The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 30, 1932, Page 7, Image 7

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I T.
,SSi 1
; WM Sa em News" 4 "of Rwxrr; P'i':' ! :
" i : i UV MIAf, LUCK,
Shortage in Company Funds
Leads to Arrest and :
' Counter Suit
of the swindle deal ot Mr. and
Mrs. Jo McCallister which reach
ed Sllrerton trom Portland Tues
day has attracted
tention here as both Mr. and Mrs.
McCallister hare made their home
here during the past winter and
spring until about two weeks ago.
Mr. McCallister acted as washing
maculae salesman from -the Car
ender shop. .... -,
She gare out the Information
that she was from Boise. Idaho.
originally. Both were Inreterate
admirers of the out u( doors and
one ot the ladt trips they made in
the Sllrerton country was to the
uetroxt district. , - V ;. v
The story of -the swindle as It
reached Sllrerton was that . Mr.
McCallister -was arrested after a
shortage in funds of the washing-
machine company which employed
'..nlm, were discerered. He was
tried in court and "acquitted ot
charges against him. - In turn, he
brought suit, against his company
for malicious prosecution W and
mm, m. n m . .....
McCallister later went to-Port
land and told Rar -Barkharst of
the "Sediment Cap company, that
fee had filed another suit against
the washing machine company
eeiing joagmtent tor sso.eoo, al
leging the company had attempted
to extort money from his sister.
No such salt was erer filed. It Is
jaarKnurst oeUered the ator
and agreed to take McCallister in
to business when McCallister won
WEST SALEM. June 29 Mrs.
A. Bell of Rosemont aTenue
tell at her home and 'seyerely in
ured her hand and arm the first
of the weelc-?.-.' -."r
The state highway department
official' are building a gigantic
pile of gravel piled on Edgewater
street, near the Wallace road tor
use in road work on the Wallace
road trom the rlrer to the edge of
the Folk county line. ' :
Among the aummer Tacatlon-
ists who hare been taking trips
coast ard or otherwise recently
are the Julius T. Stohl's, who
spent a brief Tacatlon at Winema
beach, v near Neskowtiu ' In the
party were Mr. and Mrs. StohL
Miss dreta Ecotield. the Misses
Laurel ' and Margaret Stohl and
his suit. From time to time Mc-
CaUIster allowed Barkharst , to
read letters from his attorney
concerning the progress ot the
suit. It is said that McCallister
wrote the letters himself.
Last week McCallister' called
Barkhurst by phone and told him
he had won the suit and receired
a check tor SSS8S.S9. Mr. and
Mrs. McCallister took a check for
that amount to Barkharst and Mr.
Barkhurst gare the McCallisters
fSZOOO tor it as an adrancement.
Later It was discorered that the
check had been printed jat Mc-
Mlnnrilleand was ot no f&lue.
- It Is said that the day the Mc
Callisters receired the $2000 they
drove to Seattle and covered
"K.Sjr.'check there for $11.
They are believed to be drlTing
a yellow roadster bearing Oregon
license plates No. 261-600. He is
tall and dark and she Is rather
short and also dark. She has re
marked at Silrertoa that she for
merly did newspaper work in Ida
Vernon Stohl , The Wilbur P.
Lewises, made a flying trip out to
Sileta agency on Tuesday, where
they have financial interests: and
the Robert Crawfords, who motor
ed to Breiteabush' .springs the
first of the week. In their party
were Mr, and Mrs. Robert Craw
ford, Miss Dora Fotlrich, Barbara
Jean and Kenneth Crawford," T
' Carload Cherrlee Rolls
O. B. Brooks, president and
manager of the Salem Cherry
Grower's association is haTing
quite a crew of men and women
packing and preparing tine Blag
cherries tor shipment to the east
ern . markets. The first carload
lot wae suited to Chicago on
Tuesday evening la refrigera
ted car and trom Chicago the
fruit will be retailed to the con
sumers. These - cherries come
from Polk, Marlon, Linn and oth
er Willamette valley counties and
will reach their destination In
tresh, good conditlon.-
The regular monthly meeting
of the West Salem city council
will be held Tuesday night. July
e, instead of Monday;-because of
the national holiday. f
Miss Naomi Alsop, daughter ot
Mrs. Gerald C. Larkia who spent
last week with home folks, has
returned the last of the week la
WlisoavlUe, where she is making
her home for the present.
The J, w. - Looney family of
Portland, who have property In
terests here were here tor a few
days last week- looking after bus
iness affairs. They left tor their
home in the city again Tuesday.
The Looneys formerly lived in the
house that they have now leased
here. . .
: The Misses Gertrude Needham
and Bertha fenglehorn who have
been taking a brief summer
school course at the Oregon Nor
mal, motoring back and forth
CLOYERDaLB, Jane 2S--Pro-
gram for the W. 0 T..TJ. annual
strawberry social held Saturday
nigat at the scneoiaouse, ra-
eluded: v-w-'V ius31
Prayer by Mr. Brown, song by
Lowell nadlsey, reading by Mrs.
Jay Jook - and 'Aaron Dumbeck,
song - by croup ot youngsters,
readings by Gordon KankeTMrs:
Eleanor Hold, Mabie senirxerer,
Gertmde Cook and Fred Brown;
piano ana violin duet by Mr. and
Mrs.- Earl Hedges; plane olo,
Dorothy Feller, song ty Frankie
Hedges and by group of young
woasen and vocal duet by Mtv and
Mrs. Earl -Cook.
The affair was .an entire suc
cess. . .
WACONDA, Jane tl Mrs. F.
R. Nnsom and children, Rosemary !
and Ronald Joined a group of rel
atives at Wheatland Monday tor
a 'basket dinner and picnic. Pros-,
eat were: Mr. end Mrs. Norman
EstaUe.- Mr. and Mrs. B. Furlong
and children. Bobble and Dorothy,
Miss La Ellen Flier, Mr. and Mrs.
Matt Flier, all of Portland, and
Sam Maers and Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Angelo of Salem. ; , 5 -
AailvL ha.YomeIeted their work.
Miss Needham teaches tn the pub-
lis scQOOis of KUisnere ana miss
Englehorn in one of the puwic
schools ot saienv.
The pressing or Juice extrac
tion of loganberries has begun
again at &e Puritan Cider works
Mil nUn fcrln their fresh fruit
there tor that purpose, for their
own use. So many logs as are go-
naanU Old VAAT that more
than usual wlU probably preserve
their own iruit juices in w.ww.
Unrestricted Choice of any Suit in the Store
All up to the Minute Styles Every; Suit
Positively Guaranteed
Regular .$1.00 Valaes
, All New Elastic
AH Wool SUporer Sweaters On UtX Oman Sizes
Plala Coloii Valaes to &&9
Plain Colored Flannel Slacks Alade with
22-Inch Bottom Keg. Value $5
AtEnfleftSs lUci'wGbc?
Shirts and Shorts, Rayon or Broadcloth, la Plala
or Fancy Patterns Values to 69
; -EI(5)GES
" A'Xars Quantity of Rayon and
LIsls Mixtures All Good Pat-
terns Extra Special, 2 pair
Fast Color Broadcloth In Either
Plain or Fancy Patterns Valr
ues to $1X0
WoolSport .,.
Tht New Style Wool Four-la-Hands
Values $1
. .
1 -.,
- Prices .; .
Pterfl and NestiVs
Milk Chocolate Bars
All 5c Gum
Dollar Mints
All 5c Candy JBars
Initial Book Matches
All Brands
All BMifiMffl
1 6) .. ..
r " on
. Outinff v
20 To? 8c
2 pkgs. for ISe
oz. Geo.
Washington UeJC
15C inrfon.2for )C
Himyar, the New Cigarette
3 Tobacco rn.
pkgs. for OUC
Old Golds, Camels, LacUes,
Chesterfields, Qt OC
cartons 200 tPlesU
CarnationOats 25c
' Cup and Saucer FREE with Each Package .
Pure Vegetable Salad Oil 47 c
Crystal, White Cleanser lc 7
i ;UbVs Tomato Juice 3 25c
Sinclair's Pig Hocks ?i 25 c
. 0.
Hershey's Cocoa
Picnic Suggestion
HeinzBalced Beans 3
The Ideal Picnle Thermo
NeBeCCooIdesSx 27c
N. B. C. Crackers & 13c
Fresh, Fluffy MarslunaHows 9 c
Imported Norwegian Sardines 4 to? 25 C
Blue Bell Potato Chips ?.15c
Fresh Salted Peanuts 10c
French's Mustard ?S 1 Tc
Miss Lou Slirimp 2 a? 19c
J RipeOKves 2bS!f
3 f0r. 23c
.. Ban a n a '.'
1: : L e t:t n c e ? -
3 h?,f 10c
.Tom a toes
C u c u m b e r s
2 9c
N e w B e a n s
3 20c
3 20c
2 29c
Freii. Meyer
18c pt.
Now made vri Ji a dash' ot less
on idee to cive-yoar salads a
most piquant flavor.1 Mild er
Urt (5c depesit for Jar.)
Take Along Lotions
and Creams to Guard
Your Complexion
Against the Sunt
Salem's Lowest Prices
V1 AaQazi
Pre-tai: Prices Remain
Due to Our Advance
Purchases - Stock Up
On Tax-free Goods
While They Last!
"V ""V, Contents: Zip
T'h DepUatery.
land deodor-
Close- Out Specials
Odds and Ends of Highest Quality Goods
Sacrificed in This Sweeping Clearance t
50c Fougere Royale Shaving Cream 29c
51 April Showers Bath Powder 89c
$1 Pompean Dusting Powder 39c
50c Zip Shaving Cream 19c -
1 Pound Uncut Agar 79c
ZU Kleenex 25c 35c Modess 16c 35c Eotex 25e
12-in. Dolls
, Vtv N
with moveable
CXost Oat
Begular 60s
Bath Crystals
Cneramr, April Show-19.
end ww
era Jen
Close Out!
Begular 60c
Raffy Powder
Dellxhtfal face pow- -fQ
4er In neat metal 19C
Close Oct!
Regular $1
Powder Boxes
Decorated porcelain q
boxes complete witb uJC
powder, and pntt. "
Soav Specials
25c Cashmere Bouquet 2 for 25e
S5cR&GBath Tablets 2 f or 25e -35c
Ninon 5c Jergen's 3-In-l Ce
4711 Bath Tablets lie
to Mission Bell Soan 2 f or 5c
JL5c Hollywood Bath Tablets 5c
Antiseptic Powders
SI Septisan 49c
Advertised Reme&es
$6 Nue-Ovo Treatment $3.98
U-50 Anenrim Jilt
SL20 Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin 79
3155 S. S. S. 89c
16 oz. Beef Iron and Wine 9c
60c Septisan 23e
50c Takara 39c
50c Squibb'a 33c
Fool Remedies -
25c Blue Jay 16c ,
.S5c ZInopads 27c
35c Freezone 23c
S5c Tlx Tablets 23c
15c Corn Plasters 9c -
Face Powders
31J0 Pinaud's $U9
31 La ?lache'69c .
1 Bona Rosa 59c
50c Jara Rice 33c
31 Tangee 59c
. Hqssehold Supplies
16 oz. French Ammonia 14c -1
lb. Johnson's Floor Wax 59c
1 lb. Waxglo 43e
50c Wrlghf s Silver Cream S9c
1 lb. Dichlorldde Crystal? 49c
3 Ibi. Ifoth Balls 23r
We Redeem Colgate Tokens
Kitchen Apron
Usterine Products
31 Listerias 9c .
25c Sharing Cream 17e
25c Throat Tablets 23c
25c Tooth Paste lte
' vltb each parch ass ef
Snbber kltcben apron. Tmll
size. Double irelgbL
' - Eastman Kodak Films
Take Along a Supply! Bare! Fresh Stock! 1
No. 116, 8 Ex., 17c No. 127, 8 Ex., 14c
No, 120, 8 Ex., 14c No. 122, 6 Ex., 32c
Hospital SeppUes
2 QL Fountahi Syringe" 39e
2 cxt Hot Water Bottle 39e
10 yds. Sterile Gauze 29c 1
1 lb. Hospital Cotton 19c
1 in. by 5 yd. Adhesive 19c '
Clote Oull
Genuine Prophylactic
- Military Brushes
Handsoms brashes fA
with extra stiff bris- LVC
ties. : . 1 '
"" " i
Cctex Preparations
35c Cutex Remover 27c 1
35c Cutex Nail WhiU 27e
35c Polish (ass't) 27c
35c Cuticli On 27c '
35c CakeTolish 27c .
: FacCretsns
$1 BonciHa Creams S9c
$1 Pond's 59c
1 lb. Theatrical 29c
1 lb. Daisy B 49e
$1 Pacquin's 59c v
.$1 FrostUlii 59c - 7
31 Hind's II & A 61c
31 Jergen'i 69c,,
31 Italian ISalm 67e
jl Santiseitlc 69c
. Toithpaste-
50c StrasslaTs 27e
60c New ldtx l9c :
' ; 50c Woodbury's 19c
, 50c IpanaS9e .
50c 'Pepsod sat 29c
' Remedies (bdk) '"
1 lb. Flaxseed or Mesil 9e
. . ;
1 lb. Sulphur 9c rt -
1 lb. Boric Add 29c ;
10 lbs Epsom Salts 39c V
Close Ozt!
" Regular 31.C0 ,
Yardley Powder
The famons Tard- rO
leys Enrllah LaTen- UJt
dsr lace powder. '
hose Oct
Regular 10c Rolls , '
r Crcpo Paper -rnii
rolls et erepe pa-
in assorted, colors, aw
Z For Tear Picnic!, .
- Saraday Dirided
Paper Plates
I pkta. Nat and f
haadr. Serres plsnle 1 C
foods attracUrely. '
Fcr Year PicnicV
Pkgs,of 80 -
Paper Napldns
last bnadne, tl fall A.
else napkins for oal wC
" Fred Ueyer
Best CJoff ee
Try it Icedi Taste t2u
-full flavor, of that frag
rant blend. Fresh roast
cd. Cellojhacs bag.
(Formerly Known as Cjnies, Inc.) .-
(Setveen EUU and Conrs Cireeti) t
'-. . 173.ircrUi IXisrty Ctrctt ,
. T7e Reserre R!?ht t neaset&tlr Li'.t Quantities
18c lb.
A real rood soffse that smts
teKte lUls la halL "Omn-