retaUessv Wslls Walla, IS-SOe eeaUL NOTICK OP HEARING OF FIN Alt ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the Final Account ot ROT BURTON, as Executor ot the Es tate ot ELLEN ACKERMAN, De ceased, has been filed ta the Coun ty Court of Marlon County, State ot Oregon, and that the 28 th day of Ang-st, 1932, at the hour ot tea o'clock A. M.. has been duly appointed by such Court for the hearing- of objections to sneh Fi nal Account and the settlement thereof, at which time any person Interested la such estate may ap pear and file objections thereto In writing and contest the same. Dated this 20th day ot July. 1932. ROT BURTON Executor of the Last Will and Testament and Estate ot EL LEN ACKERMAN. Deceased. JAS. O. HELTZEL Attorney tor Estate Salem, Oregon. DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION: JULY 30. 1932. DATS OF LAST PUBLICATION: AUGUST 27. 1932. J30A-C-13-20-27 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court ot the State of Oregon for the Coun ty of Marlon, as Administratrix ot the estate ot Margaret C. Lan sing, deceased, and that ahe has duly qualified as such administra trix: all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to (-resent the same to me, dnly verified, t the office ot Ronald C Glover, my at torney. 203 Oregoa Building. Sa lem, Marion County. Oregon, with in six months ot the date of this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregoa, this 13th day of August. 1932. MARGARET POOLER, Administratrix of the SaUte et Margaret C. Lansing, deceased. RONALD a GLOVER, Attorney tor Administratrix, Salem, Oregon. A-11-30-27-S-J-1I I1 M SALE ACM BOSTON. Aug. 26 (AP) The commercial bulletin will say tomorrow: "Wool values have continued to rise during the past week on a good volume ot business done. It is estimated there have been sold in Boston alone since the first of this month very close to 75 mil lion pounds of wool. Including old and new wools of all grades and types. Values under the tremen dous buying pressure hare risen -Jnst about 25 per cent on the average, from the low point, ia consequence of which prices hare been marked up a further 2 Hi cents, clean basis, by some ot the largest holders. "In the west, values have risen as fast, or slightly taster than la Boston and not a few wools in the hands ot growers or bankers are now held above the market parity and so are not being sold. "Foreign markets keep very steady in spite of the holiday sea son overseas. "Mohair continues to move moderately at steady rates.' The bulletin will publish the following quotations: Oregoa: Fine and F. M. staple 39-40; fine and F. VL Fr. coma lng 2C-3S; fine and F. M. clothing 33-35; ralley number 1, 3C-38. Mohair: Oregoa 13-14; domestic grad ed, first combing 24-25; second combing 22-22; third combing 17 II; fourth combing 15-11; good eardlng 24-25; first kid 45-50; second kid 35-40. i Mil PUSHES SUES OealiOewer leeaL S6-76e erete. Oe- so here The DaUee. S 0-40 bos. Spta- seb local. T6e eras go Sox. Oetory sr i sags, $1,75 half stale: hearts. 4--S00 dos. beBcboa. TooMtooe The OoJloo. 86-60s POLLY AND HER PALS unk I THE BUSY Lll. Taw Draws the line By CLIFF STERRETT Passers Belt. The DeOae, 4e Ih. Fees I 1 ., tUJU. w.et, , . i , j j a-S seas to sa CoJHo la. si-S-l see). sal; ee othera -a ma, OO-TSe be, crate. Lee- toco Tao Do lies ssa I seal, ae-eve erase, aeeae UisL 1-Ss lb. Cora He. 1, TS-eOe- sack. Seeash - Marble-oe A Se; Danish Ss .; 1 . - - !- I - -- I Ii I S Orl i ( ys, hes bcjni ) I kci A JJLXL M -rWr25a:i. Y .iJN MAHCH-lvVKER f,.? HE'LL BRING Y rTn ) tk- "TN j I L! ' .Tl WTTW THW U3I THESE DAV5?4 MA45GIE AND ( ''KXsY Sq (SAKES ALIVE; ) j F? r MS CUPip IS S p wiesrfsiMW Radio Piogtams otezsay. COAO M Ass a rr rorvsTtfs S:lS Farm kfsrkrt Bevtewa. Srte -sralag si own e0 Uimsmekers' Thrift Bear. Hrt0 - fleetsg Oaraelves ta lUlaeatlea. by Zr. A. a. Jummt. Oregea KorJ seheel. 11 Oisaea VsrssoJ Sebool flrle Sea ll:9-0r BoaJCht The OU MeoMsat Chees. - - - 11:16 stark e4 tsf sets, eres S-m .vea -eg i ereeast , . . t.-e Ae Tea Ukm It-wtfk Aatkeay 0:60 Bsc so Strismstor e Weetrs. T:18 Pkiloeephes ec Uo CressroaAs, T:4S Merkvi teeeets. ereye, aa wee4a NEW YORK, Aug. 2 6 (AP) Fresh wave of baying sneaked up on the stock market from the rear today, after the list had been drifting lower most ot the day. Early losses ot 1 to 4 points were almost wholly cancelled in a late buying flurry, and several prominent issued closed with net gains ot 1 to 3 or 4. A late bulge In cotton helped the -movement la stocks, that staple rising more than 1 a bale to new highs for the year. The share market turned dull on the decline, and although trad ing quickened markedly In the late upswing, transfers aggregat ed only 3,111,755 shares, or about a million less than yester day. The price average of 40 leading-. laeice gaaavu yvisi, vw recovering its loss ot 4-1 of a point yesterday, and registered a new top since the middle of March. At 41.4, It was only 4.T points nador the 1932 peak, reached la the second week of March, and well above the 1931 low reached la December. NOTICK OF EXAMINATION FOR POSraOS X2f THK FIR DE- PAirrU xt of Tine cttt of 8AIX, OREGOX. NOTICB Is hereby glrea that aa examination will be held at the city hall ia Salem oa Sep tember I. 1131, at t o'clock A. U. for posittoa la the City ot Salem Fire Department, as pro vided by-SocUoa 91 ef Ua City Charter and the rales and regala- tloas adopted by the Civil Serslee) Commission. Applicants for ex amination tor position mader Civ il Serrico must ba a regis tared roter aad hare feeeei a resident ot the City tor at least three) years. La ordinary goo4 nsaiui aad he subject to aa examIaatioa aa te general physical condition. . Application blanks aad farther inform atloe may ba secured at tho office. ot the mxulersLgned at th city hall, Salem. Oregoa. By ordsr of the Civil Service) Commission. MARK POULS-N. City Record er aad Secretary for the CJvU Serrica Com m lssloa; City EaU, Salem, Orego, . - First day ot pahUcatloa. Aa ast 24, .1121. last day of publication. Aog 39. 1111. A.14-14 Ua