. PAGE SEVEU I n ISC'-! TIRED BUT TRIUMPHANT B. E. F. ROOKIE MAY BOLT IIIKU . 'fh-irHiy The OIlEGONiSTATnSMAN.'Salsiiu-Orejron, Thursday Morris?, inly 14, 1933 Ml ETItlG C.E. OBSERVES: 5 ; SECoi Bintiiif ClII I RIIDR Tiinnf Lin LHUIIH 1IIUI Fill IS TODAY- ' " - ' - t WOODBURN. July. 13 Fnneral 1 . Elmer Wing Injures Head in Fall From Barn; in Vets Hospital GERVAIS. July 1 J -E 1 h t y members - of the Harrison Cuts forth elan met in annual reun ion at Hazel Green Sunday. Thir ty or : more came over : from Brownsville and .there were about SO from Gerrals section. A picnic dinner was serred at noon and In the afternoon a short pro gram was riven In the dance The "Hungry Seven" thorns composed of three sons of Dale Cutsforth, three sons of Sidney Cutsforth and Gael, son of Russ Cutsxortn, sang several n nbers, A ladles' quartet composed of Lillian .Cutsforth, Tressa Rae, Zona Schwab and Vera Harper. also sang and Mrs. Sidney Cuts xortn cave readings. J. EL Cutsforth of Gerrals was re-elected president of the clan and Fred Harrison of Browns rllle was elected secretary. The clan meets the second Sunday in July. The meeting is to be held In Bryant park in Albany next year. ' Friends are expecting word from Elmer Wing, who is in the Veterans' hospital in Portland where he was taken Saturday renin g following a fall which re sulted in a serious injury to his head. Mr. Wing was assisting in patting hay in the barn loft at the H. W. Flckel place west of town. The trip rope on the hay fork broke allowing Mr. Wing to fall to the ground, lighting on the back of his head. He was rushed by ambulance to Portland from where it was reported that he had suffered a skull fracture. Mr. and Mrs. Wing came here from Idaho last November. They were getting ready to leave the first of the week for California to make their home. Mr. Wine disposed of his stock at an auc tion sale held at the Gerrals stoek yards last Wednesday. Fire which caught from a park from the chimney burned a section of the roof off the F. A. Mangold residence Monday noon. The burned section is now being repaired and Mr. Mangold mar re-roof the entire south side of the roof. The annnal dinner given by TIRED! BUT TRIUMPHANT f?. f'y-. '.yys.y&j- 'J-Wv!'WMMMaWSSHllSSeMBWBMWWW ' . - nj : ' " ?v V ' - " i . : .. ' A ' t , t ' t - ' V . K - .;' v ... 'XSX ' - ,. . . s, . , - V" j - ' : ;: ''f . :" .i . - . ,: ' : s - if j- - i - i ' ' s " f f y f ? v "V , f v v ?M y ti"u J . t V . -x. : ....'. -"' Appearing slightly weaned from bis harried round-trip to Chicago, Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt, Democratic nominee for the Presidency, rtill manand to smile his acknowledgment of the nlandits of his well- wishers as he drove to the executive mansion in Albany, N. after his arrival from the Windy City. Despite a heavy rain, a great crowd turned oat to welcome the Democratic siandard-oearer. Westl Salem News WEST SALEM, July 113. MfB. Catherine Helbert with her son. for another week. ., Miss Dorothy Hunt of Wallace, Joseph Helbert and son, Junior, Idaho. srranddaushter of T. J. of Los Angeles, CaL, are making Hunt who has been rlsiting here a rislt to the home of: their son for some little time, left Wednes- and brother, and his family the jay for her home in Idaho, motor- A. J. Helberts, and will remain in e there with some neichbors. who were coming to Salem for a the Sacred Heart parish is to be trip. given Sunday, July 24 in the I Several Moves Told Keppinger grove which faces the! Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Birch Pacific highway just south of and grandson. Bob Mather, have Gervals. Chicken dinner will be moved to Klngwood heights to served from noon till I o'clock, make their home in the Elmer Games, contests and other amuse-1 D. Cook residence on the King- ments will occupy the afternoon, I wood Heights road J. A. Ferschweiler is general! Mrs. Donald Kuhn and little chairman with the following as- son, Donald have been visiting at sistants: dinner, Miss Sophie Nib- her parental home at Dayton for MIDDLE GROVE, jnly It. The senior ; Christian1 Endeavor celebrated ' Its second birthday July 8 with a picnic In the Her man Wacken woods. Those pres ent for the evening, were Lola Hammer, Mildred Wacken, Earl Hammer, : Esther' - Hammer, Charles Bangert, : Juanlta McCal- llster, Genera Hammer, Leo Ham mer, Norman McCalllster, Darld Bartruff. Alfred McCalllster, Ce cil Bartrutf, Harry Feddern, El mer Wacken, -Roberta . Bartruff, Katherine Sen art, Delbert Bibby of Labish, Leonard ' Hammer, Mrs. W. H. Schart, ' Clyde Ran dall, Rer. H. R. Scheuerman, Al bert Miller of Yakima, Washing ton, Mrs. Laurence Hammer. After n marshmellbw roast Mrs. Hammer surprised the guests with a large angel food cake and Ice cream. The senior C. E. league held its weekly derotlonal meeting at the F. F. Walker home Sunday night. Mr. Walker has been suf fering with his eyes for the past few months. The trouble is caused from the small pox which he had early this year. Members of the Junior Sunday school class met at the W. H. Scharf home for a social time and to do some hand work for the Sunday school booth at the fair next fall. Juniors present were George Bartruff, Milton Scheuer man, Genera Hammer, Murray Dan, Buddy Randall, Robert Putnam, Harry Scharf. Steal Cared Hams Thieres entered O. Jewett's smoke house recently in spite of the lock and stole a large supply of cured meat. Mr. Lultr Bosier of East St Louis, Missouri and Mrs. Verna Goodman of Centralla, Illinois, are rlsiting at the home of their sister, Mrs. Lena Bartruff, for several months. Mrs. Bosier, Mrs. Goodman and Mrs. Bartruff ac companied Mr. and. Mrs. Toney " r s - --r r - 4. iiv Here's the newest member of ths Bonos Army Expeditionary Force, bat he didnt hitch hike to the cant tal tha stork brought him. Tbs baby, shown with his mother, Mrs , Edmond Pippenbrink, wife of a Florida veteran, who is with be husband on the Bonos Front, was born in the Gallinger Hospital. He is the yoangestinember of ths George to weekend. ler, Mrs. J. B. Susee and Mrs. A. DeJardin; amusements, Clyde Cutsforth, Joe Kuhn and A. De Jardin; refreshments, ; Wenzel Edre, Leo Bauman and Fred Eder; grounds and traffic, Law rence Grassman, Joe Zellner and Adam Schell Sr. The candy booth will be in charge of the young ladles of the parish. Stafford Pickle Concern Directors Elected' for Year Cross - Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER I 12 I 13 H 15 16 VyP Q 14 I , 0" rrir ft I ' sr 2T28 Wr Z&&6 Z 222 I Who m M3 - hi 1 1 w 1 1 nil some time, returning the first of the week. The Marrin Lewis family, who bare been living on Rosemont avenue, have moved into the rooms In thei service station on the Wallace road Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Sheffe, newlyweds, who were married June 25, moved right away into their new home, 590 Rosemont avenue. There has been considerable moving in and out recently, among whom are the E. A. LIgon family, from ' Salem who have moved into the residence on Edge- water street, recently -vacated by the Peterson family, who moved into 730 McNary street. The Charles Bryants have' moved from the Klngwood apartments to Sa lem, the R. T. Sporgue family and the N. M. Graves folks have mor- ed into 1560 and 1230 Skinner. respectively, and the J. O. May- fields, Herman Cutlers. William Hinsils and the Gnstraps hare re moved from town. The Arthur Ak- ers hare mored Into the residence recently vacated by the Bedeaas at 285 McNary avenue. The fine new $4000 residence on Klngwood terrace, that Mr McCoy is erecting tor Mr. and Mrs. Charles Evans Is progress ing nicely, the cement was ran lost week, and workmen are pre paring for the erection of the so perstructure. Newport over the AURORA, July 13 At the an nual meeting of the Stafford Pickle company Monday night, the following directors were named A. W. Krans. E. O. Robinson, H. O. Ziegler, George Wutster and George Ehlen. William Asqaith while doing some repair work on his house Monday, fell from the root, breaklnr his collar bone. The Black Dragon life saving corps sponsored by the American Red Cross, will be here again. Be ginning Monday of next week les sons will be given both afternoon and erening. Children wlu be given preference daring the after noon hoars. All desiring to take lessons are requested to enroll with Mrs. Reed before the end of this week. Those not having ad mission tickets to the park, will be admitted free while the les sons are -in progress provided en rollment Is made before the end of the week. A large class took advantage of this service last year. ROBERTS. July 13. The Pet tyjohns held their annnal reunion at the. home of W. C Pettyjohn. After a bountiful basket dinner. a short business meeting was held retaining the same officers for next Tear. - , j ' ; The program committee anoint ed was Bliss Fiddler. Bessie Pet tyjohn and Reba .Edwards. A short program which was en- Joyed very much was as follows: Readings Miss Bessie Pettyjohn, song. Patsy Cannon, recitation. Betty Jane Conner, song, Jeannie Fiddler and a group of songs by all. ' Those present were M. and Mrs. Lonls Pettyjohn and Miss Bessie Pettyjohn of Grande Ronde; Mrs. Ella Larmer or ; Sheridan; Mr. Raymond Rnssel of MeMlnnrille: Mr. and Mrs. Will Edwards' of Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. James Blackwell of Jefferson; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dangan and child ren Martha and Charles of Bar bank, CaL; Mr. Herman Hensel and grandson Warren Ptorkman of Woodland, CaL; Mrs. Lena Hughes, of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Pettyjohn of Oregon City; Mrs. Winnie Pettyjohn. Pat sy Cannon, Charles Cannon, Mr. and Mrs. Mervan Fiddler and daughter Jeannie, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Martin, Betty Jane Connor. John Fiddler all of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Bliss Fiddler. Mr. and Mrs. George Hlggens, Henry Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Forest Ew wards and children June and Le- roy, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Pettyjohn, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pettyjohn and daughter Maxine, all of Roberts. BIRTHDAY OCCASION BOWMAN INJURED ROBERTS. July 13. Gordon Bowman had the misfortune to get his leg broken and very bad ly crashed and bruised, but Is getting along very nicely. FOB FAMILY MEET TURNER, July 13 The Bon lea farm was a scene of home coming for the third annual cel ebration of the birthdays of Mrs. Joe Elston of Brownsville and J. M. Bones of Turner. Other guests of honor whose birthdays occurred recently were Jessie Winkler and Mrs. Dwlght Ben nett of Vancouver. Blanche El ston of Brownsville, George Faulk of Turner, A. L. Bones and Ersel Mundlnger of Salem Long tables were placed on the lawn beneath large walnut trees. Four large birthday cakes were presented by Mrs. W. J. Winkler. Mrs. Ersel Mundlnger, Mrs. Mary Barr and Miss Hlldred Bones. Other guests, during the day and erening were, Mr. and Mrs Clarence Mundlnger, Mrs. Car Scott, Mrs. Riley Robertson, Mrs. Boomed for the Republican nomina tion for Governor of New York ts xeed Governor 1 Franklin D. Roosevelt, Colonel William J. Done raa ( above) is said to be the fare rite candidate of the Hoover adminis tration. A native of Buffalo, N. Y, Colonel Donovan fought in :. the World War and served as assistant to the Attorney General in . the Coolidge administration. services for : Miss. Eva? Laura i Thomas.' 25, who died of pneu--' monla in a Salem hospital Monday' night, will be held Thursday af- temoon In the chapel of Hall's mortuary. Rer. Glenn 8.' Har-. tong, pastor ' of the ' Wood barm Methodist Episcopal church, win 5 officiate. I Miss Thomas was 111 from a cold for about three weeks. She ) . contracted pneumonia three days ; ago and was taken to the hospital Saturday night. Burial will be at a cemetery In Clinton. Minn. f . She Is survived by her mother. ? Mrs. Ullie Thomas; sisters Irene I and Leona of Woodburn, Mrs. 1 John Connelly- of West Wood-1 barn. Mrs. 8am Connelly of Or-' tonvllle, Minn., Mrs. O. M. John-1 son of Clinton, Minn., and Mrs. Knned Nellson of Minneapolis; 1 and brothers Earl of Woodburn. 1 . . narry oc uonaia. ana Clarence and Willis of Ortonvtne. Neva Mundlnger. : Mrs. Pryor Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. O. Ha selwood, G. E. Stewart, all of Salem, Mr. and Mr. M. H. Staad- lfer and granddaughter Doris Londeen of Fruitland, Mrs. W. J. Winkler and ' Dwlght Bennett of Vancouver, wash.. Mr. and Mrs. George Findley, Crawfordsvllle; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Elston and Blanche Elston, , Brownsville; Mrs. Mary Barr, Mrs. C. A. Bones, Lester. Bones, George Faulk. Mr. and Mrs. Hollls L. Bones. Turner; also other mem bers of the family present. Hazel Bones, Harlan. Ruth, Keith and Mrs. J. M. Bones and daughter Hlldred -who arranged for the oc casion. MOTOR TO MONTANA SILVERTON, July 13 Miss Alma Halrorsoa and her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Halrorson, have motored to Ansta, Montana to visit a brother and . son. Omar Halverson. Upon retaining Miss Halvorson. who has been teach ing in Bend, will spend the re mainder of the summer here with her parents. GHU. TO WOOLEYS EAST WOODBURN. July If Mr. and Mrs. James Woolsy are receiving felicitations upon the arrival of their first child, a girt. She has been named Mar- Mrs. C. Zimmerman Has All of Family Together Recently f AURORA. July 13 Mrs. i lAtnenne Zimmerman has been -made very happy this summer by hawa all .1. i - . ' ""! ui memven or aer . . family visit her. At a reunion Y of the Will clan recently of J which she is a member, there were four generations present.-: They were" Mrs. Catherine Zim merman of Aurora, A. D. Zim merman, eldest son, Mrs. A. D. Zimmerman and their children Mrs. F. A. Stromberg. Mildred and Jack Zimmerman all of Ala meda. CaL. and Mrs. Sternberg's two daughters Norma and Nancy who are great grandchildren of Mrs. Catherine Zimmerman. , Other members of the family present were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Webert, Mr. and Mrs. J olios A. Zimmerman and children. Roy Maxine, Raymond, van, Kenneth, and Donald all of Albany. Ralph C. and Allan J. Zimmerman of Aurora and Elmer M. Zimmer man, wife and son of Portland. A. D. Zimmerman, chief engineer for the Fleishman Yeast company at Alameda, made a trip to Sumner. Wash., while here to inspect' the branch plant stationed at that Place. The Zimmerman left Thurs day for their California home Their daughter Mildred will re main for several weeks with relative. Joreen Lucille. The little miss Sa a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Rlgdoa of this section. MICKEY MOUSE All in the Same Boat By WALT DISNEY FoAC0T0 WALK THF PLANK QV PETE AND FAXVS INTO A BOAT . WITH "THS GORILLA BUT BEING DUNDFOiDEQ HE THINKS HE i$ Still in THP KOlDOFHiS Ship f I WONDfcR VMAT MAKES THIS SHIP ROCK Jf MEN1. WE'Re ALL IN TM' SAMC BOAT WE SO WHAT SAY WE OOnT " I y2 ( SO! VJE MUST 8E IN A STORM Oil pjw UTNlEO AN' THAT MAKES US NEVER. LAND' LET'S J; 51 SOMEThin' AN AN I WONDER. vi3rf criminals! we'll bs popped ) f HOIST Ta' JOU-Y ROGEO. 1 r 3cN ,F MlNtJE'S ALL RIGHT I ,r -f t'L V W JAIL AT W FIRST PORT J AND BE REAL PIRATES' S CLAND Vi a .VJE BE!- AVB! ' a - e i u.w Poor minnie! helo prisoner aboaao A ftRATS SHIP-.-AND ONff LEPT TO PROTECT HER. I T-4- THIMBLE THEATRE Starring Popeye Now Showing "Feet First WW By SEGAR HORIZONTAL. 1 Wbt Amaricaa gerL wk dUd rMwatly, frmalatd th Mlctrr draft U th World War? 7 What prominent Akiricu ta Sratary f tha U. S. Traaa rv? 11 Interiwrtion. It Bird. IS Fuss. 14 What U. S. genera! defeated Lee at Gettysburg? 15 Sun-god. 16 What large glf ia an Inlet ef the Arctic Ocean in Siberia? 17 Employ. 1 What meted Bring Eaguan anther wrote "The Outline ef HUtery"? tl Nothing. 22 What Roman patriot wa known aa the "fee el Car thate"? 23 Wbe waa the third king of Judak? 24 What U the largest river In Africa? 25 Wke waa Topya girl friend, in Harriet Beecker Stewe'a "Undo Ton's Cabin? 2C What city of CkaUan waa 27 What largo river ia Shetland is noted for its salmon 7 29 niununated aeain. 1 What patriotic Virfinian planter of Revolutionary days became famons for kia Idea to string British sympathisers up by their thnmbs until they crUd "liberty forever"? " S Stare. ' 87 alaeal note. 28 Constellation Wkicfc earn ef Adam alow bis brotker? 12 Wine-veaeel. U A title ef Mohammed. 45 Knock. 46 Reaches across. 48 Decline. 49 Eiists. $0 Pronouw El Religious ceremonies. fS Etruscan household god. Tribe. S 5 Conjunction. M Who was the first EngBsTamsm to cu-enmaavigate the gtoko? 7 TUo IJmiration ef Armaments Coaferenee waa hold La Wash. In I tan under the invitation of what former U. S. ProaUent? VUtnCAL. 1-Wlal Engliak po vms tike fu-st poet lonrsata ef Zng Usd? 1 Wkat universal eftifkUl lan. gaagn waa deviaod bf Zslwerti r. Foster? 3 Tiny 4 Depict. 5 To make beloved. 6 Staggers. 7 What lare-e planet ia next to the eartk in orbit? j S Wkat ancient moan U in in Crete ia connected with tko worship of Zeus and Rhea? 9 Interjection. 10 Wkat ialand is known as the "graveyard of the Atlantic"? 14 Essential quality. i 18 Greasy substance. 1 18 Wkat river of Jugoslavia waa tko scone of severe j firhtiac between tko Serb and Auo triana. 1014-15? j 26 Boy. I 21 Nickel: chemical symbol. 24 Wkat French marshal under Napoleon 1 waa shot by the restoration, (overnment? 26 Indian i 28 Wkat is tko nickname! of Yale University 7 80 Tavern. 82 Nominates ; 83 Crustacean. 34 What largo manufacturing city in Germany ia located on the Elbe River? 36 Hit lightly. S , 37 Wkat bay U tko Philippine Islands was tko scene of Com modore Dewey's victory over the Spanish fleet? j 39 Wkat American a nth or wrote the first book against slavery in the United States? 40 Sloths. 41 Pronoun. I 43 What American general was chief ef staff la the WorM War? 48 Dry nn 47 Asterisk. 50 Asiatic bovine ruminant, 6Z Terminal. 58 Musical note 55 Preposition. ' Herewita Is the solution! terday's Panlev By DARRELL McCLURQ kl OUOXKfe ,-r LET'EM TELL V Sit? hoRft.L Y OF i WOULD Xio f-: OS UJCH. S " 4 V SweWrV. IT lP ftST LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY . The Lady Upstairs 11 wyii ww tooL)i vw -'i . m mhzz rtwH 1 " ' ' Lt it rlti ' 'du: lii ' i r2 ii I''TrI ijl V 11 I li""Tii ...Krv'.v L.JM.thliJl i t o -Trri I -ijrsr rfysA7-4 5.CtaK& ri V tL '...' ' ' The Secret b Out : I ; TOOTS AND CASPER PScPHsS l I- I. I IUIJIW I. 1,1 aO Kf.klR! A r t lu ME. ,- - .- j WWlas.r1ii lmu 13 ABOUT THAT TIME-IN KENTUCKY! m Kcwtni LISTEN TO THS msTcr MZR STCRYl K VE5. DAN ADMnTEO IT! THE IJEAT FOOTBALL 4AME DtTrVtcN TKAV.IOI4 AND ABADABA TECH TOOK PLACE THAT AFTERNOON! FOR NINE CONSECUTIVE YEARS "ABADABA TECH HAD WON! THIS WAS THEIR TPMTU MFPTIM.l TUP DC lurrrocr x rvirt unHfrrcrn 1 m .,. r TUP trnor KMC MrrTLimi t Tn imti iiKt km. i yri tiaj nuLClrUi Tilt PCrrtRH lVv' r ims usj ti2) J ffd -y TWO MINUTES TO 40! a tracton boy was J INJURED! DAN YW atNT IN TO TAKE Hl PLACE.I IT WA LWTS FIRST CHANCE IN A Bl 4 6 AME! THE QUARTER 8ACK barked his signals, the ball was iven to dan HIS TEAM OPENED A Btf. HOLE FOR WM TO 60 THJ?OuAH WHIRLED AR0UNO AND RAN 50 YARD TO THE 60AL LINE. CJTIIZ RAM THE WC0H& YVXl S iO A. w O IKlR"i feurcS:ifcUfct.'-,Crt( ftvansil Aw V HE MADE A KT5TAKE THAT LOST A FOOTBALL PUOOEY! t THAT'S N0TH1N&! THESE ISUT A MAN UVNZj WHO HASfTT MADE MISTAKES! lYE MADE BJ6ER BLUNDERS THAN THATI IKNEWSOPHt TS MAKING OUT OF A KOLt- HHJ.I By JIMMY MURPHY 1 rVE BEEN LETTING I MY IMAZrlNATlON RUN t YOJ I THOUGHT IT HEAR SOME REAL, SONDALsSOMS SRCY . DIRT- AND ALL SOPHU TELLS ABOUT IS A FOOTBALL Erv J IIVA 1 EPISODE! : I Wij- Cri 7 fN TERRIBLY I 1V IV 7i . I II I I