The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 28, 1932, Page 2, Image 2

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    fc PAGE TWO
The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Thnraday Morning, July 28, 1932
Lewis and Hulsey Lose out
In Hearing, Will Take
Case Into Courts
(Continued from pao 1)
Ryan, in outlining for the rec-;
ords his clients' positions, held
that Olson's seniority dated only
from-. Jim e. 1931, Instead of in
1924 .as tb commission had
ruled, because Olson had resign
ed early in 1031, and not merely
taken a leare of absence, as Ol
son bad contended.
CUlms Olson Quit
Service For Good
Ryan, to substantiate this, had
marshalled the nine witnesses.
who he said would prove among
other things that Oison severed
absolutely hU connections with
the fire department to go into the I
floral business here in 1931; that
he told several persons he was
through with, the fire department
Job permanently; that he purch
ased an insurance policy, telling
the agent he would not again en
gage In a hazardous occupation;
that Olson, applying for a civil
service job in Portland stated his
residence to he there in 1929:
that, Olson himself, told his
fellow firemen that Lewis and
Hulsev succeeded him in senior
Those subpoenaed by the peti
tioners' attorney to appear last
night, but who were not permit
ted to give testimony, were Os-
S ar Olson, Back Bradley, Glenn
Shedeck, Fennimore Baggot, Wil
liam Iwan, Ben Faught, John
Barker who was Olson's partner I
in the floral business and Charlie
Most of those who attended the
hearing: were members of tha fire
department and their wives.
The two petitions up last night
are the third to come before the
civil service commission as re
sult of an economy measure voted I
by the city council, in which ser
vices of eight firemen were dis-
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Bob "Believe It or Not" Ripley, who at times puts severe strain oa
human credulity, is shown here with his latest find. He is Roque Pallarex.
President of the Republic of Andorra, midget independent country of
Europe, who receives his pay as Chief Executive in breakfast food. Bin
visited the tiny republic in his search for remarkable facta.
Occurrence & Gossip
1,1111 I UK .
y-OLONEL RAY OLSON of the i the deadline,
. Oregon waiionai uuaru is uu
the sick list sufferirfg a se
vere attack of tonsilitis. Although
Ray lives alone in his apartment
he has a lot of friends drop in on
him to bother him, but from all
reports a couple of charming
neighbors across the hall not only
drop in but serve him some fine
lunches. We predict Ray will not
go back to work any sooner than
(AP Actual disarmament by
Europe was demanded today by
Senator Watson, of Indiana, the
republican leader, as a prelim'
inary to any world economic
conference on war debts and re
parations such as proposed by
Senator Borah, of Idaho.
'"It is unthinkable," said Wat
son in a formal statement, "that
we should permit them (the
Ft fAivAe m k I twt n V el.
rnn tu. 1. .r.K,!! A state highway commission
them to build up larger military fnK cnsld.ef !metrAeC.T
establishments on the continent relief work nnder the new federal
... ... .v.. i. act was set for tomorrow, but it
saaiB mm asm ma o van Boo iuai La m
.I.,, , .,... has been deferred because oi
Ambassodor Edge In Paris to- lck of ln'orma.ti?n L,i?
day informed Premier Herriot goveranwni, puncm m
that the basis for cooperaUon "nS iuna.
between the
And the department of ag
riculture will hold its annual
picnic tomorrow, after five
o'clock at the fairgrounds.
This will be the first annual
picnic of the department as
the organization is just a lit
tie more than a year old. Sup
per will be served with staff
members and their families
bringing the food. Looks like
no swimming, though.
Rufus C. Holman is strong
for standardization of wages.
In fact he is so sold on the idea
that he urges standardization
before another reduction in
state salaries, and then if nec
essary the cuts be based upon
the new schedule. Not a bad
idea at all.
While speaking of the agrlcul
ture department and the fair
grounds, one is reminded that
; the annual fair is not far off. Just
two more months remain to pre
pare for the annual event. Much
interest is noted in plans tor this
years fair, which will operate
without horse races and stock
shows, but with other attractions.
; 2
DALLAS. July 2T Members
of the Christian churches of Polk
county will gather at the Dallas
city park Sunday for the annual
park day services and fellowship.
The first session will begin at
45 in the morning with a Bible
chool service. Hugh Blaek will
be in charge of the assembly ser
vice and the direction of the
classes. Visiting preachers and
teachers will assist In teaching
the various classes.
At 11 o'clock will occur the!
communion service. B. Von For-
elL pastor of the Christian church
at Perrydale, will be the speaker.
Special music will be provided
tor this service by visiting singers.
A covered dish dinner will be
the special attraction at noon. At
2:30 o'clock the afternoon service
will be held with Wlllard Elkins,
pastor of the Monmouth Christian
church, as the speaker. There will
be special music for this service.
The Christian Endeavor society
will hold an open air service in
the park at 6 o'clock in the even
ing. There will be special talks
and music for this service.
There will be no evening
church service but members of
the congregation will visit Dallas
churches and churches in towns
near Dallas. Several automobile
loads will visit the church at
The Call
Today "Grand HoteL"
Saturday Ben Lyon in
Whose Hand".
Demand for damages against
RIeck Brothers, local dairymen.
is made by the Dairy Cooperative
association in an amended com
plaint filed Wednesday in circuit
court here. Plaintiff contends
that the defendant had agreed
by contract to sell milk to it. Sub
sequently the agreement was
amended to permit Rieck Broth
ers to sell some milk at retail
here on the understanding the
surplus go to the dairy associa
tion. The latter charges that
since January 1, 1932. neither
has the base supply nor the sur
plus milk produced by Rieck
Brothers gone to the local coop
erative association.
Damages ot twelve and one
half cents on each pound of but-
terfat sold since January 1. 1932.
by Rieck Brothers are sought by
the plaintiff as well as a five per
cent charge on all the base rate
and surplus milk. The plaintiff
asks the court to make an ac
counting since no records are
available to the cooperative as
countries lies in
It was evident here tonight
the administration is -not going
to take the initiative for down
ward revision of the war debts
owed the United States and will
demand drastic European dis
armament as its price.
. However, administration inter
est in the international situation
and Borah's proposal for a world
economic parley was manifest
by a conference last night be-
At least there will be no fur
ther moratorium for new li
cense plates regardlees of what
plan may be in the governor's
mind for future action to give
relief along this line. The gov
ernor was emphatic am his an
nouncement that the morator
ium is up July 81. Bo the rush
to get plates will probably be
resumed today.
Here is one for the archives.
Even though there are hun
dreds of employes in the state
capitol building, there is but
on "Smith". She is Mrs. Orrel
Smith, assistant in the office of
A. A. Schramm, state banking
department. If there are others
in the building they have not
been discovered.
Tuesday the license sales were
And the state capitol building.
in addition to housing the senate
and house vacant for the mo
ment has the executive depart
ment, banking department, bud
get director, press room, state po
lice headquarters, state board ot
higher education, main offices of
the secretary of state, state treas
urer's office, state land board, tax
National Legion
Head Will Visit
PORTLAND. Ore.. July 27
(AP) Henry L. Stevens, na
tional commander of th Ameri
can Legion, will be in Portland
Monday and Tuesday to confer
with the commission la charge
of arrangements for the national
convention to be held here
Today Joan Bennett, in
"She Wanted a Millionaire."
Friday Buck Jones in "Rid-
in' for Justice".
Today Tala BIrell in "The
"Doomed Battalion.'
Friday William Haines in
Are Too Listening"?
THB DALLES. Ore.. Jaly 2T
(AP) Four business houses In
The Dalles were, robbed Tuesday
night, apparently by one group
ot marauders, police said.
Rings and watches valued at
$209 were stolen from a jewelry
store. Other establishments en
tered were a grocery store, sate
wrecking shop and carpenter
Near Crown point on the Col
umbia River highway, reports -to
police said, two men attempted
to steal produee from a Portland
bound freight truck. Shots fired
at the two by George Splckerman.
of The Dalles, who was hidden in
Charles ' Frank DeGnlreV' Oregon
pioneer, . will motor to Staytoa
Sunday to attend the fourth an
nual reunion, of the clan. The af
fair will be held At the home et
Vivian Downs Harold, secretary
ot the elan. . Hiss TiUle DeOulre
ot Salem t is 1 president ; et , the
PORTLAND. Ore, July 37
(AP) The Multnomah county
commission today announced that
A. P. Goes, disbursing officer ot
the indigent soldiers' fund, would
be removed from office August 1
the back of the truck, drove them han-ted and consequently a dis-
away. I hnnlnr afftaer vu na loncer ne-
Snlckermaa. one ot the oro-t
m- .. ... I . . I vnm j m '
xae roaasnow presentation of pnetors or the truck use. said I m, -f .mi.m rni or.
tf C J 1 r a I a. m. m a . a a e I asaa vue
iciiu uuiuwu uajeri pruuuc- i u uma lust mare taan iv parcels I mtA by statute and dispensed UB
v..iiu nuiu , wuu uiei i ui uu uuci iix lus tut lew M.r the direction of the board ot
wee kb. i ne mieves maae a prac
tice of boarding the trucks from
the rear while they were -moving
slowly up the grade toward Crown
point, Splckerman said and
throwing parcels out to be picked
up by confederates.
tion of
Garbo, John Barrymore, Joan
Crawford, Lionel Barrymore, Wal
lace Beery, and Lewis Stone head
ing the cast, will be presented at
the Warner Bros. Elslnore theatre
Thursday and Friday. All seats,
for all performances at 2:30 and
S:30 both days will be reserved.
According to the M.G.M. offi
ces, "Grand Hotel" will not be
shown this season in this vicinity
or In any theatre at lower prices
than those prevailing for the cur
rent engagement.
Grand Hotel" is adapted from
the widely-read novel of the same
name written by Vlckl Baum. The
screen version is said to represent
a blending of salient points ot the
novel and the subsequent stage
play which ran for more than a
year in New York. At the same
time. Director Edmund Gouldlng
points out, none of the action in
the film goes beyond the four
walls of the Berlin hotel from
which the story derives its name.
"Grand Hotel" is one of the
few stories ever written, explained
Director Gouldlng, where no sin
gle character dominates but wnere
at least five are equally Important
to the story structure
The part of Grusinskaya, the
Russian dancer, was given to Miss
Garbo in the screen treatment of
the play. John Barrymore has the
role ot Baron von Galgern, his
brother Lionel the part of the in
valid Kringeleln, Wallace Beery
the role of the textile magnate
Preyslng, and Joan Crawford the
part of the hotel stenographer
county commissioners, was about
S74.000 this year. t
Miss Lucy D. Lillis. secretary to
the disbursing officer, also will be
eliminated from the payroll Au
gust 1. The commission an
nounced the removal ot the offi
cer and secretary would mean the
transfer of about 2330 a month to
the Red Cross
NEW YORK, July 27 (AP)
A return of the peg-top trousers.
contemporary of the tandem bi
cycle and the Floradora. sextette.
was decreed today by the interna
tional association ot clothing de
signers, holding Us annual con
And the well-dressed man, if he
follows the designers' dictum, will
leage his tuxedo in the summer
moth balls. Tails, they decided.
ill be worn almost exclusively
at formal functions. They found
that collegiate misuse has killed
the popularity of the dinner coat.
About those peg-top trousers;
the bottoms will be narrow and
the tops pleated. The coats to go
with them will have accentuated
waists and the broad shoulders ot
this year.
Polo coats, the designers ex
pect, will be worn extensively.
Materials of sult will be softer
and colors duller.
Not Successful
Claim of Wife
Mary J. Frank brought suit
yesterday in circuit , court here
asking divorce from Albert Frank
her husband, and a settlement of
their property rights.
She declares that a reeoncilia
tion made last September hat
proved unsatisfactory. At that
time she was given equal prop
erty rights in their home and sf4
10 monthly allowance forspend
ing money. Mrs. Frank claims
her husband's bad temper con
tinues. She alleges he Is sullen.
morose and on occasions has
struck at her.
In her complaint ahe asks
one-third interest la his real
property and 15000 fixed ali
mony. She alleges that he had
personal assets worth 310,000.
Tornado Kills
Farmer, Spouse
Critically Hurt
Dallas Firm is
Sued by State
Accident Board
PORTLAND, Ore., July 27.
(AP) An agreement which vlr
tually clears the way tor the con
structlon of the proposed Sandy
river diversion .dam below Trout
dale was announced here tonight
DALLAS. July 37 A suit was
tiled in the county clerk's office
here Wednesday in which the
state industrial accident commis-
judgment for the
een SecreUry Stimson and the good, but they dropped oft again PJ" ,ffcSi
Idaho senator. rterday when reports were pub- commteslon bo nrd of control.
lished that something was being
! considered. Secretary of State
Hal E. Hoss may not keep the
extras he employed this week, as
thousands are ready to buy li
censes but were only waiting for
man, Bobby seaersirom, jueanor
Sederstrom and Mona Hudeleston.
forestry department, labor de
partment and the superintendent
of buildings. If there are other
Smiths, let them come forward.
SAN JOSE. Cal.. July 27.
(AP) Describing himself as "a
model boy I do not drink or
smoke," George Douglas Temple
ton, Jr., 20-year-old university
Junior, today confessed to stab
bing his aunt to death -and seri
ously wounding his uncle.
Templeton said he acted to
avenge wrongs he believed his
uncle, William Rider Babcock,
had done his father when the two
were associated In business in
Manila, some years ago.
Inquest into the death of Mrs.
Lillian Babcock, Manila society
matron, before dawn yesterday
from wounds inflicted with a 40
cent butcher knife will not be
held, officials announced, until it
is definitely determined whether
Babcock will live.
Doctors at Palo Alto hospital
said today Babcock will recover
baring complications.
Templeton's parents, Major and
Mrs. George Douglas Templeton
ot Oakland. Cal.. reached here
today to see their son. who was
arrested last night at Oakland.
"He was always a quiet boy,"
Mrs. Templeton said ot the con-
iessed slayer, "but ot late he
Mise Rose Stoops, from, the
Portland office of the state
treasurer, is substituting here
for Miss Ha Austin, secretary
to Mr. Holman while she is on
her vacation. Miss Austin If
vacationing at her cottage i
Brightwood, near Portland.
KIEL. Germany. July 17.
(AP) Naval officials Investi
gating the sinking yesterday of
the naval training ship Niobe,
with a loss of 9 lives, declared
today neither the officers not the
crew were responsible for the dis
The ship, a three matsed wind
jammer, went down near Fehr
maa lightship off Holsteln. Many
ot those who perished were cad
ets studying to be naval oincers.
"When the squall struck the
ship," one ot the surviving cad
ets said, " the first officer had
sufficient presence of mind to
shout a command, 'All hands to
starboard.' but It was too late.'
The sinking ot the Niobe was
Germany's greatest naval disast
er sine tie war. Virtually two
thirds ot one year s class of fu-
-dT nd .more ?M The survivors came here today
thaw . .. . .. . I ue BurtiTurs saiu, uei iuu
L." !!!" f. o&lng I from the miser Koenlfsberr.
a Very Sweet dinnnattlnn mA .
loyal character."
Only one was injured. He was the
cook who was severely scalded
when boillag water upset on him
as the ship keeled over.
Salvage vessels equipped with
diving apparatus went to work
within a ring of buoys marking
the spot where the ship went
We cannot hold this won
der picture any longer
Positively ends tonight
" ff f-f 1 ?
(Continued from pags 1)
Causey, stay McGulre, Russell
Zink, Gordan Merrlott, Richard
Chambers. Elizabeth Ovelman.
Betty Gallaher, Bob VanSlyke,
- Bobby RenfalL Doris Chapel,
Edith and Laura Roe, Herbert
Savage, Ed gerwood Olson, Ttaeo-
- dora Bout near, Billy Gilliam, Bill
Laid law, Francis Dixsoa, Dolph
v Yocom, Patsy Ramsdall, Jane
Lind, Erma Rettlg, Dorothy Hoi-
Milk War On at
Klamath Falls
37. (AP) Virtually all dairies
in Klamath Falls have reduced
the price ef milk from m (a i
cents a onart. dllTri- TMn ac
tion followed information that a
uairy outside the cuy was selling
milk for 15 cents a gallon at the
The 'All Quiet'
of 1932!
. Coming Friday H Saturday
Friday Night We Present
Three Prizes $5.00, &0 A Jl.
Be at the Theatre iP.M. for
try out to eater contest
The thrills and .
' romance ef ' ir.
broadcasting! a
W Ik. X UK v ,
it. 'Ci V A
l Bin
V I I V l Hi 1 m ill WALLi
111 ' '
A l It -
j Mm :
m it 111 :;i
D ASS EL, Minn.. July 27
(AP) One man was killed and
a woman so seriously hurt shelalon seeks
was not expected to live as she um of IS4.0S, and costs and dls
result of a tornado which swept I bursements of the action, from
a two-mile swath through 10 John William McCormack.
miles of farm land east ot here! McCormack is alleged to have
tonight. operated a sawmill and te have
Starting near Kingston, at the owed the accident commission
farm ot Magnus Johnson, the I $ for compensation protec
Tornado demolished houses,! tloa on the wages paid to his em-
churches and farm buildings, ployees. He paid $27.47 of this
killed cattle and leveled crops lead it is alleged that he still
before it spent Itself several owes and refuses to pay $45.22
miles southeast ot here. I plus two small additional
August Nikka, 70, a fanner I amounts.
living four miles northeast of
here, was killed while milking I DeGUIRE CLAJf TO MEET
la the barn. Ills wife was erl-l SILVERTON. July 20 A nu ra
dically injured. lber ef SUverton descendents of
The Gunga Din bathing suit
has been put on the market. And
the average man, after looking it
over will conclude that Kipling
was right when he said: ''You're
a braver man than I am, Gunga
Din". Hubbard Enterprise.
PITMAN. N. J, July 27 (AP)
Bishop James Caanen, Jr.. said
tonight the Glass repeal resolu
tion pending in the senate whea
congress adjourned would put
into the constitution "practically
worthless" and "unenforceable
limitations on the liquor traffic
' ' 13 AF!(S IF 1 Eli llTli ED
(Coatfaosd from page 1 i
Chicago said reports there from
practically every ' large city in
the country showed that similar
campaigns of rumors hare been
directed against banks.
Federal Officers
Giving Attentle
Washington advices said the
spreading ot such rumors against
banks is receiving the attention
of the United States secret ser
vice. Secret service agents have
nvestigated a' number of such
cases, W." R. Mocan. chief of the
service said; and la every case
found that the stories were un
true and the banks concerned
were In good financial condition.
Close cooperation with state of
ficials in investigating such cases
was promised.
Letters taken in Rowland's
room told ot tne activities of
Rowland's agents In Cleveland
against the Union Trust company
and Cleveland ' Trust company
and the "Big Fire' in Chieago
referring to the First National
bank and other institutions.
One. written by "Comrade
HQ." at Cleveland said, referring
to the circulation of the false
rumors: I did not have much
trouble in convincing the agita
tion propaganda bureau that this
waa Important work and the
sooner we strip the petty bour
geois and the white collar stiff
of his faith In banks the sooner
we will bring about the unrest
that will lead to the revolution.'
Gronau Mapping
Air M ail Route
To This Region
MONTREAL. July 27 (AP)
Captain Wolfgang Von Gronau,
flying from Germany to the Pa
cific northwest in stages, an
nounced tonight he did not plan
a trip around the world.
Shown a dispatch from New
Tork to the effect that British
oil company had said he planned
such a flight, the German said
nothing of the sort was the caso
and that he knew nothing of re
fueling depots placed. Cor him on
the northwestern rouS4rto Japan.
On his arrival he announced he
was mapping an air mail route
from Europe via Iceland and
Greenland to the Pacific northwest.
Assistant Chief
Invited to Fire
In His Own Home
SPOKANE, Wash.. July 27
(AP) Spokane firemen are a
friendly lot. Assistant Fire Chief
William Payne thought today
whea a group of the boys on a
speeding hoek-and-ladder yelled
to him to "come on to the fire"
as they tore past, sfren howling.
By the time Payne's car caught
up with the fire truck, firemen
had extinguished a small blase at
the home of the assistant chief
and were apologising for putting
out his tire before he got there.
The Event of a Lifetime!
2:30-8:30 RESERVED
NOTE: "Grand Htr positively wffl NOT be shewn
ta ANT theatre at lower prices this seaaeni
. B E ERY-
o o o
Mats. 53c 83c. $1.10; Eres. 55c, 83c tl.10, $L65
Prices Include Federal Tax
It's Family
Nlte . .
9 I .'DtffOR
w Low
Mens Half T- ff Full Soles and Heels
M ai.uu $2.0082.50
LadiesHalf HKg
Soles lOC
Patches OKi
Robber Heels both mens iT 4atlC
women LiO
Wt use only tha finest material and offer 70a expert
workmanship. Do not be mislead this is 4oal to any.
work la the City at Any Pries