The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 27, 1932, Page 3, Image 3

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    The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Saturday filornin. August 27, 1932
W. R. C. Tea is
Enjoyable Success
Mrs. Cordelia La Bare opened
her home to the members ot the
Women! Relief corps Thursday
afternoon for a Tery pretty tea
party. Mrs. Helen Southwlck,
Mrs. Lou Kraps. Mrs. Clara
Adams, Mrs. Jennie Martin,
Bessie Martin and Mrs. Rose
Vorls assisted in receiving and j
As a feature of the afternoon
ocial hours Mrs. Sarah Peter
son, Mrs. Addle Curtis, Mrs.
Louise King and Mrs. Jennie
Jones, each gave readings.
Mrs. Goldie Kyle, Miss Fran
ces Kyle, Mrs. Addle Curtis and
Mrs. Olive Ogg were special
guests for the afternoon. ; 1
Corps members present incma
ed Florence Shipp, Hattie Cam
eron. Sarah Peterson, Louise
Klna. Helen Southwlck. Clara
Adams. Lou Kraps, Mary Moyer
Mary Townsend, Clara McDerby,
Touisa Koon, Hattie Jewett, Mary
Kennedy, Susie B o 1 1 s. Mary
Wlrtx. Laura McAdams, Rose
Hagedorn, Amanda Crum, Nellie
Martin. Nettie Schram. Bessie
Martin. Cordelia La Bare, and
Jennie, F. B. Jones.
Barbara Freitchie
Group Entertained
Kelzer Mrs. G. N. Thompson
was hostess for a group from Bar
bara Frletchie Tent Daughters of
Union Veterans of the Civil war at
her country home Wednesday.
A covered dish luncheon wm
served cafeteria at the noon hour,'
Mrs. Needham and Mrs. Eckar
son assisting the hostesses. The
afternoon was spent In games, so
cial conversation and a program
of piano solos by Miss Irma Reef
er, and readings by Mary McCall
Members present were Mrs.
Mable Needham, Mrs. Madeline
Nash. Mrs. Alice Homing, Mrs.
Eulena Bales, Mrs. Sophia Maple-
thorpe, Mrs. Elva Mortimer, Mrs,
Elizabeth Skewis, Mrs. Gladys L.
Eckerson, Mrs. Luclnda Enslin,
Mrs. Mable Gardner, Mrs. Annie
Busby, Mrs. Sarah Cutler, and the
hostess. Guests were Mrs. Mills,
Miss Irma Keefer, Mary McCall
and Doris Jean Cutler.
Evans Valley Mrs. Owen
Lnndsf ord entertained Wednesday
afternoon in honor of her son.
Rlchard'a ninth birthday. Mrs,
E. J. Burbee and Mrs. William Ar
thur assisted Mrs. Lundsford.
The guests included Richard
Lundsford, Kenneth Foote, Mai
f colm Fopte, Elvin Foote, Claire
! Brown, Robert Arthur, Andy Ped
erson. Elvin Pederson, Robert
Burbee, Gladys Brown, Ida May
Brown, Genevieve Pederson, Ma
rie Pederson, Edith Arthur, Doro
thy Foote, Inga Sunde, Edith Bur
bee Margaret Burbee, Bertha
Lundsford. Virginia Lundsford
Patsy Lundsford.
Sunday, August t8
Meeting at Union hall. 457 Court street, 7:30
p. m.; Dean Hewitt will speak.
llihee Club
Entertains Guests
The women of Illihee country
club entertained a group ot Si
verton country club women at the
clubhouse Friday for a day of golf
and luncheon.
A tournament was in play and
this was won by the Salem club.
Low score for Silverton went to
Mrs. McGinnis and low score tor
Salem was held by Mrs. William
Stacy. .
Silverton visitors included Mrs.
George Steelhammer, Mrs. McGin
nis, Mrs. Charles Reynolds. Mrs.
Jack Currey, Mrs. Earl Adams,
Mrs. Alfred Adams, Mrs. Clifford
Rue, Mrs. Syrlng, Mrs. Browne,
Mrs. Preston, Mrs. Claire Jarvis,
Mrs. Larry Austin, Mrs. Hande,
and Miss Betty Kleinsorge.
The luncheon table was particu
larly attractive in a color scheme
of autumn colors with orange pre
dominating. Astojrs, zinnias, glad
ioli were nsed in the bouquets
which centered the one large. table
and other smaller ones. Orange
candles in attractive holders add
ed to the beauty of the tables.
Mrs. E. Skelly, Mrs. Tom Wol
gamott. and Mrs. Earl Burch
were in charge of the luncheon
Next Friday will be a regular
play for the club with a potluck
luncheon at noon.
Mrs. J. T. Delaney
Is Club Hostess
Pattern '
TT . 62393
.The newest thing In sleeves and
the last word In the use of crepe-
back satin or satin back crepe.
as you will. Don't you love the
dull bodice yoke smartly topping
"a shiny frock? It's very new! And
the scalloped seaming spells Par
is! We suggest black, .brown or
one ot the delicious new wine
reds. Dainty lace makes a smart
yes tee.
Pattern 2393 may be ordered
only in sizes IS to 20 and 34 to
44. Size 16 requires 3 yards of
39 inch fabric and 1-6 yard 5 inch
Bend 15e in coins ar stamps
(coins preferred), tor each pat
tern. Writ plainly your-nsrae, ad
dress and styla number. BB 80RE
Oor beautiful 83 pare fssbioo
catalog offers yoa an opportunity
to ehooee delightful morning, after
noon aad evening models soluble
for wear right now and ail through
the summer. Featuring styles per-
. sonelly . chosen by Anne Adams,
this catalog is aaaeenrata guide to
summer chic, Lovely lingerie and
pajama patterns aad adorable kid
die model art included la this fas
einatinz book. Send (or yor copy
today. Price of catalog 15e. Cata
log aad pattern together 15c. Ad
drees all mall orders to Statesman
, Patten. DrtaVtaneat, s8 West
17 th street. New Task City.
Mrs. J. T. Delaney entertained
in her .back garden at her home
in compliment to members of her
club for a pretty luncheon and
afternoon of bridge Thursday afternoon.
A color scheme of red gladioli
and golden rod was an effective
color effect with the green f the
garden shrubs.
Covers were placed for Mrs.
Guy V. Smith, an additional guest.
and for members, Mrs. R. D,
Woodrow, Mrs. Stanley Burgess
Mrs. Leif Bergsvik. Mrs. T. L,
Knhns, Mrs. V. P. McNamarra
Mrs. Lars Bergsvik, and Mrs. J
T. Delaney.
Turner. The women of the
Missionary and aid societies of
the Christian church met Thnrs
day for their annual picnic. It
was held on the bank of Mill
creek. Joinlne the church. After
the lunch hour, Mrs. E. J. Gil
strap, president of the Missionary
society, took charge ot a- short
business session.
The resignation of Mrs. Frances
Whitehead, as secretary, was ac
cented, and Mrs. Maude Bones
was elected to fill the vacancy.
Mrs. Walton Harris led the lesson
topic, which was on south Africa
Mrs. Susan Gicardin read the
Scripture lesson and members
responded with numbers on the
lesson subject. Mrs. Gicardin will
entertain the next meeting in
Brush Creek Mrs. M. J. Mad
sen entertained Thursday after
noon for Mrs. Esther Weaver of
San Francisco and Mrs. Jack Ran
dall of Portland, both of whom
have been house guests ot their
mother, Mrs. O. S. Hauge. The
two will go to Portland Saturday
and spend the week-end at Mr..
Randall's home. Mrs. Weaver
will leave Monday night for San
Francisco where she Is employed.
Mrs. O. S. Hauge and Mrs. Victor
Madsen were additional gutsts.
Thursday evening Miss Lillie
Madsen was the inspiration of a
surprise supper tarty at the home
of her mother. Present at the
supper were Miss Madsen, Mrs.
Madsen, Mrs. Edwin Hatteberg,
Miss Nettle Hatteberg, M'ss Agnes
Hatteberg of La Grande. Miss
Alice Jensen, and Mrs. Victor
e e e
A miscellaneous shower honor
ing Miss Leona Gardner was given
Tuesday evening at the home of
Mrs. Paul Johns with Mrs. Johns
and Mrs. H. P. Toevs as hostesses.
The evening was spent playing
games after which Miss Gardner
was presented with many beauti
ful and useful gifts and at a late
hour refreshments were served.
Those present were the hon
ored guest Miss Leona Gardner
and her mother, Mrs. L. E. Gard
ner, Mrs. L. Hocket, Mrs. Philip
Peterson, Mrs. R. T. Mayers, Mrs.
Albert Miller. Mrs. Nancy Btirk,
Mrs. Doevy Bates, Mrs. Sophie
Wheeler, Mrs. Dewy Stlenke, Mrs.
Rodney Steinke, Miss Verna Ha
verland, Miss Maxlne Toevs and
the hostesses.
e a
Lloyd B. Waltz wag a guest of
his brother and wife, Dr. and
Mrs. Ray Waltz, for two days of
this week. He went from here to
visit in Forest Grove, and from
there will go to Tillamook, where
he will bo Joined by Mr. Waltz.
Mr. Waltz will teach In the
Tillamook schools this year,
Miss Jeanette Eoff recently re
turned from a six-weeks visit
with relatives in California.
While there, she motored to the
Tosemite park. Later to Los
Angeles, attending the . Olympic
games, and then to the Catallna
islands. Her trip home was made
through San Francisco.
f Miss Rosalind Van Winkle ac
companied by her father, Jndge
L H. Van Winkle,-and her aunt
Mrs. ' Carrie Patterson of ' Port
land, will apend tie Bext ' two
weeks vacationing at Oregon
Mrs. Thomas Holman. and
daughter Miss Grace Elizabeth
Holman have returned from a so-
Dancing Party is
Gala Event
Miss Dorothy Hardie and Miss
Mary Yeager entertained at the
borne of Miss Yeager wltn a de
lightful evening of dancing and
bridge Thursday.
Summer flowers in profusion
were especially lovely under the
glow of soft colored lights.
At the supper hour Miss Hardie
and Miss Yeager were assisted in
serving by Miss Betty Hammond.
Guests included Miss Kathryn
Meyer, Miss Ruth Dickey, Misa
Georgia Southmayd, Miss Angela
Meyer, Miss Frances Fields, Miss
Betty Hammond, Miss Madeline
Southmayd, Miss Mary Ellen
Hammond, Miss Marie Wenzel,
Miss Kathryn Paulette, Miss Car
olyn Fields, Miss Alena Bremmer,
Miss Hardie, Miss Yeager, Harris
Elgen. Marion Draper, Bob El
gen, Henry Meyer, Louie Stutt,
Scotty Barclay, Harold Mush, Vic
Williams, Bud Mercer, Alva Raf-
fety, Ray Panger, Ted Foreman,
Charles Paulette and Bob Yeager.
Farewell Will -
Honor Miss Davis
Miss Josephine Albert will en
tertain this afternoon wltn a
one o'clock luncheon and will
follow this wHh an afternoon of
bridge in compliment to Miss
Thelma Davis. Covers will be
placed for 12 guests.
Miss Davis has been spending
the summer vacationing with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C,
Davis. She will leave Sunday for
Portland to join Rev. and Mrs.
Monroe Everett, and Monday
morning the party will start by
motor for Philadelphia, where
the Everetts make their home
and where Miss Davis is taking
vocal work.
a a
Outdoor Parry Pretty
Event Friday ; : v ' ; "
Misa Esther Lisle entertained at
the Everett Lisle country place
with an unique "dramatic" party
Friday night. A dinner cooked
over an open fire began the Jolly
Following the dinner hour cos
tuming was produced and each
guest was asked to present a
stunt, either Individually or direct
a play of as many characters as
he chose. The results proved hil
arious. Included in the group were Miss
Irene Brelthaupt, Miss Helen
Breithaupt, Miss Velleda Ohmart,
Misa Loretta Varley, Miss Dorothy
Taylor, Miss Gladys Taylor, Miss
Dorothy Hutchason, Misa Marvelle
Edwards, Mist Eileen Moore and
Miss Esther Lisle.
e e
Salem Endeavor
Group Visits at
Turner Sessions
A group of young people from
the senior Christian Endeavor of
the First Presbyterian church
motored to Turner Wednesday
evening where they attenled the
evening session of the Oregon
State Christian Endeavor Con
ference which Is being held at
the Turner Memorial Taberna
cle this week.
Stunts were enjoyed after the
dinner hour, and Included nom
inations for the presidency of
the United States by groups re
presenting the democratic con
vention, the bonus veterans, and
ambitious women. A talk was
given by Rev. Luther Stein of
Fresno, Calif., during the ev
ening session. Following this the
conference adjourned to prayer
groups and later to the evening
Those in the Salem group who
attended Included Lucy Klein,
Cornelia Hulst, Cathryn Eaton,
Helen Johnson, Margaret John
son, Helen Putnam, Nellie Carter,
Doris Unrnh, Martha Sprague,
Helen Stutt, Kenneth Klein, John
Evans, Luther Doughton, Bob
White, Louis Stutt. Bob Hulst,
Mrs. Roy Klein and Mrs. L. M
PBxSBTTEBIAV . r-.-.- s.-..t. a iu.
Winter and Ukemeketa treats. Bimt 1 r....
C. Birtchet, D. D .pastor. : SO a.m. I Tkarsday night. Service la West Salens
Chnreh seheol directed by. I M. Ksmage, I Teurist camp Wednesday evening. Street
J. ft- mswj wvnmp, aermoa i semee an Bataroey atoning at 8 p.m. at
- "'""" ' itMOKi. v:ev i corner at state ana commercial street.
ns. vininu caoeavor societies. i:so
m. e renins- worshia- with serason bv
Dr. Bancroft. . Special masie at each. I FIBST OZSlflV SAPTIST
service. I North Cottars and D streets. O. W.
Ratscb, minister. Sunday school at :4J
Hood! and Cotters streets. Q. T. Heal. I serriee 11 a.m. Sermon topic: "The Cea-
pestor, 1740 Morta 5th street. Pheae I euest of rear." Special masie. Eveaias-
8717. Sandsy services II ajn. aad T :S0 I serriee at p.m. Sermoar "Christ's
p.av. Bandar school 10 a-m. Young Pee- f Ability to Bare." Hale ouartet. Kegular
pie e meeting as e:av p.m. rreyer ana I miawees: prayer service at 8 p.m. Wed
tw.iaawi. wrauna ot rani i ;v y-ok. i mesaay,
Corner N. 17th aad Nebraska streets.
Eer. R. V. Wilson, pastor. 8naday school
:s a.m. atoning worship 11 o'clock:
snbjert: "The Message ot the Cross to
Sapper. Erening worship 8 o'clock: snb-
jeet: Popalar hyma night. Teang Pe
pie s meeting 7 clock; subject: "Why
do Some ' Approre of Christ Bat Reject
Organised Christianity t"
Corner of 19th and Brermaa streets.
H. Briscoe, pastor. Sunday school at
45 a.m. Mornino worshia at 11 o'clock.
Subject: "The Greatest Meed of the
Hoar. Xrening worship at 8 a clock:
subject: "Gleaning for God." Teang
reopie s meeting at 7 e clock. Miss Mil'
dred Abbot, leader.
sing at 11 a.m.
Mrs. T. A. Livesley
Luncheon Hostess
Another delightfully Informal
and intimate luncheon will be
given to compliment Mrs. Don
Stewart of Bend, who has been
a popular guest in Salem, for
the past two weeks. She plans
to leave this weekend.
Mrs. T. A. Livesley will en
tertain with luncheon at one
o'clock and following this with
two tables of contract for the
afternoon hours at heT lovely
home on Fairmount hill.
e a a
Mrsa. Mabel Bishop of Wiscon
sin, national president of the Dun
ning Music Teachers, is a distin
guished guest in . Salem. She is
being entertained while here by
Miss Elma Weller, Mrs. T. S. Rob
erts and Mrs. Joy Turner Moses,
all of whom attended the national
Dunning convention held In Se
attle last month and for which
Mrs. Bishop came west. For this
week end Mrs. Moses and Mrs.
Roberts have taken the guest to
visit Oregon beaches.
a a
Mountain View Mrs. Gilbert
Adams entertained Tuesday with
a family dinner complimenting
her son. Clarence Adams of New
Albany, Ind. Covers were placed
tor Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilcox
and daughters. Margaret and Ber-
nice ot Salem; Mr. and Mrs
Charles Grabenhorst and sons.
Charles, Jr., and Henry, Mr. and
Mrs. George Adams, all of Prin-
gle; and Dan of King wood; Mr
and Mrs. Robert Adams and chil
dren. Shirley and Ammon, the
honor guest, Clarence Adams and
the hostess.
Turner. Mrs. Mary E. McKin
ney entertained Tuesday N for Mrs.
Etta (Stratton) Breckenridge,
Mrs. Mary Denton and Mrs. Lizsie
Wyatt Smith, all of Salem. Mr?.
McKInney and her guests were
schoolmates a number of years
a a a
A group of the Salem Auxiliary
to the American Legion and Le
gion members will motor to Port
land Monday night to attend a
national convention pep meeting,
which is being sponsored there
at the R. K. O. Orpheum theatre.
a a a
Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Craig and
children, Bobby and Prudence,
have gone to Neskowln, where
they will spend the next two
weeks at the Patterson cottage.
a a a
Miss Aldeane -Smith is on va
cation from her work at KGW.
in Portland. She plans to spend
her vacation with her mother.
Mrs. B. H. Smith, of Salem.
a a
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brock, nee
Gertrude Hartman, left Thurs
day .morning for Los Angeles,
where they will make their home.
Petticord Talks
Draw Attention
In special evangelistic services
each Sunday night, Dr. Emery
W. Petticord, pastor of the First
Evangelical chureh here. Is at
tracting considerable attention
with his messages. This coming
Sunday evening he will preach on
three texts dealing with the
Christian duty of burden bearing
The song service is lead by J. H.
Friesen accompanied by the pipe
organ and piano. Familiar songs
are used.
September 1 closes eight years
of work by the present pastor of
the Highland Friends chureh
Glen Rinard, now pastor of the
Friend's church at Sprlngbrook
Oregon will take us the work
here at that time. It is the plan
of the retiring pastor to enter
evangelistic and Bible teaching
work after a needed rest.
The Young People's forum of
the First Methodist church will
meet at their regular 1:30 hour
Sunday night. Wendell Keck will
lead the group. His topic will be
"Public Education in Godless-
ZENA, Aug. J. W A. Del
sell will address the young, peo
ple's class at Zena church Sun
day night on "Success and Happi
nesB." The whole community la
urged to hear Mr. Deliell's talk.
piPln the Churches 'VMi
Sam Schlrmaa. Sopt. Classes for
young and aid. 8pecial masic. Morning
Corner Uichiand aad Chares streets.
Edgar P. Sims, pastor. Bible school 9:45
a.m E. If. Beckett. Snot. Vtorainr wor-
Obserraaee of the Lord's I ship 11 a.m. and erasing serriee 8 p.m.
Janlor V. m. e p.m. Senior and Interme
diate C K. 7 p.m. Mid-week Prayer
meeting Tharsday 7:80 p.m. Beginning ea
September 1. all ereamg charck semees
trill begin at 7:10 p.m.
Coaer Haiel aad Academy streets. Sun
day school at 10 a-m. Classes for sU. Lea
sea: I Samael, chspter 9. Morning preach
ing serriee at 11 a.m. Erening serriee at
7:30 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday er
ening at 8 o'clock.
Kenneth Abbot wilt
Mrs. P. J. Tooso at 8
19th aad Perry street. II. C. 8terer.
minister. Morning worship at 11. Ser
mon "The Voice of God on the Moan
Church street betweea ChemekeU aad "'- f,1"1 B7- ,Vm
... d.w v it T-;,i ... I ea a quartet. Harnett Adsms, Carol Bra'
Center streets. Rer. P. K. Ericksea,
sstor. 10 a.m. worship. Special masie.
oang People's meeting. L. L. Ward
Horn, leader at 7 p.m.
North Summer at Marioa streets, ta-
ory W. Petticord. D. D.. minister. Church
school at 9:45 a.m. L. L. Thornton, Bspt.
Morning worship 11 a.m. Organ aad offer
tory by Mrs. Ethel Poling Phelps. Ser
mon "The Iaeritable Christ." Christina
Endearor at 7 p.m. Eraagelistie ser
riee st 8 p.m. Subject, "Bordeas." Song
serriee led by Mr. J. H. Friesen. Spe
cial music by the mala qaartet. Bible
stady aad prayer Thursday night at 8
minister. Morning worship" d Liberty. Sunday school at 10 a. m.
on by the pastor. T'God Can Preachiag at 13.
Winter and Jefferson streets. Hugh B.
rouke. Jr.
st 11. Sermon
Do No More." Church school session at
9:45 a.m. F.pworth leeguea for the young
PeoDle at 7 P.m. Erentnr semee at 8
p.m. A discussion group. Informally seek-
ids- the answer to a ntal problem. Be
ing Christian In Our Economic Order,
What Would it Meaal"
dea. BeneitU Edwards aad Mrra Fowler.
Church school at 10 a.m., C. C. Harris.
Sereateenth aad Court streets. Hagk N
McCallum. 1744' ChemekeU. pastor. Bible
school at 9:45 a.m. nnder leadership of
Mrs. Irene Weller. Morning worship aad
aermoa at 11. theme "Seeing the la
risible." Tonag People's Endearor so
cieties meat at T pjai. Eraagelistie ser
riee at 8 p.m. when the MeCallums will
sing the daet la Jesus. Benson topic
at this serriee will be "Which Way
Shall I Takel Mid-week semee aa
Wednesday at 8 p.m.
Nelsoa building, corner of Chemeketa
GoTTm PnariiTiaw i ' T71T1a Tva.t fa
M wait saj ayaamasiai fa, a . jit aaaaassavvw
'22, holder, of the local preacher's
license, is to speak Sunday morn
ing at the Leslie Methodist church
here on "Does the Christian Life
Satisfy the Human Soul?". This
will be Cushlng's last local ap
pearance before leaving for Chi
cago where he will enter Garrett
Theological school this fau. He
has received a scholarship there
and la looking forward to finish
ing his theological work In that
institution and then entering the
During his connection with the
Leslie church, Mr. Cashing . has
been president and cabinet mem
ber of the Epworth league. He is
engaged to marry Maxlne Ulrich,
lifetime member of that church.
Rev. Wilson Ends
First Year Here
ReT. R. V. Wilson, pastor of the
Englewood United Brethren
church, this week ends his first
year in the active ministry, and
his first year in Salem. Tuesday
he will go to Portland to partici
pate in the annual conference of
the Oregon and Washington Unit
ed Brethren churches in the Tre-
mont church there. RerWilson
la a member of the conference
board of Christian education. He
expects to return to Salem where
he will resume his work with the
local congregation.
18tk and 8tate street. Ber. Amos E.
Mlnneman, pastor. German 9:45 a. as.
Subject: "FalfiU Not the Last of the
Flesh." 8undar school 9:40 a.m.
Mrs. Amos E. Minnemaa. Bupt. Luther
league 7:30 p.m.
Miss Martha Eattermaa. leader, ver
ses society cooked food sale Saturday,
August 17, building north of Kafoury's.
430 State street, upstairs erer
Man's shop." Sunday school st 10 a.
Morning worship at 11. Erangalistle ser
riee 7:45. Midweek meetiaga Tuesday.
Thursday and Saturday nights at T.ti
o clock.
Sherman Hawk, pastor,
rasT CHtracH or cheist
Chemeketa aad Liberty streeta. 8uaday
services at 11 a.m. Subject. "Christ Je
sus." Sunday school st 9:45 and 11 a.
Testimony meeting Wednesday erening at
8 p.m. Keadiag room at 40S Masonic
Temple apen from 11 to S:S0 except Sun-
da ya.
The morning aermoa will be p reached
by the pastor at Summit st 9:45 a.m.
Tha Sunday school will follow the morn
ing sermon at 10:45. Tha Sunday school
meets st Ford Memorial church st 9:45
am., followed by the aermoa at 11 a.m.
The subject af tha morning sermon wiU
be "Reclaiming tha Hopelees." Tha
roans- aeoale'a eodetiea anil aeia taair
meetings at 7 p.m. Ths eeeaing sermoa
wiU be preached by the pastor at w p.m.
Tha subject af the erening discourse will
be "Greet Needs rally Met." Special mu
sic for both serriee s.
84S North Commercial street. 8unday
Rer. K. Noil of the Japanese
community church at Hayesrllle
returned Thursday evening from
Seattle. He attended a Japanese
ministers' conference there. Rev
Nojl will conduct services as usual
at Hayesville Sunday morning.
school at 10 a'clock. Iran Hadley. Supt. chool at 10 a.m. Claasea for all ages.
dPl IH I.I W V - " ' J
aa tha book of FhlHppiaas. Geipel meet-
Worship at 11 a'clock. Sermoa subject:
A chureh to Christ." Special music
Epworth league at 7 a'clock, led by Lois
Worship at 8 o clock. Sermon so eject.
What's tha down ¬
ing at 8 p.m. la charge af Aaron Olsoa
and James McCaaley. Eeeryoody inrttea.
ST. JOHN'S ET ANGELICAL . ' . i "'"V '"-ll"
AIW V MS nanam aw I. ' an , , m
Corner lth and A. Ber. H. W. Gross, lag. pastor. Messages aa
errieas at church I P - -e:re o p oujni. .
is This Spiritualism t followed by mee
pastor, wil hold ao semees st church
ea Sunday, but will celebrate annual
Mission festlral with Mt. Aagel in the
grove next to their church.
13th aad Center streeta. Ber. Fletcher
Galloway, pastor. Residence 3025 Market
street. Phone 9880. Sunday services aa
follows: three messages by Ber. Orral J.
Neeaa nf Pasadena California. 11 a.m.
"The Superlative Grace." 8 p m. "The
Christian Marathon." 8 p.m. "The Blood
of Cleansing." Sunday school 9:45 a.m.
r. M. Lit wilier. 8upt. N. T. P. S. 7 p.m.
Sunday services begin at 9:40 a.m.
with graded chureh school. Mrs. W. A.
Barkna, Sopt. Fred Tooso. Jr., will speak
in ths church school assembly and Mrs.
Tooso will sing. Rer. Nelson, pastor of
tha Baptist church at Iadependence will
speak at the morning service. No even
ing eerriee. B. T. P. U. will moot at
the home of Mr. aad Mrs. H. 8. Gila,
at T p.m. Wedneeday erening at 8 a'clock
craver aad praise service. W. Earl Coch
ran, pastor.
tffcnreh and Chemeketa street. Rer.
Gee. H. Swift, rector. Holy CommaaioB
7:80 a.m. Morning prayer and sermoa 10
W. H. Caldwell, pastor. Res. 458 Bel
mont street. Sunday school at 9:45 a.m.
Mrs. Gilbert White. Sup. Morning war-
skip at 11 a-m. Theme " 'Howard lor per-
sacea. Mid - Week meeting as zos is
street between Commercial aad Front on
Thursday at 8 p.m.
South Commercial at Myera. Stearns
Cnshlna- will preach the morning ser
mon. "Does the Christian Life Satisfy
the Human SouL" Mnaie la charge of
Mrs. W. R. Bash. Evening service at
7:45. O. S. Orwig la charge af song
service. Mrs. Robert Smylie will bring
messsge of tha evening. Special mnsie by
Junior choir. Mid-wees; service inure
dsy at 7:80 p.m.
Corner Marioa aad N. Libertv streeta.
Brittoa Ross, minister.. Bible school at
9:45 a.m. Fred Eroer,- Sopt. Morning
worship at 11 o'clock Sermoa: "What
Wa Were' ' ar The Past af tha Chriatiaa.
Jr. and 8r. B. T. P. 0. at 7 p.m. At tka
same hour prayer mee tins- before tha
evening service. Orcheetra prelude at
7:40. Eveaiag service at 8 a'clock. Spe
cial music by the mala choras, mixed
chorus aad tha Oideoa enartet. Serm
"The Broad Onega aad tka Narrow
Goage Roads." This asessaga will be
af interest to railroad man.
Corner Capitol aad Marioa streeta. W
O. Lieakaemper, paator. Sunday school
10 a.m. P. E. Erase. Bupt. German eer
vices 10 a.m. 8ubject: "The Parable ef
the Cnjast 8tewsrd." English eerrieee
11 a.m. Subject: "The Stilling af tha
storm, A Parable ot Life."
turner christian
Ellmore J. Oils trap, pastor. Suadsy
school 10 a.ns. Communion snd mora in
worship 11 a.m. Harold Dunn, song lea
or. The younc people af the C. E. sai
mer conference will furnish special masie.
Paul Brown will offer the atoning
prayer. The morniag aermoa will be giv
ea by Lather Stein, pastor af the Pree-
hrtensn ehareu af rresno. California
His subject will be "Too Busy to Pray I'
The erening Christina Endeeeer an
church service will be with the C.
conference nt the tabernacle.
i ... sT
GIF 111
Dr. orral J. Nease. president or
Pasadena college of the Nazarene
church at Pasadena, CaL, will
present four sermons at the First
Church of the Naxarene here to
night and tomorrow. His appear
ance in Salem is sponsored by th
Toung People's society of the Nax
arene church at ISth and Center
Dr. Nease will speak at a Sat
urday night service and at three
services Sunday, at 11 a. m, 2:30
p. m. and f p. m.
The speaker is said to be strong
ly evangelistic and successful in
numerous large camp meetings.
Last year he was evangelist at the
Quinaby park gathering.
Salvation Army
Veteran Worker
To Talk Sunday
Colonel Merreweather of. San
Francisco, a Salvation Army offi
cer since It 85, will have charge
ot the next Sunday night services
of the Army here. He will speak
at the open air meeting at 7:30
p. m. and at the church hall at t
p. m. The public is invited to at
tend. Mrs. Merreweather is with
htm on the trip.
Colonel Merreweather has been
In charge of the Hawaiian division
ot tbe Salvation Army. For five
years he was chaplain of San
Quentin prison and while there
enrolled 35 members of the pris
on group in the Army.
His-h and Center streeta. D. J. Howe.
pastor. 8naday school 9:45 a.m. Morning
worship 11 o'clock. The Lord's Supper
followed by sermoa. Evening woraip 8
o'clock. Toung People's meeting 7
o'clock. The paator win preach bath
morning and evening. 8peeial music st
each service. Mid-week prayer aad Bible
study. Wednesday st 7:30 p.m.
Four Challenging Messages
By a Leader of Youth
Special Evangelistic Service, Sponsored by the
Young People's Society
Saturday Night and Sunday
August 27 and 28
11 a. m.. 2:30 and 7:30 p. m.
18th and Center Sta Salem, Oregon
First Baptist
Marion and North Liberty
11 A. M. "What We Were
8 P. M. The Broad Guage
and the Narrow Guage
This message will be of interest
to railroad men
A cordial invitation to all rail
road men to attend this servtoe
Briny; the family
. - I
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