The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 30, 1932, Page 1, Image 1

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t Hnvv The Statesman fol
tow 70a while on yoar va
cation ; - mailed to ' any ad--jess
two weeks, only 25
cents. Call 3101.
Fair today and Sunday
lowly rising temperatnret
Max. Temp. Friday 7, 311a.
53, river feet, west
wind, partly dowdy.
Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, July 30, 1932
No. 1071
" 1 FOUNDED 1851 I 1
Mirthful Lads Flood
Schoolhouse; lot So
jovial in Courtroom
Rapidly for Once;
Penalty Waits
Unwary Monsters
Turn on Hydrant, Yew M ore Recruits
Park top Floor; To Bonus Armv
Page Noah! Are Signed Tin
V 17 TIT VrtnV . I A A . Vt V
. . - - ll nun i vyn-ri., J uiy j 1 Af ;
JUSUCe Wheels Unna A drive for l.OOO men to fill the
; shattered ranks of the bonus ex
peditionary force driven from
Washington was launched today
at three recruiting stations.
Several hundred men were sign-
mA ifiiinop a msoa rnoAtln In lLfail.
Three boys of the manful ages I tanr Qnn.r. t,nnmA
of II, 17 and 18 years went into h f- .ir
i .jii. v. i "
nuuuie I to New Jersey. Only about 30
in me i ew rr uiairi t u u- boarded the ferries, however, and
anown nour inursaay nigm. these left In trucks In the dlrec-
matier me miens inat prompiea tIon of Linden, N. J., to spend the
came a Blaming luea.
"Gee, Pal, that's a great one;
why ain't no one thought of that
Such must have been the inel
egant glee with which the other
two boys acclaimed their hero of
the moment their own Pal who
could think of such a startling
piece of meanness.
Maybe there was talk of griev- Dan pry Crawford, DeSart
ances. Only they didn t tell em I 7 1
. .1 II II 1 ! J.I
to the ponce yesteraay morning. nave nana in UaiCmnq
Jtsut mat s getting aiie&u ui tun
story, though the reader might as
well know first as last that this
story isn't reaiiy aDom anytnmg PACIFIC CITY, Ore.. July 29
but a hoodlum prank wnicn tnree (API Because It was determined
foolish boys thought at the time to - mftoi frft,h iiimnn a
was a guoa me. .1 six-foot blue shark yesterday fell
WW 1 y J v 1 . A .-1 1 . . w
wuj, no uue uau cicu I victim to two iraff hnnta
mat in saiem on nanowe en: Pat Baker and Earl Blackburn,
Ilreak into wwaow, deep sea fishermen, took a group
laraper wnn njaram ot excursionists to sea in their
Ana so one ui iu uu,, boat. Blackburn hooked a sal-
uoir, it, oroae a wmaow u . mon ana hegan reeling It ln wnen
r?T J?8. . v "1: suddenly It began dashing about
rnrougn mai wmuuw u ,n an nnU8nal manner. The fish
mmseu. u a iremenaous Merman saw the shark chasing the
t J - , 6 V.... ....I. (hA ATT1 I 9
iqkuuwcu mm uiuusu iud lualmnn
now ana on 10 iu wsmo uuucu n timo , j
door of the building, he heeded It been ln auite close to tne
not. 1 boat, the nhark hsiA it h-r th fall
The door open, ln came two .n(l . v.n.,n. 1n tj,k
other youths: Orland Lewis, -i,,.- th.
ana Annur ovi, , and Baker and Dan Frv. Salem
insiae! I dmrHat rh finV a raff bnnV
The rest was easy: up the , v v i.
. t a I tiibu suv auai n wuu
aenooi stairs tney creyi, meir r mDOara
merity laugmng at tne crea8 w The galmon WCighed ten pounds
aounawi iroin mo -v- -"w ie89 jtg tall
toie up, ana up. i ney iouna wu.
tbev were alter: tne tire nyurau. rrv,. .v.,v n...
... I -Aaa,J svo a. J v u uui tu c si(vuuu
On the second floor, tney turnea
the hydrant partly on; doini to want to get to Salemto haTe a
me urst iioor tuej "u'"c": v" I say In auto license moratoriums,
quick wrenches, and the tire ny- ,ettln- of highway contracts and
drant tnere was gnsning tonn m mayD6 even tne DOard ot higher
neaviesi stream ui wave. I pdiiratlnn.
The dots nea: ana an uigmi
lone and into tne eany momma . . h l.., i... . hnat
the water poured down the stlrsTtnere this summer ran afoul two
and into tne scnooi nasemeni. gaf nooks nandied Dy salem fish
Water Running From ermen: Hal DeSart, employe at
Windows and Doors th ,. . miii maA Lee Crawford.
When James W. Woolery, jan- I n.c.H i rrawfnrii
itor. went to the building Friday
Anw fnnnil shark tarrlnr
morning, he found water running at a saimont and haied the shark
ot the windows and from under Jnto boat TnIg anark waB
the basement door. A flooded , about six feet long and of
basement met nis aiarmea tnrusi th bl T&rlety.
to open the door. Of course the The same day they caught a 80-
lanltor waaea . tnrougn to turu DOnna codfi8h that forgot to look
the water off. ... ut for hooks In Its lest for a fine
The city police were callea; . Kna Thm cod nad the sea
and the wheels of Justice began hMg hy tne taij when the fisher-
to grind. Ana in very iew uuur., men gpied it and got tneir fans
three boys were a sueni, suouueu to working
lot as they appeared oerore jus
tic of the Peace Miller Haydeto
Spr1p,ehrt","c""" 'nClatskanie Man
Lewln and Goff. because or
their age, were certified to the
Juvenile court, with ball set at
1100 each. Staples pleaded guil-
tv and his case Is continued un
til Rchool authorities determine
the extent of the damages. OREGON CITJT, Ore., July 29
Woolery yesterday estimated (av The body of Herman
that the damage was about $150 Matthes, 61, Clatskanie hotel
nnlMi the damnened plaster manner, was found floating in
takes a notion to follow the lead tne Willamette river at Jennings
of the boys and stray irom tne Lodo-e today.
straight and hard path. Staples Tne body was found by two
la out on his own recognizance. k nnhnrt and Richard Knoll,
The complaint for the boys who notified Coroner R. M. Hol-
rrest was signed by Dr. B. P. 1 man. The coroner said he believed
Pound as a member of the school tne Dody had Deen ln the water
beard. four or five days. It bore ao
Two of the boys attended high maT. Tiolence.
school here last year, and soi . Drother nd slater of the
far as police records show, Sta- dead man said he left for Port
pies is the only one who has .,d lagt Saturday and had not
been ln legal difficulties before. Deen geen Bince. They said a $600
He was arrested on a liquor d,.mand ringr which he was wear-
cnarge once. . I in, had disappeared.
mi 1 . I I "
i am dots live in tne c
district, and it Is believed they
are members of a boys' gang
that has given considerable trou
ble there.
Ceremony to
Vice-President Charles Curtis
lent the official dignity of the
United. States to the game of the
tenth Olympiad today arriving
here to proclaim the opening of
Reduction in Overhead Cost I ZL??
the worldwide sports carnival
which takes the spotlight tomor
row with the opening ceremony In
the packed Olympic stadium be
I fore a crowd ot 105.000 persons.
PrniprtnrV llninn Ackeri tn A two thousand piece band win
rrujeClGrS Union ASKea lO plajr tne national anthem. Joined
CooDerate. Last Detail 07 v choIr of ousand voice
V ' . as the vice-president appears In
10 ASSUre MOVieS tn hnre concert bowl escorted by
t Count Henri De Baillet-Latour,
Plans for conUnuance of the ffwmSjL? SSmi-Sl
Elsinore theatre under the oper- 9JiiTuit J
affnn w,r,-, Thf. May Garland, president of the
t" . A,,r:;; Tth Olympiad committee.
for being definitely assured It
was learned yesterday.. Jack
Arranged; Owners of
Buildings Help
Then follows the grand parade
of the nations with 2000 ot the
nV.7i,J T J world's finest athletes passing ln
representative of the with thai- mnHiirui
lessees, spent Friday here going uniforma
over the business ln the effort Mr n'nrta .in h Mnn4
to keep the theatre from going to tne Tagt M8emhiy by Mr Gar- purchase a license. Similar de
dark on August 1 as was previ- iand and th(1- ,tan in th trihtin- nial was made Friday by Gover-
ously announced. His problem of honor, surrounded bv dirnitar- i nor Julius L. Meier who said that
Is Found Dead;
Fear Foul Play
No Interim Stickers Says
Pray; Will be Lenient
First few Days
Widening Will
itic Iliighvay
Be Extended to Aurora; Santiam
Also Gets Share oi U S. Funds
Rush of car Owners is on
With Realization That
Moratorium Over
Monday. August 1, state police
officials will commence the en
forcement of the auto license
law, Charles P. Pray, superinten
dent of police, announced Friday.
He denied point-blank that his
department would Issue Interim
windshield stickers to tide over
auto owners who were unable to
was the reduction of operating I 0j the world.
costs to come witnm revenues td ne hushed minute he will
under present conditions. gDeav these words ln behalf of
A conference was held with President Herbert Hoover
George B. Guthrie of Portland, t nroclaim ooen the Olvmnl
the owner of the Elsinore, and games of Los Angeles, celebrating
r rani v. misu oi mo unpiLoi. the tenth Olympiad of the modern
ana local Danaing connections i era. '
and a modification of the lease
agreement was secured giving
the lessees a substantial redac
tion. Other modifications were
sought. Including one on the
agreement with the projectors'
union covering wages and condi
tions for the operators of the
projection machines.
If concluded Warner Bros.,
will continue their lease on the
Elsinore and the capitoi: and Hoover Avers Government
win reopen me uapuui mier in
www o emus
the fall as soon as business Justifies.
When news of the expected
closing of the Elsinore was
spread the public which had
shown indifference to theatres
Cannot be Coerced; 36
Radicals are Held
rumors that he would recommend
such a sticker system for contin
uing the 31 day moratorium, were
entirely false.
The state police department
does not expect to make Immedi
ate arrsts for failure of motorists
to have 1932-33 licenses. Pray in
dicated. However, autolsts will be
warned that they cannot continue
to drive cars with old licenses
and if warnings have to be re
peated more summary action will
be taken.
With only one more business
day left in the 31-day morator
ium, anto owners were awakening
to need of new plates and Incom
ing mails at the secretary of
state's offices here brought hun-
! dreds of applications.
Purchases Short
Of Year Ago Mark
Paving From Books
North Agreed Upon
Marion County Fares Well at Meeting; Bids
On Work Which Will Virtually Complete
Wide Road to Portland ! Called
pass n
Over Million Expenditure i
Agreed Upon by State, j
Federal Agencies j
TI'ARION county fared well in the allocation of funds for
If X road work out of moneys supplied by the federal relief
bill. At the meeting: of the state highway commission, the
forest service and the bureau of public roads men held in
Portland it was agreed to continue the widenincr of the Pa
cific highway from Brooks north to Aurora, including paving Clearing On North Santiam
oor ine route tnrougn Aurora.
It was also voted to clear an
additional 10 miles on the North
Santiam highway, at a cost of
15.000. Another Important piece
of work authorised was on the
Santiam highway east of the June
U 1 16
Robert Hagerty, 15, Gone;
Also Martin Knittel;
Police Informed
PORTLAND, Ors., July 29 i
(AP) Expenditure of 11.235
tion of the North and South 000 of the amount available to,1
branches. The road will be grad- , . !
ed west of Hogg Butte at the sum- 0re0I federal relief j
mit for three and a half miles; bill was agreed upon today at at
and the road from Sisters to Sut- Joint meeting of the state hlgh-j
tie lake will be oiled. The cost W-T ,ommiirt
.,-- I " -
bert Hagerty. IS years old, was
reported missing here today. Ha-
gerty's father came to Silverton
At the rlose of buaineM Jnlv early Friday morning and had
in. nt 105.633 iiMna ho hAcn not Jet returned. Just why he
(AP) issued compared to 194,149 the le" Mr- Hagerty did not state.
reported that he had spoken with
of this improvement will be $155,-
The nrorram follows the recom
mendations of the road committee
of the Salem chamber of com-
young Hagerty at 6:30 o'clock
Friday morning and that he, Ha
gerty, had said he was going
downtown to get something to
eat He had staved with "the
South Water
street" during the night.
Hagerty is the second person
for some time, expressed a gen- War-equipped troops bearing same time a year ago. Income for
eral voice to have It continued; torches pressed on behind a tear the period was $2,785,125 com
and this reaction is thought gas barrage near the capitol again pared to $4,962,927 the same
to have been a strong Inducement late today, stripping the area of date the previous year
forthe Warner interests to con- tne bonus-seeking veterans there Motor vehicle license plates ls-
tinue operating the theatre. while President Hoover announc- sued up to Friday night aggrega-
Tim. rim ! iwfttii tn I ed to tn a nation that tnn rlntrtna tod iiiinimii1, i m a
ao .7 i i w w . .u. m t v,,.vv, mm iwivt.A m.
continue as the local manager. challenge to government authority against 191,149 on the corres- . .
naa been "met swiftly and ponding date a year ago
firmly. Recelnts un to last nieht to-
"Government cannot be coerced tailed $2,745,125.64 as compared reported missing at Silverton
by mob rule," the president said with 94.962 907 in n Jni 99 this week. Mrs. Martin Knittel
emphatically. He had ordered a 1931 reported to Silverton police late
grand Jury investigation to bring The number of anDlication- re- Wednesday night that her hus-
to book the instigator, of yester- I reived in irHri' mtiii hmA vint I band had tailed to return from a
d!.!!aab.e8' , , v A been decked and tabulated when tr,P to POUffi:e which he
Thirty-six radical members ot th nffir -tna vrM.. ,i.hi made at 1 o clock ln the after-
the "bonus expeditionary force" Th .tarw ... noon. He was driving a road
had been arrested bv nollce ax I . v . . Ister with a Wvominr license, and
LOS ANGELES, July 29 (AP) I they left a meetlnc in an aban- ZVa 7' ? .V".!00" accordlnc to Mrs. Knittel. had
Llna Basquette, movie dancer, doned church ln southeast Wash- .n iV .u ...ii hundred dollars in
was said to "feel terribly ill" at ington, about 75 more of taiT t7'" :.,JT''-T ww money
her home tonight, but not to be I number were escorted out of the ,.,, frt . 4i . They had sold some property
ln any danger. city, and a general exodus of hun- .,; A r ' " 7',' " recently, she said, and had re-
Nobody was allowed to see dreds of veterans made headway t'lum T, "",7; Z X .vl 1600 on it and he had
. , V UJ J K V lltv
1 V. tU.J , .nl.A. I . V - V. AV- J M ,
ner. wueiucr bus mru i i iuiuujq iub uaj ana erenuig. I offlcpn nf thm .t.t. ,. . most ot tnis witn mm. sne us
hers elf early this morning was District of Columbia officials hlrm mnZ .n , ' J u.c""1 lleved, when he left. The family
still a disputed question. called the grand Jury Inquiry to u.u. lives near Silverton on the Pud
- start MnndaT. Nl.. ,a r XTnm.l mmU
most ot this with him. she be-
The actress told police sur- start Monday.
geons she swallowed 25 or 100 The Red Cross formally offered
poison tablets. Reports vary. Her I transportation home to women
physician said It must have been I and children of the marchers.
onion soup and maybe a bash ot The president announced the
milk. justice department was pressing
It was all very mysterious to its inquiry into the violence re
Boxing Promoter Teddle Hayes, suiting ln the call for troops and
Jack Dempsey's former trainer, expressed the hope the culprits
He said doctors told him no trace would be brought speedily to trial
of poison had been found. The in the civil courts.
reconciliation and betrothal ot
Miss Basquette and Hayes was
announced yesterday. They were
around in Hollywood last night.
Hayes said she seemed depressed
when he took her home at 11:30
p. m.
He 'phoned her later and she
told him "I've Just taken some
thing," Hayes said today.
Dictatorship is
Not Considered
Says Von Papen
No Solomon
Could Solve
This Riddle
BERLIN, July 29 (A PI
Chancellor Franx Von Panen.
whose cabinet is made ud of men .v.. v j.i, n
FlAVAvflll lit Va Tn . U ... 111 1 w
tu hid a uunvr biiu mill-
ding river. Mrs. Knittel said
that If be returned Thursday she
would make no further report.
The police had heard nothing
by 6 o'clock Thursday afternoon
and supposed that Mr. Knittel
had returned. Later she brought
a letter to headquarters that she
had received from , him. The
letter was short, contained
$10 bill and addressed her as
"Dear Nell," and carried the mes-
probably keep her until he re-
Acted Too Late
States ln a transatlantic broad
cast tonight that neither he nor
his ministers were maneuvering
for a German dictatorship.
His address, ln which he assail
ed the Versailles treaty, took on
added significance because of two
tetnrm At hnntA AArn1.n. 1. Am.
NEW YORK, July 29 (AP) Urnii" i th- f.
It was a good idea Magistrate ReIcD8tag elections Sunday, and
vTOUOt,u u- wu., vuC aDroa(j ,h0 ,a lnTolTed ln a new
i . . I fvjm
IZrLllV '.v0"1 tarns. It was postmarked at Sil
ct! .asfnred th ?n,te,d verton. The state police are aid
ling ln solving the disappearance.
Fischer Mills
Reopening Held
Quite Probable
Avers Harrisonllll wc?mB
claimed him so the magistrate
ordered them to different sides
The Hoover administration was of the room had had them call
accused tonight bv Senator Har- "Here Chief." coaxed William
rlson, of Mississippi, of "waiting Carmlchael and his daughter El
two long years after the economic &a. The black and tan police dog
collapse" to present a legislative bounded over. "Here Jack," can
plan tor meeting It, ) ed Louis Volte and his father.
Opening the democratic cam- Joseph. The dog came running
paign over the radio. Harrison in I back
reply to Secretary Mills, urated T h en P a t r olm a n James of were uken from X6er.
Fischer, president of Fischer
Flouring Mills at Silverton which
closed July 20. made the an
nouncement Friday night that
within the next few days a meet
lnr will be called of the bond
Cn7An 777rocc holders and others Interested and
VJU.U.U.CIA lllllCaa nrn-nAtta for an earlv oneninr are
Son of Jeweler
Here Dies From
A a m TC r tr Tnrtlf1 m t atn.
enacted was woven and lined with and was almost bowled over. d-y for burlal foilowln- the iad..
prospects for an early opening are
very encouraging.
Remains of Jacob S. Reiner. This is Fischer's first public
age 10, Bon of Edward W. Reiner itatement since the mill was
closed a week ago.
And Major Work Near
Summit Assured
Veterans Gather
and bureau of public roads re-i
r . vce I WAV
The three bodies nlaced S 635.-1
000 of emergency forest high-'
TIT m Ml av n A m n tli-kl.Ajl '
merce which endorsed completion f ' vii, ,,aa .
Wghway north from the end of ed on th. tedenl ... -,-..
rthlrlnri "J , th. ChUan a8 nlil " technical deUils!
?.m i.hl be completed and will be;
tlam highway. nneniwi . ,ah- - .v. v. ?
1 - a mm w mm , Ul Vllllg VI IUC 6U gu;
way commission h-r ii.m.i -i ;
on as many of the Jobs as specif!- The malor nortlnn of thm f-.'.
caUons can be completed for In allocated was assigned to com-i
ume to can ior dibs. nis win pietion or advancement of pro--
Fiurn ucsiuuuis vi jects now under way:
rylng it on through the fall; and Tne commission decided to ? '
will provide a gTeat deal ot em- Mk tnft f0Test BerTiCft and bureau '
pioyment 10 laoor in tnis countj. 0f public roads to nlace a 6.2?
mile gap in the Heppner Spray
road on the forest highway sys-i
tem. The gan lies between Cha-i
pin creek and Hardman and aH
though It lies outside the forest!
reserve, forest highway funds
may be allocated to It If the i-'
slgnatlon Is approved ln Wash-!
ington. D. C. j
East Side Highway
wrne i
Iw in dc Aavancea l
a&::rzt?j? iss its
There and Hundreds of x"!? vc,tTvw" u
ua,uoa uiig rccn reiiiuiK om tnec
proposed super highway for more-'
than a year. The MUwamkle-i
Oregon City section of the high-'
johvstown. Pa.. July 29 way is to De paved under
tkx TVnvn th vindinr valley contract to be let. Gradlar ef
where the great flood spent its bort sections at Jennings Ledge,
fury ln '89, ragged, weary rem- 1 approaches to the Clatka
nants of the bonus expeditionary m" rlrtr bridge now under eon-t
forces straggled into Johnstown "rucuon ai uiaasione win m
tonight for "further orders." ?JvT,ded f.or ln tnothr eontracti
For Johnstown today became Li." "r WBlcn
field headquarters of the expedl- w 07ad, f"7h n. n vJ
tion. I uvtinn of th XMtt .fk.w'
Tieless and In shirt sleeves, including Davinr thronrh AatraJ
Captain Doak A. Carter, chlef-of- Surfacing of the Cheshire
staff and R. B. Ellison, national Prairie road sections of the Si-
contact ofilcer of the veterans, nsiaw highway. )
and their aides whipped prelim- Surfacing of the Red Bridget
lnaries into shape In the office of Elkton section ot the TJmpqaa
Eddie McCloskey, red-haired highway grading of the Bigg
priie fighter-mayor. John Day river section of the
Carter said tonight that for the Columbia river highway.
present official headquarters will Surfacing of the Horse Raacb
be maintained in Washington and Silver Lake section of the Fre4
Johnstown will be headquarters "on highway. j
for the organisation of a semi- Surfacing of the Gap Ranch
military-political force to be -wmiean section or tne central
known as the "khaki shirts." "regon nignway. ,
The disorder in Washington uraamg of tne Lime - Hist
barely had faded when McCloskey Jnt.ton ecUoi ot tn Oregoi
inylted tha leader to Jnhnatnwn I trail. !
Tentative plans, they said, call I Monataln Highways
for a new march on Washington. a
McCloskey said arrangements . n? tV1 -mo irom
will be made for some of the '0Ief bin.V T J110"" WT
vets to camp in the hills sur- Mtf tb; Santiam an WIV
rounding the city. lamette highways. The SantUm
"We can't take care of the "1KUW,T1, w" " m
hni ri- u .m Kni for grading 3.5 miles from Hog
" J ' " " In V. . M M A A
take care of those who need help. IVC . a . , ... f
We want as many of the veterans
miles from Sisters to Suttle Labs.
democratic thought.'
Lite Sentence tor Ripley
To be Pronounced Today
Here Fanny," the magistrate I
. . m - m m . v a vj ti a aataa oaf iuviuiuaa
conirmutea ana tne aog leapeu J.-h. with h! fth-r .n1 hi.
Magistrate Greenspan gave up o.
rTvw.v.T . " amLTaM 7" n excellent health. Enroute he
laumucu. i ug uur reiuainea in v,.-. m i .1.1
w w v a yvMvooiwiu
to go home as can find ways and W1U b,,hTT J
l il,VVV IUI (ICtlUlg UUlf
of roadbed and for grading fear
miles from Oakridge easL f
Other projects authorized
were: i
Grading from Dale south ea
John Day highway
r miles, $120j-
250 Take Pari, Lincoln
Playground Field Meet ;".i;Jf.b:
Sentence of Robert Ripley to
life Imprisonment in the state
penitentiary is certain here this
morning when at 9 o ciocc, itip
li annears for sentence before
... i-t. rAmi- iniira Fred W. Wilson. The Orer
teria ly dwelled her. "yeaterday, gon Taw make, life Imprisonment
with two of the largest permits Of for first-degree murder BBda-
the month Uken out by the tory on the court Ripley pleaded
United 8Utea National hank and guilty to the charge la court
hy W. A. Heater. Thursday: .He took major part
The bank win alter us eieva- who uurco . . VTi
ator ln the five-story building at of Night Officer Iverson ot SU-
a cost of S21S0: and Heater will verton on May 2, 1333.
eonstract a one and one-half story Frank Manning, self-confessed
house at 1585 North 20th street accomplice wno nas pieaui u
at a coat of 14000. Oscar U Ha- ty to second degree warder ie-
ger Is builder for the Heater fore tne triais oi ru- u
.tarted. may also he sentenced.
.UVUAV. 1 " " , 1 -I.
Other permit issued yesterday l under tne uregon iaw u inipri-
were: W. I. cioaieuer, aiterionment buh u a.
nati.a at 136K Broadway. $150: found guilty under the second-
tiIa Imu nrnnf holme at,KS4 1 deeree charge.
,H1V WVHWA, " - " " - I " ... . ,
n iTth. tl- Frank There was laia nere yeoiciuaj
... a.. .V IVi . mm
ahlnrle at 2380 Maple, lit. tuai taa court wiuv .cy
alternate plea of man
which would permit Manning to
be sentenced to prison for less
than lite. The district attorney
would not confirm the report.
It Is known that the district at
torney's office feels that Manning
slaughter Government is
Buying Land at
Di.d0?.nem.on., d,0f ? Annual field and track meet at
hA r a aa n Thn.. I Lincoln playground went over ln
Aberdeen Thursday. The father
, vLZa - with 250 children by actual count
in Aberdeen
Reservoir Site Rapher Burned
Out Again When
on the grounds participating or
rooting". Quite a number of par
ents visited tor the field meet.
Events were announced through
the Cherry City Baking broadcast
system by Gardner Kntpp. Official
Home Destroyedy TenU
A treat for all the kiddies was
VAT.!. rr. Jnly M fAPl
was not a mover ln the Ripley 1720-acre Agency ranch,
slaying and that because he told near Banian haa bn nnrehased
the story ot the killing ln all Its hv th a TTnltA1 Stta totkrnnifnt
details, he should receive a lesser I r j -falters for $60,912.1 WOODBURN. July 29 (Spe-Mryed by tha playground super-
penalty than Poe and Ripley. The ranch Is part of the North ciau nre, oeueved to be eausea visor. Mrs. Margaret Nelson, wim
It Manning la sent to prison pork reservoir project. . by a defective flue completely assistance ot Mrs. Robert Parents,
for lite undoubtedly the prose- The -government had purchas- destroyed the house on Miller This consisted of lollypops given
cutor and nerhaos the trial Judge mA .nnth-r n.h at 16 a acres brothers farm a mile and a half by tha Aksarben Ice cream mak-
wlll ask that in time the governor front Mrs. Rosa Lambertonr of I northwest of Broadacrea today. I era, cookies by tha Benson baking-
commute his sentence. (Ontario, for $766 and negotla- rercy Kapner was uvmg m me I company ana canay oy i-ae gro-
Trlal At nam Krneldinr. alias I ttntia tnr tha nnhrt.nn ranch I hoUSO. None Of tha Outbuilding I ceTT. . '
Robert Coleman, under Indict- now are under way. Three other I was burned. . I Added to the aest of tha sport-
m.iit fit ?1rat-A9-rmm. mxirAmr haa I .,.ii hnMtne-. remain tn ha I - The small fire truck of Wood-1 lnr events was award of good
been set for next Wednesday, acquired. burn answered the call and the prises tor first and second posi-
August 3. Ha la held tor. the ..The reservoir, which will Hubbard Ore department also aa- tlons .by tha foUowlni: drug
shooting ot Lloyd Eddy. 19, In a Hood Agency valley, wm cover iwered. ' ""
m v i i ta. va -.. .w.tjin it win innniT I Ranhar and hla larre family Pharmacy. Fry s Drue store, nea
BlllBa U 1 A W 1. AS-tia iu i ,w.t a-vvw . w ... w - ' I - . wf..!,!
Uovd'i father. Jess Eddy. 45,water tor the WiUow Creek unit were burned out of another plaee Cross pharmacy. anT Wooipert
was severely wounded. - lot the -Vale Irrigation project. I near here previously.
and Hunt. All third place winners
Grading and undercrosaiag
were awarded candy prizes by the I Florence to Cuthman, three
Pade grocery company of State miles, on the Slumlaw highway;
treet. $100,000.
Winners were: Grading on the Diamond Lake-
Boys 109-yard dash, over 12 Park Bouadary section of Caa
years Jaek Lunsford, John Os- cade Lakes highway, seven miles,
land, Marion Ritchie. I $40,000.
Girls' 100-yard dash over 12 I Bridre on the Diamond Lake
years Cora Edgell, AnIU Rus- highway. $50,000.
sell. Shirley Cronemlller. Clearing of 19 miles on tha
Boys 10-yard dash, under 12 North Santiam highway.' $1S
years Louise Beirrey. uougias Iaqo.
McKay, Donald cronemiuer. Clearing on the Weston-Zlgta)
uiris eu-yara aaan. isair u ihlrbwiT. II miles. UO.OVf. !
years Lois Kumler, Reva Fisher, I The sUte highway commissUn
Mary Jo Gelser. J win meet again tn Portland, Frit
xJotb root race, nnaer nineirf.. iinit g. t
years itaipa dbjqw . mjiva
Persler. Babhv Blake.
BrOSUI JUmp. POTS W.l l luuia u owv j
..a . T. 11Ia TaaV I !
t?.T.trr t TILLAMOOK. Ore. Jaly. It-4
Girls' broad jump, over 12 years SaStS
. t t. r4..ii I mi faand shot to death tooay is
auw i-vi m . ... .
Rhlrlnv r-oaemniar. I an WBgu- vm
.' . v --Am t raA near the farm ef mis sister.
y . nVtVY. I Wr. Neva Tone. Beside hint waA
J"1" l - l.tVArfttA.
East. Mary Jo Gelser. I .iur 7
(Continued on paia I, cot j itermea n suia.
K '