l i t The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oreeon, llinraday IfoHIag JnTy 28, 1922?:7- v PAGE SEVT3T Many Visitors-4 Reported at St Paul; Coast Calls Several Groups 8T. PAUL, July 27 William Eder celebrated his 75th birth day Saturday. Those present to was.e xne occasion a happy one wera hia wife. Mrs. Eder; Mr. and Mrs. Mallard Blanchard and ona, Floyd and Frank of Port land; Mr. and Mrs John Hoff man and son, John Jr., of Port land; Mrs. Margaret Eder and family, Helen, Frances, Viola and Peter John: Mr. and Mrs, C. H. Ernst and family, Lester, Virginia, Jinunie, "Vincent and Elmer; and Edwin Woodruff of St. Paul. A surprise party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Les ter Case, July 23. The guests were Mr and Mrs. Lester Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Smith and Mr. and Mrs. William Smith. ine iowowing people are now pending their vacation at the beach: Marie Kirsch, the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kirsch, is at Rockaway: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith and family, Mary Ann, Jean and Tom at Neskowin; and Mrs. J. G. McKillipp and on, Junior and Teddy at Rocka way. Mrs. Claude Smith and chil dren, Jlmmie, Jack, David and Jane are now visiting at her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson of eastern Oregon. The St. Paul people attending the Gervais Catholic church pic nic Sunday, were Mr. and Mrs John Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Faber and children, Virgil, Ar thur and Kathaleen; Mr. and Mrs.. E. C. Davidson and son. EarL Walter Bernard, who has been 111 for several months. Is now at his home for a few days Harvesting Peaches The early cling-stone peaches, the Triumphs, are now being picked and packed at the L. L. Ernest orchard near Horse-Shoe Lake. Dr. and Mrs. Ross and sons, Donald and Clarke, and Emil Johnson of Portland were among the .picnickers at San Salvador Beach Sunday. Carol May and Maurine Mer ten, who have been visiting with Dr. and Mrs. Ray Jones of Red mond have returned to their home. Weekend Visitors Visitors over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pil lette of Aurora at the Ed Pillette Or Uvui it ! . AT IMP CONFERENCE 1 fy.i a- vl' 0 1 ft J Hun'in Enrinnd'a "Bi Three' crusaders aeainst the demon depi ion, pictured on the S. S. Empress of Britain just before they disem barked on their arrival at Quebec, Canada. Left to right, they are: J. H. Thomas, Secretary of State for the Dominions; Right Honorable Stanley Baldwin, former Prima Minister of England and the Honorable Nevilla Chamberlain. The statesmen are the mother country's representatives at the Ottawa Economic Conference, attended by delegations from all parta f the British Empire. residence; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buckley and son, Tom of Dun dee at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter McDonald; Harold David son of Portland, at the home of bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. James F. Davidson; and Mrs. Nolton of Portland at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Gooding. Mrs. Helen Hill and daughter Helen of Seattle are staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Pelland. 1 E TO ME SATURDAY All Gilmore Oil company branch managers and salesmen in Oregon and Washington have been asked to be In Portland Saturday, July 30, to heas company officials out line future merchandising plans which include one of the most comprehensive newspaper adver tising campaigns ever sponsored by an oil company In the west. "Although I'm not at liberty to divulge complete details at the present time, Gilmore will have Cross - Word By EUGENE SHEFFER Puzzl i I2 I3 I4 l5 K6 I7 la h I I10 W 2425 26 PEII!11"1!1II 30 31 32 33 HI HZ 243 HH 45 HT 47 46 33 54 HORIZONTAL. 1 What British protectorate in Central Africa has its capital t Entebbe? f What great American lawyer paoood William Jennings Bryan daring the Scopes trial? II Who said "1 am every inch a king"? IX Which is the largest con tinent? IX Exists. 1 1 Conclude. 16 Beak of a bird. 17 Like. lg Covering for the head. JO The great artery. 1 2 What American hnmoriat also wrote the pUy, "The Coliogn Widow"? IS Exclamation of despair. 2 5 Fish eggs. 25 Box scientifically. 27 What canal was known as "Clinton, ditch"? 29 Limbless ground animaL 1 0 Recompenses. 82 Lie at rest 84 Travel over water. 85 Black. ftTVeffcr twofold. 88 Organisation to further terri- torialism. 89- .ough. 40- eik letter. 41 Man's name. 43 What greet Creek poet U said t have "nodded occasion ally? 45 Extinct flightless bird. 46 Japanaese copper coins. 48 Close friend, 49 Spikenard. 80 Edible bulb. , , 52 Trunk of the human body. 53 Who died at the battle of Tra falgar? 4 What was the real name of O. Henry? VERTICAL. 1 What city of Central New York on the Mohawk has the ' ammo name as an ancient city erthwest of CartkageT 2 Man's nickname. S Born. 4 Who wrote "Two Years Bo- for the Mart"? f Enthusiasm. What Italian poet waa is love with Beatrice? T On the ocean. ' 8 Prominent ridga fa sloth, t Egyptian ran rod 10 What rivor of northwest Ger many flow 280 milea to the North Son? 14 Nathaniel Hawthorne was om ployed in the Customs House of what city? 17 Wko is Prosidont Hoover's Secretary of the Navy? 19 Cuts the outside part from. 21 What is the m Using pert el the tide of this novel kj Scott! "Roe? 22 Protective artide of clothing. 24 What ponMitoin in Arabia is at the nortkorn end of tke Rod Son? 26 Profound sleep. 28 What waa the first name of tke Englisk nnrso wko was eaecated in 1915? 29 What composer, considered the fosmder of tke romantie of Gorman opera. to "Oboroo"? 30 Who was the famo eel takorator of Steele? 81 Vessel. 32 Repulse. 33 Guayaowil is the chief port of what ropnklic? 37 What is the, missing- first name of tke popnlar tnnaical comedy star Bordoni? 40 Who invented the telegraph? 42 Source of indigo. 44 Month. 45 Market. 47 Distress signal. 49 Correlative of neither. 51 Negative. 52 Towards. Herewith is the lerday's puxxle: solution to yes- N NteHUN f" 1 VTVlStJ. 1 1 W. , kf LT- some very Important news to an nounce to the motoring public on August 1," declared D. H. F. MacPherson, northwest division manager of the Gilmore concern. 'During the last year, Gilmore en gineers have been using record' making racing cars to test various new gasolines perfected in the Gil more laboratories. These tests have given us some very pertinent facts and we intend to give the motoring public the benefit of this Information." Clarence S. Beesemyer. vice- president of the Gilmore concern. win arrive by plane to take part in tne northwest meeting. BIRTH REPORTED BRUSH COLLEGE, July 87. A baby girl was born Tuesdav to Mrs. Anne Irons of Seattle, for merly a teacher in the local school for several years, according to word received by friends here. The little girl has been named Joy and Is the second child in the family, the other being a boy miss Grace Hendrlckson of Salem sister or Mrs. Irons. Is visitlne at the Irons home. Miss Hendrlckson was also a teacher in the Brush College school at one time. COMMISSIONER'S COURT The following la the official publication of the record of claims before the Marion county commissioners court or the July term. 1932 with the amount allowed, bills continued, etc, according to he records In the office of the eounty clerk. (Continued from July 21) Johnnie Qualley, do ..... 61.74 Carl Robinson, do ....... 81.74 A. H. Sears, do 51.74 John Van Den DIessen. do. 51.74 Lewis Verbeck, do ....... 51.74 Misc Blarket Bonds William Bents, labor . . . . . Eldon Cone, do . R. C- DeLano, do . , . . W. M. Dunbarr, do Noah Egley, do . . C D. Erb, do .... Glen Farrier, do , J. P. Tellers, do . . A. J. Fessler, do . Arthur Frants, do Fred Helmlg, do Ben Herman, do . Ralph Hulbert, do Bertrand Iversen, do . . . 95.76 78.7t 15x91 51.74 .. 99.74 .. 29.85 .. 19.90 .. 79.79 .. 61.85 .. 9.95 .. 41.79 .. 11.97 ..103.74 . . 29.90 Lester McH wain, da 119.78 Raymond B. Miller, da 129,74 Nick Schab, da ..... 22.41 Dan Scharr, de ..;, ,..129.74 C. C. Stayton, do . ....... 44.41 Frank R. Woelke, do ....129.74 Clyde Woodruff, d . ...10-T4 ' Baen Ylsta Ferry Acci. . Drager, cash adr. for pump 12.12 A. Snyder, labor ...... 69.70 Gilbert Snyder, do 39.79 General Fand Aect, Capital Journal pub. claims Oregon Statesman, do .... John B. Nathman. pipe . . . Motor Patrol Acct. A. C. Haag ft Co- governor assembly, etc. Earl Horning, labor Harry Horning, do E. J. Richards, do Kenneth Van Cleave, do New Equipment Acct. A. Kapphahn, dump wag ons 40.00 North Santiam Hlrhwav Acct. Marks McMahan A Lewell-. ing. legal services 250.00 Carl Johnson, do ........ 37.81 Pete Krupicka. do 99.75 Jim Leavy, do 79.80 Mat Leavy, do ...103.73 Z. McGonegal, do 45.88 Geo. Neyman, do 49.75 P. M. Rather, do 40.78 R. L. Rider, do 39.90 E. G. Tergen, do ........ 99.75 L. M. VanCleave. foreman. 129.74 F. F. Ford, engineer 149.74 J. F. McGee. do ...149.74 H. E. Swart, co. engineer. 202.18 Forrest Casey, chalnman, . 77.74 Robert Drager, do ....... 77.74 M. E. Gleeson, do 77.74 D. E. Hardcastle. do ..... 77.74 J. H. Herrenn, do 77.74 Carroll M. Robinson, do .. 77.74 A. C. Shaw, do 77.74 Misc. Bridge Acct. Gilbert Anderson, labor .. 64.74 Robt Bye, Jr., do 64.74 Roy Brenner, do 64.74 Wm. Dunnigan. do 64.74 Albert Hennies, do 64.74 H. W. Hughlett. do ....... 64.74 Ted Kuensl. do 64.74 Greg A. Robl, do 64.74 Frank Scnampler, do 59.76 Phillip Fischer, foreman ..155.74 Newberg Bridge Acct. Yamhill Elec co. electricity 3.00 Administrative Expense Acct. J. J. Kraps Co., printing . . S.00 Rahn McWhorter Co. paper 8.40 Air Compressor Acct; E. M. Neal, labor....... 11.94 Feenaughty Mach. Co., gra der blades, etc 44.24 Omer Bartruff. labor 116.74 J. A. Burns, do 116.74 Geo. Crook, do 47.89 Lee Gest, do 80.82 Wm. R. King, do 103.74 James MeCormick, do .... 25.92 r 44.90 44.09 3.03 4.44 77.74 47.84 12.96 71.76 6.96 5.97 5.97 5.97 3.98 4.97 14.95 28.89 16.96 .60 Ed Booth, labor Judd Cupp, do Art Jepsen, do Fred Paulus, do Harry J. Sprague, do .... Edw. F. Underwood, do .. Henry Stelnkamp, do Powder Acct. Bert Hulst, rent of maraine 1.00 West Coast Pwdr. Co., fuse 48.96 Roadmaeterfl Offlca An-L LJia Antrlcan, stenographer 10.60 Atlas Book Store, rubber siamps, etc 9.71 u. u. uraeer. cash adv. for siamps K.oo F. O. Johnson, salary, exp.. 159.94 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., tel. 9.35 Gladys M. Scott, steno. . . 67.00 Road Roller Acct, Joe Zollner. labor Shovel Acct. E. H. Edwards Co., wire . Green S Welding Shop, lbr. John A. Roebllnr A Sons lo. or uaur., steel rope. 24.14 vaney Mach. A Weld. Co., repairs jj.jo Arthur H. Cordier, labor . 44.86 u. v. Kay, ao 44.35 R. A. Van Cleave, do ....106.74 Tool House Aoct. Air Reduction Sales co. oxy. Ore -Wash. Water Svc. watr Pacific Tel A Tel. telephone Salem Bargain House, rags Truck Acct. Ball Bros., gas E. H. Burrell, lense, etc. . . Reo Sales A Senr. Co., gear E. G. Umenhofer, gas .... Miscellaneous Acct. J. D. Adams Co. blades, etc. Geo. E. Allen, pipe, etc . . Army A Outing Stor, cantn. Beall Pipe A Tank Corn . P'P 907.87 Bochsler Hdw., tape, etc. . . 5.75 W. E. Burns, hose 16.52 uap. journal, pub. notices . 8.40 Geo. W. Croisan, Ins. prem. 198.00 Donald Garage A Black. snop. welding, etc 3.50 Doughton A Sherwin, shov els, etc 25.50 4.0? 2.12 9.06 4.25 .88 2.26 44.15 7.81 47.41 22.52 1.75 22.72 T.14 22.26 66.19 20.15 1.26 20.52 12.57 696.25 2.00 65.99 6.00 24.25 57.96 20.22 O. G. Drager, cash adr. tor freight .......... ' 6.02 O. O. Drager, cash. adv. tor 1-- reg. fee .'. . ..,. I9pw C H. Ernst Hdw.. wrench 2.96' Ray L. Fanner Hdw. Co.. . scythe, etc . . . r. 6 1.3 2 R. B. Fleming, wire 6.75 R. L. Hart, roadviewer 2245 Honeyman Hdw., chain, eta 62.90 ra Jorgensen, washers etc 123.50 P. J. Lars en A Sons, pole. 22.25 Geo. Lawrence Co., drills. . Lewis Bell Serv. Sta., gas. M. J. Lentsch, shrpng drills Loggers A Cont. Mach. Cow, bushings, etc ......... L. D. Martel. repair drills . W. R. A J. H. McAlvln, re pair bigs C. H. McElhaney, roadriewr Frel J. Miller, do Marphy Gardner Co., Imbr. V E. Newcomb. rep. tires.. Oregon State Hl'way Com., belt, etc Ore. Statesman, pub. notice Pohle Starer Co.. grader share, etc Port. Gen. Elec Co., elec. Fred. Post Co.. level rod . Pure Iron Culvert A Mfg. oC. pipe 785.20 Salem Hdw. Co., nails, etc 29.17 C. K. Spauldlng Co., Imbr. 74.47 Standard Oil Co. of Calif.. gas ...108.64 Stayton Hdw. Co. files, etc 1.58 Oscar Storaasll, payment on contract 2174.71 E. G. Syron, lbr 20.52 Union Oil Co. of CaL, gas 1264.25 Valley Motor Co., bolts, etc 11.20 Louis Welssenfels, sharpen ing tools, etc 5.45 Woodbury Co., bolts, etc. 107.89 Robert Cole, labor 68.72 Malcolm Cooke, do 46.86 Eimle Van Damme, do ... 26.87 J. L. Cook, do 36.88 John Grlesenauer, foreman 129.24 O. B. Harr. labor 29.86 Henry Hart, do 29.85 Everett Johnson, labor . 29.85 Floyd Langs ton. do 39.80 Howard Langston, do .... 5.97 P. E. Jensen, do 91.76 O. D. Binegar, do 77.74 Judd Cupp, do 11.81 F. A. Dutton, do 103.74 L. B. George, do 51.74 Ben H. Hawkins, do 134.10. Tony Penka, do 12.45 Lyle Sacre, do 126.74 Jack Vint, do 11.81 Fred Womack, do 20.93 w. c. Wooldridge, do 99.75 State Industrial Acc. Com., insurance 629.44 uaacaae Investment Co., naming gravel 135.01 L. M. Case, do 281.71 M. Crouser, do 22.96 V. M. DeCoster. do CO. OA Ladi A Bush Bankers, rock 1.66 MeYey Sand Qravel Co., .gravel 20.00 Of 8. Montague, de , 1646.04 Oregon Gravel Co., do ...2124.49 B. Is. Bigdom. d 14.00 J.?S. JUaKv. do 2052.00 Sax ton A Looney, do ....740.92 Fred Womack. rock ..... 11.49 Horace E. Wells, labor ... 9.95 N. P. Filer, do 9.95 Read District No, IS) Arthur Beardsley, labor .. 15.96 Lyle Beckner, do 15.96 Roy Campbell, do . 15.9 6 Wm. Bradley, do ....... . 4.97 C. Ia. Gilaon, do 1.99 Road District No, 88 D, X. Bllnston, labor .... E. K. Wells, do . Ray Reeves, patrolman . . . Market Road No, 79 J. E. Haseltlne A Co., bolts Salem Brick A Tile Co. Ule Salem Seed A Imp. Co., plow share Stayton Cement Stone Wks, cement Thos. Becker, moving fence J as. O. A Bertha Darby, do P. L. Downing, do Philip Fisher, do Clarence E Jones, do J. C. Krenx. do Frank Michael, do . . . Mary Roble, do W. G. Winn, do H. E. King, do . J. A. Kanohahn. do P. A. King, do Salem Sand A Grav. Co., L. R. Tweedle and L. Case, do W. P. Watkins, do .... W. P. Collard. travel . ...119.26 . . .101.02 do 196.62 M. ...634.79 .. 18.00 37.05 10000) 1 a e o 2.97 .99 11.95 12.76 6.25 4.40 22.26 97.60 17.60 87.40 40.00 .. 20.00 .. 80.40 ..222.00 ..177.60 ..269.80 24:00 Market Road No. C3 Glen Farrier, labor ...... Bertrand Iversoa, do ..... Ray Martin, do... ... Chet Pewonke. do ...... . W. W. Pope, do A. M. Ross, do Market Road No. 70 Mark Bacon, labor Ben Baune, do .......... Ray Bevens. do Geo. Black, do Chas. Dew, do Claud DeWolf, do L. D. DeWolf. do Jeff Dunn, do . . Pete Jackson, do Albert Juve, do . 17.91 22.89 26.91 12.92 12.92 25.91 a I 1L94 11.94 11.11 11.94 10.14 12.92 Joe Laehapell. do 9.95 P. M, Macott, do . . . Cliff Mannen, do . . . Otto Painter, do . . . . Clark Rich, do Carl Smollnsky. do.. John Vitovec, do ... John Warner, do . . . Mack Worrlng. do . . James Yates, do ... . Arthur Yergen, do . . 2.92 12.94 11.94 11.94 MICKEY MOUSE independence Sand A Grav el Co., do 151.00 tfflu itsenner, do 1682.00 Market Road No. 8 Arthur Frants. labor 13.93 Fred Helmlg. do 13.93 BIU Shaw, do 5.97 D. C. Stretch, do 9.95 Wm. Wolf, do 6.97 Market Road No. 45 Roy Brown, labor 27.93 Nelson Catee, do 9.95 John Fitxpatrlck, do 9.95 Lester Graham, do 9.95 Clifton Hadley. do 27.93 J. E. Larson, do 9.95 E. M. Neal, do Ij.jj Lyle Ramey, do 9.95 Mike Schaeter, do 13.93 Toyson Smith, labor 13.93 G. H. Sollars. do 9.95 Earl Verbeck, do 13.92 John Ward, do 13.93 V. V. Wolford. do 9.95 Sid Zatterberg. do . 9.95 Leslie Zike, do 13.93 Miscellaneous Aecta. O. D. Batram, labor 13.93 C. D. Erb. do 13.93 Frank McCaffery, do 11.94 W. M. Parsons, do 13.93 R. A. Stanton, do 7.96 R. F. Stretch, do 7.96 Arthur Wilson, labor 20.36 Road District No. 15 H Hdward Edson. labor .... 6.97 Road District No. 204 Earl Boa ley, labor 11.94 Joe Mooreman, do 11.94 Ed Ped, do 11.94 Road District No. SO Iver Brenden, labor 9.9 s W. E. Fuller, do 6.97 Albert Funrue, do 7.9 g H. R. Gayle. do 5.97 Road District No. S Glen Farrier, labor 13.93 Bertrand Iverson. do 14.96 Ray Martin, do 27.93 A. M. Ross, do 23. Miscellaaeoas Accts. Wm. Deitxman, labor P. G. Judd. do Gustav Oraw, do Ed Weetenhouse, foreman. G. C. Ray, labor J. Cogswell, do 4 . J. W. Barnes, do Cecil Bartruff. do Lee Clark, do John Davis, do W. M. Davis, do August Fandrlch, do Dan Fandrlch, do Frank GIroux, do O. W. Jewett. do J. Kleeman, do Lester Kobare, do Lester Leigbty, do . . J. G. Long, do Butler Marshall, do . R. C. Ramsben. do . Fred Scharf, do .... Levi Slelghter, do . . Walter M. Stone, do John E. Turner, do . E. Tweed, do M. J. Van Woert, do J. J. Wagers, do . . . Robert Wagers, do 23.88 G. B. Watts, do 47.82 William Zlrtel, labor 22.38 Ed Faber. do 1.99 John McKay, do 3.99 F. P. Myers, do 1.99 J. Cogswell, do 4.97 O. E. Davis, do 7.96 J. S. Jones, do 2.98 Mike Lents, do 5.97 J. C. Smith, do 5.97 J. P. Coonse, do 3.98 A. J. Punzell, do 3.99 o e o 1 o o o 11.44 11.94 8.45 12.42 21.89, 2.9 r 63.86 23.88 47.88 23.88 27.86 23.88 23.89 19.90 18.90 23.88 21.89 47.88 47.88 23.82 .15.96 34.91 17.91 23.88 23.88 47.83 23.8 23.8 8 Claude Brown, do . . , Frank Tooley. do John Van Gorden. do Harry H. Bosch, do . . Lester Dowe, do Anton Et-glehart. do Herman Kiehl, do . . , Andrew Oster, do . . nnsue js. otto, do 6.96 Joe Slaby, do 9.95 C. J. Stupfel. do 3.9g Chas. Vinyard, do 9.93 North Santiam Highway Acct. Linn County, Or. damares 2334.60 (To be continued) 5.97 23.88 21.89 4.97 1.99 9.95 2.98 9.95 OwrrtsH. im. reflat 94 Numbered Hours Ti . . . SHYSTER'. MV TU' WHOLE VI GOOD GOSH VijSfl 17 WELL SHYSTfen. V xrol VI 1 - ? CA8W.SOVER. SHIP'S FULL OP pStM tTSGoS? MjAfcJ f oTa!-"' YW JfSl " Z&T. f WE'tL ALL BP S rjl HALP FULL OP" ) WATER.! AN TH' J I W RUDDER? I iVSc" tlA Zl' fff ( BOTTOM 1 'Wr S i GH05TS ,rAl(jHT THIMBLE THEATRE Starring Popeye lOOWK FOR f KMfCK HTUe fVHT lL SPIRITS 16 TOLLOWtK TrU6 5HlQ SKIPPER -WCWTVA UT US THROW THEM Now Showing "Gentlemen of the Chorus 561 YA MEfVRO fkCOAM OF SIR-we ws .U n THE FffC SL - 1T5 THE 5P1RIT5 OF THE new which deo ON mo OLD 5H1P THEM SPIRITS IS KCWr4' BeCfVUSe THERE'S WiMMlH fXBOfSRO-iF VOU UXNiT LET US CKUCK EM WE LL .MOUNT AKD KHOCrt VOO oveRj too BEUrVtH'-Pl OSCAR f LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY THEVMrvyee ( r MUTUAY, BOT V VOU UJOK'T J By SEGAR HEX TIME IWONCT BE SO GENTLE - lt USE Mb FiSKS ON THfc NE X oWrvi lTuM UU1L.H bbi. AJII 1TIMV .mutiny: fMOTlKVi Opportunity Knocks AWBOD IM THE WHOLE UDeiD -XDOtSEE Ht C.VC.N VUUNTEM) ALL wEt AUJST BE OVER. A MILLOM OF TVlEM.' T5 MAME MEieECOMESAAJe S KLET5 A6 MlM Y WUAT.TUAT 6P0TTEOCALF5 4AME?f'-VsWVj rr HAS KT ANY NAMt! BOB-w WHV . KA5N.TTV4AT SWELL LITTLE TOOTS AND CASPER SOPHIE AND I aRJT ARRJVED HOME. CASPER, OKTHAT5 V U SHAME J i s calf cm a By DARRRLL McCLURE astffiV ADMIT IT5H0ULO HtVB WAME-BLIT TUE MAM WHO WAAAESTHE CALVES RX. ME 15 SCKVEev 5CK-ME SPRAIWEO HIS EPIDERMIS OK GEE, BOB PLEASE. COULD I MWEHrS OOQ? ILL BETCHAXD BEA SWELL V, ' HELLO THERE, COLONEL H00FERJ WHEN DID VOU SETBACK IN TOWN? I WAS HOPING YOU'D V STXY AWAY (fee AND WHAT I WANT TQf KNOW IS WHO WAS UV1N4 IN OUR HOUSE WHILEWS WERE A)WYfl YOU'RE THE ONLVONS WHO HAD rTilHiikailil i$S2. Kiaf fmaart SrftJ"iorr. Ine. Cm atma tight VOUR STEP-SON, UANriT HUOFfcK ARRIVED W TOWN THUD AFTER VOU LEFT AND HE'S BEEN UYINOTYOUR PLACE SINCE lTHSN! IS DANNY BACK? 6EE.I WISH I'D known thai; CASPERl THE POOR BOY MUST HAVE BEEN LONESOME WITHOUT A Family Fend Y OH. DANNY HAS NT BEEN SO LONESOME! IMA furin-Ulllll HIS SWEETlETrtADEL, IS VISITING TOOTS AND IAC AND THE TWO TURTLE-DOVES ALL THEIR PARTIES ANO OANCESt SPEND TIME WELL.ILLSOON PUT A STOP TO THAT! MABEL IS ASWEET6IRU BUT SHE'S YOUR COUStNANOTVWT JLETSHER OUT! n f IF DANNY EVER MARRIES MABEL. IT WOULD MAKE ME A RELATTVE- OF YOURS AND I'LL NEVER . 6TAN0 FOR THAT! v aa aasM aBn ana. By JIMMY MURPH1 lFYOUREEVERA RELATIVE OF rWE YOUtJLCE A DISTANT ONE, YOU CAN BET ON THATl rD MOVE SOl FAR AWAr" FROM M5U THAT I'D NEVER EVEN HEAR YOUR NAME A6AIN! Jimmy