The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 17, 1932, Page 5, Image 5

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    dtV MVtThe Cr.EfiOttliTATnSMA 1932'
page five
iLocal'Mews Briefs;
Open New Shop Mrs.; Harold t ; Estate Divided Distribution ot
S. Httghes has opened a new shop j the net estate ot Babette Ronner,
ot interest io usu " --..- iiiiu iii rjii n,,-,.,
ed next to tho New Salem hotel j day In an order Issued from pro- West Salem riant DUSy Of)
and u established under the name
ot Rashes Manufacturing com
pany. Professional smocks, suits,
and tailoring will be the line of
manufacturing followed. Drapes
and slip covers will, also., be fea
tured. Mrs. Adeline Perevola is
assisting Mrs. Hughes. - Classes In
owing- and drafting will also be
giren this fall beginning October
bate court here. Emll Ronner as
administrator and husband of, the
deceased obtains one half ot
SI 923 while one-forth goes to
Hulda Lehman, a daughter, and
one-fourth to Emil C. Ronner, a
100 Terns; , Producers'
- To put up Some
ILLARD MARKS," president
of the senate, and perhaps
one of the most Jovial
men who visit the state house be-
First ' packing of blackberries
. w. . . 1-1.., mnA
TTtllman rannprr in .west Salem 1 .-miv-.-,
Old time Dance Macleay Thnrs. yesterday, and lfl0 tons, or about w' ner "' yesterday. Wll-
Breler-. entire stock to be closed ' Aar WMJe!T?day.i2
Minnie H. Hansen, against Mr.
X VI. ,.1. V a
collect t00 allegedly due as rent I .V. " r""
lard was wearing' svt fine grey
suit and while In Salem called
upon Judge Lewelling. his former
ont. at bargain prices starting
Thur, at 141 N. Commercial.
and Mrs. Fred Schaeffer. Plain-
Producer. Packing plant will ,aw PtneT at Albany,
also put up a few blackberries.
operating on these about twice a
while speaking ef that particu
, lar deprtmeB4 we were In
formed that one of the womem
employes, who was recently
wed. expects to retire trim.
tate work shortly to more to
Portland. Ko names . need be
mentioned. ' . , t - . .
lira. Ttrnwn Wmr Til Mra. Ma
mle Parrln Brown, well-known in 1 entered Into whereby defend-
Salem, is reported to be very 111
at her home in Portland, with
nine cnance neia ior ner recoT-
" ery. Mrs. Brown ls-a gradtoate of
.Willamette university and is now
an Instructor of art In Portland.
Her husband, J. N. Brown, was
formerly - a member of Brown,
Wrightman and Myers, law firm
in Salem.
Says Hnsband Jealoas Be
cause her husband is allegedly ot
a. Jealous nature and frequently
scolded her, Isabelle E. Stephens
seeks her matrimonial freedom
and $29 a month support money.
. She filed suit here Tuesday asking
dirorce from Fred M. Stephens to
whom she was married July 21,
1931, in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
tiffs allege a three-year contract f!:?eilJK?
1 1 Uib iuu ramus civuctg mui
also can berries.," The ; latter
ants were to pay $650 a year for
farm rent.
Seeks Biff Judgment Judg
ment ot $3283 to which interest
is to bo added is asked in a suit
tiled Tuesday in circuit' court by
cannery will put 'up about the
same tonnage as Cleary and
Jlillman. -
Prices on blackberries are
showing wide latitude, with some
purchases made at between $20
Irish H. Butler against Samuel P. land $25 a ton. Berries uougnt
Jones and others. Tax delinquent
cles dating back to 1925 are to
be foreclosed. -
Dance Dreamland Wed. nite 25c.
One License Issued One Mar
riage license was issued Tuesday
at the oennty clerk's office. It
went to Charles Glenn Eastbern,
earlier in the season are under
stood to hare sold tor more. One
packer indicated that the top
The. birth of baby boy to
Mr. and Mrs. Lindbergh wno .
heralded s' good news yester
day. Let ns hope that the Joys
of child's early years will
not bo marred by the necessity
of such a close watch oxer
him as the result of the fate
of his brother. It Is the wish
of the nation that the new babe
will hare a lone and happy
life. -
State officials and hangers-on
X V.i? tw t the capital had a hard Job
price paid this year Is less than . ,..,,
halt that paid a year ago. Pick
ers received abojat a cent and a
half last year, but their pay this
year will likely average about a
half cent.
yesterday. Most of them assisted
morally in the unloading of
the bis nine-ton boiler which
is being Installed in the capitol
building. During tbo afternoon
i.-vv i w I there were many -who watched
20. Junction City rancher, and mt( tjM and the canning iU nl.d,lnS vtb.U?
Mabel Clara scott, 21, Junction
City housekeeper,
i continue as berries warrant
tour or six weeks
Gains SIOOO Judgment A
Adult's haircut for 1 hrs. work. I Judgment of $1000 was secured
Prescott's Barter Shop, 1064 Oak
St - .
yesterday by Frances C o n n o 1 1
against Ruby. Griffith who has
served as administratlx ot the
estate of Abraham Jones, deceas- j
Sherman Practices, Rng
Sergeant Mack Sherman, local re
cruiting officer for the U. S.
Marine corps, left hero yesterday
for Clackamas rifle range where
ho will spend three days practic-I Thur. at 141 N. Commercial.
lng up on his- marksmanship. He
expects to return to his office in
the post office building on Friday.
Breier's entire stock to be closed
out at bargain prices starting
' Oil cum ROADS
Dance Dreamland Wed. nite 25c.
Claim Settlement Settlement
of $50. claim made by the estate
of J. B. Rucgel, deceased, against
Charles F. Doane was agreed upon
From Canada Mr. and Mrs.
G. M. Warren of Botha, Canada,
are visiting Mr. Warren's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Warren, 920
North 19th, and his sister, Mrs.
Charles Fessender, 1245 North
Want Note PaidSuit to form
at $150 in an order issued In pro-1 close a note for $1484 was begun
bate court here yesterday. Char
lotte B. Ruckel served as admin
istratrix of the estate and made
the settlement.
Have The Statesman follow you
on your vacation. Mailed to .any
address two weeks, only 25 cents.
Habby Wants Freedom R. H.
Schumann who married Mary
Schumann September 19, 1928,
filed suit for divorce here yester
day. He claims his wife frequent-
in circnit court yesterday by
Georgia' Skalte BToyles who nam
ed A-R. Zeller and the Gervals
State bank as defendants.
Meet your friends at Mellow Moon
every Wed. and Sat. Woodry's 10
plece Dance band and enter
I talne'rs.
Answer Made Answer was fil
ed Tuesday in circuit court in the
case ot Iris Jones vs. Samuel P.
Jones, and others, by Frieda M.
ly swore at him, scolded him and I Oehler as guardian for one of tfie
accused him of being unfaithful, rminors involved in the case,
He asks one-third ot several tracts
ot real estate held in her name.
Smalley Is Better Friends of
G. W. Smalley, head janitor of
Salem public schools who under
went n-major operation Monday,
reported yesterday that he is look
ing much better and showing ex-
cellent signs of recovery. , He Is
at Salem general hospital.
Dance Dreamland Wed. nite 25c.
Best floor in the country. ;
Check no Good Lucien Mill
er, arrested on n. s. f. check
charge, pleaded not guilty in Jus
tice court yesterdayN and his case!
was continued. He is out on his
own recognizance. The com
plaint was made on a $2 check
given to the Fireproof garage.
Fine Remitted Mrs. Fred
Davis was found guilty of oper
ating a motor vehicle with im
proper license plates, and fined
350 and costs in Justice court.
The fine was remitted and de
fendant placed on six months'
Breier's entire stock to be closed
out at bargain prices starting
Thur. at 141 N. Commercial.
Blaisdells Go East Mr. and
Mrs. L. Alfred Blaisdell, 375 Divi
sion street, will leave Salem today
on a trip to mldwestern states
via one of the northern routes.
They will stop in St. Paul and
Minneapolis. Mr. Blaisdell is a
barber in the Senator Hotel shop.
Gains Divorce Esther M.
Bowles was granted a divorce yes
terday by Judge I G. Lewelling
who awarded her the custody ot
a minor child and $15 a month for
support. Charles F. Bowles was
her husband.
Wants $S81 on Lien Keith
Brown brought suit in circuit
court yesterday asking $381 on a
tax lien. As defendant he named
J. M. Befgersen and others.
Dance Dreamland Wed. nite 25c.
Best floor in the country.
Final Account la Final ac
count was filed in probate court
Tuesday in the case ot William E.
Ninety days ot strenuous activ
ity are yet ahead for the 300 men
engaged in the various road pro
jects under construction in Mar
ion county. According to James
Smith, county commissioner.
three main Jobs are yet to be
I started which includes three miles
on the Pratum road, three at
Wheatland and two miles north
from the Four-Corners section
near town.
Smith reported yesterday that
the two-mile Job on the Abiqua
was about half done while three
of the fonr miles to be constructed
on the South Silver creek falls
road are yet unfinished. The
North Falls project is nearly fin
ished. Smith said he did not think the
federal road bureau was going to
be successful , in their quest for
150 to 200 men and teams with
dump wagons to haul and spread
rock on the 10-mile stretch of
graded road between Detroit and
Whitewater creek. The difficulty
is not in getting the men and
teams; the trouble lies in the
scarcity ot dump wagons. Smith
said he did not think there were
that many wagons in this terri
tory. The federal road bureau
has tentatively offered $4.80 a
day for a man with a team, and
wagon to work on this job.
fft, shaped boiler which will aid in
supplying neat inis wimer.
The publication now being
pat ont by the atate editorial
association carried - an Item
this Week - about a. birthday
event of '-John W. Anderson,
editor of the Eugene Moraine
News, in which It . stated the
staff put ont a miniature edi
tion of the paper in his honor
and John treated them to
John, what has the newspaper
profession ' come to ' that yon
must servo them cake and Ice
cream? We have .known you for
years. John, worked with yon,
lived with you. and ahared your
problems nine years ago but
what has happened! But never
mind, John, we won't say any
thing further, perhaps yon had
no other choice.
Miss Lewis, new librarian
for the state higher institu
tions of learning, was a visi
tor at the capitol yesterday.
She has recently been employ
ed by the state board of higher
education to this Job. And
to a year in the penitentiary for
theft of an automobile but pa
roled him to Otto Paulns, his at
torney. It was stated in court
that Jones had returned the car
to Mrs. Jack Bleah to whom it be
longed. "
Both men pleaded guilty and
waived trial.
Mrs. Sheldon Sacke'tt, private
secretary to Governor Julius L.
Meier, , has . taken np - contract
bridge seriously in recent weeks.
this column is authentically In-
rormea. wnen asked wby she has
taken so earnestly to this social
pastime, she confessed it was be
cause her husband "as ao vitally
Interested. But It is reported she
enjoys it also.
Dr. Roy Bird, aaperiateadent
of .the state lnstltatlon for
tho feeble .minded, will go to
Pendleton -today to attend a
meeting of the state board of
ongenics, of - which ho is a
member. Dr. W. D. McNary,
superintendent of tho state
hospital in eastern Oregon,
likewise is a member and will
be the host to this meeting of
tho board.
M l IT
Fred Paulas, deputy state
treasurer, and one ot the best
informed men on the state's fi
nancial condition and an author
ity -on ' bonds and" - stocks, is ab
sent from his' office this week.
He is taking his much-earned an
nual vacation. He plans to spend
several days fishing and later
will visit a few days in San
Francisco. - , . .
fk-.--,j. . .. j
Or. Russell Broughter, Will
Do his Best; Father :t
i t Argues for Drys "
Dr. James Whitcomb B rough
er, widely known Baptist minister
and public platform speaker, and
his son. Dr. . Russell Morse
Brougher, also n Baptist minister
Of note,, will give a unique dis
cussion on tho wet and dry ques
tion as relating to Oregon, at the
public auditorium-Friday night,
August' 26. tree to the public. It
will be given under auspices ot
the Oregon ' Committee of One
Hundred organized to combat ef
forts at repeal of the state dry en
forcement act and J. R Ellison,
chairman, assures every one it
will, be well worth going a long
way to see and hear.
Dr. , Russell, Morse Brougher
will take 25 minute to present
wet arguments and Dr. James
Whitcomb Brougher will hare 25
minutes in which to put over the
dry side..- Both have doclared
they will present their sides Just
as forcefully as possible, so as to
bring out the various points that
are being discussed through the
state at this time and give people
facte for decision on their vote at
the November election.' '
-Through an Initiative petition.
the people of tho state will have
to tot on the question ot repeal
ing the dry law, which, were It to
bo repealed, . wonld " cripple en
forcement and tie the hands ot the
municipal and state officers in Its
enforcement. Tho committee de
clares ft would bring on chaos and
do untold harm were It to be re
pealed, and bene tho campaign,
to Inform the voters on the points
at lssuel : ' .. ? '
We want every one In Port
land for many miles around to
feel free to come. to tho public
auditorium meeting,, said J. R.
Eliison, committee chairman. "We
want the voters to become In-
'EDilTiTJFW A modern"' concrete painting
formed on the Issues and theyThd finishing roomV 20 by 60
will have a great treat In hearing
tbo- Brouthers. and seeing them
In action in . addition to learning
about the, prohibition situation
from both angles.' Tho meeting
will be held at t o'clock Friday
night, August 26. and no admis
sion will bo charged. -
U 10
Investigation ot grain trade
practices in Oregon, with particu
lar reference to grading, smutting
and discount rates, is to be under
taken by Max Gehlhar, director ot
the state agricultural department.
This was announced by Cenihar
following receipt ot telegrams
from Pendleton wheat growers
protesting against the present
grain discounts and other prac
tices connected with tho grain
trade. Gehlhar said ho had been
advised that the manner in whleh
the gValn discounts are calculated
Is proper, but : that the discount
rates should bo reduced at-least
50 per cent.
Gehlhar declared that It might
bo possible - to settle the differ
ences through appointment of a
committee- of 'grain growers to
center with a like committee -of
tho Merchants Exchange. He said
sieh a plan wonld eliminate con
siderable publicity and expedite
the investigation.
feet, is being constructed at tho -
airport here, work starting yes
terday. ' ' v - -
One corner of the room will be
given over to a central steam
heating, plant, and , lockers -and
showers will alio bo constructed,
according to Lee Eyerly, in charge '
of the airport.
The new room will facilitate
manufacture ot tne aeroplane, a
miniature "ground flying"! craft '
designed by Eyerly and being,
manufactured by the corporation
which he heads. The aeroplane,
np to this time built to accommo
date but one passenger will now
bo built also in a four-passenger -model,
Eyerly says.
Future Farmer
Marketing Day
To be Thursday
"Future Farmer Marketing
day." sponsored by tbo Union
Stock Yards company, has been
set tor Thursday. August IS. in
North Portland. This Is a special
day tor the marketing of project
hogs and lambs owned "by voca- -tional
agricultural students from :
18 high schools in the Willamette '
valley. v" " " -
; The boys will have an -opportun? i .
Ity to study livestock marketing, i
A marketing contest, in which 200
future farmers will compete., will ?
be one of tho outstanding. events '
of tho day.
Tho afternoon will bo given
over to a series ot addresses.
juesoay in me case oi wimam tu. i y - rr v v
White, deceased. Sarah L. White ,OlltereilCe 1161(1
was executrix and principal neir. i TT si
upon nanges in
School Program
Gates School is
First to Start;
On September 6
W I- s7 III i
' Wants 10O Note Paid Pay
ment ot $100 due on a note is
asked for by H. C. Shields in a
suit filed in circuit court against
Bertha F. Whltehorn.
Depression has aiparently been day-on fundamental or root sab-
routed in the novelty business I Jects, leaving tbe pupils free, for
which Fred Blatchford, son of the remainder of the day to
Dr. and Mrs. B. Blatchford, con- work on individual assignments.
ducts at the home. 1746, State. Tbe teacher, thus freed of a por
jFred has Just received an order tion of the-classroom, instruction.
for 20 dozen favor novelties made a&a ifle ume remaining to spend
The first school to start in
the county will be the Gates
school, according to announce
ment yesterday by Mrs. -Mary L.
Fnlkerson, county superintendent.
Oneninr date la TnesdaT. Sen-
Mrs. Mary L. Fulkerson, county tember . Th Woodburn and
school superintendent, yesterday j Silverton schools will open the
resumea ner conrerences wltb following Monday, September 12.
certain teachers in the county The bulk of schools in the
who contemplate using a reor-l rnnntv will start Sentember 19.
ganised teaching program during the date set for tho opening ot
the coming year. The program the Salem' school system. A
already has been used sucessfully two-day teachers' Institute is
in the rural schools at Union. I achadnlad for September IB and
Middle Grove, McKee, Rosedalehg wnen a majority ot teachers
Bni ,rTiew ia the county will not have atart- ui uis yiu is ed work.
spend a portion or tne scnooil
All Summer
Merchandise Must
Go At a
We Must Clear
Our Shelves
For New Fall
Dance to the delightful music of
Woodry's 10-plece Dance band at
Mellow Moon every Wed. and Sat.
-Adm. only 2 Sc.
ot Oregon walnuts and woods.
Eight other sizable orders have
come to him in- recent days. In
cluding orders from Montana.
Wyoming, California and North
He has two salesmen on the
road now, and with the orders
he expects them to send in be
lieves he will have to hire a
helper daring rush times.
He has established contact with
a Los Angeles display room, and
expects to receive orders.
that state.
with separate pupils.
Combine Catches
Fire, Stubble is
Burned,No Grain
SILVERTON, Aug. 16 Fire
caused by overheating of the
manifold, today caused consider
able damage to the combine!
frnm I Which was helnar rmnrntfvl nn (ha
"There is aunarently Ernest Palmer place. It ignited
no limit to the size this business I the stubble and a considerable
can go, once it la established," I area was burned but no standing
cars vounar Blatchford. who went I gram was reached by the flames.
To Meet at Y. Mr. Handsaker I Into tho work In earnest a year! Ernest and Marion Palmer were
has askeA that all members of the 1 ago, after "Jumping" a wuiam-1 qperaung mo macnine. ,
national Council for prevention ot I ette university course .after tnej a. xnresning crew wmcn was
m. v m fL A. at I first vear. Ha rradaated from the I operating nearby assisted in first
local 'high school two years ago. "oris io control ne nre ana
Blatchford recently returned tula assistance was later auff-
from the T. M. C. A. boys' camp, I mented by tho arrival of the Mt
where he spent two weeks teach- Angel tiro department.
lng the youngsters something
8:11 p. m. today. The purpose
of tho meeting is to talk over the
coming year's work.
.. Case Dismissed On motion
of tho private prosecutor, the! about making such novelties as
case against A. J. NeUton. harg-l bo is turning out.
ed with assault witn a dangerous
weapon,-was dismissed from Jus
tice court yesterday.
Out of Hospital Mrs. Mar
tha Propp, who has bees, at a
local hospital tho past two weeks.
is now at tho homo of her mo-1
tber, Mrs. 8. A. Flemming, 419
.North 1 8th. f , ;
Coming Events
o Every Tuesday and Fri
day night, band concert In
Willsoa park, 8 o'clock. .
Aug. 21 Wfllaon park
service at 8:30 in charge of
W. O. T. TJ.
. Augnst 21 D o n g I a a
county picnic, fairgrounds.
Augnst 21 Salem Lodge
of Perfection, A. A A 8. R
picnic at Silverton park In
afternoon. , .
September 8 Marloa
County Federation of Com
munity clabo picnic, Cham
poejg Park,
September 19 Opening
of Salem public schools.
September aO-Octoher 1
Oregon state fair. .
' Mann
At Tracy Calif., Sunday, Aug.
14, Mrs. Ellen Owen Mann, ,30, ot
Oakland, Calif. Daughter ot Mr.
and Mrs. George O. Owen of Sa
lem; sister ot Mrs. M. M. Grayble
of Gearing, Nebr., Mrs. H. J. Wal-
rath ot Salem, and Jndd W. owen
of San Diego, Calif. Funeral an
nouncements later by W. TV Big
don and Son. . '
McMahan Sends
Man to Prison:
He is Repeater
Judge L. H. McMahan yester
day sentenced Richard B. Cogdlll
to one year is tho state peniten
tiary tor writing and cashing a
forged check tor 217.45. The
Judge refused to parole Cogdlll
wnen it developed that he has al
ready served one term la a Cali
fornia penitentiary. The Judge
sentenced Richard Oliver Jones
o o
Dollar's Worth
- of
If You Want To
141 N. Com!
Step Out If You
Need Pajamas
It you're thrifty, youll aleep
all tho better for knowing your
good, comfortable pajamas cost
so little, thanks to our Hurry
Out Sale.
Fine Broadcloth, all good col
ors. YaL to 11.95. nr.
Now Jdk
Knickers Slacks
Out They Go,
Take your choice, Better still,
take both. These are times
when youll want ono or the
other. Certainly you can afford
both at these Hurry Out prices!
Linen Knickers. Val.
to $1.95. Special...
Tweed Slacks. Tan and Greys.
A real
walk out
- 1 LOT 41 SUITS
Just 41 Fine Suits left at this great crashing price. If your
also is here don't wait. Hurry for they won't last long
234, 1035, 1336, 837,
238, 239, 340, 142
Every one from our regular high grade stock. All colors and
newest styles, exceptionally fine fabrics. Many in this group
would sell regularly up to $35. CI l 7C
New to close out p A"zl O
The Entire Balance of all finest suits In stock.
Yal. to $55.00, Now your choice
:; Brentano ' -s-At
a local hospital Aug. I S,
I Lawrence Brentano, II, formerly
of St, PauL Survived by three lis
ten, Mrs. E. V. Grlttlm ot Salem,
Mrs. Elmer sarie or Florence ana
Tesslo Brentan of Portland; fonr
brothers, Henry and Frank of St.
I Paul, Rudolph of Bend and ' Al-
phonso ot Lonrriew, Wash, r m
neral services Wednesday, August
IT. at 9 a. m. from tho St, Paul
Catholls church under direction
E of tho Salem Mortuary, S45 North
Capitol street. Interment St. Fata
I Cathollo cemetery. .
Smith To Mr. and Mrs. Ver
non LaFolIetta Smith ot M1U City.
boy. Leonard Allan, born on
Aigust IS, at Salem General hos
pital., ; , - - f : , ,
Dr. Chan Lam, :
Chinese Medicine
; Offico hoars
Taeeday and Satnr.'
days toft p. to.
;,; Rneaaa 1 and 9 '
lit N. Ccmmercial
Baleot '
" RENT 4
Call 6010V Cfsed Fornitare
. Oepartxnexit .
131 North Cisk
Men's fine quality. Dk. qq
colors. Ex. Special.... 5OC
Union made heavy wt. 70.
now yc
Rockford and OJ.
Uncle Sam, I pr. wC
Medium heavy weight. New
style, 11' bottoms, extra, well
made, backakia color. fit?
Now a real buy.... VvJ
Some alliltly imperfect, heavy
welxht.' Uxht and medinm
shades. ; 9Q
Ex. Special ....... $UUiJ
' snmis .
Extra full cat. lined, tailored
collar. Non-breakable buttons.
Now tho lowest AQ
price ever . .... .... "yC
Leather and composition soles.
extra fine leather, hoary, wall
mad. A real shoo for wear.
Never beforo at ' OC
this low price..
Are Priced to Hurry Out!
These typical rallies from oar shirt section tell of the
exceptional savings yon can expect oar whole stock
is greatly reduced for this Harry Oat Sale.
la this fine group we offer a most outstanding value fine
broadcloth in plain colors. A shirt exceptionally well made.
, full cut, and shirts that would sell regularly for nearly twice
this price. Now tor this great event w Q
offer these at this amazing price................... U7C
S for tlJW'
la this group yoa will find indeed, a most exceptional assort
ment ot really wonderful shirts. Every mew color, every now
fabric, plain and faney patterns. Many In this lot are regular
$1. values. Now tor this great sale, 0(
tho lowest price over ottered 01 C
Za this group aro many ot tho very finest shirts in stock. Ar
rows. Argonauts, Elders and other fine make. Also featur
ing tho new mesh weaves in plain colors, tho season's moat
popular shirt. All good patterns In very finest broadcloth
and Madras. Many in this group would sell In. most stores
now up to-$1.59.
Now for Greatest Shirt Sale'. V 1W
for S3.75 " i
for the newest and highest quality merchant Lse,
for the largest assortments, and for the greatest
?, It always pays to buj at Bishop's. Come
expecting 1 the . greatest dynamle smrings erer,
from a great aggregation of quality merchandise.
- -
13 N. Com! SL, Solera
Sweater Values
Worth Hurrying
Look at these prices then
come look at the sweaters.
Tonll quickly appreciate the
savings we're offering in this
Hurry Out Sale! Fine, sleeve
less. In all colors.
Ex. Special
Suede Coats
All shades, finest make and
leathers, Cossack style. Values
to 11.95.
1 Large Group Boston ians and
Friendly Fives Two tones
and plain. Values to $5.50.
Finest fro rtf
Tans and greys. Reg. $5. value.
Extra frO QC
Special $CfVD
All wool all colors. Regular
".".T;..... $1.00
ally's LlWKft
Regularly worth 11.95.
to close
Values to 11.75. QC
Now to close out. . m OD C
All new colors, values to 11.50.
Now. Oft
t for iru 33C
All new styles. fro nf
Values to II. Now VwJ
plain and faney broadcloth.
Values to ILI 5. QC
Special ............. VJC
real hose tor wear. Reg.
Now f pr.;.v....: $1.00
Boston Garters
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