The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 26, 1932, Page 3, Image 3

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, SaJem, Oregon, Sunday Horning, Jem 26,1932
arwigs andjil neii
is ne sport
Many Stories About Them
Untrue; Damage Done'
Is Open Question
Heralded by superstitious be
liefs and labelled as a destroyer
of many things ! the earwig ar-
' rived not to many years ago tint
to Infest the gardens and then to
make of itself a most unwelcome
guest - in residences. . Unwelcome
to the extent that it is now to be
more maligned than the prorer fe
cial cockroach.-. ; -These
queer crawlers, not un
like a cockroach but more akin to
a beetle, are repulsive to eye and
more to to feel, and they multi
ply with a rapidity that quite puts
to shame the white : rat, Appar
. ently they are extremely healthy
n n
iiii n
What is the shrab. whiefi
grows 1 about three feet tall, and
bears a cream-colored plum . of
flowers? Is one
of -the inquir
ies . reaching
sne this. week.
, I imagine the
reference is to
the astilbe,
sometimes call
ed the "flor-
1 s t s"r splrea.
This is a nov
elty Just gain
ing prominence
the past few
. years. By this
I do not mean
that It is a new plant as there are
.''? f '" -"V
i ' w.
! I
(j.-AJ '
This apparently is a delectable
spot for the wig for they come by
dozens there to sleep and in the
and hare enviable- digestion for I early morning the inventor -of
tuey nave been tea every sort oil this scheme takes with him a can
thing that nople dared to leave in
their gardens and still they come
with stalwart persistence. -C.t.
' Queer tales ' of the ' pest have
Veen told. They liked the human
ear In which to hide and thus
were, a grave menace in house
Ik olds; they also were very fond
of woolens and might even ven
' tore Into cotton cloththey liked
the Juicy; succulent flowers and a
few of the choicer vegetables.
AU these attributions are de
nied In whole or in part as in
quiries are made of individuals
possessing earwig experience. One
curious and scientific minded
couple .who possessed a garden
and also many earwigs captured
a squad of the Invaders and
placed .them in a bottle "with
some delectable woolens. No oth
er food was available but the
earwigs proved cannaballstlc and
ate each - other until only the
mightiest of: them all remained
and so did the woolens un
touched. i',
Experiments are reported con
cerning earwig's taste for plants.
Many people claim that they eat
nothing.. ot value in the garden
and . again many claim that they
eat all the most delicate plants.
Certain it is that they crawl into
-and hide in every aballable flow
er and plant so that bringing
plants and . cut flowers into the
house becomes a dreaded task
from earwig , Infested gardens.
Many and numerous are the
methods used in fighting this vir
ile pest. Several Salem gardeners
replied laconically to "how do
. you get rid of earwigs" with "by
, toot". In other words to be sure
that they are dead step on them,
cut them in two with the hoe,
carry a stick that will crush them
and such like manual methods of
.. This method suggests the iron
persistence, of these $ests. Many
and! "various are the patent form
ulas which have been advanced
for the -destruction of them, and
varying are the successes reported.
A popular destroyer just now
that may be purchased at local
stores is a poison placed in mash
and this spread about the run-
ways of the wig. This poison -is
aid to be harmless to humans
and domestic animals' and fowls.
Those who use it swear by its ef
fectiveness. Another cure is an
oily solution sold by local stores
which acta as a trap or lure for
the wig. It is placed In recepticals
of water about the garden and
into this the pest climbs thereto
remain trapped by. the oil.
. Portland is fighting the earwig
with' the parasite fly brought
from Europe from where the ear
wig is supposed to have come.
This fly is the main thing used
for destroying the pest in Eur
ope. Oregon State college has de
veloped many colonies of them
which are sold to desirous people
or municipalities tor S20 a col
ony. Results in Portland are fa
vorably reported upon.
Most Salem residents are us
ing the "paper and rag" method
In as mjjiy variations as there are
variations of personal character
istics. One man reports that he
placed the paper upon the
ground in the evening using a
folded section, the top of which
he props up with a small stick.
of gasoline and goes to each ear
wig "paper Jungles" there to pour
a ling of gasoline about the sleep
ing pests and Ignite the wjfcole
with a match. If on the grass or
near flowers the paper may eas
ily be so picked up that no wigs
can escape and carried to a spot
which will allow tor burning.
' This same man has an old
stump in his yard which is a fa
vorite haunt of the earwigs. Into
this every so often he pours gas
oline and cremates the many in
habitants without harming the
stump which remains as a pitfall
for many more ill-fated earwigs.
. Several gardeners reported
hanging old rags in the trees and
Under' this a tub la placed In
the morning and the cloth shak
en. Killing may be done with a
stick or place a little gasoline In
the tub and apply a match.
Old rags on the ground will aet
the same as paper and many peo
ple use them.
One man reports that instead
of the newspaper on the ground
he has found that corrugated
cardboard is best. Each end is
moistened and the cardboard left
out on the lawn or garden over
night, the earwigs crawl into the
holes- where they may be easily
A favorite method of many Sa
lem gardeners is the comical,
waddling duck, and some few rec
ommend chickens. Ducks destroy
less by scratching however and
are therefore in greater favor. A
pair of ducks are claimed by one
advocate to have lrradlcated the
last trace of a start of earwigs
found in her garden last spring.
To prevent the pests from en
tering the . houses by entry
through window sill cracks and
around the doors powdered bor
ax is recommended and it is
stated, by some that Oregon State
college is now in possession ot a
formula which has been worked
out there to effectively keep out
the earwig from, residences. One
interested Salem, housewife is
waiting for some of this powder
now and will soon have a report
to make.
All in all the story of the "bat
tle with, the earwig" has yet to
have added the final chapter.
What final stratagem will win Is
hard to foretell. All reports .have
it that the decrease In 'numbers
of the pest this year over last is
quite noticeable. If this be attrib
utable to the war waged, or to
the cool spring Is not to be as
certained. Should the. same be
true of next spring and should
the spring be warm and early
then it would Indicate surely that
for earwigs as for humans, war is
native astllbes growing in - the
'Willamette Taller. But " not until
the recent years did we see. the
astilbe so very' much ; In use . In
gardens. Even yet only a tew cat
alogues llSt it. "H
The astilbe dies 'down each year
but shoots , up to three-or tour
feet In the - spring and , during
June and July bears many feath
ery - flower heads. It is valuable
as a, calf lower for It lends light
ness - and grace to some ot , our
heavier, summer bouquets and It
keeps well .when 'cut. ' v i-
: The white or cream-colored as
tilbe around , here is most com
mon. But the astilbe also comes
in other shades. I find six sorts
listed in one catalogue. . I. have
seen a few of the pink-hoed flow
ers and these are really worth
while as an addition to any gar
den. There are also , violet-red
ones, a salmon-rose, a bright
crimson and : a very pure white.
Anyone who has a half-shady,
sort of moist place In the garden
should make it a point to add at
least one astilbe.
Speaking of plants that love a
shady, moist location, we have
the fern. I happened to visit a
Salem garden the other day where
I saw some very lovely and un
usual ferns. Recently I havent
noticed terns a great deal. Per
haps the ' many bright - colored
flowers have, claimed all my at
tention. Perhaps the warm sum
mer .days Just naturally call one's
attention again to the green, cool
looking ferns. Ferns certainly
have a decided place In the home
garden and I have noticed, since
I began looking about me, that
ferns have gained a great deal
in popularity. (Why even a fern
perfume is greatly used this sea
son!) Investigation has shown me
that there are a great number
more varieties of ferns than I had
at first suspected. And there are
ferns for open sun culture and
for a dry, rocky ledge, as well as
for the dry, shady places, moist,
shady places and the wet, open
ground .
Among those suited for the
rockery are the Ebony Spleenwort
(asplinium plotyneuron ) , -which
grows hut from six to fifteen in
ches high; the maidenhair spleen
wort (asplinium triehomanes)
which is even smaller than the
preceding one. This grows from
three to six inches and is an ever
green 'fern. If It is given plenty of
leaf mold in the rockery It will
do exceedingly well. There is the
"walking-leaf fern" (camptosor
us rhizophyllus) growing about
ten inches tall, the polypody (po-
lypodium Vulgare) reaching eight
inches and the Woodsia Obtusa
growing about ten inches tall.
In spite of their horrible names
these little rock ferns are quite
easily grown. All of them like
leafmold and the Woodsia will do
best if planted a little in the
shade of some taller rock plant.
. There are any amount of ferns
and most of the catalogues list
some varieties. I have a catalogue
before me that lists close to 40
different sorts. For those of you
who like to experiment there is
the fern seed. One can get some
Interesting varieties In that man
ner. The seed may be planted now
at anytime. If it is planted in a
place where it can be kept cool
and moist. -
By the way, those of you who
are sowing perennial seeds this
month and have no arabls (rock
cress) should secure some.' If
planted now. It will, bloom early
1b the spring. As soon as the
seedlings have become sufficient
ly large to handle they should be
transplanted to the permanent lo-
Canterbury i Bells Oldest,
Best Known;-Mullein ;
Another Leader
aces to
ew in
JEFFERSON, June 25 Among
the biennials, , there are' quite a
number which are -make believe,
with perhaps only about five true
ones. A biennial is grown from
the seed, and blossoms the sec
ond -year, then dies. The five es
sential biennials we will speak of
are pink Canterbury bells (Cam
panula medium sorea); white
foxgloves (Digitalis p u p u r e a
alba); Miss Willmott'f Mullein
(a variety of Verbascum hybrld
um); the Evening Primrose (Oen
othera lamarklania); and the
dainty little Climbing Fumitory
(Adlumia fungosa, or cirrhosa.)
. Canterbury bells are old and
well known, and are very delight
ful; but the pink ones, both sin
gle and the more showy double
or cup and saueer Bellflower are
no less than newly discovered
treasures every time we see them.
When planted in groups of five or
seven their staking is nn-notice-able.
Canterbury bells also make
delightful pot plants. The plants
should be lifted with as little dis
turbance as possible to the roots.
Potted, staked, and well watered
left tn the shade for a tew days.
will do well. If the fading blos
soms are snipped off. the- flower
ing time will be prolonged.
Then there is the ornamental
mullein named for Miss Willmott.
It loves full sun but does very
well in light shade. Its gray-green
leaves form an excellent back
ground for tulips, and when in
summer its tall spires of delicate
cream-colored flowers gleams
forth, adds real distinction to the
The Climbing Fumitory Is
known by many names, as: Alle-
gnaney-vine, virgin bower, or
Mountain-fringe. The delicate
green lace of its growth is beau
tiful all through the summer. In
the second season it climbs over
trellis or shrub, and hangs out its
tiny tender-pink blossoms so like
those of the bleeding-heart.
The Lamarck Evening Prim
rose has a fascination for every
one who walks about the garden
as evening comes on. From a flat
rosette of somewhat crinkled
leaves in-its first year it sends up
in its second year a stout stem
often five feet high from which
numerous branches hold out the
tapering buds which extend mag
ically. One never tires watching
cation as an edging for the bor
der or in the rockery. Rock cress
is really too well known to need
description. Usually it Is seen In
the early spring in the white
form, its density of bloom making
a veritable carpet. It is also very
lovely in the-soft pink shade and
in the double form.
A cooL rainy spring has . not
been an. Inducement to Sunday
pleasure drives something, ot. a
shame too, for never, has the elty
been more lovely than it has been
under the' gentle ministrations of
the well-spaced spring rains. Lux
uriance ot blossoms and greenery
has marked the gardens, and the
shrubbery and trees have pros
pered mightily under the past
spring treatment, :
. But now that summer Is here,
and with -it 'has come bow and
then a warm Sunday, the ..kind
that invites "the family automo
bile out for a "cooling off? drive,
there will be debates as to where
to drive.
For this Sunday let the wan
dering reporters suggest an Idea
the opening of the pale yellow
Sweet-William . (Dianthus bar
batus), always a favorite. Is an
other plant . which will., persist
from year te year, but for close-
stending stems with full heads of
flowers,, it is surest-when treatea
as a biennial.
For gardens la which delphin
iums are found to' be temporary.
there may be a . solution in grow
ing this as a biennial. II the seeds
are sown in the open ground very
early, the plants quite surprise us
with their sturdy growth, and
often by the middle of August,
the first turquoise blossom opens,
- Other highly valuable plants
which may be used as biennials
are double hollyhocks, Anchusa
(Italian Bugloss); Myosotls (forget-me-not)
; Bellis perennls
(English Daisy); Silene eompacta
(Catchfly); Aquilegla (Colum
bine); and Arabls albida (Wall-
or two., . '
There, are several -streets in
Salem that are well worth driving
through frequently. In the spring.
especially, now .and . for . the , past
three weeks. South , 2 S r d street,
which should be "Linden Way".
has offered V lovely drive tor any
one. . Lined, on both , sides with
spreading and. blossoming Linden
trees, it leads, into .the pretty
Richmond school district. ,
Several cross streets to 23 rd
street are showing s, splendid dis
play of blooming .catalpa trees
now. This is true of MilL and at
Richmond and 23 rd there is
lovely effect gained from a plant-.
lng of delphinium In blue shades
with a background of young cat
alpa trees now in full blossom.
Summer street is always a Joy
to ' drive through. Speaking of
trees there are the grand spread
ing tulip trees to the left in the
block Just oft Capitol street. They
sun-have'-a few stray blossoms
and In the yard next to them and
toward Capitol will be observed
a magnolia in bloom. These great
white Blossoms with a perfume
like nothing else are worth driv
ing blocks to see and Inhale it
one could get that close to them.
A magnolia avenue for some
street in Salem would be a pro
ject worthy of the attention ot
any civic minded group,
There Is an excellent exhibi
tion of centranthurs ' in a large
number of the local gardens now.
Growing high and shown in-
shadea of pink, it makes an ef
fective mass for. several kinds of
plantings and also makes a "dif
ferent" flower, to; be Introduced
into cut flowers for the house.
r The Fade garden at it a worm
14 th and alsa the James G. Cal-
llsoa garden across the , street
from It are both quite well worth
viewing.;-:;-, ... -of.' V-
Drive 'slowly across the bridge
at Court and North 14 th and look
up the creek toward the sesldence
of Dr. H. J. Clement. Note the
overhanging syringla and ocean
spray as It look Into the water
flanked on eaeb, aide by . many
trees and. shrubs. .. - - - . 1 1
.On the" opposite 'side -of the '
ereek is the pretty grounds of
Mrs. Sara L. Schwab. :
Roses are past their prime but
pretty pink rambler will be seen
over the porch of the John Mc
Nary home, 385 North Summer
street; and also attractive scarlet
ramblers will be seen at 1S11 .
Summer street, and an effective
nse of LaFrance roses and del -
' (Continued on page 7) . '
made to order and instated .
Tel. 6627 and our representative will call
uraii.o RauL ao tA iMtrth of the bridffe Tel. C02T
- . n I r nI TM J! TmiIm - " 1
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Cofebs & Mitchell Co.
349 S. 12th Phone 7443
. - - - Everything in Building
' , Materials
Ear Wig
We have several good Ear Wig
Poisons and Lures and - they
surely help In getting rid of
the pesky things. ; -
Also, a complete stock fall
kinds of Garden' and . Fruit
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