The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 16, 1932, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tt f OnEGONSTATESMAN, ;.P3!fri".OwsaSatnrfaT':BIoridxigwJnIr-lil932 1!.--
j r
total News Briefs PnHIMffi PRESETIT I
Se Prune Picture Men and
women working on the cherry
packing crews at the Salem Cherry
Growers association la West Sa
lem enjoyed a, treat yesterday af
ternoon when- OC Brooks, man a
Mrs. Davis Dies Word was re-1
celved here yesterday of the death.
of Mrs. J. N. Davis of Portland,
prominent for .years in many cir
cles, including the Daughters of
the American Revolution, sne
ger. showed them moving pictures I serred since 1920 as nrobatlon of
of prnne packing operations taken 1 1 ker In the court ot domestic re-
at the plant last xau. a number utions. She leaves one daughter
of the persons on the cherry crews and two cousins. Miss Margaret
worked during the prune season, j. McFadden and Mrs. JJP. Fris-
thereby adding interest to the pic- teil, both of this city. Funeral
tures. The film, Uken by Brooks I serried will be held at 1$S0 p. m.
ana ivainryii : uunneu.
State Emblem Will be Given
i Memorial Association at
Exercises Sunday
ii 4 j ji ... -i
'I! Hit
Sunday, July 17. at Champoeg
park the Knights of Pythias will
present to the. Champoeg Mem-
! 1 anata f tw a i Hmvah at fl fak
hOwd itf.v from thA Hoi man & Lilts I
hnfUgvi?trtS-frm!f mortoary at EMt 14ta a8d Sand7 provided by the order throughout
celpt at the packing plant to load- boUieTard. Portland. the state. The public as well as
ing inio uie reiriareratea cars. I . mamh-r. f tha ordai- 1- In-rited
nnaU, UsMiuta Sa OK fulfill I : .
Miller's July Clearance beginning Thomas and His Band, j
today features good quality mer-I " j ,
U. 8. Bays Equipment The
teletype eauipment at I airways
weather report stations has been
purchased by the government, it
was announced here this week,
and beginning next' week main
tenance will be in charge of gov
ernment employes instead of em
ployes of the telephone company
rrom which the equipment wast fir win h scented bv Peter
Willamette university in the last previously leased. This according I j. D'Arcy ot Salem.
tAti dftTH. A dacidedly arfialler mi-I to attendant at th vpathnr at a-I "-. v m,t.
- - i l uueau jl uuuui .. .-v. i . . .
rollment In the school is anticipa- Hon. will mean a call here once a 1 manv residents and -former resi- I Discouraged by the negative result
chandlse at extremely low prices,
A special feature In the basement
will be women's fine quality
broadcloth wash frocks at SI.
These were made to sell at S 2
Irani! rlaranra ait nn narA R
Enrollment Slows Down Few
applications have been received
from prospective freshmen at
! to come and enjoy the day. Coffee
will be furnished free and those
not bringing lunch can purchase
on the grounds.
Leslie E. Crouch, supreme chan
cellor of Knights of Pythias, will
make the presentation speech.
This Is a fitting time for this or
der to honor the state, as it is the
first time the head of the. order
has been selected from Oregon. On
behalf ot the Memorial association
it' In tha Churches. ill
Annual State Camp Meeting
At Woodburn Grounds
To Attract Many
tout vmso ssxTHuar
Xiaoioev oetweoa UU m4 Uairorsity.
A. 8. Bnlmoi, pastor. UU aiiaaioa,
laaea Tt. Serrieee: il a a. iii I
a.av. mom topic: Illastraiod aerate a.
ii a-B.; M.1M cU ubLr,
in toiiuy IS LESS
aMriaUadamk ad lMit la
! Snaeiil MrrioM. atmaM. te la ael
4at ky tormn iHkm, A. "HmmKtm
in i" nuy, mJ torn m mmt itumi.
8aay mM 10 a.K.: Kra. Twite Hol
la 6bC Teoar Peoala'a Mavtiac, T
P-B.I W. W. Walla, Im, BarA Hal-
ias, iMdac ItZMOSlAXi
Ctwaralal atraat al Hfn. ft.
IHrtow Jaaataa. vutac B4I K. Krara
trMt. Faaaa tflM.- Xanlay waklp at I
tl a'clotk. nbjaatt "WaraaJ WUtotl
:?F?rf.'Z71SZT ot births In Marion county
TiaTZr- "tI iraJai la the first six months of 111
nil U. ta k. M
Noticeable decrease In the nam-
ekair vui alas. -"Waat ax u atstaaa-1 compared, to the same perioa m
i'.ula. 'tTr.aLlrti!k 1,31 reported -this week by
ffiatii: iLiZa Dr. Vernon A. Douglas, health
WOODBURN, July 15 For
the 2ZA time, the state-wide
convention of the Church ot God
of Oregon will be held In the
grove north ot . Woodburn this
year, beginning: Thnraday, July
31, and extending to Sunday,
July SI. The Church of God owns
a beautiful ' grove and encamp
ment grounds about a half a mile
north of the city, along the rail
road tracks. t -. .
' There are a large auditorium,
a kltehen, community store, li
brary, and several other build
ings on the. grounds. Each yearlaai
members of the Church of God
from, every part of Oregon gath
er there for the ten-day convoca
tion. Usually there are about S09
persons registered.
' 7. 6ar4aa, paatar. garleaa 8a4art
s-aa. at Horta Coitara atraai. Lw.
kara aaaiael. 'Waat ia DuUt" fol low-
ad ky aaaaacaa. Mi4-waak aarriaa Tut-1
ay aaA TaarUay S p.m. at S81 Karta 1
Caarch KirmH. Paitor'a ntiaaaea SSI
nana Charca atraat.
Carrnar a Hoea aaa'Cattara airaata.
BuitT tckoal 10 a.ak fraackiac aerriea
11 Ja, ky O. W. Hatch, paatar. Teaag
faosU'a aarviaa :10. aaa praaekiaf
aarvia f 00 ky J. J. Oillaapla. Taata
wOi aaa ka any aarrieaw at toa ckapal
tka aut twa Sandaya a tha Aaaaal
cam KtaaUar at Waoakarm eoaveaaa Jaly
ai-SL Ganrieaa aack day 10:30. :S0.
liaa pariod. Wkat da m saw ka tka I Officer, Who Sua 4X1 births haa
iaiMrtaBt -iMilln m tka ftaar 1 '
TVa Ufiia far tka paator'a claaiac IS
aaaatua ft tka hwar' Ke-n reported te July 1 thto
iar ia : .
Vaaaa Iar.taa Taa." ttiwk 'Mr egapuwi w n 7r
ackaal at t:4S. V. U. Backatt. Saat. Mid- lOX the Other hand deaths fO the ,
wack prayer aad aUfly hoar Tkaraday I Mnitr lnrrMad. XII belna re-
tub( ai 1 : I
- " " - . i - -- - w ww i ujIDj rcamvuM ,uu ui mm . i ' . . . , . a sera) rw apecia
ted thU fall because of prevailing week by a federal maintenance dents of Oregon, among them be- tr ng aiege at worship meetings and
economle conditions. Many stu- I man.
rfanffl M,AV (a tfvnmA fSft raff. I
iof r. nnr hnf-iarv nf IJnlT Clearance of knitted suits
funds will not make enrollment l J dresses in Miller', basement
ti.1. v . ., .ij..t. iuut. rncea 11.91 ana 17 ix
yuBsiuie. iU3i year w eiuucuu 1 - t
were enrolled the first semester
m e jm a, - .9 avia. .ti. J
,tna lit lot second, ine aiieuu
anc this fall is exDected to ex
ceed BOO.
Special prices on all paint at Nel-
ann Rrna Tn
Child Is Hurt Dorothy Brown,
aged nine, ot route three, Salem,
lnz Mrs. Caroline Kamm, a de
scendant ot'W. H. Gray, promin
ent figure in the organization of
Oregon's provisional government;
Mrs. Amelia Clemens ot Hlllsboro,
first person of white blood born In
what is now Multnomah coujrty;
F. 3L Mathieu, member of the
group which formed the provision
al government, will be represent- i
ed by a son; John Floyd ot Vlr- i
ginia, who introduced into con
gress the first measure favoring
the acquisition of Oregon terri
tory, will be represented by Mrs.
E. T. Wethered, a daughter, and
To Grand Jury Mike Smith,
following preliminary hearing in
Justice court yesterday on charge
of burglary in a dwelling In the
night time, was bound Over to
the grand Jury and ball contin
ued at $3000. He la in the county
jail. Bill McCaffery and Leo
Smith, charged Jointly with
Smith for the crime, waived nrA-
tal Friday morning with a badly i11"11 hearing and were bound George H. Himcs, secreUry ot the
cut and bruised left leg. She was ) grand Jury. They are also Oregon Pioneer association.
Injured. when the truck in which "J uniJl Jau wua D4U l Central lodge No,
she was riding skiaaea on me - T--v v"
sllDDerv road and backed into a
tree, pinning her leg between tne jury Clearance In Miller's apparel
trnck and the tree, line is tne snops today. a
danrhtsr 'nf Ur and Mr fl. T.. I
Frost, route three, on the south Official Here E. L
' - . 1 v hw a a.
river road. Mr. Frost reported "6' ""pennienaeni or ,me
.ho. wnnt ha ahlA to rtnrn southern Pacific lines in Oreeon.
home Friday evening. visited Salem Friday in his spe-
- clal car. The stop here was In
Wffntpd 100 rnnnlea. Salem's only Connection with a trio of inmec
old-time dance. Every Sat., 12 th ana nis party are mak-
and Leslie. 10c and 25e. in throughout this section of
me RiarA 1
members of the Bonus Army are
shown as they take advantage of the
Government's offer of free trans-
portatioB home. Here is the ticket
deeartment at Union Station where
ex-service men are taken care of.
The majority of the bonus-seekers
intend to stick unui their oemanos
are met.
n Giiim' 111
IS of Salem
expects to be represented by an
attendance of about 100. -
Newsmen to Portland A num
ber of local newspapermen mo
tored to Portland last night to
attend the annual "gridiron'
banquet of the Oregon Editorial
association. Such a banquet was
held here last year when the ed
itors were guests of Salem. At
that time the Meier-Hoss con
troversy formed the basis for a I
great round of Jokes by the ed
itorial visitors. The association's
annual summer meeting closes
tonight in Portland.
Dance Mellow Moon Sat. 25c, Clell
TYitmsa anA Ttia Tin nil
Statesman subscribers have been
paid $3378.03 in claims on their
$1 Accident Insurance Policies.
Wants Divorce
W. N. Hamilton, manager of
the Portland General Electric
company, in a communication to
The Statesman quotes from a
letter of the third assistant post
master general to the effect that
there is no law prohibling the
DALLAS, July 15. In circuit
court here today L. L. Johnson ot
Portland was found guilty on a
charge of contributing to the de
linquency ot a minor. He was the
He will be sentenced at 10 a. m.
only witness In his own defense.
Johnson was alleged to have
taken Margaret Lane, 15, from her
home at Salt Creek to Portland.
She had formerly worked at his
home in Portland, where he has a
wife and two children.
Ransom Drake pleaded guilty in
circuit court on a charge of non-
support which had been taken up
by the Justice court and bound
over to the circuit court. His pres
ent Job was hardly aufficient to
ple'i gatherings in the morning
and afternoon and evangelistic
services in the evenings. It has
been especially pointed out that
anyone, whether he is a member
of the church or not. may attend
any of the meetings.
Friday, Jaly 12. will
served as young people's day. On
Wednesday a Sunday school day
has been arranged for.
Chairman of the general pro
gram committee Is O. K Chap
man. Others on the committee
are F. E. Rawie. F. Van Lyde-
graf E. H. Ahrendt and J. J.
Gillespie. Chairmen of various
special committees are: Sunday
school day. Ruth Schaefer; young
people's day, Walter S brock; mu
sic, J. J. Gillespie; special music,
Ona Chapman; camp grounds,
J. L. Green.
Camay at Hasal aad Aeadaaiy a treat.
(Sunday teaaal at 10 lb. liaaaoa: I Sav
nal S. rraaeaiar at 11 aad 1:S0 laataad at tka Prayar auaattag ea
Tkasaday Taaiag at S a' dock July SI,
tka aaala aaiatat af Wkeatoa ealUra.
Wk in;u;. win - 1
young peo- I proCTat wkick win aa UttraBaataL To
tal rasviratiaaaL a raa-wiU aflariaa
corded tor this year compared to
S2C a year agQ . .
Heart des eases took the largest
toll, 98 cases ot death being list
ed under this heading. Aato ac
cident fatalities went p mark
edly this year. It persons la the
county losing their lives this
year compared to II a year ago. .
Infant deaths were It, Other
causes of death were: Communi
cable diseases, 45; cancer, SI;
apoplexy, 10; kidney diseases,
31; diabetes. 6.
Communicable disease cases re
ported showed a falling off.
diphtheria cases decreasing te 10,
scarlet fever to 13. smallpox to
Foaka, Jr- miaUtar. Saaday atarninc I f our. Only three cases Of typhoid
Sit Stata atraat. Sarrlcaa ara kaU aa
Soaaar at 11 a -at. HaUaaaa aatlaf. 1 :S0
p-aa, naa day aekaai, :Id p.av. Taaag
faopla a laalaa. s p-am. Balvattaa aaa
iac. Aba aa Taaaday. - Taaraday ' ai
Batarday at S pja. All ara wcleaaia.
Aajataat x raneaa. . !
i I
Ckortk (tract bat vera CbcaMkeU aad
CaaUr atraata. Bay. P. W. JCrickaaa, paa
tar. 11 aja. "How la Ealr la by tka
kiarraw Data." 8iMial aaoaia. Saac ky
tka aaala auartat. Ma Saaday aekoal dar
iaf taa aaatBar ataatka. Toaac Faopla'a
laatiac at T P-bl. irotoaal vrocraav.
Gardaa party at Mra. Wat Hafadoa'a
aazt Tkaaaay ay xaaiea vauo.
will ka raaaivad tfakalp neat tkelr LraT
aUaC axpaaaaa. "
r:n mm sup
The Church of the Nazerene is
maintaining a busy summer
schedule which includes a daily
Saatk. Ooanaareial at Waaklagtaa.
Ckarlaa O. Hawarta, yaatar. Baaday
aaraieaa: 10 caa. bob day acaaol; Katkaa
Caok, 8api. 11. aumiaa warakiB. S
ka nh.iaaaiac warakia. Tapla far diacaaaiaa:
now car aa taa Teaekiaga at data Af
fect Oar Oaadaett Tkaraday S p. at.
rrayar Jaaetiag aaa Biola Btady.
CLEUt LAU ckayck achool 10 aja.:
W. P. CoIIard, Sapt. Cenauiaioa aarriea
at It. 8abeV "Tka Soa'a Marriara
Faaii." E. U a E. at T. E. U a K.
profraat sad watartaiaaMat rrtday arta
Inr. Jaly 13.
MIDDLE GBOVX ckarek school 10 a.
aa.; T. T. Walker, 8apt. Hieiioa kaad
aarriaa at 11. S. L. O. E. at T. topiat
"Haw Tar Pa tka Teackiat ai Jaaaa
Alloc vat Uonoact 7 ETeaiag wa
akip at S. ankjaet: "Tka Klac'a Supper.
i Prayar aiptinr W-doetday at S p.m.
IiABISU VEiTTXa ckarek achool 10
W. A. Starker, eapt. O. E. at T:
Kaaeai Haaeekaca, leader ia dieeaeaUg
-new rar u taa Teach tafa of Jeraa
Affect Our Caadaett" kfid-waek deva-
tiaad Tkaraday at S P-bl H. B. Sckeaer-
maa. pasUr, 1161 Caiaa atraat, Saleav
IStk aad Ceater itreeta. Bar. Hettkar
GaUoway. pastar. Reaideaee tOSS Mar
ket atraat, pkoae S6J0. Tka pastor will
speak Baaday from tka foUowiac aak-
paetat 11 "Kick, Caaoaadad. Joy
fal. Liyug." S p.av. 'Tka Great Pfcyai-
eaia." Aa attractive procraaa af special
aauia ia aack aerriea. Baaday school at
:a aja. r. at. utwuier. Bapt. . X. e.
8. aad Jaalor society T p.av.
WUter aad Jeffexse atraeta. Hack B.
worship serriee at IL, Banaaa by taa
pastor oa "Tka Prliaaey af Paitk."
Ckarek school aessiaai at B:dS a.av. H.
B. Carpeater, Snpt. Epwertk laaraa
treapa at T ETaaiat' aarriea. a die-
eaaaioa troap at S p.av. Qnaetioa for dia
cassioa, "Wkat Is it to be a CkrUtiaa
Citiseat" x
were reported.
Hick aad Caatar streets. D. J. Hewo,
pastor. Raaideaco 10SS H. Win tor.
a.av. Bible school. Beaideaaa 102S Nartk
a. ax. Bikla a a k a a L All tka
I depart ateats at tka nod era ckarek ackeet
aiaUUiaad. U a.av, worship, Tka Lord a
Sapper follawed ky preseklnf. Senaaa ky
tka pastor, "Tka Sitae of tka Usaes."
Tka rot pet laVitee QnarUt will sine. S:S0
p. at. eemoes ia Wll tsoa park, berasoa,
T'WiU CkrUtUaity 8arriTt" Earl Jea-
aiaxa aololsu T I an stun Eadeavor
ataetiat. S p. at. XTsnceliitia aerriea.
Seratoa. "'Seriptaral Matirea ia Beeoai
lag a Ckristiaa' kUd-week aerriea Wad-
aeidsy, T:30
divorc here, declaring that her Private mail receptacles, such as was given until 10 o'clock Satur- ot Pdl features for the Sun
husband, Prank A. Ritchie had electric light bills, gas bills cir- day to decide on it. dT night services, a ladies'
deserted her. The couple' was ort1. leaflets, . newspapers." Elisabeth J. Baunach received cnorus, and a program of young
marrit-d August
coupie was
25, 1930, at
The question was raised in I a divorce from August J. Baunach i peoples' activities. The Sunday
Experiment Costly C a r r o 1
Ernestine I " ' 1 jwu was uuruiy auiiicieui 101 . - - --v fcl,--,v ... r , , , n a
Ritchlu yesterday filed suit for Pacing of extraneous matter in take care of his own wants so he rjeation Bible achool, a program weetea. pastor, s...., school at i:ai ja, u. rarraaoa, eapt. Ckarek aarriea
at S p.av. subject, "Watch Wltk kfa.'
aiaaieai aaaaaera by tee Utmirwi su
tare. Eraareiiatie aarriea at 7:44 p.;
Subject. "Tka Three Crosses." Special
rlolla aamber. Taesday ereaior. at T:i5
chalk tslk, "Some Batter Thiers Par
Us. Wadaoaday aneraoaa rariral prayar 1
awaUag at S:30. Tkaraday area lag da
rotioaal aad taatlatoay aerriea at T :f Toaag People's serriee 8ararday
aigkt at T :3.
Vortk Baassaer at kfarioa atraeta. Ea-
ory W. Pettleords V. D- minister. Baa
day school at 0:45 Ifaraiag warship
at 11 o'clock; subject: "Aarelie Com-
paaioaakip." Eraatelistia aorrieo at B
o'clock: aabjeet: "Tka Bigkt 8ide of tka
Skip." Taang People'e neetiac T o'clock ;
aabjoet "Hew Far Do tbo Taackiort of
desaa Aifaet Vnr Caadactl"
Cathlamet, Wash. She asks that newspaper articles recently re- and Harry Godsey received a div-
ner maiden name of Ernestlna "Pecung tne practice 01 tne eiec- 1 orce irom Florence Goasey.
Kraua be restored to her. Jmc company in aeuverins lis
1 own mommy invoices, nr. turn- r
One License Issued One mar- llton also Quotes the postal laws W TIP tit- I 11TTI0T
riae-a Hoan,. vs. 4 4 . s I v I .v. I. I O
at the office of the countv clerk, enr of such matter by special
unaney 8. Neubauer, 2, of Leb- messenger employed for the par-
bTUMI 1 TYl AaKa nla m J I MM1a . mmm l am am1s an1 MAa-
' i ' ' ::... " lmisslo:i to marry Tera E. Mc- eludes
9 wii, '"J ewe, 26, route six. Salem, a "The foregoing InformaUon is
wun one eye as result oi miacar- RA(.riarir .v,- . ' . .i - ,v.,
T!age. wPent performed today by Rev H. a In trun convey it to the public
cnemicais inursaay nigm. au ! stover. if you see fit to do so. and
ngntea tne cnemicai. uames .eap thereby eliminate the idea that,
up, uiinusT niiu aiiuaioi u nignw oraatea 1 mar hA rrnld hw tnnis neonle that
a s m ti f a a. & i t r a . a M a a . . . I - - J ' w r
eye ana painiuuy Durning u nw rignis m tne estate firmg wao are delivering their
ereuan. w auuiju ociueoier. aeceasea
. were cr anted vesterdaw &r nrn.
Three to Build Three build- hata
inir mrm t, arm taa nnA asaln taS- ! cv,. j . . . '
. Q j tociueuier. nia wmoar k itm i ,
terday by E. C. Bushnel, building count in the etat
inspector, w .bt, nuius, iniii
shed and garage at 1135 a. lztn
at estimated cost of S145; Mrs. Plan Coast Trip The Young
win Moore, reroot nouse ai ib reopie s torum ot tne First Meth
North Winter at cost of 130; W. odlst church will meet at the reg
S. Fitts, repair market at zzzvi I ular 6:30 o'clock hour Sunday
at estimated night, when Leon Korris will read
two short plays, and special music
will be enjoyed. Final arrange
ments for the trip to Cutler City
next week end will be made,
Admit Offenses
own invoices and statements are
doing so In violation ot the laws
of the land."
North Commercial
cost of 200.
school instead of a summer
slump" has made a 10 per cent
increase la average attendance
over the average for the entire
year Just past, says Rev. Fletch
er Galloway, pastor.
The dally vacation Bible school
opened Monday morning and 136
Judge L. H. McMahan yesterday 1-Pk. ....... -..,t v..
a - . - . f - aui atbouuauwv usj ucvu
7"SLt.?L: I w the pupil, rang, in age
:.Jrr .TJ,: from 4 to 1. Rev. Galloway is
r Jhr. i.r x- There
I of whom pleaded guilty as charged .r; fonr dMlrtmMlt. wMA
.Jvi . il VA" supervised by eight teachers.
tr r.; TtrZiZl llL.lLl The Women's chorus made its
tl!ffrt w 5fH5,5rtr.v UT morning, is being directed
Am w.L .h.iL. TV .iT.r. . bT Miss VloU Lottls. The chorus
IyrLe?1 Bing again Sunday morning.
aVtal UlosVCICo SWCIJl I wlV VtafAa fk fa, a. AneAAS t VkaV IaL
Tna.-r.V-",::-V"vr Wowing sermon subjects: 11a.m.
dwelling. He took an electric
IQzk aad Ferry atreeta. Oraded Ckarek
school at :49 Preachiag aerrieco at
10:5 la. aad S PJS. Paatar Will apeak
at kotk aorricea. B. T. P. U.'a at T .au
This weak: Wadaaaday areaiar at S
o'clock, prayar aerriea. Tpartday area-
lag at T:44 e clock, choir rekesrsaL W.
Larla Cockraa, pastor.
Nartk Cottage aad. D atraeta. O. W.
Batsck. atiauter. Saaday school, 9:45
IA 8ia Bchirasaa. Snpt. Serriee at 11
BJs. Ber. J. Lippert ot Biaasark a. Dak..
will kriag tka message. Choir song. B. T.
f. u. at 7 p.m. lieary Aaasaaaa. presi-
daat. Essilr PsrUek'a rromo ia ckarra.
I ereaiag aarriea at a'eloek. Tapla. "Aa
Uncomfortable Kelitioa. : Kern la r ssid-
weak prayer meatiag at I p a. Wedaes-
ktaeta at Kaiaer school house fear a ilea
Kcetar, Bapt. Toaag People's leader is Er
aaat 8arare oa tko topic. "Oar Aaserieaa
Recreation." Offering far Iastitate Paad.
Cknreh aerriea at 11 o'clock witk aeratoa
thesis, "EeadUaea and Faotnotee." Ne
ereaiag aerricaa.
Kelsoa kaildiag. corner oi Ckeasaketa
aad Liborty atraeta. 8aaday school at 10
aaa. Preachiag at 13.
6A5 Perry atreet. W. H. CaldwaU. aaa- .
tor. Pkoae 869S. Baaday school at t :45,
ktra. Gilbert Wklta. Bapt. Marnier wor
ship at 11 a. at. There will ka ao Saaday '
rraaiag aerrioa aa aeeooat of Piatrict
Caaip Peetiag aaw being bsld at Canny.
Ureroa. Prayar errleaa at (aa Tsberaacia
aa Taaaday aad Friday oreaiags. Toaag
People a prayer aseetiag oa Tkaraday ar
eniag. rierriea at Bellerno csarea oa
Saaday at 11 ajs. Saaday ackool at BaU'a -
rerry ackaoiaoaaa at a P-av. v
Msriea and Mortk Uberty streets. Brit-
toa Boas, pastor. :45 sjs. Biblo ackool.
rred Broer. Snpt. Koraiag worship at 11
e clock. Special aivsic by tko saala
ckorae. Seraioa "Tka Cknatiaa a
Walk." Jr. aad Sr. B. T. P. 0. at T p at.
Laey 8hiratsa will lead far tbo Jr. so
ciety. Iarard Haasaa will lead tka Sr.
society. Prayer meeting before tko area-
ing aerriea wiu aegia at 7 o'clock, erea
iag aerriea at o'clock. Seraioa, "The
Preat Peace coalereaee. special Basic.
Tka pastar will preach at both serriee.
Eirhtecath aad Stata atraeta. Bar. antes
E. atiaaesaaa, pastor, finaea srrrices
at :S a. at. gnbjert: "Debtors mt God
aad ot of tka rieea." aagliah aerrtees
11 a .at. Sebiect: "To Lira to God aad
K'ot to tka Flesh." Saaday ackool S:4
Mrs. Amos E. Viaaeasaa. Boat, lea
ther learne 7:10 pja. Martha Eatster-
aaaaa, leader.
Special aerie of oranreliaUe addresses
being girea ky E. a. ustiey as iaa
ad Lum TV- rlrloir Har- U1 k trets. Surtiag taa
LiLuZt Vwrv rhZLl it Jo Saaday at S. address ea "At His
k iVk .ri . . U. Feet." At S p.m. the aabj wiU bo
ni. -?"'rt.5r.2fi VZ "Life Oat af Death." Meatiag con-
tin aa sightly except Satarday. Saaday
school at 10 a -at. ra charge of as re a OI-
Rich, unbounded. Joyful living"
at . A aa BSawaja A A - -
manrla tarn .Wtrf, . 0 P- - wrean ruyai-
a-rSf Vriif ""I." The special music for Sun-
set of golf clubs from the rest
aence here of Rev. George H.
day night will be request numbers.
Oaraor Hi r bland aad Ckarek atraeU- I
Edgar P. Sims, pastor. Biblo school B:4
svaa, A. M. Beckett, Bapt. Morning wax-
ship at 11 Ereaiag aarriaa S P.i
Jaaior C. K. S p at. Seaior aad Intar-
BodlaU O. E. at T p as. Mid-week prayer
sseeuag Tkaraday at a pja.
Obeateketa aad Liberty streots. Saa-
dsy oorrieoa at 11 Sabieet. "Life.
Saaday achool at :45 and 11 a.av. Test!
atony aseetiag wadneadoy at B p.av
Beadiag Boom at 0 Mssoni Tenrple
epoa frees ll to 6:80
aad kelldaya.
B. E. Parker, pastor. 9:4S Ckarek
schooL 11:00 pnblie worship. Sermoa by
the pastor. "The Twenty-Third Psali
ia the Life of Today.'w Masia by asixed
qaartet. S:80. respar aerrleoa ia Willaoa
park. Ber. D. . Haws, preaching.
( Catholic)
Highland aad Myrtle areaaes. Ber.
The. T. Keens a, pastor. , Phoaa Ball,
Saaday asaaso at T aad 9 :t0 a-as. Weak-
day aerneea at S:i clock.
Ceater aad Tiberty itreeta. J. B. 81-
aaoads. pastor. Saaday achool 9:45 ass.
Moraine worship 11 o'clock. Dr. W. C
Kaataor will preach ia the abaeaee of
the pastor who ia at tho state yoaag
people a conference.
Corner Capitol aad Marioa stmts. W.
a. LienkiemDar. aastor. This coarroga-
tioa will particlpaU ia the Sth aaaaal
anioa serriees of tka Be formed charehea
of Portland. Clasa ia at Boose he' Woods,
near Wllsoarille. Ia esse of rsia there
except Sanday will be serriee aa ataa! at the lecal
"Tho Pifteeeth Amend sse at Draatatls.
ed" will bo the eraagelisrie aeratoa oa
Saaday at S pat, of pastor. Hogh R. Me
CaUaa. Tho Biblo achool aaoata at
9:45 with Mr. Irene Waller aa
Snpt. Endeavor societies at 7 -v At tho
morning worship aad Lord's Sapper, 11
. the psstor will speak aa "WW
Taitt Made to Lire. ' Hit woex aerrico
Wedaoaday at S being a atady of
Paal the DeteraUaad.
19th aad Perry atreeta. H. O. 8torer.
niaister. Moraiag warship at 11. Fr
raoa, "Coata aad Hear, and I Win Ten
What Great Tbiaca tha Lord Hath Done
far My SoaL" The church achool at 19
a-a. C C. Harris. Sapt.
Chicken Dinner
Every Day
Why Not Dine Here Tonight?
Have The Statesman follow you
on your vacation. Mailed to any
addresi two weeks, only 25 cents.
Named Administratrix Ruth
P. Smith was named yesterday
as administratrix of the estate
of Sr" r P. Powell, deceased. As
sets oi the estate are in per
sonal property held 'at $8000.
Effective July 24, the Oregon
Electric railway will discontinue
all passenger trains on its lines
While on your vacation have The I with the exception of one train to
Eugene and return each day, from
Portland. The passenger service L. , j" ' "ft 4
.u- -.. iT in v. I July 14 on route 7. Salem.
UU IUS UIC9I UIVTS UU Will VW I w u p. . , .
entirely discontinued. The trains Jll",.0'13 T"?g of Sa:
isi acciaents m operaUng through Salem will be j;; u' .XJU 1 iwrden Dartv T
reported to the I kt a
Appraisers named yesterday are ! state industrial accident commls- and No. lt northbound at 4 p. m! wwd Belster of Iowa and '
A. Martinson, Robin u. way wa wu aunng me wees enamg July J Operating one train may be re- "Zr 1U ""renas ot uer-
quired to save Its franchise in va
rious cities
Oregon Statesman mailed to you,
can Slot. -
No Industrial Deaths A total
of 495 industrial accidents in I
Oregon were
Ladies? Guild
Garden Party
Thursday Event
Bert T. Ford.
Hawlev to be Here Congress
man W.'C. Hawley and his wife
plan to spend the summer vaca
tion in Salem according to ad-
14, according to a report issued
xrmay. iso- iaiaiuies were re
many. Funeral services Monday.
July lg at 1:30, from Rigdon's
Miss Albert to Sing Miss Jo
sephine Albert, who has been
yices received locally. They will studying In the east for the past 2 inrdY on its patronage
.tart home shortly after the .d- Jftr' rJlttiJL9iS
journraent of congress which is the Presbyterian church. Her se- twft .... H AnAth'
tecuon is "u uirine Keaeemer'
by Gounod. 1
a .i' v -,- I mortuary, intombment Mt. Crest
A W VUD a,iaiA7 a.AA7 UawftVU JJICVbltV I VV mmm aia-,, 1
operated many passenger trains I '
between Salem and Portland but I "
nt. Tin a jiaihaaHHah . . k rnmmAm I tvOMOS
vusivs, sea years.
aiea 'inursaay, July 14,
The Ladles' Guild of the Amer
ican Lutheran church will hold a
Thursday afternoon
clock at the home
of Mrs. William Hagedorn.
Mrs. Clarence Byrd a group of
the membership and financial
contest being conducted by the
Guild will sponsor this affair for
the entire membership and
friends. The Guild now has 7S
members. .
expectod late this week.
Case Dismissed Bad check
chargeii against ; Anna Baldwin
and liernice Baldwin, sisters.
Drunkenness Harry D. i Bonro
and Claude Johnson were arrested
were dismissed In justice court j Thursday night for drunkenness.
yesterday on motion ot the pri
vate prosecutor, the district at
torney consenting.
Johnson paid half of a $10 fine in
city court yesterday and Is slated
to pay the other $5 in a week.
twotralns each way dally. Anoth
er factor in loss of patronage was
stopping of trains at the Jeffer
son, street depot in Portland in
stead ot running down 10th atreet
through the business section.
E. F. Roberts, city passenger
Uncle of
Vernon Sheldon, Salem, Mrs. Mae
uurger or Ft. Jones. Cal and
Van Shott of RickrealL He was
past noble grand of Chemeketa
wage o. l, I.O.O.F. lodge ot
Salem. Funeral services Satur
day, July If at z p. m. from
Rldgon's mortuary under the
Cladek Sells W. A. Cladek has
old his new residence at 1656
North 18th street to Edward Za
kara, employed at the First Na- j ance Policy tor only 81 a year.
tional bank. Cladek plans to start
construction on another house
Vacation time Is travel time. The
Oregon Statesman otters to sub
scribers a Travel Accident Insur-
nirnnt will ennilnns In ehirrs Af
! th iDRsaenrer denot nera. he a tat- nPlces of the Odd Fellows lodge
" r I a-IAIs T - V a .
ed yesterday. He also looks after IT "u urover unicnet ornc-
sales of tickets on the narentl ""Of. ..Interment Belcrest Mem-
i rnarla of thai O. VL 0Ti1 Prk.
Property Sale Ordered Sale
of assets of the estate of, John
J. Mickey, deceased, was ordered
yesterday In probate courtl Ken
neth E. Mickey is to handle the
In City Jail Earl Caufield.
4 S3 North Cottage street, was
arrested last night on charge of sale as executor.
disoraeriy conduct.
1 O
At Breltenbash Mr. and Mrs.
C. H. Reeder. S48 North! 12th
street, have gone to Breltenbush
springs for their annual vacation.
Price To Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
E. Price, 141 East Wilson street.
a son, Robert Lyton, born July 12.
Manning A 6 pound baby
girl to Mr. and Mrs. R. Manning ot
818 South zjrd street. Friday at
the Bungalow Maternity home.
Rooster Adopts
Young Turkeys;
Capable Nurse)
and Noma Jeane. to Mr. and Mrs.
P. P. Otto of Woodburn, horn Fri
day at the Bungalow Maternity
borne. ' ' ; . :V i
E. J. Gllstrap, Statesman field
Otto r Twin girls, Roma Deane Inn reports most mosing in-
located on tha Lyons route above
Gates. There he found a ! Jersey
black giant rooster who had ad
opted and was mothering a brood
of seven young turkeys several
weeks old. The rooster is most
attentive, seeing that the turkeys
are fed, and shooing away all
barnyard Inhabitants whOj show
signs of molesting mem
Coining Events
Jaly 17 Oklahoma picnic
at SUverton park:.
August 7 Ohio "Bock
eye' picnic. Stata fair
grounds. :; ,:.--," .;' . J. C ', i j v
August 7'21-Annual CSie
meketaa outing at - Spirit
Aagtut 14 DakoU plt
.y.:j':'vv .
, v,
i x -
. ' V .
Lawrence A. Beckman. ared
50 years, died Friday, July 16,
at the residence 1440 Nebraska
avenue. Survived by widow, Mrs.
Kathleen M. Beckman; child
ren Robert Lawrence, Muriel
Elaine and Helen Joan1 Beck
man; father, Louis Beckman;
sisters. Mrs. Bertha Dahle and
Miss Ethel Beckman. He was a
member of the Masonic and Odd
Fellow lodges and of the grange.
Funeral announcements later by
Rigdon mortuary. .
Shellor T. Powell, aged 84
years, died Thursday, July 14 at
2065 Hasel avenue. Survived by
cnudren, Mrs. Ruth P. Smith.
Miss Delia C. Powell, Mrs. Beu
lah p. Xoft and Ernest W, Pow
ett,. all of Salem; Mrs. Anna P
Wagner of Hawthorne, CaL, and
Thomas J. Powell of Wellsvllle,
mo. Ha was a member of J tha
Baptist church et WellsviUe. Mo.
Funeral services Sleurday, . Julr
is at p. m. from Rigdon's
mortuary, alter which the re
mains will be forwarded to Mont
gomery, Mo., for final services
aad interment.. : " .. j
hard at work oa bis big Job. ,
Te Barry Sexton, secretary
Sneaker John . Nance Garner
. .n iv.t. I 1CU9, vemucnue wumm
rne vounar turaeya mw vuvu vr!- mttmm tiim Mmmit i -a - .
adopted papa Just like any chicks 0f VSswTrbi the thousands el tJtitVtSt itlemOnal
A.av & a. a. aaa aa a jm aa aarn ill I1T as as m . a. 1 aa mmt a aa saaw
IOUOW at uou, svuu w - leikCra sua Mticgrsuua mat imum-
isfied with his protection. 1 - : dated the office congratulating the
This odd family is drawing Speaker on his being chosen as run-
nBCh attention la the eommun- rtLug mate to Governor Roceevelt.
irw nirUeularlr from campers in Sexton ia shown ia Garner's race
the Robertson Spring j camp
ground across tha road.
rss vBarit
Xaat Taa KUatoa rraa
.et Tswa
First Baptist
Marion and North liberty
11 A. M. "The Christian's
; Walk,
8 P. M "The Great Peace
Special Music by
Male Chorus
Bible School Orchestra
Will Play 7 P. M.
- V
i .
Dr.-Cban Lam
Chinese Medicine
. Office boars
Taesday and Satur
day a to s p. so.
. Combs 1 and a
ItS tf. Commercial
Call OOt 0 Used a'araltare
Depavrtiaeati - - -.
151 North Big.,
The Statesman Publishing Company operates one of
the largest printing and ; publishing plants in
the state. Besides printing ,Its own publica
tions, The Oregon Statesman and the North
west Poultry Journal, the plant handles a wide
variety of commercial printing.
Papers and Periodicals;
Willamette Collegian
Salem High School Clarion
Clarion Annual f
Oregon Legionnaire
Oregon Historical Quarterly
In addition the plant turns out catalogs, books, broad
sides, sale bills, and all forms of letterpress printing.
Summer is a good time to check your stationery needs.
The Statesman plant is well equipped to turn out such
. work as ! v
Experienced Workmen j
Modern Eqmpmeni
Promptl Courteous Service
Statesman Publishing Co.
215 So. Com!
Phona 9101