The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 24, 1932, Page 1, Image 1

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Hare- The SUtesmaa fol
low yoa while on your va
' cation ; mailed to any ad
Jresa two weeks, only 25
cents. Call 9101.
- Fair today and Monday,.;
; clowdy on coast, normal tcm
' peratnre Max. Temp. Bator
- day M, Mln. 53, river -!
feet, variable winds. Y J j
Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, July 24, 1932
'"'No. 102 :?:
Governor Seeks Appointee
Fop Highway Board as
Scott Steps Down
Higher Education Board is
Dilatory Over Choice
Of Chancellor
Board of Trade at
Chicago Susp en ded
For Law Violation
Refusal of Clearing House Privileges to U. S.
Sponsored Grain Corporation is Cited;
Reinstatement Loophole Left
Believes Cancellation Will
Aid U. S., if a)l war
Issued Settled
And General Good
Wi q t aver mT linnnsn tn hnsl-
n'ess, times are not dull hi the
world of politics whether It be
In fascistlc Prussia, in besieged
Washington or in beautiful Sa
lem. The weather may be too
perfect for comment, and mur
der trials may come and go, but
with Governor Meier at the capi
tal, newswriters have excuse suf
ficient to sign the payroll.
The past week's developments,
concerned the state highway
commission and the state board
of higher education, both of
which have been able to occupy
the spotlight in recent months
about as often as the bargain sec
tion of Portland's own depart
ment store.
Governor Parleys
Over Highway Job
As the week closed. Governor
Meier was still holding inter
views in Portland with prospec
tive highway commissioners.
Finding a capable man and
getting him to take the job left
vacant by Leslie Scott's resigna
tion mas not proving a moment's
task. In the first place, almost
all men of property and position
and from these ranks highway
commissioners usually come
are very busy trying to keep
their own affairs in a semblance
of ordor. A post full of re
sponsibility and work and with
out pay does not look as Inviting
as it did a few years ago. Then
too, the mortality roll has been
formidable: Van Duzer, Ains
worth. Sawyer, Lynch, Gates,
Spaulding, Scott, Hanley, have
all .'elt the axe and men of
position are reluctant to, take the
chance jf imminent political exe
cution. I h
Governor Meier Ul probably
pick a man this time'"w.nd will be
more subject to the cruel exe
cutive's whims and caprices than
the late Mr. Scott who had a
most decided mind of his own
and who was ever ready to re
sign when his path was" crossed
by executive interference. If
- Meier Dicks another man like
Scott, another flare-up impends,
for the governor, under pressure,
cannot resist the urge to meddle
-with his appointees.
Has Let Education
Supervisors Alone
It must be said that in the
case of higher education, the
governor has pursued a hand's
off policy. In the tense days of
Monday and Tuesday when Lr
Kerr's name was Informally be
fore the board, Kerr's supporters
were doing everything in their
power to gain the governor's
public support of Dr. Kerr for
chancellor the state s mgner eau
- cational system. It is probably
true that the governor favored
a , a . . Al t n ti a1
iverr ana wouiu usv lemunu
Bis ftDnointment. But If he Inter
frd. the antl-Kerr group would
have blamed the governor and
not the board and furthermore
the resignation of several of the
governor's own appointees to the
board would have followed. Meier
also would have been using his
influence to crack a difficult
aecorn for C. L. "Little Ike'
Starr who wanted to vote for
Kerr but didn't dare. Therefore
the governor sat tight, made no
statement to the board ana biarr,
f olio win r his usual course of in
direction, dared not cross the
Rubicon and elect Kerr to tho
The tempo and conduct of the
board of higher education has
in many ways followed the per
sonal policy of its chairman
whose course for years has been
to follow the line of political ex
pediency, trying to fit his deci
sion into the course events were
pursuing rather than to make
decisions letting events work
out as they would.
Hoes-Meier Feud -Is
Taking Vacation
For the moment, the Meier
Hoss feud is quiet and the public,
tired of dally statements from
both officials, la glad. The gover-
nor probably would like to press
his demand for an audit of Hoss s
department. If he does, friends of
Hoss are certain he will find
nothing to criticize save for mat
ters of Judgment and these would
be open to criticism in any de
partment. Auto owners are slow
in purchasing 1932-33 licenses
but this week should see a de
cided pickup as the existing mor
atorium will probably not be con
The state accident commission
addded to its unpopularity with
many persons this week by going
down to a six-hour day for most
of its employees. However, the
commission, under Chairman
Early, had to cut costs, for re
turns from' Industry have fallen
off amazingly and as they have
gone down, the commission hat
been forced to retrench to keep
within the 10 pt? cent limit of
expense allowed by lew. The ae-
cident ccminisalcuer since their
appointment, have acted dec's!?
ly and courageously in cutting
WASHINGTON, July 23. A sharp blow for cooperative
marketing was struck today by three of President
Chicago board of trade as a contract market for 60 days Lauds Lausanne Conference
ror violation of the gram futures act. As Harbinger of Peace
mcuiik as a commission unaer ine iuiures act, oecretary
oHyde' Attorney General Mitchell
and Secretary Lamont found the
board of trade guilty of violating WASHINGTON, July 23-(AP)
the l&w by refusing clearing Senator Borah of Idaho pro-
house privileges to the Farmers' posed tonight an immediate
National Grain corporation, the world conference to consider re
largest cooperative organized un- vision or cancellation o war
der thi farm board's sponsorship, debts Integrally with a program
The suspension would become t0T settlln? other post-war prob-
effective Aueuat s fiftaan riava 'ems.
on i
Moatmrt Uormnninnc- Cull after issuance of the order, but Borah, chairman of the power-
mwiuy iicuiiiuiuviua, i un the commission left the board a ful senate foreign relations com-
Ma" Ferguson
Is Beating Him
-s M
- - a - r ,.4
i .1 t
a .,; - . . f ' j
x: :.-. : :::; ::.. I t 4
elected chairman of the democra- membership and clearing house of humanity" than the Versailles
ic state committee at a harmoni- privileges.
ous organization meeting here today.
Thirty-three of the 36 counties
the state were represented.
Twenty-two state committeemen
appeared in person and 11 bad
Jack Summerville was reelected
secretary; Mrs. Rosemary Schenck
of Lincoln county, Mrs. Nannie
Wood Honeyman of Portland, and
Frank Armitage of Lane county,
were elected vice-chairmen.
A platform written and read by
adopted. It ratified the party's
national platform; recommended
abolition of the two-thirds nomin
ating rule for the 1936 conven
tion; called for development of
the Columbia river and pledged
the party in Oregon to support the
Support is Given for
Party's Platform
loophole by which it might avoid I mittee, delivered his message by
rurther controversy . radio, proposing the world con-
The board has Hven no It.h. Terence as a follow-up to the Lau-
tlon, however, that it intends to 8 n.n e reparations agreement,
PORTLAND. Ore.. July 23 I SO threugh this loophole and ac-
AP) Carl C. Donaugh was re- cept the Farmers National to full
which he said was more of
harbinger of peace and the hope
It was Indicated here immedi-
peace treaty.
Borah painted the Lausanne
ately after the order was handed ? f6111 as "the most impor-
(Turn to page 8, col. 5)
tant step taken since the war
looking to the restoration of con-
riaence in political and business
Sees Good to- V. 8.
In Cancelling Debt
He added that if the policies
initiated at Lausanne were car
ried forward "there will come a
time when it will be distirctly to
me interest or the people of the
United States" to again consider
Relief Administration and
Economy for Federal
Bureaus Issues
ohn Gavin of Wasco county, was Bryan COnley is Junior Vice th uestj01 ar debts
Commander; Eva Rush
Auxiliary Officer
(AP) Exploring pathways of
economy and launching huge new
enterprises is keeping the fed'
eral government high-keyed as
never before at the end of
session of congress
The task of spreading federal
relief for destitution and creat
Borah warned, however, that ing new employment is getting
revision of the debts should not under way, and probably will be
oe predicted on the reparations n actual operation before the
agreement alone.
(Turn to page 5. col
Woman Ex-Governor Leads
Ross Sterling, Holds
Margin of 18,000
Ordinarily dry State Gives
Repeal Huge Majority
On Early Returns
DALLAS, Tex., July 24
(Sunday) (AP) Returns from
166 counties of 264, two com
plete early today gave the fol
lowing for governor:
Ferguson 81,815; Sterling 63,-
530; Hunter 48,705.
The tabulation showed 60,531
votes in favor of submitting the
question of repeal of the 18th
amendment to conventions and
25,659 against.
Poes prf
Manning's, Crux of
verson Death Case
next week is out. Plans are being
fashioned to launch a system
that will relieve pressure on that
oft disregarded ordinary Ameri
can the homeowner
But the biggest Job of all for
government workers from the
cabinet to the rank and file, is
shaking down to a regime of
bonedeep scrimping and saving,
Many are finding that it can be
done without loss of efficiency.
CHICAGO, July 23 (ATt Coneress adiourned iust one
was elected senior vice command- rom gangland retribution to a week ago today. The national
Hueh McLAin. Marshfteld Bnss . Bryan Conley, Salem, was love triangle, police turned todav economv bill was already legally
Farnham, Bend; Mrs. Margaret elected Junior vice commander. to explain the assassination of in effect but its appication is
Sullivan, St. Helens; W. F. Jack- 1De veterans adopted a resolu- JacK A. Werner, an ex-convict proceeding slowly. The j 82,122,-
EUGENE, July 23. (API
democratic nominee for senator Election of officers and selection
and candidates for congress to the of Roseburg as the 1933 conven
end that if Franklin D. Roosevelt t'on city brought to a close today
la elected nresident h will be lEe annual convention of the Vet-
supported by the Oregon delega- erans 01 foreign Wars, depart-
tion in congress
The following executive com
mittee was appointed: Victor P.
Moses, Corvallls, chairman;
George R. Wilbur, Hood River;
ment of Oregon.
Dr. W. G. Scott of Portland was
chosen department commander
and Edward Swetland of Astoria
DALLAS. Tex.. July 23 (AP)
Mrs. Miriam A. ("Ma") Fergu
son, former governor and wife of
an Impeached former governor,
James E. Ferguson, swept into
the lead tonight in her effort to
win the democratic gubernatorial
nomination from Ross S. Sterling,
the Incumbent.
Tom F. Hunter of Wichita
Falls, oil man and lawyer, the
only other of eight candidates for
the nomination who waged an
active campaign, was third. The
other five candidates trailed.
Two years ago Mrs. Ferguson
led Sterling In the first primary
only to lose in the run-off pri
mary Into which they went as the
two highest in the race.
With some counties not voting
on the subject of whether the
18th amendment should be re
pealed or left as It Is, the wets
ran up an early lead.
Mott Plans No
Answer to New
McMahan Claim
Judge L. H. McMahan's re
cent newspaper attack on James
W. Mott, state corporation com
missioner, in which he charged
financial extravagance in connec
tion with the trials of ex-officers
and directors of the Empire
Holding company, will go unan
swered, It was annonced at the
state corporation ; department
Friends of Mott declared that
juage Aicvaman s - attack was
political and was made for the
purpose of embarraslng his ad
Mott made It plain that inves
tigations of "financial racket
eers" would proceed despite any
criticism that might be leveled
at his department. .
May Reconvene In Autumn;
Germany and Russia
Oppose Program
son, Moro; Dr. George Parker,
Roieburg; Will M. Peterson, Pen
dleton; and C. C. Bryant, Albany
Midsummer doldrums
struck employment. The berry
and cherry picking Is practically
tlon recommending that the for- who carried a deputy sheriff's 000,000 relief bil and the 8125.
est service place at each land of- star. 000,000 home loan bank bill
fice a man to locate veterans on Werner, an elevator operator were left on President Hoover's
government land tree of charge, at the criminal courts buildinr. desk and have since been sign
Anotner resolution recommended was reied by machine gun bul-led
to me. rederal government that lets last night while driving his The president still has to ap
American citizens be given pref- automobile in a southside street, point men to handle tfcese tre-
erence m employment and char- accompanied by a cousin. Miss mendous tasks but many branch
ltahle relief in times of depres- Margaret Murray. es of the government have been
SlOn. The COUsin fled anil rilri tint an. drawn Into mnRiiltfitlon tn man
Ceclle Hardy, Portland, was pear at the inauest todnv. nut their ftxecutlon. and little
eiectea president or the women's Chief investigator Pat Roche loss of time is in sight.
auxiliary, inner orncers named in- said Werner had been seen of
eluded Eva Rush. Salem. Junior late with the wMthirt f .
a a v e vice president. widely known gangster.
Little credence was placed " In
NEW YORK. July 23 (AP)
Trial of 13 Nassau county police
men indicted on charges growing
out of the third degree torture
deaths of Hyman Stark was set
today for August 15. The police
men, now free on hall, will be ar
raigned Monday on the first
batch of indictments returned by
the grand Jury, which will re
sume the investigation Tuesday.
A large delegation of Salem rumors that Warner wa. in tho
The next class of work to members of both the men's and "racket." H w. withnnt fnn .
call for considerable labor will be women's divisions attended the said those whn Vn-ur Mm
pear-incning, ytuuea uu uus, couTOBiina ana Drougm duck re- was constantly borrowing dimes
wnicn win not ne unaer way in ports Saturday night. and Quarters of emnloves in the
full force for another month. The splendid hospitality of Eu- courts building. The star he
nuys oner iuo ui yiusyeci lur i gene was praised and me W6J1
absorbing the surplus labor as the planned program was also lauded
prune crop Is short and price poor.
wore was of discarded vintage
and he had no authority to nse
it, the sheriff's office said.
And Loan Firms
Are Prosperous
D. D. Dotson in charge of the
employment office, reports tor I C)r&crrrt Cotrin rrc
week ending Saturday 18 new ap- l gUll UctVlIlga
plications for work from men and
seven from women. Men number
ing 112 were sent out to fill as
many calls and 110 were placed
Farm work absorbed 60, wood
cnttin? 2fi and penera.1 1hnr 95.
Amon the women flv were PORTLAND, Ore., July 23
. . j. m I f AP TFi fril WAm vaI a a aA Yl v 4 v
piacea in jods. mree ior nouse- y- ""LT!" "7 WASHINGTON. Jul tS fAPl
keeping and two for farm work. T oj K. A. Schramm, president t cushions on the rods named to prepare a constitution:
. Farm harvest Is starting now of the Oregon League S"igs
dui iarmers are iorcea to employ . o,.U6 . . . f hn. trtJ, F. H. Murpny, an or roruana;
"2IJ? ov,n to JTEmiSL borne, leaving only 'a f rae- Frank Marshall, atom.
th.n 1 1 nnn Ann .whirt. on of their original strength in
RAIFORD. Fla., July 23 (AP)
Vigorous prosecution of two
Florida camp officials for the al
leged "torture" slaying of Arth
ur Maillefert, 19 year old New
Jersey convict, was demanded to
night by the board of state lnsti
Captain George Courson and
Solomon HIgglnbotham, a guard.
were indicted for first degree
fithevr iniT is fAPl or- muraer roiiowing the death of
raniratlon of a nermanent Oregon Maillefert, who was found stran
nniirtin rnnrrMi was effected Ied n a "sweat box" with heavy
hr M. a niMtiiir of renre- Mocks clamped on his feet and a
sentatives of building congresses cnln fastened from his neck to a
in various cities of the state. The ir,
organization Is an outgrowth of
the building congress organized In
Portland 12 years ago.
Control of the new organization
was vested in a board of presi
The following committee was
Shriners Gather
At Golden Gate
For Convention
low prices for products.
E. M.
i APIThai nnMm CI n
Drew of was J rah today. Nobles of the Mystic
nnnrin nrMilaent- Per- I . .
Erin, the 12 mon'th." dC the nation's capital. elected temporary president F.r- "5 .
SU m ending Frank T. Hlnes, administrator I manent officers will be elected at J nnmDers, headed by delegations
MARSHFIELD, Ore., July 23.1 "The record Is a high test!
-(AP) Guy Weekley, 34, of I monlal to the method of opera
i of veterans' affairs, said today meeting to be called by Drew.
that only abont 8500 of the city's
Myrtle Point, was killed today tlon of the savings and loan as- "iSJSiSSir UWA Pv'vrv- Woe
when his logging truck backed sedations of Oregon and proves mt3aOOa KlVCr tiaS
mu us ivsgiug trues. vwicuiBucuuuus vi ur(vu tuu jiiuiw i w- j . . . CT--.v.
down a grade and crashed over' the soundness of investment in an hrted Washing-
the side of a small bridge.
homes," he said.
Brownell Hearing Set
C. L. Whealdon Suicide
Shriners Start South
Bartlett Crop Bumper
from Dayton, Atlanta, ' Ga
Leavenworth and Kansas City,
Kan. The 58th annual convention
of the order will be opened Tues
day, to last three days
Twenty-four special trains will
pour thousands of the tested
horde into San Francisco tomor-
' " " I V 4. .Jjll
(AP) Fire believed to have 7
2 Costly Fires
PORTLAND, Ore., July 23
(AP) Cyril G. Brownell, Port
land insurance man charged
with larceny of a number of the
Zorn-MacPherson bill petitions.
will be given a preliminary
hearing before District Judge
Mears Wednesday, August 3.
The date was fixed today at a
conference between the district
attorney and counsel for Brown
Brown el is at liberty under
$2000 bail.
PORTLAND, Ore.. July 23
(AP) More than 500 Shriners
from the east and middle west
visited Portland today en route
to San Francisco for the national
council meeting next week.
The Isrgest group was that of
the Aleppo temple of Boston,
which arrived on two special
trains of 12 cars each. The 225
uniformed marchers, accompan
led by a Jand. staged the major
PORTLAND, Ore., July 23
tonlans to feed.
Most of the departing gnests
rVurVd tlcets'lshed by the HOOD RTVER, Ore., July 23
veterans administration. Others Kr)r iro . , tZJlZ tlonal numbers will follow
.rnm tn, hm nftu." and been of incendiary origin today
... nn destroyed the apple packing
n, mr,M n.ii.i,.ik v., ..r, house on the K. P. Anderson
a . . r mm m I IDA UWUBll w awvv, ym v..,
JATTClTTiPV KclnnPCI covered by insurance.
r I TV. eimrAam hntal Wil AtmtT.
While Swimming A considerably in another fire
wa w a v w v bf w
under control by the fire de-
Defendant Asserts he
Slept Soundly at
Time Involved
GENEVA. Switzerland. July 23
(AP) The International dis
armament conference, which held
Its opening session almost six
months ago, approved a resolution
promising substantial reduction in
armaments today and then shut
up shop for an indefinite period.
The negotiators probably will
get down to work again at a con
ference session In November or
they may put it off until Febru
ary. They closed the first phase
of their work with scant pride In
me past but with strong hones
for the future.
The final resolution. anDroved
by 41 nations including the Unit
ed States, Great Britain, France
and Japan sketched the results
or the months of labor and laid
down a program of procedure de
signed to achieve agreement on
material arms cuts durinr the
coming months.
Both Soviet Russia and Ger
many voted against the resolu
tion, explaining that In doing so
iney were supporting disarma
ment. Germany objected because
tne document omitted reference to
equality of all nations in the mat
ter of arming, and Russia consid
ered the terms not sufficiently
NEW YORK. July 23 (AP)
Democracy will concentrate
many of Its big guns this fall
on certain ''hopelessly republi
can" states in an ; attempt to
wrest them from : the Hoover-
Curtis forces. James A. Farley
national chairman,' made clear
Frequently In democratic cam
paigns of the past, the electoral
votes of such states have been
conceded to the enemy, and all
the campaign fire has been dl
rected toward states which held
more promise of victory.
This time states; like Pennsyl
vania, Ohio, Vermont, Michigan
and New Hampshire, which rare
ly go democratic,: will receive
Just as much attention as any
others, he said.
Revival Signs
in Many Cities
fAPI-. L 'whftildnn. 42. an SILVERTON, July 23 (Spe- I
n,Tnm.rf .nl,M,a cial) While Attorney All. O.
day, police .aid, by leaping into NJ"0 w" flf !J?.?i
the Willamette river near Oswe- V" uu"u v. -.
go. Friend, told police Wheal- FrtJfJ ?"JftR i
change which he had In his trou
ser's pocket, and taking his shirt
don had suffered a nervous
breakdown about a month ago.
The body was recovered
i,"". and tie. Evidently the thief had
and a sister, Mrs. Elva Bryant, of I
(By The Associated Press)
MUSCATINE, wa The Iowa
Pearl Button company announ
ced effective August II opera
tions at its fonr factories will be
?arx7f in Pprfc reTim1 at capacity. Arrive per
OerVlCe in r din r , increase will h rrant-
ed employes and a standardised
Ross Will Lead
"The Four Anchors" will be the -rv v m u mAnnt.
subleet for Rev. Brltton Ross in -a
his aermott this afternoon delly- Philadelphia J. O. Brain eom
TeiJtLth un ? thllc Jf.f! Pany announced receipt of an or
al vo p'- - d i0T electric streetcars and
anartet of the First Baptist!. . . v
In Forest Seen ssa ?S
Bible school orchestra. The or- I "7.f" .7-
Heat general in the state yes- ehestra' will start 1U part of the 4,f?lJT v A" i
Because ouUide canneries have terday and low humidity cause I sr0rrtm at 3:10 p. m. The serv- I . T,f, . " -
price Lynn Cronemlller. state forester. lce will be concluded by 4:30 p. m. 1 " 7 . "l
Moro, Ore.
HOOD RFVER. Ore., Jnly 23
(AP) A Bartlett pear harvest
of more than 2000 tons is ex
pected by growers in this dis
I son's trousers were left.
Danger of Fire
not offered a satisfactory
for the fruit this year, the Ap-1 to send warnings to all lookouts
pie Growers association haa de-1 in his fife fighting department to
elded to ship about half of the keep close watch for fires in the
shortly after a shutdown ot sev-
leral years. -
Springfield, Mass. The Dia-
Bartlett pear erop it handles to forest areas. Cronemlller said f RAINIER. Ore., jaiy zxtAri , i" w : in, v J
the fresh fruit markets and can the year to date had been singu- I Mrs. Thelma Wolfe, 18. drown-1 closed for two weeks, will be re-
the remainder in Its own cannery, laxly, free from forest fires and I ed Friday whUe bathing at Si- Penea ssonaay. -victor
c Tniianins. renprai wtan. I those renorted had done only nom- i monds beach, west of Rainier. I Maiden. Mass. Mora than too
ager said.
'inal damage.
' The body was recovered.
operatives will be employed at worker.
the Converse Rubber company
plant which will resume opera
tions Monday after a two weeks
shut-down. -
Union, S. C Monarch mills
in South Carolina. Including Mon
arch. Ottaway and Lockhart
plants will begin a fear day week
schedule Monday j after having
been idle for seven weeks.
Rochester, N. i 1. Seasonal
upturn tn the clothing manufac
turing Industry ' prompted Max
Holts, president of the Clothiers
Exchange, to predict about 10,
000 worker - wonld have steady
employment here within the next
two week. About T.I 00 are now
employed en a part time basis.
Washington Car loadings for
the week ended July If totaled
104,014 ears, an increase of IV
144 over the previous week.
Mlddletown. Cos a. The Good
year Rubber company win re
open it plant, here August 1,
furnishing employment te 199
Never in Silverton;
Story Otherwise
Agrees Fully f
DidtFrank Manning or did Do-
pree Poe tell the truth about the
murder of Night Officer Iverson
of Silverton early in the morning
or May z, 1JJ17
When a circuit Jury now em
paneled in the first-degree murder :
case of the state against Poe an
swers that question, Poe's fate will '
be known.
For yesterday. Defendant Poe i
took the stand and told a clear, ?
consistent, unyielding story of the '
case In which he denied repeated- ;
ty mat he had ever been In Silver-
ton and declared that he slept sol- ;
idly the night of May 1 at the
Ripley home on the Wheatley i
ranch north of Salem. He denied
accompanying Manning and Rob-
ert Ripley to Silverton where Iver- :
son was killed.
His testimony was In direct con- ;
flict with that of Manning who as
chief witness for the sUte, declar- :
ed Poe shot and killed Iverson at
Silverton after calling out to him
to "throw up his hands."
Argument to Start
Early on Monday
Argument in Poe's trial will be-
gin by the state at 9 a. m. Monday :
with Lyle Page, deputy prosecutor,
going carefully over all the eTl-
dence. Paul Burris. defense coun-
sel, will make only one statement
ror Ripley and then District Attor- ;
ney Carson will close the case for ?
the state. The Jury will probably
get the case, after Judge Fred W.
Wilson's instructions, by 3 p. m. I
Poes own story, told clearlr.
constituted all the defense's evi- ?
denee aside from the brief appear- ;
ance of Dr. J. C. Evans of the i
Oregon state hospital, who testi- :
fied to the moral breakdown ob- '
served in continuous users of car
cotlcs. Manning had declared on
cross-examination that Poe was a :
frequent user of morphine. i
Poe a story, told without appar- :
ent hesitation and coolly, admit- ;
ted his presence with Ripley and -l
Manning the afternoon of Mar 1 :
at the Wheatley farm, admitted ;
that he saw dynamite there and -t
helped prepare nltro-glycerlne e- I,
cause he knew how from expesi- '
ence in a Texa3 prison, but took ;
direct variance with the account
of Manning in the fact that Poe
declared Ripley and Manning wnt t
off on a liquor-cache raid without
him. Poe declared he accompaniei
Edward Ripley, Robert Ripley's
father, back to the farm, and
there went to bed where he slpt
soundly until awakened by the
father when the son and Manning
had returned.
Ignorant of Marder
When Flight 8tarted
Poe declared he arose, dresse l
and went out to the car In which
Manning was sitting. Ycung Rip- j
ley Joined them and the three !
started off. According to Poe's j
story, the other two men told him
they had encountered soaie trou- f
ble in their liquor-stealing and !
had been compelled to hit a man.
He said Ripley and Manning stop- :
ped at a bridge and threw away ;
two guns to avoid suspicion.
The trio went on to Oregon ;
City, then cut off for the Colum- ;
bla highway. Poe being informed.
he said, that his companions eon- i
sldered it dangerous to go through i
Portland. It was not until The :
Dalles was reached. Poe claims.
that Manning told him an officer
had been shot.
The defendant testified that te :
had come to the Ripley place from :
Portland supposedly to play po
ker. Later it was planned to go ;;
to a game In progress in a hop -;
yard. Poe said young Ripley said
he knew ot a place to get some ;
liquor and when Poe informed'
Manning and Ripley ne ow- noi s
care to go. it was suggested f ne j
stay behind and go to bed. Young '
Ripley. Poe said, "knew a friend
whe would loan taem a car 10 go -t
back to Portland."
Canon Falls to
Shake Alibi Story
District Attorney Carson, con- ,
ducting the cross-examination, i
went over Poe's story repeatedly J
but failed to break it down in any
material respect. Poe would Ire-
quently repeat the prosecutor's ,
question before answering and oa )
several occasions he said he had
"forgotten" e e r t a 1 n detail. ;
Throughout he presented a calm I
appearance at variance with the i
strained air of Manning when tbe ;
latter was on the Und FriJay..
Poe' own nervousness of the oay
before bad vanished on the wit-
mmm atanil and with the know!- '
mmwm w " -
edge tnat ne was leeuiymg m -.j
v.- .t. lit. .tn waa tAll
u. www . . v. - . -
rttkarl-r anil readily.
Edward RlpUT. whose son is to i
come te trial Tuesday morning en
a first-degree aarder lndletmeu,.
Is not to he teani. Were he avalk-
.VI. m ali.ui MHIA f.rr(w
ui. m m w m - -
m rfan It a, atorv told Lr '
. t . awA m : ,
girl who v tha three yoang w ;
(Turn to p"g I. col. I)
(Turn to page 5, col. S)
parade of the day.