The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 31, 1932, Page 2, Image 2

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Olson I Plans .Ordinance for
Submitting Issue; Rows
'Over Tenure irk
(Con tinned from page 1)
able and no effort will be .made to
ruh consideration through.
Wage enta and other slashes are
la tight In the 1933 budget. Judg
ing from the tone expressed when
the aubject la brought up.
Because under the present set
up authority to call a meeting of
th citizeosMiudget committee la
not definitely placed. Alderman
Hal Patton will Introduce a mo
tion at the Monday night council
session to designate someone to
call the budget meeting.
Under Patton's leadership, a
more to hare the usual budget
making procedure reversed, and
the citizens' committee appointed
before the council works on the
budget, was passed at the last
meeting, when the committee was
Hi B01
(Continued from page 1)
counties will be invited to put on
a program in front of the grand
stand for about three-quarters of
an hour. He has received good
response from the counties that
have been approached.
All this performance will be
free- to the public, except for the
usual admission charge at the
main gate. There will be no
charge for seats in the grand
stand except for reserved seats or
boxes. This U expected to fill up
. the grandstand and also by hold-
ing down the cost, to attract more
people than in former years.
The dates of the fair are Sep
tember 26 to October 1 Inclusive,
six days. The usual exhibits will
be featured and premium lists are
already out. In addition a land
products show is a new feature
planned by Gehlhar.
The Salem chamber of com
merce will cooperate in advertis
ing the fair; and effort will be
made to attract greater crowds
than in former years, presenting
the fair as popular entertainment
for the whole family at a low
In the Fletcher and Wright
company there will be seven Hol
lywood groups many of whom ap
pear fa "westerns" and other
thrilling films.
HARDIN. Manchuria. July 30
(AP) New accounts of large
scaie preparations by the soviet
government to fortify Vladivos-
, tok harbor and to prepare the
people or Vladivostok against an
expected attack by Japan were
being brought here by travelers
from the Siberian seaport.
Residents of the city, according
, to these reports, are beine made
familiar with underground shel
ters prepared against bombard
meat, and are receiving- Instru.
tions in the use of gas masks and
Troops, transported in closed
cars and disembarked at nlrht.
arrive dally, it is said. Observers
ffild of seeing ten armored trains
, in Vladivostok railway yards as
well as fifty tanks, sixty air
panes and numerous artillery
Meanwhile. Russian business
houses in Harbin are closing and
soviet citizens are going back
. home, apparently in the belief
Japan intends to absorb Manchur
ia completely. More than 2.000
Russians have left Harbin during
in msi two months on orders
from Moscow.
(Continued from para 1)
have license fees of $3 per an
num. lany are said tn h,a
slipped over to Vancouver and
bought a . half-year license for
I. 6(1.
PORTLAND. Ore., July 30
, urj Approximately 9000 per
sons paid an average of 182 an
each for new Oregon automobil
license plates here today.
lfl sales brought into the
iaie treasury about 1202,500.
Ties Which the tnrt1.n.t r. .
irit.i. ucueiai
iV wmp",y my make to
S? .l t, TatM of tn North
I western Electrle company, if and
wnpn rife ama . ...
V j i mo .auer are
,cuu" ot me public service
commissioner in the proceedings
now before him, will also extend
to the outside territory now In
the Portland rate sone. This was
the assurance received by Chris
. . . jvowhs. cnainnan of the util
itles committee Of the eftv ennn
cil who called at the office of
the commissioner In the Inter
est of he ity of Salem.
: A s pointed oat in an ar
ticle In Th Statesman some days
ago, the findings In the North
western case may affect Salem.
, It Is expected that Penco will
meet any rate which the Knrth.
lfstera Is forced to aoeept; but
If that should be a sharp redac
tion over pending rates there
might be an effort to make the
reduction apply only to-Portland
and not -to Salem by creating a
separate rate cone for Portland.
f ; Since Salem has always enjoyed
the same rates as Portland the in
terest, of this community Is thus
affected by any change In the
Portland rate, it was to safeguard
Salem's interest that Chairman
Kowiti conferred with the state
department and was assured that
the interest of Salem would be
protected In any change in the
rate tsructure.
Economy In the conduct of the
1933 legislature, in line with Rav
ings made recently by other state
departments and institutions, is
to be demanded by a bloc of fann
er members of the lower house,
it was announced here today.
persons Interested in the legis
lative economy program have
written to the secretary of state
asking for a statement showinz
the detailed costs of conducting
me session. Particular pro
test was said to have been voiced
against the payment of 1 5 and
more a day for stenographic help.
It has been proposed to reduce
this wage to $3 a day during the
vi& legislative session.
The proposal also has been
made that positions in the 1933
legislature be refused to married
women whose husbands are em
Canada and the east are fur
nishing increasing numbers of
tourists, show the reports of the
local auto camp. Transients have
registered here from all portions
of the country, and from British
Columbia and Alberta in the past
two weeks.
Most distant places represented
have been Vancouver, B. C; Sa
lina, Kan.; Kansas City, Mo.; New
Westchester, B. C; Decatur, 111.;
Allentown, Penn,; Eatontown, N.
J.; Wild wood. Alberta; Owen
shon, Ky.; DIdsburg, Alberta;
Norristown, Penn.; Nekoma, N.
; and Cleveland, Ohio.
Six parties.were registered Julv
29. These included the following:
Clara Metsger, Roseburg; C. A.
Bond, Vancouver, Wash.; John
Klees, Livermore, Calif.; Robert
Thompson, Issaquah, Wash.; and
Charles A. Barnes. California.
Measures Along
With Arguments
Cover 72 Pages
The measures namDhlet. to be
issued by the state department
prior to the, November election,
will contain approximately 72
pages, Dave O'Hara. in charge of
the election bureau of the secre
tary of state's office, announced
O'Hara declared that it would
require approximately 415,000 of
these pamphlets to supply all of
the registered voters. Printing of
the pamphlets U now in progress,
and mailing operations will get
under way within the next 10
The time for filing arguments
for and against various measures
to be referred to the voters at
the November election,' expired
July 26.
New Bulletins
On Tree Crops
Issued, O.S.C.
New bulletins from the state
agricultural experiment station
have been received. One is "Cher
ries" by Prof. W. S. Brown, and
it gives a full study of planting.
growing and. marketing of cher
ries in Oregon.
Other bulletins are "Electrical
Resistance of Pear Tissna an
Index of Maturity," which is of
interest to pear growers and ship
pers; "Twenty-five Tears of Sup
plemental Irrigation Investiga
tions' the Willamette Valley" by
Prof. W. L. Powers; "Design of
Equipment and Method for Pre
paring Starter for Oregon Cream
eries ana Creese Factories."
uopies may be obtained by
writing the- experiment station at
Law Committee
Oi W. U. Meets
A meeting of the snecial cam
mittee on law school of the Wil
lamette university was held In
Portland Friday. After discussion
the matter of organizing the fac
ulty tor tne coming school year
was referred to the executive com
mittee which will hold a meeting
wuniu tne next ten days, stated
Dr. Carl Gregg Doney, president.
last mgnt.
II AftMOwwdlufrv IV ' Today, Monday & Tuesday
H VT. Ji -11 Continuous Performance Today
IiOLLYlOOl aton
Matinee Monday A Tuesday
Home Of 25c Talkies 2 P. Bf .
I I " """ fV';? ' Anna
VjN V ;Sy ouw rjjl
iit ' V ' : tost ; L3J -
Also Pitta and Todd Comedy News and Screen Song
.......... i i
Philadelphia Group Helps
To Adjust Loans1 for
, General Benefit
How a Philadelphia bnslneas
group found a way to reduce fore
closures on homes Is summarized
in a statement received by Roy H.
Wassam of the Salem credit re
porting 'bureau from the federal
department of commerce.
. The statement points oat that
self Interest demands that com
munities take action to prevent
foreclosures, and shows how the
Joint Welfare committee of the
Philadelphia Real Estate board
found a way to do this, and how
the board helped in one way and
another 85 per cent of 3.500 cases
heard In the past three years.
The committee was set np to
give the public free advice on real
estate and financing problems. It
consists of nine members appoint
ed Jointly by the president of the
real estate board and the presi
dent of the League of Building
and Loan associations. The mem
bers serve without pay.
At Its weekly meeting, the com
mitte heard from 25 to 125 ap
plicants for aid, these including
home owners threatened with
foreclosure because the mortga
gees refuse to renew mortgages
coming due; home owners in dan
ger because, due to unemploy
ment, they are unable to pay tax
es or Interest; and home owners
whose lowered Incomes force them
to seek ways of refinancing their
properties. Some seek redress
from exorbitant financing charges.
A member of the committee
helps each applicant fill ont a
blank giving essential personal
data and information on the prop
erty, and on this basis the com
mittee determines disposition of
the case. Where circumstances
seem to justify such action, it re
quests the mortgagee to cooperate
in working out a solution that will
tide the mortgagor over the emer
gency. As most hpme loans there are
made by building and loan asso
ciations, the committee Is able at
times to recommend a "reinstate
ment" which provides for pay
ment by the lender of. taxes in ar
rears and reduces monthly pay
ments to the borrower to the
amount he would pay if a new
mortgage had been drawn up to
cover the unpaid balance of the
mortgage plus the amount of tax
es and other advances.
Under the new management
of F. N. Woodry, a number of
improvements have been made
at the Mellow Moon dance hall
in West Salem, not the least of
which is a timely arrangement
which makes the hall now practi
cally open air, and the installa
tion of eight oscillating electrle
fans. ,
Bettldes installing the fans and
making the hall practically open
air. Manager Woodry haa made
considerable change on the inter
ior. The orchestra pit has been
remodeled and the interior re
decorated. Woodry announces
that other changes will be made
from time to time to make the
hall more comfortable for the
Large crowds have been at
tending the dances since, the hall
haa been remodeled, Woodry re
Hunt Will Open
Up Restaurant
On Commercial
The establishment previously
known as the Rose Cafe at 222
North Commercial street will be
reopened Monday, under the name
"Hunt's Cafe", the new owners
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hunt an
nounced Saturday. The cafe, for
merly under the management of
Mrs. MIna Olmstead, haa been
completely remodeled and redeco
rated since the closing several
weeks ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Hunt have oper
ated the Central Cafe since their
arrival here last November from
Reds Admit They
Started Riotin
NEW YORK, July 30 (AP)
The Times says responsibility
for the demonstration that cul
minated in the bonus army riot's
Washington was accepted by the
communist party at Its headquar
ters here tonight. At the same
time it was announced plans were
being laid for a new bonus march
on Washington when congress
convenes in December. The
march Is planned under the aus
pices of the Workers' Ex-Service
Men's league.
..v.-",,. , "
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Richard Dix in action In the "Roar of the Dragon", feature
picture now at Warner Bros. Elsinore.
Ricardo Cortez, Irene Dunn
Featured in Romance of
Gotham's Ghetto
The world's greatest screen
plays and novels are simple stor
ies out of life.
Fannie Hurst believes that this
is true. All of the great books,
all of the great plays, have been
based on this formula.
Bearing this In mind. Miss
Hurst wrote a story of the Amer
ican ghetto and "Sym-
pnony or six Million.
Now, as a picture, this poig
nant story of real people Is show
ing at the Grand theatre, co-fea
turing the RKO-Radlo Pictures'
favorites, Ricardo Cortes and
Irene Dunne.
The part Cortes plays, is that
of a boy of the New York Ghetto
who overcomes his sordid envir
onment to become a famous, sur
geon and minister to the wants
of his people. Rich in sympathy,
the character is human to the
core andji one to bring forth an
inspired performance.
Miss Dunne's role la that of a
teacher who brings to the tots of
the teeming Ghetto the life and
color of the world beyond their
push-cart horizon.
Miss Hurst makes no rnmnrA.
mises in her stories. She writes
the truth, as she sees it, and
paints her characters from life.
Her backgrounds are real.
The film is a literal trnifinn
of the story by Miss Hurst and
maintains the same level of au
thenticity and drama which char
acterizes her works.
Gregory L cava directed
Symphony of Six Million".
(Continued from pag 1)
been ordered to be on watch there.
General Rilea stated last night
mat no orders had han
local guard officer, to patrol the
uiuries; out an regimental and
company commanders were ad-
oa to oe on me alert aince ad
vices had been received that' com
munist headauartera xwi.
5heirfi1Iower8 to "" t the
"eiu tor tne celebration of com
munist day on Monday. Any ac
tion taken In any community has
been on the authority of the local
commander, the general stated.
t, W d0 not "ticipate any trou-
uie. uenerai Rilea atatoH ,
uu not want to be surprised by
any sudden action of commun-
j a . WW
iaia. -
EUGENE. Ore.. Jul 20 f API
An armed patrol composed of
members of the Eugene National
Guard companiea will h itiHnn
at the Eugene armory Sunday,
oumu7 nignt ana Monday, Na
tional uuara onicers announced
here tonight. .The officers would
not comment on the order.
(?V The Bohemian
11 a. m. to rn
9 p. m. OUC
Choice dt Merry Widow
Cocktail or Soup
Relishes: Hearts of Celery -Olives
Choice of:
Braised Short Ribs of Beer.
Baked Silverslde Salmon,
Bohemian Style
Grilled Halibut Steak,
Parsley Butter
Baked Ham with
Champagne Sauce
Breaded Veal Cutlet with
Tomato Sauce
Roast Turkey, Dressing,
Cranberry Sauce
, Breaded Pork Chops
One Halt Fried Spring
Chicken oh Toast '
Roast Prime Ribs of Beet,
Au Jus
Sirloin steak a la Minute
New String Beans
Parisian Potatoes
Fruit Salad
Choice of:
leer Watermelon, Butterscotch
Pie, Chocolate Pudding, Pastry,
Pie, Jello, Mocha Cake or Ice
Cream. - , ;
Coffee Tea Milk Buttermilk'
Famoua Bohemian Salt
Sticks, Hard Bolls, Poppy
Seed Bolls aad Delicious
Pastries are served with
., all dinners
Salem Bohemian
- . ? sea State Street '
! "Salem's Finest Reetamrant'V
Oregon, Sunday Morning.
The Call
Today Irene Dunne and Rl-
cardo Cortes In "Symphony
of Six Million".
Wednesday Charles Farrell
In "After Tomorrow".
Friday Tom Keen la
"Ghost Vajley.
Today Marlene Dietrich In
"Shanghai Express".
Wednesday Marlon Da vies
and Clark Gable In "Polly
Friday Tom Mix in "'Rider
of Death Valley".
Today Richard Dix In "The
Roar of the Dragon".
Wednesday "The Strange
Case of Clara Deane".
Friday Joan Blondall In
"Miss Pinkertoa".
SEATTLE, July 30 (AP) A
drop in lumber production in the
Douglas fir region of the Pacific
northwest was reported here as
321 mills were listed as operating
at 18.S per cent of capacity for
the week ending July 23, as com
pared to 19.2 per cent for the
previous week and 39.3 per cent
for the same week a year ago.
Current new business of 216
mills reporting was S.4 per cent
over production and the same
21f mills reported cutting about
half a million more lumber than
In the previous week. Shipments
for the week were two per cent
over production.
The 21 mills reported produc
tion of 47,923,804 feet of lum
ber, orders for 49,560,830 feet
and shipments of 48,835,170 feet.
Elsinore Stays
Open One Week;
Deal Unfinished
While negotiations looking to
ward continued operation of the
Elsinore theatre under Warner
Bros, management have not been
concluded Manager Carey an
nounced yesterday that the the
atre would continue running for
another week. During, the next
few days efforts win be contin
ued toward securing adjustments
in operating costs which will al
low the operation of the Elsinore
and the reopening of the Capitol.
The Elsinore showed to rood
houses on "Grand Hotel" and will
start the week with a Richard Dix
nim. The Roar of the Dragon."
ISniu - Mon. p'T'Y
lrjr mreiie Mmml
k PJ1 Tn
t c&v 7 $M
story of the Greatest Test Lore
Faced! In the
lianas lay tne uie or the Woman
loved. Told by Fannie Hunt.
Also Comedy
James Classen in .
Steeling Horn
y ii.-nrt'i.tni. A .?,,,.,, U ii I,.,,, .. .,.,1 k,,mm .Mfcni
Joly 3f, 1932'
;' i-am
The possibilities of this situation might be several see for
yourself at the Grand today. "Symphony of SJx Blfllion."
Marlene Dietrich, Warner (Hand, Clire Brook as they appear
in a scene In "Shanghai Express"- now showing at the
Final preparations will be made
this week for the annual outing
of the Salem Chemeketans at
Spirit Lake on the high flanks
of Mt. St. Helens in Washington
state. The company will start
from Salem at eight o'clock next
Sunday morning reaching the
lake in mid-afternoon. They will
be met by a launch which will
transport the party and luggage
across the lake to Camp Cove, a
secluded spot where camp will
be pitched for the two-weeks per
iod. Those planning to go look for
ward to the outing with enthusi
asm. The location will provide
plenty of hiking, boating, swim
ming, fishing, mountain climbing
to satisfy the most venturesome
out of doors fans. The climb of
Mt. St. Helens will be made Aug
ust 14th.
Those who have already signed
up for the trip are Gladys Miller.
Mguai ix o taunt. Burt Crary,
Bessie C. Smith, Flora M. Turn
bull, Alice Blake Buta, Betty Jane
Buts, W. M. Hamilton, Mr. and
Mrs. C. A. Sprague, Martha and
Wallace Sprague, Constane
Smart, Dr. and Mra. C. A. Downs.
Flavin Hume, and Warren Downa.
Leah Suing. Luclle JaskoakL Mr.
and Mrs. c. w. Noble, Walter
Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Law,
Robert and Jo Law, Ella Pfelf
fer of Gresham. Others ar con
sidering making the trip for at
least part of the time. While the
camp last two weeks some will
go for only one week.
Kuhn9s Brother
Dies, Lewiston;
Born in Albany
I V. E. Kuhn. Salem city eounrfl-
1 man. haa received word of the
Genios of a Surgeon'
New "
death of his brother. Dr. R. V.
Kuhn, long a prominent dentist at
Lewlston, Idaho. Dr. Kuhn died
following a long iUnees from can
cer. The fineral was Friday after
noon. V. E. Kuhn' visited him a
few weeks ago, enjoying a final
visit with his brother.
Dr. Kuhn was native of Al
bany, Ore., son of Clay C. and
Lydie Kuhn. He resided at Lewis
ton for 30 years and was an or
ganizer and first potentate of Ca
lam temple. Mystic Shrine, and a
past exalted ruler of the Elks. He
la survived by his widow and a
daughter, Mra. Don Clalrmore of
San Francisco. Besides the broth
er here he left another brother
and two sisters.
To i Our Patrons
On acowini eft1 prior kecking of three of th season's eat
standing pictures, and In order te give ear patrons an p
partnnlty te enjoy this entertainment the Elsinore wffl re
sain open an til Saturday, August Cth.
1 - O '
'- "--- -I
America's radio
heartbreaker . . . !
s m.m m
G.UIN19 ifjV
Richard Dix Heads Cast of
Inciting Story; House
Continues Shows
Salem theatre fans one mora
breathe easily with the announce
ment that Warner Bros, win con
tinue operations at the Elsinore,
at least for the present and thaa
the beautiful theatre will remain
open to Salem's public
The show, which carries on
the Elsinore program beginning
with- today la -Roar of the Dra
gon" with Richard Dix and G wi
ll Andre. Edward Everett Hor
ton, Arllne Judge, Zasu Pitta.
Dudley Dirges, C. Henry Gordon
and a group of others to lead
the play through its series of
exciting and tense episodes which
make up the play.
Manchuria, ravaged by war
and plundered by roving bandit
bands, Is the locale of this spec
tacular story.
Wesley Ruggles, the director,
haa succeeded in capturing the
spirit of ever present menace
In a country where law and or
der haa been - displaced by rath
less bandit rule. He - has peopled
his panorama with an intriguing
host of adventurers and soldier
of fortune of the Far East.
(Continued from pax 1)
statement preceding pronounce
ment of the sentence. He said he
has in the past given words of en
couragement when there was evi
dence that reformation waa pos
sible, but that h has become con
vinced through the years that
such advice has usually been in
vain, and that now only on rare
occasions does he offer it.
"Ton are old enough to know
what you are doing, nor Is this
your first experience." Judge Wil
son told Ripley after asserting
that there was nothing of advan
tage he might say to him. "You
and Po and men of your type
rather like the life you have chos
en to lead," he continued. "You
no sooner get out of prison than
yo are Immediately in trouble
Judge Wilaoa will sit In the
trial of Harry Erpelding also
charged with first degree murder,
which is scheduled to start next
Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock.
At 2 P. IYI.
Love Songs . .
Rattled from
His Ebtob!!!
Tore hb heart
A blood and steel drama of law
less lore in the far east ... rip
ped from the blazing: news that
shocked the world. Strident!
Daring! Big as History!
, A A
Wtta Owffl Andre, K wars! Everett
HartoewArtm Jadge, Zaa fltta, Dud
ley Dtggea, C. Henry Gordon.
vxaczrs mttsxcax. faem-
C -fist j
v--- ;'; ..... . .izZfir-t:.u.t
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