The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, Jnly 22, 1932 III TO BE MESS TODAY Will Describe the Slaying of ; Iverson . in Trial of Dupree Poe Here ; (Continued from pas t) tate, told the Jury the state's outline of how the mnrder took place and . declared testimony vronld be offered to prove each point. Paul Burris. representing Poe, eaid his client had asked m ' . .a. Mi m - ine jury euner 10 una mm guil ty as Charger or else acquit him. Thursday morning; the Jurors. the Judge and the attorneys went to the scene ot the crime as well a to. the "Wheat ley farm where Manning, Ripley, and Poe are dr, and to the Sims' house in Q.1&m th v was a!m which was used in the trip to Silverton where the Club pool - hall was to he robbed. The Call Board By OLIVE M. DOAK ! THE GRAND Tndav Rlcardo Cortex in "Men ot Chance." - , WARNKR BROS. ELSINORE Today Warner Baxter in "Amateur Daddy." (Continued from page 1) B. Asplnwall, Salem; Ruth M. Crary, Salem; Clifford Case, Don ald; Peter O. Blschoff, Macleay; 8ILVERTON, Jnly 21 The murder of H. J. . Iverson, night watchman at Silverton. who was shot early May 2. 1931, was vlv- ldly ' recalled here Thursday morning when Dupree Poe, on Yrial for the murder, handcuffed to Sergeant Dodele and accom panying 12 Jurors, two alternate jurors, Marion county's two ba- liffs. Sheriff O. D. Bower, Deputy Sam Burkhart, Judge Wilson and the attorneys visited the scene of the crime. v The bullet holes, made by the shot that killed Irerson are still in the wall of the pool hall on Oak street. These were examined and the position which the mur derer was said to have occupied when the crime was committed was commented upon. "Poe remained remarkably calm and indifferent " during the or dMl. - HOME OP 25c TALKIES A Home Owned Theatre ' TODAY AND SATURDAY . Tonight We Present COMMUNITY VAUDEVILLE Three Prizes, $3, $2.50 and $1 Ite at the Theatre at 4 P. 91. for Tryout Sky-High Thrills! Act-High Romance! (CentlBued from page 1) "I believe the evidence Justi fies the serrlng of the complaint. The whole trans action will be re- Miss Zelma Lathy from Bar-1 v salad In the preliminary hearing a D. Burgess, Salem; Margaret J bara Barnes School of Dane to lot Mr. BrownelL" E. Headrlckv Salem; Harry F. I goiug- to present a small rerae.1 The preliminary hearing. aa- Bonesteele, Salem; Ida Harper, I ana sne promisee u us gom i thorltles Indicated, probably win Monitor; John Tv Jones, Jetfer-1 1 gooo. I be held next week, son; Sigrard Jepson, Mill City; J She doesn't hare to promise. J For several yeara BrowneU P. Howard Zlnser, Sal e ml because we all know that what-WM a partner of S. H. Slocum, THE HOLLYWOOD Today Lupe Veles in "The Broken Wing." Salem theatre-goers are all set and ready for a real treat, and are awaiting with much Interest the first appearance here of the Dntwin players, well-known all star cast, which has been playing in Portland for the past few years. The Dufwln players will make their initial showing here, tonight only, at Warner Bros. Capitol, when they will present "Rough Women," popular New York com edy success. This is the first tour of this company in the northwest after haying played 1600 Portland per formances. Seat reserTationa may be had by calling the Capitol theatre. LAD CHARGED WITH RECKLESS MB in FDR RIPLEY TBIfiL, Miclcey Mouse NOTES- nrriTin?! Turn mini Sorry to say. hut the Mickey Mouse breakfast party scheduled for tomorrow morning has beea called off. M. M. C 10; 111 IliLrl ID LAID tO BiKEU Heights; Grace M. Potter, Salem; Mildred Lee. Bast Salem; Cur tis Coleman, Champoeg; Daisy L. Bump, North Howell; Llxzie i ever, the puts out to good. M. M. C. To the first tea people that come to the show tomorrow I will A. Pitts, Fairground.; Margaret JT-w.tiJifXr ..V. M. Waters, Salem; Everett S. ffl9," whistles if they ask ma M. M. C. Maybe Fm letting myself into who was la charge ot the school petition circulated la thto dis trict Although the partners nip was dissolved some time ago, the two men continued to occupy the same office. When Informed of BrowneU'a arrest today Slocum said: "This certainly floors fellow. The whole thing to a mess a nasty mess." The complaint against Brown eU sneclfleally charges that he We're going to hays a Mickey "did take, steal and carry away two nunarea sets oi pnnm m signed initiative petitions for Dill moTing uniTersuy. Hammond, Salem; Frank E. Full er, Englewood; Ina D. Bonney, East Wood burn; Esra Hart, Jef ferson ; Florence E. Cole, Rosa- b t , fl0p, a s. jveisay, oaiem; m. r, Dennis,- Salem; J. . M. Coburn, Prlngle;. Daisy Fischer, Salem Mouse cartoon tomorrow. Heights; Chas. A. Fessenden.l M. M, C. Salem: christian Cramer. East I Stayton; John Cation, Salem: I guess we found a new star! and law schools of the state ot Belle C. Carlson, Salem; Fred C.I in uonner uicason (some step- Oregon, and estaousning junior Dftlann Ralm; ThA. tc. Cnle. fia. I oerl others on the oroKram. MiinrM. initiated by Taxpayers lem; Roma C, Hunter, Salem, I which made It one ot the best I Equalization league of he state programs ever were, Orriueiof Oregon, Marion county . Beardsley, Ruth Fargo, Patty De- The petitions, the complaint sari, Mildred Heckinger, Rober- said, were ' rained at more than ta James, and of course Roy 1 25 cents each and had an aggre Mack with that tuneful ukelele I gate ralue of more than ISS and normal PRUSSIA QUIET AS II PAPEN RULES of his. M. M. C. were the property of Henry Zorn Willard H. Stevens and otners. Q Qhmmount Qidine LUPE VELEZ LEO CARRILLO MELVYN DOUGLAS GEORGE BARBIER Also, Rin-Tin-Tin in The LIGHTNING WARRIOR" News and Cartoon Comedy. COMING SUNDAY The "All Quiet" of 1032 1 XvWV THE PICTURE TERRIFIC Walter McDougal Jr. was ar rested and haled into Justice court yesterday charged with reckless driving as result of an automobile mishap which occurred hert June 25. McDougall was certified to the Juvenile court, being only 16 years old, and released on his own tial law, business went on as us recognizance until Monday morn- ual while Chancellor Frans Von Ing at 10 o'clock, when he will ap- Papen, self-appointed federal pear before Judge J. C. Siegmund commissioner of the state, pre- In the Juyenile court. sided over the first session of the Tne boy is accused or aring new Prussian cabinet. down North Cottage street in The ousted members of the old sucn a manner as to enaanger me cabinet held a meeting of their life of Mrs. Fred Barker and Vir- own to formulate a formal nro. gll Carl. When McDougall met test against their dismissal to be another car at an intersection, he laid before President Von Hin- swerrea n is car, h taxing to tne denbure. smewaik and traveling along the n WRs announced that on Jniv Well, let's take a look and see what Uncle Churchmouse has to say. Here we are. He says. "When you get into deep water, keep yer mouth shut" M. M. C. Warner Baxter and Janet Gay- nor in "Amateur Daddy1 BERLIN, July 21 (AP) Dictatorship gripped the state of Prussia with a hand of iron to day and, although there were 8Alr!lnSS 5' ?PP08",n' feature tor Tomorrow. on jicuyts wuuiu wuu peace ably for the Reichstag elections July 31 to voice their opinions In Berlin and the province of ttranaenDurg, botn under mar- M. M. C. I want to see you all tomorrow io.ii t; So Long, ZOLLIE. n FUNERAL SERVICE IS 101 IDAHO people visrr WALDO HILLS. July 21 Mr, and Mrs. Russell Purns nave their quests. Mrs. Purvis' parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Crowley, her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and 1. thm. un. Ci. B. Crowley ana tneir i- tle son, Melvln, all or weiser, ia aho, and Mrs. C. J. 8wearington of Frultland, Idaho. The senior Mr. and Mrs. Crowley will spend the rest of the summer here, u B. Crowley who is an employee of th Montromerr Ward company in Weiser is on his vacation and with his family will leave Friday on the return trip. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Walln and children are enjoying a family re union this week. As an interest ing part of the festivities, the group motored to Newport wnere they passed a pleasant weekend boating and deep-sea fishing. Roy L. Walln, wno is a mem- s ociety i BUtertOB The Bisteraooa eiass ot the Methodist ahsrch met at the church social rooms Wednesday afternoon aad began! the piecing ot a qallt which will oe wrneo Gerrala "Tithing" was the subject of discussion at the Pres byterian Womens Missionary so ciety meeting Wednesday after noon with Ida Mlnaker as leader. Mrs. H. Jelderks and Mrs. Dale Cutsforth sang. Mrs. A. R. Sieg mund led the devotional serrice aad Mrs. Scott Jones, the presi dent, presided at the business meeting. , Mrs. Helen DuRette. Mrs. Min nie Allsup, Mrs, Fannie Stockton and Mrs. Mattlo Slgfrit, guest ot Mrs. Allsup, served refreshments during the social hour. The next meeting. August IT. will be held at the home ot Mrs. Ida Schwab with Mrs. Edna Schwab and Mrs. Eva Cutsforth as joint hostesses. Mrs. Virginia Booster and Mrs. Susie Cutsforth are leaders. ' Corrals Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Molsan were hosts for a family dinner at their home Snndav in honor of their son, Benjamin of ratton, caiir., wno was home on his annual vacation. Invited guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ira Vln ceat and daughters. Marr and Marjorie of Wren, Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Stevens and lone and Dor- ls Turner, Mrs. Mary Moisan and Evelyn Molsan of Brooks. Benja mm left Monday on his return trip to Patton. The Young People's Forum of the First Methodist church will make up a group who will mo tor to Cutler City Saturday af ternoon where they will spend the weekend. Miss Margaret Stevenson will accompany the party as chaperone. and will al so lead the group in the Sun day morning devotionals. About 25 members of the organization will make the trip, returning to their respective homes Sunday evening. Mrs. Albert Anderson and daughters Janice and Kathryn will leave Monday for their home in Astoria, after having enjoyed the past fortnight with Mrs. Anderson's mother, Mrs. P. L. Frailer on North Capitol street oyer ta tae auvenoa uooawui store next winter when it Is Heed ed. The class plans to make other oullts. Mrs. C. F. Fulsom to preri- 1 dent ot the class. f . ( .1 :t Scolded Was tha ( m Girl He ' Adored! . i Bright witk; Tonth's Vitid Hopes J J and Ravishing Romance! f j WARNER 1V1ARION j NIXON i ADDED fl Mickey Mousa X&ZzZ "Mickey's Rcme" f&J&fir li Terchy Comedy rSy-" I Travelogue - News , JVS(fr 1 I Starts TODAY KHgM&?t . V ire ; ; Funeral services for Mrs. Allie sidewalk for 100 feet, barely 31 the nnrAtn .nrt . t..i. Belle Robinson, 61, who died at hr nf th staff of the Washinr avoiding hitUng the two mention- wiu hear the charjre by the de- Dalls Wednesday, will be held toa Missionary college at Wash- posea Prussian ministry that the ed, according to the complaint. The complaint was made by Mrs, Barker. me federal government acted uncon- StitUtlonallv In innnlntlnir rhan- cellor Von Pn faii elating, and with interment sloner in chare f th .ui. Belcrest memorial park. a- - w " v " dictatorial powers. this morning at 10 o'clock from inrton. D. C. motored to Salem to the CIough-Barrlck chapel here, risit his parents and attend the with Rev. Burke of Dallas offi- rannlon. Miss Tressa Walln ar- ln I rireA recently from Los Anceles Fiems DISMISSAL STARTS NEWSPAPER ASTORIA, Ore.. July 21 (AP The first edition of a new week ly newspaper, the Warrenton t conunuea irom page i) Mews, appeared here today. The thus showing that Olson's date News, published in Warrenton, is Mrs. Robinson was a resident of Salem for 14 years, coming here from Portland. She was a member of the Christian church here. She was the wife of S. Grant Robinson of Salem. Mrs. Leo.Graber, Mrs. E. A. Brown. to be with the family during the week. Members of the Men's Bible elass and the Women's Bible class I of the First Methodist church met Wednesday evening at the Fair s-rounds where they enjoyed a of seniority is June 20. 1931. Lewis seniority falls at time of his enrollment, on May 26. 1930. he contends, and therefore he is entitled to reinstatement, he says further. The petition was filed with Re corder Mark Poulsen late yester day afternoon. Members ot the civil service commission will probably set a date for hearing within the next day or so. On the commission are Paul Johnson. chairman, Arthur Moore and Lloyd Rigdon. edited by M. O. of Wheeler. Ballard, recently Miss Lorita Robinson and Prince general "get-to-gether," Including Robinson, all of Salem, are chll- I a pot-luck dinner and evening of dren, as are also: Mrs. Andrew I games, music and fun In general. Vincent of Eugene, and Horton I About 60 members and friends of and LeRoy Robinson ot Portland. 1 the organisations attended. ;rand Friday - Saturday She bargained to break her own heart - f X Oil I G of WW KC3 71 2Sk WE AEE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THE DELIVERY OF A NEW BLUE STREAK GRAHAM 8 SEDAN to the Honorable Julius L. Meier GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF OREGON THE ORIGINAL DDtJflS waim IPflasrec in "ROUGH WOMEN" HEW YORK COMEDY STAGE SUCCESS First Tour of This Company la Northwest After More Than 1000 Portland Performances AH Seats Reserved Curtain 8:30 P. M. Prices Including: Federal Tax: 50c - 75c - 99c Box 'Office Open 2 Till 9 p.m. - ' . ENTIRE FAMILY ENJOYS CIRCLE TOUR VACATION A vacation replete with scenic thrills' and opportunities for recrea tion to appeal to every member of the family -that b the Circle Toar. according to vacationis who have enjoyed this trip duriac past seasom and are again arranging bookings for ue current summer. The "Circle Tour" involves a delightful cruise from Ssttie to Vic toria and Vancouver 00 a"Priacess liner, a trip through the world-U-mom Canadian Rockies by train, and return via Calgary and Spokane. Stopovers for any length of time sre included n British Colombia and at Banff, Lake Louise and the Chalet? Bungalow Camps. . Poll details about thu moderate- cost trip may be had by applying b ,W. B, Deacon, general agent pas- senger depertmeat. Cnnenian Pacific RaU way, 143-A Broadway American Bank BaHdiag. Portland. Telephone Comfort formerly found only in the highest price cars. Handling Qualities which appeal to the experienced motorist. Style and Design Smart Ultra Modern with instant appeal. Economy Low operating cost per mile which is in the minds of all thrifty buyers today. These are a lew of the reasons why Governor Meier selected Streak Graham 8 Sedan for his own personal use. the Blue. Other Prominent People who have selected Graham recently Geo. H. Riches Vlce-Pres. Ladd & Bush Bank Ira D. Mix Cashier 1st Natl Bank, Independence H. V. Collins Mgr. Pac TeL & TeLCa Walter E. Dyer Retired, Aurora Paul E Robinson Superintendent Schools, Independence A. M. Weist Sopt Woods Geriingef Lbr. Co Dallas, Ore. Thrifty buyers are selecting Graham Let us demonstrate the Blue Streak Graham to you. Salem Prices , Complete $1193 to $1715. , . We Invite Your Inspection LODER B ROS 445 Center St ; Phone 6133 ; Salem, Ore. Graham Sales and Service iot Marios and Polk Counties Automatic Model RA-146 WIRED IN YOUR HOME Full-eiztd, 16-tnch porcelain-lined oven Famous Hotpoint Predsion Oven Control four speedy open-type burn ers. Wired in your home ... no addi tional cost. ! a mm 1 1 fulluftomQ-ic Westinghouse Model D-641 ! WIRED IN YOUR HOME , Famous "Flavor Zone" full-eized 10 inch oven, completely automatic Includ ing timer 4 WestinghouM hi-epeed, open-type burners. Wired in your home L . no additional cost. LIMITED TIME ONLY Call any PEPCO Electric Store Special Offer Eycrhot Cooker If you cannot purchase an electric range now, you can soil enjoy tha superiorities of electric cookery. You can cook meal, potatoes and two vegetables at one time m the EVERHOT COOKER and do many other cooking operations, as well as make ice cream and other chilled desserts. I Go to your favorite Electrical Dealer or the nearest Pcpco Store now and secure an EVERHOT COOKES, complete with all accessories, at the special low price of $935 terms If desired. PORTIAH D G EH ERaLI ELECTRIC CO. 1 LIGHT HILLSBORO StLVERTON ORECON CITY PORTLAND. X I WJ mJ IX . 1 U X r VANCOUVER POWER SALEM CRESHAM ST. HELENS. ST. JOHNS BRoadway063? t ' i