V. - ' The OREGON STATESMAN; Salem.' Oregon. Saturday ' Moraine:. June 23, 1932 PAGI? FIVE v Local News Briefs ra us 1 To Speak Sunday -W. JL Del- Boerdman Meets Friends Jell vM talk bstore STerymaa's lUny Id trleuds were met by bible school ; class at the lint IL , Boardman. local t. XL a Chrlstlaa church Sunday mora- a, rhrilcaJ director, a th Ho. ins at 1:41 o'clock; aanounoes ,JYm!.i ii T ths elaas. instructor. Her. D. J totnaUonaX oottroatlom i How. The elan, which has a Ssattlo this wsek. Boardaaa, be memberihl ot more than 100 tort coming to 8alom 11 years men, Is tnrltlni la a number ot ago, was head ot tie art depart speakers daring the gammer to meat of the Kotariaa, organlsa keep interest np daring the ts- tioa magaelao with ptflces at cation season. Mr. DelseU will Chicago, - V talk on oeonomie conditions. The .' . class meets in the chorea audi- Hare Tho tatatmaa' follow yon torlum. . , 1IICE0F EGGS Young Berries Appear on Jllarketj Fruits are : . . r Generally Quiet Wedding gilts, nloe assortments at our price sale. Hartmaa Bros. PORTLAND, Jane 14. (AP) Increasing strength la the egg trad hero Is held back to some degree by tho continued under sellta ot tho established - nrlee oa roar raoatloa. Hailed to any I list by so-called indenendent nro. naorsss .wo wsexn, onqr ia cent.- luuoers selling direct to retail stores . ,.,, I that mako a specialty of price m-vi--. vt.-.---.-. xm fUtutHAi iMiut . Auk. I i aero tu no lunaw cnanre in .niMHtlMi a--rf7iiarmnL Mah- in the week-ennln Jim a 1 1. I Ulns; PtiCO oa OggS tor thO i.. .v.m .1,.. in.MMm;,t in tMAMtiii. - MiMtt -.--.-4 I oy while boring ralaeo haro la the Deschutes. Crooked and. Me-1 by the state ladostrlal accident I f J 1 it A tnllna rivers, and lake regions OX 1 commission Friday The Ttatlm I . m 4"v-1Dtt" --, --...ii--. a Tim.f m i.v- . I snies. anglers bulletin of tho Spokane, Dallas. There were 4SS accidents Portland V Seattle' railway. Very reported to the commission dur- f air conditions are reported there, ing tho week. Flshinr with fly. anlnnera or . - worms la meetlnr with similar re-1 Health Official Feted Mem-1 been shown la centralizing- nianta. gults. I bers ot the county health de- Here and there the market ap- panmsu sian ana tneir zamuies i pears easy ror cubes. v.Uvv - , c it w" uiuu ;. vuiei iraaing situation is re- aiooo Etat V0A . Federal r r m.r vi u. . w. . nected in the market for lire f iooo ite ijiim -,- e Walker, of the Commonwealth chickens. Prices ara atin down property estimated to be worth I fnd a T k wh h Jr A 7 aown S1000 is the nrinclnal asset ot tho llnSrt" ?&?!Z tl cUr especially so esUte of the lato Mary Noack, a i Znntr lor ""weIW d broilers. ffiHB eapltoi building .will be I rirtually deserted today. Most ot the state official w&l be at Camp Clatsop to watch the annual national guard review and to witness the big battle staged' by General White and his army. It 14 a sight worth seeing. But some of as hare to stay here and run tho state. Receipts of batter from noints i oatsldo of Portland hare been ex- ! tremely heary durlnir the last few days while liberal production has ii l i ... Ml .! tV 1 " Judge John Siegmund yesterday Picnic, play. Hasel Green Park. i. hows. John N. Noack has been , - . named administrator while api Dooglae Inspect Springs Dr. nrAtr. Tuimni ftra Earl c. Hash- Vernon A. Douglas, county health neU, Oscar L. Donaldson and John 1 officer, left here yesterday with (tween the loganberry and the : I hlfl TM flat O A. 1 JtoJk. Oak. DtAlV.H.1. I . . a Bextcner. 1 " BroiwuBusa oiackberry, hare been receired. , v v u aoiapruiKa, waere in morning The initial, shipment consisted Statesman subscribers haro been he wlU carry on inspecUon work, of two one half crates. They were pbiu iiu7 wiu remain otw bunoaj Isold at VI halt crate. ti. Acciaent insutaucn rauuw, - iior iae oeieorauon or tne open- . . ma or tne new springs noteu j!i9Ui xa raw -- Ja. uu v i . $149.71 has been paid on the All through the market for country killed meats, steady prices and trade conditions are re flected. First Toung berries, a cross be- Almost general dullness is re flected in the market for berries. Strawberries are moring slowly 1 has been paid on the Vacatloa time u travel time. The fZK"ntt:n" of John Painter, deceased, Oregon Statesman offers to sub- 5LVi?!giv:ilg.errle- estate a report tiled yesterday in probate I scrtbers a Trarel Accident Insur court shows. Additions to the ance Policy tor only 91 a year. estate since a previous report was I filed aeeresiate S48S. of which I CUnle Well Attended Yester- 129 a- ba been set aside tor ex- I day afternoon's preschool clinic are dragging with increased sup- piles while raspberries are lower and only a slow movement. Prices continue to seek, a low er lerel in the tomato market, penses due fir anticipated. There at the county health center here Jhis applies to outdoor stock r - . 1 . . f il -a. x Ifrnm - Thai annrh mm wall aa frr Haw IU1IUU1U Wu aVLLOiAUtfU. i w - " are 12 heirs to the property, Dance Kent! hall Sat &o Health officials are- concentrating local hot-house offerings. w I AsnAAf ellw at. BBAln 4K m .all i vojfvviaiu vu guiu faaackv cjoaa viaagu AM .Vrv1 A4. .11 Xeal Appes-Jamea Neal, ar- " ' 1" "I T' T 1, rested some time ago n two I i,"r i W 1 1 ".I7v I ciiiuiiia Ltaun. charees. overloading a truck and dilving without a chauffeur's li cense, appeared In Justice court again yesterday, when sentence was pronounced. He Is to pay $10 fine on each count, and being un able to do so yesterday Is now in are held from 10 to 11:50 o'clock every Wednesday morning. Berry tickets priced to the times. at Statesman office, 211 South Commercial street. Fails to Open The bank of Vernonla failed to open its doors for business Friday rm. iN,Mt RMnriHi AnTv I monunK and waa nlaced In the tb county Jail, serving the fine I one- automobile accident was re-1 hands of the state superintendent - 1 a a . a a a a a a a I . Ve M IImhIiIm it a out at tne rate or sz a day. iponea w city pouce aunnc tne i " 4U4 um..Uu. day, Friday. That was a minor Get your berry tickets at The collision between cars operated Statesman Job plant. by Fred Stettler Jr., 121R North Bonham Catches Alie-a-R. P. VSS: VIrgInla PCk 0f Bonham. district director of im- baa Mateo, caL , migration, and Boyd Reynolds, in- caa 9&Te y0U money on repalr- spector in Salem, hare arrested jg. or reshingling your roof now. Harry Myers and Albert Larson, Material prices low. Labor cheap, who spent the winter at the state H45 south 16 or address box fairsronnds here. Larson said he itr The bank was chartered in 1920 and had a capital stock of $25, 000. Deposits aggregated approx imately $181,000. H. EJ. McGraw was president of the institution had concealed himself in a boxcar with animals to get across the line from Canada two years ago. Old-time dance. 12th and Leslie, rery Sat. nignT. 10c and 25e. Forwm to Meet Toung Peoples' ; forum of the First Methodist church will meet at 7 o'clock Sunday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Burt Crary, 1681 B street. Dorothy Taylor J f del tllC Occurrences and Gossip at the center of Oregon's JLyOIDC state goTernment report o;i con PromiM of a radio f of tho capltol preeo room has , beem made, to bo Installed Monday in time to tho big. natio 1 deteocratle conventlom lav Chl cago, which starts oft with the week. Vroting oa candklat wlU hold lots of interest as tho 11541 votes are cast. The two thirds role makes It necessary to have TTO for tho nomiaa tiom. The' stats highway commis sion, however, is unalterably opposed to nay moratorium, as, - .tho licenso monev is badly needed for .highway .work, and a month delay means addition al interest cnargos. it will also reseJt la changes in tho licenso deportment and for reorganl - uon, while now overyuumg la in readiness . and licensof are being issued. Products From Oregon Make Good Showing at Ma tional Gathering ; CorJnz Events Jane 2d BIissoo-i state picnic... ' . 1 July 4-Indopendonco day celebration sponsored by American Legion, stats fair Angmst T Ohio Bock. syo pionis. Stats fair nmo 25 Salem day pic nic, Portland, :0 p. m. Angmst T-ai-Amnual Cho meketaa eating at Spirit August 14 Dakota pte ate. SILYERTON. Jans 14. In teresting reports ot tho national meeting of Federated Women's clubs held last week at Seattle lroro giTn Thursday aftrnooa at a called mooting of tho Silvertoa Women's club held at the home of Mrs. O. B. Bents on, who serves as Oregon Products chairman of tho Oregon federation. Mrs. Bentson and Mrs. J. .B. TTrmmar niaal1ati , tH. Ollvaaw ton club, were both represent- teLrfcmvb "T i?d 9TST i.aa . w a..Hu-:...H.. I gram has been planned. C N. tho rush the last minute wlU wom spoke at undTy of Corrallls U president of r - 1 mMunz. : ' a AM S A . . - Should there bo a moratorium, it would perhaps not ' bo Issued until tho first day ot July. This has tho added reaction ot people holding back until the last day ot tho month or tho first of July before securing their platen, In the event there Is no moratorium from Pennsylvania to Oregon In 'IS and 'II will hold their llth annual reunion at tho old Epis copal church In Salem Sunday, Juno St Instead ot tho stats fair grounds as formerly. A pot lack ienced yet. In order to secure the demo-1 cratls nomination tor tho pres idency, a candidate must secure! every vote from tho 20 largest states la tho union. Tho votes range from In tho smaller states and possessions to 94 in New Tork. Oregon casts 10 votes at I the democratic contention. The next meeting of tho atate highway commission will bo held in 8lem Friday, -a which time consideratkm of log hauling will bo given. Tho commission adjourned Thurs day night after two days of al most continuous ' meetings in Portland. And at times these nieetiniM were rather from tho standpoint of talk. However Hal IS. Host BOnnoed yesterday he ready to take care of any kind of rusn and do It quickly wit a his almost cafeteria stjle of service. He says customers caa got their own numbers, in fact can 'select , any one they want providing it I4 the top one on tne pile. There are no blanks. ho says, and every nnmber is a special one taere belne no other- numbers like it. The suspense will soon bo over with. That is state officials and employes will learn the first ot tho week just how much their salaries will bo cut. -Lynn S. Mo- Cready in Portland Thursday "Things from Sllrerton made quite a showing." Mrs. Bentson said, in referring to the Oregon products dinner held at Seattle June IS. Among tho thinn from Sllrerton at the time ot the din ner were swagger sticks from the Wlnlock broom handle factory, fast-cooking toasted wheat and paper napkins from Fischer's flouring mill, and envelopes show ing pictures of the Silver Creek falls. One of the envelopes was placed at-each cover. Other Ore gon products which Mrs. Bentson particularly commented upon were the finger towels from the Salem linen mills, and tho Oregon Club woman, the official organ ot the Oregon federation, which shewed pictures of Silver Creek falls. At the meeting Thursday the club women sang n groop of club Walport, secretary-treasurer and D. K. Ruble ot Lincoln-historian. Jarman Building OpeningWill Be Late Next Week Late next week probably will bo the opening time tor tho store, in tne new Jarman building on South Commercial street, it was learned yesterday. Installation of fixtures will be nearly finished today. While the name of the opera tors has not been announced, it is understood they will bo members of a grocery chain already oper ating in Salem. nlrht said his committee had The finest place for holdine- -tllM !. -0B 1 " Uongs led by Mrs. Bentson and RrUfc yl ctpf f M li.i x.r . - . I BcuBanii avna woma ma.K ir r 1 .unmnii at .1... v t 1 --- w- aa uiguwRj meetings so rar IS tne i . - y .v 'i -vvvmv-mCT. -.t .-- tuu uj Portland hotel, where the last two meetings haro been held. Not only is the big meeting: ac commodated there, but the small er conferences likewise nre held. It is in tho center ot business and is more than convenient for the commissioners mnd department officials. port to tho governor and board the first of the week. the Not only does tho hotel man agement proffer these rooms without charge, bat it furnish es extra desks and tables, eron press accommodations, oaaro service, water for tho commis sioners, and believe it or not. paper and pencils are presented newspaper men. Tho place Is the most comfortable yet en countered. Hero's hoping tho example set by a Slonx City, Iowa, mer- cnant spreads - to the coast. We're all for it. News dls-' patches yesterday said, ho wiped off f 75,000 from his books, writing; to all those who ere indebted from a few cents to a thousand dollars, that their acenont would bo considered paid np. P. M. PowelL Special visitors were Mrs. C. Austin ot Woodburn, Mrs. Albert Burch of Tacoma. Wash., and Mrs. Sara B. Hull, member of the Mon day St. Louis Woman's club at St. Louis,' Mo. Pouring at the tea hour was Mrs. W. R. Tomlson, while Mrs. Alt O. Nelson cut Ices and Mrs. Mahlon Hoblltt and Mrs. Lowell Hoblltt served. The merchant went further and declared that since his neighbor were hard pressed, and the com pany did not need the money, the accounts would be wiped out. It they wished to pay, however, they could give tho amount of their j bills to a church or to the needy. What a public spirited merchant he turned out to be. nil if REUNIONS SUNDAY . City Water Suit Briefs have been called br Judge L. O. LeweUtng from both sides Is the city of Salem-Oreeon Washington Water Service contro versy on the $2,600,000 bond is sue. The defense argued its de murrer in court Thursday, W. H. Trlndle replying for the city. The aerenso has 10 days to file its brief, the city has 10 days to answer and tho defense then has five days to reply. If the demurrer is then turned down, attorneys tor the defense have announced n gen eral answer will be filed to the city's complaint. JIIFS W. REED DIES; IS PlOiffl Charles W. Reed, native of Mar lon 'county, and member of a pio neer family, died at tho family home In tho HtyesrlUe district Thursday night. . He was II years old. He had Teen in ui neaun for the past year.' i: f Charles Reed was born at Mar ion, In this county, and had spent , all his lit s Is and around Salem. He worked tor n number of years as upholsterer in various farai tare stores In Salem. Besides tho widow. Pearl, as saves two sons. Ermel and Ger ald, both of Salem, and two sis ters, Mrs. Mary James of san Diego and Mrs. A. Adklnson of Spokane. Funeral services will be new Monday afternoon at S o clock from ths Clough Barrick cbapei, , with Rev. Hugh B. Feuke,NJr.. of ficiating. Interment will be in City View cemetery. Mr. Reed was a member of the . W. O. W. lodge in Salem. JERSEY CLUB TQUH TO BE HEXT WEEK A tour of tho Marlon county Jersey cattle club will bo held in the southern end of tho county Wednesday, Jane SI. Tho first visitation will be made at tho A. C. White dairy farm at Jefferson. From here the gToup will go on to the Ovid Riekard place, then to Warren Gray and Stanley Riches farms. At the Riches ranch, lunch which each member is supposed to bring, will bo enjoyed. Mrs. Riches will tarnish coffee. Three herds will be visited in the afternoon, those of Wallace Riches, L. D. Roberts and . J. R. Davis. All members in this section should gather at the armory hero in time to leave with the .group from farther north at I: IS o'clock. ' Victor Madsen of Sllrerton is president of the club and Mrs. F. B. Kuenstlng of near Woodburn is secretary-treasurer. ara . 1 aTWaiaV It 4VaaM " "r.V,Zh hiu U1 bo the leader for a vesper porary restraining order prohibit-1 isg Harold C. Hughes, ceienaant la a suit recently brought by Elis abeth J. Hughes, from visiting ner bonis, was granted yesterday by Judge L. G. Levelling. Hughes is restrained from interfering in any way with his wife, their children or her parents. Diamonds, watches and Jewelry at oar price sale. Hartman Bros. Boardman in Print An article U the July issue ot Hygela, -Teaching Your Child to Swim," was written by R. R. Boardman mt the Salem Y. M. C. A. The ar ticle is accompanied by a double border of illustrative pen sketches also byJ3oardman. Proctor Will Probated The will of the late Elisabeth D. Proc tor was admitted to probate here Friday. Errol W. Proctor of Port land was named executor. There are fire heirs. Obituary Reed Charles W. Reed at the resi dence. R. F. D. S, box 275 Salem, Friday, June 24, at the age of SI years. Surrired by widow. Pearl of Salem; two sisters, Mrs. Mary James ot San Diego, Cal., and Mrs. A. Adklnson of Spokane, Wash.; two sons, Ermel and Ger old, both of Salem. Services will be held at the chapel ot Clough Barrick company. Church at Ferry streets, Monday, Juno 27 at S p. m. with Rev. Hugh B. Fouko of the Jason Lee church officiating. Interment CItyview Cemetery. Morrison At the residence, route 9, June IS, Joseph L. Morrison. Survived by widow, Lottie, and one sister. Hrs. Grave Baiter or, ioveina, Colo. Funeral services will be held Monday, June 27 at the W. T. Higdon and "Son chapel at 10 a m . .with Rev. Grover C. Brit- shet officiating. Interment City- jriew cemetery. -Titus At tit Methodist old Peoples home, June 24, Josephine Titus, ' aged 84. Funeral serTices will be held Saturday, June 25, at 2:80 p. m. from the cnapei 01 w. . Rlgdon aad Son with Rev. A. S. Mulligan officiating. Interment jCltyvlew cemetery. . While on your vacation have The Oregon Statesman mailed to you, call 1101. Doerfler Report Im Dora J. Pabst, guardian of the estate ot Kenneth Melvin Doerfler, a minor. filed her annual guardianship re port yesterday in probate court here. Income ot $188 and outgo ot $142 was reported. Barker Loses Bail H. E. Bar ker of Salem yesterday forfeited $2.50 bail when he did not appear la municipal court to answer to a charge of failing to stop at a through street, according to court records. Rainbows Swim at Y A special swimming period for visiting girls of the Rainbow organization has been arranged tor at the Y. M. C. A. at 10 o'clock this morning. Many of the girls visited the pool i yesterday. To Brownsville Mrs: C. P. Bishop and Mrs. Mary Thompson motored to Brownsville yesterday to attend the Linn county pio neer meeting. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the Coun ty of Marion, as Executor of th last will and testanfent and estate of Elizabeth D. Proctor, deceased, and that he has duly qualified as such executor; all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to me, at the office of Ronald C. Glover, my attorney, 208 Oregon Building, Salem, Marion County, Oregon, within six months from the date ot this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 25th day of June. 1982. ERROL W. PROCTOR, .Executor of the Last Will and Testament and estate of Eliza beth D. Proctor, deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Executor, Salem. Oregon. J 25 Jly 2-9-18-22 mere are rumors enrrent in Portland that a moratorium on automobile licenses will b de clared hT thm a-n 'Aran AJot ?"?re, both ev. Siewert to ' ; v .a UUHg I , a. brought upon the executive for a I V1Zlt HPT( 30-day stay. Although he had! previously indicated there would! do no moratorium, no definite statement has been issued br unit aieier. LINCOLN, June 24 The first hay bailing to be done In this! section was that on ths Gus Lake farm Monday and Tuesday. Mr. Lake used his own outfit. The 14th annual reunion of the descendants of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Walling, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Walling and Mr. and Mrs. Gab- 00 Days for Forest Edward Forest, tried in justice court yes terday for larceny at fishing equipment, was found guilty aad sentenced to 90 days in the coun ty lail Try TT J t 1 ling ana air. ana sirs, uas rV. (7. UraClUate riel WaUlng, pioneers of Oreron win be held Sunday, Jane 21 at the rural home ot Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wailing of Lincoln. Nearly 89 members of the families were ' present at tho reunion held last year, some coming from as far as Idaho, Minneapolis, Phoenix, Ar- I izona and other distant points. A Rev. S. A. Siewert of Warsaw. Indiana will arrive in Salem July 10, where he will visit relatives and friends. Rev. Siewert is well known locally, having graduated from Willamette university in the several well A'OTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATRIX Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly an- nnlnt A1 K tha, f -.n-f r.n- I Bam 1itM with ' -J w. I . . . - . . . .Iant a- wiAmm k .-V -a tne state of Oregon for the Coun-1 known local people, nis wue, mi , v , . tr of Marlon aa Administratr! rr l former Frances uorneiius, is a the estate of J. W. imbler n. Willamette graduate. ceased, and tht aha ha- dnlv I Rev. Siewert will come to Sa tern irom J-os angeiee wuon n qualified as such Administratrix; all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to me, at the office ot MOYNIHAN THOMP SON. my attorneys, at 210 Ore gon Bldg., Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date ot this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 3rd day of June, 1982. . EMILY M. HOBSON, Administratrix of the Estate ot J. W. Imbler, Deceased. MOYNIHAN A THOMP30N, ATTORNEYS FOR ESTATE OF J. W. IMBLER, Deceased. J 4-11-18-25 Jl 2 performed the wedding ceremony ot his niece, Miss Dorothy Siewert- Ho will remain in Salem about ton days, from whence he will con tinue east, stopping at Kearney. Neb., to visit n daughter. He ex pects to arrive home about July 24. CARD OF THANKS I wish to take. this method of thanking the many friends and acquaintances tor the many beau tiful floral contributions given during the Illness and at ths death ot my beloved husband. MRS. J. H. UALLOWAI. and a program will be features of the day. Descendants of Davis, ' Jane, Elma and William Ruble who crossed tho plains by ox team Announcing- THE OPENING OF The New Hotel At Breitenbush Hot Springs SKIFFS CAMP . Saturday and Sunday, June 25 and 26 Good Accommodations Reasonable Bates You are Invited to Visit and Inspect This New Hotel A Cordial Reception Refreshments S3 o o o o art clrrrfTf the man's shop high-priced stock Jt will pay folks to come from miles and miles around today! ' doors open at 9:30 , 416 state street - salem Dr. Chan Lam Chinese Medicine ' mfice hours . Tuesday and Satur days too p. nu . Roaou 1 and SL 148 N. Commercial , Salem ;- CITY VIEW CEMETEKY established 1893 TeL 8832 Conveniently Accessible ' Perpetual care provided for ; Prices Reasona Ws Pelcresit iiemortai a PARK rKMETEUx" WITH t PERPETUAL CARE . Is Ta lttnotw rtosi Us Ksart Invalici Chairs ' to Rent ' CJall 610. Used Fnrnitnrs ? -Department " 881 NorthHIgh SHIPLEY'S All Remnants Half Price Continues o 0 0. o)(naip FOR SATURDAY erns . . Have TSeen Lumped Together For Further Dr astic Reductions o i. '. ', One Lot Odds and Ends V2 Price ; 1 BpaaB-iBBBBMa T 60 Ladies' Hats 49c 81x90 Sheets 39c . 1 Lot Men's Shirts 79c o 1 Lot Ladies' Dresses 3 for $1 a. ' -f " 1 Lot Ladies' Dresses $1.49 Men's Athletic Unions 25c 1 Lot Boy's Suits V2 Price TT TTTTTR)!! TC"79 o c p a n -v u c ti .T? 0 s o n g C' a Tan