The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 18, 1932, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tfie OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Satmrday Morning. June 18, 1932
Fouke Jr. and Parker Have
Places on Annua! Con
ference Program
18th and Ctatar straetl, Sunday acbool
at 9:45; Frank UfwiUer, Sqpt. Morning
worship at 11 o'clock. Speeial twunbar by
aa larc choir. Sanaa inb)ct. 'H
Plaea of Prayer In tha Christian Lit."
Junior and young peopla'i societies meet
at 6:15. Evening sarviea at S o'clock.
Tbara will to special vocal aaaabcra aad
a messaca Irons "The Healing of Blind
Bartimalns.' J. (?. Miatoa is supplying
la tha parlor 'a absanea. ,
Salem Methodist pastors will
leave Tuesday for Portland, for
the 18th annual Oregon confer
ence, which convenes at Centenary-Wilbur
' church ; there that
morning at 9:30 o'clock. In addi
tion. Dr. M. A. Marcy. district
superintendent, and several from
Willamette university will be
there from Salem.
Two Salem pastors. Rev. Hugh
B. Fouke Jr., of Jason Lee
church and Dr. B. Earle Parker
of the First church, are scheduled
to appear on the conference pro
gram. Rev. Fouke, who Is on the
conference board of religious ed
ucation. Is slated for an address
Wednesday night, and will speak
on some phase of religious educa
tion. Dr. Parker will lead confer
ence devotions Wednesday morn
ing. Other Salem M. E. pastors
re Rev. Darlow S. Johnson of
Leslie Memorial and Rev. A. L.
Dark of West Salem.
Dr. Carl Gregg Ddney, presl
dent of Willamette university.
will preside at the Thursday
morning session, and will give an
address at 8:45 o'clock Wednes
day morning. Two former church
callers here, Rev. T. H. Temple,
now executive secretary of the
conference claimant's endowment
and Rev. C. I. Andrews, formerly
or Kimball school of theology,
will both give reports Thursday
morning. Dr. Andrews is exec
utive secretary of the conference
board of religious education.
Visiting speakers at the confer
ence will Include Dr. James Ding,
president of the Anglo-Chinese
college of Foochow, China, who is
known to some Salem people
through speaking appearance
here about a year ago; Dr. Ar
nold Bennett Hall, president of
the University of Oregon; Dr. C
C. McGown, dean of the Pacific
school of religion at Berkeley,
Calif., Dr. Clarence True Wilson
corresponding secretary of the
board of temperance, prohibition
and public morals; Dr. Newton
Ju. Davis, corresponding secretary
of the board of hospitals, homes
and deaconess work; and Dr. Hay
S. Stowell, director of publicity
and promotion for the board of
borne missions of the church.
Dr. McGown will deliver two
addresses at 1 and 4 o'clock on
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
afternoons, and Saturday after
noon at 4 o'clock. Dr. Wilson will
give the closing address Sunday
night; Wednesday night Dr. Ding
will give the address; Thursday
night Dr. Davis and Dr. Stowell
will speak; and Friday night the
main address will be by Miss D.
Willia Caffray and a mixed quar
tet from the Bethel African Meth
odist church will sing.
No lay delegates will sit with
the conference this year. The Ore
gon conference Layman's associ
ation will be in session Friday,
with Ernest W. Peterson, Port
land, president, in the chair. John
Gary of West Linn Is secretary.
Wti in the Churches
19th and Brcjman ttraett. Sunday
achool at 9:45. Albert Page, 8upt. Sar
on 11 a.m. "The Coat of a Christian
late." Evening worship, two B. T. P. V.
Bteetibga at 7 p.m. Measage at S. "The
Perfect Man." Rev. J. H. Bnacoa will
bring the message morning and even
ing. Prayer meeting Thursday evening
at 7:80.
Sunday aervicea begin at 9:40 a.m.
with Church achool. lira. W. A. Bar-
leu a, Sopt. Preaching at 10:50 a.m. and
a p.m. A. Jf. "Verdicts ol History ko
verted.", P. M. "Short Stakes and Long
Kopea." Min Velna Alexander and Uiag
Knth McAllister will give ahort talks no
college life. This week: Wednesday,
prayer service, deacona meeting follow
ing. Thnraday evening choir rehearsal. W.
Earl Cochran, pastor.
Center and Liberty streets. J. R. 81-
monds, paator. Sunday achool 9:45 a.m.
Morning worship 11 o'clock; subject:
The Chains of Opportunity. -GRACE
South Commercial and Oak. At 8 p.m.,
becinninc a two-weeka' aeriea on "The
World a Tomorrow in the Light of the
Bible, with subject Sunday. "The Com
ing of Chriat, Past, Present or Prospec
tive!" At S p.m.. "Pentecost, or the
Baptism of the Holy Spirit."
( Catholic)
Highland and Myrtile avenue. Rev.
Thou. V. Eeetan, pastor. Phone 511.
Sunday masses at 1 and 9:30 o'clock.
Week-day aervicea at 9:15 o'clock.
Farion and North Liberty streets. Brit
ton Rosa, minister. Bible achool at 9:45.
Fred Broer, Supt. Morning worship at
11. Sermon "The Cbriatian'a Desire."
Special mnsii by the choir. B. T. P. TJ.
at 7 p.m. Prayer meeting before the ev
ening service at 7 o'clock. Evening ser
vice at 8 p.m. Sermon "The Millenni
um What Will it be Like!" Special mu
sic by the male chorus. Organ prelude at
7:45. Miss Miller, organist.
Missouri Synod. Corner 16th and A
streeta. English aervicea at 9:45. Spe
cial music by Mrs. Fischer and Miss
Rohlfs. German services at 11 o'clock.
Sunday achool at 9 a.m. William O'Neill,
Vf " Vv
Winter and Chemeketa streets. Grover
C. Birtchet, D. D., pastor. 8:30 a.m.
Church school, Mr. L. M. Bamage, Supt.
11 a.m. Morning worship. Anthem: "The
Lord is Exalted" by West. Sermon by
the pastor: "The Two Ways of Life."
6:30 p.m. Christian Endeavor societies
7:30 p.m. Evening worship. "Life's
Heaviest Load." The hour for evening
worstup does r.ot change during the aum-
mer month, tut remains as usual at 7:30
Corner Haie! and Academy streets.
Sunday school at 10 a.m. Lesson: Ruth
Preaching- at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Mid-week prayer and testimony meeting,
Thursday evening at 8.
South Commercial and Washington Sta.
Chas. C. Hawirth, pastor. Sunday ser-
ices 10 a.m. Sunday school. Kathvn
Cook, Supt. 11:00 morning worship. 8:00
evening worship. Open Forum. Our Yearly
Meeting, Its Purposes and Program.
Thursday, 8 p.m. Prayer meeting and
Bible study.
Chemeketa and Liberty streets. Sunday
services at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Subject:
"Is the Universe, Including Man, Evolved
by Atomie Force I Sunday school at 9:45
and 11. Testimony meeting Wednesday
at 8 p.m. Reading room at 400 Masonic
Temple open from II to 5:30 except Sun
days aad holidays.
J1--- ... t
a - t ;
4 .
. TT.-V I V
will open an Evangelistic Crusade
t the Tent, corner Marion and
Hign Sts., Sunday afternoon, June
10 at 8 p. m. Subject S p. m.,
"Slem'a Need., 7:43. "Our Aa-
tonlshinic God."
The Clark Singers of Radio Sta
tion KWJJ of Portland will sing
at each service. These artlata were
here two years ago with Mack
Services Each Evening at 7:45
Or. Emery "W. Petticord, new paa
tor of the Salem First Evangeli
cal church, who will preach his
first sermon here Sunday. He
succeeds. Dr. C. C. Poling, re
tired from the active ministry
and now moved to Portland. Dr.
Petticord has a wide recogni
tion in church circles.
m. t. coram
the Flint
The morning worship service at
the Jason Lee Memorial church
will be given to a review of the re
cent Methodist Episcopal General
Conference held at Atlantic City
daring May, and to which the pas
tor. Rev. Hugh B. Foule, Jr.. was
a delegate. The theme announced
Is "A World Church Faces Its
Kingdom Task."
Graduation Program
One of the most enjoyable and
colorful traditions of the young
people's group at the Jason Lee
church is the annual graduation
banquet. Those completing the
Intermediate and high school de
partments are guests of the otber
young people, the occasion mark
ing the conclusion of the church
year. This year the theme will
be "Climbing" and Miss Margaret
Stevenson, director of religious
Education at First Church, Salem,
will be the speaker. The presi
dents of the two Leagues will
speak briefly in greeting the grad-
Society News and Club
: Olive M. Doak. Soeieiy Editor :
Grand Assembly
Will Meet
Cbadwlck chapter. Rainbow for
Girls, will be hostess to Oregon
Grand Assembly June 24 and 26.
The local chapter will meet to
night at the Masonic temple to
make plans for this large affair.
It Is estimated that at least 300
girls from all over Oregon will he
In attendance at this meeting.
Miss Eleanor Wright will he in
stalled as grand worthy matron.
Xhadwlck Chapter will enter
tain with a reception Saturday
night complimenting Miss Wright
and this will be followed, hy a
banquet and dance.
Miss Alta Johnson ia worthy ad
visor for Chadwlck chapter.
Attractive Luncfieon
Thee a Crown of Life." Children' day
aervicea 8 p.m. with pageants, recitations
aad pantomimes.
Korth Cottage aad Chemeketa streets.
Ear. Fred Albaa Weil, minister. Church
service at 11 a.m. Sermon "Sanctu
ary." Mrs. Walter A. Denton, organist.
Services In the Kelson halL 881 Cheme
keta atreat at 8 p.m. Tha lecture topio
will be "Tha Devine Mother." A circle
for tha publie is held by accredited me
diums from 6:30 to 7:30. Mary Schwt
del, pastor.
Rev. Geo. H. Swift, rector. Church and
Chemeketa streets. Holy Communion,
7:80 a.m. Morning prayer and sermon 10
a.m. during June, Ju!y and August.
State and Church streets. B. Earla
Parker, minister. Church achool 9:43 a.m.
11 a.m. public worship. 50th Anniversary
Observance of Children's day. Interesting
program and muaie by Vested Jnnior
Choir of 50 voices under the direction of
Miss Betty Boylan. All departments of
Church school participating. 7 p.m. High
School League and Young People's For
um. 8 p.m. sermon by the pastor. Special
uates. The pastor will act as
chairman, and the affair will b Cvpnf nf TrJav
followed at the evening service E-Veitt OI 1 OCiay
with a candle-light installation
service for the newly elected offi
cers of the two leagues.
c s
T OF 4
Nelson building, corner of Chemeketa
and Liberty streets. Sunday s-nool at
10 a.m. Preaching at 12:00.
Corner Highland and Church streets.
Edgar P. Simv pastor. Bible school 9:45
m., ,. II. Beckett, oupt. Morning wor-
hip 11 a.m. Message by the pastor. Even-
ng service at 8. Evangelistic mesaaze.
Junior C. E. 6 p.m. Senior and Interme
diate C. E. 7 p.m. Mid-week prayer meet
ing Thursday 8 p.m.
19th and Ferry streets. II. 0. Stover.
minister. Morning worship service at 11.
bermon Achieving Happiness. Trio
"Flee as a Bird to Your Mountain."
Evening service at 8. Bermon "The
Church of My Dreams." The ehoir sings
Praise to the Lord. Tha ehurc
school at 10, Christian Endeavor at 7:15
The Sundav school meet at 9:45 at
Ford Memorial church and at Summit.
The pastor preachea at Ford Memorial
cbureh at 11 a.m. The subject of the
morning discourse will be Life as
Voyage." The Epworth leagues meet at
The evening sermon, the last discourse
of the conference year at 8 p.m. The sub
ject of tha evening discourse will be
Memory and Remembrance. A ahort
session of the quarterly conference will
be held directly after the eTenmg ser
Winter and Jefferson streeta. Hugh B.
Fouke, Jr., minister. Morning worship
at 11 o'clock. The pastor will bring a
message from the General Conference,
A World Church races its Kingdom
Task." The evening will be given to a
young people' a program, beginning at
30 p.m. with the annual graduating
banquet, honoring those who graduate
from the Intermediate and High School
departments. See story elsewhere. Fol
lowing tha banquet, at 8 p.m. the instal-
ation service for the aewly elected offi
cers of tha two leagues will be held at
tha evening aervice. A eandle-light ritu
al, and a message by the pastor on
'Youth a Call to tod God'a Call to
Hayes Bealk pastor. W. E. Savare.
Snpt. Loraine Beeeroft, young People'a
leader. Special Children's day services.
10 . a.m. Morning worship 11 o'clock.
Theme, "The Religion of Jeans and Sur
vival. o evening service.
MIDDLE GROVE Church school at
10 a.m. T. F. Walker. Supt. Children's
day program and address by pastor at
ll. . L. O. z. at 7 p.m. Subject, "How
Honest Are We as Individuals and
Groups 1 Boeiety meeting at the church
Wednesday, B p.m.
LABISH CENTER Church school at
10 a.m. W. A. Starker, Supt. O. E. at
7, with W. R. DaugheTty as leader. Chil
dren'a day program at 8. Mid-week de
votions Thursday at 8 p.m.
CLEAR LAKE Church achool at 10
a.m. W. P. Collard. Supt. Jr.. E. L. C
E. at 11. Intermediate E. L. C. E. at 7
H. R. Seheuerraan, pastor, 1161 Union
street. Salem.
Market sad North Winter streets.
Rl Stewart, pastor. Sunday sehool 9:45
a.m. Morning worship 11 o clock. Ev
aning service S o'elock. Rev. E. W. Winn
who ia conducting a revival meeting at
tha chnreb will preach at both services.
Young People's meeting I o'elock; sub
ject: "Stewardship." Minnis Coode,
Eighteenth and State streets. Rev.
Amos E. Minneman. A. M.. pastor. Ger
man aarvleaa 9:20 a.m. Subject: "Tha
Sufferings ef This Present World. ' Eng.
lish services 10:30 a.m. witn eoniirma
tion and communion. Snbjeet: "Be Thou
Faithful Unto Death and I Will Give
Benefit Concert
: " Ticket! 85c
7 I
The charming social . rnmpll
ments to Miss Hester Davis, who
has proved to be the season's fa
vorite bride-elect, continue to
come. This afternoon Mrs. Jack
Porter. Mrs. Frank Chapman and
Mrs. W. Al Jones will entertain
at Jonesmere, country home of
Mrs. W. Al Jones, in compliment
to Miss Davis.
The affair will be a lovely gar
den luncheon followed by bridge.
The luncheon table will be spread
Boys of the Comrade club of under treat fir trees In the back
the Jason Lee Methodist church ! earden of tha Jones home. Cllmb-
and their leader Luther D. Cook, ng roses over low trellises, bor-
nave piannea an interesting four- ders of lovely garden flowers, and
day trip down the Oregon coast carpet of grass maka of this
highway from Newport to Flor- spot one of'delightful charm and
ence. Deep sea fishing, trout fish- will form a colorful setting for
mg, Deacn rronca ana otner fun the luncheon party,
is looked forward to by the boys. Covers will be placed for 32
This group has started to con- guests.
vert us meeting room at the - The followine week is a busv
church into a sea captain's" cabin, one with informal affair the first
.a . m I
ana mo me Doys win oe on ine part of the week. Wednesday a
lookout on the coast trip for dee- group of Albany friends will en-
oratlons and curios befitting the tertain for Miss Davis at the home
cabln- of Mrs. O. D. Austin. Miss Davis
The boys who will make this with her parents formerly made
win leave on me trip June 24, re- her home In Albany. Mrs. R. W.
turning here the night of the Davis. Miss Hester Davis and Mrs
27th. are: Don Marcy. Richard Percy Kelly will motor to Albany
vanreu. Myron rouxe, cane tor this affair.
jjougias, Kenneth Hunt and Eth- Thursday Mrs. John Pollock
ei Adlard. onrl Mrs. Wvnne Orler will n-
i tertain with a garden party com
plimenting the bride-elect.
Friday Mrs. R. W. Davis and
Miss Davis will entertain for the
hostesses of the past weeks and
for the bridal party. This will be
la bridge tea and will be the last
Saturday, June 18
Woman's Relief Corps, Miller's hall; regular meet-
Sunday, June 19
First reunion of class of 1888-S9 of "Old East Sa
lem" school, with Mrs. Gertrude Savage Kruie, east of
Oregon City, R. F. D. No. 3, box ; for Information call
Mrs. Tom Holman, (798.
Annual gathering of state American War Moth
ers at Champoeg; basket dinner at 1 o'elock; program
at 3 o'clock; those desiring transportation call 885;
inquiries concerning bus call 8811.
Breakfast ride for Salem Riding Academy; leave sta
dium at 8:45 o'clock; breakfast In Painter's Woods.
Wedding Today
Among the many June weddings
in Salem will be that of Miss Hel
en Ashliman, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Louis F. Ashliman, to
Edward Siegmund, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles E. Siegmund, this
morning at 10 o'clock at the Ash
liman home.
Rev. Grover C. Birtchet will
read the simple wedding service In
the presence of the Immediate
families. Mrs. Wayne Laird of
Portland is to be bridesmaid and
Donald Siegmund will act as best
Following a short wedding trip
the young people will be at home
in Eugene where Mr. Siegmund is
in business.
Both Miss Ashliman and Mr.
Siegmund attended the University
of Oregon. Miss Ashliman was af
filiated with the Omicron PI sor
ority and Mr. Siegmund with Beta
Theta PI fraternity.
e livening
Pretty Af fain
Among the many pretty parties
of the week the one for which
Miss Margaret Savage was hostess
Friday night will stand out as a
colorful and happy one.
The guests were received In
rooms made lovely with the use
of many blue canterbury bells,
sweet peas and mock orange. Miss
Savage was assisted in receiving
by Miss Josephine Cornoyer and
Miss Dorothy Alexander.
Out-of-town guests for the even
ing Included Miss Ernestine Mc-
party before the wedding. Uuire oi uaaiana, tti.; miss add
Miss Davis will marry Robert Rped Burns of Portland; Miss Ell
Cosgrove June 29 in a brilliant beth Klelnsore, and Miss France3
Voucher submitted by the Ore- church wedding .. aiewa" s. .vert ou
aJ m Ul U. TO W iiv aui.auu.
Misses: Ruth Fick. Hattle
Mrs. Merle Smith will entertain Ramp, Ruth Chapman. Mary Jane
tonight complimenting the birth- Lau, Dorothy Alexander, Esther
day of her husband. The affair Gibbard, Joseph Cornoyer. Daisy
will be a lawn party. An lmpro- Varley, Alice Speck, Jeryme Up
vised dance floor has been arrang- ston, Elizabeth Bonell, Jeannette
ed and there the 15 or more eou- Park. LuCla Jane Robinson, Doro-
ples will dance during the early thy Krebs, Betty Mae Hartung. Al-
eveningr hours. Cards will also be ta Johnson. Mane r-aiton. Mar-
in play at several tables.
South Commercial atreet at Myers. E.
Barlow Johnson, pastor, 348 E. Myers
street. Fhone 9687. Morning worship 11
o'elock. Sermon, "The Lift of the
Cross." Happy evening honr at 8 o'clock,
opening with the ainging of gospel songs
nnder the leadership of C. S. Orwig and
tha Jnnior choir. Sermon hy the pastor.
Choir number, "Rock of Ages." League
at 7 o'clock. Mid-week service Thurs
day at 7:30.
Church atreet between Chemeketa and
Center streets. Rev. P. W. Eriksen, paa
tor. "Christ in Mart of Human Need,"
11 a.m. Divine worship, special mnsic
by the choir. Sunday achool at 8:45. A.
A. Krueger, Supt. Luther League at 8:80.
Devotionala Tuesday at 2:30. Mrs. Claude
H. Glenn 'a Division of the Guild are
having a social gathering at the church
parlors. Refreshments will be served.
gon hoard of graduate nurses.
covering the expenses of one of
its officers while attending a re
cent convention at San Antonio,
Texas, yesterday was referred to
the executive department by W.
W. Ridehalgh, special Investigator
for the state board of control.
The voucaer contained items
aggregating 2 70. Ridehalgh said
he objected particularly to Items
for meals and taxi service. The
cost of breakfast ranged from
80 cents to $1.25, with charges
for luncheon varying from SO
cents to $1.10. Many dinners
were listed at $1.50. The taxi
service ranged as high as $1 per
Ridehalgh declared that he
would refuse to approve the
voucher, and that It would not
be paid until it has received the
sanction of the board of control.
garet Burdette, Lola Dale Pickens,
Eleanor Wagstaff. Martha
Sprague, Eleanor Trlndle, Frances
Ellis, Julia Johnson and Jean Pat
High and Center streets. D. J. Howe,
pastor. Residence 1024 K. Winter, 9:45
a.m. Bible school. All the departments
of the modern ehnreh school maintained.
11 a.m. worship. Observance of the Lord's
supper, followed by preaching. Sermon
by the pastor, "Possessing the Land." 7
p.m. Christian Endeavor meetings. 8 p.m.
Evangelistic service. Sermon, The De
monstration of the Spirit." Mid-week ser
vice, prayer and Bible study Wednesday,
7:30 p.m.
420 State street over Man' a shop. Sun
day achool 10 a.m. Morning services 11
a.m. Evanrelistie service 7 :45. Meetings
Tnesdaj, Thursday and Saturday nighta.
Daily Vacation
Bible Studies
Near Last Week
The third and final week of the
DailyVacatlon Bible school at the
Jason Lee Memorial church will
begin Monday. Thursday, at 7:30
p.m. there will be a program and
demonstration of the school to
which all parents and friends of
the pupils are Invited. .
After the program, opportunity
will be given for "open house" to
view the various hand work and
activity ideas of the sehool.
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Davis and
Miss Hester Davis will be among
the Salem people to attend the
Masonic picnic at Idlewood park
this week end. Mr. Davis will de
liver the address of the day.
Expect Dakota
Picnic to Draw
Big Attendance
Program for the annual state
Dakota picnic, which last year
drew out a crowd of 600 people.
is now being arranged, accord
ing to H. I. Standley of Salem,
president of the state group. J.
Burton Crary, also of Salem, is
The gathering will be held
August 14 at the Salem muni
cipal auto park, where there is
plenty of room to accommodate
such a crowd. Sports, music and
one or two brief talks will fea
ture the day, in addition, of
course, to a big basket dinner.
Clark Singers
Aiding Revival
The Clark singers, will, open an
Evangelical crusade at the gos
pel tent, Marlon and High street,
Sunday afternoon at 3 p. m.
These singers are featured solo
ists over radio station KWJJ,
Portland. Edith Wilson Clark Is
the evangelist and Is a speaker of
marked ability and will deal with
many timely subjects. Services are
held each evening at 7:45.
First Baptist
Marion and N. Liberty Sts.
11 A. M. "The Christian's
8 P. MiThe Millenium,
What Willlt Be Like?-
Male Chorus and Mixed Chorus
Will 81ng at Both Services
Hubbard One of the outstand
ing social events of the season
was the dinner for the members
of the Woman's club and their
husbands at Playmore park
Thursday night.
Canterbury bells were used to
decorate the tables and there was
a corsage of sweet peas lor eacn
The program was as follows:
"Looking backward," Ellen Carl,
president; "Looking forward
Sadie Scholl, Incoming president;
"Progress", Dr. P. O. Riley.
In the radio broadcast Edna
Wallace Hopper was portrayed by
Ida Garland; states' parade-Ore
gon, Mrs. Coble de Lespinasse;
Ueanette Cramer, Mrs. Waldo
Brown; Mrs. Ethel Punkin, Mrs.
E. U. Anderson, Walter Winchell,
Orlle Boje; a group of accordion
solos, Mr. Joe Shindler of Portland.
Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. J. R. Bidgood from Indepen
dence, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Miller
from Klamath Falls. Mr. and
Mrs. L. A. Bcckman from Salem,
and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mack,
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. de Lespinasse.
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Stauffer, Mr.
and Mrs. E. U. Anderson, Mr. and
Mrs. George Grlmps, Mr. and Mrs.
L. M. Scholl, Mr. and Mrs. L. G.
Dewolf, Dr. and Mrs. P. O. Riley,
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Boje, Mrs.
Audrey Wells, Mrs. Ellen Carl,
Mrs. Ida Garland, Mrs. Neva Mc
Kensle, Mrs. Blanche Brown, Mr.
Ed Erlckson, Mrs. James Taylor,
Mrs. Minnie Melvln and Mrs. M.
N. dissell. '
Nuptials Told
Wednesday evening at 9 o'clock,
a lovely wedding was solemnized
at the home of Mrs. W. I. Morri
son, near Independence, when
Miss Viola Detlefs of Salem and
Carl Corrison of Independence
were united in marriage. The im
pressive ceremony was perform dd
by Rev. Stannard of Independence
before an Improvised altar of
roses, delphinium, and ferns.
Tne nriae was necomingiy at
tired in a gown of corn-flower
blue and carried an arm boquet
of garden sweet peas, brides rose
buds, and orange blossoms. Miss
Alice Detlefs sister of the bride
acted as bridesmaid and Sam
Hannem as best man. The brides
maid wore a floral printed frock
of pastel shades and carried a
bouquet of sweet peas and snap
dragons. Following the cere
mony, refreshments were served
to the following guests:
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Detlefs,
Miss Alice Detlefs, Miss Helen
Detlefs. Miss Evelyn Detlefs, Mr.
William Detlefs, Dr. and Mrs. L.
P. Buchholz, Barbara Louise
Bnchhols, Lloyd Buchhols, Mlrfs
Helen Newberry, Miss Susan Esau,
Mr. and Mrs. Wiesner, Daryle
Wlesner. all of Salem; Ira Turner.
Chemawa; John Detlefs of Co-
aullle: Lester Smith, West Salem;
Mrs. W. J. Morrison, Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Pagenkotf, Mr. and Mrs. Mark
Strieker, Sam Hannem, Roy Bur-
dick, all of Independence.
The bride Is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Detiers, ba
lem, and the gToom Is the son of
Mrs. W. I. Morrison of Indepen
Mr. and Mrs. Morrison will
spend a siort honeymoon at the
Oregon beaches and upon their
return, will be at home at the
Morrison ranch near Indepen
dence. Jolly Equestrians
Plan Breakfast Ride
Sunday mornings are not wast
ed bv members of Salem Riding
academy. Early they are up and
ready for some sort of outdoor ac
tivity. This Sunday morning a
group of these enthusiastic eques
trians will gallop off at 8:45,
making for Painter's wood. Here
they will ride for some time and
then enjoy breakfast cooked out
in the open.
Those making up the riding
party include Miss Kathleen En
gel, Miss June GalneP, Miss Mar
mlon Connor, Miss Kan Putnam,
Miss Irma Bolander. Miss Helen
Ramsden, a special guest; Mr. and
Mrs. George Allan, RuBsell Wood
ry, Verne Holt, Mrs. Ray Busick
and Miss Esther Tibbet.
The group will be attended by
the riding master, John Newman.
Large Reception
Greets New Pastor '
A . large reception was given -
Rer. and Mrs. B. W. Petticord "
Friday night at the First Evan
gelical church. The affair was the
first .to greet the new pastor and
his family. Rev. Petticord will
take his place for the first time..
In the local pulpit Sunday morn- -ing.
A banquet was served at 1:39'
o'clock in the church dining room,'
speeches of welcome and Intro
duction were extended at this
Following the banquet hear a'
program of special musio and ad
dresses was given. Department'
heads including representatives of
the executive board and trustee.
and from L. L. Thornton, super
intendent of the Sunday school.
Mrs. G. N. Thompson. Lawrence
Maves, and Mrs. August miflcker
gave brief wecomlng talks and to
these Rev. Petticord responded.
Special music was given by a
girls' trio, a solo by Miss Kath
leen Phelps and an organ prelude
by Mrs. Ethel. Poling Phelps.
An Informal social evening fol
lowed the program hour.
This was the second reception
to have been sponsored by the Ev
angelical church within the week.
The first was in compliment to
Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Pollag, re
tiring pastor of the church.
About 150 members of the
church and many friends culled to
bid farewell to Rev. and Mrs. Pol
ing, who left this week for Port
land where they will meke their
A banquet was served and a
program of eulogies to the retir
ing pastor and his wi'e and appre
ciative summaries of work accom
plished were given by prominent
members of the church and friend
of long standing.
Bethel The Dorcas club met
Wednesday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. John Spranger, Mrs. Os
car Holter of Portland, Mrs. A. H.
Fuestman and Mrs. Roy March-
The narrow scarf is a new de
tail to flatter the wearer's face.
Here it trims a stunning sports and were esta for the after
dress Of White. On Which thennnn. n,1 Un rMtmsn nMma
scarf and belt In bine create a I. m-miw,r f . inh.
BROOKS June it Mr. ana delightful, contrasting note. The Uemhara nrutnt wares Mrs
Mrs. Leroy Murdick have as their bodice effects jacket-like lines Ben Williams and Jamie, Mrs. A.
guest their daughter, Mrs. Leslie iOT a Mm, front pleated skirt. L EoM and Rntn Mri. j. A Hain
Roll, of Rochester, N. T. Mrs. The model, howeve, is one-plect. and Jean. Mrs. A. C. Spranger
Roll will spend the summer with J" I are Included. Good and Mlnalee, Mrs. J. M. Nichols,
her parents and other relatives ,n "en, pique, shantung, silk, or Mrg Ca9g jnols and children.
la this commtinlty. Mrs. Hilda m , Mrs. J. D. Clark, Mrs. W. T.
Pattern 2344 Is obtainable on-
Brlnkley, Mrs. M. H. Utter. Mrs.
O. Lauderback. Mrs H. H.
Moselv of Los Angelas. Cel.. ar
rlvatri tiT antn Unndsv tn ananfl I 'J u aiica a 10 v ana so I t
s.i.-i , 1S ' Boles. Evelyn and Norma June
8 1-inch fabric. yard contrast- Ld th. ho ' M SDr.nee-
- latardar, Taaa it ,
XOAO 60 Ka.. OarvaBU
8:10 Maaiea ay apanaTa.
ll;5 Marias raparta, araps aad waath
ar frasi.
1 :80-4-n elub roauasr seaaol aaaasaVly
, aaarvsa by rial uaaa, aaeratary
ax atata.
8:30 Rands-BtritmaUr arthsstra.
T:48 Mark at raparta, aropa a4 waata
.. ar fertcaat. r-
S :0O --a clan snmtBttr sooi wacraai
by Jl(atioaa from : Xtmaaaa '
Saas tlftaaa aaata (IBs) ta
aoias ar atanpa (tain a araiarraa).
tor aaeh pattarm. WrtM plaiary
yaar aaaaa. addrasa an4 atyla ana
Mr Ba ami to atata ats vaatad.
Toar aaasaiar vardraba aaa ba
pbrnaad . aaaily - aad iaaxpaaaiaaly
wttk tha asitataaea ( aar aarrant
S-par laahloa aatalof. Taa bast
af tha asoa'a aftcrnoam, tparta
aal avaalaf track a, Hagaria, aaaaa
Araaaas aaa kMdiaa' aoodala all
parteaaDy aaaaaa by Aaaa Adaaa,
ara aaada availabla tbraafb this
baaatifal aaok. 8a tor yaav cpy
today. Prlca af aatatog. flfsaaa
aaata. Catalog aad pattara tofatb
ar. twaaty-fiva aaata. 1 4draas all
so all aad ardars to fitataaaaa Pat
ten Dapartnaat, 148 Waat ITta
Btraat, Raw York City.
and the hostess Mrs. Spranger
. The next meeting of the club
will ha with Mrs. Carmalite Wed
die In Salem.
Jefferson Mrs. 8. A. Pease
was pleasantly surprised Tuesday
afternoon, when a number of her
I friends gathered at her home oa
Third street for a surprise party,
in honor oi her. birthday anni-
i versa ry,
Those present were the honor
I guest, Mrs. 3. A- Pease, Mrs. V. D.
Looney. Mrs. A. B. Hins, Mrs
Fred Wled. Miss E. Roland, Mrs.
Evelyn Wall. Mrs. J. G. Fontaine,
iMrs. .W H. Sherman. Mrs. C. M.
OUiiiU) jsia. , wa Auy y- 1
Addle Libby an Mrs. o. C Ma
West Salem The final silver
tea sponsored by the Matrons of
the Ladles' Aid society of the
Ford Memorial church, was held
at the home of Mrs. J. R. Bedford
Wednesday afternoon with a good
Mrs. Frank Forrester and Mrs.
Elmer Rlerson were In charge of
the entertainment, which was
very pleasing and varied with a
"Hodge Podge", in which each
one present participated, a vocal
solo by Mrs. Guy Newgent, self
accompanied, and a humorous
Irish letter by Mrs. Forrester.
Mrs. C. L. Dark was presented
with a beautiful quilt. Hostesses
were Mesdames John Evsns, C.
L. Dark and J. R. Bedford.
Those present Included Mes
dames C. H. Creasy. J. I. Miller,
Bertha K. Englehorn, Frank For
rester. H. J. Carter, Elmer Rler
son, W. D. Phillips. C. L. Dark,
Anna Pattison, Guy Newgent, Ed
ward Brock, Robert Pattison, Phil
Hathaway. Charles Phillips, John
Evans, John Marr. Darrel T.
Bradford and J. R. Bedford, host-
The Standard Bearer girls of
Jason Lee church were enter
tained at the home of Miss Gatha
Bressler Monday evening. Miss
Blanch Banmgartner led the de
votions and Beatrice Burton gave
the lesson. Refreshments were
served. Those present were the
Misses Ester Black. Wllma God
sey Hazel Mason. Grotchen Gam
cr. Wanda Gamble. Lorretta fro.
Jean Gardner, Betty Foike,
Blanche Banmgartner. Beatrice
Burton. Marguerite Clark, Gert
rude Hahut, Mary Lois Driggs,
Helen Marcy, Gatha Bressler,
their advisor Mrs. A. T. Waller,
Mrs. -George Bressler and Mrs
J. W. Clark.
Dancing Party
Is Jolly Evening
A Jolly affair for a group of the
younger set was the garden danc
ing party given Thursday night tt
the W. G. Morehouse home wit1!
Miss Edith Morehouse as hostest
The tennis court In the More
house gaTdens had been arranpel
for a dance floor. The back step
had been decked with roses aad
mock orange and Japanese Ian- v
terns strung over the court coa-
pleted a delightful decorative note
as well a3 give light for dancing.
Refreshments were served at a
late hour and at this time tire
young hostess was assisted by her
mother and Mrs. Charles Kauf
man. Guests of .Miss Morehouse in
cluded Miss Dorothy Kibbe.,Mis
Cora Edgel, Miss Emlyn Griggs,
Miss Flavia Downs, Miss Barbara
Pierce, Miss Virginia Cross. Min
Jessie Stover, Miss Mary Franets
Henderson, Miss Isobel Morr
house. Miss Ruth Jean Garajobst,
Dick Niles, Jack Lnnsford, Tom
my Skinner of Pasadena, Roder
ick Livesley, Delbert Anderson,
David Compton, Stewart Bush, Co
burn Grabenhorst, Robert Mason,
Dick Terpening, Robert Brad;
Merle Waltz and Alva Raffety.
General Aid Will
Elect Officers
The General Aid of the Flr.t
Methodist church will elect offi
cers at its last regular meeting
of the season to be held Wednes
day afternoon at the church.
Mrs. W. C. Young, president of
the aid will preside after a.i
absence of nearly three months.
Mrs. Young has been I'.l and un- -
able to attend.
Following the election of offi
cers and conclusion of business
for the spring term, tea will b
served under the sponsorship ef
the South East circle of which
Mrs. Rarmond M. Waltz Is president.
The Royal Neighbor Sewing
club recently met for an all-day
meeting at the home of Mrs.
LeoT.a WItzell on North Seven
teei'fh street. A covered dis
luncneon was served at noon a:.
tables centered with baskets of
sweet peas. Hostess for the aff?)r
was Mrs. Witzell assisted by Mr.
A. J. Geise and Mrs. J. W. Siir.-
Members present in addition t
the hostess committee Included:
Mrs. , Elizabeth Cheney. Mrs, Ls-
verne Flala, Mrs. Sarah Harder.
Mrs. Shepard, Mrs. Irene SpeeJ.
Mrs. Mary Johnson, Mrs. Carrie
Bunn, Mrs. Laura Myers, Mrs. ;
Ruth Sherman, Mrs. Sylvia Gard
ner, Mrs. Azzel Hlxson, Mrs.
Lewis, Mrs. Ida McCully, Mrs.
Sarah Peterson, Mrs. Helen Per
sons, Mrs. Rose Abbott. Mrs.
Walker and Mrs. Hoyt.
Jefferson Members of the
Woman's Foreign Missionary so
ciety motored to the country home
of Mrs. Blancne Ldhby two ana
one-half miles northeast, of town,
for their regular monthly meet-
Ing, Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Fontaine was the devotion
al leader. Mies Llbby gave a talk
on the lesson study. Interesting
readings were given by Mesdames
G. C. Mason, Mrs. T. H. Downs, H.
S. Thurston, J. O. Fontaine, C. M.
Smith, Chas. McKee. The mystery
box questions were in charge of
, Mrs. Earl Lynes.
Siupiey's y june
Every article in th
ttore creatlv re-
. . and Ba Kvar esantiaa.
son. - V