'Xtiti in,, . . ' PAG 12 FOUU A'lvTKe OREGON STATES1IAN, Saletau Orejron, Sunday Morninsr, June S, 13s2 ' '".'"" "' t '" i I -" ' 'ixttitiittiittttm ; . "i "No Favor Sways Vs; No Fear Shall Awe , ; - From First Statesman, March 23, 1851 t THE STATESMAN "PUBLISHING CO. Charles A. Sfracot, Sbtldoh F. SaCxctt, Publi$her$ ChakLes A. Snucm ' - ' , - . Editor-Manager Sheldon F. SaCKEtt . - - - - Managing Editor Member of the Associated Pre - The Aeaoclated Preee la exclusively entitled to the m for pubtlca tloa of oil Hwt dlsp&txhea credited to It or not otbenrlao credited la . . Pacific Coast Advertising Representatives: V. Arthur W. Stypea, Inc. Portia td. 8ecuritjr Bid. . ... Baa Francisco, Bhaxoo Bids. ; Los Angeles, W. Pa Bide Eastern Advertising Representatives : rord-Pareona-Stecher, tno. New Terk, IU Madteoa Ara.J - Chicago, N. Michigan Ave. - - Matter. office. tlS S. Commercial Street. Entered at the Postoffiee at Salem, Oregon, as Second-Clase atter. Published every morning except Monday. Bueineu -. .;. , SUBSCRIPTION RAISES: Ma Bubeertpttoa ' Ratea, m Advance. " Within Oregon t Daily and Sunday, 1 Mo, 10 eanta; X Mo. tl.ll; Mo. tl.M; 1 rear 14.00. Elaawbere 19 cenU per Mo., or IS.00 for t year la advance. Br City Carrier i 41 centa a month: $1.00 a year la advance. Per Copy t eenta On trains and New a Staada cents. Lay S rr ermon ,:; HALF HEARTED KIXIGIOX - . 'I vrlH eralae el.ee, O Lore, wit jmf waala aeerC" Paalma HO, . That. might have been true of the lyrte David. It la rarely true today. ,Thls is the day of half hearted religion. Social conven tion still prescribes-a priest tor christening : and ' marrying and burying. - Those ovents may bo the . only occasions a' minister serves a family. -- "Worship has too much competi tion. Human bolagi dlvld their Interests. Thoughts centered on divine things get crowded oat as folk listen to prise tight broad casts, Jaxs orchestras, r gad about in the family bus, read newspapers and magatines.'attcnd the movies. While David's flock were peace fully grating he had plenty of time to tune his harp, devote his thoughts to the firmament and the God whom he placed above the stars.. So praise flowed from his lips yes, from his "whole heart." He was transformed Into a seraph ef song. Ascription of praise to a divine being Is a root of religion. It re flects man's senue of dependence, bis weakness in the presence of great forces. Praise brings sus taining power and inspiration. lifting one from the commonplace Will the Hohenzollerns Return? arFPORTR make nlaJn that the restoration of the Hohen SV ll. A U i-t, rrrr,Arf In fiprmanv. The TjrosDect ?nt tn thereaJ. Modern reUglon i iT "Tv ,. 7 u ZTuL :r7rfVw fimp na oocorae either an acceptance may still be rather slim; but the signs indicate that the time of 8t6reotyped formula or the fol ia ripe for making the attempt at any rate. Kaiser Wilhelm lowteg of an ethics code. Neither - . . . W W " A. 1 .11 . ... never abdicated. He just lelt tne country, tie may De re-1 emouonai nature wmcn turned to power, or the crown prince may be placed on the " 1641 fount of M8ion. tvmn. .t PAfom Life now is somber and sordid. The very fact that the kaiser's return is under consid- thwarted. : pew tesUfy to any at? eration indicates the slougn into wmcn democracy in central j sorting enthusiasm. The cynical Europe has been falling. There is indeed irony in tne swne I 5orrs t enthusiasm to now, when we compare it with the idealism of Pres. Wilson XITheXnedaTou? any! who urged force to the uttermost that we might "make the thing today, even about TthVrepub- world safe for democracy". The need of the present situation lican party, or prohibition or ath- emt ft hA f a miiVfl AmfvrrAr.v oaf a far thet worM. letlcs. , Tet there must he daro. . Th wnrM, thA democratic world, will shudder at the I u.on to religion, there must be the iU..,4. 9 V,-. MaM4in f fV,a mmafxtiv tn rLimrv I E W 1110 COiOT and the WlkU ItO VfaypiUS, tUJ wji, iba luxynM. iaiizn,i, iwuun, iv mjmj i yuaiua, A as religion taat re- rw rinwovpr fhat a kino wnuld servn to-focna the lovalties i olves itself Into intelleetnal ea. and to bind together the people as the republican form of tTJ,?',? "f" government does not. Only the personal popularity of Pres- J 531 Losini tl?itS Si laeni iraut von xunaenuurg nas serveu to ceraeub cuuiuuk way io extinction. David sensed interests in recent years. Even now there is open outbreak the imperative of a crescent reu between the communists and the nazis or national socialists, f;on VLioyal dfoa of the swing toward a dictatorship; and a dictatorship is more monarchical than even the Hohenzollern rule was. Democracy indeed is on trial. Henry Hazlitt, writing In the July Scribners, under the title "Without Benefit of Con gress" advances a proposal for reorganizing our govern ment by doing away with the congress and electing YK per sons through a scheme of proportional representation, the one receiving the highest number of votes to be the president. Walter Iippman, former editor of the New York World, notes the strain to which democracy is put in the following: "For what is most wrong with the world is that the dem ocracy which at last is actually in power, la a creation of the Immediate movement. With no authority above it, without re ligious, political or moral connections which control its opin ions, it Is without coherence and purpose. Democracy of this kind cannot last long, it must and inevitably it will, give way to some more settled social order." x There have even been hints that in this country the president should have authority to act independently of congress in case of emergency. The Safetv "Valve - - Letters from Statesman Readers West Stayton, Oregon. Editor Statesman: I noticed in The Statesman dat ed June 21, the dead line of new license plates for cars. And I think that Chief Charlie Pray Is doing all in his power to help the auto owner, but i power lees to render much aid. I think our Police force la a fine hvl r.r Our political development in late years has been steadily I officers, but Mr. Meier, our rover- in the direction of "mere democracy"; witness direct legis- no; making a big mistake for lation, the recall, etc But we must admit that the demo- ;SI3ntj55 55 iTiVJSiSr'i cratic often fails to function. Congress itself is an example real hardship on a lot of people of the deficiencies of trying to legislate by mass meeting, in this part of the country, for The science of government is still in process of evolution. h JP1'8 "h5 nlc 61:00 of TV. Q f.nMUM. tm fnr nmlnfi'nn .wiirAw mrm o wViir fn "rawDernea, Had a contract with -vUvv,, . , w.w. . a cannery in Salem and the con Th e iviuraer or tneiNigntviu B y; A N T H Q N Y A B B O T c .1 TV T 1 . d iaav il-'V : V Tfistot Civilization's S Status By D. H; Talmaclge; : Sage of Salem - '-hi' 8TM0PSIS i OesyiU the police guard placed In her home by Commissioner That cher Colt, Lola Carewe, suspected aer-ap" ef a Jewel thief riag, la mystarioualr murdered. Dr. Hagh Baldwin gives heart fsHore aa the canae ef death. Theee present at the time, beside Colt aad his aides, were Lola's mother, lira. Carewe f the amtler. maid, and Yfceeeai Row land., aa attorswy. Colt feels the young man whose photograph adorns Lola's dresser --.and whose Identity she refaaed to reveal beyond his first Bame, "Basil--! connected with the mystery. At the saemtlen ef his name, Mrs. Carewe he comes hysterical, sayiag Lola was s cruel beast aad never loved Basil. Christiso Quires, Lola's guest, can aot he located, although the elevator boy elalsas she returned arotrad aid sight with her escort, Guy Everett, and Colt found the hag she carried. Celt phones Everett's apartment after S a. m. and learns Everett has not arrived. A cine in the form of a small woodea hex la picked p under Lola's window. Chung, the butler. Is questioned. CHAPTER THIRTEEN THE Homely yellow man began by telling nothing. With his . ptrmpUtt-Uks bald head gleam ing with moisture, and his gold teeth shining between bis parted lips the 01 - favored Chung walked to the drawing room, hands at his side, and stood deferentially waiting to be questioned. His answers were ex plicit, if prolix. He had not seen Miss Christine Quires return on this, the three hundred aad sbiy. fifth night of the4ateet year ef the Christiaa calendar. He had spent the entire eraninx la the kitchen, shelling peas aad reading a paper bound life ef a cinema aetress ef great popularity. He w familiar with all ef the twelve J 11 v l f VTSJ1 I 111 I i n ft" I What Is the sopreme test of siv-. luxation. J dunno. Pie erust, perhaps, -- t - .: '' Impresslouj that linger: ML Hood at sunrise, the Willamette river south from the Center street bridge, the landscape from the root of the Elrst National Bank knlldlne a fit I tit )ivtnr nm on a chair seat. . : . -. - - If you can find it convenient to do so, read the editorial "Reds. Blues and Yellows" In the Satur day Evening . Post of June 18. ! Fine. .- , '; There are motion plays that are tiresome and there are those that are restful, regardless of good qualities. Like books. And peo ple.- . . In times of stress the Setter hu man qualities shine .more bright ly.' We should never really know some men ana women did wn see them only in fair weather. f ,;v ... T ; " "i i "Only sometimesT What Vis wrong other times T" - Toe mack work. Always dinner parties, luncheon parties, late sap pers I have no ibaa read LI Pot "But she was Had to youT" rooms in the pent-house of no hiding-place that Colt might have overlooked, where Christine might hare remained oonoealsd. But the Commissioner prodded on, hoping stSI to uncover some thing behind Chung's Oriental mag pHoqnenee. "What Is your fuO name?" "Chung Wong Duk." "Pelping." "Where educated T" "Oxford." "Indeedl Of what class were your people t "If y father was aa exporter ef silks." Colt looked at the butler ahrewd- "Then what is a man from such a family doing as a butler la the United States T" Chung inclined his head forward rracefuUy. "Mr country is not so old-fash- Joned as many people Imagine. In my country IX a young man is un usually intelligent uce myseix, so is placed In the service of the gov eminent, like myself, to travel far and wide and observe foreign ways and report the habits of ether countries." "So you are a spy." "No. sir. A spy is a military ob- m serrr. I am not in tut sernc ex a . 1 v " J -a wniviU saaaia Mm CUD I saesa, wbbj AV set up some lorm oi democracy wnicn tnen proceeds to ulS-1 tract was broken. I picked three I the army. I am a civilian observer." integrate until some Napoleon comes along and with a ioaas, two the canneryj took, and I "Then "whiff tf ' grapeshot" ends mob rule, restores royalty and P" Ejected without looking j.v.. ii ?i- i-i-T I t them, only one pound box. Luua wie ia cumpieieu, i xn WTiter has some more bar- There is need in this country to be on guard both against I ries of the Wild Mountain variety suggesuons tuat we neea a aictator ana against me ciaruur-1 wr nmca mere u no sale. Ev ous and radical appeals of demagogues stirring mob pas- ?frt0.0Wtter t111 nl Dlat0B ainria TTia AmonVnn oYTiPrimnt hna nn frta. wriftla snrppd0d I :U " S?011 ms h Cn He Is no v u-itwm 4B av eeauvaavieu Ma akUVMy aajai wa fe aww waww vaa wa a IfJBP Draft IT At wcu, uui m uu3 tea win k uuie v c must, iciuciuuer viiaw vijju- i in conclusion I would advise ance ia the nrice of the liberty we eniov. I Mr. Meier to set hia Bible l ine wow Testament James cn 3 attd re it. Tor God will! surely bring it to pass if there is ao cnange or heart. 0. D.r SCHELLENBERGER. r A READER. Two Families TTfE know of two families in this town. One consists of a Iff husband and wife and numerous children. Last winter this family was one of the Lord's poor and got aid from at will be first to be charity organizations, boasting now of how they were taken j Editor StateMna" UAU Via aWiaAnilCU ilUa?UaUU Tv AAA AtvW TVVAAV IA1A OIA1AA I X OUI7 .UlCOrlal NODOdT llftll beneath his dignity to accept. The family expects to rely on JJfter editors should be 11- community charity next winter. itors whSught'to!! lm 6i" - The other family consists of a widow and some chil- on their sanitv" i nrfin. dren. The husband died a year aeo. The widow goes out n open season. I nrononA daily to labor to sustain her family and tries each month t4na1m', Claude ingaiis and ei- to oar a little on the funeral expenses of her late husband. rcifc ,cu,, w in examining. Her children pick up work wherever they can. This family asks no charity, wants none. Capt. John Smith laid down a better law of economics than Adam Smith when he told the loafers at Jamestown "Those who won't work, won't eat.".. Charity organizations will have to be hardboiled to shut off the idlers and wastrels from the bounty. - why do yon work la the household of Lola Carewe T Chuass faoe was Impassive, as hrepuedt To observe the manners ex low ex middle cites Americana."' Colt shot a glance at Dougherty, then hastened en with his ques tions! "How long have you worked for Miss Carewe T "Since she was married to Kr. Gifford. For Ifz. Gifford I worked two years before he married MJas Carewe. Poor Mr. uurorav "Why "poor Mr. Gilford' I" "He died." - "Then you came with his widow. Did you like working for herT" "Sometimes." We've gotten ourselves into a fine fix. Little by little we have elevated money to the godshln In our affairs, and now wo cannot I he sneered. effectively give out a few words of comfort and cheer without accom panying it with cash. D. H. TALMADGB What Is this book. "A Thousand and One Germs of Poultry' which a boy tells me ther have in the library at his house. He means. 1 suppose, "items or Poetry." He had spent the entire evening la the kitchen, shelflag peas aad reading a paper-bouad Ef e ef a movie queen. "Have yon any knowledge of any of her enemies T" "That it not my business." "Ton do not know anyone with whom she quarreled?" "Oh, yea, I know that." "With whom, Chung 1 "It was a Tory strange house hold. Mr. Commissioner. People suspected each other, tot instance had charge ef the parrot aad dog. I fed both. I did aot poison them. Tot I felt Miss Lola pected me." "Did she tea yoa so?" blurted Dougherty. "No, sir but her glances were like indictments. I believe Mrs. Ca rewe was afraid of Miss Lola. They very frequently quarreled. I even beard Miss Lola say to her mother. 1 want to get rid ef yoa forever.' Is that a way for a daughter to speak to the parent she should honor?" Chung's questloa was entirely rhetorical. His tone was answer enough. Like a poet reciting his Own verses, he hastened oat "Ton ask me If I have known Miss Lola to quarrel. I say that I have known little else. She made many men desperate that I know. am .facing the law. I must tell the truth, so help me God! I heard one man threaten her life." "Who was that!" barked Dough erty excitedly. "Guy Everett, the theatrical gen tleman." "Wheat" "A week or so ago la this room." "Where were yout." "In my kitchen." ' "And yon heard him say what?" 1 wish I could strike you dead.' "Hear anything else? "No. sir that was the only time his voice was raised high enough for me to hear." Then." said Thatcher Colt, "yon dont know what they were quar reling about?" No. sir." "With whom else did Miss Lola quarrel?" "That old gentleman whom you let go home" "Mr. Rowland?" "She quarreled with him." "When?" "Here again In this room to night.- "Too. heard It?" . , Hiv "Ani" - "What did they quarrel about?" "I heard Mr. Vincent Rowland tell her that she was playing a dan gerous game. That the police would get on to her. That aot everyone would stand for what she was do ing." "And what was she doing?" asked Colt tensely, as Dougherty, Fallon, and I drew nearer. But the Chinaman only shrugged. 1 wish I knew," he confessed with a gold-toothed smfls. "I be lieve Sn lav. I believe In order. I am telling these facts about my. mistress because I believe in law and order." "Keep all this to yourself," ad monished Colt. "I will talk with yon further." He was dismissing the Chinese witness because at that moment had come a clamor at the door. The detail from Headquarters was ar riving. Colt quickly dispatched Chung to his kitchen, as thsre marched Into that exquisite apart ment a group of picked experts from the New York Homicide Squad. Leading the delegation was Assistant Chief -Inspector Flyan, ia command of an the detectives of the New York Police Department. Flynn was the second ranking of ficer of the entire force, occupying thsupost originally created for Ed ward P. Mulreoney, now Commis sioner. His vitally important posi tion Is now held by Flynn's suc cessor, John J. Sullivan, one of the ablest officers In the Department. Assistant Chief -Inspector Flynn was one of the old guard a grad uate of that stern class of officers led by Inspector Thomas Byrnes and Superintendent Ueorge W. McCluakey, old-time police officials, now dead, who, In the days when Fulton Street was the dead-line, terrified the New York criminal world. Corvallls. June 11 D. H. T.: My attention has been called to your reference in the Statesman to Representative Hangen of our old home district in Iowa. Per haps you know If not this will inform you that he was.renom- I lasted In the late primary elec tion. You are correct; he Is bold er of the continuous service reo- ord for aU time in the national house of representatives.) X. Heard ia passing: "Give us time: we'll learn." (Optimist!) "Tusco. the poor old tramp.' (Not the only one.) "Morale is a kind of 'salad dressing." (Dear me!) "Gee! I forgot to send dad a card for Fathers Day." (Never mind, buddy. Write the old duf fer and tell him about it.) ' "Listen to the great heart of humanity beating on the high ways.' (Ia its boots, enT) The story Is told of a certain old gentleman at the State and Commercial street intersection. The time was the noon hour of a foggy day last winter. The old gentleman wore dark glasses. Several time he ventured Into the street, determined to cross, and several times hastily return ed to the sidewalk. Then his arm was grasped by aa observant stranger and they stepped out into the traffic "Thanks." said the old gentleman; "what I need is leadership." "God help us," said 1 the stranger; "It's what the whole ! United States needs." Some spirits cannot be broken. Cully Flick. In aa auto collision. was mrowa 10 or so reel into a ditch, where he remained uneon- sotous for ten minutes. Then he opened his eyes and slowly raised himself on an elbow. "Oh yeah?" fTa Be Ceetiaae4 Ti Copyright 19JI. kr Coia Friede. Inc. Dbtribatc by Kiag Featorca Syadicate, lea. BITS for BREAKFAST By R. J. IIENDRICKS- Reepectfully. P. J. LAFKY. New Views lesteraay the question asked oy statesman reporters was: wnat is your reaction to the news that the Hohenzollerns' re turn to power in Germany Is Im minent r- . . , Special Session Not Wanted CI EN. EDDY of Roseburp: proposes a special session of the O legislature to effect special dispensation for motorists! .P''Ebler, barber i "is that who find themselves unable touy e1en?ef rsh. I don't Sow "what the effect1 tci auvug case uiixy ue maue up ia. meir uenau. un me ms return would be." v other hand the state highway commission is besieged with , . appeals for spending money to relieve the same class of j tofy,; houecwife: people who find it impossible to buy licenses. The commis- ZVht i im!!nil hT sion has already borrowed a million dollars in anticipation thmg:" - of the receipt of this license revenue. - ; . - - ? : ' There are many people who will be forced to lav nn l . sobia Foley, student: "Of it I any-i It their dars for lack of a new license on July 1st But the vast fLKus? Jeaiw aS-i St majority of the car owners will dig up the money; and they ubSp7 dont vm uiS v up as eaauy juiy lsi as August 1st or Sept. 1st. ' Our license rates are high; but they should stand until the next session of the legislature. Sen. Eddy should have au? hia theories last session if he wanted the change made. There are many practical objections to making a hur- A1CU CBU iUr BDeCiai SeSSlOn and draff in ,ma,MM M1tv I ... Jar rtrtmm. t.At 1fV. "T legislation.-The chief danger is threatening the financial hardly kao,r' Tott know tne 1 in isso, were of land still program of the state highwav commiasinn Ihave had a lot of friends and j ia the name of the U. S. govern- 11 a Schults, carpenter: "I don't think so. I think the : peo ple, are better satisfied the way 11 ia."-;,;,.-,.-. -. --.'-f Historic four corners: S e (Continuing from yesterday:) Bonds tor deeds or contracts were common, by persons who had tiled donation land claims, pending re ceipt of patents. That accounts for the necessity of some guessing, where no record or living . evi dences can be found. . S - -The. four patents to claims that made up Salem's townslte land were granted thus: To John Br. and Helen C. McClane, Dec 18, 186s; recorded Jan. 28, 1881. To Wm. H. and Chloe A. WUlson, Feb. 4, 1882; recroded March t. 1884. To Josiah L. and Elisabeth W. Parrish, Sept. 80, 1885; re corded July 28, 1878. To David and Adella J. Leslie, July 8, 1869: recorded Sept. 2. 1887. Helen C. Judson had been mar ried to J. B. McClane, and her father, : L. Bv Judson, had made over his claim to them. That claim comprised the northwest 64 1 acres; the Parrish claim the northeast 640: the Willson claim the central, and the Leslie claim the south 840 acres. It will thus be noted that some of the deeds were years In being made, and all the original plat. strong backing there- alt . the time." ' . Daily Thought ; Get in the harness, Brother SI AYS the Capital Journal: - ?V . - -. LAKf'150ri,aihi.1.pr.Mt1? to b mttl tk anemploymeat ; problem solved without a huge public construction plan to pro vide employment? . . . Why shouldn't there he Inaugurated puV " Ssm-? 6f Ua U Vtl f11 timuUte business generally and enable It to inaugurate its owa Mftiura . . . . ? . w ai era a aa uuiu jiii mi ww a- i i i i i r iin w vtbsv1 tawraapaa a jio t aaMAaj m a. m - .AL..a.-a.iJ . . k ,i. . r n vvuauucuua ieia mi waaouii a usuea doiu- i to maxe ais ciaun was made aoout cere wnich wiU take care of our employment T)roblenL Dro- ly -araspal and eatea without tai-1 eight years before that, with the ; 7 TTiwj xirBC-aass Water SVSteni and nn n wlth-l . ut av Daiueuroam misaieaary socisiy. . !a a cost which the 17. J?o r Bys l a M wlttt wU for the golden, fruit ef f. v-a-Ja,, -V " v.' '' ." ' " -' r'T r--; .i-.. Iknowledge." Oulda, ; Bmlth-soll the PTfisat SUte4 ."The bread of bitterness is the food on which men grow to their j inmost suture; the waters of I bitterness are the debatable ford ment that Is not patented. though claimed. So the bargain may ; have been struck between WUlson and Smith long before the deed was made, to" the Statesman building site. The WUlson deed to W. H. Rector, was dated April IT, 1868, but Its (contents, on, the county records, show that it was la fulfillment of a pond dated Feb, 6, 1852. -The agreement un der which WUlebo. got .his right man building in 1869. The deed was dated Sept. 9 of that year. It sets forth the sale by Joseph ft. Smith and Julia Smith his wife to John F. Miller and L. F. G rover of 65 feet of land by 165 feet, run ning to the aUey, "being known as Smith's block, and Including the livery stable on said lot" That de scribes the present Statesman property, including the W. C. T. U. corner part, excepting a halt in terest in the land occupied by the party wall on the south, which was acquired many years later. The livery stable was there until the present Statesman pressroom was buUL e S The consideration In the deed was $18,000 and the deed bore an 18 revenue stamp. That shows one of the "nuisance" taxes after the war of the RebeUIon. . R, C. Goer was then county clerk and C N. Terry deputy, recording the aeea in long hand, of course. No typewriters in those days. That was" a very fair price, some read ers will probably conclude. By the way, the Rector building occupied 42 front feet, on a lot running 165 feet to the alley. "a "a "a ; Thus the present Statesman building was erected soma- time before 1869, possibly several years before. And It was evidently erect ed partly that the pioneer woolen mill might have a display and sales room in the business center of the town for, with the over land stage station : where the ar mory Is now. and the .numerous river steamers landing at the toot of Trade - street, the business of the state of ' Oregon centered around the historic four corners. the big flouring mill on the next block, the main . brewery . just screes the street, and the town en joying a period of brisk growth, that no doubt seemed the logical The pioneer woolen mill store was in "the Smith brick." that be came "the Grover A MUler brick." and Is -now The Statesman build ing, it is Interesting to note that L. F. Grover and John F. -MUler, at the time they bought the Smith Dricx, had recently acquired the lot at the northeast corner of Commercial and Trade streets. It is possible that they intended to erect a buUding there, but decided that the Smith brick at $18,000 wouia oe a better Investment. e How long the governor's office was lu the present Statesman building, the writer has sot ascer tained. But it was Ukely here un der the incumbency of Geo. L. Woods (serving from '46 to 70), when Grover and MUler bought It; together with the chambers of the supreme court and the rooms or the state library. e Thus Governor L. F. Graver. beginning . hie service Sept 14, 1870, .came to his own building (or rather the one in which ha had aa undivided half interest), and had his office therein daring that term, and nearly aU the time of his second term that he served. ior no wss elected u. 8. senator la 1876, by the first legislature that met m taepresentt statehouse. 5 ' . V a V Joseph 8. Smith was a brother of W. K. Smith, who became a wealthy sawmill man of Portland. W. K. Smith operated la Salem before going to Portland. He owned the site of the present Dan J. Fry home on High between Oak and LesUe streets. But he transferred It to Jos. 8. Smith on April 15, '59, and Jos. 8. built the original home there. ' Oct 8. 1866, L. F. Grover bought It from Smith, and. lived there, as Smith had done. On July 12. '71 (probably expecting to be Sleeted, senator), Grover sold the home to Rhoda A. Edes. whose , husband. " Geo. A. Edes, was county clerk. The Frys acquired the property la the nine ties, the final deed being dated May 18. 1901. ' - - - V V dmt readers may. be Interested In the places where the men In charge of the state government lired in 1872.' The Directory of mat year snows: Grover, L. F., governor. High between Oak and Leslie. Flelsch ner, Louis; state treasurer. Com mercial and Ferry, with office In Holmaa brick. D. Flelsehaer, as sistant, residence at Chemeketa house. B. F. Chadwlck. secretary of state, residence Capitol and Cen ter; office, Holmaa brick, corner Commercial and Trade. (Should be Commercial ' and Ferry.) Cann. T. H., agent board of school commissioners (like pres ent state land board), residence Cottage between Chemeketa and Center. C O. Curl, supreme court clerk. residence 14th between Chemek eta and Court e "Colored school, corner. Marion and High." That sounds strange now. But up to and Including 1S7Z, the white folks of Salem were very persnlcklty about hav Ing their children In school with the offspring of eolored folks in tact they would not aUow It all. The "colored school" waa what was afterward known as the "lit tle Central school," on the site of the present high school building. (Continued on Tuesday.) I saw "Scarface" at the Elsi- nore early In the week, and on coming out I met Jud Hooslt, who had also been viewing tne picture. Jud has a third cousin whohas some sort of Job in a studio at Hollywood, which fact for some reason or other gives Jud author ity as a critic. We crossed the street and seat ed ourselves on the doorstep at the Oregon Electric passenger station. "Well?" says I. A sockdolager," ears Jud. Tve seen a good many gangster pictures, but this "Scarface" fUm outgangrs anT ot the others, Vlvtder er terrtbler er " "Largely based on fact too," saysL - "Yes," says Jud, drawing a long breath. "Ain't It awful? I read In the papers of the St Val entine's day massacre In Chicago and ot the hospital murder of Legs Diamond and ot Via Coil's death tn a telephone booth and or the triumphal return of Al Ca pon e from Florida. And now Pve seen it with my own eyes, machine guns, tear gas, mthlessness, bru tality and all the rest of It and. by the way, did you notice how sort ot paralyzed the - audience wa?" "Spellbound," ears L "I felt that way myself." "That Paul Muni s a great ac tor, eh? Makes some other ac tors ot gangster parts look sort ot cheap, eh?" "Vftah." "George Raft was good. too. and the two girls, Karen Morler and Ann Dvorak, were just about perfect, eh?" "Uh-huh." "Do you think such pictures should be surpressed? I see some of the censors hare been getting busy with this one. They claim It glorifies gangsters, that it gives a false view of modern life. I can't see wherein it glorifies gang sters any, can you?" "Nope," "Makes 'em out to be lower than rats. Where's the glorifica tion in that? Makes Jesae James look quite respectable. We don't Uke to face anything disagreeable. do we? But we've got to face thla gangster thing, looks to me!" "Yep." An hour later I met no with Tom Rinley, and Tom says "I hear yoa went to see the gangster pic ture this afternoon. Jud Hooslt tells me you Uke It fine. Said you and him talked it over and It was all he could do to get la a word edgewise now and then, but you and him agreed on the pie- ture pretty well." "Now wouldn't that rive vow high blood pressure? Suggestion for a sentimental outing: Go to the Odd Fellowa cemetery and read Gray's Elegy. When you store your garment sway from one season to the next, advises a motherlr newsnanee! keep a list ot them. Some ot us are not going to store our gar ments away from one season to the. next Too much likelihood ot catching eold. You store your garments away from one season to the next if you want to, but we're going to wear ours. Thanks Just the same. r LIBERTY. June 28 Amonjr visitors la the community the past week are Mr. and Mrs. Will Greg- orjr and family of West port, who , nave been guests at the O. S. ' Brooks' home. 1 (q) For yeartv the cupiecX mora !- - - for doaa vltL 'i gloried to give jjJ; Jump" and NEWVJUh-V A NEW BIFOCAL different if ocals has oc eye reaulred ocals are den reading and y, reducing befora youfi iPtoyementaV rdlrvr part'ota ofthe tens titan tne nrf. Ka Fiitmia Mf retur vision for both ey are bett as Optical! Avoiding reUrjbowaf uernora irate meseusi LTE-frT FO GALS' Ponieroy Keenb f7 STATU CT-OAIXII 4 -1