The OREGON STATES5IAN. Salem. Oregon, Sunday Morning,' July 24. 1932 -V PAGE THREE C. E; RIVER PICNIC aaaiasMaaBfBBaaaaa Labish Mission Quarterly : Conference Slated for - , Monday Night i o- COZINESS BECKONS YOU LABISH CENTER. July 23 Members and friends of the local Christian Endeavor society met at the banks of the Willamette rWer at Wheatland Friday night for their monthly. business meet- Ins; and a welner roast. In the ab sence of the president, the vice- president, Naomi Hornschuch, took charge of the meeting. Those who enjoyed the enter tainment were Mr. and Mrs. Ar tbu- Miller, Dorothy Miller, Mrs W. R. Daugherty, Beruadeen Dangherty, Mr. and Mrs. .W. A. Starker, Lavelle Starker of Port-r land, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Horns chuch and daughters Naomi and Erma Laurance Zihzer, Erma Du all of Monmouth and Willard Hornschuch, John, Eva and Vera Dow, Arlo and Florance Pugh. Mr. and Mrs. H, M. Bibby and sons Raymond, Max and Delbert, Lola Hammer of . Middle Grove; Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Klampe,. Ar lene, Leslie, Valmer and Frances Klampe; Rudolph de Vries of Pratum; Mrs. Jennie Hinds, Mrs. . K White, Bob DeGross, Mr. and Mrs. VJ O. G. McClanghry and sons Wil lard and Elmer; Ralph Crockett, Mr. Jones, Blrney Scheuerman, and others from Middle Grove and Dallas. The first quarterly conference for charges of the Labish Mission, which includes the church or ganizations at Clear Lake, Middle Grove and Labish Center will be held Monday night at the Labish Center schoolhouse. Rev. C. P. - Gates of Portland will be in charge. D. R. Degross who underwent a major operation at the Dea coness hospital in Salem nearly two weeks ago is improving rap Idly now, and will be allowed to return home in another week. To Attend Olympics Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hayes and children Jack, Louise and Adele accompanied by Mrs. H. T. Hanes expect to leave Sunday for Cal ifornla point3. Mr. Hayes is man ager of the Hayes Labish farms. for his father and uncle. E. A. and J. O. Hayes of San Jose. The party plans to attend the Olym pic games at Los Angeles. They will be gone about three weeks. The James Boynton family of North Bend has been visiting with Boynton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Boynton and family. Miss Lavelle Starker of Port land is a guest of her aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Star ker. The H. M. Bibby family return ed tne middle or the week from a 10 days' motor tour down the Redwood highway into Califor nia. They visited at Grants Pass. i j J., jtiiJSFqr uiminnrpfiinnninrn 1 bnnuDirnuDLOito Deep Rooted Plants Best to : Weather Arid Season; Many Available HOW DOES YOUR ! GARDEN GROW? Intimate. study of the Pennsyl vania- Colonial architecture has developed this house. It Is suit able to any suburban or urban area, and has a quality of unusual cozmess. The first floor has a large kit chen adapted to working comfort. The entrance hall has an ample coat closet, and the living room Is unusual because of the fireplace nook and woodcloset. A small porch overlooks the rear garden and can be entered either from the living room or from the large, square dining room. On the second floor there are two .very large bedrooms and a smaller or child's bedroom. A bathroom serves two of these, and another bath is private. The exterior is made up at local stone at the gable ends and chim ney. Ship lap siding exposed about ten inches to the weather and flush siding make up the oth er walls. The roof may be of shingle, slate or asbestos shingle or tile shapes In varying soft hues. A stone slab covers the chimney top. The trim Is wood. This and the window doors and shutters are all painted white. The house would be best faced toward the east so that the blank garage wall shields It from the colder northern exposure. To be at Its best It should be located on a lot 75 by 150 feet. Rough esti mates show this house can be built for a cost approximating 17,000 to $10,000, depending up on the owner's choice of materials and local labor and material costs. H-oun hop E CROP NORTH Harvest of Wheat Takes Hansens to Ranch in Montana AURORA, crop in tne KEIZER, July 23 Mr. and Mrs. Harvey R. Hansen and chil dren Robert and Irene left this Saturday morning for Dutton, Montana, where he will superin tend harvest of bis wheat crop. Upon return here they will make their home on the Beardsley place. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brownlee and son Harry of Hastings. Nebr., are making an extended visit at the Albert Brownlee home in West Keizer. Mrs. E. McDole, daugh ter of Mrs. Robert Brownlee, and the McDole children, Irene, Bobby and Eleanor of Springfield, are weekend guests of the Brownlees. July 23 The hop north end Marion county yards is running from 20 to 25 per cent lighter than those of last year. This might be caused by any one of many reasons. Downey mildew, lice, or the late cutting back of many yards. Some yards affected last year with mildew are practically free from the disease this year, while many of the good yards of last season have mildew this year. The same applies to the yards where the hops were cut back and trained late this season which are showing a much poorer crop while the reverse was true last year. In the spring a few con tracts were made in the St. Paul district, at from 12 to 13 cents. Spot hops are quoted at 12 to 13 ! with no buyers, and no contracts being made. What the mnaew and lice will do to the crop oeiore picking time is problematical. The picking price has no oeen established in this section but will no doubt fall in line with the 80 cent a hundred decided upon in other sections. Last week 98 bales of spot hops were purch ased from Ferdinand Kracksber- ger by Harvey Hinkle for Lives ly. The price was 13 cents. BLAZES IT TURNER By NETTIE REEVES I wonder if- through the aum- mer months when we have so lit tle or no rain at all,. If a garden er may still have a garden that will make him happy. Especially during July and August when the perils of heat and drouth threat en and bugs and worms are busy taking their toll. Shall the gar den lover lose heart? -No, he must study his materials and plan a summer proof garden that will endure through the hot months. We must have gardens, and we might make the garden largely of trees, shrubs and lawn. Plant most of the garden for the most favorable months, and use deep rooting, or dry' weather flowers. One large tree near the house, even if its shade does keep flow ers from growing. Is almost a necessity for the home. Other trees may be used as a back ground if the grounds are large enough. In choosing trees ' to plant, one who loves flowers may provide flowers at the same time. For instance Japanese plums aire good for middle distance, and have lovely white flowers ' In spring. The Dogwood is of slower growth, as are also hawthorns, magnolias, shadblow. However, all are decorative In the spring. Many people like the crab apple, both wild and cultivated ones, even more so than the eherrr. which is lovely ' in bloom. Annie and pear trees are worth growing xor aecorauon, and they also Bring color in the fall. Lilac Old BtAndhw With shrubs alone the garden er can enjoy flowers from early vring uu ran. wnat a long sea son or varied beauty Is the lilac. It may be a slow prnwftr at fln but the new French hybrids come into Dioom much sooner than the old, though still precious, white uu parpie ones A pink Weigelia bush, if allow- room 10 spread In hnt Kiani. roe r man m v. made beautiful with spring flow- "u" u. "uch as peonies r, c"UID-ng roses, Sweet-Wil . . ' asTa Dal9ies. for-get-me- Tv, yai ana Madonna lilies "-wrt nower to he admired I'm i, riental pPPy. which is small gardens shnnM k , SVf t?nes' for 6,nS-e note Dlrms fed orange drowns L l re81 r tno harmony, iris V 4 "ro RDie to store their ucusin m a sturdy root stock bring nearly two months of var ueuiy io we garden. "Mums" RecofflimmiMi The old fashioned hard anthemums. If soaked thoro,ihiv Ana& a . r iwice win give bloom far ed for "By LILLIE MADSEN -It it the belief of many garden ers that at this season of the year, the gardening is completed all one baa to do now la to water. But there la much to be done at this time of the year If one wants a delightful autumn gar den.. For Instance if your roses are to do well In the fall they must have some care now. Au tumn roses . are often the love liest if the bushes have received the right care.: Otherwise they may be it they are at all rath er small and scragly with but zew peiais ana tnose or a poor color. Care of roses also seems to have something to do with the lasting qualities of the blooms. Fertilize Rosa Now A very eminent rose expert tells us that feeding is particularly Important at this time of the year. He advises not too much feeding at one time and he also warns against too late feeding for autumn bloom. His advise In re gard to feeding Is "about four ounces of dried and ground sheep fertilizer or its equivalent of oth er standard fertilizer fnr bush". This is to be scattered over the surface of the rraund and dug In lightly and It should be done at once. Then, a few days after this is done, three ounces of activated agricultural aalphur saevld be raked in. After the ground has re mained uncovered, tot t. u Or SO after this treatment ft should be covered with a mulch of peet moss and left undisturbed as far as cultivation is concern ed until the February spading and fertilization. Summer Spraying A drifted Summer spraying is also verv necessary to prevent black SDot and aphis, mildew and the rose lug from destroying- all nnl. bllitles for nice autumn nnM have found a mixture nt tj-.-' deaux with a little nicotine a use Black leaf-40) will care for most of the rose troubles. One has to very careful in xnixinv . that the mixture does not become too strong and thus discolor the i una that some rose bushes will stand a stronger so lution than others. Usually I try very thin mixture and If I find u m ubj or 1(1 that thi. v.. . ' - uma oui Whitlock Says Thief Takes $20 at House SILVERTON, July 23 Carlton Whitlock, who lives at Selah Springs has notified the state po lice that his house was entered and ransacked during his absence of a few hours. Whitlock esti mated his loss at $20, halt of which he said was cash. The re mainder was made up of bedding and an overcoat. TURNER, July 23 Mrs. F. C. Deli ell has Just returned home from a two months' trip to Cali fornia, where she visited at the heme of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Fe&len at Anaheim; she was also present at the wedding of her daughter Faustina, who married Ronald Hughes of Fullerton, Cal. Much time was spent with an in valid sister who passed away shortly before the return trip. Mrs. Delzell was delighted with California but is pleased to be back in Oregon and at home. Quick work on the part of a iew men squeicnea a nre wed- ; " uioom rar nesdav at the H P. Jensen black- mier, ana they are cher- smith shop. A large hole was " e5 wnen the othr flowers are burned in the building, which Is got' . In the center of town. I, "yeodons. the Blue Sal- The department of aoclolology . na Dargonhead are ior Douquets. TheBe may be 400 EXPECTED FOB done the work, I mix the Ingre dients a little stronger. It la well to spray the ground all about the rose bushes before putting on the peet moss mulch. Dr.; Spencer Sul liger. curator of the Internation al Rose test gardens at Portland, advises the use of Pomo-Green with nicotine. Remember, that with all the things Oregon la said to come, first in, she also heads the list with the greatest variety of garden pests. It is our'duty as gardeners to tight these contin uously. Summer pruning is cared for chiefly by . cutting roses. But If you do not cut roses for bouquets do not let the seed "pods stay on to ripen unless yon wish to ex periment by planting rose seeds. Cut the rose stalks back, not as severely as you do In spring, but back far enough to keep the bush fromv looking ragged. Do not leave all of the pruning to be done at once as this Is often hard on the bush In the summer time. Keep the canes cut back as the petals fall. Feed "Mams" Often Tour chrysanthemum bed should also receive considerable attention this time of the year. We are. advised to feed the chry santhemums every ten days or so from now until flowering time. And chrysanthemums like plenty of water at this tune of the year. If you give them a peet mulch covering then you will not have to cultivate them after watering. Thia la also the time of the year to take cuttings of various sorts of shrubs and start them In sand. Tou should also, clip back any rank growing plants in your rock garden or perennial border to keep It neat looking. Tulips and daffodil b u 1 b a should e dug aow and placed in a cool dry place until the Sep tember and October planting ume. Church of God : Convention Opens 1(Kday -Session ; ; - At . Woodbiirn V MULKEYS OPPOS ED TO conn ' WOODBURN. July 13 The 3 2nd annual encampment for the Church of God members la Ore gon, which la beinr held this year in the big fir gTOve Just north of the city, got well under way Fri day, although the ten-day session was officially. opened Thursday Morning services were held for the first time' Friday, with a good attendance. for. one of the first days of the session. ; The program opened with i sermon "Personal Evangelism", by U.-G. Clark.' At 2:30 p. m J. J. Gillespie spoke, his subject being ''Thunder Showers at Camp Meeting." The first' Young Peo ple's meeting was held at :30 p. m. Miss Irene Ransom waa fea tured on the evening program which began at 8:45 p. m. It was .estimated Friday that there were about 250 persons al ready established in the camp. More are arriving hourly and it Is epected that the total enrollment at the meeting will reach 40. In former yearg there have been as many as 1000 . persona attending meetings on Sundays. This num ber will probably be present on Sunday thia year. A number of changes of pastor ates throughout the state are ex pected to be made during the en campment here, as much official business of the church is carried at this time. Included in the list of princi pal speakers at the meetings are Rev. U. O. Clark of First Church. Portland, Rev. A. J. Schlatter of First Church, Seattle, Rev.- C. K. Chapman of Eugene, Rev. O. M Sponcel of Rainier, Rev. Russell Creen of North Bend, Rev. C. W Hatch of Salem and Portland, and Rev. J. L. Green of Wood born wooaourn a is the only en campment of Its kind in this state, although there are two oth ers in . the Pacific northwest They are located in the state of Washington. f thanks by the local Lions 'of ttelp ' lag to sponsor a resolution adopt-. ed at the state convention which" opposed consolidation of the state Institutions of higher learning. The Salem Madrigal club, the Salem Civic Male chorus and stu-' dents of Prof, XL W. Hobsoa of Salem will present an evening of . musle . Wednesday, " July ! 17,- at 7 i 1 0 la the anditoriam of the Ore gon Normal school. ' -1 - ' :t Eight Monmouth boy scoats are encamped with other , Cascade Area troop members at Camp San tlam'thls week. They are: Herb ert Moreland, Jimmy Riddeli: Warren Elliott. Arne Jensen. Har- , ry Parker' Wayne and Charles Petrie. Some will stay for one week, and others for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maxfield arrived here Friday from south ern California, bringing their furniture and household equip ment In a truck, and are tempor arily occupying the Brown house ' on Knox street while looking for a permanent location. They are old Ume friends of C. E. (Cal) Fetser, proprietor of the Violet ' Ray cafe, here. . E. MILLER DIES 11 WOODBURN. July 51 Faaer- al service for Mrs. Elvira Miller, who died at her home Friday morning at 9: 40 o'clock, as the result of cancer, will be held Sun day afternoon at 1 o'clock frem V the Methodist Episcopal eharea. with Rev. Glenn S. Hartong, the pastor, officiating. Mrs. Miller was 71 years old. She was born March 14. 1841. la Tennessee. She lived at Mar quam for a number of years and was as well known there as she was in Wood burn. She lived In Woodburn six years. Mrs. Miller had been ill about a year. The Interment will be at the Odd Fellows' cemetery in Molal- la. Hall s mortuary has charge of the arrangements. Mrs. Miller la survived only by several cousins. They are Mrs. Hubert Engle, Mrs. Arch Miller. Mrs. F. E. Lay and Mrs. Frank Mcintosh, all of Molalla, and Mrs. John Ferguson of Scotts Mills. MONMOUTH, July 23 De scendants and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mulkey In recent fam- as regards his favorites. He believes in plants have been as much Improv- I ,lr "union, adopt-xl the following as ueiymniums. this Wm resoiuuon of their hardiness, growing in al most any goil or location, but an especially satisfactory feature Is that they have few enemies, eith er insect or disease. sra MUSK POLK DEMOCRATS ED By SAVER Y HEAD of the state university is making a survey of the community clubs of the state listing the members and the special talent in each club. The university is prepared to send out plans and other help when aBked to do so. The first of the week Miss Lucille Webber and Miss Irene Clemens of Eugene were in Turner conferring with the local club's new president. Henry Ahrens, also Mrs. S. A. Riches, chairman of the program cimmlttee, Miss Mabel Tucker, secretary, and Mrs. C. S. Clark. Guest Ministers ft ill a icavu a wuuj i n . ... A a X n,a.luuul5 women a rvv viiuivuve nl m a . neage Assistance To Retain School followed with Anchusa and gold- viwibw, wnicn need plenty of sun. If a little watering is al lowed, some annuals give abun dant color and variety: Larkspur, cosmos, tinnlas, ageratum, petun ias and the dwarf marigold will prove satisfactory. Of course for bmitv. and abundant bloom In any gar den a rich deep son, either nat ural or man-made Is essential, however all the plants mention ed need very little attention. -Be it resolved: That we are unalterably opposed to the initia tive measure to be voted on thia fall looking to the physical con solidation of the University of Oregon and the Oregon State col lege, the Junking of the normal schools at Monmouth, Ashland and La Grande to Junior colleges. roe disaster that will follow Is al ready presaged by the large num ber of entrants to college now looking to the universities of oth er states for education. "There is no reason, economic or otherwise. In this measure. The move must have had its origin In personal grudges and private or local interest. "Resolved, that each of us will arge at least three persons to vote against this measure." Officers elected were: presi dent, Mrs. Jack Chauvaln. Port land; vice-president, Robert H. 1! WILL APPEAR 27111 MONMOUTH, July 23 Dr. A. S. Jensen who represented Mon mouth's Lions club at the Klam ath Falls convention last week, also visited Crater Lake while away. He reports the lake to be some 20 feet higher this year than usual, and winter still lingers in snow about its rim. Dr. Jensen was given a vote of Radio . Pi ograms INDEPENDENCE, July 23 The pulpits of the Methodist and Baptist-churches will be filled by out-of-town speakers Sunday In the absences of the pastors. Rev. Walter R. Warren will de liver the morning sermon at the Methodist church and Rev. W. F. Tapscott will preach for both the morning and night services at the Baptist churches. "Unsearchable Riches in Christ is the theme of Rev. Henry G Hanson's sermon for the morn ing. worship at the Presbyterian church. The needlecraft of the Presby terian church announces an all day meeting Thursday, July 28 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rex near Monroe. Sunday, July t4 SOW PsrtUod f.00 Arion Trio, NBC, S :iO American Legion progran. 11:30 National Sunday Forum, KBO. H:15 Kremlin Art Quintet, KBO. 1:00 Babbath Reveries, NBC. S :45 Goldman band, NEO. :S Bandar at &!tA Parker' t, SBC. S:00 Murder at Haxelmoor. :00 Irish MinitruL 10:30 KOW Conceit quartet. 11:15 Hotel St. FrneU Orcheetra, KBO. Monday, Jnly 2S KOW-Portland :15 Harold Stok Orchestra,' KBO.' t:30 Coekmg eeboei. 11:15 Western Farm and Homo Sour, KBO. 1:15 World Bookman, t .30 Parade of the States. 7:04 Ames 'n Andy, NBC. 11:15-12:00 Bagdad organ. KOAO BSO Kc CorralUa t :O0 Morning Concert. 10:00 Home Economies Observer. 11:30 "Irrigation in Washington Coun ty." Arthur a. JUng. 13:35 Market reports, oops and wests, sr. forecast. 9:00 Oret-oa Poets: "Edvin Mark ham," by Mrs. Ada Hastings Iledrefc 4:00 The Cooperative Group Plan at Work in av Small Community, by Mis Emma Henkle, Oregon -Nor mal school. 4:15-4:30 Great Women In Our Amer ican Schools, by Dr. a. . Jen aan. Orezan Normal School. 4:00 P. m. Poets of Democracy Sine 1910, Prof. Wilkio Nelson Collins, TJniveraitv of Oreron. t:H Public Speaking, "Two Cmlacnt l Sneakers of Pioneer Oregon.' Prof. P. M. Collier, University a Oreiron- f:ao International' Education, -Prof. . , .. , Flaad a Woo ton. Stanford . Uni TrlS Raee Relations in Hawaii. Dr. Charles N. Reynold. Stanford I . ' TTnivaTsQv: tilB Chat bv .County Agent C H. UnrM. . T:45 Market .report, crop aa weath- Silver Fall Mill MONMOUTH, July 23 The Business and Professional Women of Monmouth and Independence. enjoyed a basket lunch on the lawns of Mrs. Velma Smith's home Monday at 6:30 preceding a regular business meeting. Flow ers, trees and an outdoor fireplace lent charm to the pleasant affair. Miss Bess Sharrow, new presi dent, presided for the first time. A program of work for the year was sketched; and a resolution In troduced and adopted pledging the club s assistance in retaining the Oregon Normal school at Mon mouth. Urn. 8 Ttletrtrk nf Mnn. 'mouth, and Mrs. Irvln Baun of Independence were appointed a committee to work further on said resolution. HOMER JOHNSON IS DALLAS, July 23 Polk coun ty democrats met in the courthouse, Thursd IT Avn1n and elected officers and discussed tiusaing neaduarters in Dal las until after election. Those elected were: Tracy Savery, Dal las, chairman; R. W. Baker, In dependence, vice chairman n,- H. Craven, Monmouth, secretary- Scott, Woodburn; secret ry-treas-treasurer; R. R. Turner, Dallas, urer. Mrs. Maude Hawley Beau- lunuBHieemi ; Horrli I cnamp, stayton nnstensen, .McCoy, congression al committeeman. T. n PAm.. was elected to till th - I Wmm nJ l7aMn.. a tne second nroinn j i J m- - .AU7Uu ence. The Roosevelt-for uwv immeaiaieiy following the county session, and made tenta-l nve pians to noid a oounty wide picnic in the Dallas city park on Labor day. The next mMtin. win v. v-i.. . . " " I um amu juiy zs to complete de tails ror tne picnic. To Reopen August 1 Silverton 4L Head, umciais Announce Installed for Year SILVERTON, July 23 "We plan to open the mill proper August 1; we do not know when we will open the camps, and the planer sheds are being run in termittently whenever needed; was the statement given out by officials of the Silver Falls Tim ber company mill Friday. The mill has been down for several days and the planner did not run Friday but will Tesume operations again as ' soon as needed. The logging camps have not been in operation for some weeks. M. C. Woodard, manager of the mill is at Portland this week SILVERTON, July 23 Offi cers of the local 4-L chapter have been Installed with S. H. Bennett, president; E. J. Boeseh, vice pres ident; J. H. McCullugh, secretary treasurer, and W. L.. Morgan, third 'member of the conference committee. The Epworth League of the Methodist church will enjoy a picnic Sunday afternoon beginning at 2 o'clock, on the The 20 young people will be accom panied by the Rev. C. J. Hall, newly appointed pastor of the Methodist church. MARION, July 22. No other person aoes more toward the beautiflcation f Marlon than TJAm. T , xiuuiw jonnwn, wni owns a smau tract of land lying along Marlon, creek Just at the north eage of town. He cttrtsl Very little for social affairs, and the flowers, birds and nature in ail her varied forms are his companions. His one treat sport Is fishing, ao when no one is looking, and the we&thor i right, he steals away, always re turning with a tine string of trout. in nis gardens one will find only the choicest specimen of al moat all the best named varieties, yet ne specializes in tullns and delphiniums, more eaneclallv the latter. He has of these the largest acreage oi anyone In the Willam ette valley, In fact at a distance it is known as the delnhinlnm larm. Such a profusion of eolor as he has, from the most delicate pastel shades of blue and orchid to the deeper dark shades of blue Johnson, whether at work among his flowers or reading his favorite flower magaaine. is- al ways congenial and ever ready to give of his wealth of Information Settle on Vacation Liberty Residents Go on Student Tour LIBERTY. Jnlv 22 MU R. blna Schmidt returned home Thursday from Monmouth where sne nag oeen attending anmmai- school at the Normal. Mis Lena Hummel also attended there and will spend the weekend at the Joe Williams' home here. At Mon mouth they were included In a small touring party sponsored and conducted by Mrs. Ethel Miller. instructor. The party visited many interesting places Including the Oregon Caves, Crater Lake and the great lava beds. SILVERTON, July 23 The Rev. and Mrs. Carl Foss and daughter, Joan, will leave Monday for Seattle where they will spend a two weeks' vacation as guests of Ms. Foss' s mother, Mrs. G. Tvete, and Rev. Mr. Foss'a par ents, the Rev. and Mrs. L. C. Foss, and with his brother, the Rev. H. L. Foss and his family. Rev. Mr. Foss will be absent from Silver ton for two Sundays and during that time there will be no Sunday school or services at Trinity charch. This Is the annual vaca tion of the pastor. BENSON BROUGHT HOME SILVERTON HILLS, July 23 Maurice Benson, whose eye was injured, badly on July 4, and who has been confined to the hospital since, has been brought to Ms home here and is now getting along very well. At first it was feared that he would lose the sight of his one eye but now every hope is held for complete recovery. HOME FROM NEBRASKA BRUSH CREEK, July 23 Carl Lorenxon has returned from a month's trip from southern Ne braska where he visited his son. Chester, formerly of Brush Creek, and his brother Lou. He also spent two weeks at Wlneetet, Io wa, where he was tailed by ue death of his sister, Mrs. Annie Coch. believe in doing dollar's worth of work for a dollar, and that helps to keep our business moving. Youll agree with us that our superior serv ices are properly priced. Sherwin - Williams Paint Headquarters Talk About Values! THESE PRICES WILL INTEREST YOU! formerly SWP House Palat, regular colors . .gal. 3.7 a Auto Enamel, Black pint 1.00 Aato Top DreeafBg, Vt pint .55 EnoBol,, Blk. Root paint. gaL 1.15 EmaBteloid, Decorative enam. pt 1.00 Family Palat, regular colors... qt. .SO Fiat-Tone, Washable Wall. gal. 3.10 Flo-Lac, Varnish Stain, regu lar colors .. . hi Pint .55 Floor Enamel . . .qt. 1.00 Lino I earn Lacqaer, qt. 1.75 Mar-Not, Floor Varnish. . .qt. 1.50 Porch and Deck Palat qt. 1.10 Rexpr, Outside Varnish tt-pt. CO Scar-Not, Furniture Varnish pt. .85 Setnl-LastTe ....qt. 1.10 8tKco and Concrete Paint, regular colors., .gal. 3.75 1 3.00 NELSON BROS. Inc. PAINT AND ROOF" DEPARTMENT Phone S810 818 Chemeketa now 2.fl .75 .40 1.10 .75 .70 2M .40 .95 1.40 1.20 .00 .45 .85 .90 Moving - Storing - Carting Larmer Transfer & Storage PHONE We Also Handle Fuel Oil and Coal COPELAND'S HAVE SCREENED SALEM HOMES FOR YEARS . Screens made to order and installed 7 TeL 627 and our representative will call J. V. COPELAND YARDS Uesaber Salem BaUdlas; CosgreM Wallace Road, 200 Tarda Xortn. of the BrMjre Pbone Mai Patroalaa Ton Balesn BOdiaff Trade ' Work in Onions is Completed Except HEAD RESIDENT DOCTOR SILVERTON, July 23 Dr. A. Edgar Wrightman Jr. the son of Dr. A. E. Wrightman and Mrs. Helen WrUhtman of Silverton. For Later Harvest 0118 completed his work as an In terne at iae Hfluoamaa -county hospital and has begun his new duties as the head resident physi cian of the Multnomah hospital. Dr. Wrightman Is - a graduate of the Silverton schools and the Un iversity of Oregon and the Uni versity Medical school at Portland. LAKE LABISH, July 13 Nearly all pt the Labish onions have been .weeded for the last time this season. Pulling will not start tor another five weeks. Em ployment will be slack until that time, when many outside laborers are required. There are more San a hundred extra acres : of rge onions here, this season, which will - provide that ; much more labor. ' A party consisting of "Bin Lenschv Mrs. E. J. Weinman ' and -Mrs. A. E.-Lensch and daughter Alvlna of Portland left yesterday by motor for a two weeks' visit In Sam rvmnefeeo. ' :- i LUMBER- and BUILDING r.IATEIlIAtG of Quality BEACHFRONT ;GdfrTAGES AH Sizes at Reasonable '; v : ;. ; Rates '--v-; -Write for Particulars' ' mrs; ruth giutes Caanosi Beach, Oregon It's quality that counts It'a quality that saves time and expense. When you buy lumber and building materials from us you save on time and expense a well as having qual-; ity material to work. with. . Gltk 610 N. Capital BllEL Powder & Supply Co. Phone 9191 -, Build - Repair Now and Save ist soncfl o 0 IP.O-Iplj 0. f Manufaetvrers of . BOND LEDGER GLASSINE greaseproof: tissue : . 1-- : .- -.- ' ' -I Support Oregon Products " :l ' : : t V.z.f: -it;-:. . . " - Specify lialem llado Papr for Your - ? - : Offlcs Statlositry. : : . ; - t . ' . r - i ,-v I-.' " i ' :. T -.-. ' . - i i V i . er lorec. i . ' J 1 .'i