The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Sunday lloriShg, August 2i;iS32) f t7I PAGE TIKIES ' "to Si f 1 i777 Will Ring Si lb KM SCHOOLS ivEiiiine I st&tes as well as from iom east-: era states and foreign countries. IThe faculty is composed of-ed- ncated; Christian men and wom en vrho exemplify the ideals of living -wnicn the college seeks to I Inculcate in the students. Besides classroom work the nniversity raiiVi hlirh In th a fieM of rnllerl- Enrollment irii Smaller Co!- IK VarietV Poss',bc Wh ; but I bating, etc., which mark the mod ern 'university. , - IIDV PKROSES QUITE flWEIK HOW DOES YOUR GARDEN CROW? leges Last Year Larg- est in History ' ' College chimes will start rins ing a month hence, calling back to classes youths who are Intent on finishing: their" preparation , for life's ; vocations.! ; College enroll- ments hare ' held np ' remarkably well. Youth comes hut once, and the time for getting an education (I This one Genus as it Has 200 Species OLD US SCHOOL By NETTIE REEVES. Few gardeners who .hare seen hardy .primroses In completely satisfied , until they hare- some in their own . gardens. I wonder If we were limited to only one genus of plants in our ; Most of the space this week will on leaves , off and th other he be devoted to answering th ones- gin,. Usually X refer to them all tlona I have mall dnrr u sedms.lHere. X mention th weeks. Those of different names to mak tt easier you who have to find them In the catalogues. - snt stamped, . This will perhaps also take ear self - addressed 0, tne inqoirer who want to know IaV 'answered rreet nam' toroweleek.? personally. And Honseleeks are- listed under on .. r:,osT m ;t - -4 i -. trrs seed pick pod nly from tb best. If possible, wait nntn tier are rip betor cutting. Th I easiest way is to tow airecuy out? of 'doors, tlk an annual. When th plant ar about six In chea high, with several pairs of leaveeT transplant them to per manent quarters, leaving a two lOCM'lillOUSEl' HEW DEMWT ( i cannbV StJSSS Outgrowth of old University erIsf rWJrfprflv : Wnrlh Whi!' if foot apae between. - and they Vwr.MY.j, ..r.... ....... n fiowil- that lint Given Proper Care; one Need is Drainage " will flower that same fall. - Zl' -i.," S JZli - , ta.k v .-I j. a I s a ivaskM r aw miiiirvi - them ln March, by using aeed f fSrSiSZJS: By NETTIE REEVES ttt aja i.iill.. v.antlfnl I c lfatartal TWkSljirB rA1t aaaA. til. v m I a .v. it. - J i, - ' ' ( uhu'Uwuim 'J ucuim i t.aitinl.iit .Intn. fra m sa : nr nt I ----- - i""- " w' MIB -enuomprw. an4 declde41y worth while. if J". ;.fn,H ZZa rZZZ -Z n0?100.'1"10"? W r .frown properly. As to TT 7-.-' wher th weather M 3 Lumber dealers. If th present fourth . inch of line. son. Keep ,.r. ; ti earth moist but not wet: shadel" "- r; Tt: . .1 1 77 X TT till' sprouts appear. " rlUer, secretary of th Salem BnUd- m mm mini i . i,.. 1 ji. - be- cUUon- ' nuimiwuw w .. ' .. . .1.. - v.. 1.' ....t. ... limtf . - - , - I. . vou that I can-1 i , , " " permits plant them in a perman-! lcruiem. iw oncu - bwik in? ri,7.i.l I I do' not . belleV sedums ' are 1 -lnch .flowers on . more t Uc persist, may be selling bousws In - . i it nan man nirn ituti tn matin : . " i - 'r nn . Tir nana uu m inn xjlii 110 sections Instead of In, the urn MUm are , good or bad. r Enrollments have' held .-up tn part because young .people were unable to find employment and so. decided to at tend T school. These 1 factors . are expected to hold up attendance at th colleges In Oregon this year. The state institutions .will open the latter With... so much. th Mwiverslty. . together wltlv vlrtaally no promo tion work-Hhes schools - fear ; a School at Portland; Has 255 Students among. the nearly 200 species, for A .Midi ulUrl. mm .14.1.' V- . .V. I ." ,waw vm. . . ra n.w.j. iwuna u lilOJ I n.. . a nlu. I I. ' ' ... I. A AAA .AAA . J . , or shrub houses vV aMm. ',..n.i. v-". " "wr you may see nothing but ucaen- wrm "?f"?:-.. .vt. .i i , iaiuwu uuauvs uj.u. i j ataiTra a-h.n .Jar rroat b di I Tn engineerinc aeparunen. Ol Many if jw writfm from ly. w? Orfotf rockerlM. In ; r For eolor there's '"f tkeaXsttUiUW pUnU down the naUonal assocUUod has eom jiu vt ;vu wi w " . ' '' Insist and an nr la a all th del-1. . m. uutiii... . nearly every position. They .vary what house you can obtain this or leat lustrous mauves. yellows UD ory ,.,unny weather. Leave story 14x1 house, composed of e-iii AAvl-a? l-nfsi 4 m at sr' Bk hlA Va- I 1 .. - a . .. . a . n. . T . i JT ." " i.v . i I .v.. aAnA a vn 4n.t Initial! sra native a 1 v". I in neignt xrum u iu,u I 1 riZZT : " V7 I pearly imu imaginaoi. ;nhAr, .nd after I ISO fabricated sections. - Practie- wtn a., rut . mnn ra - Am at. tttiii i u n u udkl iub iu a :uit - w m i vjl vw-c. wuv 11.. uiaua lub liiu i j . f . . i . . . . w a i w . i .. auuiv , . ' I - . ... . ... . .., . . ... .. I lUiBuu buiuiv liauis. im fact, many'of our lovely varieties "1in"t "5 BttnrUe 111 tne,.aei'lto six. Inches abov ground. Dig pleted plans for a five-room, oue- ar. naUve.:f Oregon., An,' lover peaVly S"nU ti0V OdV9 sidVcrimson pur from Mill City to Detroit In May ..-4... ruvu. - . I a.111 at. A j1 bm A-k AIF ak a a Wat. aV aSxA-I B W inn WV naa V akWAv VBk a . aaU al Va. av a . commences 1U eighteenth college ana n; rom B us i. lined! , Th plans ar.s worked out year September 14 with fall, term "IJVZ boe. over with paper or burlap that th part, can b huilt U any miarm im m. aool ulae.. - - I retail vara . or. muiworx piast i grows easily almost i Tn nrtn, - K.fra vniaiitiir-t which has th neeessarv facUltiesu ' th4 SUlt potatoes I .,. C.M.1W,lrnWlnn f hnma Mnnl.ti'' KorihwesterloTleg. ,of ,I,w wb te .oug nstltutions.wlll open "'v Grange. On w'hav primulas best to advls you where to aecur both aides th highway. Group ltOO:"" - ? J SuSSKi H22"f thShotk Ud- frbl!om"vry mon?Vinthyear. th planU or eed yoo desire, of golden aednmblend charming- T.V dahlia 'ow, nTSV. fwl in? ' ockbuna . tJi.ellmati lafavoraM,, Other questions I. answer, as f ar ly with th.natlv purpl pent- wiywhw.' Soli thai 1J T''rMi They are rreaUy appreciated in as I am bl to do .through, tb temon...t o r corn- wlU grow- tw ia n..-n.i(rrA). ar iha law uuropean garaens wbks wey Iambito moB.... - ' ; or com-wlU rrow dhllas. Therl V rv"rt I ""rjT. V. V,.-- 1-7". - . column if th letters, ar not eign-1 ' seanma, eom. tn d ffereut 4m.H .Insist -unoH havior sandor .U J." Jii ;T,7r" ".ot 7;.T ; r. f 'v7i?id Jf! 'rSjftS. Pcial imposition. I Stl ,a. "ront rVo" Wh7; worT noT ;;red"f V ' dahlias sprout .from eyes. Whil ( work : not being segregated from x won ; wsKi.'tows I r-w " '"T VV a 4 .nltlTatlim alnr th 1 ed. afVAft -wa kA.1t t VAllmnnf wj-; ajli I nnit.niTlTI L T T Hf ill! lTsfrSlTr DI I w" w " 1 , . m - . - . . I -f . u- was vu ju suva! .vui vitsuvuk avu - " !-. . . . . ai . s a.-.iAai samisi . vii AT s rrnwi h tr nifan rrai sn nsi l r lasii tall I . a ' a a uiuum ovivwi vui w j vw . w i -nndltlnna nrftvall ' with , tn .-nrt-1 Oregon.-VfilCh -WAS founded lnl" T " 7;;t ik..'.. - Ai... 7:i .a - T I uy . wv y.. I , nrMf urn nronta 1 th walls. - In Other WOTdS. It la i -r: . - r - itHnn nr t nm4 Btii IMr Dtll COUTN 1 MIWC1IW DIIII IOM U inr' art luoae ma l grow ITOffl If th --Ail h.nnona t h . ; 1 ...T. 7 .7r ' A n t u n in ...a n w a r" M if"iii.r.i . . w i . . . . ... . i . r r m m. a a a wa ..a .A w ai A Aa . A iirv. 11. n. nr .1 t m m nmrw am " I I , . I ,4a. ia nliimn T ttnia I inrM KO AirhT 1nDM ami Itiu . .a tw . --v , wai aaf ua u, ui - J , . -i in .Miia country. a f rwu - 7 I .v J " " . I "oie . wub hdh. cuoypeu i nf-t .v.. v,lr an Inrh from I with th imHobi kInr eamnlete 2! 'i0. "!rs?v,i:!.B JZZ .t'rL sli 7 ' .".Va ; . d Irt roVt"makr ib quipped with door-, window Deeause OI more lavorawe cumaio. 'f . 171 " 7, " -y-e"- minu aiignuy sicio swu ; otbiwo- --t- .tt.- ..ttln. in a-mnnri I -r-An: hllnda and oth-r a-eanr- t ,14 i ji.m l wAn a uriAimi. "tntir t All. ' l I ins Terr ma.iiefii Mflini tniiwii it. .a v aaaaaa Vw a 1aaa i - l F r s lull van vtuiuaiiiv uiiuiv. " - - I ilj vu j a wvav conditions, but . for convenience concerning hollyhocks. A garden- whlc& on reddish tint in Set out tubers In the spring naaJJJ TJ T thev mav b placed In two croups I r wroto that ah had been told I 7; . . Anomer variety which after chances, of heavy, frosts I - aws. aa vat colleges -. whose courses '' well r settled. These Institutions rThornton.r an English scholar. In anticipate . normal . enrollments 1 1915, when the. law. department of ' and- th usual: school orranlia-1 the stale university - was -moved ir. -t.l.- .5iJ,m2r ia?fl2-?T2 d into -aeveral rroups. th mein- want to aay now that I do appro- Is th Lyduim. This grows lik a of 11m in th fall. SUbl manur. ..ti:",' , ninn in tha n"! XLTZZ Tf 77 of each being closely related ciaf 'your kind letters. -lense cushion or moss on;the ,heep manure, or any good fertil- eentar of studenti who attend Calvin U.- G.ntenbein and contin- " . "uch th. sam cultural I had an Inquiry this past week UI .will ; answer. higher Institutions 'of learning, ued to be located in. the city. This was testified to by the edu- Northwestern, with Its predeees cator who surveyed Oregon's ed- sors, constitutes the second oldest ueatlonal problem. This desire law school west of the . Rocky of Oregon parents' to equip their mountains. ? young people with good education Twenty-four active judges and Is resulting in building up a cul- practicing attorneys comprise the tured, educated commonwealth, faculty of the school. J. Hunt The private Institutions in Hendrickson, district court Judge. Oregon have rendered conspicu- is dean of the college. Instruction ous service in the training of i9 given In a four-year course young - people for over half a leading to th degree of Bachelor century. Old Willamette is the of Laws, with classes meeting at eldest, and since its founding in night three times a week. 1844 other colleges hav grown The student body of last year np in other localities to serve totaled 255 men and women, their communities. These inetitu- Twenty-eight seniors were grada tions win start again next tail ated from the college last spring, . wun loyai staiis oi competent Instructors, with adequate nsent, tne nest in taeir nistory, registrar of the college. ana wun eninusiasiie siuaeni Toull get this way. a stronger plant in Ilea.- At Cash Robert' those for the boar carden and I hMirhorVa do not mms true from tlnt? ia winter and is slightly tall- are past. Hav th ground in .. . - -. - . l I a, hit 1a .till t . j a. I . . ... . those for th rock garden. When seed. I think, perhaps, that ae- - - " in sooa ,DDe we11 spaoea, aojos one their cultural requlrments penda upon th quality of seed inm Minor. A delightful about nine inches deep by 12 are met, most of them will go on planted. I have had the experience fInk lu,; flowing about six wide. Be sur -to plt-th root bloomlne from vear to year, with, that thev do com tru to seed. inehe tall, is the Spurlum. . The or tuber flat-lengthwise, that is - - " I - m , va A 9 Sa ami- A - no mor car than Is given to oth- One Urn I planted a packet of Wi V"? oron- er nlants. Nawnort Pink seda. Thirtv nlants f4. l9im- oeauwiui on is sie- on of th big sorts Old plants which hav develop- resulted, and every on produced J"1?" r?"?1 lo wat I lng. put m stake at sam urn on th CMn RoDerta farm. Budding mA inoni A.An. mo ha imaaA I v.1 . a tt.. 4aku ninv I inches tall. Its foliage is of a bin-f side of hoi nearest eye. Cover 1 1. ... n...w. i. .ttnnt after blooming. Most sorts re- variety shown in th caUlogue. ren "d ,u flowers ar pink, tuber with four or six inches tur0 aBd many vtntyan both local- l ine piant forms a dens cluster I of dirt. 1 1 f7nm . ,aw aawa a'W UV KW. m I JU AS W Ua 7a UV S5 4V WM WU W W I , a, a. I . . ... I J . MU VUI S W - aV V W" and sandy loam which may . be en- gon seed house, I notice that many i 7r w'" Jf17," n,:" Don t water tubei alter settmg Tlewed tnl- interesting specimen The plans now under consider ation provide for no basement, but tor a heater room with fuel storage space on a level about two inches below an opening off th kitchen. The cost of such a. man- Farm Has Interest :urmng 11 w,tlB14ted at I , W W w a ORCHARD HEIGHTS, Aug. 20. foliage of this also takes on brons- with the sprouting eye up. is JMuch Interest is being manl- MU UAWa11 Jf.M ed tints. A beautiful on is Sie- on f th big sorts needing stak- tetttxl in a budded walnut tree on NOtn rlOWCIi lYian boldll. rrnwln. (mm a .l.vt ll.. - .1.1. a aa.a almA a I .. . . . . ... I W rwm m scores vviin laie About Bird's Nest riched with well rotted manure. A few species require lim In tl soil and thee should hav no peat. of you seem to think that westrn ?f JSiS?; M al, dH WU ta ont- ttt cvult'T,att a tbou,b.T County Agent J. R. Beck paid a I NORTH HOWELL, Aug. 20 a v aa .At --a n. .. ,aah th rockery, OVVU BVUDVO uv uv ksw lava w . a . - l - - -. . a vvaa w . a. a. a-a t I A sedum with a crimson flower form. .Then if its a. dry season I imagine where you hav obtained p0"- Pluchllum la a sed- water liberally, but not too eft- Th boll on tre were wM lif story about bird that .. !. ... I 11 m that oiwaa a mALt .l.j. I am itia a1i A .aa ati 1 tf va t Ia I . . -. I M.. v1t a maa I. Vit. ImMlii, one a week till buds begin to I .,,. to th far for that 8yd M. Cutsforch of North HowelL was awaraeo: iirsi prue xor nis bodies fired with a serious purpose. BUSINESS GDLLEE1E FILL TERM m...i. i . . i m . iv.i v i uui taai crave a msut. ahaitvien: aiso avoia oeen cuiuvaxion. i . . .v.i potent I rharla R ?nakmn 2r - at. I "mu' uiiu. u an wter- .uca si i iiaa vav wucuiw m... ,v . ' ' ' ' i.2ii.. .t. -a Pcea a yar sto ana amcv mi eaIP- torVet in t?; PaclfifnuUdina is Teen ' th European kind which on can get th variety desired ?JnN" llttl? or tlpt; time th growth of th different AZSJ9' "lotion for such and it is surprising how many of .1" a.lSK Vn.t i? a long time ana nyonauea with th better varieties ar carried oy 2." vrv,V aVI -nT.i i, "r . "V" ,n reet " or tne seven duos piaeea, so many others that th flowers th western houses that th I" - V ? ' Th.,?1 is Jon eal or Uquld """.La Ulx lived. Th leavea also show a com In almost every shade of seeds always do remarkably weH r in iiow-som measuring red and yellow with contrasting if glvn am opportunity. r Vv. C",..,,, . . Z rZ.i,: Mm. yes. The leaves ar light green. It doe well with a- southern ex- LUMBER SUPPLIES OH H DWINDLE The "honseleek" described by eso. Tubers usually send .up I Bat t go back t my hollyhock on of my correspondent I think era! shoots. After th first - www j - - - - - i mnii na a rap nn Alii An m t . . 1 laaTaa inrin en nil a 1 1 nnn Hr. A.,,.A v- ......! - v v-a i - : . - . . : axBCDoaiQeaoL it arrowa aiteraM tT km. I- a-i 0M iBU7 . Iurtnr rosette-lik and each cluster " to fround all except on or two f afternoon sun. It blooms In April t0 k,ow. 1 oId Ust autumn. I took den.elyi e0TJ -Sh -obwHi?- the strongest. A, the plants grow Primula dentlculaU I. easy to L", Utwo. Both 'Jtfi-jg Snly'thoU at Up. U TS ow and will thrive in th border di-laion. rrew nlcelv. ThU was!r. 5l"ers of mv n ah.n- thi i:t FISHER INJURED grow ana wiu tnnve in th border divisions grew nicely. This vu ri . 1 mills reporting to th West Coat too fully exposed to the sun. andh- i..ii. n..tinn.. tA PrOf. StaleV Head Of Cam- LumberDifn,i "80cl",n ,or must hav moistur during thkn0w how many varieties of sed a . ii week ndInc An8t 18 operated growing season. It Is th earliest um there are. That Is a difficult tal Business College Since 1890 tually. Many gardeners find it a I most interesting rock plant. -wnen shall I prune my butter- ORCHARD HEIGHTS, Aug. 29 C H. FUher. who has been ser iously ill th past week -is some what Improved though still nn- abl to mak th trip to town. Mrs. Juliet Bingner and lira. C. tried to build a nest In his hunting coat while the family were living in Idaho, where Mr. Cutsforch was a government hunter. Mr. and Mrs. cuuiorcn ana their three tons hav been living at Mrs. Elvira Bumps, for th past year, but hav now moved to their new location on th coast near Taft, where th boys will at tend high school. at 19.8 per cent of capacity, ai blooming of all. comina un with 1 a cAmA i luui.i iu y wufc v. v. i iuv crocus. blooms.' Ton can shape the plant and get branching whenever you want it by pinching off tips. An open aunny spot with plen-1 A Tommaseen. mother and sis- fly bush?" ask a wnufhnvA AA. I ty of air but sheltered " from I ter respectively of Mr. Fisher, respondent. I prune mine as soon "tron wln4 tfc Blac to grow wer recent visitors from Port- till nar -nt r th. .t.V LllV 111.. .-J, . i I 1 m7 more. IM QlIU- nm.. U 1.. p land at th Fisher horn. Chicken Dinner 11 a. m. to 9 p. is Tho 01?A . " -"f with sedums th name, I al cut ?h. nIVL it I a. V t A. ' . a A A a a. a .- . Maw tall 1Aa ttl fnmmur-1 a8t ear. uunnj m" wees awaliy in a moiBl rOCK. niCO. bloom eial tratniBg will be begun Sep- ot t1 plants wer reported as ing In May or June, tenifier 12 at the Capital Busi- down and 112 as operating. . For the pool border or bog gar- nesa college, W. I. Staley. presi- Current new business ot 21 den, there are those gorgeoua dent of the school announced identical mills was 23.0 per cent Asiatic primroses, mostly from Satnrdav. Students are register- OTer production. This group r; western China. Primula bessiana lng now, both for day and night I P"ed production approximately I is one of the candelabra grpup school, th latter openin? the iQ Bae as tne previous wee, middle of October. Shipments for the week were 15.7 Complete courses In commer- Per cent over production. Hal H lnclndinr tvninr. steno- Inventories, as reported by 144 graphy, bookkeeping, commercial mills decreased 1,287,000 feet genta. Primula bulleyana is sim- law, arithmetic, and business irom me wee enoug August uar m growtn. But th flowers English, as well as Instruction and are 23.2 per cent lees than at are soft yellow, deepening to or- in machine bookkeeping, dicta- this tim last year. ange In the center. Primula Jap- phone and calculating machines. Unfilled orders Increased 1,- onica is the best known of th is offered at this school, which 211,000 feet from the previous hardy primroses, and Is variable Is th oldest Institution of the week. New export business re- in color. . - kind under one ' management in ceived during the week was 242,- Primula pulverulenta comes th Paeiflc northwest. It was 000 feet more than the volume re- from th Thibetan border, is established In 1889 and has been ported for the previous week. New I strong growing, and varies la eol- nnder the present management domestic cargo orders wer 2,-lor from rose to crimson. A very which sends up a tall stem with the flowers arranged in tlera along the stem. The color of this on is ; purple but it , may vary to ma- anist and have no idea where the since 1890. mm mead 445,000 feet over th previous hardy primros is primula florin- week, new rail business decreased da. It Is on of th most striking 1,149,000 feet, while th local I of all, the flower scape reaching trade decreased 78,oo reet from lover three feet and crowned with the previous week's business. . . i 20 er more leave. It baa large mean, there Is no difficulty in Anthony Waterer as soon aa they growing them la that botanists fade. If these ar removed th. and cataloguers all seem to differ. I shrub will continue Its blooming Some do not classify sedums. sem-1 for Quite some time. pervrvums ana cotyieaons unaer The Bin spirea is, I believe, uiuereiii groups. avui uui m out- most generallv fonnd In iat- logues aa "spirea Cariopteris." In growth it resembles th Anthony heart shaped cleaves and blooms waterer. Its foliage Is a grayish- in August. green somewhat th color of Perhaps th Quickest way to sage or lavender and Its clusters rais them from seed, which of blooms are a delightful shade should b as fresh aa possible. It I of blue. Seldom does it grow tall- sown In January or February, it than three feet. I lik it very will germinate readily. Since the I mucn, as it comes into bloom wnen seeds ar very fin and the seed-1 bo few other shrubs are blooming lings delicate they ar best sown " August ana September. in not, as the Dots can be watered mere, i nave usea an my space bv aettinr In a nan of water. I and hav net answered all of the Plant that do not ret larsr I questions. Next sunoay I will try enough lo transplant in the fall I to cover those Question about may b left in th pots over win-1 new varieties of shrubs and roses ter. 1 to order this autumn. IT Willamette university, oldest degree- granting institution west of the' Rocky mountains, will open its 89 th year September 15th, th beginning ot Freshman week. On Sept, 17th Freshman registration starts with general registration taking place Sept. 19th -and elasses starting . sept. 2 Oth. ;.The - university . will main tain Its regular departments, a eolleg of liberal rta and college of law. Ther are practically no chances in th college of liberal arts. In tho law school Prof. Roy Loehenour will b acting dean. Willamette has been very favor ably situated during th past few years. Its large . enaowmem aas enabled the school to carry on without diminishing Its services. Tb enrollment last year was the highest In history, ana a nn at tendance is expected this year. . While Willamette Is a product c the Methodist missionary en terprise. In. pioneer. Oregon and Ull in child ot that , religious RAi- th- fnfttltntioa .is by no means sectarian, but .. broadly Christian, seeking . to . malnUln the highest traditions of religion sad of culture." Its studehU eom from all over th northwestern North Pacific College of Oregon Schools of Dentistry & Pharmacy PORTLAND, OREGON DENTISTRY: A four-year coarse of Instruction Is given to students who bring not less than one year (30 semester hours 45 term hours) ot college credit in English, chem istry, biology and physics. The regular pre-medical eours Is . recommended for. students of dentistry. . Th dental school also offers graduate and: post graduate courses. . PHARMACY: The course in pharmacy la four years leading . to the degree ot Bachelor of Science (B. S.) tn Pharmacy. DENTAXi AND MEDICAIi ASSISTANTS - Th training for Dental and Medical Assistants and Hygienlsta covers on and two years. . : :j.- :.m . ;-. . , --. -For catalog and full Information address THB ANNUAL SESSION BEG IN8 SEPTEMBER 29, 1932 , THE REGISTRAR East Sixth and Oresjom Street r Portland, OregOs f. 5 K0RTHWESTER1I COLLEGE j OR LAW Portland ; . Oregen v Offers four year coun In Professional Law leading to defre ot LL. B. ; - EYcninr Classes ? Judge J. H. Hendrickson, ; . : . i Dean . . " " FALL SEMESTER 1 STARTS . SEPTEMBER 14, 1932 For Information and catalog l- apply v tof ' - Chaa. R- Spackman, Jr: ; . v REGISTRAR ; i ttl Pacific Buildiag. V j . Portland. Or.; Oregon's Largest Independent ; Uixiveriity - often courses leading to the Bachelor's degree in 21 DIFFERENT MAJORS Social Science Economic Education History -Philosophy Political Scieic Religion Sociology Natural ScIceMC Biology ' Chemistry .Horn Economic Mathematics Musie . Physical Education Physics ? Letter Ksgllsa . French 1 German Greek Latin Public Speaking Spanish Collet of Law - " Bclaool t Mask: Enrollment Is limited. Standards ar nigh. . . : Expenses ar moderate. For application blank and for general information "address the Registrar. Wfllamettt University,' ; r t- - ' Salem, Oregon. - , First Semester opens September 15, 1932 i . II 1 1 1 - - 'V V R I : . star i v -- . Do You Want to Your Lot id usiness World? When you must be prepared, without epe-.-rial pr-paration, your chances of a. atart will be meager and your progress slow.0 This is the year to prepare; when work is scarce. Be ready for the opportunities sure to come with the return of : business' to. normaL i ' ' ; , , Opening Classes on September 12 Call; Let Ut -Talk It Orer : r i . Enter Your Child Now in the Statesman Kennell-Ellis Four Classes of Entrants CLASS A First, second and third awards for prettiest baby over 5 months and under 12 months of age. CLASS B : First, second and third awards for prettiest girl baby over 12 months and under 5 years. CLASS C First, second and third awards for prettiest boy baby over, 12 months and under . S years. " :-.t-1:ciJaSSP;v;j:;- First, second and third award a. for prettiest: twins under 5 years. Your Child May Win One oi 12 Valuable Prizes DricS Facto About t&c Contest: Any child of 5 months to 5 years of age may enter. . " . .. . . 12 beautiful prizes and free pictures to the winners. ' . " " ' , It costs you nothing to enter the child in the contest.' You may enter more than one child. '. . Sittings only, by appointment. . -. Hundreds of youngsters took advantage of : our contests held last year. . .. V :' ' . - . r . -'- . . - ,, . - All photographs will b exhibited at the Orr gon state fair September 26 to October 2. It Costs You Nothing to Enter Your Child in This Pooular Contest . V Just Telephone 7830 F or 'Appointment V ME1R(1KAOTS' GIVING PRIZES INCLUDE : Capital Drug Store, Atlas Book Store, Miller Mercantile Co. Salem Laundry Co. (Welder's), Eoff Electric, Imperial Furniture Store, Montgomery, Ward ft Co., Price Shot Store, -teio-ell-ElUs. 1 -' Business CoIIe 5:7 423 Cregoa -Bldg, Salem i - Salem, Oregon