The OREGON STATESMAN, Salcnu Oregon, Friday Morning, Jury 22, 1932 PAGC NINE i Local News Briefs -,. i Small -Permit F1t small building" permits, ranging from $40 to $200, Were taken oat yes terday, a follows D. P. Slater, erect garage at 744 North Capitol street, $200; J. Thief, erect gar Age at 24S South 17th, $100; Per rine and Marstara, reroof dwelling at 790 North Church, $100; Mrs. Emma Werner;, reroof house at 888 North Church, $200; and Barkus and son, repair mill at 887 South Commercial, $40. Callfex, the amazing new method of Permanent Waving. No ma chine! No electricity! Given at the Model Beauty Parlor. Phone 7870. Tiro Fire Fire at the T. Lets house near the feeble minded in stitution buildings took engine number ene out shortly before noon yesterday. The blaze was squelched, but ; not until consider able damage had been done. The f house la insured at $800 and the contents at $500, which It is thought will cover the loss. A brush fire in the Tlcinity of Bush's pasture called! an engine out at 3:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Remember Oregon Loggers. Dance at Turner Friday night New Stairs 1b School New stair steps are being Installed this month at the senior high! school, replacing the old steps which thousands of students have worn down In the yean since tne Duncnng was erecieu. utner maintenance work IS being done at me scnooi , including pamung of the woodwork and refinishing or ine wans m many 01 me rooms. v.i,lm. xr vi,it. tjw TJ!1 f VHm Wash la . visitor in the city. Riley until recently has been in charge of physical education work in the Y. M. C A. there. Retrenchment has forced him to seek another position. Just now he is looking for an opportunity to manage a farm. He conferred with C. A. Kells, secretary of the Salem Y. M. C. A., yesterday. Best Dance Frl. Hazel Green. Pew Stamp Errors People are hecominr accustomed to use three cent stamps on letters. Joe Ben- awmiw V ."" ner reneral fleuverr cieric at me SosiotSrreporVs ? As a result fftw letter- are beine returned to writ at for Additional Dostaee. " '-' i Where writers use insufficient " - - i noatafi-e hut do not use a return mr u i address, the letter is sent on to : . . .r : . i . Increase your enjoyment of beach acUvities. Marton Laboratory will remove superfluous hair from both legs to bathing line, leaving the skin smooth, white and charming. July special only $5 This new method destroys hair roots and is safe, painless and positive. Phone 4427 for appt. 1st Nat'l. Bank bldg. Turns up Year Late Arrested for giving a check without suffl- cieht funds, Henry Dlmbat was hrnnirht Intn Inatfrn niirt VAsfftr- I day and pleaded guilty. The check in nueation wa made to Dan Stegsdale July 23, 1931. Stegs- dale made the complaint. The rasa was continued nntil 4 o'clock this afternoon. Have The Statesman follow you on your vacation. Mailed to any sddress two weeks, only 25 cents. AA AlirnAiA Writ Remiest I for an alternative writ of man- dimni in th ri nf Rtat of Oregon, ex rel Clarence Donnel- ly, against the State Industrial Accident commission, was filed yesterday in circuit court here. The writ was signed by Attorney General Van Winkle and assist- ants. Dance every Wed. and Sat. nite at Mellow Moon. New manage ment, new band, adm. 25c. Smith Released Leo Smith, held on a burglary charge, vas ye..eruj oa ui uu recognizance on an oraer signea DT JUQETS JLl. 11. MCM.aan. 1BO juogo siu (u.v u uu ucwiu- inea upon tms acuon aiw au- vising fully with all the officers concernca. Vacation time Is travel time. The Oreeon Statesman offers to sub- scrlbers a Travel Accident Insur - nrn Polir-r for onlv $1 a year. " - One License Issued One mirriir. llrn wa laanAd Ti terday at the county clerk's of - tice. It went to Harry Meyers, 24. 245 North Commercial street. a groceryman, and Willa Mae Slaughter, 22, 750 Division street, Salem, dental assistant. Ire. Prompt j residence delivery. Pbone -5603.! Now modern all- steel refrigerators at cost. Call at capital ice, .bu Traae at. - supintTndenro? :t TV w- U I C3 J ti- o.V"rr: "ir. ley, Calif., where he attended a conference of school leaders. Men from all parts of the west wereTn""; ttlu. Lafollette Renlies Reply of J. W. Lafollette to the recently filed answer! of Ladd & Bush bank in a suit pending in circuit court here was filed yesterday. Lafollette asks $25,000 damages . .v. vi. - vi. ...1, -v... Overloading Too much weight a ma tnv oaniiei) arrest ves- terday of Orval Focht, who plead- a .nflii tio and costs v s. -"-' sr into luii tics court, ins loan was more than 1400 pounds too great on th rear axle. Coning Events August j 7 Ohio "Buck, eye" plonlc State fair grounds. I August 7-21-AnnnaJ die- mckctan .outing at spent Lake, s August 14 Dakota pU August 14 Illinois pic nic nt Woodburn auto park. Dram oa Tonight The pres entation tonight at S p. a. of the comedy, "The Sky Riders", by the members of the Jason Lee players, will be the first of a number of dramas to be present ed during the church year which begins July 1. Proceeds of the play will go toward sending dele gates to the Young People's In stitute at Falls City. July 28, August 6. The public is invited. While on your vacation have The Oregon Statesman mailed to you, call 9101. Go to Olympics Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lessingwell are leaving Sa lem today to attend the Albahr temple Shrine convention in San Francisco. From there they will motor on south and take in the Olympic games and later extend their trip to San Diego, making a three weeks' trip in all. Mr. Les singwell is connected with the Terwilliger funeral parlors in Sa lem. Quartet Here Tuesday The quartet of Colgate-Rochester Di vinity school will appear In a special concert at the First Ger man Baptist church. North Cot tage and D streets, next Tuesday night at 8 o'clock, reports Rev. Q. W. Rutsch, pastor of the church ,.,,. ru nn Wanted, used furniture. Ph 5110. park Services The next Sun- av afternoon Rarrlcea at Wlllson park wI1I De conducted by the Baptist church, with Rev. Rritton Ross nreachln. The hi- ble school orchestra will play at ocioc-., .n iu service V 1- . Jl - wm swri k ocibck prumyi' lT - The Gideon urtet wUl sing, ; sutesman subscribers have been paid $3378.03 in claims on their $1 Accident Insurance Policies, Drawn on Grand Jury Ono Sa- lemite, Ernest G. Clark, a fruit grower, is included in the list of 33 men drawn for federal court grand Jury service this week. Earl w. uarver, butcher, silver- ton, is the only other Marlon county man to be drawn. r. -v. .JuV""..: !, overioacune u. .ionon, cnarg- - d with overloading to tune of . . " , I is m --saiun m cugeoe. , .r.e" "continuing until the last meeting ie?uo? "!""71?-.JU:"Au.fc vouTornQT nun nrsaa rnmRKPn nn nis i ' nwn iofiriT!iT.a i -c i vi wmv kiivu ax ivo vaaWA , . . . an,. ja k mlena. either a part or all of the -v I ra i c a. t-.i-.i iw I fonrinth front at hrmiht Charles T. Sievers $2.50 fine in lustice court vesterdav. and with failure to raise the money com- mlttment was Issued Possession Possession of In toxicatlng liquor was admitted by Don Sullivan In justice court yes- terday and his case was continued for sentence. Balloon dance, old time. Sat. night. Haunted Mill. Music by Willamette Valley boyB. Accident KeportL. M. Flagg, U695" South Church, reported an fcciaen, at iraae anu commercial 1UYU11U CBr Wl oi-uioj nu( roate four- No one was hirt- Rnrin ramM wiia iHTlnt- ZILrf)- TK - Pleaded Sllty t speeding ; with a "" ua cuats n .nance court. Mt Angel Man Here Dr. A. F- E- Schierbaum of Mt. Angel among tne business callers nere mursaay. Lal)Or Plea for ,70rrPr Hniirc .-w w . u Goes to Hoover ATI.AWTrf! PTTV V T Tnlv w w , ... . I . m.. riAnt noAnr tmiir tn n hti in. iiuence m Denaif oi a nation wide application of the five-day week Mil SlZ-HOIir ITgr In 1 1 IndllRtrlM H m oniy cure ior unempioy-i ment. The federation's executive council airectea iresiaent WUl- i. - . I lam Rreen to confer with PtmI. dent Hoover OQ th BubJect r-on ,vi. ,v' 1 faorfe1 nnHatJon of th ninn tn : "IT, " i w uiimuiur wui&era wna a.s labrra- 1 Koitt f nn V Miner To Walk Comes As Hitch-Hiker If a baby too young to walk comes 50 miles with two hitch- hikers, does the baby hitch hike? Anyway, two local men who I J gSi1U-lg-B,OVa WHU vn-farrlBV VHaK nllrnJ 1W an "0 ,& 25 have thso-ng tody. The child is small John D. sjnUh Jr son of Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Portland and her? vfsltln f or a short -rs. Dora Price. 343 The child is no' relative of the local woman. HAY CROP EXCELLENT SILVERTON HILLS, July 21 Hay harvest is in full swing in tha Trni AwtrKft nn Th ha-r - ----- -r :r-r; good and the grain, the harvest of I iVh win -0 t. 0 days or two weeks, gives pro- .!.. voo. ' 1 utiv ws wv.wg g .vut 8ILKE AT SCHOOL EWELU 275WK Hubbard school, left Thursday for ctn. w,r. , -,411 .i. - school tor the next six weeks. O O Births - Teahy Darwin Emmett Lea hy, bora July 1$, to Mr. and Mrs. Jehn Emmett Leahy, 711 South 14th street. CBriea Maxin Mollie O'Brien, born July 1. to Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell C. O'Brien, Salem. 20. (AP The American Feder- ber of Salem, Mrs. E. A. Brown of oroni 0an " ul acciuent tep atinn nt Tthnr rllA nnn Prnai- I a.l.m on t n-u. inv..n. tembsr 19, 1931, St Center and STATE.THElf U Tendency in Marion County Is That way, Declares John S. Marshall "If people I talk with around this district are any index to what citizens generally arei thinking. I think there is a very good chance we will carry the state for the democratic party," -said John 8. Marshall yesterday. He was In town to make preliminary ar rangements for the campaign this falL Marshall who heads the demos in their county organization will be assisted by his executive com mittee consisting of B. S. Martin, W. A. Delsell, William C. Jones and A. M. Dalrymple. Some time next month or early In September a dowtown office is to be opened here. Finances for the county campaign will be raised locally, Marshall said. He said the executive commit tee would probably nominate some candidates to run against re publicans who are now unopposed. A man to run for county commis sioner and candidates for the of fices of Justice of the peace and constable are sought. Marshall said the committee hoped to get some outstanding democrats with national reputa- tlon to speak in the forthcoming campaign, juoa in. uarner, can didate lor TICfi-nrAslrloTir mmr coma to nrmn ha nrtitai4 riairvmnio -t'-t. -,utI.-,. from this county, is slated to at- v v. v , hwuiau I tend the state organization meet- Ing to be held Saturdav Julv 21 . . ' W in Portland. !. F. W. ATTENDING Local members of tha Veterans of Foreign Wars have been un- usually busy the last few days. working out all the last-minute daus in preparation for their tv- p . convention. 'v,v ...J ' Saturday night. ... . oaiem win do wen represented m . . - . wun aDoui za members or tne lo- caI oraer driving to Eugene to at- j i t , nmHsr rAn,i-fn- . v. of the Salem delegation. Final plans will be made by the Veterans of Foreign Wars from th Salem eroup, for their part in me urana Army Encampment which will be held In Salem next summer. Theatre Rental Suit is Delayed In Local Court Civil suit to collect $135 rent al alleged due on lease of a the- aira uuuaing at tcio was started ' juawco court yesteraay alter- ?oon by O. B. Long against Ray 111. . "signed. the ,ea88 irom F- syssei, ciaimea rental at rate of $15 a month to make the total was due. Stumbo set up that certain equipment was moved from the Obit uary Robinson Mrs. Allle Belle Robinson died at Dallas Wednesday, July 20, at " ll lem; four daughters, Mrs. Andrew vtnn-t rt, Vr-. t an n,.. ' I Vlno-nt nf Fnirona Um Too. ( ..WU vi UUi iUiai VJACk L e.un,. ,.... t o Salem, Horton and LeRoy of Port- land; sister, Mrs. Dora Hamilton I nf Pat) ani o - .ao.i. -r.nj. children. Funeral services will be held Friday, July 22, at 10 a. m. from the chapel of Clough-Barrlck comnanv. Interment I - - - - - - Mtnnriai ntrir I - I ri ui v.m . "V i flrrppr -rnnnnav 1 11 1 v v i rv A thur Lawrence, aged 72 years Survived by his widow, Mrs. Ar- del K. Lawrence; six children, Ar thur W. of Salem, Mrs. Sue L. Sefton of Portland, Maurice A. of Portland, Frank H. of San pi- li: 'r .",r,,.T".Vof Salem and Ruth Mae of Salem, ! rA V, 11 rr.r,IMn mnf-.1 i i.rV C. f'ih announcements later by Clough - Barrick company. Roth In this city, July 21, Gottlieb ffWfSwM children: Mrs. Ivy MMcCUne of Roth, former resident of route 1, Portland, Mrs. Vera E. Bartell of and Elmer Roth of Salem, Funeral services Saturday, July 23, at 1:30 p. m. from the chapel of W. T. RIgdon & Son, witth Rev. Galloway officiating. Interment Mission cemetery Treeter At the residence, 1890 McCoy avenue, July 20, Martin J. Tres- I irester or Salem, aaugnters, mrs. ter. Survived by a son, David H. A. E. Stone of Yakima. Wash., iIln 51 l'lTn I George Hart of Iowa; grandchll- Z-bJZ: Ore Boise Tr ester of Salem. Mrs. W. L. Sleight and Lavina Trester of Oakland. Cal.; great grandchil Sawv. dren. Leona Small and Lois f.ulJ."i a Z,'?TZ el f w. T. RIgdon & Son, chap- Rev. B. W. Pettlcord officiating. In ferment L O. O. T. qemetery. Ih . . A PARR CEMKTERk WITH PERPETUAL CARS Just Ta lOaatM Fraai tas Bssit 1 Tows EUGENE HI Tnl I LAIR STEWART, visiting Hit , r relatives and friends here from. Cleveland. Oh-O. will sing over the radio tonight. Blair is scheduled to sing over KGW at t p.m. . Many of his friends regretted not having heard hint when he sane at the editorial convention in Portland, mo they will be given another opportun ity. And he can sing. And still the accident com mission cats wages. It has been the most consistant salary re ducing and firing . commission doing business in a state of fice. Their total cats, announc ed yesterday, now amount to 40 ner cent. A six-hour day with proportionate cut in wages will become effective August 1. Don Wiggins, messenger for the secretary of state and many years a Btate employe, has the happy privilege of claiming friends in about every foreign clime known to civilization. His name will soon appear in a sci entific magazine of general cir culation in connection with an nrMrl on the methods of trans-1 porting mining machinery In the theatre after he had operated a time, and that in remov- , . . . ; tt ins iIU" m had violated the lease, and that be tendered the rent due up un- .11 At . - Ionian WS 1 til time the equipment was moved. The case will be finished Aug- ust 11. as a misunderstanding in I date of trial was responsible for I non-appearance of a witness tor each side of the suit. PLEAD FOR CHANCE NEW YORK, July JO-MAP) While promising to take all avail able measures to seek the utmost in operating efficiency, the As sociation of Railway Executive-! today, in a statement issued to "the American public," declared "tne American uuunc, awwrro its members believea ireeaom 01 managerial control and equality i OPP0"1?11" with other ronns 5 trasportauon were essentia- " th r0? f, ,.? 8Urm0111lt tne,r v , . mM The statement was Issued after more man ov ran cme is mot ior lntensive discussion of th prob lems of the transportation Indus try, arising from the drastic de cline in revenues to levels where the majority of the roads are fall ing to earn their fixed charges. The condition of the roads Is such that the executives felt It was their duty "to the general public, to the government, to the owners of the railroads, and to their em- ployes, to lay before them in corn- piete frankness the seriausness of the nresent situation and to point out some of the e a u s e s which have brught it about Two Suits Filed Growing Out oi W BIS JIUZO HCCiaeniSScott Portland. Two suits for damages growing out of an auto accident were filed late yesterday in circuit court here. c&JtES&?5 Helen Barth asks $5000 from lAAn M , 6 J.. , ucv-ua" "l , ""T fendanfa carelessness which I . . . . m Liberty streets. She claims to have I cvci i i. I . " " "7..,, . v ... tu men m D-J!. .!..- I tVl J . . , : """" ";,i .IT Xt tKna ai "A - ""e""- w. i r in n -vW. I r.orcn n Prtmicop a vfiocS Truth on Russia Walter Larson, a member of the International Longshoreman's as sociation of Tacoma, who has re- I cently returned from a trip "i.Vc,' I "v "uuua, ui6u., ju., 24-, at S o'clock at Union hall, 456 1 rnrt l(rMf mMnm vf. iMv.- unbiased report of his observations in the U. S. S. R. VISITOR REPORTS CENTRAL HOWELL. July 21 Miss Clare V. Dougherty returned to her home at Brownsville after a few days visit with her sister. Mrs C. L. Simmons. Clifford I "ougnerty who cam at th same time to yisit is staying on to work iu naying. l---- - Dr. Chan Lam - Chinese Medicine -""H- Office hours Tuesdayand Satur l ' . day a to 5 p.m. - I Rnawas 1 and 1 a 148 N. Commercial lm ' fSi - Balem Hospital Beds to Rent . CaU 6910, Used Furniture Department - -. 151 Norta llig-i wilds cf - New Online, South America. Don, It Is known. Is an ex pert oa trans, and his bum will appear la connection with some sua and snnrestioas sent the expedition. lie has received photographs of the transportation feat and letters from the party. Much of the conversation around the capltol lately is di rected toward the affairs Involv ing higher educational institu tions of the state, with the ma jority expressing an outright dls-J gust with almost every phase of it, since the beginning of the creation of the state board of higher education to the recent deadlock of the same board. Yesterday's news contained more about the consolidation petition theft hoax, which also proved disgusting. The move for consolidation has lots of loopholes, bat it is the feel ing here that since the board 'messed around" in securing . chancellor, the move would carry, or at least the opposition would be apathetic unless real action revives their interest la the entire situation. It is unfortunate statehouse people say that three elements enter into a matter tending to A n.tmw a, A., -.1 1 destroy a state's educational rating and placing it In a pit! ful condition. Politics, rivalry and personal prejudices have done a lot of damage to Oregon's nne colleges, ana it win be a long time before any kind of an adjustment even now will be able to put the Institutions back into high class ratings. Another interested subject of discussion around the capl tol is the state highway com mission appointments. This week in Portland, Bob John son, Oregon Journal reporter who has covered state highway meetings since their orgaaiaa tion in 1017, started a move ment to organize the former highway commissioners into one group. j . iv. t-v. v.- n, ., v.(. ik k.i of wao h become eUetble thft pa8t year and naW At thl rate tn SUge8ted maximum of 20 members will soon be reached. Leslie scott was the 14th to en -.n -i,.ifi.M- The membership is interest ing. For instance the first three commissioners under the law could be the executive committee. They are Simon Benson of Portland; E. J. Ad am of Eugene; and W. L. Thompson of Pendletoau Then H. B. Van Duxer should be president, since he served the longest, eight years. The other ten members of the ex-commissioners club are R. A. Booth of Eugene, W. B Barrett of Heppner, Robert W. Sawyer of Bend, W. H. Malone or Corvallis, C. E. Gates of Med ford, M. H. Lynch of Redmond J. C. Ainsworth of Portland, Wll Ham Hanley of Burns, Charles euii-. elM mA T .iu Quite a number of names have been suggested for the new member of the commission. Among those mentioned are Ira Powers, Amadee Smith, Harry Corbett, Frank Shall, and Au brey Watzek, all of Portland. Reports are that the governor is having difficulty in filling Scott's shoes, and perhaps some of these might not accept if named. William Elnzlg, secretary of the 1 , , . . ( ., . is makinr his regular tour of - institutions In and near PorUand. He is accompanied by Senator Isaac Staples and sev eral representatives of women's organizations. There are 12 of these state-aided charitable insti tutions in the state Hugh A. Dowd, M.D. SALEM CLINIC ' First National Bank Bldg. Tenth Floor Res. Phone 5089 - Office 3139 Grand Opening Under New Management mm SATURDAY NITE Featuring Woodry'a Mellow Moon Dane Band and Entertainers 10 Modern Artists ADMISSION 25 CENTS F. N. Woodry, Manager TOUT ED FOR mm Tryouta for the colorful water pageant, "The Princess Learns to Swim." Which win be staged at the dinger playground Wed nesday afternoon, August S, were held yesterday, with, a number of children being assigned to parts, as follows: King Ferdinant, Bill Sexton; Princess Adore, Doris Mars ton; coart Jester, Tommy Williams; court herald, , Burton Strauss; qaeea of the water., meet, Doris Hiday; page, Lois Smith; Instruc torsof back stroke, Howard Damon; of breast stroke, Ches ter Harrison; of side stroke. Lora Rettlg; of the crawl. Irene War ren; : frogs, Frances Godfrey, Kenneth Ruecker, Bilgert Elli ott, Fred Andrews, Inn Gilbert, Bobby Sederstrom. Daryl Bur- right and Loren Kearns; chil dren of the palace, Joe Sexton. Mildred Beach, Irma Coover, Betty Qallaher and Curtis Rueck er; water nymphs, Eleanor Se- derstom, Anna Wlrtz, Theodora Bouffleur and Marian Hulten- burg; teacher of princess, Theo dora Bouffleur. Other parts will be assigned la ter. Coaches for the event are Esther Arnold and Mrs. Vivian Bartholomew. One other special event will be held at the playground, with pet and circus day attractions next Wednesdsy. U.S.L The state highway department may be able to borrow $2,000,000 to $3,000,000 from the federal reconstruction finance corporation instead of Issuing bonds to take care of obligations due October 1, 1932, J. M. Devers, attorney for the department, announced yes terday. He said the commission would consider the matter at its August meeting. Devers was of the opinion that the money could be borrowed from the federal government at 1 per cent while state issued bonds would draw interest at 4 V4 per cent. Bond retirements and Interest due October 1 total more than $2,000r,000 and funds are not now in sight to meet these costs. Ma terial reduction In auto license re ceipts and expenditures $250,- 000 over the highwsy budget have cut down funds on hand and em barrassed the highway commis sion In meeting its obligations. Homecoming oi Presbyterians Slated Sunday The annual homecoming cele bration and fourth anniversary of dedication of the new church building will be observed Sunday morning at the 11 o'clock hour at the Presbyterian church, announc es the pastor, Rev. Grover C Birtchet. Rev. Birtchet will preach at this hour on "Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant," and Mrs. Brandrup (nee Lucille Ross), for mer organist of the church, will play the prelude. Grand Niece of Noted Composer Will Play Here Lucie Bruch, grand niece of Max Bruch, famous German com poser and herself a violinist of note, is on the progrsm of the series of lectures given st the Ar mory starting Sunday. She will give a half-hour concert preceding the address. Stanford Klngsley Claunch, rn tTW r VTf 'ji Adiamxb SSilB FELIA far ZTlZZ r -M.Mi,t-, B-y Hw I IIU ST paoGCUTt ITiarwi-" WHEN IN TILLAMOOK STOP HOTEL NEFF Rates f 1.00 to f 1.50 Modern. Hot and Cold Water, Steam Heat Mil OUTLOOK A. 4 Ph.a. will give lecture en health,' dietetics, psychology and . alllel subjecti daily each fvanlng. Jury 14. 21, II, IT, It J The violin concert by MUs Brueh will be front 7:45 to Sill aad the lector foUows at 1:15. Miss Bruch was a student In the Stem conservatory, Berlin-, under Prof. Guitar Hollaender, and press reports of her concerts In many cities have been quite com plimentary. , : Black Dragont? Swim Campaign Held at ' Aurora A swimminr and life savin r campaign is being held at Aurora this week by the Black Dragon Life Saving corps. ; Claude Mar tin is in charge or It, and is being aided by Donna Bishop. Martha Warren, Richrd Hyde, and other members or the corps. Approximately go: people are taking instruction In iunior and senior life saving and advanced swimming. There is also a large class of beginners. Tests will be given Sunday, and a life saving demonstration will - be presented Sunday afternoon : by various members of the corps. HEAR- D. EE C "IT THE ART OF SCIENTIFIC LIVING" Why suffer when you can ore room any disease and rebuild your health through rediscoTcry of the laws of life? Ton can get well yon can succeed YOU CAV DO ANY THING when yon know howl Our slogan: KNOWLEDGE IS THE MOST PRECIOUS THING IN THE WORLD." Come end Judge for Yonrself The Armory July 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 8:15 P.M. , ADMISSION FREE . . . TELL YOUR FRIENDS . . . ALL WELCOME! Exquisite Music bj LUCIE BRUCH, Internationally Famous Violinist, from 7:45 to 8:15 P. M. NEWPORT For Your Amusement at Newport Drop In at the Newport Skating-Rink One Block North of Postoffice Newport Nat Dancing and Swimming Play Ping-Pong and Horseshoes Midway Theatre Last Minute Talkies Speedboat Playmate At Norma J. Dock Marlon D. Hill, Operator HOUSER'S WATER-TAXI Ferry Landing Deep Sea Pishing Donna B Wilkin Dock Gear furnished, keep yonr fish. Golf at Agate Beach Golf Links Other Oregon Bnrntwood Beach Cottages New, modern right. on the beach. Electric lights, running water. Fine clam beach. 6 miles south of Waldport. S 1.1V to $2.50 Night Weekly Rates Address A. Wolsiffer, Waldport Arcadia Beach Anto Cottages Wonderful sea view. Complete ly modern, prices very reasonable. Address Wm. Land Newport OAKLAND'S FISH CAMP Tr riB rtaklnf acre tnm r Drift Crk. Boat. aaS Jo-jmob Motor for mt. OoBfottable c-Maa-a tectrto Beats. Writ for t-MT-tloM 4tIc WkMyort. OniMt rasa 8t GRAY GABLES AUTO CABINS Modern - Bath tn Each Cabin Dishes Furnished Best Camp in Oregon THLA3iOOK, OREGON . Neah-Kah-Nlt A Meatttaln aad a Beach Resort Tarern Open July 1 ta Labor Pay Writ or phoae lira. 8. G. Reed Kehalem, Ore. ' POLICE BET Kin t t -: The Oregon state police depart ment, although In operation only on year; is rapidly ball ding at on of the most complete criminal identification bureaus oa th Pa cific coast, Charles Pray, superin tendent of stat police, declared yesterday. Th bureau la located at the state penitentiary and is under the supervision of Jo Murray, finger print and Bertllloa expert. Pray said the records thus far as sembled include photographs and descriptions of virtually all of th known criminals on th Paclfle coast. Records In the Oregon criminal identification bureau now contain a total of 34,407 so-called crime cards. Name cards on file num ber 44.17.. ISSUED MARRIAGE LICENSE DALLAS. July 21 A marriage license was issued in the county clerk's office here Wednesday. This was to John D. Steiwer, 28. farmer, of Sllrerton, and Anna Heibert, 21, housewife, of Dallas. D . STANFORD KLNGSLEY CLAUNCH The man whose achievements have amazed the civilized world. He rebuilt his own health from a hopeless case of tuber culosis of 10 years' duration through the methods he teaches, and has become one of the world's most success ful, educators. NoW he brings to the people of Salem this same powerful message the message that saved his own life in a series of SIX inspiring OJ ID IE J on The Leading: Resort City On the Coast Cherry City Cottages Eight modern cottages, each with private toilet, one with tub bath and two with showers. Six cabins with community toi let and sink, f . a week and up. For information write Geo. G. Smith, bx 423, Newport Dont Pack Groceries to Newport Bay at PAY N SAVE. Lowest Valley Prices One Block North of Postoffice The Red & White Store On Beach St- Newport Fresh fruits, vegetables. Home cooking. Prices as low as the . lowest. Always Demand Newport Halibut Wherever You Go Happy's Crab Market Fresh Seafoods - Ferry Landing' Resorts Invite You Jump-Off Joe Auto Camp Right oa Beach Phone or write for cottage reservations. L. Howe, Newport, Ore. At Lincoln Beach Park Roads of charm lead through a noble forest to a beach of beaa ty. Just the place to spend your vacation. Limited Number of Completely Modern Cottages for Beat Lots and business sites for. sale subject to building restrictions. Write Geo. W. Betts Long Distance Phone P. Gleneden, Ore. CUTLER UII On Coast Highway - East Side -of Sllsts Bay Fishing. Swimming, Boating, Crabs, Clams, Cottages . - la Catler Ctty Slleta Bay Anto Camp, fast through Ue arch - modem campground and cottage. A. O. Catler. - beautiful tots, all klads of shrubbery, protect ed front winds, reasonably priced. , L. L. Shalt ;- build sr and de sign sr of camp cottages and modern homes. T" "." JL.Z"