The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 15, 1932, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, July 15, 1932
Lo ca 1 News Br ief s
l Accidents Numerous Reports
of accidents" were tiled witli the
city police yesteiday as follows:
Mrs. L U-Pearmlnef 868"Market
etreet, anil tk. R. Schlerman, 18 ?0
North Cbrchat Church and Mar
ket streets; George Meyer. MtT An
gel, and A: C. Halght,8282 Slmp
son street, at Mill and .12th
Streets; Carleton L. Roth,. 1113
North Cottage, and Glenn Bur
' Tight. 230 N. Liberty which hap
pened July 12 as Roth's track was
backing In an alley; Cecil E. Rice,
toute nine,' and R. Ataman, 1790
Sooth Capitol, and Joe King, Jr..
Y. M. C. AV and E. L. Coffey.
1205 Leslie street, at Leslio and
,12th. ;:- , ' 'U
Bare The Statesman follow -yon
on your vacation. Mailed to any
address two weeks, only 25 cents.
Predicts Special Session Pre
diction of a special session of the
legislature before the end of, the
year was made by Frank Andrews,
renresentatlTO from Muitnoman
county who was la the city yester
day on business. Andrews thinks
license fees must be cut and he
believes now-Is the time to effect
a-auarterly license payment plan.
He was ranking member of the
highway committee In the bouse
, In the 1932 session. , -
refrigerators at cost. Call at Cap
ital Ice, 560 Trade St.
John Kelly Visitor John W.
Kelly, chief of the, Oregonian news
bureau at, Washington, spent part
of Thursday In Salem where he
paid bis respects to Hal E. Hobs,
secretary of state, and other om
Three Building: Permits .
Three building permits tnclud-'J
Inr , one for construction of
new residence, were issued jes-i
terday by the city building in-
Brake Talk I a Hrrn The onlv lpecior, as . wmowe. uuoiv
vrK? iie ufre im on.y l.T..v -' f . a 11800
talking- moving picture about au- aovU0 af m5 North ltb.'"x:
tomoblle brakes will be shown at Miller, to repair dwelling at 2(0
the chamber of commerce audi-1 Marion at estimated cost 01
torium tonight at 8 .o'clockl by the J $ 5 0 0 ; and G.' W. Moored, - 3 U
Colyear , Motor Sales company I North lBtn, alterations ai so
and the B, and P, Partsj store I estimate. , . ; H
here. In 'conjunction with the I ' n, '
Thermoid Rubber company, which 1 , Junuf. , L . Jh
is releasing the film. Anyone In- T' r , Yt
terested In tho subject is Inrited J sda "i.S,tSS5SK
to attend, says Ray W. Taylor, "uu 6 . r.VvTf
Colyear manager, and especially Pla t0 . enJoy
are garagemen. service- station v
attendants and particularly 1 " Ly
brakemen urged to see the film, naTe B W?J " J".
showing of which takes bbut an rov- ; In the etof
hour and 15 minutes. The show I "P151"' v 'v.v
particularly displays a new type wm oe serrea i tuu.
brake being brought out on 1932 v.tfnn t!m la travel time. The
cars, the Bend ii-Lockheed, Lnrenn statenman offers to sub-
Spot dance Friday Hazel Creen. I acrlbers a Tratel Accident I nsur-
In Union Serrice The ! Salem I .. ...
Reformed church, of which Rey. r if V f
W. G. Lienkaemper is pastor, Margaret Stephenson, director of
will Join the fifth annual! union religious eaucauon
services of the Portland Reform- M- ? church here, will return
ed church Sunday. The meeting onaay irom ine rupwuriu
will b held at Roescbe-s Iwoods. Institute W utue niTer nesr
near WilsonTille. In event of KOseDurg, wwca aas ueea
rain, the usual' services will bei '" tbls week. Miss Steyenson
k,M o v .t,..v t ...j hn been one of the institute
uvsa : su'. moi vuuavu xioicu I
of the union session at Wilson-I instructors.
iile. 1 , irr4l ImIiI.
- - 'i hois jianagiHS
While on your vacation have The Holt, former manager of the Cap-
Oregon" Statesman mailed to you, Hal theatre. here, has recenuy m-
call .9101. sumed tne managemem oi vuo
! New Salem hotel, improvements
At White Home Mr, and Mrs. I to the front of the building and
Albert Patterson and daughter of I a general overhauling of the lob
Klamath Falls are visiting at the by are planned.
Iaqmiriee Miuiy Numeroua In
quiries for Willamette valley real
estate are being received here,' lo
cal realtors report. Cash 'deals
are few but trades of property
are numerous. ; ;-
-.. , : i
' Sturpended License ' of Zu
gene Byland, arrested for speed
ing, was suspended for five days
when defendant appeared .before
Poliee Judge Poulsen yesterday
. Released Ted Bradsbaw,
alias Dick Murphy, , was released
from- the city Jail yesterday. He
was arrested several days ago on
a check charge. - .- I
Not Guilty G. A. Allen was
found not guilty on a reckless
driving charge after trial In Jus
tice coun yesieraay, - ; ; i.
mat BE
Mike' Smith, one or a trio held
In the county jail for burglary of
the Harry Thomas bouse at Don
ald last December-1, pleaded not
guilty when arraigned In justice
court yesterday morning, and pre
liminary hearing was set for this
morning at 10 o'clock. Ball, set
at 13000, was not raised and be
Is m the county JalL
- Smith, with Leo Smith and Bill
McCaffrey who have not yet been
brought Into justice court, have
been held in the jail here tor sev-'
eral days. The charge la burglary
la a dwelling in-the night time.
The trio are alleged to have en
tered the Thomas house while the
owners were la the east, and to
have stolen a largo quantity of
articles, ranging from small
Items to bed clothes. ; j
T Loo Smith was picked up In
Oregon City, held for the sheriffs
office here, and tho other two men
were arrested by , Deputy Walt
Barber of the sheriff's office.
- 'The three, v with Don Ramey.
were arrested - for larceny last
March 8. ' As outcome of that, tho
two Smiths were sentenced to a
year each and paroled by Judge
IV H. MeMahaa. of circuit court,
and McCaff ery, was given a two
year seatenee and .paroled. Ac
tion was, dropped against Ramey.
Probe of Coppp Wt
5 Rates Started;.
Hearing not Set
n , : -1 '
- -'" - " . J : , - -Investigation
of . the rates,
charges and practices of tho
California A Oregon Power! com
pany in southern Oregon la now
under way. It was announced at
tho offices of the public utilities
commission Thursday. .The ; date
for - the formal hearing will be
set later. - j ' ' ; "
Engineers are now.! at work
investigating the records, books
and accounts of the. company at
Medford. Other engineers will be
assigned to field operations at
Klamath Falls. Officials said It
4 -
would reaulro ' several " weeks to -
complete the nrellminary UtTcfl-' '
tlgatlons. , V
Fix Premium to ' .
'-Protect Firemen
"A premium, calculated on a
wage .of $20 per month." In addi
tion to - that -.received, by volun
teer . firemen operating exclusive
ly' within manlctpal boundaries,,
has' been fixed by, the state In
dustrial . accident commission tor.
volunteer firemen operating, out
tide of cities who are under pro- -tectlon
of the workmen's eom
pensaton law. . The new order
becomes effective August , 1.
home- of their uncle, B. ' White,!
167 South 16th.
Gs Stealing Willie Stain ke
Dance Oregon Haymakers, Turner
and Kenneth Hoogerhyde, arrest- WanU Mortgage raio-rrouii w
n1 tnr itMiiiiff ,i mr. n. I foreclosB a mortgage for 11800
elals. . Kelly, covered each succes- terday certified to the Juvenile l was begun in circuit court yester-
sive session ot the legislature nere court from the city police de- lflay iy Henry Kaniae against jnu
for many years, and is well known j partment.
to state oinciais. tie is now en
joying a two weeks' vacation in
tho west.
, $2600 Reported Settlement
of $2600 for a claim of the estate i
ot Babette Ronner, deceased, was
made known yesterday in probate
court when Emil Ronner, admin- !
istrator, filed his report there.
Ob ltuary
Williamson and others. Interest
and costs are asked In addition to
the face of the note.
Picnic Cancelled Weather con
ditions called a halt to the Frater
nlc club picnic, scheduled for Rlv
erdale park last night, and in
stead the regular meeting was
held at the Spa. with no major
At the residence 2065' Hazel
Ave., July 14, Sheller F. powelL business coming up and no speak
The funds were received from the aged. 84 years. Father of Mrs. er on hand
u&frfna unwind Krnrftra snn Dnih 13 omttf. lTf.. n.n. r 1
Household Shipping company as Powell, Mrs. Beulah P. Eoff, Er- anteQ, sn furniture. Ph. 5110
iuii payment tor a ciaim neia 07 nest w. roweu or saiem, airs. nnkrnn Klll A petition
. Anna P. Wagner of Hawthorne, ln bankruptcy has been filed In
iuuiiim rwBu ui vauz Portland hv P. M. Rrec-orv. Sa.
vuie, .310.; Dromer 01 jonn h. jej may6r. His personal assets
i-owen or wensviue, MO. Kuner- -r listed at notMns- and llabili-
ai services oauiraay, juiy , at ties at 36000. Gregory was sued
3:30 from the chapel of W. T. f0T money recently in circuit
itiguon ana bon. itemams to oe court here.
rorwaraea to .New Florence, Mo.,
for interment.
the deceased's estate!
Statesman subscribers have been
paid $3373.03 in claims on their
$1 Accident Insurance Policies.
Flint Seeks Divorce Raymond
L Flint filed suit in circuit court
yesterday asking a divorce from
Aunice Flint to whom he was mar
ried In May, 1925, at Sacramento,
Calif. He charges she deserted
him in April, 1931. There are
On route 6, July 14J James
w .MMn .hnrn h. niaintiff Coates, aged 69. Uncle of Vernon
says should be In the custody ot sheldo of Salem Mrs. Mae Bur-
thft rtofandant mho has 140 t5 -". ouoiii
mnnth tnr hir .tiTinorf of Rickreall. Funeral Services
Dance Oregon Haymakers, Turner under the auspices of the Cheme-
Frlday. ketan lodge No. 1, I. O. O. F. ot
I wnicn he was a member under
Lioan AutAorizea A loan or the direction of W. T. Rledon and
iftuuo tor tnree years at six peri son
cent was authorized here yester
day In probate court Out ot tho
estate of ' Sheller F. Powell, In
competent. Income from the loan
Is to be put with cash funds to
make possible payment of $75 a
month to Ruth P. Smith, guardian
of Powell.
At the Methodist Old People's
home, July 14, Jennie Millard at
the age of 76. Survived by a sis
ter, Mrs. Emma Pierson of Chi
cago. Funeral services will be
held Friday. July 15 at 31o'clock
Ftal Accouat In Flnl w ..V-LT. vjnC"V' "i"
JESLif iJfi? JfS! TmrimZ
m . . . . 1 -m
in casn nas Deen iiios ana out- n ronu i iw ia taiiA- o
on hand to distribute to three Edward Tarks of g,,, 8lster
uu w" 5U'- of John Hpvn nt Tn. Vr 1
TWn Rmntivi Deere-, of Baister of Iowa. Notice of fun
divorce was gTanted yesterday to ral lat by W. T. Rlgdon and
Mfelke on the. grounds of cruel
and inhuman treatment. Judge I
G. Lewelllng signed- the decree.
Custody ot two children was
warded to the plaintiff. The
couple was married in 1922.
Deer Untagged Chris La
Chelle, arrested for possession of
an untagged deer hide, pleaded
not guilty in Justice court yes
terday and his case was tenia
tlvely set for July 22. He is out
on his own recognizance.
Suit Filed The Travellers In
surance company filed suit yes
terday In circuit court here, ask
ing foreclosure of a mortgage of
11,000 along with interest and
costs. Defendants are Walter L.
liner ana outers.
Board to Meet - The Red
Cross board with Judge Ross-
man as chairman will hold its
I monthly meeting Friday noon
JSelcrest iflembnai
Coming Events
July 17 Oklahoma picnic
at'Silverton park.
August 7 Ohio "Bock,
eye picnic. State fair
grounds. August 7-21 Annual Cbe
meketan outing at Spirit
Aa gust 14 Dakota pic
nic. -. ,
Jut Taa Mioatet mm thai Heart
f Town
Dr. Chan Lara
Chinese Medicine
Office hoars
'Tuesday and! Satur
day 2 to 8 p. m.
Rnnms 1 and 2
148 N. Commercial
We wish to thank our friends
and neighbors for kindness shown
and beautiful flowers bestowed
during our bereavement.
Mrs. Henry Wolfe and Family.
Hugh A. Dowd, M.D.
First National Bank Bid.
Tenth Floor
Res. Phone B080 - Office 8130
Call 910f- t'sed Furniture
152 North High
Commercial at Union Streets. Open Sundays and Holidays
Pure Cane Fine ,
Granulated V
100 & $3.89
; Mi-Choice Hard Wheat
; Flour
49 lbw sack - 98c
Sperry's Pancake
No. 10
; - . ... .. . - ' - i '
Round Steak, O J
fresh, tender L 2 .
Pot Roast, " in
from Baby Beef- lvt
Sweet Mixed - j A.
Pickles, pt 1 im
pure Pork : Cr
: Sausage, lb. - l O C ,
Fresh Hambur- )Cn .
ger, 2 lbs. I LO L
Tender Boiling i : Q
Beeflb. I OC
; FrOreamery-''
2 : 35 c
Salad Oil
The Very Best
Bring Your Container
Qt.l6t GaL 59C
Small .White
6 . 19c
Fancy Blue Rose Head
4u 19c
; Currt Cut
6 at 19c
" Notbecause of im juch'more important you get famous natfoiVal adyl ;
V vertised brands. Never before sold so lowas this store never buys cheap salesigoods or stocks
of bankrupt merchandise.
9o .sEno Sa!leiM?o
Shorts, Stouts, Regulars, KUPPEN
HEIMER and Hickey Freeman all
included the latest and best band
crafted all wool men's and young
s i:oTv.,.-.i.''.v.'.-.v.y-.- '"
I f' - - ,
j . i.v - ;y; x s ; v i
a , v : -'yti y 1
5 , s f , ' - - ::
f 'V , - - i
fe, , s v X , f f
ito--:- .r'.:.!X:-:-' x-:-:-:-:-;-.-.-.v - t.r-yv-x : f
V, I .-.-. -.v.'.-. w.-.:.:.:.: :.: w S m
I rJ ' xs' ' ' y I
I ? S 4 i S i ( J
S ' V , J
5 ! ' x V. j I
i ' "' ft'xi .-." I
i s ' i I
k J - - " ' ' I
- . A' ' j j
' , I - f
If ; i v v 'v ' ? I
:-::-;.v..v-X'V&:-.-.': J
Going fast, not all six
es in every pattern now
but good selections yet
remain in this group.
Tor the finest of all wool mOta fat latest
styles and real S29.50 rallies
intb store-wide eboleo ot our saost expen-
stro salts, rleb aU vtoi fabrles In famous
904 Udaded at $195 and Cbolec
sdy I1&9S.
All Sizes and Models in Two
Feature Groups
&a& tow eoato. Every rarment propertlonately
redwed and cteieo of a Berg, Deobs or Ferry
FEES witk oaeh top coat.
to meet immediate
demands of our .
Everyone knows the condition as preTiow
ly eapiowsly pwblfehed ia the newspaper
vallty and stylewtee swyers are not ossw
fasing this bonaflde UqnldaUon with eorrtnt
barleeqae sales of cheap (no brand goods)
they an know that a f aniens label ie la every
garment In the Han's Sbep, mats wny toe
crowds are packing tbls store.
hollis w. huritington ,
Choice of genuine ARROW
COLLARS and men's fancy
border handkerchiefs
"Cheney" Fashion Craft and
"Croydon" neckwear. Lot one
three for a dollar, or Q K g
beautiful ties, each.... 0JI
Odd sizes striped and plain
color crew-neck pullover bas
que beach shirts. ACkn
$1.00 to $1.50 values
Cotton work hoee, plain col-
ors, aU sizes.
Men's handkerchiefs,
white and fancy
borders, large size
AJl sases In the
M. Shirts were
Hi8 and to SIM
each. Choice at
The Very Finest
That Cash
Money tVifl High
Manhattan Artistl
Phillip Jones, Wilsoi
Bros preshrank and
finest ox tailoring.
jaOca-A, Oeepers, Batohway,
. Bed Label Ik v. IX
Combed yarn, fiat knit and non-run rayon shirts
nd rayon and broadcloth aborts, with balloon
feat. Regular Mo too garment.
Tout cnoloo
One lot of men's athletic union suits of these as
Mrtod makes. Aetf pattern broadcloth and QK
Hlnsooks. sCk stripes. Values to 12.00.... duC'
Uns sunnier weight knit union suits,' short
peeves, ankle length, r7Q
fertra special, tho suit i JC
Ankle Fashioned
Valnefi i
and other makes
y . Mac areas,
0o I wOSSd Macfe and whtU
1 " An stees, w&De anew
Conu Early While gize -
are Complete
Why Pay More for Unbranded Cheap Shoes
M Tour
:.r'.. . .
And We Will Give Away
With each and every shirt
sold a beautiful expensive
silk necktie FREE!
Or ISiQwrPr"
i r' Aim
vl fs i i ,-V:, ;
Sri is
ir' THE
! " y;CMSIS-
! V- Ibne Is the very
&&r - essence ef eea-
lSja - eredttor's snera-
t'Agt :- ' Is the only alter-
I .'- -. V I. native smlees we
I'VV I "KrUiee this high
I S , . - I . mde ateck at
1 enco and settle
IjTX 1- accesmte Bene
wjft& Cash
sr. 'er. . . a
All Sales
And Real
Worth $20
Value to $1.00
Two lots top grade shirts. Im
ported and domestic fabrics,
Cnely tailored, latest styles,
aU sixes. Were 9X50. now
113; and were Q" OQ
1X50, now , O
IPEioeimibi lKI6oaei?y
i ether, stan
dard natlemal
brands ec seprcane
tnality. Tktaea to
Faaey Drees
it -
And imokinj jacket. Vtlue,
tUUO. Choice tha 2 Qj
-While They Laat
' i. i
1 x v' r
I Full cut fine cjcallsy bine cham
bray work sMrts. only jrr.
tojarte ..... ....4C
I Fails garters and other makes.
single grip, taney . f 17 'n .
patterns, tSo values .....A 4
Sport belt; braided port belts
li black acd whita ihd brown
nd whlto. AQr
Roc $140, now
1 Value.
; w CS.49
Pajamas, broken aea. shop baa-.
Cod. Manhattan tnmnal and
other snakcav eoei and puOavor
Dobbs dk Dorsolino
Never before sold so low. All .the
latest popular shades and blacks.
Outee of entire stock of I1IUM
Dobbs latest popular models
ew oolora, tfl tJawe. - OS
Reg. 8,09 at ...t....0'
Broken" llnea' oj iV'soodeli tiDd
mi asCOand 'ti0
Paris garters and other "I
good brands ............ A f
vun dress shirts, blain biauo
and pleated bosom. JarW yfOe
values to U-M .
Boys raincoats. t7. 8. - Rubber
Co. Ittagatex blt leatherette
Rootert tape la aiaxa'lughw
nrdmal and blackJScj. i0 at
Ie each, rait bcaneij l f
caps at-..., -;,...t..;.i AV
wiannel Soiamao. 21aa
hattaS' and other saakao, fJQn
shokoow at .......... I V
Golf Hose
and .......
TlslMsssTf IsssTlltasiT
esSTJ easeaesavwd'
r Fancy Crushed .'
' Annour,
6 tall cans
1 1
25 c