I- PAGE TWO The OREGON STATESMAN. Satcm. Oregon, Satnrday Mornimr. July 23. 1932 I v EMIES5 SAYS POE SHOT mi (Continued from pas 1)' Mid he would lilt Irerson with a wrench, Manning averred. rWhen . Buck Poo said 'Put 'em up'l was scared stiff." Main nlng declared, "Then I saw -Bob with the wrench and X thought he would only hit Mr." Irersoa. Manning testified that he did not see Poe shoot hat knew that he did because of his position, the gun used and the fact that Ripley - - was not armed. x Girl Asserts Poe , - ' Was With Others preceding Manning's testimony, Viola Ripley, 18-year-old sister ot - Robert Ripley, bad told about her - retom home after school May 1, im. She identified - Poe r and Manning as visitors at her home st that time. She admitted seeing the mixture ot dynamite stirred and said she had overheard the soys mention the name ot "Silver ton.- I ! : - s '. - t After Manning had 'concluded his testimony. Sheriff Oscar Bow er identified the two rifles used in the crime, found In accordance with the directions glen by Man . ning. R. II. Craddock of Portland, expert in ballistics, identified the bullet which killed Iverson as one - coming from the gun . in court. Luke S. May, Seattle erimlnolo- gist, Introduced proof from fin gerprints that Manning had been riding in the car which was picked up at The Dalles after it was de serted by Ripley,, Poe and Man ning. T. II. Thomas of Stayton .was on the stand as court closed for the day, to testify that a rifle tike the one Poe used had been . 'stolen from his place about April 15. 1931.. State Will Rest Poe May Testify , Court will be resumed this ' morning at 8 o'clock, Judge Fred W. Wilson seeking to get as much work out ot the way as possible before the heat Is intense. Paul Kreier, now in the state peniten tiary, will take the stand for the state to tell how he was "tipped off" by Ripley about the crime. Sam Burkhardt, deputy sheriff and F. K. Dudley, state police offi cer, are also to testify after which the state will rest its direct case. ( It was indicated yesterday that Poe; would take the stand in his own defense. His counsel has not indicated the strategy of the de fense but it is expected Poe will attempt to establsih an alibi. Cross-examination of Manning by Paul Burrls, chief defense counsel, indicated yesterday that the de . tense may seek to prove that Ed ward Ripley, father of Robert Ripley, accompanied his son and Manning to the murder spot and that Poe was not there. The ease will not go to the jury until Monday or early Tuesday. I 1 FLIES E ' SEYDISFJOERDUR, Iceland, July 22 (AP) Captain Wolf rahr von Gronau. who for the - third time Is flying the Atlantic by stages over the northern route, landed In this east shore town to night from the island ot Sylt, Ger many, exactly 10 hours after his takeoff. Shortage of fuel made It neces f sary tor him to stop here Instead ot continuing on to Reykjavik, Iceland's capital, which is 250 miles away on the west coast of the island. Fog also was a difficulty in the flight from Germany. Visibility being poor all along the Icelandic coast. The weather was generally calm although there was a fairly strong southerly wind when . he landed here. " The airman, bound for Chicago with three companions, planned to remain here overnight. After tak ing on a new supply of fuel he will proceed to Reykjavik In the morn ing lit the weather Is favorable. Great Decrease In Federal Tax ;"- Payments Seen WASHINGTON, July. 21 (AP)-rA decrease of 1870, 4S1, 711 ia taxes collected by the gov ernment in the 1932 fiscal year ending last June 30, was shown today tn a statement Issued by the internal revenue bureau. -- The largest drop was contribu ted by Income taxes. They fell 1 803,39 3,7 M, as compared with . the previous year. The tobacco tax decreased $45,97,834 and the stamp taxes were 112,042.910 less (has s year ago. One Industrial Fatality Noted There was one fatality ia Oro ton due to Industrial accidents sria j the week ending July 21, i seeordiag to a report prepared by . the State Industrial Aecideat Klamath fh. m. . . i . There were aik u..i. ported to the commission during w vvav TORTLAND. Ore.. July 22 '(AP) John J. -Nolan . with attentDtlnr tn irtH n from Porter W. Yett. Portland . contraetor, was acquitted by a i urcun, couri jury nero tonight. . i pr ;; - M : .' IRISH TARIFF VOTED - -DUBLIN. July 22. AP- , the dall eireann in special ses sion tonight adopted the govern ment's emercency tariff hilt und thus armed the Free State for economic war with Greet Brltlsn Too Late to Classify .... . . . r -nrnjnjt LOST- tire and Unr tub , In downtown district. WH district. - Flndp mN uiwaouui eiuc. to ran s OWN COOKING I O 1 ' 11 -o i V- - -- ' i MSsTirntTiaTTiTi' n i r nurr j : ) j Made when the Myth II put Into Marblehead, Mass, this fin close up shows Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt, Democratic Presidential candidate, enjoying a tasty bit of luncheon some of ais own cooking. The Governor received a terrific ovation from about 60,000 New England admirers when he finished bis holiday . cruise at Hampton Beach, N. H. F E WASHINGTON, July 22. -(AP) Members ot the bonus army living in a shantv-town. along Pennsylvania avenue were given a new temoorarv leasa on their crude homes today by the insmct or Columbia commis sioners, who rescinded previous orders to clear the area by mid night. Instruction to postpone the eviction were given to Pelham D. Glassford, superintendent of po nce, tn an order which said the action was being delayed "on ac count of certain possible legal requirements." Previously Glassford had in formed leaders of the bonus seek ing veterans thev most clear ant and had received defiant refusal in return. The commissioners tooV ac tion after conferences with niasH- lord. Colonel U. S. Grant, direct or of public parks and buildings, ana other federal officials. There were Indications it mieht ha necessary to obtain court orders before proceeding with the ev acuation. Chinese Troops Sent to Resist Jehol Invasion NANKING. Jnlv 22 f APL The Chinese government was re ported todav to have ordered mnh. illzatloa ot strong forces to pro tect the province of Jehol from Japanese invasion, and to have de cided on a policy of "armed re sistance without neglecting diplo matic methods." Protests were lodged with the League ot Nations and with the Japanese government. Japanese military authorities said the intention was to rescue GonshlTo Ishimoto, a former Jap anese army officer who had been captured by Jehol troops, i : 1 Prussian Appeal OI Dictatorship Set For Hearing BERLIN. Jnlr 22 t API Tn. morrow the German supreme court will hear arguments in Prussia's appeal against the oust ing of its cabinet by President von xiiaenourg and the Von Papen Even among the protestants there appeared to be an agree ment that the federal government was within its rights tn declaring martial Jaw for Berlin and the province ot Brandenburg, but they quesuoa wneiner the federal au thorities Can leeillv i.trfero tn the Internal government of a state le me extent of supplanting Its ministers. WHAT OTHER BTJTLDEfGS? EUGENE. Ore;. July 22 f APV The community church build ing, me uas reuows' hall, and a residence were destmyAd tiv flra today at Walterville. A strong wind for a - time threatened , to carry the tire to other buildings. "MEN OF CHANCE" with RICARDO CORTEZ r MARY ASTOR OHX HALXIDAT SUNDAY - MONDAY- - TUESDAY 4 Hit' ' t .il 'BBBSSSI owrumuMs i i 1 7 TC!EnCTa:z?r:::j 1 US mm II I V Dmlzrr I ft LAST ill . :, ) TI3IES ' . M TODAY IH 1 COiTvlCT DE GHACE il FRAUD CliARGE (Continued from page 1) with Carl H. Johnson, president of the bancorporatlon, on a charge of Inducing persons to inevst in stock of the bancor poratlon on the alleged - misrep resentation that the stock pur chased was sound and , protected as a savings , and loan i invest ment. Johnson, who " Is to go 'on trial la September, today was served iwith two' new ; warrants based en secret tndictments . re turned July 11. One eharges em- bezsiement or lf from the Prudential 8avtnga and Loan as sociation. Jointly with Peter Damskov, property manager of (he loan association, and the other charges a further alleged scheme to defraud in the sale ot securities.' The DeGrace case was one ot a number which have resulted from Investigations conducted by the state corporation department since James Mott of Salem be came commissioner. Others have Included the Empire Holding cor poration cases which were taken up by Marion county officials. Gottlieb Roth Funeral Today; Here 23 Years Funeral services for -Gottlieb Roth, 67, who died here Thurs day, will . be held this afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the chapel of W. T. Rlgdon and Sons, with Rev. Fletcher Galloway ot the Nazarene church officiating and with Interment in the Lee" Mis sion cemetery. Mr. Roth was born in Ger many February 4, 1865, and came to this country In 1S92, settling first in Illinois. He was married to Bertha Prehm May e, 1895, and October 18, 1909, the family came to Salem, lining here until 1911 when he moved onto a farm at Bethel, living there until 1913 when he moved to the present home on route one, Salem. Hawkins Heads Trust Company Harry M. Hawkins of Kalem. has been elected president of the Commonwealth Trust and Title company ot Portland, It was an nounced late Thursday follow. ing a directors' meeting In Port- iana. uawuns, formerly vice president of the company, suc ceeds R. . Strong, resigned. tiaw Kins retains his local inter ests in the firm ot Hawkins and Roberts but Is devoting nearly all his time to the Portland firm, which handles titles, insurance, abstract, and trust business as well as owns the reserve stock of the Equitable Savings and Loan association. Mickey Mouse Club Meets Today, 1 P. BL, at Warner Bros. Elsinore BUSS ZELMA LUTNY from Barbara Barnes Dance Studio presents A 23-MIXUTE REVUE Snappy and Good HOME OF ZO0 TALKIES A Home Owned Theatre - LAST TIMES TODAY . Mickey Mouse Matinee 1:30 P. M. n mi 'II . L U P E VELEZ -LEO C ARRILLO MELVYN DOUGLAS GEORGE BARBIER Also, Rin-Tin-Tln in The LIGHTNING WARRIOR News and Cartoon Comedy Attend Our 9 o'clock Show and Remain for ', PREVIEW FREE Tonight's Preview with Miriam HopUaa, Phillips i Holmes, Wynne Gibsea end , StMrt-Erwta - COiaSG SUNDAY, BtOXDAT AND TUESDAY ; Coatlnaoas Performance I Sunday, a to 11 P. M. Slatlnee Monday and Tuesday, j a p. m. f -. " T THE PICTURE TKKIIOIO 1 Board By OLIVE fll. POAB Today Ricardo Cortes In fMen ot Chance.- ' f WARNER BROS. ELSDSORE Today- Warner Baxter. In I "Amateur Daddy.? ? i s J THE HOLLYWOOD - ; Today -Lupe Veles tn The Broken Wing." The advance box office ticket sale for reserved seats -4 for all showings of "Grand Hotel" will open Saturday at the box office ot the Elsinore theatre. The road show presentation of the much heralded film will take place Wednesday and Thursday of next week with showings twice dally. Matinees will be at 2:30 o'clock and evening shows will be at 8: SO o'clock. Advance man orders are now being received for tickets for all performances. Greta Garbo, John Barrymore, Joan Crawford, Wallace Beery, Lionel Barrymore, Lewis Stone and Jean Hersholt head, a cast which Is acknowledged to be the most remsrkable ever seen In any one motion picture to date. Press and public alike have voiced their hearty approval of "Grand Hotel" In cities where the film has already shown. The local engagement will be a gala affair and one of the high lights in Salem's theatrical sea Z CTafgr A X front "iiir i I - . ARTHUR STftlNSSRS Umomt SATURDAY EVENING POST stery ' "w V ... FANNY WATSON and THELMA WHITE tn &aaea v EatettalameatOSportslant j New Low Price ON REPAIR WORK Mens Half Soles $1.00 Ladles Half Soles 1 75 c Rubber Heels both mens women Mens Leather Heels - 50c We use only, the finest material and offer '.you expert i workmanship. Do not be mislead this is equal to any work in the City at Any Price, " son.'-according to plans now tin der way. : - . . .. Prior to. its being made Into a talking . picture "Grand Hotel" won international ; fame both as a' book and as a play. It is said that more than 1,00 .000-people have read the novel. On the stage it was an unrivaled bit, playing a fall season la New York, London, Paris and Berlin. Teachers? Ranks C Depleted :Three Licensed to Wed) . ' Marrige may . depopulate the ranks of school' teachers If con plea from that profession continue te seek altar licenses at the coun ty elsrkfs offices. Yesterday out of six persons receiving licenses, lo cally, three, were teachers by pro fession. Licenses granted were: Elmer Morley. legal, Shaw, a farmer, to Andreyann Seetey, le gal, Salem techer. O. L. Hanklns, 27, Corvallis, a teacher to Bernardino Faller, IS, Lebanon, a pharmacist. Cornelius L. Jannssen, 21. Kla math Falls, a farmer, to Emma L. Evns, 28, Aurora, a teacher. Grand Master Visits . " Odd Fellows Tonight - i SILVERTON, July 22 Silver j Lodge No. 21 ot the Odd Pel I lows order will hold its Installa tion of officers Saturday night, July 23. The grand master, R. H. Jones of Prinevllle, will make his official visit to the lodge at that time. He will also set as installing officer. The Rebekahs will join with the Odd Fellows In the evening's social hour. 3 1 LAST TIMES TODAY! A PICTURE TO MAKE HEARTS HAPPIER and ROMANCE SWEETER! WARNER BAXTER in AMATEUR DADDY with MARION NIXON Tonight at 11:30 IWO Great Artists Merge Their Glori. 7 ous Talents! iissss iff .4.M(..A,,. ,iv,r ff-a ' T i "IN THE FAMILY . . . Bnapshot .... News Full Soles and Heels $2.00to$2.50 Patches only 25c Rips only 10 c S'slcta.O55 r-.'i mjr9 If LEGITIMATE STAGE PLAY IS RELISHED (Continued from page 1) acts. Nothing more thaa a skit, yet it had the effect ot breaking the wait between acts and also gave the audlaaee come heart laughs. - This ts a feature to be Stressed by the Dufwlns la their forthcoming stage stodaetlons, ae eordlag U Ked Lynch who thatted with the audience for a few min utes between acts. Departments to Pass up Report All btannlil : nuuirfa a aeparuneuts,- other thaa those esoiuieir necessary for consid eration of the lerhlitar. will be eliminated this year. Henry : OX 9 IN CASH IN CASH $9 IN CASH Liberal the CASH WEEKLY $o CASH WEEKLY $oS CASH WEEKLY YOU and every member of your family between the ages of 15 and 69 years are entitled to make application for this insurance, proridiar you are a replar subscriber of THE OREGON STATESMAN. If yon are ?i'"?rLa 5DscriIr, yrm may make application entering your subscrip tion aow. Send in your application with a remittance of S1.00. Yon may pay for your papr in the regular way. 7 INSURANCE Erorn the Best Company After all, the kind of protection you get depends, for the most part, on the integrity of the company behind your insurance policy. When you take out insurance over the sig nature of the NORTH AMERICAN ACCIDENT INSUR ANCE Company you are receiving your insurance from the oldest and most reliable Accident Insurance Company in America. , - Who is GaCc from Accidents ? Accidents are no respectors of the time, place or person, lh tha ever increasing number of autos, TRAVEL ACCIDENTS are continually on the increase. It behooves us all to secure some sort of FINANCIAL PROTECTION for our dependents and loved ones. No - , - A v . "1 . . lit ft. , - - Haaien, state budget director, an nounced Friday. Hansea seciar- el that this action 1 would tare the state; a large ! amount of money, v ' . 1. : S . ; . Records show that the biennial report of the state utilities com mission easts approximately MM. ' i: ! : :' Foster is Loser Upon His Appeal : 1 To HigheCourt The state supreme court Fri day handed down an -opinion af flrmlag the decree of Judge O. M. Corklns of Lake county In. the ease of Ralph roster,! who Is un der three years penitentiary sen tence for larceny ot livestock. The lower court held against Foster. . The crime of which Foster was convicted ' occurred la - March, lfll. The opinion was written by Chief Justice Bean. Foster ts a rancher, and has lived in Lake county tor many years; u ; -yr34, - For Joss or life or both hands, both feet, one hand and one foot or other Injuries as speci fied, sustained by wrecking or disablement of a railroad car or street . car, or passenger steamship in which insnred.is trsveliag as a passenger. For loss of life or both hands, both teet. or other Injuries as specified by the wrecking or disablement of a taxlcab. or automobile stage operated by a licensed driver In which insured is traveling as fare-paying passenger or when in an elevator provided for passen ger service. T For loss of life, both hands! both feetTetc. by the wrecking of a private automobile ot the exclusively pleasure type in which the In sured Is riding or driving, providing such an tomoble is not carrying passengers for hire; (B) By being struck down or run over while walking or standing on a public highway. Ad ditional protection specified In policy. Weekly Payments Ease Period oS Disability For IS weeks. If the insured sustains injur ies by the wrecking ot a taxlcab or automo bile stag la which the insured is riding as a fare-paying passenger. For IS weeks, if the Insured sustains Injuries by the wrecking, of a private automobile by being struck, knocked down or run over while walking or standing on a publle highway by the collapse of the outer walls of a building by the burning of a church, theater, library or BchooL Hospital benefits, as specified in the policy. Additional protection specified in the policy. Don't You may lose if you do. Send in your application, with a re mittance of 11.00. You may pay for your paper by the year or monthly. Fin in Application. THE OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. JLr hereby nthorized to enter my snbserlption to The. Oregon .Statesman for one year from date. It is understood that The Oregon Statesman la to be deliTored to my address regalarty each dsy by your authorised carrier and I shall psy him for the same at the regular established rate. . I am not now a subscriber to The Oregon Statesman f ) I am now a subscriber to The Oregon Statesman ( ) ( ) Renew Policy NAME .....I... j ADDRESS ..!.... CITY' OCCUPATION BENEFICIARY ..... RELATIONSHIP ....... 5 1 ' : . - -. . . -: ' ' I ant encUsing a psyment of $1.0 Policy fee. 1 am to receive a Jtt.OOO.Oft Trarel Accident Isaran Pol--Sey Issued by the North American Accident Insurance Company at Chicago. Illinois. - - , , J 'Bl&n Subscriptions Christ Lutheran Groups Planning I Picnic on Sunday Sunday afternoon 'the mem ben of " Christ 'Lutheran church aa Sunday school will hold their an nual pkale at Hagers gTOve. Thi teachers of Ue Sunday sehool art the committee for games , am stunta. Members ot the transpor tation committee are Ulss Marthi Battermaa, Leonard Zamzow an Rer. lllaneman. . The Lather league will hav charge ot the refreshments witl Ulss Edna Henne la charge. Mem bers ot the Dorcas society wlU serve at the tables. Pot-luck Iuncs will be served at noon and la th evening, - eaeh ' ot the memben briaglng Something for the luncbr A baseball game with Peace Lu- iner league u scneauiea xor ins afternoon. Races and competitions of all lorts.will be a .eature ot the entertainment for the after noon.' i 4 Wait! Application For Insurance ...im f ) New Policy ACE. STATE............ ............... PHOXE, . .'. ;Jiust Be Paid In Advance!