The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 30, 1932, Page 3, Image 3

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234 North Commercial St., Phono 8527
Freer City Delivery Phone Your O. O. D. Order
v. . ; ;! '1" '..'':: . . - ... .... .3, .
Is m common saying of town and farmer people alike. We
consider It a privilege to serve you In any way possible and
are glad you like to meet here and trade where yon always
find "Low Prices Every Day" and expert sen ice by trained
Features Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Rolled Oats
' Kerr's Best
f lb. bag ... 29c
Pork and Beans Bitter's
16-oz. cans 19c
Milk Tall
brands g
cans AH our
cans L
Flapjack Floor
large sis pkg. .
Carnation Oats
large pkg. ......
Fine Cane Sugar, 10 lbs. ...
for canning,
i pkfjs.
Corn Meal or Graham
Flour 9 lb. bag . . .
Blue Bell hard wheat
Flour 49-lb. Back. ."
Pineapple Broken
slices, 2i, 1 cans.
Powdered Sugar or
Brown 3 lbs. ....
17 c
BISQUICK FLOUR For better biscuits
Quick, easy, dependable pks.
Bacon "Sq
per lb.
8c 1
Tomato Soup or Juice,
per can
If TTha ll II I I II -"'.t.:-'.. ' :-iwwl,igml ...n, . . t- -rv-. T ,. ,-.., , .
5- 'I II n-i4i4iiA"li.iit,i,.i tf"
- , - ,
Bearing out advance Information of having the great
est erew in its history, California is shown winning
the 38th annual inter-collegiate regatta from seven
of the most powerful crews in the country at Pougrb-
keepste, N. T. The Golden Bears took the lend at the
start -and held tt all the way. ,JoraeiL lengths be
hind, won second place and Washington took tl
honors in the gruelung zour-nule race.
XJudci? tllC Occurrences and Gossip
at the center of Oregon's
lJOinC "t1 KpTernment
ND another prohibition de
bate, this time by the dem
ocratic party, floated orer !
the air last night, wjth the usual
accompanying cheers and noise.
This time it was not a question of
resubmission of the 18th amend
ment, but direct repeal of the net.
Listeners should be well Informed
now on the wet and dry question.
The democratic convention
session yesterday was perhaps
the most interesting yet held.
There was a good program
emanating from the platform
early In the day, when such
. . ."Because they re odd lots
: . . Because of incomplete sizes
o o els9
$ 88
Values to $28
ritlnally much hieber priced, tm
jre'f e doling them out because theyVf
lostly one or two of a kind. A wide
k ariety but not in all size.
Formerly $4.95
The tamt fine faesstt from our, regu
lar stock that sold for nearly double
this price. But out they go to mike
room for incoming merchandise-" -
Formerly to $35
These are our finer Dresses- of
superior fabrics and distinctive!
Styled. Find your size and you get a
bargain indeed t
- 1)
Valuea to $19.50
We're sold hundreds of these coats la
our regular stock at a much higher
price-hey were good value then and
now at their reduced price they're
e Coats
Formerly $9.98
They are all the ragu,for cummer.
Youthful, smart, and perfect for
wear with any dress. Well tailored.
Styles include the popular swagger
Included at This Price are the
Popular Black Flat Crepo Coats "
Print Pajama
The Fourth means Beach
Pajamas. Of course, you
ean afford them at this low
prfco. AttractlT one and
: two-piece styles. , - ,
Oriental Pajamas
Imported Oriental Broad
eloth Pajamas. Ifade ta the
real Chinese stylo. Fall
legs, flgarod Jacket
Children'! Pajamas
0-pIece styles that fasten
on the shoulder. Also clever
two-piece styles In attractive
brtjdit colors. Broadcloth,
lintn and print.
275 N. Uberty
Phone 8774
Salsa, Ore.
comedians aa Will Rogers and
Amos and Andy supplied much
more 'cheer-provoking material
than any political speaker pos
sibly could. Here's for 'more
conventions like that.
matter of Informing the public
Hoss aked for an opinion on
the matter, revealing what was
being considered, while the ,
governor was not yet ready to
make an announcement. Also
Hose wants legal authority
while the governor considers
the need, and the human side.
It looks like the Empire Hold
ing eases may not be over. James
Ifott yesterday referred further
Investigation of the affairs' to
Douglas, Jackson and Multnomah
counties where sales of stock pre
dominated outside of ' Marlon
county. 80 it there are to be more
trials, it will be up to the other
Oooley Arrested Richard
Cooler, arrested for violation of
the auto lights law, will appear
in Justice court at 10 o'clock this
.morning to enter a plea. .
Oregon : Products Exhibit to
Be Arranged for Legion"
"Meet at Portland 1
Plans "for advertising and sup
plying high grade. Oregon dairy
products at the National Ameri
can Legion convention" in. .Port
land this fall were furthered at a
meeting at the chamber of com
merce yesterday afternoon, "pre
sided over by 8. D. White of Mo-
Mlnnrille, chairman of the Legion
committee zor tne agricultural en
velopment at the convention and
Yamhill county agent.. X s
The group yesterday, composed
of members of the Oregon -Jersey
Cattle club, planned for a meet
ing at the Imperial hotel in Port
land July S, when heads of each
I; .
'ff 1 'mm00' " mmm
of main .dairy companies and'th- jj, time Mrs. Nell Q. Donnelly,
era will' be present to help shape
further plans. These will include:
Tillamook cheese factory, Mellow
est Cheese factory, Oregon Dairy
council. Dairy Cooperative associ
ation, extension service at Corval
11s, state department of agricul
ture and Interstate creameries.
Present at the session here
were besides White, H. L. Gribble
of Aurora, president of the Ore
gon Jersey Cattle elub; W. 8.
Bartlett or Independence, secre
tary of the state Jersey club: W.
A. Forrest of McMlnnrille, presi
dent of the Yamhill Jersey club;
Victor Mads en of Bllverton, presl-
of Kansas City, Mo, is in the spot
light under different circumstances
than when she was last in the news.
The heroine of the celebrated kid
naping ease la In Chicago as dele
gate at large from Missouri to the
Democratic National Convention.
It will be recalled Mrs. Donnelly
was held for ransom but released
when her abductors got "cold feet.''
dent of the Marion county Jersey
group; and I. H. Loughary of Cor
vallls, with the American Jersey
Cattle association.
Mr. White's committee will
carry through. Oregon prune, nuts.
: By Plant Chief
.. . J. O. Kbit, manager of Jhe.u
geuo ', Fruit : Growers" association,
was a Tisltor inS41em Wednes
day. The Eugene plant 1 operat
ing now on cherries and straw
benies, . ., ''
s "Our cherry crop la not as large
as you have In the Salem dist
rict," said Holt. "We will barrel
most of our pack of cherries.' Our
last year's pack J Is . pretty well
sold." ' ,.v- :
The Eugene plat is a coopera
tive, the only plant of size in En
gene, and handles products from
a wide area. In fact ecme growers
here who fall to market their
crops have tried to get Eugene to
handle them. -
dairy products, poultry, , sheep,
and cattle projects. In connection
with the dairy one, every hotel
and restaurant in Portland will be
solicitated to cooperate in using -only
highest grade butter and
milk and plenty of same.
Dr. RutirM. Daugherty
; '"X Phone 5858
, i Eyes Examined
.:Tv Glasses Fitted
SO 1-2-3 First Natl Bank Bldg.
All Modern Frames and
Lenses at Prices All
Can Afford I
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Shades of Brigham Young, or
a shady Brigham Young. The
supreme court yesterday listen
ed to , an appeal of Brigham
Young, this one of Marion coun
ty, and further, as is often the
case when one hears the name
of Brigham Young; there were
women involved. But far be
it from us to compare the two
cases. This one was a criminal
sawseajaessiBBsiiisisissiiiiiiiiiiiii'i''Hi' mi mm m i u m inn i ip m nm win iiainiiiiiii ii i I i m mil iiiiw 'iiisiiil'inii ini' i mi niniiiiiinsii t n
-gWBgBrSBrSmKg BBJB gyiliilii '"'li'liiM liJ fMutm.mwmmmmmmm
Refusing to view It as a "Be
lieve it or Not" accident when a
statehouse grounds squirrel seem
ingly with deliberation Jumped
squarely Into the wheel of a pass
ing bicycle ridden by a local news
boy, witnesses brought the event
to the attention of Dr. W. H. Ly-
tle to make a careful examination
of the accident.
Dr. Lytle . did examine the
beastie and discovered that one
of his eyes was entirely sight
less. "Yon don't catch a squir
rel getting into a Jam like that
without something going hay
wire with him, says Doc Ly
tle, and Doc being an expert
animallgician, he should know.
Squirrel at the stateboiue are
plenty tame right now.
George W. Joseph, Jr., was a
visitor at the capitol building yes
terday, and stopped in the press
room long.nough to say "Hello.
Among other visitors at the capi-
tol yesterday was Harvey wells.
who last year had charge of hir
ing the help for the house of re
presentatives. Wells will be back
again next year.
Reports here yesterday 'indi
cated strongly that President
W. J. Kerr of Oregon State col
lege would be the chancellor of
the two state Institutions of
higher learning. This would be
a great tribute to great edu
cator after 25 years service in
Oregon. But on the other hand
there may be some little opposi
tion. An official announcement
from the board is expected soon.
And while the democrats are
having their rounds in Chicago
Oregon is having Its problems oyer
the automobile licenses. One thing
has already been determined, and
that Is a 15-day moratorium, but
the matter of quarterly payments i
awaits further consideration. And
In the meantime the governor and
Hoss have their rounds likewise.
The only apparent difference
this time between the governor
and secretary of state Is the
And It Brought Belief From
Those who are bothered with con
stipation should read Mr. Gelpke'a
unsolicited utter :
"I nave suffered with constipa
tion for years, A friend of mine told
ms to try AUz-BaaX. I hays taxen
AlXrBxAN for the past tlx weeks aa
a breakfast food. It has regulated
my bowels as clockwork. Now I
would not be without a package at
aU times." Mr. Leslie Gdp 273
Bidgewood Are Newark, K. J.
Common eonstIpatlon-wiUi fts
headaches, loss of appetite, sleep
lessnessis due to Lack of "bulk
to exerdae the Intestines, Vitamia
B to helo tone the Intestinal tract,
Both are present la Xellogse Au
Bban, as well as iron zor tne diooo.
The nnuV In Axx-BaAK Is much
like that in . lettuce. Within the
bodT. it forms a sort mass, which
gently - clears the intestines of
wastes. Being a natural corrective,
AXXr-BBAN la not habiworming.
Try AuSax In place of pQs
and drum so often harmful. Just
eat two tables poo nfuls daily
serious cases with every meaL, II
your intestinal trouble Is not re
lieved this way, see your doctor.
In the red-and-green package. At
all grocers. Made by Kellogg in
Safeway brinss you a wide as
sortment of quality foods for the
4th of July holidays at prices that
arc the lowest In many years.
Make this a save and
Fourth ty food shoppins
Safeway Blend -in
West. pound"
Airway Blend
Flavor is De
licious, pound
Safeway Coffee Will Be Served Free All Day Fri. and Sat, in Hollywood Store
Campbell's, No. 300 Size Ideal for Your Picnic
Fine Creamery, a Local Product. pound'
Maximum tall cans Save.
Snowflakes, full 2-lb. boxes. each
Best Foods, for your salads full pt.
Fine Local Hothouse
Solid Crisp Heads
Fancy Local Hothouse)
Good Quality
Quick Lunch for Picnics
l (Q)C Fin CaIiforni Klondikes They are Ripe
2 ' 9c pund 4c
Lindsay Ripe
tall cans
Wan IPapei?
20-Sheet Rolls
Sliced, in Heavy Syrup, 2s each
America's Best Dessert all flavors, ea.
Pen Fattened All Drawn
I Sliced I Tmn
Fresh and Tender
Dry Sugar Cured, Nice and Lean
HDo 2s
Young, to Fry or Bake
Shoulders To Boll or Bake
Fine to Take on Picnic
Milk Fed
Shoulder RoaiU ..12y2c
Breast Veal to Stuff 9c
Steaks and Chops 1 5c
Leg o Veali v
Half -or Whole. .. 17c
Fine Lot of Assorted Lunch MeaU and Pickles for Your Picnic Dinner
No. 31162 N. Commercial
Phone 6169 :
No. 661978 N. Capitol
- Phone 8620 .
Our Stores Will be Closed All Day the 4th
FREE Excepting Features
No. 519270 N. Commercial
Phont 9432 : : -
No. 781927 State, Phone 9485
Battle Creek.