The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 27, 1932, Page 5, Image 5

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    AThfi "OREGOM'BTATESJIAN, Salem, Oresron. Wednesday Morainr, Jnlr 27. 1932
illoeal News Briefs
Accident Reported Cart
driven' by Mrs. P. W. Woelke,
route nine, box 111, and Harry
Bander, Antiosh, CallL, : met at
Bute and Cottage street and
Mrs. Woelke's machine was turn
ed partly around bnt not upset
br the Impact, according to re
port filed with the police. No one
was hurt. Mrs. Charles Kidwell,
2020 Myrtle, and Brace C. Wil
lis, driver for the Capital City
laundry, also reported as traffic
mishap In which Willis backed
into the other car while attempt
ing to turn around.
Hare The Statesman follow you
n your vacation. Mailed to any
address two weeks, only 25 cents.
Want Lower Bates Two
petitions signed by residents of
Hillsboro protesting against the
rates of the Oregon-Washington
Water Serrlee company and the
Portland General Electric com
pany, were filed in he offices of
the public utilities commissioner
Tuesday. Hearings on the pen
tions will be held later, officials
Many Named on Board Wal-
ter W. K. ay, connecieo. -wim
the Oregonlan In Portland, yes
terday was appointed by Gover-
nor Meier a member of the state
probation commission to succeed
Leslie Butler of Hood River, who
has resigned. May will Berre un
der his commission until June 6,
Doneys at Coast Dr. Carl 0
Doney and his son Dr. Paul Don
er, motored yesterday to Nesko-
win to soend the day. Paul leaves
Saturday for southern California
where his wife has been vismng
her mother. They will return to
Pennsylvania by the southern
route. Dr. Paul Doney Is head of
the deoartment of English of
Dickinson college.
Annual Masonic-Eastern
Star picnic Saturday July
30, Haiel Green park, six
miles east of Salem on
Silrerton road. Afternoon and
activities. Coffee and
cream furnished free.
Tlenort on Meet Reports on
the perfection of the state Ore-
mn RniidlTiff Congress at a meet'
nir In Enrene Saturday featured
the Monday night meeting of the
Salem chanter of the Building
Congress. Lee Schoettler, who at
tended the Eugene meet, made the
chief report.
One License Issued One
marriage license was issued yes
terday at the county clerk's of
fice. It went to William A. Zur
linden, 27, Woodburn, a farmer,
and Maxie Borges, 24, Wood
burn, a housekeeper. The cere
mony was to be performed by
Justice of the Peace Overton.
Vacation time is travel time. The
Oregon Statesman offers to suo
scribers a Travel Accident Insur
ance Policy for only $1 a year.
Want Rights Defined A n
amended complaint asking that
tie rights of "contract haulers"
be defined and extended, was
filed in circuit court yesterday.
Th Cascade Investment company
is plaintiff and Julius L. Meier
and Charles P. Pray are named
Reiiort on Estate Income of
21875 has been reported for the
oat&ta of the late jsmeune z.
Hobart. deceased, with expendi
tures of 1275, according to a
statement made in probate court
TMterda by Arthur F. Hobart
and Edgar L. Hobart, executors.
ISO Accented Applications of
130 prospective freshman for the
1932 class at Willamette univer
sity have been accepted and are
on file at the registrar's office.
Th number of anDllcatlons is
coming in quite slowly.
Oregon Loggers dance again Fri
day night at Turner. Admission
Offer Compromise An offer
of 114.50 has been mads in set
tlement by Oregon Feed store, de
fendant In a suit recently brought
by Ball Bros. The defendant firm
filed Its answer and offer yester
day in circuit court
Sue on Note The Coolidge and
McClaine bank at Sllverton filed
suit in circuit court yesterday to
collect principal of 21700 due on
. a mortgage note given in 1922 by
Colbert Moser and Minnie Moser.
Grass Fires Two alarms
on grass fires called tire engines
out yesterday. One was at, 2424
Lee street, shortly after 4
o'clock: and the second at, Capi
tol and Cross streets s about 6
Statesman subscribers hare been
paid 13378.03 in claims on their
Sm Funds Sought Local banks
subject to the currency enlarge
ment measures passed in the last
congress have indicated they will
probably not apply for additional
currency to that in circulation.
Credit Meeting The Salem
Retail Credit association will
sold its weekly luncheon meeting
at the Gray Belle this noon. Only
routine matters are scheduled to
xome before the group.
Leaves to Get Pitts A mem
ber of the state police force left
yesterday- afternoon for Rose
burg, to return to Salem Earl
Pitts, arrested in Roseburg Mon
day night oa a eharge of obtain
ing property under falsa pretense.
Pitts gave a 1500 check to a Sa
lem automobile dealer for a used
car, and was on his way south
before the dealer discovered that
the check given in payment was
not good.
Flu Replies A reply to Mrs.
Mina L. Olmstead, Rose Cafe op
erator, was filed yesterday In cir
cuit court by W. 8. Fitts, owner
of the room the defendant rented.
He claims she knew exactly tha.
terms on wmcn the room waa
leased and inspected the furni
ture before she took the property.
He denies that there is any merit
in her counter claim.
Dance Wednesday and Saturday at
Mellow Moon. Woodry's 10 piece
band. Special entertainment. Ad
mission 25c. '
Woodmen Install Woodmen
of the World installed the follow
ing officers late last week: coun
cil commander, H. M. Smalley;
advisor lieutenant, E. E. Walker;
escort, O. D. Ross; watchman,
L. w. Dubois: sentry. D. L. Mst
iocs; manager, h. u. Lutt; cap
tain of the drill team, E. C. Craw
sirs. Irvln Here Mrs. J. L. Ir-
vin and son James of Redan ds.
Calif., have arrived to spend the
next month here with Mrs. Ir
vln s mother, Mrs. Myra Shank,
and at Albany with relatives.
They were accompanied from Al
Dany here yesterday by Billy
Wanted used furniture. Ph.
Hill Is visitor N. Hill, Seattle
apartment house owner, was a
Dusmess visitor here yesterday
wnue en route to Eurene. his
former home and where he oper
ated a large farm several years
Estate Valued The estate
of the late Oliver Elam Bond
has a value of 25 41 in personal
property, an appraisal filed yes
terday in probate court shows.
Three Millions to Finish
Coast Highway Needed;
Issue Considered
Ob ituaryl
In this city July 25. Robert B.
Boynton, former resident of route
1, Brooks, aged 20 years. Sur
vived by father and mother, Mr.
and Mrs. Alex M. Boynton of
Brooks; two sisters, Mrs. Elsie
Volkel, Salem, and Mrs. Helen
Rents of Brooks; two brothers.
James Boynton of North Bend and
Paul Boynton of Brooks. Funeral
services Wednesday, July 27, at 2
o ciock rrom the chapel of W. T.
Rigdon and Son. with Rev.
Scheuerman officiating. Interment
Beicrest Memorial park.
In this city July 25, Mason
Mickenham. Survived by brothers.
William and Henry of Mill City,
Foreman of Salem, Byrd of North
Dakota; sister. Mrs. Hattie Dlck
erson of North Dakota. Funeral
services to be held Wednesday.
July 27, 3:30 p. m. from the cha
pel of W. T. Rigdon and Sons,
Reverend Charles G. Weston offi
ciating. Interment at Cltyview
At the residence, 1020 Cross
street, July 25, Henry A. Clark.
aged 76. Survived by a brother.
Fred Clark of England; three
sons, H. W. Clark of Portland,
Thos. H. and Albert of Salem;
four daughters, Mrs. Beatrice
Brode of Sand Lake, Ore.. Miss
Lora .Clark of Redlands. Cel..
Mrs. May Irwin and Mrs. Louise
Hutcheons, both of Salem; and 7
grandchildren. Funeral services
from chapel of Clough-Barrtck
company. Wednesday, July 27, at
2 p. m. with Rev. Swift officiat
ing. Interment I.O.O.F. cemetery.
Three million dollars for new
bridges will be required from
tha state highway department for
tne completion of the Oregon
Coast highway according to ten
tative figures prepared here this
week by C. B. McCullough. state
highway bridge engineer. To
date none of the five maior
bridges required to close exist
ing gaps on the road have been
authorised. When they will be
built depends entirely npon the
policy of the highway commission
towards elimination of existing
ferries on the coast highway and
the allotment of necessary funds
for bridge building.
.anticipating tne early .con
struction of some of the bridges.
McCullough's department has al
ready made preliminary sound
ings for the Florence and New
port oriages wnue plans lor a
bridge at Waldport are under
way in the bridge division of
the highway department here,
The bridges at Waldport and
florence offer less difficulties in
the way of construction, In ob
taining of rights from the feder
al government and in financing.
McCullough thinks the Waldport
bridge could now be constructed
tor tsev.uuo wnue three years
ago it would have cost at least
$500,000. While this bridge will
need to be much longer than the
one at Florence It is through
much shallower water. It also
holds up well as a justified fi
nancial project since the state is
now paying $20,000 a year for
ferry service at Waldport and
mis cnarge would amply cover
the Interest charges on the Wald
port construction.
Bridge at Florence
To be Less Costly
McCullough estimates the cost
of a bridge at Florence at $400,-
000 while one at Newport will
cost from $650,000 to $700,000,
in his opinion. The latter bridge
must be so constructed that the
entrance to Taquina bay for
boats will not be obstructed
Both this bridge and the one at
Florence would need to have
draw spans which will increase
their cost over the bridge at
McCullough estimates the
bridge which may eventually be
constructed at Reedsport will
cost $600,000. This will be a
long structure, probably running
from the Gardiner side of the
Rogue river to an island and
from there into Reedsport.
The most expensive bridge to
be built in closing the gaps on
the Coast highway will be the
one across Coos Bay. There has
been some talk that the present
highway would be re-routed so
traffic would go - over the Inlet
bridge built by Coos county and
then follow a... new road built
along the ncuih side of Coos
Bay. In this way Marshfield and
North Bend would both be left
off the main highway route. Op
position to such a development
is certain to come from both of
these Coos Bay cities. The bridge
department is not certain but
that a new bridge across Coos
Bay could be built for less money
than would be required to con
struct the expensive new road
along the north side of Coos Bay.
Large outlays from the federal
government for Toad construe
tion in the states make the com
ing year an opportune one for
bridge construction. Estimates
on government aid for road
building run as high as $7,000,-
000 for Oregon in the next 12
months. Fifty per cent of the
direct outlay for work on bridges
goes tor labor and preparation
of the materials for, the bridge
including steel, concrete, wood
for forms, gravel and other ma'
HAT a tine night for a band I
concert and what a crowd
at Wlllson Park last night.
And ears were so thick It was im
possible to get past the blocks
even on the wide streets. Salem
has a right to be proud of Its
band and the beautiful park. Now
if there were only a swimming
pool within the block.
started Yesterday.
State Police Refuse to say
Who Ordered Questioning
But It may be Meier
And once again potential auto
mobile license buyers will hold off I The state police department Is
until the last minute la the hope j making an informal survey of
that tha governor will either do-1 tha financial condition of per
ware an additional moratorium or I eons who have not yet purchased
call a special session of the Wgts-1 a 1922-1922 license for their
Two away and one more to
go. Justice In Marion county Is
beins -slowly bnt rarely dealt
oat to the murderers of a night
watchman at Sllverton more
than one year ago. Poe was
found guilty and will be sen
tenced to life. Frank Manning
confessed and will be sentenced
to life. Robert Ripley's trial
terlals take an additional large
investment in labor so that high
way engineers estimated than 75
cents of every dollar, spent on
bridge work goes directly or In
directly to labor.
lature. The last day of trace an
der the present procedure Is Sat
urday, so the last minute won't be
tar off.
Information yesterday that a
survey of the license situstioa
was being made by the state po
lice here gave rise to reports
that the governor had demand
ed the Investigation, and the
act Interpreted to mean the ex
ecutive was considering a spe
cial session shoald answers to
questions Indicate a serious situation.
So far so good. The Queries are
being made. It -is not known
whether the governor ordered
them, bnt it is reasonable to as
sume so. Then the interpretation
that further relief was being con
sidered also follows. But look
what this situation does to the
sale of license plates t And on the
other hand somewhat unfair to
those who have already purchased
Tuition Ruling
Appeal NotYet
Decision on the appeal of the
high school tuition i law case of
Welnacht vs. Bower has not been
made by tha , taxpayers group
supporting the plaintiff. James O.
BeitseL attorney, said yesterday.
A fortnight ago his clients con
ferred with him and at that time
stated they had not secured suf
ficient money to go on with the ;
appeal.' . . . -
Judge L. O. LewelUng upheld
tha tuition law la his decision In
court here la Jane. Tha plaintiff
has mntil August 1 to file notice
of appeal. No 1921 taxes foe high
school tuition have as yet beea
collected since Sheriff Oscar D.
Bower is nnder an injunction
preventing sack collection.
Parade at 2:30; Variety of
Animals Expected; Open
Church League Ball
Kiddles st the 14th street
playground will vie todsy in the
annual pet and circus day events.
with five arises on the sheu to
help make the competition lively
and the winners more happy.
The parade will start at 2:30
o'clock, with scores of youngsters
expected to be in line with their
favorite pet, whether it be stur
fed doggie or Shetland pony. Five
prizes will be offered, for tne
funniest, prettiest, cutest, most
unusual and smartest pet.
And on the shoulders of a sin
gle Judge, Mrs. Clarence M. Byrd,
will rest the Job of deciding why
and to which of the menagerie of
pets expected will go the awards.
Church league games at the
14th street grounds got under
way yesterday, with Intermediate
defeating the Pirates 8 to o; ana
Presbyterians winning by for
feiture from the Temple Baptists,
who failed to round up a full
team in time for play.
Lineup was:
Intermediates Pirates
Glalsyer c Parker
Causey If McTinteny
Mason Is Drlggs
Hemann lb Crobert!
Hoffert p Forman
H. Nichols rf Sequin
F. Nichols 3 b J. Thoman
Randall 2 b F. Crobert
Leininger cf Phillips
Hansen rs Prueax
Just what the result will be
could not be learned. The gov
ernor two weeks ago said he
could not extend the morator
ium beyond August 1. so that
seems out. For further informa
tion one must go to Portland as
the governor returned there
yesterday afternoon. Bat the
time is getting short so some
action mart be announced
Six members of the supreme
court lsst night announced thsy
would return 15 per cent of their
ears, it was announced yester
day. Questions asked are:
Are yoa going to purchase an
Oregon licenser.
If not are yoa going to store
your carl
Are yon working? Class of
When do yoa expect to work?
Can yoa purchase a half
year liceue?
Can yoa purchase a Quarter
year license!
Replies to the queries are be
ing inserted in printed forms and
are being filed In the state po
lice department. Pray refused to
intimate whether these would be
turned over to Governor Meier.
Charles P. Prsy, head of the
state police, would not state
Tuesday whether or not the sur
vey had been requested by Gov
ernor Meier. The latter has not
dstermlned whether he will ex
tend the existing moratorium on
auto license payments another 15
He has Indicated that he
would not call a special session
of the legislature to consider
quarterly license payments.
Up to Tuesday night the state
had granted approximately 100.-
090 new licenses. Under esti
mates of licenses to be granted.
127,000 should have been Issued
by this dste. The secretary of
state's department reported a
noticeable pickup in license is
suance as August l aproacnea.
If an additional moratorium is
not granted, a rush is expected
as the week ends.
salaries to the state beginning An-1 tVo 1JnX7Zt Pinntf
gust 1. In keeping with the recom- " "OYV 3 IT 1L II 11,
To be August 7
mendatlons msde by the board of
control to become effective July 1.
Justice George Brown did not
sign the statement, but he retires
next January following his defeat
in the primaries.
The state was victorious ia
two of its criminal cases ap
pealed to the supreme court In
opinions handed down yester
day. The convictions of Weber
A. Hattrem for larceny by em
bezzlement and Brigham L.
Young for statutory offense
were upheld. Hattrem Is the
first man to go to the peniten
tiary as the result of Corpora
tion Commissioner Mott's cam
paign against "racketeers."
Young was sentenced from Mar
lon county.
The annual picnic for all for
mer residents of Wallowa coun
ty, and their families, who now
lire in the Willamette valley will
be held at Benton-Lane park Sun
day, August 7. Everyone is to
bring his own well filled lunch
basket. Coffee will be furnished.
There were nearly 100 in attend-
i ance last year.
Another kind of relief was un
der consideration at the capitol
yesterday, all day, whea the gov
ernor called a meeting or tne
state-wide unemployment execu
tive committee. The group con
sidered ways and means to borrow
money under the federal relief bill
for aid to the destitute.
We Give SAH Green Stamps
Double Stamps Every Saturday
Carson Pharmacy
Hotel Senator Bldg Dial 5468
of a Nation's Security
It is determined bj the financial status and pur
chasing power of its people, for upon them de
pends the strength of the Nation's commerce and
industries. People with savings funds will always
have the means to broaden, to buy; to build
homes, to invest and to attain financial indepen
dence. Everyone owes it to himself, his community and
his country to build personal prosperity through
persistent savings. This Rank pays 3 interest
on savings accounts, compounded semi-annually.
Bfember Federal
Jleservt System
in Solo
dial I IIH II '1 "M
in 1885
At Shaw, July 25, Caroline B.
Walker, 49 years, one month.
eight days. Wife of O. K. Walker:
daughter of Mrs. William Parsh-
ley of Portland. Member of Breck
enridge Temple No. 44, Pythian
Sisters, Breckenridge, Texas. Fu
neral services Thursday, July 28,
at 10:30 a. m. from the Terwll
liger Funeral home, 770 Chemek
eta street. Rev. W. Earl Cochran
officiating. Ritualistic services by
Pythian Sisters. Interment I.O.O.
F. cemetery.
Building Permits Three small
building permits were issued yes
terday: J. L. Oliver, alter garage
at 1810 North Summer, ISO:
Emma Tucker, reshingle dwell
ing at 185S North Liberty $10;
and W. J. Smuck, reshln;-! house
at 1488 North Summer, $25.
llama Wants Divorce Suit for
divorce was filed yesterday in
circuit court by Thomas J. Iiams
against Etta V. Iiams whom he
married in November, 1923, at
Denver, Colorado. He charges
that she deserted him in 1929,
Visits Spokane- William Wal
ton returned last night from a
business trip to Spokane.
Dr. Owen N. Geer, Methodist
Youth leader and director of all
the Institute meetings In the I
United States for the Methodist
board of education, will be the
speaker Sunday afternoon at 3:30
p. m. In Willson park. Dr. Geer
will be present at the Falls City
institute, comprising all the Meth
odist youths of the Portland and
Salem districts, which -onvenee
Saturday, July 30, and will make
the trip from Falls City to Salem
for the afternoon meeting, under
the auspices of the Methodist
churches of Salem.
In addition to his place of lead
ership in the youth movement.
Dr. Geer is regarded as a social
prophet, and waa a moving spirit
in the call to action conference
held in Chicago during April, and
bringing together several hun
dred ministers from all sections
of the country. The findings of
this group received wide public
ity as offering a new program for
social changes in the religious.
economic knd political life of the
nation. Dr. Geer s. message Sun
day afternoon will have to do
with the application of the teach
ings of Jesus to our present social
order. There will be special mu
Three miles south of Aumsville.
July 23, Wilbur C. Fessenden,
sged 55 years. Father of Clifford,
Elwln and Doris, brother of C. A.
Fessenden of Salem, W. H. of
Aberdeen, 8outh Dak., Adelbert
of Chetac, Wis., Mrs. C. K. Spurr,
Olympla, Wash. Friends are in
vited to attend funeral services
from the Terwilliger Funeral
home, 770 Chemeketa St., Wed
nesday, July 27. at 2 p. m.. Rev.
S. A. Wheelwright officiating. In
terment I.O.O.F. cemetery.
Cominz Events
August 7 Ohio "Buck,
eye : picnic at state fair
grounds. August 7 Minnesota pic
nic at Sllverton city park. '
August S-9 Annual
meeting Presidents and Sec
retaries, Rotary district No.
August 7-21 Annual Che
meketan outing at Spirit
August 14 Dakota pH
aic Salem Mualciual Auto
park. '
August 14 Illinois' pic
nic at Woodburn auto park.
August 22 Luncheon
Station hotel for L. W.
Stevenson, President ' Na
tional Association , Real
Estate Boards. -"VT:-w.
Charles W Marden died July 25
at the home on route one. Brooks,
I at age of 72 years. Survived by
l his widow, Mrs. Charles W. Mar
den. Notice of funeral later by W.
T. Rigdon and Sons.
. i
1 II
mtkvtstt ffltmxwl
hotel Congress
Hugh A. Dowd, MJ).
First National Bank Bklg.
Tenth Floor
Res. Phone 5089 - Office 8130
Invalid Chairs
to Rent
Call CO 10, Used Furaliare
191 North High
te Tjarn
Tta SOaatM Txm Us Basis --
sf Iswa :
Dr. Chan Laos
Chinese Medicine '
Office hours
Tuesday and Satur
day s te S p. m- -ft
ins 1 and S -ltl
N. Commercial
ffalens '
moving - oiormu - vmirn
Larmer Transfer & j
We Alio Handle Fuel 00 and Coal
Theyre Fresh (the fact is some of the
largest ones were so fresh they absolutely
ignored some of our bst fishermen) well
they might too ignore the fisherman be
cause at the price weve selling them this
week there will be thousands of em canned.
The quality now is th best for this season.
Any way the Run is on and we offer as
stated above ocean caught silver side
salmon whale fish at
7. ;
U )
r. x 1 ' a r s v v n 1 1 r . v i i
l!et a Chda Stcr
. - v flat a Chan Store .
r -1