The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 17, 1932, Page 3, Image 3

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    The OREGON STATESMAN. Salea. Oregfon, Wednesday Morning Aujrust 17, 1932
w Jaw-
RnnnKS sninn Tn t-r-
meeting . of
Aug. Iff At
the Brooks . school i
toard, recently . the dae for . the
commencement of the school was I
set for September 19. Plans were
tnade tor cleaning' and repairing i
and setting the- building In shape
tor the beginning of school. -Recent
guests of Mr. and. Mrs.
Martini Benson were Mrs. Hush :
Clark 7 and son Jack, and "Missi
Xela Asnlnwall of Park dale. Mr.
and Mrs. Clark Asplnwall, former j
residents of Brooks, are living at :
Parkdale.- Miss- Lela Asplnwall
Is Tlsltine her sisters and other !
relatives while here.
Guosts at tho Dunlavy, home
Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Hardy t of Molalla. and William
Hardy . of , Wentworth, Mo., Wil
liam Hardy, is a great uncle. of i
John Danlavy Jr., and Mrs. Marie i
Cole. Other guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Charlie Hardy and Abe Har
dy of Molalla. William Hardy
Is spending several weeks visit
ing his brother Abe. whom he
had not seen for 58 years, and
who lives on " the homestead on
the Molalla. river, which he took!
tip after his arrival in Angnst,
1874. He is now 78 years via
and his brother William. 70.
. . Lectures on prophecy are being
given every Wednesday at S p.m.
at the Broeks Methodist church
by Rev. . Charles O. Weston, pas-
tor of Salem.'
Mrn. A." E. Harris, who sprain
ed her ankle some time ago,
. hart her ankle over again this
week. ' It is slowly getting ' bet
ter. , Mrs. C. D. Naylor, mother
of Mrs.. A. M. Daniary, Is slight
ly Improved She was taken seri-l
ousiy in last weanesaay morning.
Mrs. D. George Cole, granddaugh
ter of Mrs. Naylor, is still with
her. ;
i. v.. -
,- -;j".;:iiJ.ii.".iiwiil..'im- ' " --' "'"'"
'-M;'' mJT
An annsua) picture showinc Cine Geonra of England at his favorite
sport. The British' ruler is seen aboard his yacht Britannia daring the
racing ai isowes, pngiana, during which the royal craft famed off first
nonors. jne King, trained in the British Navy, took his ton at the
. -., . - . ropes as this picture shows.
West Salem News
RFflFCC If! JT n mr.
vriDG nin:mi?iniiv '"-
irun.i in ii nin.Miii i '
WEST SALEM, August leT -
(AP) - Mrs. Linnle Chaney of
Pasco, Wn., paid a brief visit to
the home of her sister-in-law.
Mrs. W. M. "Andrews, leaving the
early part of this week for a stay
of, .several months in- Myrtle
Creek. Mrs. Chaney's granddaugh
ter came with her and went to
Corvallis, coming back here- to
continue to Myrtle Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schmid of
New Grand Ronde, who lost their
bouse, barn and contents by fire
some time ago, have moved here
to make their home, and will live
at 659 Kingwood avenue. Mrs.
Schmidwnose marriage earlier, in
TTnmrni-vvT a . i nv. IUB BUI JUK WHS a, BUC11 CTCUl UL
i annuicnic 8nA,a daUgMer rMr
vu a-uv uau k.b vs. iuo uauuaui aiwi
elude the Homer MeJun kins fam
ily, who have moved into 1527
Franklin Mr. and Mrs. Maynard
F.. Cochran, who are building a
new residence on King wood ave
nue, have moved Into the Irons
hous while they are building and
until they may be able to live in
their own place.
Mr. and Mrs. - Bert Crum, Mr.
and Mrs. John Cram and their
children left Monday morning for
a week to be spent ati Tachats.
Waldport and some other of the
Oregon beaches. Mrs. C. A. Chap
lin left the first of the week for a
visit with friends and relatives In
Seattle, Wn.
: SILVERTON. Aug. 1 Many
felicitations and : floral j tributes
were sent to Mrs. Rebecca Stevens
Mount-Sunday at the home of her
son. Dr. Guy Mount at Oregon
City, where Mrs. Mount celebrated
her 9 1st. birthday. For close to JO
years Mrs. Mount has celebrated I
her birthday at her home here at I
Stlverton and the event has usual
ly heen the occasion for a, 'happy i
gathering of friend and relatives. 1
Because oft Mrs.t Mount's health,
this year was observed quietly at
the home of her son.
Mrs. Mount was able to sit at
the table and cut a piece of the
large birthday cake baked by Mrs.
Gay Mount's mother, Mrs. J.
Thompson of Oregon City. -..
i .Mrs. Mount, was "born at Keo
kuk. Iowa. Angnst 15, 1841. She
crossed the plains In 1852 -with
fher parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hanson
Stevens, and since -then has heen
a resident of the Silverton - com
munity.' j . -i .
Guests at the Sunday birthday
party were Mrs. Mount, Mrs. Ku
pia Forrisv aged 8 C, of Albany,
and a .girlhood friend of Mrs.
Mount; Mr. and Mrs. Julias Aim,
Sr., of Silverton, Dr. and .Mrs.
John Weeks of Portland,. Dr. and
Mrs. Gay Mount' and their two
children; Attorney and 'Mrs. Or
vllle B. Mount of Baker: Dr. and
Mrs. Frank ' Mounr of Portland'
and their daughter; Dr. and Mrs.
c u. Hau or weicn: Mr. ana Mrs.
Caster Ross and their three chil
dren of Silverton; Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. Mount or Woodburn, Mrs.
Eva Mount Wolf ard of Silverton;
Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Mount ot Port
land; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mount
of Welch; Mrs. Claude Mount and
two sons of Oregon City.
The Eev. S. A. Berrie (left), 5 2-year-old Muskogee, Okla, minister, who
has been arrested' on the charge of murder in connection with the death
of his first wife by poison. Mrs. Ida Bess Bright Berrie (right) , 19, whom
the clergyman married two months after the death of his first wife, is
held as a material witness. The couple admitted a romance before the
' . - ; death of the first Mrs. Berrie. ' . . -:
ne 613
on the C Theissen ranch near Jef
ferson, with Mrs. Eva Grenz as the
honor guest.
. Horseshoe pitching, swimming
and conversation formed the main
. diversion of the afternoon. At the
noon hour a picnic dinner was
Those present were Mrs. Era
- Grens, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur John-
on, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Grens and
children, Mr. and Mrs. Hy Hamp-
' ton and daughter Norma, Mr. and
Mrs. Bub Hampton and two child
ren ot Sidney-Talbot,' Mrs. Mary
E.,Nye and grandsons Orvllle and
Donald of Jefferson, A. W. Con-
-ner of Denver, Mr. and Mrs.
George Conner and son qeorge L.
t Holly. Mr. and Mrs. Ray.BishOp
f Corvallis.
Ed Sims, Mr. and Mrs. John
Schragg and daughter Betty Lou
and son Alvyn of Portland, Leon
ard Schragg and his mother, Mrs.
A. J. Schragg of Monroe, Wash.,
Henry Bordune and daughter Vir
ginia of Stay ton. Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Ammon and children, Mr.
and Mrs. John Grens and children,
Mrs. O. E. Smith; Mr. and Mrs.
Rolland McGuire and daughter,
W. F. Grenz and son, and Mr. and
Mrs. C. Theissen of Scracel Hill.
Father O'Donnell
In Charge Parish;
Enjoys Camp Meeting
Mrs. G. W. Tandy, who has
spent the past 10 days at Glad
stone park attending the1 Advent-
1st camp meeting, where over
CO 00, 'attended, returned Sunday
evening. Mrs. Tandy, who is 82
years old, greatly enjoyed this
Mr. and Mrs. Theo Burns with
their' two daughters, Marion and
Viola, who have been living on
the T. S. Lewis place at Spring
Valley for the ast two vears.
have moved back to West Salem
and are ocenpying'their own home
on Third street.
The Creary-Hillman Packing
company will begin operations on
blackberries early this week. Tint-
ting up a rather light pack.
Renovating School
Frederick E. Birch, school jani
tor for 'the West Salem school
buildings. Is busy these days ren
ovating the plumbing and heating
systems for both buildings, oiling
the upstairs floors and giving a
wax glowing finish to the cemeat
basement floors, replacing broken
and cracked panes of window
glass, takin gout the air vents.
soaking them in gasoline and
thoroughly cleaning them and giv
ing the buildings ' the attention
needed in vacation time.
The drinking fountains are be
ing gone over also and parts need
ing replacement are getting It In
Gill ABOUT 001
Threshing operations In this vicin
ity were delayed until noon Mon
day on aecount of the heavy show
er of Vain last night. The rain
has not done any damage so far
and farmers are hoping It will
clear up until threshing Is over.
This week will finish fall grains
and most of the spring grain will
be ready soon.
The Kirkwood machine from
Hopewell is now at L. F. Mathews.
The Merrick m ah cine has finished
at Bruce Wallace's,, the Lenstrom
machine Is at Charles , Teeple's.
Vivian Stratton Is threshing his
own crop on the Weirback place.
Mrs. N. J. Wilkinson entertain
ed Sunday with a dinner, having
Mr. and Mrs. Fred McKinney, Mr.
and Mrs. D. D. Wallace and Mr.
and Mrs. Ben McTCinney as her
The annual Simkins familv re
union was held at Chlmpoeg re
cently with descendants of Hiram
and- Mary Ann Simkins present.
Those from this neighborhood.
which was the home of Mr. Sim
kins, are Mrs. Belle Simkins, Albie
and Pauline, who live at the old
to pi.
The high school alumni will hold
their annual picnic at Hartman's
dam Saturday evening, August 20.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil T. Shaf er of
San Diego,, visited Mr. Shaver's
ancle, W. F. Hogg and family Sun
day afternoon. They were on their
way to Seattle, where they will
visit with Mrs. Sharer's parents.
Mr. Sharer is an officer in the
navy and Is on a short furlough,
having to report In San Francisco,
August 22.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Magee en
tertained at a birthday dinner
Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Elli Nich
olson and son James and Mrs. H.
Magee. It was Mr. Nicholson's
birthday and Wednesday was Mrs.
Magee's birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kellls
and son Bobby, and Mr. and Mrs.
H. S. Dixon left for Walport San
day morning for a week's vaca
tion. Little Donald Klnser of Sa
lem Is visiting his ncle and aunt
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Klnser, at
Crooked Finger.
Miss Llla Brougher of Sitka,
Alaska, visited her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. L. Brougher several
days last week.
Scherbrinsr AwaV connection with the plumbing lm- J home; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Versteg
SUBLIMITY, Aug. 16. Rev
Father O'Donnell of Nebraska will
be In charge of St. Boniface par
ish in Sublimity during the at
aence ot Rev. Father F. H. Scher-
provements. Bob Mather, grand
son of Mr. Birch, is putting In the
I year's supply of cord wood for the
heating, system, and Eugene
Krebs, who is reshingling the old
buildings, will do some carpenter-
( May Simkins), Kenneth and Ha
Marie Verstag, Mr. and Mrs. Hen
ry Davidson (Reva Simkins),
Cloydine and Janet Davidson, and
Newt Simkins.
bring, who will be gone about n repairs Inside, when the roof Birthday IS Occasion
tnree weeks. . - . i u"". uu wuia. . cr r t IT 11
. Ji ay inner lor xvener
Mrs. Roy Rehorst and children
f Washougal, Wash., are visiting
at the home of her parents, Mr
mnd Mrs. C. J. Ruettgers.
The threshing machines around
this vicinity have now started
work again after the recent rainy
Farmer Union Hears
Report on Foodstuff
TALBOT, Aug. IS. The Sid-ney-Talbot
Farmers' union held
Its regular, meeting in the Talbot
choolhouie Friday night. During
the business meeting, prices on
groceries were given by the pur
chasing committee. A report .was
Biade by the exchange committee.
An enjoyable program was given,
and light refreshments served.
l$ ONE WA'
to be done is to be gten the fold'
ing doors and to some of the win
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Hoffine and
c'lughter. Norma Ruth and son,
Bruce, who hare been vacationing
at Bayocean for a fortnight, have
returned to their home on Rose
mont avenue. Sunday guests at
the Robert Pattison home . were
were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hahn,
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Chase, Mr.
and Mrs. O. J. Hahn all of Cor
PIONEER. Aug. 16. Sunday a
group of relatives helped Johnnie
Keller celebrate his birthday with
a dinner at his home. Those pres
ent were Mrs. Helen Anderson and
sons Norman and Gorden of Wal
la Walla, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Frakes of Alrlle, . Mr. and Mrs
John .Keller, Sr., of Pioneer, and
June Schneider of Dallas and
i Johnnie Kellers.
There was a terrible electric
Newcomers in town recently in-, storm here Sunday evening; .
The case of Sherman Staler,
charged with assault and' battery
was dismissed for lak of evi
dence in his trial held Monday
afternoon In the office ot J. G.
Mcintosh, justice of the peace.
The court Instructed the parties
to go home and there settle the
Saturday afternoon,, Mrs. Sta
ley made the complaint against
her husband who entered a plea
of not guilty and who was held
in the county Jail for his trial set
for 2 p.m. Monday.
JThe defendant presented his
own case. Witnesses appearing
for the plaintiff were Mrs. Peter
Dlehm and Mrs. Edna Bartel. El
mer Barnhart, district attorney,
prosecuted the case.
Mr. 8taley is a laborer at the
Titus hop ranch north of tows,
The defendant claimed that his
wife became angry daring a dis
pute while they were riding in an
auto and attempted to ditch the
car and In his efforts to force
her hold off the. wheel he accl
dentally struck her.
Two traffic cases of operating
with Improper license came be
fore Mr. Mcintosh Friday. Her
man LaBlue and Arthur Reamer
were each fined 11 and cost and
ordered to bay 19 SS license
SHELBURN. Aug. Iff A wed
ding of . Interest to Sbelbant
friends occurred over the weekend
when Mabel Arnold, only 'daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Arnold,
became the bride of Frank Lena
of Albany. The bride has been
employed for some time as sales
woman at Montgomery Ward's in
r Albany. Mr. Lens Is mechanic
In Albany.
Threshing will be completed in
this community this week.
William Billing who fractured
two ribs while working In the
timber has recovered sufficiently
to return to work.
Chester Harris who owns the
former F. A. Miller home Is spend
lng some time In Gold Beach re
ceiving treatments for rheuma
tlsm. Mr. Harris' nephew Is car
ing for the farm in his absence.
Gilbert Flnley has purchased a
fine span of moles from Nash
brothers of Salem.
Walter George is banking oat
wood from the M. B. Miller place.
The-wood is being tracked to Sa
lem for state use.
' HUBBARD, Angnst Iff Mrs
Waldo Brown has received word
of the birth of twin sons to her
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Merton Brlggs
at a Portland hospital. Mr.
Brlgsa Is a former Salem boy.
WOODBURN,- Aug. - Iff. The
fourth annual "picnic In this sec
tion for former ' residents of the
state of Illinois and their families
was held Sunday la Manpin'a auto
park, located On the Pacific high
way on the east edge of- the city.
There were between. 100 and ISO
former - Illinois 1 residents - at - the
meeting, many, comlag great dis
tances, to attend. . The greatest
number. However, . were from
Woodburn. and Salem. '
Interesting reminiscences of his
own .boyhood days- in Illinois and
little-known ' stories about . Abra
ham Lincoln, probably, the world's
best known Hlinoisan. were sub
jects f er the main address, given
by J. S. Landers,' until recently
president of the Oregon Normal
school at Monmouth.. Short talks
were also given by M.C Davis,
Woodbarn, president ot the group.
and I. V. McAdoo, Gervais, secre
tary and ' treasurer.
AH officers of the association
were reelected: -President, M. C.
Davis, Woodbarn; vice-president.
C Fields of Salem; secretary-
treasurer- I. V. McAdoo of Ger
vais. C." R. Duacaa and Mr. "Aus
tin, both of Woodbarn, are on the
executive committee.
A pot-lack picnic dinner was
served la the afternoonTAltbougb
some ot the men enjoyed them
selves playing - horseshoes, the
greater part of the time was spent
In recalling former- days in 1111
noise. Mrs. C. R. Duncan bad
charge ot arrangements for the
lunch, I. V..MeAdoo managed pub
licity, and C. R. Duncan and M.
C. Davis made other- necessary
Jority poor, - with favorable wea -
ther threshing season will be over
in 10 or 12 days. - . ' .i
hi. ftuu ail a. . i, lunii iiu '
son George motored to Greeham
to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Towto and Mr.' and Mrs. George
Towle of Minneapolis, Minn., who 4
aro visiting in Gresham. - They -also
visited -relatives- in Portland )
and Troutdale. V
SHAW The Catholic Young
People's league met at Masser's
hall Wednesday evening. The fol
lowing new members were admit
ted: Mrs. Andrew Stegman, Mrs.
Anthony Marthaller, Rose Perry,
James Klien. Lester Perry. Walt
er Rack and Nlckolas Klien. This
brings the membership to 42 with
hopes of a larger membership.
It was unanimously decided to
hold a picnic Sunday at the Bartch
farm along the Santlam river. Aft
er the meeting the remainder of
the evening was spent in dancing.
After a week's inactivity on ac
count of unsuitable weather,
threshing Is la progress again.
some crews starting Saturday,
some Sunday and others Monday
They all report about half normal
crop. A few spring oat fields are
showing a. fair crop, bat the ma
RICKEY. Aug. 1 1 Mrs. F.
Miner and Mrs. F. Fulton will
entertain . the members . of the
Rickey Sunshine club and their
husbands Saturday night at the
Miner home. - The meeting will
open it I o'clock and' all mem
bers . and their husbands are ask
ed ta be present as a "Jolly good
time" has been planned. ,.
TTHREK te five sailings
. weekly from Montreal
as4 Quebec first data en
1 Emprtssts ... luxury
with economy on 4 Ducft
tssts comfort at low cost
ea i Cabin ShlpXoat
1st and Third CUmm all
ahlps. New tout farts
YOKOHAMA In Iff days
- by Dirt Express
Empress of Asia mm4
Empress of Russia ...
then China and Manila.
Or, Empress of Japan
and Empress of Canada,
via Honolulu, te Yoke
name la IS days. Ask
abenc Alt-Epeie
. : k&
New low fares on the
Canadian Aastralattan
Liae Aoraugt and
Niagara tail from Victoria
and Vancouver, B. C, at
regular tatervals. Ce via
Honolulu and Sura.
Ask for folders on ser
vices that Interest you.
Huckleberry Pie is
Reward of Long Trek
LARWOOD, Aug. 16. There
will be many huckleberry pies ac
cording to the large Jiumber ot I
people going to Cleveland Rock,
or what is better known as Snow
Peak.- There Is a good average
crop of berries this year. The trip
requires about a 10-mile hike af
ter leaving the main road a short
distance above the Roaring River
fish hatchery. Some make the trip
on foot and others horseback.
Zene Elliott, who has been con
valescing from an appendicitis op-eratlon.-was
able to return Satur
day to the home of his grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Daven
port. ' -
- Miss Beatrice Gaines returned
Friday to the Multnomah county
hospital after n week's visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Gaines. Mrs. Cecil Crlm of Port
land is spending a week with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
On two fast through trains
tatty, la roomy all-steel chair
cars or tourist sleeping ears .
J latter plan berth as low as
1.1 tor night rids). Low:
cost linen ears and diners,
free baggage allowance. 190
" feuds. . .". ; "
CHICAGO .......... t4O.O0
1 HW YORK x. . . TO.TO
SSTBOIX .......... 49.11
New one-way tares In chair
ears via 8. F. or L. A. On sal
Aug. 10-Dec. . tl. Slightly. ;
mora In tourist sleepers, film -Uar
fares to other points. v
Southern Pacific
' A. : P. NOTO, Amt
Pasenj;cr Depot, 18th A Oak -
. , idLv 4408 -r.i-'-0-:
.Mr. Jones asked: "What shall I mark this $20 suit?!9
$4J98 replied Uairer. 1
-$48?" shouted Jones, "why man this suit is worth
$10 even on a sale like this. Fll quit before Til sell at
4S8. ThaVs not telling Ws giving it away. It cost
"Yes! I Hnow,n said llairer,"bub I got to tdt thU
stock. 1 don't care what it costs.9; ;
. - 4
'Pig " "
' I fiUR) flJ(0)n
n . WT- - '
. LA : ' :
aaaa-aaaaeaa4aaaa ! J ,
And It Is Gaarantced
at speeds as high
as 148 miles adtonr
snbatanrialc the labo
ratory developments
tor perfecting the acaaatlosal new
GUmore RED LION. It Is "SpeeoV
way PcHcctcoV '
Cilmore is first to sewccesfnUy
attain a perfect balance of effics
. eacj in the High Octanes, High '
etc. This new COnsore RED UON
gives yen the thrilling race car.
PERFORMANCE that yea expect
from premina gasolines. It gives
amazing jnnlti-power o&cicncj .
at no extra coal to jom.
Hew reining pmcUees had to
he Introduced. More credo oil is
repaired to prodneo n gallon of
the new COnMre RED UON than
to make one of orduaory gasoline.
The load knocking, hard starting
distillates and low fractions neoally
present in gasolines are entirely
eliminated front this aaaazing new
. motor fneL It coats more to refine
hy this process ... hot refiners
will all imitate Gilmore, sooner or
Inter. . '' , . ; .
- Try this new Cilmore RED
UON new on tale ot Independent
deaim everywhere.
srusonc MtlOUOM cusouhb
Ctrcmt A ! A
svisy 1 1 U U
IlMvesjaayerskemi w mw M -mw m