' ' , - t " " ew -t----v- tmrnW T C.t. rt...,--.. Ctn)ir 1 1nmlnrr in-met rt 1532 O : " ' PAGE SIS . . ' ' " ' . , k . - m t mill rm aaaa si M n -i o ii GOOD KIT GREETS in the Churches 4M Silver-totr Future Farmers Get Hear, top Prices on , ; Hogs in Portland JJCBBICUU- LUTHESAll ' i & Church t trc hetweea Chemeketa and Cent Itrati. Bev. P. W. Eriekaea.' jm I tor. 19 ia moralag worship. Sermon tool: "Ar Those Wra Believe These Who L1tI" Special muale. Tmt Fm ! pl BMtiag Bt 1 JOB, XtaVOtMBBia, Ma ther league. : CUUST SYAMtU-UlUAIa JiVIJUUJi 1 EirBteenta. mad State streets. Bar. I Amos . iiiHBM, A. M. pastor. German 9:4.e.m. Subject: "Abraham's Promises At Also Ours."- English aerviee at 11 Subject? "Added Beeaaae of Trans. araeaiea." Buaday achool 9:40 e.au Mrs. Amoe E. Minnamaa. Sept. Lather league ; 1 ;su pja. .as anna fiattermaaa, leaeer. , ;ilOV in aCEKOKIAX. x. i. i Viator end Jetfersea atreeta, Hugh B. fIL KORS ARE UIUJDED . SILVERTON, .Aug. H "This little pig la going to market," ti the song o( Palmer Torvend, -Clifton Strom and Elmer Thompson VTAXaTZlXTia TABEBXACLS Thirtaaath - Bad TrTTT lUNtl C G.I Waum wetter. ..S inula j achool -a 1 :43 I Foake. Jr pastor. Morninc worship 11 pja. B. C i'erraioa. Bapt. Church aerviee I o'clock. Senaea by the pastor aa "How at p.sn. EvangeiatU ear-ice at 7:45 I Go4 HaaU Hajaa Nood.1' Caarea acaoat p.m. Choir aa erekotra aamBara at mu I 9: ia a. o. catpaater, Bpt t-p- aarvteea. epaeiai aaatovr bj uo i wont mmi at i p.BL. cvaaiaK wanaip ial So" President Fischer. Says; Insurance Held 'up by : Rre Hazard ' i a p.. narlct ia taa nisf. Taaadar pvaaiac BifaU atadT at 7 :45. Wdaedar pravar awatiac at X no m, Tanraaay aTaninf i it Jtaaa Bomi Order r Tka paklis la lavltad. t SILVERTON. Ag. "If -rr-eording . to I H rlaclier, . presl- aUteaaaiaa troop . at I dent of the riacber Flooring Mm I Bits iFor Breakfast AHflACTS CHQV.'D will b In ahapo for tbf opening of acliool.'iTho opening datowaa to bar neea Sept. U,- but oa ao count of taachora tnitltnt Doing tho laat tbreo diya f tho aamo week, tho dato baa been cbangea to Septlf. ' -; - Ko achool youngster naa o zar been beard to press sorrow over tho postponoment. James Cogswell baa return ea 10 (Continued from page 4) Mr. Gray.' and- Mr. Smltb, aa la OTldent from tho statements of Messrs. Toupin, Gervala, and Mc- : T tW iu TURNER. Aug.. IS Tbo Tnr- . Mr. Spalding taya In bla L . ,..w,i.f rni..nn.i sndaT writings: .. Tho months of .deep I nt nrt -Wial musical JodUb. Mod Una. wbero :bo was solicitude, wo bad. bad, occasioned 1 9rotrairJ Wednesday nlgbt at the I offered work for Indefinite pe-. byithe increasing menacing. de I church as a; benefit for ew rlpd. HU family wUl remain hero manas oi.ine iduum ix "-lur fsnDDly of Sunday school' 'song I until, bis return. ? V, r 7t- ' ir v v ii ' I books. The thurcn was well xuiea. inwr IMM . . . n una m vmi ., in.l.tiuf nf In- CuhVd it." Dr Whitman tVlce rlne Hawk; -Welcome,. Lowell SSfi ..S: 'ii.? '-22 Uiu Hadley:' aolo. -WoodUnd Birds." daTatieaal aarrVa at 7 :45. CkiJdwa'a kk ID-lit . U.tnrl. . uniu. ' Thursday when they accompanied Toaar Peopla'a aarrica .at 7:45 8atar- tbelr seren bogs and three sheep jd.y aitt. hoir at i , w. a. R.okt. mo- 1 . tt..-. MirV.f I ial director i ckarfe. Am-r at th Portland union stock m ,v.. v.n ..i k.ii1 xHXAiroxx. baptist i . . . Coraer Haael aad Aead-y atraeu. r Instructor, Warren Crabtree, were 8uB4.y hoi at 10 a.aviasaa: I 8- I also la the group going UP for the Ml, ckapter- S. PraachiBS aervieaa at 1 11 aJtt, aad t;SO p.oj. Prayer aieatias The boys returned late Thurs- M .l.Vl DH.AfA. with ' tO t aaj uiui i (jait.ixu I miT GZBHAJr BAPTIST Of 177.94. WfclCb aiSO lnciuaeo, tne Kart CotUa aad 0 atreota. O. W. " 11.50 Won by Elmer Thompson In Bataaa, miaUUr. Saaday aeoool . 9:45 the weight and price jessing con- Sc cw. test. Elmer Thompson took four Jeto;k" gonaoa topic; 'CoaUort Fo bOgS and these were sold to Swift Tka Wka God.' toaaf Paopia'a and Company. They welghed 820 t'VT ponnu ftna Drougnt f.wu & nun- i Kmur ! v.o.Tr, B will BSaaSK auivwaaa,. Iivaa . w I V w. . - - - - . I - Hlfl T- 1010. wV DOUimUU X2AA UOa totaptinr to aa.wa tea auia! "Waat4 eoraDany ; bere wbleb closed ; Its ! ouring ,tne issi year cauea me - Wtrit.-? amUis it Ma t ba jaruua la uor tea-. I T.;t- ta 4v . eit I C&Tilaes toratber S.nd told . them I r1 - ' .-' l'th r.nti at . . . Dr. t uaaiey; reaamg. -oun . HIS DIES doors July IS. the rumor, at Sll- Terton that a "rlcb Portlander Is considering a .new ' Fischer Mill pun,' la entirely unfounded. . The rumor of the plans of the Tkuraday areaiaf at S a' clot k. AXXIABTCS OOSPXXt TABZEBAOUB SSS Firrr arroat. W. H CaldwaiL aaa fox. Pkoaa 8693. Rca. 4S Babaaat 8U Baadav ackool at 9 :45 a.m. Ereaiar araa- saliatia aarriea at 7:45 a.av Prayar or I Portland man Was that he would Vr T'f Wt up between 115.000 and 130.- atoottas aad areaactra practica oa Wed- ( 000 In CSSb with which to operate aaaday aveaiag.. Sarriaa at BcUrraa I nrOTldlnr the bondholders would area 11 aoa.' Baaday. k .mi. ti Ana-fmirtk of ch it M-'l' Knk.Homer and Norral it a majority wunea, ne wouia 1 TAn, ran Hatfield f leare the conntry at once. . . . ur. 1 " ' ' i 7:V Viv.ri.ii,. 1 Trr.i. w.u i.4..i .j .iTlolln selections,-' Albert Jensen. n oiuuaa unit uiuuwt wu w i - . w seU . the Walllatpu aUUon to T the "fJt"'6? Sbh 8 Catholle mission-wheneter a ma-r alnber? bJ b",W?i;.!' Jorlty of the C.ynses might wish 4 V ft. . . .'When they (the Indians) 2?SZr2!:: V " Xr.ZZ '. together." . i. - Bond Holders Meet A more or dred. This was but 10 cents un der the top of tHe market Thurs day. ' Strom. Hog Overweight Palmer Torrend'a two hogs, sold to Ben Lery, brought the top price of 15.10 a hundred., The weight was 330. Young Torvena was one of several F. F. A. boys who recelred the top price on the Thursday ' market.. Clifton " Strom bad one hog; weighing 250 pounds 'krias the ateaaace. Kid-wek prayer meet lag at 0 p.m. Wedaekday. - ' TIBS JCETHODIST Ifarkat aad Serth Winter ttraeta. J. & Stewart, paator. Bnaday sekaal at 9:45 a.m. HaraiaK worship at 11. Sermon br Btt. 3. S. Walker ot JJewperg. Ore. No aveaiag aarriea. COTJBT ST. CHBIStlAir BaTaataeatk aad Coart ktrceta. Hack V. UeCallam, pastor,' 1744 Chemeketa itraet. Bibla ackool at 9:45, under direction ot lire. Irene Waller. 6upt. 'Moraing wor inip aad Communion at 11. Sermon OF HEART ITU - t aaaaaMaaaaajaaaaa A ' SCOTTS MILLS. Aag. It Har ry Hicks dropped dead In. front Of Brougher's store Wednesday afternoon about 2:10 o'clock. He mr, o. after th; ?etbof tb. OnM.in5i Tt11; " Poetof flee for the ... ' - a a. a a . I nBw- WaBaT-'Ba. I . 11 D III U3 SB. B. UW I1UII B SB T rslPfl AAfl WftaB aW IBM JaPflaTataVJB US son, or me wau wait cniei, aer-1 r"T-i"7"i Ti. i. t irht I ; 7 . . ral meeUngs-were held to .tAblSJtkJ f tk,.tor.-.- .ij.. ..i n. .Tirvih... , am aiuvi junii, vi wi( . in inrriTea dt nin winnw self. o"Bome"othV from a-year- Annette Hicks, three daughtera. teacher should be killed Bs a set-l 7 v . ' i strs, tana saine ana rs. rreioa : w'S ; Steel gnlUr music Glenn Gar- nbaiidiap of nrAn nit' lira - I" Ber: -Rock of Age..". Mrs: Mabel Mlnomnd . Hnbirt w-;. Martin and Mis. Hawk, wltb pan- of g,. M m.r ,Viu less prlraf meeting eajed -and. conTerted at; the Jason m 2J?2E . 5iL. "U Lee mission, ana was uiiea in tne - - .77' I ".ieuu. V"' l and aelllnar to' Swift and Comnanr I them. "Compaedoa That OVtalaa.' hamuli Mamvr owtvww . for S4.50 a hundred. Strom's bog was overweight. The three sheep, (belonging to Torrend, went to . Swift and Co. for $3.50 a hundred and .weighed 290 pounds. Thomp son's check was $39. 0; Tor vend's. $25.23; Strom's, $10.S2. .- In the guessing of weight and price contest, three lots of hogs were offered for guessing. Each lot contained from 10 to 20 hogv First prize of $5 went to Millaif Magness of Dayton. Elmer Thompson of Silrerton, won sec ond prize. - Pettlbone Leader The boys saw the entire pro cedure of the stock yards and at noon were the guests of the com. pauj. avuuciu reiijuuue ui - -rjtsr crjsTjr I their holdings In a new bsond Issue, Hick aad Center atreeta. D. J. Sowe. Fof reasonable time. one-fOUTtb In &0"nkr.".-Bp.r f;Jm- j followed By preaeking. Evaaiag wortkip S I lmpared - mUllX . Company, BUU eioe-.' xaang FaopM s meeting at 7 I permit tne DBiance Oi me prawi w-.w a a i -tM, .t mnale.' Glenn' Gar I pk..7i.. n... " " ' V, " J&&&Jlt?: od -totiB.to- be written off al- off for ElUab.-(Elijah was- the Li?.' ffMliS Z?"2I-0J i.f!: Bpocial maaia at each aerr tea. .Vid-waaK ernea Wedaetday at 1 :30 p.au PTB8T CHTTBCH 07 CHXIST BOZEXTIST ; Chemeketa aad liberty rtreeta. Saaday aerriecai at 11 a.m. Babjeet, "Hiad. Saaday achool at 9:45 aad 11 aa. Tetti moay . maatiag Wedaesdey at S p-au Baadiag room at' 40S Uaioaia Temple pea from 11 to 5:30 except Baadays and nondaya. - m - : TUSJI-Jt CHBISTIAB " Elmer J. GUatrap. paator. - Saaday I Kartdftrlr tha latter hf Portland, o'clock; sabject: v-vTha ImporUnco of Thinking. Evening worakip 8 o'clock: aabjoct: "The Sevea Siaaera of Turner." Young Paopia'a meeting 7 o'clock; np ieet: "The Qualities o CkrietiaaJ SSl'y'siicW of the bondholders was held in the' offices - of . CuBter E. Ross, Thursday night, at which time a committee of three' bondholders was appointed to care for parts of the bondholders' Interests. The committee Is -composed of R. A. CoVden. Ed Nelson 'nd J., D. ; j ETaaina? BTanceliatid aervica at S p.i with a roasinr eon f -service of fsvoriU hvmns. Mid-week aervieo oa Wednesday at . p.m. Theme, "Lake, the Beloved Physiciaa. SOUTH SAXEX PBIEBDS South Commercial at Washingtoa Stt. Ckaalea ft Hswerrh, pastor. Sunday ser ii - 10 m- Bnndav schooL Nathan Cook, Supt 11:00 Moraing Worskip. Hel en Cammack." ongoing missionary to Bo livia, will apeak. S-p.-U warship. Sermon: Looisa Palmer Webber's Text. A Tem perenea Sermon. Tuesday '8 p.m. prayer meeting aad Bibla study. PIBST ITETHODIST 9:45 a.m. Church school, D. H. Schulze, Supt. 11 a.m. public worship. Sermon by Bev. Earl Cochrane ot Calvary uapus-s-aoHnion services ia Willson park. :30 p.m. Yoong People's Pomm. Reli ciooa drama. "The Dust at the Road." ; - ion, with solUr ecompulmrat. ' . . -ui.... r rut. mM f.i 9. The same Mr. Spalding said I nn.. e vch-t.- nr .niHtn.i. -, 1 . m a m I - . , --o- - -r Tl , . V's v I Alrln ' Garner; Tending, Rachel Dr. Poujade .(Dr. J. P. Poujade) n.M.i.. . ! -.-, .ii--.. ("see his statement below") i The .-,.- .. luuuuii u sniuui worse oieu i uu.. m..i txn . i . TKa matt. a lnnrani VSI !. " .v-. 1 v.-. I aS srw "l"'Wi suawu A awww - vm. - ' . 1 T 1UI LWU UI LilfOB JC-LTB JUIL I -. . - 1 V ttu; TT.J1. discussed and Instructions ,werei, --v ,Mtti --- : 1 "fH1 oy.-ra. , wm-waaA W'au U9 maae 10 wrwe i no . insurancw out of these missions. A few days through the offices t ; Alf O. ato. they tore down my fences. Kelson, - of - BUTerton, attorney I And I da not Van what th . R.wiwfrn- ome of the bondholders. It ,,onaPy board of New York means Bar. B. Sbermaa Hawk, Jsstor. una- I rumored on the streets Fli-1 v . . s Ml UW. U UVk WW SI v BVIOE no good. When the immigration pass es, the Indians all run off to trade,. and return worse than when we came amongst them.' 10. Dr. Whitman hatt declar ed many times during the last two years that he wished to leave; that ne knew the Indians were ill dis posed towards him, and that It was dangerous for him to remain . HI! lllAUD - UU BbhV .a . - I w i rnnn v t n mm . w nmr r.v m a i. .1. . I . . . , . . . v f- ,.An-. I e " w vvuyiw ui Hinim i,nrrsil ina iui iinca. statement will be forth-1 iTT C. . . me nits man Deueves. a nrotner oav school 10 a. m- Ivsa Hadly. supt. Eleven o'clock sermon, subject: "Jesus the Deliverer Prom Life's Bitterness." Ep worth league st 7 p. a., sermon : "Does It Matter What Wa Believe!" TXMP-JS BAPTIST Corer 19th and Breymaa atreeta. 3. H. Briscoe, pastor. Saaday achool 9:45 a.m. Morning warship 11 o'clock; subject: was rumored on the streets Fri day morning that the binders were cancelled because of the fire hazards of the mill. It Is understood that farther inspec tion of the ; mill will be - made before Insurance can be written. I The Insurance,. It was understood The Hour - Hss Coma." Bveaiag wor- j was to have been for $50,000. vallls was the toastmaster at the luncheon hour. Speakers Included E. R. Cooley' of Salem; A. E. Pearson, presi dent of Portland stock yards; A. B. Colt, vice-president of the state bankers association; Richard Carter of Newberg; Millard Mag neas of Dayton; Curtis Ritchie, vice president of F. F. A,; Alvln Durest, secretary of the state .F. F. A.; Harold Shodd, treasurer of state F. F. A. George Gendeman, who won second In the F. F. A. chairman of the agricultural com mittee of the state bankers' asso ciation; B. Z. Darnell, buyer of Swift and Company; Harry Co fold, president of Livestock Ex change, and R. L. Clark, secretary of the Livestock Exchange. The eight boys going to Port land were exceptionally enthusias tic about the day. In all there were 1(4 Smith-Hughes' students -present representing 11 schools. SPXXITTTAIJST CHTTBCH OP DIVIKB TBUTH V-lson kalL Chemeketa street. Vetweea berty and Commercial. Gordoa Fleming. paator. Saaday services 0 to T.tv p.m. Message aad healing S p.m. Lecture sub ject, "Dreaais and Premonitions' fol lowed by messages. Mid-week message cir cle at 258 D street, between Commercial aad Front streets Thursday, at S p.m. BEPOBJCED CHTTBCH Corner Capitol and Marion streets. ship S o'clock; subject: ''Oar Heavenly Record." Xooag People a meeting o'clock. FIRST CHTTBCH OP THB KAT.ABEVB ISth and Center atreeta. Bev. Fletcher Gallowsv, pastor. Bosldeaea 2025 Market street. Phone 9030. The pastor will apeak Aaaday from the following subjects: 11 s.m. "Which la Mora Vital to the Church, Gifts or Graces 1" 8 p.m. "Tho Crimson Kobed Traveler, of tka Prophet' a Vi sion." Saaday ackool 9:45 a.m. P. M. Lit- wilier. - Supt. K. Y. P. 8. aad Junior society 7 p.m. , HENDERSON IN CHARGE SILVERTON, Aug. 19. R. G. Henderson, past grand represen tative of Salem, Oddfellows order, will . present Rev. J. A. Bennett with the 60-year jewel at a meet- Is. H. Fischer was ent at the meeting night, and - so made menta. not p res- Thursday no state- School Postponed At Liherty Until Middle of Month LIBERTY, Aug. 19 Reshlng- llng of the schoolhouse is almost completed-and soon the building him. (Se Mr. Gervais' statement below.") .(The men meant were CapL Thomas McKay and John Jack snd Ekman's In Sllverton Mail Carrier off Duty . Ellis Nicholson is carrying the mall oa the route - for ' Carl Mil lard, the regular carrier, who has gone , to the -mountains huckle berry lag. Mrs. Mary. X- Fnlkcrson. coun ty school superintendent, was here Wednesday morning en school business. James Cully and J. O. Dixon were In Portland the first of the week as witnesses on the Silver Falls Lumber company trial. v Mrs. Wing of Newberg is visit ing her daughter. Mrs. J. O. Dix on, and family. Mrs. C. E. Mulvlhlll aad daugh ter. Ruby Harriet, ot Portland is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Brougher, this week. BRUSH CREEK. Aug. 19. Those who are having their grain combined la this, district have found the work progressing very slowly this past week. The com bine began operations Thursday morning on the Jensen farm but was forced to cease until the af ternoon because of . the damp con dition of the grain. Growers are hoping that -combining . will bo completed within the next few days. Threshing by machine was finished last week.' Grain crops are aald to be unusually, light in this district this season. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Jorgenson plan-to leave Saturday for'Brei tenbush hot springs where they hope the treatments will help Mrs. Jorgenson, who baa been suffer ing from rheumatism for several months. Their daughter, ' Miss Marie Jorgenson,-who is employed at Salem, wUl be home tbia week end to start hervaeatioB aad an other daughter and her husband. Mr. -and -Mrs. Chlttkk from Me- bama, plan, to come to Brush Creek to care for the Jorgenson place. . : Miss Luella Foreland la at the John Moe home where -she is car ing for Mrs. Moe, who baa been 111 , for several months, and ' for Mrs. Moe's sister, Mrs. Clara Bal timore, who recently underwent a major operation at the Sllverton hospital. Both Mrs. .Moe and Mrs. Baltimore are said to be getting- along very welL; -- . w ; Swimi-iing is Cause Of "Measle" Illness future. Bis: Bean Tonnage ' Taken Daily From Area Near Stayton WEST STAYTON, Aug. 19 Bean nick In r la at lta h4 hr Sister' ScKool - to tprtn f0 T1 where be "11. From a letter of Dr. White, Large tonnagea are being harvest- o . . T m - " . " muu wwn-eu u im iu i cu uauy. lomiioei are ripening Sfv4- Naw Tarm Sftnn nilsslon. He went ao far as to ask I tb Indian denartmat at Wuh. I rrv r..t t i..t a . . vw- I , ,(.Tr . . I I . . . . 1 - - mjm auu .V. ' . 'awaa.xn winter mgton, it Is evident that at that there will be a good crop If the with him. for fear of the Indiana. Itlm t b whni SUBLIMITY, August A teemed dlapoaed to exchange terrible fright, expecting that all toes and beans are not vlJd! a. a . A I Ml. MIS AA TTTk 14 1 . . i L I a w a a a . - I - numoer or men-are now ouay put- i - -msnfU iur aoin- i m maian xnne. or tne waua i good thi. year as nsusi. Ung a new joof on ' the . Sisters I r one in in wiiiamet. ("See Mr. Walla country would massacre the I Mrs. Lawrence Dun A . . A m lUllOUlOUb Will W AWaa- I , Va a I - a coming from him In the ne r -x" no i yam. ui wnose statements mere saia iast fail (1547) that he will follow tomorrow a little wouia leave ceruinly In the mora. hm, ra .aa tba : Sisters will I McKay's statement below") Mr. I Americana who win nn thafr w llBg bare Saturday night, honoring arrive next week from Beaverton opaiamgaeciarea also last wln-lUnds, and next would como down 4. L-e-kaemer, paator. Saay aehooi Rev, Bennett. Rev. Bennett polned I to get ready, tor the new school ter (IS 47). that for three or four r.EASE IS SPEAKER E mm ' Dr. Orval J. Nease, president ot . Pasadena college, P a r a d e n a, - Calif., Is to speak at the Nazarene church here Saturday and Sunday, August 27 and 28, in an evange listic convention sponsored by the young people's society of the lo cal church. Rev. Nease Is chair - man of the department of educa tion of the Church of the Naza rene and one of the outstanding young men ot the denomination. ' He fa a special speaker for two . district conventions which meet in the northwest, one at Seattle August 22 to 26, and one at Wal la Walla August 30 and 31. m - A group from Salem will at- - tend the convention In Seattle next week. Mrs. Paul Hardy, Miss Laura Mills, Miss Ila Hotter, Or ville Parnell, and Lewis Harbin - will represent the local N. Y- P. S. at the gathering and Rev. Fletch er Galloway Is to be one ot the teachers in the institute which will be in progress at the same time. - : Regular services will be held to- - morrow when Ret. Galloway will speak from the - following sub jects: 11 a. m. "Which is more vital, gifts or graces?" and 8 p. ' m. "The scarlet robed traveler. , Mrs.' HattIe Lltwiller 'of Twin - Falls, Idaho, Is to sing by special ,. request tomorrow morning. She formerly lived In Salem, iiti a. P. T. Kraae. Snot. German ser- vleea 10 a.m.. Subject : ."Christ Beeaiveth Sinful Men." English servlcea 11 o'clock. Subject: 'Chariot and Maatele." Sing lag by tka mala quartet. ST. TZ9CBVT DePADX, (CathoHe) Tlirhlsnd and Mvrtla avenues. Bev. ThAa V. Keenan. nastor. Phono 6511. Son- day masses at 7 and 9:30 a.m. Week-day services at s:l a eioea. ST. J.HJf'S EYABGELICAZ, in-STSis Missoari Synod. Bar. H. W. Gross, nastor. Ensiish - services at 9:43" a.m. German at 11 o'clock. - XKIGHT MBMOBIAL - iflth aad Ferrr streets. H. C. Stover, mimiater. Morninr worship at 11. Sermon-1 nv tha- aastor. Subject: "A Mountain Experience. Bunaay acnaoi as s B.m. C. C. Harris, Supt. . PBESBTTBBIAH Winter and Chemeketa street. Grover r Bfrtehett. D. D.. pastor, a: -O a.m. Church achool, directed by L. M.-Bamsge, Snpt. 11 a.m. morning worship, ser mon br Bev. Norman R. Smith, af Mt. Pleasant, Utah. 6:30 p.m. Christiaa Ea svr societies. 7:80 a.m. evening ser vice, sermon by Bev. Smith. Special as- sic the Oddfellow order at Kebunmd- sah. Neb., in 1881. term .which will Starr about the years he bad ceased to teach the middle of next month. Indians, as they refused to bear upon the Wlllamet settlement and i destroy the whole colony." (Continued, tomorrow.) Dumond re ceived a bad cut and bruised toe Tuesday when she accidentally dropped a pall of water. 8be will not be able to walk on ber foot for several days. SILVERTON, Aug. 19 Evelyn Hall, the young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hall, .-does not have measlesr as at first thought. Evelyn was broken out with a rasb that resembled measles and she was also somewhat 11L Mrs. Hall just supposed It was measles, but finally called In the family physician who reported It was caused from swimming. Mrs. Hall said that her daughter bad been in swimming- e many different pools that aheeonld not say where she caught-tAe .poisoning. MICKEY MOUSE Tot Lode for Mickey r 0OOO OHAHt V. AH HOPES VOU-A0X, Ajf Vs - t sr.' w af 13 nuw i tnutn j rMii . 'ii I - n . : s 1 j i'I . imsl-ib.r.c-i.-l,.i- MISS MERRIMAN HIRED SILVERTON. Aug. 19 Flor ence Merriman, the daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. J. Merriman. has accepted a position to teach in the North Bend high school this falll. Hiss Merriman was gradu ated from Oregon State college this past -Jane. During the sum mer she has been employed at the Oregon eaves. i By WALT DISNEY QlirlEK TO CLOSE SUM Interest ia missionary : A high point of always reached on day at the annual Qulnaby Park wmp meeting, and Wednesday, .wuu.li was tne aate this year, was no exception. Miss Laura lammacK. outeoinr mtatAnaw to China; Miss Watts, on fur lough from China: Raw en un T. S. Anderson, from Africa; I and Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Smith, from China, bad parts on the nrorram . The large tabernacle was well xuiea for the three services. , fThe camp meeting, which conducted.. annually by the Mar Ion County Holiness association, is having a .very sucessful year. Rev. a W. , Hlnshaw, . pastor of the First Friends'... church ot Berkeley, CaL, la the evangelist - sunaay will be the closing day, ana a record crowd is expected especially for . the afternoon and evening services. Rev. M. a Clark Is president of : the - association. and Rev. Fletcher Galloway is in cnarge of the, music. XJLBISH EVANGELICAL LABISH CESTEB Church achool 10 a.m. W. A. Starker, Sunt. Worship at 11. Subject: "Man' God.'' C. E. at 7. Topie, 'Qualities ot a Christian.' Grace Klampe. leader. Mid week devotions Thursday at 8 p.m. PI. EAR LAKE Church achool 10 a.sa. W. P. Collard. Snpt. E. L. C. T. at 7. Topie. "oalitie of a Christian," followed bv eveninr worship rabject, "God Comes." MIDDLE GBOVE Church school at 10 a.m. T. P. Walker, Supt. Mission Band service at 1L E. L. C. E. at 7 p.m. Mid-week service Wednesdsy at 8 p.m. with Mr. and Mrs. Edwards. H. R. Scheuermau, psitor. 1161 TJaloa street, Salem. FIRST EVANGELICAL North Summer at Marion street!. Em ory W. Petticord, D. D., miaister. Church j u-hnn st B:43 a.m. 1 u. inorntoa. ouui. Morning worship at 11 o'eoek. Organ pro nHn and offertorr bv Mrs. Ethel Poling Phelps. Sermon, "zaitn rower. v;nns- aa Endeavor at l p.m. jEvaageitauo aer vica at 8 D.m. Subjects "Burdens." Gos pel song service l-d by J. H. Priaaea, Bpeeiat music oy tne maia aarws. HIGHLABXt FBIEHDS Edrsr P. Sims, aastor. Bibla school 9:45 a.m E. M. Beckett, Supt. o preaching services on ac count of tho camp meetinr at uuiaabr par-. ia-weeK pray er meeting oa Tharsaay at o p.m. as usuau KEIZEB COMMTJKTTT SEBVICES are held ia Keirer school- house, three miles - north of Salens an the river road. Hayes BeaU, miaister. Charck achool at 10 o'clock. 3. B. Bar- traif ia -charge. Young paopia'a leader. Dorotky Aekaaan aa "Uettma Along with rvK. io,iK. Tu k WlirlMi t4 Jesus llelpt" Brief sessioa af tka off i- eial board-bftar the moraiar service. Church worship at 11 o'clock. Pastor's farewell message; ' Keeiewing a way at Life." At aveaiag aer-ieet. i TJHTTT 8TODT CLASS Topic "Miscellaneous Writings" .by Tmiiio Cody. Third floor L O. O. P. Bldg. Tuesdar 8 a.m.' Aumst 22. Teacher. C. B. Bockmaa. ' -, GBACB OOSPBX, HALL 349 Korth Commercial street. 8. 8. i at 10 a.Bv Breaking of bread at II a.m. At 8 P.sa. . E. K. Bailey will aagia ttu- diea ia tka book of PhUippiaas. At 8 pja. a gospel address by M. Aaroa OSaoa i aad Xr. Meuawey. THIMBLE' THEATRE Starring Popeye u ii i wnii rr 1 - ; j iv -v- .v v Now Showing 'Doobtg Exposure seen TU)CT ALU rT ONCET OFV00- J I006KT -A TOKHOWyV BY THE FORECASTLE AND BACK AfT8VTV, ajHEEU AVVOY.KltvC., YA OtOtVT Put the rum tOBERE OUV6 COVA.0 GET rr run ja ? MlVIV 'A PUT THE. RUM UJHERE OBOOV COULD GET IT, HEttmCrVl VOO rXSKEO rAEfOR AHV RlGWT UP THERE, 1AJIC YR IHOKERATIH' TrVAT USTEK,rVOtAEY-m THE ' FIRST PLACE I UONfT BELIEVE IH OM s V) rA S rVj.K ARV AK Iti THE 5E00tV PLACE tTrTMir vjh-tTtvr i -1 I - 1 I CHC.UL)1H I 111 fOJ "ils ftr4V j i i i -?ticr.-T vy r?v w" ;mb w - a - bt rwaaa m s . aw m as - - a By SEGAR (T) 00ST SAW VyO CWrAESe. . 1 r..aB IV a k w LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY "A Bath for a Burro" By DARRELL McCLURE ST. PATTL'B BPUOOPAX. Ckftrck snd Chemeketa - atreeta. Rev. Geo. H. Swift, roc tor. Holy Communion at 7:10 a.m. Moraiag prayer aad aermoa 10 . l-J . ,A- . i aw a. mmxnm' . mm, ' it i . rioe met or mat" . .. - rv . TOOTS AND CASPER "''S '-'TIBST BAPTIST Harloa aad Sort- Liberty streets. Brit- toa Boss, minister. Bibla achool at 8:45 a.a Fred Broer. Bast. Moraiar worship at 11. special mnsia. etermoa - iaa uene- atetien" er "Tha Commaaioa or tne Holy 8plrit" Jr. aad Sr. B. T. P. P. I at T p.au Prayer aseetlng before taa ar eata- aarriea at V o'clock. Orrsa are- lude at 7:40 p.at. Miss Miller, organist. Evening service at 9 a' clock. Samoa: "What is Tear Welrhtl" Special musie r tha Halo aad Mi-ed choirs at both servicee. Prayar meeting aad - Bibla studr Wednesday avesiag at 9 p.u CAZ.VABT BAPTIST Saaday services beria at 9 :40 a.i with naded ehreh achanl Vn W. Barkaa. Supt. Rev. Earl B. Parker, paa tor of , the Pirrt Methedit church will bring tha meseaga entitled: "Whea Odda Are Against Toa What t" Morning aer vice at 10:50 a'cloek. Miea Oraea Pswk will sing. Thi week: Wednesday aveaiag at -8 o'clock prayar aad praise aarriea lad by Bev. Sterling B. Slater. So Saaday aveaiag services through tha month af 1 august, n. tMi Cochran, pastor. Ml ! UFT TYBVlvrV AVlTs fkaacttrt ARE HAPPY BECAUSE THEYRE BACK VvTTH COLONEL H0OFEH MAIM. ' TOOTS ! I KNEW HEt ORDER THEM -HOME VvHEN HE HEARD I AIP i- HEPS "TOO CHEAP TOB0ARDTHEH! .iyAxcs, OH,T0OT5l CDWE N AND SEE MY ROOM! ITS FVED UP LIKE A QUEENS EiOUDOIR! v AND YOU MUST 3EE ALL "THE PRFTTY THIN MY FATHER-1M-LAW j AVE MEJ PERFUMES FLOWERS- CANDIES OH, HES A PARUNr COME TAKE A UXM-'z 169, LTJWfc; TAKE A LDOK-- -4 y0UT0O,SHRllP,. TAKE ABtg';'", LOOK AND THEN trO OUT AND j Btct those; words you aie lB6lJT ME: A CHEAP-5WTE.! 4 I UAxri I e I rMtssps r AND rUfaNIERj 1 S III - 19 By JIMMY MURPHY DAD'S MAKlNZt VHFS HAPPY A ftl saM aekU I Qrrrai taur u T rA &h SPLASH T0SH0WroU" UP.CA5PER! V HSTHJNKJilES rUTTlNcf SOME- THJN6 OVER OH BEWlrlETrCTJCS HE'S PUTTIN-r SOri THSN, OVER ON, ME AND TM HAPPY BECAUSE ICT0 7 I PUT. SOMETHING I irNk wm rn im a a a.. m ' UTTLE HAPPINESS. VWONTHURT; ANYBOCrt; DANNY i If. "1 A - . ' r YCV