The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 30, 1932, Page 8, Image 8

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon; Thuray Morning. June 301932
l .r. -i. ,
1 : -4'V
ews and Glub Affairs
:Oltve M. Doak. Society Editor
Pleasing Recital
Recent Event
. lira. Walter A. Denton present
ed a croup of Iter students lion
day night In an Interesting recital
at Nelson halL This was the last
recital for Mrs. Denton's pupils
before a vacation of two weeksv
The program Included:
Duet LJttld Boy Blue Engelman
Helen and Roy Ostrin -
Rose PeUls : Lawson
Moths ' John Thompson
Emma Miller
t a. flondola Jelns
Ror Ostrin
In the Arena March ....Engelman
Oeraldine Frlgaard Constance
Elfin Dance Helns
Helen .Ostrin
Edelweiss Glide ....... .Vauderbeck
David Smith, Jr. T'
Flattering Leaf es .. .Koelling
Geraldine Frlgaard
Sparklets Miles
Margaret Clare.
LaMaielle a..-kJlgenfrita
Kathleen Lindbeck Mrs. Denton
Caprice T. ...Drumheler
Guinevere Wood
Trees . , , - -- ttaabach-Dels
The Rosary Ethelbert Nevin
Kathleen Lindbeck
The Joyful Peasant (Transcrip
tion) Schumann-Hartl
Mazine Gahlsdorf
Contra Dance . Beethoven
Antoinette Lambert Mrs. Denton
Narcissus Nerin
Buona Notte
Merle Lange
Minuet A L'antiQue Paderewski
Antoinette Lambert -
On the Road to Mandalay
j Oley Speaks
William Judson
Guinevere Wood.' Accompanist
Recollections of Home Mills
Pearl Stelner
Mid Summer Night's Dream
Lll, Mflndelsaohn-Smlth
Kathleen Lindbeck
Mrs. Max Rogers
Hostess Today
The contract club meeting
which was to have been with Mrs.
Max Rogers last Thursday but
was postponed, will meet with her
today for a delightful picnic aft
ernoon. ; -
The club meets during the sum
mer months and each meeting is
made a picnic to some interesting
place. The meeting place for to
day was not being made known
until time of meeting. Cards will
be in play and a picnic tea will
be served.
Mrs. Earl Cooley will be an
additional guest. Club members
will include Mrs. George Rhoten,
Mrs. Fred Duncan. Mrs Charles
Laporte. Mrs. Keith Brown. Mrs.
Raskin B latch ford, Mrs. Webster
Ross and Mrs. Rogers.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Meyers, Dr.
and Mrs. R. E. Les Steiner, Capt.
and Mrs. Earl Flcgel, Mr. and
Mrs. Dan Fry, Jr., expect to meet
at Neskowin for the weekend and
ever July 4.
r 'v Thursday, Junt SO .
, ' - Artisans picnic, S o'clock, at Hager's grove; Arti
sans and friends Invited; each bring covered dish for
picnic supper. - -.J: - ; :-:' .. , j ., -'., ; -
Violin and piano recital of students of Joy Turner r
. Moses at Woman's clubhouse;' open to Interested public.
Recital program of students of Joy Turner Moses
- at Women's clubhouse, 8 o'clock. Mrs. W. J. Mlnkiewlts
assisting soloist; public Invited. -v ;, r
"""" ' e
r . - Friday, July 1 '
Miss Mary Schults will present in recital private
and group. violin students, 8:16 o'clock; Miss Ruth
T Bedford to accompany; open to interested public.
Card club of Business and Professional Woman's ,
club meeting, Friday, 8 p. m. at home' of Misses' Ruth
and Phoebe MeAdams, 758 South 12th street.
Ta Menettes club with Mrs. Tinkham Gilbert, 7 BO
South High, street; one o'clock luncheon; Mrs. J. B.
Blinkhorn assisting hostess. '
Hal Hibbard Auxiliary will meet for regular meet
ing at armory. " - - j
Brilliant Ghurch Ceremony
Weds Miss Hester Davis,
Robert Cosgrove
IN one of the most colorful and impressive of ceremonies
Miss Hester Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mra. R. W. Da
vis, became the bride of Robert Cosgrove, son of Mrs. Mary
O. Cosgrove of Pasadena, Cal. Wednesday night at 8 o'clock
In the First Presbyterian church. .
The church was softly lighted with the glow of many
tall cathedral tapers. The sombre green banks of palm and
fern about the altar and chancel rail was lightened with the
blue and soft white of delphiniums and Regal lilies.
As the processional was played by Mrs. J. Fred Bralv
. m an j-l . . "
ox Aiuany, me onaai parry
took it place before the altar
at which stood Rev. Grover C.
Birtchet, the officiating miiU
we suggest' tne ever smart
black., and white sheer . crepe for
inis moaei, adorned with a bit of
nne lace and a pert black satin
ribbon bow. Every detail tends
10 sienaenze the figure , . . the
sum vestee. the snuz hln ui
sUght gathering of bodice above,
the front skirt nanal AAnr
height and the well shaped side
pans. Tne sleeves are most' at-'
iracuve. --. - .... .
; Pattern' 2284 is obtainable only
to sixes 88, 28. 40, 42, 44, 48, 48.
Slxe ZS requires 2 2r8 yards of 39
tneh; fabric, 4; yard of 18-inch
BmI flftoa mU (15e) U
Mlaa or lUrapt (oin prfer4),
tw Meh pttra. Writ pUim
jt mme. ddri mmi ttjt aon
Wr B aara ta- iut lia wanted.
Xao m? waidroba eaa b
haaad aatilp. and -Inaspaativcly
wita tht asiUne ofoor earraat
M-Pfa (aihioa caulog. Th bast
witba teaoa'i afternoon, iporta
ai aaiar troekt. linferia. hoaaa
rMa and. kiddies' inodela all
Varaoealty choaea by Anno Adima,
ara aiada aTai!bI thrangb thie
toaatifol book. getr3 for yoor fopj
wy,Prica fl. eatalos, . (iftam
aata. CataloOod pattern tofatk..
w'.,wti ' ' 'ni n
aU aad order t 8tatrhjaa la
nn Dapartmeat, t4S Wert 17U
Kew lerk Oily.
The bride entered on the arm
of her father who gave her in
marriage. N
Mrs. Percy Kelly, soloist, sang
accompanied by Mrs. Braly.
Miss Davis made a beautiful
picture in a tight fitted tip-toe
length gown of Ivory bridal satin.
The gown was cut low in the back
and falling from the shoulders
was an angel skin lace Jacket
with puffed aleer6s which finish
ed in a fitted cuff. Just where
the jacket ended a long train of
satin began and extended in
graceful length.
A band of orange blossoms
brought from , California circled
the dark hair of Miss Davis and
from this extended a tulle veil
four yards in length and edged
with sUver thread lace. A beau
tiful formal . length strand of
pearls caught with a. tiny diamond
clasp, a gift of the groom, was
the only Jewelry worn. The bridal
bouquet was a splendid . comple
tion of the bride's ensemble. A
shower spray effect of orchids in
orchid color white gardenias, and
cream colored sweet peas with
here and there a spray of baby
breath was so combined that the
flowers hung over the arm of the
bride and dropped almost to her
knees. Ivory satin ribbon draped
artistically at one' side extended
below the lowest hanging flow
ers. In the bouquet was a dainty
corsage of gardenias and lilies of
the valley, which was worn with
the going away ensemble.
The bride s attendants were in
a study of soft pink, yellow and
green gowns made similar to the
bride's. Mrs. Jack Porter wore
soft pink alencon lace with an
angel wing bow of lighter pink
chiffon velvet across the shoul
ders. Miss Mildred Collins wore
sunlight yellow needlerun lace
with a lover's knot bow in the
back and - Miss Esther Wood wore
a similar gown in pale green.
Each attendant wore a tulle
turbin caught with a brilliant
buckle in color to harmonize with
the gown. Flowers for the attend
ants were unique and gorgeous
Each , bouquet - was a .muff, the
foundation of which was crepe de
chine and frilled tulle. Mrs. Por
ter's muff was covered Trith white
sweet peas combined with rapture
roses; Miss Collins had as . a
flower background lavender sweet
peas and Talisman roses; Miss
Wood's muff has' a background of
flesh pink sweet peas and Joanna
Hill roses. An individual corsage
was tucked neatly Into one cor
ner of each muff.
Mrs. Davis, . mother of , the
bride!. wore black lace and over
the shoulder a long arrangement
of -white gardenias. v ; .
'Mr. Cosgrove was. attended by
Cyrus ; Gates of . Bellingham,
Wash: Ushers included .Ward Da
vis, brother of the bride. LeRoy
Grote, Lawrence Schmltt and Wil
liam . Johnson, s : yi
- ouowing tne ceremony v a re
ception was held in the long so
cial room of the church compli
mentlng Mr. and Mrs. Cosgrove
- Candle ligtit gave a beautifully
soft effect to, the room. Inach
window a basket of flowers -had
been arranged and on either side
glowed lighted tapers. Flowers in
a color scheme of blue. White and
son pint were used throughout
toe reception, room. .
The service table was , covered
with a lace cloth and the service
was in crystal and silver. A large
oriae's cake centered the table
and about its base was a circle
oi wbite gardenias : and flanked
on either side with, white tapers
in crysjal holders. At a second
table over wht wa i. .i.v
a large crystal nunch .bowl was
flanked by bud vases holding soft
i,reaia ( roses, residing at each
puncn dowi were : Miss Peggy
Wagstaf f and Miss Esther - Gib-
I Alternating at theservlce ta
we were Mrs. J. K Weatherford
Of Albany and Mrs. C P. Blahnn
Mrs. Edward Wiles of Albany and
Mrs. W.Ml Jones.
i VAesLitini about" the rooms wort
from Albany Mrs. R. L Weather
ford, Mrs. O. A. Hockensmlth,
Mrs. A. C. Schmitt, Mrs. . O. D.
Austin, and Mrs William H. Da
vis. From Salem were Mrs. Percy
Cupper, Mrs. R. C. Hunter, Mrs.
Percy Kelly, Mrs. R. Lee Wood,
Mrs. W. Carlton Smith, Mrs. John
Pollock, Mrs J. C. Connor and
Mrs. Milton Meyers.
Assisting in 4he dining room
were Mrs. Ernest Gabriel. Mra.
Denton Dalrymple, Miss Virginia
teea, miss Genevieve Reed, Miss
Doria Powell, Mrs. Isabelle Dear
born, Miss Jeanne Wilson. Miss
Mary Turner, Miss Leota Beall,
Miss Mary Cupper, Miss Blllie
Cupper, Miss Eloise Wright, Miss
Kieanor Wright, Miss Marmion
Connor, and Mrs. Harris Lletz.
Following the reception Mr. and
Mrs. Cosgrove left for a wedding
inp in tne north. Mrs. Cosgrove
wore a lapis blue sport suit with
wmte accessories for her travel:
ing suit.
Mr. and Mrs. Cosarrove will re
turn to Salem before going on to
make their home in California. :
Miss Esther Davis, here as a va
cation guest rom Philadelnhia
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.
C. Davis, motored to Portland
Tuesday night with Prof, and Mrs.
Faal Petrie of Corvallis. to at
tend the 25th 'anniversary ban
quet which feted Dr. W. J. Kerr
at the Multnomah hotel Tuesday
nignt. Miss Davis sang as soloist
for the affar accompanied by Prof.
Petrie. Albert Krieta, head of the
violin department at Oregon State
college, was the other soloist.
Joy Turner! Moses -Presents
Pupils" ;
A group of the pupils of Joy
Turner Moses 'will be presented
in recital at the -Women's . clmb
building Thursday .evening at 8
o'clock. Mrs. W. J. Mlnkiewlts Is
assisting as vocalist on the pro
gram. The Interested publle is Invited-to
attend. ' i
.- .
The program Includes:
March . T..R0lf e.
String Ensemble : -
Blaek Eyed Susans.-. ...Kohler
Viola Mills
Boy Scouts March- :.1JCTelve
Roy Morifiro
Napoleon's March uLLavalle
. Mary, Alderson - .
A Mountain Pink '. Spauldlng
Marjorie Ann Befgsvik
Nocturne ll.Greenwald
Genevera . Selander - -,
Piano accompanist-Phyllis
Selander .'
Little Fairy Walts-... Streabbog
Wanda Messenger ,
Love's Message :J. U..-...Kimball
- Ruth Shewey
Air Varle r:Ll.DancU
" ' Tom Sepha.'
The Lamb's Frolie Long
, PhyllU Selander
Scarf Dance -Chaminade
Jean Pound
With Careless Ease Morrison
Lois Ebey Joy Turner Moses
Summer Showers : Logan
Eileen Goodenough
Serenade .. Schubert
Esther Callison
Maiglockchens . Lauten Seiwert
Jean Beers
The,01d Refrain Kreisler
Mrs. W. J.. Mlnkiewlts
Galop Caprice Martin
Ruth Seeley
Masurka-Op. 102 Bohm
Esther Callison
Danse Rustique ...... Borowskl
boiaiers March Laubach
Maxine Goodenough
Piano accompanist Elieen
Maiurka Brillante Helns
Juanita Stockhoff
Triumphal March from "Aida"
Mrs. Ed Wunder Joy Turner
Danse Espagnol Miller
Irene B. Seeley
By the Waters of Mlnnetonka
--; . Lleurance
Mrs. W. J. Minklewitx
Violin obligato-Marjorie Wunder
Knecht Ruprecht-Op. 68
Sylvia Bombeck
Jeanette Bom beck
In a Whirl . Wachs
Maxine Ross
Grande Marche de Concert
Sophia Hughes
The Rosary Nevin
Bolero ..... Rothleder
Marjorie Wunder
Grande Polka de Concert
- ......Auchester
Maxine Case
Tam O'Shanter Warren
Adella Diekman .
Estrellita Ponce
String Ensemble
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Minier and
daughter Jewell, will leave this
weekend for Newport where they
will be at their cottage. V'Laff-A-Loit."
Miss Jessie Cooper, sister
of Mrs. Minier, will Join them for
the Fourth and remain for the re
mainder of the week with them.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dancy are
enjoying a 12-day trip to Alaska.
They motored to Seattle Sunday
and took a steamer from there.
They expect to return to Salem
in about two weeks.
Guest Day : isgil -Brilliant
Success 'JJ :
A brilliant success was the last
meeting of,, the season. for,w the
Eastern Star Social club Tuesday
In the Masonic . temple at which
time each member Invited a km.
cial guest for the ' afternoon of
caras and a late tea. : s , r
Mrs. : L M. Donchton headed
the committee In Charge r of ar
rahgementsfor the afternoon and
was assisted by Mrs. L. O. Rus
sell. Mrs. H. T. tViln-r Uri TTsi.
ley j WhiU, Mrs. II. B. Glalsyer.
jars, tnanes vcElhlnney, Mrs.' L. ,
H. McMahan. Mrs. M. C. Casnett:
Mrs. Harry Mohr, and Mrs. ' J. s.
aa a
cnernngxon. '
Gnests who called tnclndAA trm
Lou Grote, Mrs. M. P. Adam?,
Mrs. Doege, Mrs. Paul M. John
son, Mrs. C. a Page Mrs. Petteys,
Mrs. Phil Barrett. Mra
Tumbleeon,. Mrs. Frank Derby,
jars. Albert Smith, Mrs. Derry
Mrs. Iva Bushey, Mrs. Gillan, Mrs.
Coolidge. Mrs. Ida BabcorV Mra.
Fanny. Tibbett, Mrs. Oliver Mrs.
wacnei Keeaer, Mrs. Mona Yoder,
Mrs. Harry Crawford. Mra. w v .
Hanson, Mrs. Charles Gabriel.
Mrs. P. Chandler, Miss Morelock
of La Grande, Mrs. Glen Seeley.
Mrs. T. T. McKeniie, Mrs. W. P.
Fowls, Mrs. Kaiser, Mrs. George
Hug, Mrs. ; Stanley Keith, Mrs.
Mem Pierce.. Mrs. Frances, Mrs.
Freemen. Mrs. Herbert Hauser,
Mrs. Rhea Kestly, Mrs. Anderson,
Mrs. Charle, Pratt, Mrs. Lester,
Mrs. Bert Flack, Mrs. Frank Lutx
and Mrs. Waldo Mills.
Woodbnrn Impressive marri
age ceremony took place at St.
Luke's Jatholic church here
Tuesday morning when Miss Hel
en Kowash. daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Kowash, became the
bride of Joe Reh of Hlllsboro.
The bridal mass was msed with
J. Bubis officiating. The
r " " " w vwu vt w iiiiv stftun
and chintallU lace and about her
head a eap frtm which fell a full
lencth veil and train She carried-
a bouquet ' of white roses and lil
ies Sf the vaKey. The maid of
honor, Miss Grace Smith of Mount
Angel was attired in pink.- The
bridesmaids, Mrs.: Frank Pr anger
of Hlllsboro and Mrs. Joe Balney
of Hlllsboro, wore green dresses.
Joe Pranger bf Hlllsboro acted as
groomsman. : -; : i-
At the marriage reremonv Miaa
Pauline Saalfeld of Mount Angel
sang "Ave Maria". Miss Helen
Keber. also of Mount Anrel. nlav.
ed the processional and recession
al.. The church was decorated
with pink rambler roses and white
roses.-.:.: - -. . - -
Followlnr the eeremanv'the
bride and rroom went tn the J. T.
Luper home where a wedding
breakfast was served with covers
Disced for 35 rnMli Ann KA
relatives and friends of theon
ple attended a reception after the
weaaing. The Luper home was
tastefully decorated with pink
and white roses. -
Mr. and Mra. Reh left soon aft
erward for Clear Lake, where
they will vacation for a week.
after which they will lire in Hllls
boro two months and then move
to Yakima.
, Mrs. Walter Denton left Wed
nesday with Mrs. M. Lachelle for
a motor trip to San Francisco
where she will be the guest ef
Mrs. A. Blosser, her aunt. Mrs.
Denton' expect to be gone about
two weeks. She expect to sPend
some time attending lectures and
musical things of interest to her
in Berkeley.
Mrs. Helena R. Moody, of Van
couver, Wash., is the guest of
Mrs. Henry Haxen for the week.
Mrs. Moody and Mrs. Haxen are
Additional Society
on Page 9
McDowell; Family
Reunion Enjoyed 2 j
Relatives and friends - of the
McDowell family met last Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.
W. ! McDowell. Orchard Heights
Road, Polk county, for the annu
al reunion of the western division
of the clan. Over 40 were present
to enjoy the ideal day and the
dinner that was the highlight of
the gathering. . . - -.. - r
After dinner, a short program
was given, and the old officers
re-elected for the coming year.
Those chosen for a second term
were: president, G. W. McDowells
vice-president, T. D. McDowell ;
secretary Mrs. Jennie Relgelman.
Attending the festivities were:
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ttelchard, Mr.
and Mrs. Perry M. McDowell, Mr.
and Mrs. L. B. Sloan and son
Robert Lester, E. A. Rayworth.
and H. B. Sloan, all of Portland:
Mrs. J. G. Relgelman, Perry Ret-'
gelman, - Mrs. Daisy Phenicie,
Frank Kamerer, Harold Vogt,
Miss Dorothy Bowen, Paul Slnle
Jr.. Mr, and Mrs. Paul fiilke, Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Moon, all of Sa
lem; Mr. and Mrs. C. A. -Jordan
and son David Clark, of Jeffer
son; ; Mr. and . Mrs. Eugene Silke
and son Harold, .of Hubbard; Mr.
and Mrs. W.' W.' McDowell. Mr.
and Mrs. H. R. MeDowell. and
children Ora and; Ross, Mr.-, and
Mrs. W.-G. MeDowell and dangb-:
ter Ethel. Mr. and Mrs.- Roy Mc
Dowell and children Armand and
Jimmy, m of r Orchard Heights:
M. A. Cady of Los 'Angeles; and
Mrs. Wold. and Donald and Jaek
..The group adjourned Cb meet
next year at the call of the pres
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hansen en
tertained Monday evening with a
charming garden dinner followed
with bridge during the evening
hoars. Covers were placed for
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Flack, Mr. and
irrL i V. ' SL Neerl Mrl and !irrs.
Scott Page, Mr. and Mrs.1 Waltei
Minis r, Mr, and Mrs.: Ii. O. smitn,
and J. and Mrs. Hansen., . :
Dot ble Wedding
ressive Event : V
a laV vie. SMaMv
Andei son became the bride of Ce
cil H. Frum of Junction City, and
Alice Franees -Anderson was unit
ed in marriage to Harry Morris
Thorn pson of Hubbard at an im- ,
phess ve wedding service Tead by
Rev.-P. O. Bruland of Portland.
at th Lutheran church at Canby
Sunday night. . ;
Attendant to the brides were
Wilhimlna Schmidt, of Junction
City, Martha and - Helen Thomp
son, ; of Portlaad, and Evande
Hurgt of Aurora. Arthur Ander
son a ad Enock Staurt of Spring
field acted a best men. M
i A reception was " held in the
parloi s of the church, followed by
a sup er served at two long tables
at wllch Viola Hurst, Mable and
Johaiah Yost. Christine Reuck
and Idllian Olsen assisted. Aftejr
a short trip Mr. and Mrs. Morris
will xiake their home near Moni
tor, w bile Mr. and Mrs. Frum will
live 1 1 Tillamook county.
. : : '
-1:.; ' sfz :
'- A itneral newspaper picnic was -plann
id ?.for j July ; IT at 1:30
eloe t i River flale park by the '
Salem ! Women's Press dab ia 4ts "
Tuesdiy meeting at the home of
MnuJt.TA. Sprague. The club
will f irnlsh coffee and lee cream
and 1 1 ose "attending ars asked to
bring basket lunches. At the tea
hour Mrs. Sprague was assisted
by ML Martha Sprague.
Mis i Thelraa Davis. OSC gradu
ate w w has been continuing her
musle course in Philadelphia for
& yea) , was one of the soloists at
the it ceptlon honoring Dr. W. J.
Kerr, president of the state col
lege, 1. 1 Portland Tuesday nighty
Li v. w j, . - y
- r f m , tv , '"
I-- f: - : H v.
UMttCHACTCAuoaKSH!'' ' "11 1' ....iii.h
f?f ' i ' - -
v ;
m Jt.:-y. .....
i 4
With her prctcnUUoa to King George and Qaeea Mary at the receat ceort
at BitckiatgliaBa Palace, the fersavr Adele iUtaift, w Lady Charlaa
Cavendish, has baB sUaaped as a Grade A saawaWv eLthe Britiah mobil
ity ia good sUadtag and bar Baarriage to the Mae-blood sea ef thrDke
' and Dockets ef Drroaahire has received the seal ef royal approval. .The
:, are all doubts as to the social status of the Assericaa dancer, who earmd
aff and aoarried ena ef Britaia'a aaosf ellgibl yovBg mea wader the eeaea
of aa araay ef EaIand'a hopef el dabs laid to rest. For where the Kiaf
leads who dare refnae to follow? - Mlaa AaUiro' aaade her last atage
ppoaraaca ia "Tha Band Waroa" laat March with her brother, Frad, to
- Chicago. . She sailed for England a weak later aad married Lard Charles
' ia May ia the private chapel at ChaUworth llowse, Devonahlre, seat of
the bridegroom's parenta, ia the presence ef the Duke aad Dhea.""Tha
remaBce berwaen the yeoag Britiah arutorat aad the stage beeaty hegaat
: kM Lord, Char la was to New York to 1929 as a dark to the firm of
. I. P. Morgan aad Co., preparatory to eatoriag bosinaae to Loatdom. His
V fathor is eae ef the biggest landowners to England, his estate comprising
. . , -A 188(009 acres. - - '
if wmm
The new U. S, Tax became effective June 21
but these tires and tubes left Gooc year before
that date. Thus no tax had to be paid on
them. While they, last we offer them at 'their
former prices lowest in history quoted be
fore the tax went into effect. First come, first
served. Limited quantities m
Hurry -don't wait.
:(ome sizes.
While They Last -
. 29x4.40-21
In Pai r
Single S3.59 Tube vie
latest Lifetime Guaranteed Snperlwist Cord
Expertly Mounted Free
nTnl Each Bach in Full Each in
o" : ; Ca .Pairs 0Tersl,e : Pairs
JIZ4.S0-2 .$39 - $3.79 30x5.00-20 $4.95 $40 '
80I4.S0-21 ; 3.95 .- 3.83 31x5.00:21 A 5.15 48
18x4.75-1 4.63 4.50 28x5.25-18 .5.55 59
29x4.71-20 4.70 r 4.57 3li5.25-2l I 58 5.82
29x5.00-11 45 -4.72 S0X3HC1.R , , 39 30
Latest lifetime Guaranteed-Superivnst Cord
--"' ."V h
c m x '
cash prices:
f I
While Tbcy Ias
" : 8x4.75.10 ;
la Pair!
Single $e.S3
r, ; Tab fl.17
? - "emwmmmawammm ammmsmmsmMaamamaamam '
7- 2 9x4.4 021 J. $479
, 29x4.50-20 , " " '5.35
: 20x4.50-21 '. I 5.43
29x4.75-20 6.43
: 80x4.75-21 '6.60
t 29x5.00-11 , 1 : C6.65
" 80x5.06-20 r: 6.75
81x5.00-21 C.6.96
i 82x50-22 -'70
Each in
Pairs i
' 7.47
SEC and 8 TLIESn
Of the Oor 8 layers of 8a
pertwist ' Cord ; ta these
Goodyears, two do not ran
from ted to Dead. They are
really Cord Breakers and
that's what we call them al
though ' some : tire-makers
call than extra plies. . ,
"r '.X
t 8.15
Each in
Pairs -
; 7.65
8.10 :
8.23 '
10.77 y
i I
wjyear All-Weathers, Double Eagles and Track '
Tires In Many Sizes'- Tax - Free WhUe They Last! , 1 -
; N. Commercial at Center '-r
S&f fwJSf i0PAaf. ReveUers' Quartet - Go4year Concert.
. , Btoice Orchestra Guest Artists Every Wednesday, 9 :15 P. L . -
Satisfaction with Erery Transaction
x -ft
- V
i - -a uvue
VKZ ; :vl e x pert : y u,l c a n i z in g