The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 14, 1932, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESilAN) jtiieia.
Ortgon,-Thursday Horning. July 14, 1952 -
: 11:
PACS" nn
Local News Briefs
1 1 I I I . mmmmm mm m i I "
- ; Report Accidents "Report of
minor raf fie accidents were filed
with the police . department yes-.
terday- a follows: Mrs. L R. W.
Roddy, 43 2 ? Marion, and W. E.
t:- Richardson, 1227 Fourth' street,
sldesvlped - each other at corner
r Commercial and Marion; N. J.
' Croin, route eight -who says he
hit ear of Ray Piaster. 1045
v skinner,: la passing between this
car and a parked track at 12th
5 and Mill streets; Prank Suttor,
" 995 Highland, who reported col
lision with car of - Ray Jones,
": Gerrais rente one; and Augustine
Meyer, 2191 Mapie avenue, who
' reported fenders of "ler car hook
' ed at- High and Ferry with car
driren by Mark McCallUter.
Hare The Statesman follow yon
on your vacation. Mailed to any
address two weeks, only 25 cents.
Watee. i System Works The
newly installed water system for
the TJ M. " C. A. boys' camp, at
Oceanside is working very satis
f acorily r .! according to reports
brought back by E. A. Beoch.
building superintendent, who in
stalled -the system. The Salem
Rotary club donated $50 for pipe
and E. C Clark donated and put
In the ram which lifts the water
125 feet to a large storage tank
A large hot water tank has also
been installed to make the water
system complete.
Matthews Speaker James T.
Matthews,! mathematics professor
at Willamette university, is
home -Iter attending an Epworth
league institute in Idaho where
he was an Instructor. He is to
appear on the program at in
stitutes at Suttle lake and at
Falls City soon and then Is to
spend the month of August do
' ins advanced summer school
work In the University of Call
Dance Tues., Fri. Spong's Lndg.
Cases at End All jury cases
to come before Judge L. H Me-
Mahan during the July term oi
- court have been finished. Judge
- Fred W. Wilson of The Dalles
.' will carry on the work of the
court beginning next Wednesday
- July 20. when the trial of Du
i pree Pee. Indicted on a first de
r rm murder chares, comes to
' Bulldinir Permits Two small
bnllding permits were Issued
yesterday by the city building
" inspector, to Louise Nookes. 1288
North Cottage. lor repair or.
dwelling at estimated cost of
' $500; and to M. C. Mattson who
will alter and rerool a house at
1555 North 5th at estimated cost
of $81.
- statesman subscribers hare been
paid $3378.03 in claims on their
. 1 J L T ...... DvHjA
r.tii Ai Mrs. W. E
Faldman was called to Macklin
Sask., Wednesday by the Illness
of her father. Isaac renuana
Mr. Pentland, who injured his
leg recently, necessitating ampu
tation, is in serious conaiuon
Mr. Feldman expects to arrive in
Macklin Saturday mornltg, and
will remain Indefinitely.
Noth Estate at End Final ac
count in the estate of Albert R.
I Noth. deceased, was filed yester
day by Albert F. Noth, executor
who rep rtd to the probate court
that $954 In costs had all been
tald while $1160 in casn ana
number of securities were avail
able tor distribution to heirs.
Spot dance Friday Hazel Green.
Still Will In Court The
will of the late Louisa Miller
was admitted to pre ate yester
day in court here. Alvln W.
Miller is executor of property
" adjulged to be worth $100.
Appraiser- r of the estate are
George W. Yergen and A. G.
j" One License Issued One
marriage license was issued yes-
' terday at the oince or me eoun
- ty clerk. It went to Albert Res-
nicsek. 21. laborer, route two.
Silvertoa. and Rose Matye, 18.
housekeeper, route two Silver
ton. His parent were born In
; Hungary; hers in Austria.
- Ble balloon dance at Macleay
I' Thura. 14 th. Good music. Ro-
PeVrless Calls Meet All presl-
' dents of district Sunday school
organisations in the county have
been Invited to attend a corner
eace to be held Sunday, July 19.
at the home of Fred deVrless. The
rathertnsr will start at 2:30 p. m
C. A. Kella received his invitation
yesterday. . v
Schrdulen Prepared Prepar
ation of class schedules for the
eominr year of hixh school has
been begun by Fred Wolf, prin
doal. The school is operating on
a five-period day with supervised
study for each class period.
- Appraisers Named Apprais
ers named - yesterday in probate
court here for the estate of Elisa
( S. Henry, deceased, are E. A. Mll-
- i ler, Frank Spears, August Huck-
ensteln. Emmalene L. Davidson
av .... . . . - -
l BiminltrTorriT m tna A JIT at
Rids Opened Bids ' for school
supplies for the coming year were
being opened and tabulated yester
day at the superintendent's office
here. Purchases will be made af
ter the -school board determines
tbe low bidders. . ? ,
" Topic Chosen "Can Christian
ity Survive?- it the topic for Rev.
D. J. Howe at the union serrices
to be held Sunday afternoon - In
Willaon ark here. Special music
- -will be provided for the occasion.
Siewert Here Rev. S. A.
Slewert, pastor of the First Pres
byterian church off Warsaw, In
diana, arrived in SUem Wednes- He's Against Dole, and Still
Fop Prohibition After
Viewing England ; .
day morning to jrtslt relatiyes
and friends. He came to Salem
from Los Angeles where he per
formed the.' wedding ceremony !
for his niece- Rer. Siewert plans
to remain in Salem! fire days. af-
ter which he will eontinue to
Portland.? On his Jretnrn home, j
Rev. siewert will stop in Kear-
T- 1 1 V. .
it hi. daughter. He expects io be Jr-
in Warsaw the latter part of tne rt: -ZT. ., ;.-
month. iningioo
j I piies a bus uw
Trio Up On Checks -Plea of sest to his remarks. He first eon-
not guilty was . entered by Ber- trasted the school systems oi Eng-
nice Baldwin yesterday to charge land and America, pointing out
of passing checks without sufti- that the so-called public schools
cient funds, and preliminary of England were really private
hearing for her and two others I schools, that while England sends
arrested Tuesday, Anna Baldwin, I is oat of every thousand to col-
her sister, and Bernice Drake, J lege" this country sends CO, and
was continued until July 19 at! Oregon an even greater Dumber.
z:jo o clock. Tne bearing was set Diyerting. he remaTkea:
for yesterday afternoon, but ear- "The bills have ta-be -paid for
ried oyer when state's prosecu- education whether you consolidate
tor was not available. , Alt three nnlyerslties or abolish achools,
are out on their own rexJogni- iAs tan shut off some students
who would attend."
-He condemned -the, dole: "We
don't want anything resemoung
the dole. I hope we are good
Dr. Levi Pennington; president
of Pacific college, and a popular
speaker whereyer he is known.
addressed the Rotary ciun yesier-
zance. , ,
While on your yacation have The
Oregon Statesman mailed to you,
call 9101. !
license of
Suspended Driver's
G. Schunke, 1345
Putting an end to the rumors -that he would bolt the Democratic ticket,
Alfred E. Smith, unsuccessful candidate for the Presidential nomination
enough and wise enough to Bee . t the recent convention, is shown in his office in the Empire State Build
that erery man nas a jod ana tuai ing.
no money goes to the man who is
North Commercial i street, was j unwilling to work,
suspended indefinitely yesterday I Staunch prohibitionist. Dr. Pen-
by Municipal , Judge! Poulsen fol- nlngton sketcnea conditions in
lowing his arrest I on reckless England where he said you might
driving charge. Schunke's car see 300 saloons in a hundred
struck Jim Matherly, 869 North yards, and where liquor adyertis-
Llberty, injucing him consider- I ine Is universal, the exploitation
ably. Poulsen said! license was being much more extreme than is
suspended on account of- age of carried on for cigarettes in this
the holder. j country.
"T1im ora thrfiA tlmiw a many
annual not a our me annual arrested for drunkeness in Lon
New York, as he told reporters that he would euuDort the Demo
cratic nctninee. Smith, however, declined to. say whether or not he would
stump for Governor Roosevelt.
"JjcJgl' Occurrences and Gossio
at the center of Oregon's
JLOinC state government
inger over KOIN in Port-
laviA n- a rttiel via It.
lVJt rl - We,8Mrn0rm don- and four tIme as manT ,n t tle state capitol yesterday.
hS Slf T "!11!111 Glasgow, as in New York. Pro- Mrs. Johnson and ner baritone
be heldAugust 31 and September hlbltion In the United States at husband. Stanley Johnson, have
7." t?U .1r' f 1 Coryallls. IU worst is better than the system been singing for some time and
secretary. Details for the tour ,, n.Ar hor " i i n
have not been comoleted. but I r. iv. I , ,
some new territory never before Lv.i. v..r
nut 5 .V F "h. h more wholesome attitude
!,!rcIalist at tbe ttperlment toward the law. He reported also
murders In London in five years.
Their better law enforcement was
scribers a Travel Accident Insur- attributed to their magistrate sys-
ance Policy for only $1 a year. tarn ana to tneir having more in
corruptible policemen.
Fraternls Picnic Members of A club picnic for members and
the Fraternls club j and guests their families was announced for
will hold a picnic at Riverdale July 27 to be held In the park at
ilverton. I Mrs. M. H. Potter of Portland,
J. T. rtciiBtv wa named chair- I secretary of the state bar exam-
and a picnic lunch j will be fea-tman of the committee on enter- I taers, presided as usual over the
tares. Thirty-five or 40 couples I tainment for the Rotary confer- taking of examinations. She
are expected to attend. General I ence to be held in Salem August I knows this job well as she has
arrangements hare been madebyls-9. I been presiding for the past 20
a -committee composed of Dr. I
The exams were hard," any
the new applicanta for lawyer
ships, "bat. they are over now".
All the boy and soar ladies
have to worry about Is wheth
er or not they passed, and tale
they wont know for a month
or six weeks. And about 45 per
cent of them can figure now on
getting failure marks. Cheer
Vernon L. Hockett, L. W. David
son, Linton Benson and Wlllard
Picks Naturopaths- Dr. N. Fw
Meleen and Dr. E. G.i Wiese, both anl was fined $45 and costs. The
of Portland, Wednesday were ap- case was continued. Eder was in
pointed by Governor Meier as the court here some time ago on
members of the state, naturopath- a possession charge, to which he
ic board of examiners. Dr. Meleen w8 found guilty.
XL?X?a y Hearin, Set-C. C.
Manell. Dr. Meleen will serve un- ?artl!T'. accused tot uttering- a
til July 1, 1935, while Dr. Wiese' for,?fd trument pleaded not
commission expires June 3 1934 Builty when n reappeared in Jus-
f. tice court yesterday after asking
Kindergarten Talk A broad- 24 hours in which to enter plea,
cast of interest to parents with Preliminary hearing was set for
emiaren of kindergarten age will 2 p. m. July 27
do on tne air at KOAC this morn
years or longer, ever since the
rxier r ineu o Aioeri a. ..,,,...1 m- th. TTninn T..ifi.
Eder, arrested for being drunk glsted ln glyIns thd exjimj ye8't-r.
Hi- , A, A A J I '
gumj in jusuce court yesieruay
All seems serene under the
capitol dome this week, but a
glance at the list of anniver
saries which this week com
memorate, makes one wonder
why there isn't war somewhere
in the vicinity. Varied battles
ranging from dnels te those of
the World war are being com
memorated this week in vari
ous parts of, the world.
Fees of $17,159.94 Claimed
Due From Carriers; Held '
- Up by Court Action
Legal processes will be Invok
ed promptly by . the state attor
ney general to collect . fees or
$17,169.94 .due . from , common
carrier motor truck lines which
are charged a' mill per ton-mile
for operating over. Oregon high
ways. The secretary .of state has
turned over the elalms for col
lection. Included in the list of
delinquents are some . of the
large truck tines of the state
such as:
Consolidated Freight
lines, 1930-1931 $4,893.25
John Day Valley
Freight lines 1,977.00
Owl Freight line 3.C44.S9
The Dalles Track line. 1.501.72
-The state is-protected against
loss by. bond posted by the truck
line operators.."-'
The motor vehicle act was pre
viously -upheld ln the supreme
court of Oregon, but a new -at
tack has been pending for some
time in the federal district court
with Consolidated Freight lines
as plaintiff.
Besides this sum which is ow
ing the state there is an amount,
as yet undetermined, which is
owing by the 52 contract haul
ers .who were plaintiffs in the
suit brought to set aside the
1929 act. The Portland Van and
Storage company was head of
this group. Their action was
brought early ln 1930 claiming
the charges of increased license
fee of SO per cent against
trucks of that class were exorbi
tant. After prolonged -litigation
th. ajt wii tnttilnail hv th
viui not Oi wu ata annrama mart
recently compietea construction -Tht, ruekl meantime had op-
oi iu- vy t.rtxjit r.a. on w. .rated without paying the extra
yu w tharge under a temporary In
ung wun eroeri uiaisyer. aec- Jftnctloiu Now secretary of
reiv ul?Tay commw state has billed them for some
slon, at the capitol yesterday, iti.iit.oi ftm tinr. thia
Among other things, both of tmoBBt M dBt. However some
tnese gentlemen saia tne urn oprators have replied that they
"..A V !r orBmB did not operate during thU
was "Under the Dome." Li-a A. AlBA (tat th
ffh.f niuHttAfii r j.ta llmfta
"gentlemen in. this column is
thns expUlned. Holt said the
Cape Creek bridge wns the
highest one ln the state, and
more lumber was nsed in the
concrete structure than wenld
have been nsed In several tim
ber bridges the same size. This
it one feature of concrete
bridges that people can hardly
understand, he said.
ysu, Alice Miles, and Rath Siep
artL I , - - v
Camp period for these girls will
end Jaly II. -1 , ' .t:
Rev. Wilson One
Of Instructors
Rev. R. B. Wilson, pastor of the
Salem United Brethren church, is
among the instructors at the Ore
gon conference . leadership train
ing school which the., church Is
holding at Philomath.. Bishop Ira
D. Warner of Portland U dean of
the school. - i ; -. '
Other instructors Include Dr.
W. L. Perkins of Los Angeles:
Dr. Russell Showers . of Dayton.
Ohio; Mrs. M. H. Welty of Seat-
Those attending from Salem
are: Rev. and; Mrs. Wilson, Deaa
Shepherd. Maxine Hill,; Bertha
Van Cleve, Marlon Chase. Fran
cis Christensea, Antloaette Lam
bert and Ida May Lyons.
were killed. The week In 1032
will no doubt go unnoticed In
the march of history.
which exempts them from
surcharge. The secretary
state's office la pushing the la
vestlgation so as to realise the
sums actually due the state of
"Do what you please, or, do
nothing If you please. Come as
early as you like, stay as late as
you dare." How Is that for an en
ticing invitation? That Is more
concerning the event for the big
"shade" next Sunday. But as yet
Parks Owned by
State Total up
To 12,483 Acres
, The state of Oregon now owns
publle parks covering 12.4S3 a (res
with a cost to the state of $11,
109.33. according to a report pre
pared Wednesday . by . lb state
highway eommUsIon. ' - ;
The largest of these parks in- .
eludes 1C 01. acres' and Is located ,
on the John Dahighway ln Grant
and Wheeler eoantjes Its prin-'
clpal attractions ate the. fossil ;
beds. This park" was purehssed.;
from the federal government at a
cost of $2002.10. ! I
.The report shows that a lafge
majority of the, parks were gifts
to the state. i
Elimination of coal smoke from
furnaces by burning It Is claimed
by a British Inventor for a method
perfected by him,
'A. " v S - '
lag at 11 o'clock, when Miss
Mignon Goddard will talk on
The Relationship of Kinderzar-
ten to Primary Education." The
Program has been arranged by
tne uregon Normal school at
The week started out Monday
as the anniversary of the Hamil-
Crolsan Out of Hospital E. ton-Burr duel July 11, 1804. On
M. Crolsan, collector of customs, Tuesday It was "Orangemen's
has been released from St. VIn- Day" and probably a lot of fights
cent's hospital, Portland, and is In Ireland. Yesterday noted the
convalescing from "his recent od- Battle of Manila in the Spanish-
eration at the Imperial hotel, American war, July 13, -1898. To-
Portland, where he now resides.
Pool Rated Well Top rating of K Z" i" "i"0 '
X" vo. 1 tl, cl I VT . W1190U reiUTUBU IU All UOIUB
morrow France will observe Bas-
tile day.
was received by the Salem
Y. M. C. A. on water in its tvwti
here, according to word received
yesterday by C: A. Kells, secre
tary. The rating is done by the
state Doard of health.
in The Dalles yesterday, but will 1
return here July 20 to sit in
trials in circuit court for which
he was assigned.
Grand Jary Recalled The
Frost , Arrested Oliver Frost, j
arrested in Oregon City on non-
beenrecXdtytthni b" ae -' here Mon
"if! eothou day, July 18. at 2:30 p. m. for
w. uu win resume its 1 srrairnment.
deliberatlons Friday. A. H. Moore U
of Salem Is foreman., Reckless Driving Erin Daley
m-m . ... pleaded not guilty to reckless
waic m nprtnn Misses 1 itruia nn 1. 4
w ff Efber. S0!?' tIc court and will be
i-l-Ll'1 WdneAdr 10 Itr. He is out on his own
o 7 ? l ,v" recognisance.
opiiugs. iuej win remain mere
for a week. i
But that ' isn't all of the
week. July 15, the World war
Veterans will recall Chateau
Thiery ln 1918. The next day
after this event marked an im
portant date ln Russia, It was
then tbe Czar and his family
While the grade school girls
spend this week at Camp Santaly.
none of the newspapermen has l'nlot n,"h lrl from Sa,em n,d
received any official notice of the Sllverton are preparing for their
penoa wmcn oexus jaty it. du-
teen Salem girls hare registered,
as have 11 from Sllverton.
From Salem will go tbe follow
ing: Charlotte Hill, Flavia Downs,
Sally McLellan, Janet Fryer. Mar-
Jorie Tryon, Frances Lav elle, Vir
ginia Campbell, Janet Robertson.
Geraldlne Peterson, June Curtis,
Betty Butts, Betty Boyle, Maxine
Goodenougb, Eileen Goodenough,
Elizabeth Steed and Jean Wiley.
Sllverton registrations Include
Miriam Mulkey, Olive Green, Lois
Gay. Lillian Gottenhert, Geraldlne
Gates, Florence Mallett, Edna
Kreutz, Opal Green, Virginia Bil-
But the answer Is near. First
of all the event is a picnic, or
a swim if ft rains. Second it
will be held near Molalla, and
third it will be Sunday if those
invited don't forget to bring
tnelr lunch. It is believed tbe
host or hostess to the event
may be divulged in this col
umn tomorrow, as the press
gang already have suspicions.
SILVERTON. July 13 Mrs.
John Lais, who is very ill and
who has been at the Sllverton
hospital 'for sometime, was taken
to Portland Tuesday. Mrs. Lais'
home is near Mount AngeL Mrs.
Esther Grace, better known
"Grandma" Grace, is reported as
being very ill. Mrs. Grace is one
of Sllverton s pioneers.
Capable Directors
Safeguard Customers' Interests
Banking today is a busi
ness 'that requires keen
foresight. Consequently,
the directors of this bank
are necessarily business
and professional men of a
high type men who have
made a success of their
own affairs.
Not oaly are the interests
of oar depositors safe
guarded by the soaad
judgment of these direc
tors, but the business of
our customers is compe-'
tently and promptly han
dled, for back of this bank
are capable directors.
Daniel J. Fry
S. B. EUiott
Julius L. Meier
D. B. Jarman
Carl F. Gerllnger T. A. Lfvesley
W. M. Hamilton Joan H. McNary
H. H. dinger
Custer E. Ross
E. F. Slade
B. L. Steeves
R. M. Hofer
H. O. White
R. E. Lee Steiner W. W. Moore
J. C. Perry
Garvin James Clifton Garvin.
born July 9, to Mr. and Mrs.
William M. Garvin of Salem.
Harper Martha Ella Harper,
At the residence, 1937 North born July C, to Mr. and Mrs.
Commercial street. Tuesday, July I Ralph S. Harper of route three.
iz, winett w. Wade, aged 4 Gervais.
years. Beloved father of Mrs. E.
Pence of Salem, Mrs. lines Mich
ael of Los Angeles and Warren
Wade of Benlta, Okla. He also
leaves seven grandchildren and
six great-grandchildren. Funeral
services will be held Thursday,
July 14 at 10 a. m. from the par
lors of the Salem Mortuary, 545
North Capitol street, ,Rev J. J.
Gillespie officiating. 1 Interment
I. O. 0.:F. cemetery. Friends in
vited., iv ,
WttftM oparstlM a taaa at an
1 Orecaa Bids. Pfcoea SSOt
Commz Events:
Jaly 17- Oklahoma picnic
at Silvertoa park. -
August 7 Ohio "Buck
eye piexde. State fair
grounds. -
' Angust 7-21-AanoaI Che
meketan . outing , at Spirit
August 14 DakoU pic-
aged f5
Lee C. Marsters.
years, 8 months and four days.
aiea u tms city July; 13. 1932.
Brother of O. E. Marsters of Myr
tle wmt, ore. Native of Califor
nia. Remains will be 1 forwarded
July 14 to Myrtle Point tor ser
vices and Interment,- by the Ter-
wuiiger qo., 770 phemekeU
street, telephone C923J -
Jast Tea IBaatM Item ike Heart ,
Croqn Isole
Ringlet End
Open Friday
Evenings by
307 r First Natl Bank Bldg.
-K,-u.TeL- test
Branch of Castle Pioneer
Permanent Wavers, Portland
1 Dr. Chan Lam
. Chinese Medicine
, - Office boors
1 Tuesday and Satnr
t day 9 te 3 p. m.
J : and S
14S N. Commercial
- v Salem
Call 8010, Used Furniture .
131 Korth Ulfr
New Low Price
Meos Half.
Ladies Half
Rubber Heels both mesa
and 9Kp
womens -Utf V
Mens Leather
Full Soles and Heels
We me only tht finest material and offer yon expert
workmanship. Do not b mislead this is equal to ny
work in the Qty at Any Price ;
The Statesman Publishing Company operates one of
the largest printing and publishing plants in
the state. Besides printing its own publica
tions, The Oregon Statesman and the North
west Poultry Journal, the plant handles a wide
variety of commercial printing.
Papers and Periodicals:
Willamette Gsllegian
Salem High School Clarion
Clarion Annual
Oregon Legionnaire f
Oregon Historical Quarterly
In addition the plant turns out catalogs, books, broad
sides, sale bills, and all forms of letterpress printing.
i . i-
Summer is a good time to check your stationery needs.
The Statesman plant is well equipped to turn out such
work as f
Experienced Workmen
Modern Equipment
PromvL Courteous Service
Statesman Publishmg Go.
215 So. Com!
Phone 9101
" i'
. -