The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 23, 1932, Page 1, Image 1

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    .f. ...
r' Have; The Statesman fol-
low i jow. while '' roar .
ration; mailed to any ' ad
' Jress two weeks, only 35
, cents- -Call 0101. . ,
Pair today, and Sunday,
teuperatnre- nicliaifed;
Max. Teaip. Friday SO, ilia.
leV river - 2. : feet, clear,
reliable wlnda. V: . 4
Sakmf Oregon, Saturday Mornin July 23, 1932
a. :
No. 101 1
- , , FOUNDED IDDf "i'g .t: -- .?.
-- - -, ( - li-,- ."
" -. 11 oawaMunaaawsnei a ,.: , V1-..,..:
Deputy Sheriff .who Pried
Into Underworld Doings
Shot Down by Slugs From
Machine gun
Motorcycle Policeman Dies
At Hand of man he-had
Arrested; Latter is Held,
Said to Confess .
CHICAGO, July 22 (AP)
Jack A. Werner, a deputy sheriff
attached to the state'a attorney's
staff, waa killed tonight by ma
chine gnn bolleta while driTing a
relative node on a south aide
street. Police said Werner had
been gathering evidence for
state's attorney, John A. Swan
son and suggested his slaying
might have been the work of ene
mies who feiared prosecution.
Werner's wife said he had left
home earlier in tie evening with
Miss Margaret Murray, a eousjn,
and police Instituted a search for
the woman. ;They were told anoth
er car drew up alongside Werner's
la Calumet avenue and a burst of
gunfire followed. The girl, they
were Informed, cried out, "They
hit me in the arm," and leaped
out, fleeing across a prairie.
Sheriff i William Metering,
friend and political sponsor of
Werner was out of the elty but his
wife said Werner was highly re-
spected by associates and had no
enemies she knew of. The slain
, Jl ? , " , . r , ;
mieht have been mistaken for I
t that hal
some one else.
Notebook Contain
Underworld Names
Tn Werner's pockets were
deputy sheriff's atar and a note-
, j I uU-
worm aenuens.
Earlier in the evening, another
officer, motorcycle policeman Har-
Ota n.oenncxe oi suouruan uuuuu
was shot to death by two men be
had arrested. The killers fled.
Later authorities captured three
men, who they said were in the
car with Koehncke. One of them
giving his name as Tony Burba,
IS. of Gary, admitted, officers
said, shooting the officer and add
ed he "did not want to get arrest
ed." He also said he had been out
ot prison but 45 days, having
served a sentence at Pendleton,
Iud. The other prisoners gave their
names as Frank Prlnti, 21, and
Morris Prlnti, 20, both of Gary.
They were apprehended by farm
ers. ,.I , ,i .
5?fLf"cfJ wa' etin at Lib6rty- o"
A .4 V . - l Al. - f l
fleers said.
EUGENE, Ore., July 22 (AP)
Dr. W. G. Scott, of Portland,
v M ,gf?eii7 expected today to
be ektted department command-
er of the Oregon eterans of For-
elgn Wars Saturday. No opposl-
tlon candidate has appeared.
Junior Vice Commander Swet-Iit
land of Astoria and Byron Conley tn4t Mi88 Raymond wUl be a very
of Salem, department chaplain, interesting "Sis Hopkins.". -are
slated as running mates to be a diversion in stage production
elected senior and junior vice I
commander respectively.
i no veterans today adopted a
resolution j opposing the Zorn
MacPherson school bill. L
Reports read at the convention
aid the V.!F. W. has 2468 mem
bers in Oregon. This represents a
gam of about 500 in the past
fear. Tne state department com
dander's silver cud was given to
Peninsula Post, Portland, for the
largest percentage of membership
Two Bandits Are
Slain by Police
Who B ait ( Trap9
TACOMA; Wash- Xuly " 22 i
(AP) Two unidentified bandits
were shot to death by Tacoma po-
lice tonight- The third member of
a trio that walked into a police
trap escaped, apparently, un-
woundsd. 5r ' ' ? - T-:
Tho bandits held up a decoy
automobile i. parked : on . a side
street ia a district where such
holdups have been frequent of
lata nf ftoava annoaala In tha ear
and la hiding- nearby opened a Tho twenty-fourth annual eon
deadly fir on the trio. - Effort venuoa of the United Spanish
war maaa tn tdantiv tha alalnl War veterans will open at ew-
aea by means ot their, flnger
prlnti. :' ,t
CORVALUS. Ore., July 22
f AT-1Taanath W . VOIberr. 11.1 sessiona coacurrcii j
af tha Vwa,raan mmmmiitT. acel-
HiTT thnl anil lrlliea nimseil
. Case Which Causes Furore in East
t '
. T i. -. A. V - -
f " l
1 t
Detective Joseph Hizenski of' Nassau county, N. Y., is shown with
his mother in the hosDital where
beating she received from four
Stark, arrested for this crime
UiU a.a iiiiiuai iif".K i iif riiiwi ssmwR
salt. Hezenski is one of them.
Revival of Flesh-and-Bloodl
Acting by Dufwins Will
Be Continued Here
A fair sized audience responded
Women Ted Maiweirs three-act
r(im(tAv nreRentfld Trrtdav l-ht at
the Capitol by the Dufwin Players,
. . v.
' " - - - -o
The stage production Beemed to be
received as a welcome change
from the steady diet-of cinema
fare which has been Salem's' for
the past two years. And the hearty
appUu8e ot the aadlaCft to the
announcement that "Sis Hopkins
will be presented at the Capitol by
tho 8ame j , in about tw0
k indicated a real desire on
the part of the public for more
"flesh and blood theatre produc
tion. The comedy, a type of western
play which has become a favorite
with authors, that of English no-
bmt hecomag stranded on a
western ranch where cowboys
wear their chaps and kerchiefs
and the' women flourish guns, pro
duced situations which tickled the
fancy of the Friday night audi
ence. The work of Jack Cassldy as
the English valet, and Ned Lynch
as "Speed" Magnus quite pleased
the audience. Cassidy did consist
ently good work both In dialect
and character. Lynch, easy In
manner and possessed ot a voice
which commands attention, also
was worthy the appreciation he
The other members of the cast
were not so well fitted to the parts
they portrayed. No lines were
dropped which were not cleverly
concealed by ad lib, and the work
of each was earnest. This went far
to prevent too severe offense
from unsaited casting. Given
such a play as "Sis Hopkins'" with
its rollicking humor and its deli-
cIou8 comed gitnatlons, it is easy
to imtLglM (he pleasure the Duf-
win Players will give their Salem
audience within a fortnight. ;
From oh.arv-tion Friday niht
.nni A ha raianr
was the comedy f 'short" presented
by Dorothy Mitchell and Val How-
land between the second ana tmra
(Turn to page 2, col. )
ASTORIA. Ore., July 22 r(AP)
-Fear that milk prices may drop
to S cents a quart nere- aupui
was expressed today by several
leading dairymen.,. . ' a
The nrevaUinz price now Is a
Jat, i anart but soma Indepen-
iant dairvmen already have cut
to K cents and the Young's Bay
co-operative Dairy recently cut to
g cents. '
Dairymen said a further cut
would be disastrous because they
j already are operating on a Tory
narrow margin. " - r
TOLEDO. Ore.. July 22 IAF
- lport Sunday morning iot.
'I day session. Advance registration
inaicates a large wwaas. .
1 The auxiliary ana nuim f-
I der ot the serpeni win iwawm
I or 'the maior order. w ,.
l tub lbuw o" .uwuww
I Ricard has been dispatched to
. t
she la recover! from a hrnt!
holdup men. Inset above, Hyman
and allegedly slain while under-
i m auminnr n m, ni mvfi sbsi sbl i
rrintpnt nptrnvpH I nc k
UOntentS UeSirOyeO, LOSS IS
AbOUt S7000: Owner
. . , .
Hotel man Here I
Fire of unknown origin yester-
LTe0mBifCiTdtP0, thaiara.
dairy barn on the Llnndale Jersey
farm, owned by J. R. Linn ot the
Marion hotel, and located a mile
east ot town. The Salem fire de-
partment answered a call at 4:05
o'clock, but the fire had gained
such headway that the barn, the
mala one on the place, eould not
be saved. " "-
. The barn had last been filled i""
with new alfalfa bayr and one of
the two silos which burned had
also Just been tilled. None of the
40 head of Jerseys for which the
harn nntln(ul itinchlAn. waa at
tho ham at tha Mm All tha ma. I
. i . . . .
cumery siorca in me oarn, mciua-
- ... nn I
r. .r""1?"
auvi lufimr, was bwuugu. iui
milk house was not burned.
while, miim nf tha flra la not
known, Mr. Linn says the only ex-
planatlon he can make is that the
alfalfa was stored too green and
combustion resulted. Lloyd Tharp,
who live, on the farm, says either
romhnstlon or defaetiT wlrtnr I
" i
W bav. been tte eause.Th.rp
was out in me iieia woraing ana I
dM not 'notice tha fira nntll it had
gained considerable proportions,
Tha loss Is estimated at around
$T0OO, and the insurance, if any,
19 less than $1500, Linn said last
The barn, built eight or 10
years ago, had been equipped with
all necessities to comply 100 per
cent with sanitary regulations.
Why Will People These
" Superstitions?
DETROIT, July 22. (AP)-
Mrs. Mary Rush, 65, was not one
to bow to superstition. When she I
encountered - a ladder leaning
against a sign on a downtwon
street today, she walked right
under it.
A gust of wind blew the lad
A gust of wma blew tne iaa- day to heat-strlcken America, but l &ZirmZi R. a. Harris The Sheriff Frank' Schram of Oak
der down. It struck her on tho lt .tI11 w not .noaga BeTertl f'wtllli aeetlnc land county said lie believed seve
i,aa n.t .ha ... taken to a re-
Mnr honltal with a fractured
- -" ' " -
Astoria Has Milk War
Spanish War VetsMeet
YalQable Mine Claimed
Brownell Puts Up Bond
PORTLAND. Orsv. July 22
(AP)-Charle. C Banfield. prW
ldent of tho South Umpqua Mln
lag company, said today valuable
deposits of gold and copper are
belng uncovered at the Banfield
mine on xrew vnwt,
south ot Rosebuxg.
uanueia aaia m nine cwuawta
of eight claims with 1000 feet ot
tunnel and several thousand tons
of ore blocked out for mining and
milling.. He said installation ot a
selective Tiotauoa mm,wiuiia
days is planned. ,
wot rtm naiimrn ;
MUAI uiuau ,
PORTLAND, Ore.. July. 22
(AP) cyru G. Browneii, ron
land Insurance man-who waa ar-
rested Thursday for the alleged I tersUU commerce - committee. I hsra tonight and defeated him by j some now . money for local eon
theft of numerous Zorn-MacPher-1 whrto f flM approTei none otluking two straight falls, " structlon.
son out peuuona uwm iur
posted $2000 ball today, George
HOVTJ, , euix (uiuiH miKutji
announced. - .
riata far aLDrallminarv heaiinx!
of Brownell probably will bo set
F4t. Angel Co-op Creamery
To Build; Factory to -Cost'$30,000
Contract is Already let and
Work to Start Soon; - -Members
Polled j
Mt. Angel cooperative cream
ery stockholders voted 74 to 14
to build the proposed new butter
manufacturing plant. ' and ' eoa
structlon will start Immediately,
Frank Wettlver secretary-man
ager, advised The Statesman; over
the telephone following a stock
holders' xfceeting. '
The new plant will represent
an expenditure oa the part of the
creamery of about $50,000, In
cluding the SfxltS foot building,
new machinery - and other equip
ment. ; . " 1 " '
Prior to calling the stockhold
meeting, bids for the ipro-
structure were received,
the low bid of Qulgley Broth-
he job. Six bidders including
L. A. Siewert of Salem and Hugh
tange of Sllverton. submitted
nronosalH i I
' I
GarfiaM Ktrtwit Tj 1
r.,"leia ath of and ad-
, w t. .IU ilVHIU Will UB on I,.
'1tnTmitJiiirZvel'L1lA compares weU with the crop
riTnAr"1.!, of 130 which was the best crop
I In such plants, and will be con
crete with tile and steel construe-
tsNVt Olwa Htlll.. a .
' i.
7?J fiJf.?1,? ?"H7tltQ acres as against several
tura 'mZZ V ""
J?1?-1 rolumeisur-
i. .3T. Tv"
, - w luuciurs
lc? Jl wIU tne
prom lb, the growtHf f bus-
ina.. IT tK. I-fflT iL??8
211,120 pounds of hnttar
turned out iu May insplte of the
fact that the capacity of the pres-
ant plant is around 75,000 pounds
a month.
ALBANY. .Ore.. JaW it.
If API Tm.ll.U c.i.l
- ' n ine
ltth amendmant an nt,.-
hibition i.t
phi mi mm
hibition law. was expressed't ."rJ.t tn tCilcator, who are being considered
" - " o mymoai iu
a resoiuuon adonted here Wm
at the closing session of the
iini t v m I
?nd annual Presbyterian synod
ol Oregon.
Ministers and elders pledged
pel support to maintenance and
H.0"" .of laws,
Ilrmiy believe that most
. . i
or ,n. prop agauda appearing, so
j w .aw w .oa press
nd otherwise against the 18th
amendment and prohibition is not
aiucero, a untrue ana nas virt
nally no foundation in fact,' the
resoiuuon saia.
uuer resoiuuons lavorea ais
armament, America's entrance In
to the world court, opposeTT mili
tary training, proposed opional
instead of compulsory military
training at the University of
Oregon and Oregon State college
Albany was chosen for the
1933 synod
(By the Associated Press)
A measure ot relief came Fri-
1.-V" . T . 7. 7 ZT
rT- 7.r:".
I " " ucavua. ;-
The center of the heat wave had
moved eastward, bringing ; tem
peratures of above 20 degrees to
parts of North Carolina, Pennsyl
vania, New York, Maryland and
tne District of Columbia. - i
Except for the Missouri valley.
tho midwest had comfortable
weather. There was no letup of
wunenng neat in Kansas, i .
Sauna, Kan., recorded! 100.
Wichita 25, and Kansas City, Mo.,
vs. uaianoma city had a high ot
is by mid-afternoon and the mer-
Lincoln. Neb., registered 21. It
was 92 in Omaha, the 11th day of
I unbroken heat.
Railwdy M (StReT
f-j v a - '
kuiwr Actiieves
General Support
Tha laf aratata aammaraa anm
i mission's easUrn railroad eonsoU-
1 datloa decision today was5 given
i v. i.-.t iZ
I iifi i "' wia
I nt tha aaat Wat' all aa-raa that
I tha wm ... h.rA,. tha
... u mil.. ' fU .
chairman coaxes, of tha 's-natal
consolidation plans. Joined la
farad that, a -in tint
wnnld Ttaaa hafnra tha fnn, rvaat
1 mttmi ara nnn fArmaa JTTa da.l
I elined to eommcnt on details " of
(the decision, saying ho would
, study them.
Flip Ziegfeld,
Who Glorified
Girls, Call
w nmT i.
(HOLLYWOOD. Calif.. Jury 22
(AP) Floreoa Zlsgfeld; sQtsd
musical comedy producer, died to
night at a hospital sere.
. His wife, BUHe .Burke, . morU
actress, reached his bedside twe
minutes after his death. , - - .
The famous "glorifler of the
American girl", had been here only
a .few days, having been brought
from a New Mexico sanitarium.
He sever recovered' from an at
tack of pneumonia last winter.
A hard season after this illness
caused a relapse and complica
tions, although Improvement in
his condition had been noted la
the past few days.
Some Fiber is Delivered to
State Plant; Crop Is
Better This Year
Flax harvest in Marion county
has begun and a few loads of
1 Si!K A 5 U
llTered th , lata flax nlant Vt
gj? TenlfantllrJ Thaaf which
rtt Tan ofha eo.E ww!
J 0r JSarahU L 37
IJtVl Vt.J
" mi, jear m wop
w, 11 t A -Ka,a wa. .
" Ml"iea 10 run two ions xo
thft ,t lon..
A-J . - .
raised In the valley.
The state contracted for only
limited aereara this vaar. soma
thousand acres in former years,
Tn ,ute nag a lttrplu, of flu
Producu on band. It is
nnv nttln w nil tTi& lltA atnw I
Depressed markets have caused
limited demand. Most ot the flax
V' b"fv ron. t0 tn n
sJm. though some shipments
i. it .
hrinr. .
the cron
contract price this year
. ton to fanners, which
gross income ot III If
the crop yields two tons to the
acre. With wheat at 40 eenta a
bushel the farmer would hare to
produce 140 bushels ot wheat to
the aero to get a gross equal
dtaMt MaBJ affTrade wheat
Vt "V f. w f h
HOT SIlflllllE
-fc w .- I
ers lueir ions; strew iiaa a i
n in.i.t.,.k.l
nav. aente a7a?t fitav
have a scutching plant at Stay-
ton reopened, but the plan fell
ton reonened but the nlan
iiun riopeuea, sui vam pian
:r.T " "V . .
:..; I i. 1 17 Tha
a small acreage is involved. The!
larmers will handle their own
snon lengia iiax.
k "hnvSnl af low-rrada
Z1 JS ttSt.
IPV. 1 , Ill- vrM..nwMM I
have gone into limited produe-1
niTsi srniin lnin iin
tlon ct twlM.
As outgrowth of two meetings
halA tha naat two weeVa to Tro-
mote a self-help plan among the
dustrial league was formally or-
ganlzed last night, and articles of
HUVUIiV VV aava va aaw krwvua
incorporation will befiled with
the county clerk- today.
Incorporators will be Dr. S. B
Laughlln, A. M. Church and N
J. Reasoner. The league is an
eleemosynary institution,
Step, toward incorporation were
completed at a meeting held last
night at the chamber Of commerce
aad pre8ided over by the tempor-
ary an.
incorporators wui can a a-winn
or persona wno are acuve m
I laaa-na ahnrtl. and Thasa Will
elect 11 directors, who will choose
the business manager.
Committee reports and adop
tion of constitution and by-laws
also featured last night's meeting.
Baby Weighs 15
Pounds at Birth
OAKLAND. Cal.. July 22.
I baby tiUe was made by physicians
I hero today-. for, tho bouncing in
fant son of Mrs. Frank Sobsa, wile
of a Woodland dairyman, who
welched 15 pounds at birth. - A
! Caesarian operation was perform
ed to bring the baby into tho
Late Sports
22 (AP)
I Jtm LoaAat. 202. New York, roe -
I . --;
I OSmiSCa U many SiaiM as BHTT'
I weisrht -wTesUlna- champion, out -
I .laaaad , Ahia Coleman. 111. New
York, in a wresOlnr exhibition
tho twfi ff-arti:
jHffi mm s
I After some rougn going- in uieiy xno reaiacoaai pnvuega wm
I onaniac rounds. London dumped I also permit associations to avoid
1 Coleman tor tne tint I all m UO
fonrth followinr three alrnlano
I snias. Coleman was an easy Tic
tim in tho next round., bell pin-
aed under a body alam.
Germany may' Bolt, Lining
Up With Italy; Seeks
Basis of Equality
prencn and Italians row
a a , m
In Another Session;
Blows Struck
GENEVA Switzerland, -July 22
AP) Germany, threatened to
bolt the world disarmament eon
ference today, lining up with Italy
in declaring the declaration to be
adopted before adjournment Is en
tlrely lnacceptable.
Count Rudolf Nadolny, German
spokesman, said that when the
conference is resumed after the
summer recess it will be without
the collaboration of Germany un
less the delegates recognise before
adjourning Germany's right to a
position-of equality among the
,J ft:1 T";., ..
which the disarmament delegates
were gathered a session of the in
ter-parllamentary union broke up
In a row between the French and
the Italians.
The Italian deputy. Cosiamag
na, had aroused the resentment of
the French socialist deputy, Re
naudeL by attempting to instruct
the mating Y Tlhe parumVnlZrV
xne rrenenman protested. The
TA.ll. -V a n I
del cried: "Down with the assas-
sins of MattantMl" rAfrrin
the killing of Glacomo MattwttL
a socialist deputy, which was one
0( the sensaUonal events of early
days of fascism in Italy.
Rafnr. tha .n,.li. m
ended several blows
and police were called to stop it.
Ys n frrr i vrrv ti a
ncaUon said hero to-
day it was not certain that a
.tv -. I.
Oreron will be selected at the
next scheduled meeting of the
September 12. or before
.:.77 ,.v
with eastern edu-
Ifor tha noat will be conducted
" rapidly possible but no
i .. . I
schedule for the interviews had Attorneys for the flerense ni
haan ralaasad nor have snr of ed a motion for a new trial.
i.v J( t. tii
K1"1 tho excepUon of Dr. George
Ufrtc of Akron 1-
Although the board has ex
pressed Itself in favor of em
ploying a man from outside the
state, C. C. Colt, a member or
the board, was Quoted by local
newspapers today as saying that
"la fairness to Dr. W. J. Kerr,
I with to say that he has not
been eliminated from the list of
candidates because his name has
never been presented to the
board as a candidate."
UiWfPc of 7 TJtf)
Pontiac Storm
. J
Victims, bound
' W Wa a---
PONTIAC, Mich., July 22
. .v. - pmiHik
late tonight, bringing to three the
known fatnues irom a sxorm
which .warped dosen. of small
I boats last night.
t i.iui Iniilit n m w tiiiiiiitRd aaren
I .
I J'l,:. l.'"r
The bodies of Mrs. Green Scales
.-J 1M-m vthal WrKliila ncrrnM
auu a. a... .. , - .
both, ot Pontiac,' were recovered
tonight; The body of William
Bnrnowskl. Detroit ngbter, was i
washed ashore last night.
Home-Loan Bill Will Be
Booh Associations feel
Local savings and loan associ-
ons are "opeiiu j.
enacted home-loan bank legisla
tion) will be of value to them la
Increasing services readered. to
local customers. While details to
the operation of the new system.
whlea became lav Thursday when
signed by President Hoover, have
not been received locally, tho in
stitutions hero have analysed tho
bread outlines of the measure
through newspaper accounts.
From tho analysis made, lead
ers of the savings and loan aao-
fetation here predict that moneys
lsoon will be forthcoming- tor re-
1 ..
1 homes and from 'thio rediscount-
I inr niivilere the local - associa-
I lions will bo able to provide
I foreclosures ' or exvenaiaa m
I due dates on mortgages. .How-
- i ever. no foreclosures: have- been
made- locally where borrowers
kept . up Interest and tax pay-
Front- Manninft rttrlorot Pna
I Ul tr UlllllliJJ HVVHHV 1
From Back Seat of car After Ripley had Given Order
To "put 'em up"; Witness
Crime, Wanted to Quit Companions Before Slaying 'f
! I
State to Rest Case Today;
To Establish an Alibi; Sister ef Other Suspect Says!
Poe was at Ripley Home on. day Before Slaying;' Other f
Details Shape up Prosecution's Case f
1?RANK MANNING, self-characterized as a "plain, damud
JL fool but not a liar," gat in
court yesterday and told a two-hour talc of attempted rob-j
bery and actual murder, for which Manning placed the blame
upon ITupree roe who did the
.U ' rl. . i
wuu bwusku, wilii a uiQiitiej
of Sllverton.
From Manning, who was the
m Silverton early on
ui wxic yivy, auu ics cAetuuou
bulk: of tHe state's case and
v. w j
Will be Sentenced Monday;
Johnston Served With
2 new Warrants
PORTLAND, July 22 (AP)
C. A. DeGrace, Tlce-prealdent of
the Prudential j baneorporation.
J"T today fof a eharge of
lawful devising, a scheme-to
M.fM.A fM th. Hla At umriM
De5rac7 willb. sentenced
Monday. The statute provides a
maximum penalty of five years
in the sUto penitentiary or one
a. i. th. Tnt i.n a ria
year in the county jail, or a fine
of $5000. or bott fine and im-
pnsonment. Tnere xs no minimum
aT1r1nr tmr In tha trial of the
o o :
case. The motion will be argued
August 10. I
DeGrace was indicted Jointly
(Turn to page 2. col. 2)
PORTLAND, Ore., July 22
fAP) 4. C. Newton, teller of
the Union State' bank here, foil
ed an attempted holdup of the
bank today.
A blonde young man entereA-l
line Dana, sioppeo. i a u
savings department withdrawal
l - Al tnaJ a.M4
D I an Kg ana tpparei-wj aaaaqu wuv
I a MMV .Aa..av IVa
I , 1"cu uo 'lv m..v
i Newton. i
"T WitMi
" ,i7d nre-Shc-C"
man tugging at a large pistol
I stuck into the ton ot his trousers.
I tt- a.., nn) tha eonnter and
He ducked under the counter and
J shouted to . other employes In the
The would-be robber turned
and ran. When i police arrived
few minutes later he had disap
meats. '' ' ;i . . i 1 . .
Demands for construction mon
ey have not been heavy tho first
six months of tho year, th asso
ciations report.'- a few persons
bare been turned down because
of dearth -of- loanable, funds tor
new building -but tho majority
of applications have been for re
financing . ot loans rather than
for new construction. .
Depositors demands for with-
drawala are shrinking perceptib
ly, tho savings and loaa associa
tions feeL Collections, wLUe oft
from, former ytara, have been
sufficient to pay all -depositors
who wanted .to. withdraw some
part of their money and . tho
amount of outstanding withdraw
al notices Is being reduced' from
month to month.
Savings and loan officials hero
point out thatl new loans made
new are almost eortaln to be high
class since land values have gone
down and buildlag costs ' have
been, materially., rrduced, assur
ing the lender rock-bottom secur
ity for his funds. . f .
Chnt HffiAOi VV'rfK HifTo
WW WHWt Wll IWVI Ml iiiiiv i
Declares he was Novice al l
Defendant Expected to try
the witness chair in circuit
shooting and Robert Ripley 1
1t Ti i i .j v
wrciicu iignt vjuvxt xversou
third of the trio of would-be i
May 2, 1931, came the deUilsf
anu on nis sujry nangs xne
uum - ee Foe'a rhanrM fnr Hfat
While Manning told his stery,!
boldly, quickly and complete! j.l
like a scared boy -anxious to rid
himself of baneful knowledge, an
audience . which Jammed every
Inch of the courtroom listened la
tently. Dupree Poe, at bis aitor-
ney's shoulders, missed not a word
as his alleged erstwhile partner in
crime turned evidence tor the .
state and declared he "wanted to ,
tell the truth and get it over L
with." Poo's lips turned up la a
sarcastic smile at intervals as 'J
Manning detailed his story and-
Poe's right foot went back and
forth In nervous rhythm as tho
incidents of the murder were ua
raveled. But Poe's gase was firm
and penetrating and be retained
all his composure as Manning ces-"
tinned. f
Mixed "Soup- at - f
WbeaUey Farm I
Manning's testimony, which
dovetailed completely with his
voluntary confessions made lav f
February to officers, told how be
had become a casual acquaintance. -
ot Robert Ripley and Poe and bad
been induced by them to come up
to Salem on an "easy Job." The
Club pool room at Silverton wag
determined upon as their objee
Uve. j;
At the Wheatley farm north, of
the Big Chief station on the Pa4
dfle highway, a mixture of nitre
glycerine "soup" was prepared the
afternoon before the robbery at
tempt, Ripley, Poe and Mann lag
doing tho work. Manning testified
that ho was frightened when Rla
ley produced two guns from hioV
lng and proceeded to clean and
load them. Poe, Manning said,
called him yellow and threatened
to "bump him oft" If ho turned
back on the proposed robbery. I
The night of May 1. 1221. tho
trio were brought to Salem by
Edward Ripley, father of Robert
Ripley. Later they stole a car
from T. R. Sim, 2315 Hazel
avenue, Salem, and In lt went
to Sllverton. Arriving there a beat
midnight, they determined the
time was not set for the robbery
so went on Into the hills to make
some test shots of their explosive.
Shortly after 2 o'clock . they
returned to Sllverton. Riplwr, -
driving, stopped the car, and es
pying Irerson, went toward aim
ostensibly to inquire where aeons---garage
help could be found to
fix the ear. Irerson walked back
with Ripley toward the car and -
hen he appfoached . It, Rintey :
was declared to have told Iveree
to put up his hands. Iversoa as- i
parently reached 14 his right
nrwV at f nr hla ntftltM' mm ha A 19
according -to Manning's story, '
Poe, sitting In the back of tho.
ear, fired the 25-55 calibre rifle.
The bullet proved fatal. - f
Departed Quickly .
Following Murder - - I
Tho trio, halted in their reW
bery attempt, left In great haste.
Manning driving. 1 Manning then "
recounted their flight: how the
guns ' were disposed ' of from
bridre near iChampoeg. how the- '
three went oa through Portland
and ap the Columbia River Btgb:
way to Tho Dalles where- the- -
ear. was left. . ' " ' J- f - .
"I admit I dldnt have much,
souse to go on such - aa easy .
Job. Manning declared. Ms -.
voice tense. I was a p lata,
damned tool. But1 I'm not a liar.
What I have told is tho truth. : ;
I dldnt want' to take tho cans:
I dldat know anything- aboaV -dynamite.
X wanted to back out
whoa at the Ripley place but
tho other fellows called nae yel
low and Poo threatened to aaoet
my head off. So I took a chanee.--:
llaaalag said he dldnt knew .
that ho was liable tor , murder
and had been willing to eonfew
all ho knew about the crime :
sooaas he was arrested.- .' t-" .
Manaiag said he had inquired .
Just before the shooting what
would 2 be done , If. . tho oftWr
refused to put m np.". Rrafcr . .
(Turn to page 2. eoL 1 J j
- ... r.?' -r--. , , .' v
ber rifle. - .-- . jMewpon m ,