The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 24, 1932, Page 4, Image 4

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    PACT: rOUHi awEfiOS -fr foTHSMAJ.. fetUm. v-?. rr,-t.,tn:..l,; t- The OREGON STATESlANr Salecu Oregon, Friday Morning. Jnne 24152 fir 'fli:vH-
In tha Bag. A gain
The Murder of the Night Club Lady
yy: i b y . ;a n t h on vfa A b b o ig" " y ?'(
"No Favor Sways Um; No Fear ShaU AotT -From
Pint Statesman, March 28, ,1851
Charles A. Speagcx, Sheldom F. SAOtrrT, Publitkert
Chaklu A. Spracuk . Editor-Uanagir
Sheldon, F. SAfKirrT MrHiginff Editor
,.:. Member of
. aaan(aail - la a Veli il va I
tfcm f til new dlaoarrhae -r-led
thl paper
Pacific Coast Advertising Representatives:"
1 Arthur W Stypea. Inc, PortUud. SocwrUy Bid.
Baa Francisco. Bharom Bid. : La Anarb-a. w Pae Bid.
Eastern Advertising Representatives:
rord-Paraona 8t?chT, Inc.. New Torli. S7I Madlaon Are."!
- "hlra.o. 30 N Mk-htwn Av
Entered at the Pwtoffice at Salem, Oregon, at Seegnd-CUut
Matter. Published ever Morning r-rrtvi Monday. Buemeee
off-1-ft fv Cn m'Tni) S'rrrt ."
Mall 8ubacrtpuon Ratea. in Advanca vViihiiTOregon J.1
Sunday, t Mo tOeenta. t Ma ft.S;-- Mo MM; 1 yar 6
BUewher t cents per Mo., or $S for'l yr In advance.
By City Carrier: 45 cnta a mentis; $5 rear la ad vane. Par
Copy eanta Oa tratna and Nnr Stnda rn
"Enemy of the Republic"
ONE of the first decrees to-be signed by Carlos G. Da
viln who hv a Houble-barrelefl revolution has made
himself leader of the socialist junta now in control in Chile,
is one which denounces as an enemy of the republic "any
person who advocates doctrines tending to violently over-,-heow
the constituted government or social institutions."
'Thus does revolution seek to entrench itself in power.
i Self -preservation-is the law of governments as it is" of
individuals. While it was patriotism of high order in the
minds of the revolutionists to overthrow the f ermer govern
ment, once they are in power any resistance to their auth
ority becomes high treason. Socialism and communism are
no different from capitalism in this respect. In fact they are
worse in muzzling freedom of speech and press.
ernment is not that changes in authority come too hard but
that they come too easily. Popular overturns reflecting the
whim txf the moment may make for unstable government, m-
"security in the business and political structure of the state.
Government thus tends to be the expression of the quondam
, power of some lucky minority.
The state cannot abandon social control, law and order,
no matter what its form of political or economic organiza-
, tion. Government is fundamental
must have authority to defend
brand rebels as "enemies of, the republic . So while it seems
inconsistent for Davila who rose to power through two rev-
nliiffstvia Tirttw to ftiitlatir ovon f Via oHvnf'nto rf rPVnTllt.inTl . Tie
" j .rrJT"
is merely luucuumug asaujr guumuii luusu iuuuiuu i. iw
is going to survive. His decree may not stick; but he has to
issue the proclamation anyway
State Fair to be Held .
DIRECTOR JEHLHAR promises the people of the state
a good state fair -and a savings in operations which
should enable the fair to show a balance on the rteht side
of the kdger. The horse show is to be abandoned. This "will
be disappointing to others as well as socialites who love to
see fine horse flesh. And the hoss races in the afternoon
will not be held, so now it will not make any difference
whether, it rains' or not. But Gehlhar promises novel and in
teresting entertainment which will be popular in character
and win, he believes, draw the crowds. .
i The state fair is the diversion for the masses. People
have to have entertainment even in hard times and they
will dlg up enough money to get inside the gate. The fair
is an ancient institution and the challenge of the times should
encourage its friends to get behind it and boost it along
more than they have for seyeral years.
, -: That the fair is appreciated outside this immediate
zone is indicated in the following editorial from the Baker
Democrat-Herald: , .
"u though few Baker county people, ever attend wo are glad
to not that the Oregon state fair will again bo held with a
program curtailed to avoid a deficit. It would have been un
fortunate if this great spectacle, which is educational as well as
entertaining, had fallen a victim of the. depression. Once aban
doned It would have been hard to reinstate and Its permanent
abandonment would have left an empty void In the life of the
state. , -f ,
! "The fair will fill a need for
ujfcainly not subsided with the state of business and will be a reminder-that
crops, etc., which a .generous providence provides,
are not injured by man's mistakes."
Nothing daunted by his
Poland Stanislaus Hauser is
make another trial. Well, maybe he will succeed this time,-!-4
in not getting picked up. Still he has a wife; and our guess
a a a -
is ne win maice no start.
We have to go back to the
check tax. That was the way the
if ourtn of - July celebration. And the withdrawal receipts
were worked then the same as now to avoid the tax. When!
the country does a war dance it
' " s -l J:J ;
The churches are feeling
: tions are reduced and many a pastor has to wait for his pay
check.' And they can't levy fresh taxes to balances their bud
get either. ;
Japan "little France" 'of
cut proposed by Pres. Hoover.
t 4-mw:,m 24 Z , t J
vi MM4ug iw iuapuvetisiieu millions siiu more to nuance con
tinental, imperialism." : , .
i Gov. Roosevelt says he has
for the democrats and it has 90
ne ana ai bmnn.nave been doing we woultrjudge only one
word would be required: "Repeal". , . , . .
t Congress awarded Amelia
medal. But she can turn it in
get unouier jusc as gooa.'
t.i is .Ule open seas0
una vauey nave most or tneir Sundays fun attending the
gatherings of descendants of their various ancestors
. Nobody has yet proposed that newspaper reporters and
editori should be licensed ; but there are some editors who
vmmt w oe examinea on tneir
- i The raibroads ara nffprfno
home for a cent a mile. Most
i Prince of Wales is now 88 and still a bachelor. StUI I
uw ox ume nowever to fall
Vs rovernor will let the
niices , oaiem. Ana tne trimmings too no doubt. -
thm Assort ted ree
to tha oaa tor pobllca.-
to lt, no oth-rwlaa credited to
in society; so a government
itself, and that means to
"r " i.
for what it is wortn.
entertainment which has cer-
dip in the ocean on a flight to
back, again and says he will
Spanish-American war for a
country helped finance that
has to pay -for the orchestra.
the pinch of hard times. Dona-
the orient." obfect-to the arms
It still -wants the privilege
written "a nrohibition nlank
words. From all the shoutinfir
Earhart Putnam Jthe wrong
at the exchange counter and
for family ploiics. Residents of
sanity, 1 , ,
fa Yiotii 4 v. a. iu.n. v.-i. 1
freights art doing the Job now
...... ,
for some gay maid of sixteen.
state relief committee use his
Mt -i
New Views
Xesterdy Statesman reporter.
Ugj. ihis quwtion: "What la
your reaction to President Hoov-
ers one-third .reduction
In na-
Itlonal armaments?"
Hugh B. Fonke Jr., minister:
"I am very favorable to it. I
think it will be a very whole
some thing in the world to have
someone step out for peace."
Sirs. C. A. Kells, member war
prevention council: "I am afraid
it's too late to accomplish the
ends we would like to think of. V.
don't think we have established
the confidence of the . nations
to make them believe we are In
Mrs. K. I Smith, borne maker:
'I think it one Of the very sen
sible ways to reduce the expenses
of the governments. Why spend
money for such demonstrations
as tne Aaron wnen people are
starving to death?"
Mrs. Id Frillby. home maker:
'Tf m AAA ttia ntrtaf Ane(Vt1a
suggestions to be made In
month from a government
source, I think.?
Jacob, Weizet, cabinet maker:
'I haven't paid s great deal of
attention to it."
J. D. Greene, farmer: "Well, it
doesn't look like the nations will
Daily Health Talks
T this time of year cases of
poison from ivy are com
mon. Iw uoisonlnr is an
annovinz and distress in inflam-
!mation of the skin, caused by an
irritating ra in
stance found in
various plants
and trees. In
this country the
most common
form of poison
ing is caused by
tl e runns"
group of plants,
such- as. poison
ivy. poison oak
. ana poison . su
mac '
'. .The eruption
hands and face, but maybe found
ever the enure body. - There is
treat deal of" discomfort with
burning, itching and swelling of
the affected parts. Most eases of
ivy poisoning are mild in nature,
vet severe . and ' prolonged cases
are frequently met. . .
Not all persons exposed to
poison Ivy necessarily-contract the
.disease: only those who possess a
sensitivity to .the plant. Contrary,
to common belief, it is not neces
sary to have direct contact with
the poisoning plant. Cases of pot
aoning are found in persons who
merely have been fn the vicinity of
the poison ivy. The sap may be
carried to the susceptible individual
by the wind, or by contract with
clothing, toou. insects or any other
object that has had direct , ex
posure to the plant. . v
The afflicted person complains
of an intense irritation of the skin,
which at first resembles any other
skin inflammation. Redness and
itching of -the akin Is followed by
I Answer to
B. X J. Q- What do yon ad
vise for goitre x -
- . JL- This condition dwrantds
special medical attention. Consult
youT' doctor for the proper treae
J. O. I Q. What causes my
baby' to sleep with the -eyes half
A -This Is no.eause. for alarm.
"' .
aw m wa m bbv "waaaw n-uc - ai - aw war
Historic four corners:
"a S
(Continuing from yesterday:)
The news of the admission of Ore
gon as a state came on the steam
er "Brother Jonathan" from San
Francisco, arriving at Portland at
4:10 on the morning of March IS,
11849. It arrived in San Francis
co by pony express March 10. The
news was forwarded to Oregon
City the morning of its receipt at
Portland. No boat was to start
from Canefhah up the river that
day, and a young man named
Stephen Senter, living there, start
ed for Salem by horseback,
spreading-the information as he
s s s
Governor Whiteaker called a
special session of the state legis
lature. It convened in the Hol
man building May IS and remain
ed In. session until June 4. Of
course Luther Elklns presided as
president of the senate and W. G.
TVault as speaker of the house.
The conflict among the democrats
was so bitter that Delazon Smith
was not reelected senator, and
Oregon continued to have but one
U. S. senator until March, 18 SI.
The salaried service of Governor
have sense enough to adopt It,
but I believe it la one of the
best plans put forth to lower
swelling and pronounced blister
formation, and - the attack lasts
from four to six days.
The blisters should be punc
tured and thoroughly cleansed
with soap - and water. Washing.
in a ' direction away from. the
healthy skin will prevent spread
of the inflammation.- - .
Persons susceptible to this dis
ease should avoid the poisonous
plant. If they have been exposed,
the skin should be -thoroughly
bathed in warm water and scrubbed
with an alkaline soap, and the
skin then sponged with alcohol of
gasoline, to dissolve the poison.
severe cases 01 poiaon tj
should be under the care of a
physician. ' The mild forma usually
respond to. the ordinary soothing
lotions. '
The most satisfactory lotion is
that known as the calamine and
cine lotion. This should be ap
plied only after the blisters have
dried. This lotion forms a crust,
which Is soothing and beneficial.
It should be . removed . with olive
ofl or cotton-seed oQ, never with
water. :
In severe and painful cases,
comfort and relief can be obtained
by paintinr the afflicted parts
with melted wax. . This form of
treatment gives instantaneous re
lief and shortens the attack.
;- Within recent rears a vaccine
of the Bhus poisons hat been used
to cure as well at prevent the at
tacks. Thii vaccine is given by
hypodermie Injeetlen. unfortu
nately, the injections are painful
and in many . cases the results
have not been benefldaL While
this treatment it still in its expert-
mental stage, . tt H hoped that
within a short time a vaccine wilt
be perfected that will prevent ec
cure this distressing aihaant,- -
Health Queries)
. : Anxious. Q. Does a goitre ai
feet the breastT
,'JL No"- ' 4 --
A , . . .;
How can I keep my finger
nans rrooa Dreaxmg out
Is' caused f ' pool
for fall particulars
send a stamoed self -ad.
velope and restate your question.
Whiteaker was from March I,
1851, to September 10, 1868.
The constitution provided that
elections to the legislature and
state offices be held biennially
the first Monday In June. The
first one having been held in
1868. there could not be another
before June, 1860. By that time.
and before the date for convening
the legislature, the nation was
facing the issues that were plung
ing it into war.
When It met September 10,
18 SO, it was plain that only a fu
sion of the Douglas democrats and
the republicans could bring about
the selection of two -senators. But
that story was told in this column.
In detail, several weeks ago. The
fusion came, and Col. E. D. Baker
and J. W. Nesmith were chosen,
amid scenes that Mved as long as
the participants had memories.
and the records of which are writ
ten in history. Col. Baker was
the republican and Nesmith was
the democrat, but Nesmith became
one of the staunchest of the sup
porters in congress of Abraham
By the time the date of the na
tional election of I860, November
S, had rolled around, a revolution
had taken place in Oregon poll-'
tics and this state gave its three
electoral votes for Abraham Lin
coln, the totals being: Lincoln
5344. Douglas 4186. Breckenrldge
and Lane 6074, Bell 197. The
Douglas votes were against seces
sion, and. for the purpose of the
impending conflict, for the union.
The Nesmith building, houslnx
the lower branch 'of the territor
ial legislature and containing the
plant- or The Statesman, where the
territorial printing; was done, was
of wood.. It is interesting to note
that the Journals and laws. etc..
of the session of 1864-S bear the
date line of Corrallls, the work
having been done there daring
the spring and summer of 18S6.
Of course, that date Hue was not
again used.
The Hector bulldtnr was also
built of wood. The north line of
the lot on which it stood was the
south line of the present States
man buHdlng. It (the Rector
building) must have been erected
about 1850, for Salem Lodge No.
4 of the Masons was organised
with 10 members on October4.
1861, on the second floor of the
store building of 8chlussel Jb Cohn
that stood where the service sta
tion is now, at the point where
Liberty and High streets become
Broadway, and soon after that
first meeting the lodge room was
moved to the Rector building, ev
idently the upper floor, for Schlas-
sel ft Cohn not long thereafter al
so moved their store to the Rector
bunding. -
Manifestly the council or upper
branch of the territorial legisla
ture of 'S3-4 was held on the sec
ond floor of the Rector building,
and the territorial library, then in
the same building, was next to
or near the council chamber. ! The
arrangement, with the upper
.(Continued on page 7)
... Of 0M Salem
Town Talks from The States
man of Earlier Days -
Jane 24, 1907
Yesterday afternoon at
o'clock, Salem received a deluge of
rain, such as hat not visited this
vicinity tor many years, if ever,
for about IS .minutes the rain
earns down la torrents, mingled
with halL Many basements were
Hooded, roofs leaked, telephone
'. sntorsis
.. LeU Carewe. jdght dab kaUtai,
receives a death threat, New Tear's
Bve. Previously her dog and parrot
were mysterioasly killed. District
Attorney Merle K. Dougherty sms
peets Lela of belag the rains of
the Jewel thief ring that has bafled
Ike police. Although her husband,
Gaylord Gi&Tord, died praetkany
penniless, Lola fives In luxury. Police
ComaUssioeer Thatcher Celt places
a guard la Lola's penthouse a part
as eat. warning her that ahe must net
be alone in s room at say time. Mrs.
Carewe, Lola's mother; Chung the
butler, Eunice the maid, and Tlacent
tlowtand. an attorney, are present.
In the living room, : the Commis
sioner finds a bag beloagiag to
evidently had been need that night,
yet Lola Informs Colt that Christine
Is at the Lion's Psw, a roadhouse.
where Lela was to have Joined her.
Colt la surprised to and Mrs. Ca
rewe's room In strange contrast to
the surrounding wealth. "Lola's own
boudoir Is a gaudy contradiction of
- the living room's elegance. Lola re
fuses to reveal the Identity of the
young man whose photograph
adornsber dresser. Against orders,;
ahe enters the guest room alone
scream follows. Rushing in. Colt
II ads her on the floor, unconscious.
Dr. High Baldwin, a friend, diag
noses the case as a heart attack.
Lola dies; Colt calls it murder. Un
noticed, he takes something from
thoMoetor's bag. Police Lieutenant
Fallon reports that no one but the
doctor entered the house. The eleva
tor boy claims that Christine
returned home about 12:15 a. i
before Lola and the police arrived,
yet ne other trace can be found of
Hiss Quires.
COLT," snarled Rowland,
am bored I want to go
home. My presence here isl
I no conuort vo nn, virewe. Ana
eertainly I can be of no conceivable
assistance to the police."
Colt smiled frankly, and to my
surprise he responded:
"I agree, Mr. Rowland. You are
entirely free to go." i
Vincent Rowland thrust forward
his head in a turtle-like movement
of incredulity.
"You mean you will not try to
detain me here?"
Relief flooded the aged attor
ney's face. With a mincing air, he
walked up to the Commissioner and
held out his hand.
"My dear Mr. Colt," he said, "it
is indeed a pleasure to know that
our administration has put a gen
tleman in Headquarters., I shall
hold myself in readiness to be called
at any time that you may need me.
And by the way Mrs. Carewe
asked me to say to you that she will
be here directly."
"Thanks, Rowland there's just
a question or two before you go
mind?" "Not in the least."
"Did Lola ever tell you anyone
might try to kill her?"
The old man shook his head.
"No. Only what you yourself
heard tonight. Fact is, Lola was
just the other way, poor chick.
Hot-headed, you know threaten
ing to kill other people."
"Seriously, Mr. Rowland?"
"Oh, I suppose not. Perhaps I
shouldn't have mentioned it. But
she did say to me, two or three
weeks ago, that the people who
were bothering her soon wouldn't
bother her any longer. I don't know
who ahe meant trouble is, her
prophecy came true in n way she
didnt expect, poor darling."
"Dont you have any idea whom
she had quarreled with?" urged
Colt, as the old man began to edge
through the door.
"Lola quarreled with everybody.
Especially that actor Everett and
her friend -Christine. Just tempera
ment, I suppose poor infant! Once
she told me some people were try
. . . . . . r . J 1
ing to intimidate her. I aotn
lines were put- out of commission
and cherries la the Liberty dis
trict were considerably damaged.
Angora goats have long been
used in various parts of the state'
to clear underbrush. In Tillamook
county, hundreds of goats have
been imported to clear the land of
sallal and huckleberry brush. And
now in Crook county they are to
be used in clearing the land of
After havlna- held an unimpor
tant, ooitlon in Salem's athletic
circles for a number of - years.
lawn tennis suddenly received a
big impetus last ytt with the
building of many new courts. This
season an added interest has been
displayed, until few of the young
er set can not claim membership
in some one of the different tennis
June 84, 1022
With a. renresentatlon of 25 au
tomobile loads of Cherrlans, Sa
lem was. easily identified In the
Portland Rose festival floral par
ade . vesterdar afternoon. First
prize was awarded the drill team.
while the' Coat entered received
third place In the division of
towns of less than 50,009 popula
According to a statement Issued
by a Q. Huntley, income tax col
lector, 17.640 personal Income tax
returns filed in Oregon for it 20
represented net Incomes of till-
652.281 and taxes of 15,641.011.
NEWVYORK Jack Dempsey,
world's heavyweight champion,
has IT days la which formally to
accept the challenge of Harry
Wills, negro, tor a bout for the
title, or hare his crowa put up for
competition la Now York state.
- The movement to bring "about
legislation forcing all children in
to the public school was emphati
cally denounced by the Oregon
and Washington district conven
tion of the Evangelical Lutheran
"But hew can I help?" whispered the old woman, forcing a crumpled
handkerchief against her lips.
member the names. But she seemed
to feel secure. Lola had her own
ways of managing, I suppose a
very attractive and clever woman.
Anything else, now, Mr. Colt?"
I expected Colt to insist on pur
suing this promising, if elusive,
lead. But he seemed to shrug it off
as not of great consequence one
of his deadliest tricks of deception.
Nothing," he replied, "except
that I might need you later to
night. Mind?"
v "IH come whenever Tm neededl"
Rowland assured us all earnestly.
' Chung now followed the old man
back into the living-room. Now he
came forward with the Rowland
stick, hat, and muffler. Rowland
bowed to Colt with a courtly air
and left the room. At once Colt I
closed the door, exiled Chung to the
kitchen, turned to Fallon, and gave
brisk orders:
"Put a tail on that old man night
and day six men working In three
eight-hour shifts. Get Rowland up
and put him to bed. until further
orders. Stick to him."
"Got you. chief," and Fallon was
goner after one of. the most fa
mous and picturesque of all New
York's millionaires.
Colt's interest swung back like
a weighted pendulum to the new
complication of Christine Quires.
If, as Lowell Courtleigh, the ele
vator boy, declared. Christine had
ridden up with him at 12:15 o'clock,
where had she spent the interven
ing hours?
And where was she now ?
With a puzzled frown, Thatcher
Colt crossed to the mantelpiece nd
again lifted the purse of seed
"Lola told us this belonged to
Christine," he murmured aloud. "I
wonder "
He began poking through the
contents of the bag the expected
tools of beautifying and a small
brass key which, as Colt now
proved, fitted the front door. The
Commissioner's quiet consternation
was growing. -
"Did no one see her come in?"
pursued Colt, murmuring aloud his
perplexity. "They were aU here
Lola's mother, the butler, and the
maid. When we arrived, one of the
first questions Lola asked her maid
was whether Christine had re
turned." "And Eunice, the maid, declared
she had not returned," remembered
Dougherty, his eloquent blue eyes
rolling suspiciously. "It doesn't
look right to me, Thatcher."
Before the Commissioner could
reply, Mrs. Carewe entered the living-room.
In answer to Colt's sum
mons. The taB, straight old woman
synod, meeting here yesterday.
Grounds for the complaint were
m a i iaa icgiaiauuu would roar (ne
We are
members of the ' i
of Banb .
if r S?
PUT and leave your money In our bank where It wH! be
under Governnent control The Federal Reserve Sys
tem Is a national banking tntfihrKon. -
We are Federal Reserve membeiH y
NVe Welcome YOUR Banking Business
at- ' 9
a aah
salem. pa.-
Member Federal
A Strom Bank.
was very pale and resolved to be
courageous. It seemed cruel to ex
amine her. But no police officer can
choose between gallantry and re
sults. Even Dorothy Lox was now
sent from the room.
Colt offered Mrs. Carewe a chair.
Meanwhile, I had found a pad of
.note paper and a pencil and was
'ready to take stenographic notes
of questions and answers.
"Couldnt you wait for this?" the
mother flung suddenly at Colt in
her husky, embittered voice.
Colt came directly to the vital
point of the present stage of his
inquiry. u
"Mrs. Carewe;" he said, "did you
know when Christine Quires re
turned home tonight?"
She shook her head disconsolate
"No, she answered.
"Did you hear anyone come in?"
"No one."
"But you realize that Christine
must have come in "
"She couldnt have. She is a
noisy sort of person. I always knew
when she was in by the way she
ran around the place. I don't see
what difference it makes, anyhow."
"I think I ought to make one
point very clear to you, Mrs. Ca
rewe. We believe your daughter
was murdered."
"You do?" she asked in a flat,
dead voice.
"Hence we may have to ask many
questions that seem impertinent.
I am counting on you to help us."
"But how can I help?" whispered
the old woman, forcing a crumpled
handkerchief against her lips.
"Simply by keeping calm and
telling us everything we need to
"I can do both, Mr. Colt," she
answered with dignity.
"Who is your daughter's law
yer?" "Arthur Garfield Grant, down in
Wall Street."
"He has charge of aU her im
portant papers?"
"Yes and he has plenty."
"Has he the key to her safe-deposit
"Yes, he hasf
"Now, Mrs. Carewe, do you know
anything about the death of Lola's
dog and parrot?"
"I know they died but I dont
believe they were poisoned. I think
Lola was superstitious that way
always be 1 levin people were
against her and wanting to do her
-harm. She was that way from a
little girt."
Colt nodded thoughtfully as he
searched for a cigarette.
CTa Ba CaaUaaul Taamraw)
Cotrrit Ca-ict-Friaoe, Iaa.
Distributed by King Featnrea Sradicata, taa.
I people of the liberty guaranteed
J by the constitution of . the United
ftoerrt Srttem
TVeeffctfu!!? Manestal