The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 23, 1932, Page 5, Image 5

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    AlSocal Nes Briefs
. William Back TIIm Ttrmt.m
Back, BS, formerly m the Co ar
ia nu us ovsuees u tau lectloa
ind mucttr ot a nfmitr fmL
If. wu killed In an automobile
acuaent in Beau:, Wednesday
nijaw accoraug to word received
nere dv nro aistar. Mrt iimM
H. Ollnger and Mr. Lena Beaty.
Mr. Back left her daring the
world war. and haa alnea mad
LU home la Seattle, lira. Ollnc-
er ww -leave for Seattle this
- moraine? and Mn Kmt inrt
yesterday afternoon. -Another
sister, Mr.- o. P. Nergaaard of
Seattle but now In Alaska, and
a eon, Alyln Buck of Seattle,
.New footwear. Basement at Mil-
' ler's. .
Accident Reports Report of
accidents hlea occurred yesterday,
tiled with the city police Include:
Charles Good. 383 Court, and H.
8. Poisal, machines came together
at High and Court, no damage
done; L. C. Van Winkle, 14S North
17th, and Kennetn Stanfleld, 945
North Ith, collision at 12th and
Bellevue Stanleld seriously hart.
Other mliior accidents reported
were: Peter P. Luby, Prospect,
and Miss Van Winkle, 145 North
17th, at Chemeketa and North
14th; Virgil Harrison, 840 Union,
and W. H. Burghardt. Union
street, misjudging passing dis
tance in aiiey; Byron cooler, 534
ROSA. and HirnM
. ....vryevr.,
route four, box 18.
Hare The Statesman follow you
- on your vacation. Mailed to any
address tro weeks, only 25 cents.
Building Permits Four build
ing permits totaling 13,025. were
Issued yosterday. The largest
one, $2500, is for a new one and
a half story house to be erected
for F. H. Collins at 1534 Court
street. Other permits were issued
to: Mrs. Y:. Klossen, repair house
at 488 North Liberty, $50; Louis
Newman, alter garge at 980 8.
Commercial. $400; Royce Allen,
reroof dwelling at 629 North Win
ter, $75.
July clearance at Miller's.
Objects to Accounts Counsel
for Francis Bliss of Denrer, Colo.,
sole heir of the late Kate Pugh,
has filed an objection to the final
account of the estate of Michael
Henry Gilbertson, deceased, filed
, in probate court recently by Mary
Gilbertson, administratrix. Miss
Bliss is' entitled to one-halt of
$4000 owned by Gilbertson. the;
protectant claims, the sum never 1
haring b&n administered as a
part of the estate's assets, he
Dance every Wed. and Sat nite
at Mellow Moon. New manage
ment, new band, adm. 25c.
Bank Asset Sold Sale of the
claims of the Bank of Stayton to
certain real property belonging to
the Hunt-Tate Motor company was
authorized in circuit court yester
day. George Creech, holder of first !
and second mortgages on the prop
erty in the sum of $5500. received
a waiver of the bank's claim for
$1. In turn he waived all claim
against certain other assets of the
motor concern.
July clearance at Miller's.
Added Valuation Asked A
supplemental and adjusted apprais
al of the estate 0 the late Cornelia
A. Davis, deceased, will be filed
in probate court here under an or
der issued yesterday. Illness of the
administrator, Sam Endicott,
caused him to overlook certain as
sets! the petition for the added ap
praisal stated.
Vacation time is travel time. The
Oregon Statesman offers to sub
scribers a Travel Accident Insur
ance Policy for only $1 a year.
Leaguers Unite - The Epworth
leaguers of Jason Lee church will
hold an outdoors service at Kay
i"uitu i v w viuuk ana going in
a body from there. The service
will feature the Epworth league
institute which meets at Falls City
July 30 to August 8.
July clearance at Miller's. .
Hoss Sign Shown The Mid
Week Pictorial of July 18 contains
a picture of Hal Hoss, secretary of
state, and his "Keep on the Grass
Signs," posed on the statehouse
Statesman subscribers have been
paid $3378.03 in claims on their
$1 Accident Insurance Policies.
Wilson at Meet - C. E Wilson,
manager of the chamber of com
merce, Is in Portland this morning
to attend a meeting of Willamette
I ralley secretaries, at the chamber
of commerce there.
New corduroy Jackets at Miller's,
price $2.95,'
Dim bat Settles Henry Dim
bat, arrested Thursday afternoon
on an n. s. f. check charge, re
appeared in justice court yester
day to make good the check. lie
paid court costs.
Balloon dance, old time. Sat.
nig&t. Haunted Mill. Music by
Willamette Valley boys.
Vagrancy Charged - Don
Moore, 99$ South Commercial
street, is serving a five-day sen
tence in the city jail on a vagrancy
' charged y 1 . . -'-
Coming Events
August 7 Ohio "Bnrk
eye" Picnic State" fair-,
grounds. . .y ' ,
. August S-0 , t Annual
meeting Presidents and Sec
retarfes. Rotary district Ko.
t i- . ' - i. : - ."'V''7'.r'"i.
August 7-21 Aaanal Che
meketan : 00 ting at Spirit
Lake. v'-v.
August ; 14 Dakota pU
ale. Salem Munlcioal Aato
park, -c... '-
' Angust 1 14 niinois pic
ale at Woodburn anto park.' :
August 23 Laacheoa
Marion hotel for U. ; W.
itevensoa, . President Na
tional Association Real
estaaeltaards. -X.
Trails Day at Cbampoef Wal
ter ueacnam. president of the
Oregon Trans association will be
Uie principal speaker for "Old
uregon Trans- oay at Champoeg
Park. July 14. Tha Ufnta nau
and other early roads will be feat-
aroo. n wiu aiso oe Micugam
day commemorating tha founding
of Grand Rapids, Mich, by John
Ball who la 1838 became tha first
school teacher in tha Oregon conn
try, having been a member of the
Captain Wyeth expedition. The
program starts at 1:30 p.m.
banc tonight. Hasel Green. Clell
Thomas and his dance band. Ad
mission 85e.
Estate Probated The estate of
dosepu 1 Mormon, deceased.
Was admitted" ta nrnhaia
day and Lottie A. Morrison was
named executor. Personal prop
erty willed to the widow has an
rauia4.oa vaiue or $2000. Ap
praisers of the eatata will h.
Brazier C. Small, AUee Martin
son and Bert T. Ford.
Swim suits at Miller's.
Granted Dwrw a iuru
divorce was aranted fa eironit
court yesterday by Judge I O.
ueweiung to uweneth Mlelke
from a. A. Mlelke to whom she
was married October 1, 1928.
She retains the custody of their
two children for wb Am fa tn
receive $15 a month suport
Dance tonhthL Haz&i r.reon m.u
Thomas and his dance band. Ad
mission 25c.
Bollman AIotm TW T. a
Bollman. formerlr at nn-
Uken offices In the First Na
tional Band building here, where
he will be associated with Dr.
J. O. Mathls.
Made-to-your-measure snita. fan
styles and fabrics, as low as $15.
V. H. Mosner. 474 Court
Guardians Named Joseoh J.
King was yesterday named guar-
aian or Ricnara w. Hill. 1$. Del-
bert H11L 10, and Louis K. Hill.
9. Judge John Sleguund signed
the order.
Large assortment of imported In
dia Numdah rugs, large size,
$4.89. Stiff Furniture Company.
Account ADDroveA Final an.
count of the estate of Alburmah
Bar ban eh. deceased, was annroved
In Drobate court hera vastnrrfav.
Ethel Noack served as executrix.
DALLAS. July 22 Miss Juliet
Glen will present a benefit recital
at the high: school auditorium
Tuesday evening, July 28, at 8
o'clock, for the building fund of
the Dallas Christian church. Miss
Glen has chosen several beautiful
songs of the German, French, and
American composers for her re
cital. Miss Ruth Bedford of Salem
will accompany Miss Glen at the
The program selected by Miss
Glen Is as wollows:
Zueignung (devotion) Strauss
Allerseelen (All Soul's Day)
Ich Liebe Dich (I Love Thee)
Chanson de printemps (Song of
Springtime) Gounod
SI mes vers avalent des Ailes
(Were My Song With Wings
Provided) Hahn
Aria (Romeo and Juliet) "ounod
Do Net Go My Love Ha gem an
Morning Speaks
Lass With the Delicate Air Arne
Theatre Holdup
Hearing is Set;
Pair Deny Guilt
Preliminary hearing or Ray Ri
ser and Edna Parks, arrested for
theatre robberies here and over
the coast, will be August 8 at 2
p.m. This time was set by Justice
of the Peace Miller Hayden yester
day morning when the pair plead
ed not guilty in Justice court and
demanded preliminary hearing.
The bearing is held un until the
district attorney's office finishes
prosecution of the murder trials
now on In circuit court here. Ri
ser and Mrs. Parks are in the city
jail, with bail at $5000 each not
raised. - -1
In this' city. July 21. Gottlieb
Roth, former resident of route 1,
Salem. Survived by the following
children: Mrs. Ivy M. McCIane of
Portland, Mrs. Vera E. Barteil of
Salem and Elmer Roth of Salem.
Funeral services Saturday, July 23
at 1:30 p.m. from the chapel of
W. T. Rlgdon and Son, with Rev.
Galloway officiating. Interment
Lee Mission cemetery.
' Lawrence
At the residence, 1578 Ferry
street. Thursday, July 21, N. Ar
thur Lawrence, aged 73 years.
Survived by his widow, Mrs. Ardel
K, Lawrence; six children. Arthur
W. of Salem, Mrs. Sue I Sefton of
Portland. Maurice A., of Portland,
Frank H. of San Diego, CaL. Mrs.
Laura Douglass and Ruth Mae of
Salem, and by' 11 grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held Sat
urday, July 23 at 2:30 p.m. from
the chapel of Clough-Barrick com
pany, with Rev. Grorer C Birtchet
officiating. Interment City View
cemetery. s . "
ISM " fJn tit : SJrtaSJr1
"fast Tea IPaafs ft the Bean
Ob it uary II
irtrOnf ClON'
Two weeks or more will elapiw
before any decision or order la
tha Northwest Electrie compaiy
rats case Is handed down ty Util
ity Commissioner Thomas, it wta
announced yesterday tt the eap
ltoL Thomas, new In Seattle, on
a grain rata hearing, has com
pleted the taking of testimony in
tha Northwest's case.
He la as yet undecided on sev
eral Items of the rate base sub
mitted by the' company but tie
amount' of difference between
the utility commissioner's flgurta
and those of the company approx
imates only 1400,009. The vari
ance Is largely In an asset of fi
nancing charges which the com
pany claims should be Included in
the rate base while Thomas holds
it should be classed as prepaid
expense .and amortised out nf tha
capital structure In yearly sums.
-4 nomas indicated this week he
would defer the moot aiiAattnn t
the service charge paid annually
me ivonawest Electric s hold
ing company. This item, involving
more than 250.00a ffrorM i
major way In the rate charged.
The holding company's officers
ueienaed it m the hearing here
On the ETOUnI that It warn mora
than offset by the decreased op
erating expenses of the North
west company due to the expert
advice riven from the Voldfnr
company. The charge In the hear
ing nere was shown not to be for
specific services rendered frora
month to month.
Marion countr baa mn tha
three times as manv rHqtAr m
publicans as democrats, registra
tion iigures released yesterday at
the secretarv of atata'a ntrin
show. The figures, based on regis
tration totals before the May 20.
aaa . 9
91, primary election, enow 20v
338 republicans registered here
COmoared to 15407 itamnm). T-.
hlbitionlsts come next in strength
Wftl. C C .A.lni.a. J . . . .
ivsuicrou wcui uera oi in e
party. The socialist nnrtw hm as
members registered here and the
progressive party 19. All other
parties claim a total of sso hrfnr.
ing the registered rote in the
county up to a grand total cf
Republican nartv memhtm h
a strong majority of the registerel
vote in the state showing a total
of 295,004 before the primary
election. comnarMt tn i na
democrats. Socialists come next
wun lies members and prohibi
tionists fourth with 684 registerel
members. The total registerel
rote of the state before the pri
mary was 428,653.
Registration books niTA hAa.
reopened since the May elections
ana au citizens not registered may
do so without cost at any time
80 days preceding the Novembr
Construction of the highway
bridge over the Santiam at Jeffer
son is going ahead rapidly, with
driving of the main piling from
the false work nearly completed
from the west to the east side of
the river. A new hoisting machine
will be ready for operation within
a few days.
Sheet piling is being placed pre
liminary to pouring concrete for
the south pier. Forty-five men,
working in two six-hour shifts, are
on the Job.
With the bridge work in pro
gress and many laborers on the
Job, Jefferson Is experiencing a
heavy demand for houses and al
ready there is a noticeable short
age. .
Ban Low Grade
Fruit Peddling
Is Eugene Plan
How to stop itinerant peddlers
wno have been dumping large
quantities of low grade fruit and
produce on the Bugene market,
will be discussed by Max Gehlhar
and members of his department
wneu they confer next Tuesday
with the agricultural division, of
the Eugene chamber of com
merce. Fred E. Chambers, presi
dent of the division, will invite
leading growers, wholesalers and
city official to meet with the
Plans are being made to put
through city ordinances to forbid
such sale and also to start a
campaign for a buy-at-home sen
timent in Eugene where local
growers already conduct a coon
erative market.
Dr. Chan Lam
Chinese Medicine
Office hours
Tuesday and Satur
day 2 to 5 B. m.
Ra m 1 aad a
148 N. Commercial
. Salens
Hospital Beds
to Rent
Call 6910, Caed Furniture
191 North High
lav AJrt:
SljATESilAN; Salem.' Oregon,
THERE are many, golfers among
state officials, but probably
none as constant as C. B. Me
Cullough and R. H. MSam Bald
ock, who go almost every; night
after t o'clock when they nro la
the city. The state bridge engineer
and the state highway engineer
are alleged to bo good at tha
game, but they usually go out
alone. How about It, Sam and
MackT . ;
A murder trial is la progress
in Salem and two men are bat-;
tling for their Uvea after Urn
murder cf a night officer who .
was employed to protect Urea
and property In Sllvertoa. If tt
bo any comfort to those oav trial
we wish to announce that at the
state penitentiary there are new
quarters for the execution
chamber and the death ' eeXL
And somehow these state offi
cials are very efficient in exe
cutions, A Visit to tha atata tn!tnMr
will reveal lota of Improvements
tne past year. The chapel, or vis
iting room, is entirely changed.
Instead of board floors and Iron
bars In slrht one now aaaa a flna
rubber flooring, no unsightly bars
and no repulsive sights. Instead
Wherever gasoline is sold in tha
west they're talking about the sus
tained anti-knock performance of
the new Associated "FLYING A"
Aero-type Gasoline.
"HJlgi Octmw4 Nmmbtr GUmm
.s..... ....
Monad Driviwt Sewn tkrvrnf
Tone In Aisodated Spotlight,
Satn'rday BlornlnW July 3.
one sees t fine room with mai
coniroi in it. an& everything neat
Warden Jim Lewis has done a lot
In Improving conditions at the
Did yo hear Blair Stewart
ainn; over KGW last wight? If
yon dldat yo tnlseed one of
the finest half hours ef musical
pregiama em the air ta a long -
unw. us Bcewatvs sea did
himself promd last night and
his father gain had reason te
be proud of tdni Blair wad tor
naeny a member or the Oregon
owe couege oeeate
It was reported here that a din
ner was held last night la honor
of John Kelly la Portland. Kelly,
former political writer on the
Portland Oregoniaa but now
Washington correspondent for the
paper. Is home on a visit and a
dinner was being held in his hon
or. It was learned here quite a
number of his Salem friends at
tended the party.
While the far east is swelter
ing In "fatal heat, we in Ore
gem, are enjoying our very wel
come smmmer weather. And
with the warm weather a lot of
tourist from New York, New
rw ,J
spz v. iSL w'M
Aeroplane performance !
Trace your trip on these charts; see how the new
"FLYING A" Gasoline gives you road-proven octane stability,
sustained anti-knock performance in every mile !
Talking about it because motor
ists everywhere hare found a new '
sensation in driving. Sustained
anti-knock performance in every
mile. Smooth, quiet, buoyant re-
"FLYING A" &vliB4 witi Qctmi Stmhititj
$?& Th ti-knock "FLYING A 9
:.VV Quirt all the way I
1 intht
jSSS&l Menuil Pnvfm 5vw DrivUs
Jmlnute radio extxavagama every Saturday, 0-.3O p. bl KH
Hampshire, New' Jersey and
about every ether eastern aad
mld-weetera state are vfadttas;
the atate eapitoL Yeaterday
probably held the record for
visitor. There were hundreds
of them.
Jsck 0NelL the man who puts
union Pacific transportation in
your hands, was n pressroom visi
tor yesterday for the first time In
several months. In giving us his
sunt on the news Jack Informed
that .our old friend Jay Hewitt,
formerly traveling passenger agent
tor the Salem district. Is now con
ducting Southern. Pacific affairs
in Eugene with decidedly ex
perienced hand..
In other words. Jay is Just
abowt the whole euueeae arownd
Lane county in rail traneperta
tloa aad motor beta these days,
and we venture te assert that
ne employe who has ever had
dealings with thla popular man
wfa wish him anything bt the
best ef lack. Call around again
sometime. Jay.
The state highway commission
will meet in Salem next Friday If
William Lynch, bureau of publle
roads supervisor, returns from
Washington, D. C. In time for
the meeting. In other words the
session Is as yet tentative. If the
federal man is not present, there
will be little business to transact
It was reported here that the Aug
ust meeting of the road group
would be one of the most impor
tant of the year.
And the reason for this is the
federal aid on state highways
as provided by the federal bill
Just signed. The first copy ef
sponse no matter how hard or fast
you drive: Like riding the clouds.
It's the road-proven octane
stability of the new "FLYING A."
Only the vital heart-cut from se
lected gasoline crudes could pro
duce it. Octane stability, plus our
exclusive Equi - fractionating pro
cess and our climatic adjustment
for weather temperatures. Only
"FLYING A" can give you aero
plane performance in your car.
Revised land improved methods
Of taaMn vara dlsenaaad aaa
-planned yesterday In n conference
neia oy sera, vary U. Fulkerson.
county school superintendent, at
which 88 teachers from schools in
this county were present, '
The methods discussed are to
be put into practice in the schools
represented by the teachers when
the fall term opens. More time
will be given to recitations, more
individual instruction will be giv
en and "akippng- of work by cer
tain students wQl be obviated.
Mrs. Fulkerson has tried the im
proved program, first in two
schools in the county' year before
last, and later is five schools la
the county last year.
The next conference ef similar
nature will be held by the school
the new relief bill reached the
executive offices this afternoon
and an Immediate etedy of the
bin was started by the executive
office. Then it will be deter
mined if and how much Oregon
wiU require for relief.
Chines Hoc-Lor-KIm-Mar
Ej Water. Treatment .
superintendent and the 89 teach
ers August 16. Attendance is vol
antary and without pay, the teach
ers coming tn order to-make their
work better next talL t
Civil Service j ;
Hearing to be !
On Wednesday-
Public hearings on petitions
of R.' Qv Lewis and Homer Halsey- ' '
seeking reinstatement as mem
bers of the Salem tire depart- i
meat, were yesterday set by the
commission tor 8 o'clock Wednes
day night. July 27, at the conn- -eil
chambers In the city ban. :
Lewis filed petition Thursday
seeking reinstatement on grounds
thai- he held seniority over John
Olson who was reinstated by the -board
July 14 after a hearing.
Halsey, whose petition was filed
last Saturday, also claims senior
ity ever Olson. Lewis was let out
July 15 when Olson came back
after the board's ruling. . i '
We Give SAH Green Stamps
Doable Stamps Every Saturday
Carson Pharmacy
Hotel Senator Bldg Dial 548S
! -
You'll notice the difference.
Your smiling Associated Service
man has a tank-full awaiting you
at the red, green and cream pump.
It costs no more. Try it, as we did,
on the road.
Then you too will realize you're
getting the most for your money
Aeroplane performance in your
car, get it today nth"FLYLSGA."
The diamond-painted frumps effer Asso
ciated Ethyl Gasoline with "FLYING
A" as a has.
"FLYING A" Gasoline) and Cyco!
Motor Oil used by Olympic game.