The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, Jul 27, 1932 PAGE SEVEN ' t t i 11 IT IFSB Y0 B im!lTTWSSILILliBT I ... " ' " r - If i t i i i Statesman Classified Ads I Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single Insertion per tlne.lOo Three Insertions per Hoe 20c Six insertions per line.. 30c One!. month per 41ne. .11.00 Minimum charge .tit Copy tor this page ac cepted until 8:30 the even ing i. before publication for classification. Copy, re ceived after this time will be run under the heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assumes HELP WANTED MALE Woo cutters wanted 100 cda. white fir. Phone 9FJ. C. A. Poole. Wiw-W - -- - - MKN 18-15. $141 to $192 month. Ktaady. Common education sufficient. Pleasant work. Experience unneo ca nary. List positions, full particulars, and sample training lessons free. Ap ply today sure. Box 1248 I), States man. loan of $200 will secure lease on small hydro-electric plant, Insuring permanent position. Stephen Carver, Alsca, Ore. SITUATIONS WANTED Practical nursing, efficient add reasonable. Dial 9S18. ask for Mrs. Sharpe. Woman wishes hour work also girl 16 wishes any kind of work. Phone 8377. Middle aK'd woman wants work, care of children, canning or other work by day or hour. Write Box 207, Ht8tmnn. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Harley Davidson motorcycle, sport model, perfect condition, origtnal tires, wltl sell for $55.00. Call 1640 No. 1'lfth between ( and 7. Wringer repairs for all makes ef washers. Mr. Ellis. Hallk Elec Co. FOR SALE Old papers 10c a bun dle Statesman office. Fresh crabs at Fidler's stand. Tw for 2 So and up. Phone 670S. Vacation time la travel time. The Oregon Statesman offers to subscrib ers a Travel Accident Insurance Pol icy for only $1.00 a year. Pure loganberry Juice, fresh dally, 6c per gallon. Puritan Cider Works, West Salem. WILL sacrifice almost new match ed walnut bedroom suite. Phone 82F22. Rued gas water heater, $10.00, like new. 745 a Corn- Tel. 6152. FOR SALE Wood Bros, .thrashing machine, 21x36. Write Mrs. G. H. Thompson, Macleay. TRADE Miscellaneous Used piano cheap, Oregon Trading Poet. :i31 N. Com'L Usnd'-ranges $5.00 and up. Oregon Trading Port. 333 N. Cum'l. WANTED Miscellaneous Depression electrical prices, ser vice calls 60c and up. base plugs $1.00 up; ranges wired 318.06 up; water heaters $22.00 up. D. C WaM-erg. phone 3504 at noon All kinds of rifles, pistols, shotguns, old gold -nd Jewelry. Condition no ob ject Name your priea. REINER'S EXCHANGE 150 N Commercial WANTED Used pianos. In ex ehange an radios, phonographs, or furniture- H L Stiff Flirnlrure Company Valley By-Products Co. We pick up dead and worthless cows, horses and sheep free of charge within a radius of 40 miles. Office tel. 5177. Residence phone 4S69, Wanted 18 inch fir. or oak In ex ebaiere for good trailer. Tel. 6152. MISCELLANEOUS Kodak prints 8 for 25c and up at bkewla over Penney s atom Demand No-Septo 4tb July burns. WANTED OriKlnal noems. songa Sunset Pubs., Howard Bldg., 8. F, CaX Hemstitching. 224 N. High St FOR RENT ROOMS Front room near Capitol, $10, with board, $32. Paone 3657. Sleeping room In private family, for gentleman. Tel. 4562. Strictly modern furnished sleeping rooms -$10.00 per month. Close to. Inquire iss N. High, central cate. Cool bedroom close to state house Plione 55S9. ROOM AND BOARD Room, board. $25 mo. Tel. 6317. B-R. Priv. home. $25. 275 N. 14th. Room. 8 meals. $::. 1040 N, 17th. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Pat ton apartment downtown. Call Fatton's book store, i Nice apta reasonable. 658 Center. Nice furn. apta, 1190 Union. Well turn. S room apt. gas. private bath, garage. Also two housekeeping rooms, well rurnlahefl. TeL 7664. 2361 Hasel Ave. 8 attractive t rooca, newly finished gpt turn, or unruro. sss union at POLLY AND HER WHAT'S PA'S rDEAHE'S BOUNID K&lO f A MASHER SPOKE TO ME.T'LV ) ! SOCKED THB SCAUWfiG IN ) I If HOT DATHEVB )J ANSAKES,1 IN SPYING ON 1 F,ND OUrwr J V DGARIE, BUT y'NEEDNT BEj- THE SHINS WITH MY rJ- ( WIAJSEr MS QUEEN Sf ITS KEnCHIN'i J ' AUNT KG51E7J LvO- WAKES THE P0G& MU5rr . ( BUMBERSHOOT i --'T. . (OP THE MVf V""- s '-r?S3Mr- wJf$3m no financial responsibility tor errors which may ap pear In advertisements pub lished In Its columns, and In cases where this paper Is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement In which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject objec tions! advertising. It fur ther reserves the right to classify air advertising an- der the proper classification. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Furn. and unfurn. TeL 7226. - - -i-i-,.,-,-.-,,-M-nnftrLrtj The most attractive iturtmnt in Salem, with large living rm., bedrm. and glassed-in sleeping porch, Frig Idaire. automatic oU heat oak firs, all through, completely furnished, garage and attractive grounds, $40. Winnie t-eiiyjonn, it h. 1 4 in. Neatly furnished apartment Drl- vate bath. reasonable rates. S4E Court St TeL 5792. Room, boanL garage, 1 1 4 4 Centerr ""-'-' - -i-i-ii-u-iri.ruxjv Coolest apt In town, nrivate. clean- only $10. 595 Highland. Nicely furn. 3 rm. act. 825. Mrs. White. 355 N. CapltoL Attrac."apt 1 3 S o" CenterTeL 6291. FOR RENT HOUSES lrnsned cottaee In rnntlriil Edxewater Court. aaraae. 825.00. Phone 5154. OalcJvmar Court aduUs only 2 rooms, bath, garage, neatly furn., $20. fi ami. fnone s:?s. 7-rxm house for rent $15. 600 Locust St f-room bungalow, modern. aDie. i6Bj Traae. TeL 6095. FOR BEST RENTALS-LJWL" BECHTEL-THOMASON, 341 State, Room 4. Furnished houses, $10 to $40, apts. $10-$12.50-$16-$20. Lights, wat er free. Nice housekeeping room $10: unfurnished houses; apta $10 to $30. Modern 4 -room house. EfiS Knann r-i- - rw 2fuuhhed housesT strictly modern at reduced prices. W. G. Grant Masonic Bldg. Strictly modern S room hnnu ins uee street. isAi-Artrr - . Will rant my furnished home reas onable to right oarty. Call at 790 Cross St Monday afternoon or even- FOR RENT irn-ruLrLn r FOR RENT: 1325 North ISth street Hvinc. dlnlna- room, kitchen. bath, 2 bedrooms down and S up and lavatory, run oasement, furnace, trays. n replace, garage, ssu.vo. 1740 N. 26th street. Llrlnr room. nook, kitchen, bedroom, full base ment, xurnace and garage. $20.00. kitchen, bedroom and baUi, garage. IV. 280 Mission Street 6 rooms. $10.00. 295 Columbia Street, living room- kitchen, nook, 2 bedrooms, furnace. P. H. BELL. 206 IT. S. Bank Bulldlna- WANTED TO RENT "" - -1 t m a Will accent rectal of fum hnnn t be applied on professional business crainmg. rite Box J7. i-ii-n- nninj-ijxjiji Reliable party wants to rent rea- nonaoie, rrtoaern room house. Will glv year lease. Give price and lo cation, write box 111. Statesman FOR SALE Real EstaU 11 acres, good buildinea. close In wan at znn state tst. Houses. are very cheaD. It la with this thought in mind that tha owner of this modern 5 room - bumralow completely furnished" has reduced roe price to 13000.00; It will pay you u iron at inta, - H. C SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. Salem Ph. 8902 1 i-i-i-.--w-w-,,-lr 1 ouxniuro.o .ini. 4 rms. and nook, furnace.' araran. loan of $2000 will take auto or va cant lot rar eotiity. rm. sirictiy moaern House near state house; will take auto. Several good well located houses from $1700 up that can be bought line reni. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 175 South High Street Do you want a home with tha lux ury or beautiful shad trees, Includ Ing evergreens, walnuts, chestnuts, cherries, pears, apples, grape arbor, berries, roses and shrubs? Near schools, 7-room plastered house, fire place, basement etc. Home and 8 lota, $3500 or home and lota If de- aired. Terms. Owner, 765 Rural ave nue, mono 8534. Fruit pays the tax es annually on tola home. NOW IS THE TIME To buy a home at half valua. $1700. Mod. 5 It bung., cost $3700. izv. rooms, coat , $2500, $3000. Mod. 8 rooms, cost $4000. $ 800. House, 8 lots, cost $1800. $1500. House and 20 lots, cost $4600. enown oy an appointment only. BECHTEL or THOMASON 341 Bute. Street" Room Shown by appointment only. TODAY'S BEST BUT in restricted suburban district beautiful hems with 7 large sunny room a Fin view of mta.. river and city. Home cost $13,500. Now offered tor ,. will accept part trade. Im mediate poeseasion. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILD 3 CO Realtors 130 StaU Street Phona 61 6708. PALS FOR SALE Real Estalt Kara The Statesman follow Tea oa your vacation. Mailed to any addr two wmU only 15 cent. . rfwy Whll on rour vacation have Th Oregoo Statesman mailed to you, call 101. -------- - -lnn.r.rjirruurw SPECIAL. Fine lot on Falnnount HI1L Urn treea and unobstructed view, one-half price, quick aale. ANOTHER only 7 blocks north of Statu Street A real bargain at 81806. LtJ N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street Phone 6761 BEST BUT IN MARION COUNTT 7 room modern home only 4 blocks from state house, Salem's choicest res idential district. Price $2500. LEO N. CHILDS CO Realtors 826 State Street Phone (70S. Newly painted clastered house. fruit garage, paved streets. 7 rooms, 8 blks. high school. $2850. Owner 621 North Winter. ClVe have 5 acres with fair lmprove- menta, 7 miles Salem, good land and on good road. Value $1800 and clear to trade for Salem home. Two houses In Salem.nlca location. clear, worth $4500, to trad for small rarm with stock and equipment 70 acres 10 mHes Salem. 40 acres tillable, balance oak and fir Umber, vaiue jzauu, clear and want small Salem home clear. McGILCHRIST ft PENNINGTON 209-10 U. S. Bask Building Sacrifice modern new six-room house. $4000, half cash. Box 144, Statesman. EXCHANGE Real Estate Statesman subscribers hava bMn paid $3,378.08 In claims on their 8100 accident Insurance pollciea Why not own troDertv In Salem that will make your Hying? I have a small furnished apt house naylnar every month, owner out of town; will trade ror residence property or small acre age, need not be In or near Salem. H. C SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. Tel. 8902. EXCHANGE Have cheao car and Belcrest aac- tlon to trade for lot in North Salem. suk Mrs, ehis with LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street Phone 6708. FOR SALE FARMS STOCKED AND EQUIPPED GRADE A DAIRY RANCH $8 acres, all rood black soil, t acra fir timber, family orchard, balance 4n hay and corn, electricity and water to all buildings, year around stream. uooa 7 room house, also 5 room house, barn 40x75 with 2 alios, outbuildinga, good road. All equip, necessary for grade A milk. Only 36000. SQCOLOFSKY ft SON First National Bank Bldg. Dairy and sreneral farm. 9 a 73 plow land, erood blrie-a. I sort cash Owner, 815 N. Summer. ACREAGE 122 A. about 80 under cultivation, timber, pasture, running water, fenced, bldgs., stock and equip ment included at 15000 40 A. all under cultivation, fenced bldgs., stock, equipment $6300. Trad for honn In (mm $8 A. 80 under cultivation, good tim- oer, gooa aet biogsi, electricity. 3300O terms, rm. and nook, basement furnace, fireplace, hdw. floors, garage. No. Salem. 82250. 5 rm. house, good location No. Salem. a real buy at $2650, $50 down, bal. $20. a month, NO INTER EST J. F. TJLRICH COMPANY 325 State Street Phone 8678. SMALL ACREAGES $1880.00 buys a dandy 5 acres all hi cult New S R. house, only 2 Hi miles out down. $2500. buys dandy S-A.. nice bunra- low. a rooms, large barn, electric lights and pumping system terms. $3650.00 buys good 4 -acres In high state 01 cultivation, z-a. walnuts. family orchard. 3-R. house, larxe 24x60 modern poultry house, joins Silver-ton. Trade for house In Sa lem. These are only a few of good onea JLn t Duy until you see ua SEARS ft TUCKER 138 South High Street OAS STATION CAMP GROUN Tha very best of location, 2-pump station, good 3-R. house, tire store, good electric water and air numn. 3 cabins and best of all 3-acres good soiL with a long frontage on Pacific highway. If sold at once will . take auout 3 of Its value and give terma Better nurry see my agents SEARS ft TUCKER 133 South High - -- -- - - H acre 3-4 mL from Salem on navad roao. room plastered home, base ment, iirepiace, electric pump, chick en nous?, garage ana several fruit trees, $3250. IS A. 1H mL from Salem on caved road, 4 room house, barn, garage, 1 A. orcnaro. soma um water all year. $2100. 45 A. II mL from Salem, small hnuaa. barn, orchard, all fenced, estimated suv corns or wood, on paved road. MELVTN JOHNSON 320 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Phone 6796 Business Opportunities Variety store in small vallev town. good business For sale or will trade lor Salem property. Tel. 3810. MONEY TO LOAN m ii"sjsrv'"srv'srv-kvvv'taTni PERSONAL LOANS - MADE! on furniture, cars, salaries or other good security. Repayable monthly. When la financial need sas us uerore closing a loan? GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg. Phona ISIS. MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contrafta Refinanced Arranca ta raduca tcmii narmnli Ton keep the car P. A, EIKER Cor. Liberty 8t and Ferry PhoM 4733 Salem. Ore Maggie's Reign of Terror MONEY TO LOAN SaaaaaBBaaasasaaaaas 'Bells of 1131-11100 :' Heard tnr ttOIIf 4aQr ring ut a loan svrvtc that' to really. ' really dlf f arant TOtJ GET THS FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH . OXLT LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIV ACT QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ON LOANS $18 to $300 Beneficial Loan Society OF SALEM Room lit New Bligh Bldg. 2nd Floor LICENSED BT STATE 118 State St TeL l-T-4-6 PERSONAL INSTALLMENT XXANS STATE LOAN COMPANY 818 Oregon Building. 2nd Floor. Office hra, 10:00 A MVto 6:20 P. M Telephone 7781 Stato license No. S-165. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY FOR SALE Hl-grade Jersey- Guernsey cow now milking. 1131 Edrewater St.. West Salem. FOR SALE WOOD GUARANTEED DRY wood coal TeL 8000 8alem Fuel Co. Trade Cottage. - - -- - -- 1- -im i-nMrvi rirriiriar Call Sajrtis for dry fir. oak. ait and maple. Reasonable prices. Phone - - - -1 -1 - i-i-iWVhVi r -1 i n.n 'i on n ru ijur 2nd growth fir 34.50. Old fir 85.00. TeL 6643. --------- --1--1- i"ir..v..iitiirrron " DRV FIR AND OAR WOOD, oal and fuel oil Call on as for prices. We a-ire cooa measure, gooa quality and good service. MRMuR TRANSFER ft STORAGE Teleohone 8131 Dry wood at Tracy's. Phone 8988. Old fir 16 In. delivered. $4.50 cord. 4 ft. 63.7S. Phone 6491. WOOD SAWING wood awinc. Rohlna. Tel. 4 t. LOST AND FOUND Lost Persian kitten. Ph. 8157. Rwd. LOST Physician's black leather oag containing operating frowns and toweia write Box 109. Statesman. LOST LI rlit kid ! ova between IZth and Church on State. Phona 4B44. FOR SALE USED CARS i -i i i f-i(w-ii ii ri.ri.nn. ri i Good trailer for eamnlnsL full siuA bed springs and table top. Water- proor top. T4 3. coral. TeL 6188. 1888 Chevrolet Coach, rood ahana. some trade. TeL 6153 or call 745 8. uommercuu. SALEM USED CAR CENTER OP ERATED BY VALLEY MOTOR CO. 1831 Oakland Cpe.. a new car $750.00 isi unevroiet coupe 426.00 130 Chevrolet Coach SCS.OS lias cner. coach '31 troe nia- . . tons, -j3 ncense, new tires izs.ot 1931 Ford Sedan 468 OS 1SI1 Ford Bpt Coupe 398.00 inai foru Htd. coupe 395.00 19Z9 Ford Spt Coupe. '88 11 cenae , $50.80 1929 Ford Coach . 246.00 19Z Ford Sedan . 176 1989 Ford Touring , 175.00 uranam Paige Sedan. mo- Tor overnauiea 1928 Bulck Std. Con oa 280.00 275.00 95.00 195.00 875.00 1926 Bulck Roadster 1929 Plymouth Sedan 1927 Franklin Coupe iszs ussex coach 140.00 1926 Pontiac Sedan 145.00 145.00 1926 Chrysler 60 Coach . 19Z7 Dodare Couoe 150.00 1937 Packard Std. 6 Sedan 450.00 Wa hava 1-1881 Ford. long wheel base truck at 3100.00 discount and one 1931 Ford with new dump body. This Job sold for $1000.00: now 859.00 TERMS TRADES SEE lim and Charlie VALLEY MOTOR COl Phone 7910 Center ft Liberty Sts. MCKAY'S USED CARS "U WITH AN O. K. THAT COUNTS 1937 Pontiac Coupe $126 iszt False coach 126 1929 Durant Coupe " 145 iZf Ford Coupe - 175 19Z9 Essex Sedan $86 1928 Studa Dictator Coach 328 1931 Ford Victoria 866 1930 Stude Dictator Sedan 486 CHEVROLET 1927 Coach .$118 1929 Coach 1930 Coach . 365 . 848 1930 Sedan . 368 . 448 1931 Coach DeLux Two 1932 coaches at libera! dis count Several trucks 836 to 317I Watch for the Green Soot SDeclal very day. Car on this spat 10 low er than any advertised car In Salem. TERMS TRADES McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 333 Center Phona 8188 488 N. ComL 1930 Essex sport coupe, blue book 8350, sell $265. Also house trailer coat $900, take $496. Clear lot la Los Aa geies trad on small ranch. Owner 1 mil south of Woodburn, Bert uecKer. Route I. WANTED USED CARS '87 Ford tour Inc. Must be chaao for rn. tiro iiz, statesman. BUSCHS AT PORTLAND KINGWOOD, Jnlv 11. Mr. and Mrs. Walter tjSasch and sons Vernal and Bobbie, with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Klankey and eon Ja nlo, of Salem drove to Portland Sunday where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Burns Price at delightful picnic lunch In a neigh b or hood park.' The Buschs also visited their son. CarL who la staying for a while at the Price house. Carl underwent a serious operation In December at tha Emanoal hospital and spent thjal ensning tnree months there. He still has to go to Portaind oc casionally for medical attention. EGG PRICES CANADA'S WHEAT CROP Butter Still Strong; Lettuce Outlook Quite Poor PORTLAND. Ore.. Jnlv St (AP) All classes of rxs ad vanced a cent In Pacific Poultry Froflucers' quoUtlons today, wblla Produce Exchange . Quoted xnedlama un a cent and extras firm at the previous top of It cents. Market for batter continues to reflect a generally atrong tone locally and along the coast Ad vices from San Francisco aayg that although a slight advance In the price was expected, the trade was caught off its guard last week when a 2 rise was forced. Improving trend is reflected In the cheese market along the coast generally with California's late advaaee as a leading factor. No Thange was made by Tilla mook bat the price there re mains somewhat above other cen ters. Coos Bay advanced lc. There are plenty of colored broilers now available and buy ers are offering 16c for this sort while 14c Is the general bid for white stock. Market for country killed meats appear a trifle slow gener ally with changeable weather conditions. Some carryover of veal was shown from last week Lettuce market deal Is perhaps the poorest ever seen here. Ow ing to the lack of shipping or ders, what little local trade Is available has been grabbed by Seattle interests who are flood ing the Portland trade. Few sales beyond 50c crate. LUCAS BREAKS ARM WOODBURN. July 26. Elgin Lncas. a member of the Woodburn American Legion post, was taken to the veterans' hospital In Port land Sunday morning, having sus- rafncul a hrnran inVlt VT iiwa -v-.1 ... xf I Business BATTERY ELECTRICIAN R D Barton Batteries Starter and geasrato work. Texato station, cor ner Court and Church. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4450. B. EL Korthnesa CHIROPRACTORS DR. Ol L SCOTT, PSC Chlropracta lit W. Htga. TeL KM BITS. rvna Bfmrnrt n DiIi rt..- . tora. X-ray and N. C U. New Bank Bldg. CLEANING SERVICE Meyers Valeterta. TeL 8683. FLORISTS CUT flowera, wedding bouquets- funeral wreaths, decoration a C F BrelthauDL florist. 887 Court street. Tel 6864. ALL kinds ef floral work. Luts Flar 1st. 16th A Market TeL 886 2. FLOOR CONTRACTING Olsea Floor Ce. TeL I1U. INSURANCE BECKS A HENDRICKS 186 N. High TeL 4847 WTLLAKTTB) INa AQENCT Wax Bltven, Mgr. Rxelualre Buttavflla Aaent 216 Masonte BMf Tel. f066 LAUNDRIES t THK NEW SALEM LAUNDRY TUB W EIDER LAUNDRY SCI a High TeL 6116 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "We Wash Everything tn Lux" Telephone 61S5 1244 Broadway LAWN MOWERS Sharpened and repaired. Also trades FL W BV-ott. 147 8 CrwnT Tel 4S16. PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS Dr. Edgar 8. Fortner, physician and surgeon, autte 468. U. & Natt Bank Bldg. Phonea aTflca. 8S18 rea1-anoa S48S. HOMOEOPATHIST L a ALTMAN, U. D. Homeopathlo physician , office and resldanoa 667 Cantor. Phone 8881. General practice. MUSIC STORES UEO C WILL Pianos, phono graphs, oewlng machines, sheet musio. ahd pis no studiea. Bepalrlng phon graph and sewing machines 488 State Street. Salem. ADVANCED Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 milk, co-op pool price, ? 1.21 H per bnndredl Surplus 70c (Milk baaed aa Jslr bhtterfat avsraga.) - Batterfat, gov 16c. Batterfat, sweet. 18c ratnr ahx vzoetabixs Prlee aald t (rawer by 8a lata barer. Jaly 86 Oatdoer es cambers. box .80 te .80 Beets. lecaL aoi SO Taralps, local, doz. Carrots, local. eot. Oraea peppers, la, . 00 .85 te .80 -lS l arai. esbbag .03 Temsteaa, Iocs I hotkeasa l.SS ta 8.00 Radiiaaa. dos. " Oaieas aaa " te .30 Potatoes, awt. Ntw petateea. local Cakea, bo bee.. .... Local ealerr. So. Leeeal lettoea, erate Loganberries, crate Rsspberries. crsta Peaekaa. S-D. box 8 west corn. dm. flpiaaea, erate Apples, ba. L76 .40 te 1.00 60 to SO LIS 40 90 .15 .20 .1.15 65 boos Bajuig Prices Catras Standards slediami .15 .14 .18 OHICKSKS Oolnrad Beat -11 09 07 .18 .10 Mtdiam Hsas Life Beat 8prinf chickens -Ltgbora Broilers O-Aia AST) RA1 srlng rrteaa Woeat, a-ettara red WklU, ba. -Bsrley. tea, top , 50 50 .10.00 .18.00 uste. tea. top Bay. barine oriea OsU sad rctck, Ua T.00 te 7.50 Alfalfa, vsllcy, lit eattlag0.00-10.00 STEAT tyuui rrioM Lamka t.00 te 8.28 EWM 01 Hoga, top Hora. first eata Btaars -4.75 -4.50 ..04 te OS Cevs -01 H te .08 Heifers Dressed reaL top -01 H te .08 Ot 07 urease- Logs WOOL ueoiaai -OS -06 T Directory MATTRESSES 81 attraoa ea from factor a --ii New 80 lb. mattreas 86 66 Reno-at ore and fumlgatora, Capital Bedding ua 1- snis North CaniteL Naw mattraaa mada ta ardar. aid rttattreaa remade : earns rlaantn ata. Ing: fluff rug wearing Salem FrofT mig m Mattreas Factory. & 12th a WHbtrr TeL 844L Otto F. Z wicker. r.-r iu PLUMBING and HEATING PLtTKBINa general repair Hrork, Graber Bros, iss so. uberty Tml SIS4 PAPER HANGING PROKB GLENN ADAIfS fnr h-oaa deceratrng. paper hanging, tlattnx ete Relisbla workman PRINTING POB flrPATIONXRT. earda, pa-spa-tota, programa. books or any kin. of Printing, call Tha Statesman Print Ing Department til a Co-uneroUl TVHrhoe ist STOVES 8TOTJ and stove repaJrinc steeea for sale, rabutlt and repah-ad. Alt kinds ef woven wire fence, fancy sad Plata, hop baskets, hooka, kxru hooka. 8a Jew tjance and Store Works 868 CnamakeTa Tel 4774 R B F1-tnlne TRANSFER CAPITAL CTTT Transfer Co. 818 Stato 8t TeL 7771 Distrlbudng, tor war-lng and storago our speclaltr Gat our rates. rOB local or distant transfer stor age, call 8181 Lartner Transfer Co rrwka to Pertlaml dally WASHING MACHINES All Makes Rented, sold and renal rA Eaav A. a XX. -Caytac Con loo. Meadows ana Autnmaue. sis ana op. HOQQ BROS. WELL DRILLING Leo Roberta. Dallas, TeL Rate 60o foot and up. O S71T-, Real Estate Directory BECKS HENDRICKS 188 . High Te. 4841 - 8L CAKUi 884 R. High St. TaL 8678 socoLors-rr a son 884-8 First NaL BX Bide. TaL tS6t 4. r. truucH 8X8 State Street Tat. S6TS HOJIER D ffiOSTER BXALTT CO. 876, State St TaL T888 W. H. OBABWB)RST CO. 184 & Uarty 8C TeL 6468 By : CLIFF STERRETT ONE GENT H I T HARD 40 per Cent Damaged. bharp . Price Gain Is Result CHICAGO. July's 2C (API Reports ot serious deterioration ot Canada's wheat crop through oat 10,000.000 acres. 40 per cent of Canadian wheat i territory, led to sharply higher prices today. Some forecasts placed 1112 Canadian wheat production aa low as 400.000.000 bushels, whereas recent trad figures have saggested 450.000.000. Advices from the American northwest also told of spring, wheat revers es because of premature ripening. Wheat closed strong at virtu ally the day's top, I 1-8 to 2 1-3 cents above 'yesterday's finish, corn at U to decline, oats unchanged to 1-8 off. Today's closing quotations: Wheat: July, old, .47 7-8; new, 4T 1-2; Sept. old, .4$ 3-8-1-2: new. .49 3-8; Dec, .52 1-2-5-8. Corn: July. .30 1-2: Sept.. .31- 7-8-.S2; Dec, .32 1-8. Oats: July, .16 1-2: Sept.. .17- 5-8; Dec, .20 1-3. General Markets PEODTJCB SXCH-jrOE PORTLAND. Ore- Jair 28 fAPl Prodaee exehance net prices: batter, ex tras IS; sUsdar-t 18; prima firtU 18; firsts 17; ergs, fresa extras 18; freaa diaias 17. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore.. July 88 (AP) Wheat Oaea Hick Lew Ctete Jaly 46 48" 46 46 H Sept. 4 47 47 Dee. 40 50 48H 50 Cash Burksta: wseetj Big Bead blae- lUa, 67; seft white, waatera white, 46; hard wtater, aorthera tpriog. 46; wtatera red, 48. Oats Me. 8 whiU 819.50. Ootb Ma. 8 E. Y. 61 80. ' kiiima aUaaard 814,60. Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Oes- Jaly 26 (AP) CattU 40, ealTci 10. Ua4y te weak. Steers 600-990 lbs., nedi-ai 4.50 6.00; eoasaea t.50-4-60; 800-1 1M lbs., atedin-i 4.50-6.00; eaauaea 8.S0-4.SO; 1100-1800 Iba aadiaw 4.1S-4.7S. Beifars 680-856 laa aaediaa S.50-6.00; eoasioa 1.15 8.60. Cewa, eatter aa4 maaiaai 1.00 8.50; law eatter aaa eatter 1.00-2.00. Balls, yearliaga eseladed, aeoa aa4 choice (beef) 8.275-3.25; eatter, ceeuaoa aad ntee-Ma. L75-2.75. Vaalera, milk tad. gse4 tad choice 4.50-5.00; aaediaai 8.50--86; eall aad eenaea 2.00 8.50 CaWas 250-500 lbs- gee4 asd choice 8.50-4.50; eommos aad atedias 8.00 8.50. Hog 150. 35e lower for killer itaff. Ught if rata 140-160 lbs, rood and choice 4.00-5.00. Lirhtwcic-ta, 1SO-18S na 4.75-5.0O; 1 80-200 lb 4.75-5 00. hfadiaia weight. 206-220 lba. 4.00-5.00; 22a-S5 lbs. 8.76-4.65; 260-SM lb 15-86 Ibs 8.76-4.60; 2S0 S56 lbs, S.6U-4.85. Packiag sows 276-606 Iba. aae dhua aad ga4 1 .00-8.76. Pes dors stackers iv-is us (eoa aad cholse S. 50 -4.00. Slaaahter ahaea aad lamka aOAr al-w drafTy. Laaibs 66 lbs- dawa, geed aad choice d.OO-4.26; waaiaw S.25-4.00; an weights eoaasea 2.50-8.25. Tearliag weathers eo ns isa.. aieaiaai to .choice 1.25-3.SO. Iwes 180-156 lbs- .75 1.25: all wala-hta. call te commoa ,5075. Portland Produce PORTLAITD. Ore- Jalr 26 API Battar priata, 62 score or bettor, 31 83c; staadards. SO-Sla, Egta Pacific poeltry predacers' sall lag priees; fresh extras, 16c; aUadard. i ei BoaiaBs. .to, Coaatry aioate eaUiag price te retail ers; eooatry-killod hoas. boat batehera, eador 100 Iba, 7-7 Vic; eealcra. 60 to ISO lha, 7V4 M la.; Uaiba, 6 6Ht lb.; yesr Hga. 8c lb.; heary ewes, S-4e lb.; eaa- aer cows, se id.; bolls. 4H-5c lb. Nata Oreewa wstnata. rS-19a: TMaaata 13e lb.; Braaila. 11 14e lb.; alaioads. 15 16e lb.; fllborta, 86 32 lb.; pee ass, 20c lb. Cases ra bark bayiaff pries 1683 peel. 1 lb. Hope esaiaaL 1881, 13 18 Is.; coa trsota. 1668. lis lb. Betterfat direct ta ahlDoars: statioa. 14-164; Fortlaad deUrsry pcieoa, 16-17 lb. Lira poaltry aet bayiag price: haary keas. colored, 4H Iba. ap. 11-1 J; do aaediaaM, e; lijhta. 7e; lisht broUors, 14e; eolorad reastors oyer 3 lba IBs; eld roosters. o; aacca, rckta. la-lla. Oaioas aelliag arie to retailers Walla Walla. 0c-6l eeaUl. Potatoes local, S5e - 61; Park-ale, 8L3S; Deschstea, fl.SS; eaitara Waaa iartoa. f 1-1.8 S. Now potato! Bertha-eat, 31.85-1.50 aoatat, 8trawberris Orogos, 34a, 61.50-1.78 era. Wool 1833 clip. Boadaal; Willawatt TalToy, 6 lb.; oastora Orogoa. 6-8 lb. Hay bayiag pric from pro-near; al faUa, 813-13; eiovor 66-8.50; esatora Orogoa timothy. 117.50; oaU aad retch, 86-6.50. 1 Fruits, Vegetables 1 POBTLAKD. Or. 7ary 36 (AP) Aprieote Orsraa. 87H-45 lag. Oraago California Valaaeiaa. 63IS-SO bos. Oaataloapoo Dolaao, Jaabe, 81.76; ttaa dards. 816; flat. TS crate, eraaarrait Califoraia. 83.25-S.76; norida, 64.75 8.60. Laaaaaa Califaraia, 68-6.50 case. I ta 6-4 oa. eartoas, 13.88. Baaaaas baaekaa, 6; kaada, 6H lb. Strawborrlas Org 84a 81.26 erate. ap8etilo loial PO-6 1 aiata. Baspaar riao local 60s-81 crate. Logaaaeritoa loeaL f-76 erat. CarraaU r4. SLTS erate. Paicha laeal oarty, 6O-60 bast CaHfaraia eltags, 1; -tbertae, 1 bz. Hay pawoo Califaraia. 8L16-L85 erat. Chan la Biaga. 6; Boysl Aaa, a IV. WatofWaa Clitaraia gloadika, 8LS0-1.66 OMtaL lUabarh Oat-oor grew, 2 3 Ik. Oabhago UaL w erop, 8-8 w Ik. Oa loss BaP-ag price a raUiloia: a aw Wa U Walla. SOa-gL eaaiaL Caalinwar U cat. 16-60 orata. C-taaibor Taa Dallas. 80-40 has. Bplaach loasL ft otaag box. Cahry Oragaa, 6L76 half ; hsarta, 66 das. beachee. Towataa batkaaae, 7-16 lb.; Ta Daft 66-65 km; CsUfsraia, ft lag rvaackad. P opera BaU. Califoraia. 10 ; Th Daltea, 16 lb. Pea local. 4H-8 Ik.; Oahuabla. 1-4 lb. 8rt aotatoe itbr yaa m. 66-76 ka. craia. LaV te Vh Balls aad loeaL T0-8O crate. A-pasaga. aiid-Co-iaibta. 63.SO pyra amidiioeal, 68-3.50 pyramid. Baaaa taeat, 6V-6 H. - Ora-Tea DalWa, 15 aaa.; local, -is-so . , , ... . . INJURES JLNKLE ... . QUIKABP. Jnlyl 1 1. Mrs. Al bert Giro, ran a pitchfork la her ankle aboat an Inch and a nan Jast grazing tha ankle bone. She finds It Quite palaluL Albert Gi ro got a baler to bale his own har this rear and to do' a few Jeba around the neighborhood. He had 20 acres ot flBo Say sad found a rood market for It SHARES GO LOWER OraFITTAIS U. S. Steel Report is Also Bear Factor; Rallying Tendencies Nipped By JOHl I. COOLET NEW YORK. Jalr 28 (AP) A Profit-taking stepped la to check stock market advances today and '-j average closed lower after, five consecutive advances. i At intervals shares overeama i realising gales and worked alight- ? ly higher, bat rallying tendencies i were considerably lets robust than C yesterday. Wall Street could hard- ' 17 forget that the U. 8. Steel re- ll port, made public after tha close, ' would show a large deficit what- ever the directors decided to do u on the matter of the preferred t dividend; furthermore, some"ob- ; servers were wondering whether it was advisable tor the market j to attempt too seriously a dis- ' counting of business improvement. ' Losses were largely of fraction- 1 al proportions, amounting to ':, around half a point in American f' Can. New York Central. Baltimore 1 1 & Ohio, American Telephone. Con- solldatted Gas. Woolworth, Am- erlcan Tobacco "r and National f Biscuit Steel common was down X a Point and the preferred, up at ' the best, was off two neL General Electric and WesUnghouso ahow- ,? ed some firmness, and there were again encouraging adTances by 'I numerous preferred equities. Oils f provided the chief vehicle for -i speculative ventures on the up- I side, although thev. too c1ora 5 ,mostly lower. Transactions total- (ed 1.498.150 shares. ' ? The U. 8. Steel crporatlon Is X paying another preferred dlvl- ' dend, but serred notice 1U main- ; tenance would hare to depend on business. Run Into Barbwire Fence Puts Crimp In Youth's Picnic LIBERTL. July 26. Mike .; Sweet, son of Mr. and Mrs. Uoyd Sweet, met with a painful accl- i dent when he ran into a barbwira fence while, attending a picnic on Mill ere at He cut a deep sash in -his chin, and also sustained cuts on big seek. Mr. and Mra, w. R. Dallas ad i cJiildren Robert and Catherine and Pearl Scott returned Monday i from a four-day trip south on tha ; Coast highway to Msrahrield and back via Roseburn. They risited : Sunday with Mrs. Dallas' paronts. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Behnke, at ' Florence. Miss Lena Humm&Il of Ton collo who is attending tha earn- J mer school at Monmouth was a ! weekend guest at the Joa Wtt- I liamg home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. ; Williams accompanied by Mra. ': Wlliams mother, Mrs. R. L. Eu- banks. Miss Hummell and Harold . Pruitt motored to the boy scout camp near Mehama to visit Joe " Williams, Jr. NOTICE OF .-PTODTTMEyr , OF ADMINISTRATORS KoUce is hereby giren that the undersigned hare been daly ap pointed by the County Conrt ot the State ef Oregon for the Coun ty ot Marion as administrators of the estate ot Angliae. Mlnch, de ceased, and that they hare duly qualified as such administrators; all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are notified to present the same, duly verified, to us, at the office ef Ronald C. Glover, our attorney. til Oregon Building, Salem. Oregon, within i months from the date ot this notice. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 15th day of July, 1131. ELMER D. MINCH INEZ B. WILSON Administrators ef the Estate of Angelina Mlnch. deceased. ROrALD C. GLOVER. Attorney for Administrators. Salem, Oregon. J-1S-J0-27-A-J-19. Radio Pi og tarns Wadaeaday, Jaly ST ' ; KOAO 656 Xe. Crr-UU ,1 :00 )(erarrf ceaeart. ; 11:80 Aspect of BUaaeaUry 8eht i Traialag. Orogoa KotsmI School. V 11:00 "Tha Maw -easel Tha Old School aa4 EdaeaUoaaJ Op par- . V taaity," iAaUaar A. wwy. 11:15 BeaaUag aad Saags by Orrroa i Karaaal P aatary Sbl ChU- .; 11:80 wat Shall W TU la the f hUdara 8ht" a A. Sua- t 18 :S6 "Th -Tatar Tahiela Oparatar aad Oar Tralli Laws," Harry O. i Or. f 12:38 Mark raperta, crap aad waatk. ; " r ftat. - 3:06 British taalogaa. 1 8 .00 Who i Usta for U O008I Ka. ( aia, ky Dr. Kat Ea-awr. Uairas- stty of Orcoa Scho of Maaia. i 8:26 kUaUal. Uahraraity i Oragaa Sehael ef stasia. 8:30 Swianalag far KocraaUoa, ky Earl Bahy. Ualrersity of Orogoa. :t 6:15 UaaUhy Kiaaa asd Sraaa Baai, U If la Eleors B. The uwa, TJai " - arty of Orogoa. f T:00 Saraay of Taadragia la Literary . araraia f ta Uamt. my atra. alakl Uolauai . Parsaaa, Cair- " . ... anaw. ky lira ': ttr af Qroraa, T :1a -faraat afargar Wells Wood. America Sootal Hrzlae Aaaoeiatioa. T:4J atarkH tprta, crps aad, waatk- I aW aWvOW 8:15 iaow Tear Stat: Oe Oraad. I . - ky HaroU q Beoaa. - ' ; KOW 26 XX PrthS ' '. OrSe Poak-ag greaeL . 10:89 Wa-maa Kagaat-a mi tk Aia. i KBC. - f 13:15 W p a Fam aad Tf 1 g -Urns.'. ' KBO. ' - I 1 ;I5 WerUI Baarwsa. . Trao -Am 'a' Aaa, KBO. , ; 6:60 Albert CtTtoH BiuL 4i 19:45 VstUaal Oaaoart Orebaatra, TXQ, '' " ' " ' . " ' :l " a i - --