The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 11, 1932, Page 4, Image 4

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h? Th6 OREGON STATESMAN. SaUta, Oregon, Saturday Morning; Jane 11. 1933 F:V
. "M Foror Sways Us; No Fear Shall Awe'
From First Statesman, March 28, 1851 v
Charles A. Sprague, Sheldon F. Sackett, Publi$her$
Charles A. S Prague ..... Editor-Manager
Sheldon F. Sackett ----- Managing Editor
Member of the Associated Press
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Entered at th Pottoffice at Salem, Oregon. at-Second-Clas$
Matter. Published every morning except Monday. Butinet
office. tl5 S. Commertnal Street.
If 11 Subscription Rates, in Advance. Within Oregon: Dally and
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A New Butter and Egg Man
IN the golden days of the "new" era" k phrase sprang up
representing the very height of pagan indulgence : "but
ter and egg man". It was in truth an unwarranted aspersion
on the character of those who engage in the useful and or
dinarily rather drab business of merchandising eggs and but
ter to the great American public. Yet it did typify the ex
travagance of the period, when even "butter and egg" men
' could rollick around night clubs in riotous fashion. .
The butter and egg business, she ain't what she used to
be, just like the old grey mare. Butter fat down in the 'teens
and eggs just hovering at the 'teen price mark, why there
are few cocktails and wild parties left in the business. But
a new "buttr and egg" man appears on the horizon of
southern Oregon. This is no roisterer; but a pious elder,
W. G. Harding, secretary of the Rosehurg chamber of com
merce. Distressed at the ills of the owners of cows and chick
ens Mr. Harding cogitated. His brain incubated and after a
certain length of time it hatched an idea ; and this is Hard
ing's idea, which gains publicity through the columns of his
home town paper:
"The creation of national butter and egg days, encouraging
everyone to use as much of these products as possible during a
certain three days each month".
There we have it ; three days a month a hundred million
people will crack eggs and spread the butter on thickly. The
wheat men should favor it, because the butter needs a car
rier, bread, none better.
The idea is a good one; but we wonder how the Ump
qua valley will be able to market all the rest of its varied
products. There are only SO days fn the month, with an oc
casional extra, which gives but ten groups of threes. And
here come the broccoli, the prunes, the canteloupe, the tur
keys, the lamb arid mutton, the apples and pears, the water
melons, all fine products of the rich valley. When will they
get their turn? Brother Harding better be careful or he will
be accused of favoritism and discrimination.
We see little virtue in the idea of the new butter and egg
man. It would be well, indeed for folk to partake three days
a month of eggs and butter, separately or in pairs. But our
own opinion is that with butter at the price it is, and eggs at
the price they are a vast number of families are making
butter and eggs days about 30 days a month, and doing so in
a balanced diet which does not pall the appetite or do in
justice to the vendors of other foodstuffs.
We Agree With Gov. Meier
TTTE agree with Gov. Meier's estimate of Leslie M. Scott,
W that "he is generally regarded as the best highway
chairman we have evef had since the commission plan was
adopted." Scott has been making a full-time job of it. In
stead of relying on "Jjorseback surveys" he has gone over
routes himself, along with engineers, spending days in the
field. These personal surveys have led to selection of loca
tions for nem-xoads which will save hundreds of thousands
of dollars in construction costs and provide routes that are
most practicable to service the motorists.
It Is a tough question to decide, that of issuing more
bonds for road work. Oregon has issued about as many
road bonds as it should do in. safety. Our credit is still good,
but our outstanding debt is one of the very highest per cap
ita in the nation. Only as an extreme resort should more
bonds be issued even for relief work.
Gov. Meier is properly sensitive to the human needs of
men and women; and is supported in this by Aaron Frank
who has been a leader in the relief work in Portland, bome
ways must be. devised for ministering to human need ; if at
all Dossible without the issuance of road bonds.
At all events Chairman Scott should be retained in his
office. The cohimission has gained full public confidence and
its personnel should not be disturbed. We are glad the gov
ernor was able to get Mr. Scott to- withdraw his resignation,
presented because of a difference in policy over issuing more
road bonds.
Honoring an Oregon Author
FHlHAT indefatigable apostle of Oregon history, Dr. J. B
X Horner, is the good genius who inspired the Linn chap
ter of Daughters of the American revolution to erect a mon
ument or marker honoring Frederic Homer Balch at Tall
man. which is near Lebanon on the Albany road. The mon
ument will stand on the site of the school that Balch first
attended. The dedicatory exercises will be held Sunday aft
emoon at two o'clock in charcre of the Linn chapter.
- Frederic Balch is the author of "The Bridge of the
Gods", and was born at Lebanon in 1861. He entered the
ministry but his early interest in literature bore fruit in
Doetnr. historical sketches, novels. "The Bridge of the Gods"
was woven about the legendary crossing over the gorge of
the Columbia. It is a romantic treatment of the fabled bridge
which linked the Cascade range in prehistoric time.
As author of one of the earliest novels of the Oregon
country, and one which still is a DODular seller. Balch de
serves the tribute which Dr. Horner and the good ieople of
his native county are thus paying to his memory.
Comrade Harris has passed on to the final grand reunion. This
tine old veteran of the Civil war was a sterling figure, and retained
his physical and mental vigor remarkably well to the a?e of 93.
He was typical of the thousands of voatha of the 'GO'S who answer-
Id Father Abraham's call in defense of the union; and lived to see
we nation ne fought to save crown rich and great.
Yesterday Statesman reporters
asked this question: "Should the
state of Oregon Issue one to two
million dollars la. additional
highway bonds in order to give
eedy men work?"
Norral E. Edwards, wholesale
incat dealer: "Why yes. I think
it would be all right."
raul .Hand, .Capital .Second
Hand store: "I would be in fa
vor of such an issue if the federal
government could be induced to
appropriate an equal amount of
money to go with that which the
state appropriates."
V. E. Kuhn, shoe repairing:
Personally, I don't believe it
a good policy, with oar pres
ent indebtedness and general at
"Rembrandt belongs to the
breed of artists which can have
no posterity. His place is with
the Michelangeolos, th Shakes
peares, the Beethovens. An ar
tistic Prometheus, he stole the
celestial fire, and with it pat
life into what was inert, and ex
pressed the immaterial and eva
sive sides of nature in his
breathing forms." Michel
Final Rites Said
For David Jackson
At Capacity Crowd
W00D3URN, June 10 Last
rites for David D. Jackson, prom
pent Woodburn business man and
eat estate operator, who took his
Iwn life Tuesday by plunging into
Pudding river, were held Thurs
day afternoon at the Methodist
church. So many persons attended
that not all could get In the
aurch. There were a number of
arge and beautiful floral pieces.
Rev. Glenn S. Hartong officiated.
Mrs. Welsenberg, Deli Weisen
brg, Katherlne MeCormack. An
yone Hanaaska and Frank DwBols
sang. Miss Margery Howe played
the piano accompaniment.
Pallbearers were members of
the drill team of the local United
Artisans assembly. They were El
mer Anne, Max Waring, Ervia
Falconer, Donald Jon. Garth
Harlan and Wylas Freeman. In
terment was at the Bolle Pass!
CHEMAWA, Jane 10 Reed
Austin, local director of arricnl.
tare at the Chemawa school, and
Mrs. Austin left Wednesday night
by train for Montnic. Wisconsin.
where they will spend their an
nual month's vacation. They hare
reiauves sea menas there.
'm J? 1$
vHlHe W&4$$ZZlf If
New Views
Daily Thought
LIBERTY, June 10 Miss
Frances Hrubetz, who has been
teaching in Lindsey. California,
has returned home for the sum
Navigatlng the Umpqua:
S m
Waiting's history of the south
ern Oregon counties, published in
1884, says: The Umpqua Is sec
ond only to the WUlamette of the
interior streams of Oregon in ita
value as an artery of commerce. . .
In 1879 it was surveyed by gov
ernment engineers, from whose
report the following is condensed:
"It rises in the Cascade moun
tains and flows westward for 180
miles, measured along Its sinuosi
ties, entering the Pacific ocean
17S miles south of the mouth of
the Columbia. Its principal
branches are the North and South
Cmpqna, which nnite 9( miles
above its mouth. It drains with its
tributaries an area of 4200 square
miles. . . Scottsburg. . . . 2S miles
from Its mouth, is the head of nav
igation. . . The entrance to Ump
qua bay presents th same . . .
general outline as the sea ... No
change of importance Is percepti
ble in the form and position of the
bar, as shown by the U. 8. coast
survey of 1852. The engineers
made the soundings across the
bar, and found IS feet the least
depth at low tide. . . The survey
mentioned was requested by the
citizens of Scottsburg tor the pur
pose of ascertaining th feasibility
and cost of removing the obstruc
tions to navigation between that
point and Gardiner."
The estimated cost was found to
be $11,110. With this report the
matter was dropped, no subse
quent action being taken either by
the government or interested res-
Daily Health Talks
MANY a person worrying ever
increasing weight resorts to
patent medicines and quack
remedies to check the increase,
without taking medical advice. It
never enters
his mind that
he should con
sult a physi
cian, so he con
tinues habits
that increase
his weight and
takes drugs
that may un
dermine his
I do not fa
vor the rigorous
dieting which I
V -1 ! - V.. V.
of a fad in recent years. There
is apt to be danger, in every
fad. Foods that will be useful
vary with each individual, hence
a diet most be carefully pre
scribed that la exactly fitted to
the given case, and this can be de
termined only after a thorough
physical examination. .
Thorough study of the heart and
circulation is essential, to discover
the conditions of these organs and
thus determine whether exercise
can be prescribed, and how much
can be taken without injury. High
blood pressure calls for special at
tention, and if the blood pressure
is abnormally loir, rigid dieting
mav be danrerous.
The urine should be analysed,
and tested particularly for albu
men and sugar. Let me impress
upon any readers that diabetes is
more frequently found in a per
son who is overweight than in a
thin individual. In many cases
blood analysis for sugar and pro
tein waste products is important, '
because the urine may show ne
sugar, although there is actually
an excessive amount in the blood.
Overweight may be due to a
glandular disturbance, and more
than one gland may be involved.
A superabundance of flesh may
be a sign of what the doctors caQ
a metabolic disease, and if it is
due to a disturbance in metabol
ism, it is advisable that a basal
metabolic test be performed by the
attending physician. This Is a
simple procedure, giving definite
and useful information, and I will
explain it in a later article.
After this test, the condition
may be properly treated by the
use of certain medicine. In such
a case thyroid substance may be
given, but only under . the super
vision of a physician, for thyroid
extracts are dangerous when used
by inexperienced persona.
As a rule obesity is caused by
excessive eating and -reducing
weight by controlling the appetite
is to omy sate procedure, its
only drawback is that it reauire
time and patience. Remember that
reducing several pounds a week it
C dangerous folly and that many
serious complications result from
this practice. A loss ef one pound
a week it sufficient and more
should not be attempted.
If every person desirous, of lad
ing weight will consult a physic i'i
before starting to reduce, V
healta will not be injured, and by
wis direction his goal will be attained.
CHAPTER FIFTY-FOUR I "Ton'T ehaaged," ah said -
Robin moved toward him elowly.nally.
j .V..1 "Sa Bivi vol.
. TV I T cider, rve done what I
irmr:-" tT7JT ' I started out t do."
herl T always knew you would. I was
on he had ever seen before.
"He's got a good head;
father said, taking the little boy on vr nrpra wnen 7f
vi. w. rut til from TonrQroa u va n m -
Answer to Health Qnerie j
; J. J. B. Q. I have thin aims
for the sis of my body, what
would you advise? - ,
' Aw For f ufl irtlculars restate
your question and send a stamped
slf -addressed envelop. - -
W. R. Is it a good idea to
stop eating neat entirely, if so
what goodr bad does it do!
A A portion f meat should
be included in th diet daily, un
less advised otherwis by your doc
tor, i
OnvrrUM. Ml. B3ac tatvta SraOnta be
idents. Resuming the text in Wait
ing's history:
"As the main artery of the val
ley, the navigability of the Ump
qua was formally discussed, and
Curtis Stratton attempted to dem
onstrate the feasibility of running
flatboats laden with agricultural
produce down the river to scotts
burg and here selling the vessel
for what the lumber would bring.
having no hope of being able to
ascend the river with any craft.
This bold navigator made his ex
perimental voyage in a small skiff.
manned by two or three persons,
and for the sake of impresslveness
carried a flag and a tin horn
whose tootings resounded through
the wooded hills and rocky can
yons of the Umpqua. Their report
of the difficulties they encoun
tered destroyed all hope of navi
gating the river, for a Km at
least, steam power not then hav
ing entered into the calculation.
"The Swan, steamer com
manded by Captain Hahn, ascend
ed the river as tar as Roaebnrg In
1870. Th distance from ScotU
burg to Rose burg was stated to be
nearly 100 miles. . . A move was
made to secure appropriations
from the general government for
the purpose of Improving th
channel, as Captain Hahn reported
that the expenditure of a few hun
dred dollars would enable vessels
like his to pass the rapids with
facility, except in seasons of ex
treme low water.
"Shortly after the initial voyage I
a company known as the Mer
chants and Farmers' Navigation
company was Incorporated, with
th object of 'navigating the Ump-
qua river from Gardiner to Can
yonville or as far as practicable.
"The directors of the corpora
tion were J. C. Flood, president:
T. P. Sheridan. J. C. Hutchinson.
D. C. McClallen and S. W. Crane.
Asher Marks was treasurer and
James Walton secretary. (This
was Judge James Walton, after
wards of Salem, father of Mrs.
Sheldon F. Sackett, secretary of
Governor Meier.) Th capital
stock was fixed at $12,000. Cap
tain Hahn a services were engaged
and a suitable steamer was imme
diately constructed. The vessel
was built under the direction of
Captain Hahn.- and was completed
in August, 1870. Her name was
the Enterprise, and her cost with
incidentals was about $8000.
' "The directors of the company
advertised their rates for freight
ing from Gardiner, which were aa
follows: To Scottsburg $3 per
ton; to Calapooia $10, to Rose
burg $12, and to landings abov
th latter -place $14. The rates
down river were Just one-half the
hp river tolls.
"In editorial comment upon
these events, the Plalndealer
(Roseburg) remarked: 'There is
now no doubt that the Enterprise
will b able to come to Roseburg
tor at least four months in the
year, and. with very little im
provement of the river, will be
able to make her trips for eight
months. Th difficulties In th
way of navigation are more appar
ent than real, th distance from
Scottsburg to Roseburg being 109
miles, and th altitude of th lat
I ter place being about $00 feet (ae-
itnauy zzi and Winchester 211
and Canyonvlll SIS) abov mean
tide. The" Improvements required
consist principally in blastlag
.rocks from the channel. There la
sufficient water to secure naviga
confined In on bed, -and th Im
provements, if . one made, will
last -forever. Some few wlagdams
may b necessary on th South
Umpqua, but th expense- of these
will be comparatively trifling. Th
estimated cost of these Improve-
motrTsidrWou W hhTd about you inmagaxine. and thing.
. - d i. i- vs mi.., I Tt was fata
c L. v. iv v ltv.lknow. I eouldnt tell you. Besides
.k. .if.i. mw nohodvl. . . what does it matter. If all
r LLTT.,: . . Robin, dar- arer. Sit down-tell me about your-
i: i- i. v.n fn f in I self.'
rw-wntiiidatha door. I "Not much to ten. Ifa yon
ww m " . m
- J IK' ailnnf.I A I WnO
ust And then grand-dad and you "Who made th front page? No
j v -ti v.t" I I saw rour name in the papers
noArt. rrnd-AAm I often enough. I aaved the clip-
- mnM-mm I Dinrs "
vw. .1-.-. ..u v. .jMitjut I "NotMn to my credit." he said.
yon know," ah continued, still a "Oh! Some would think ao. But
little unsteadily. "It seemed the I tell me. If you did read about me,
-- - I didnt you think I might have liked
-Yes. I know. I always figured hear A WlSi
-u h ft vonr own war. gTatulation a line something T
m. v . i ;:iThat was hard to take. Ken'
mv if w.tnral. von, ukin- a I Sh had not meant to aay that
i & j 4. t I- j. ..t. i;iIIt slipped out.
w.. .tW ont of th war.l "Hard to take! After you left me
But I always thought ... and ofl"" ... .
. vw rL.- TBVTf I Tin flattered that you think
w. i wni m m did. An these year IVe had to live
all Ho- Oh this Is olnr to I down th hurt of having been
v-V V;4 A Kat on t mtlleft
young Sargent outside He's wait- Th look topP !
ing out by the stage door. I told She suddenly too tired, too
vt tm I spent after th performance, the
"You've rot Ken Sanrent her I emotion of meeting him, her father,
k. v I eterything. to go on.
v- nt h th. .fa0.. A n "K doesnt matter." 6h walked
didn't want to come in, but I told 0Ter dressing room, dabbed
him sure, why not? I run Into him her brimming eyes. Remembered
aa we was leaving. Right out on the WM in make-up, and
aldewalk. He'a changed a whole lot, "T minute Marie would be back
Lily Lou. Kind of lost that way Robin . . . with Robin . . .
he used to have that grated on me. "Ya may as well know that I
He seemed kind of blue, walking hjlT "ttl boy five years old."
along by himself, so I spoke to him. He stared at her.
I hope you dont mind" "T0 mean that you, that you
TDon't mind . . . oh, no . . . no. have"
It doesn't matter. Is he coming e- You and L I called him
ml Here?" Robin."
"Unless he's rot tired of waitinr. He was silent for so long that
I kind of forgot him. Guess I'd bet-h conldnt bear it. He shouldn't
ter go along. Maybe IH come see I " tat way. What right had
you at the hotel tonirht. That la. I be to look at her as if she- had
if you aren't busy " I robbed him, when it was all his
"Oh no. I'm not busy. Doalt when he had left her alone,
come " I to work and fight
"Or if you change your mind, rm "Ye1 no right to keep that
staying over at the Traveler s' Hotel rrom me I
on Mission street. I firured I'd stavl "But you but I"
over tonirht." I ' She waa too tired. She eouldnt
"Yes IH call you. Ill AH teH him. "Ken, don't you see that
right, dad goodbye till then 111 1 1 that I couldn't"
see you tonirht " I "Lily Lou darling 1
She went to the mirror, looked at H lted her in his arms, rocked
herself anxiously. It was too late ner sh ed to rock the Bub
to chanre. She had better receive chen. crooning over her, whisperinr
Ken this way, in makeup with 1 016 foolish endearmenta of long
some of the thick of it wiped off. AM ane wept, and clung to
It didnt matter anyway. It was nd wanted to talk, to explain,
really quite funny . . . quite funny, to ask questions ... but she was
"Come in I" she said. too tfred . . . and anyway, what
He stood in the doorway. was the use, when tlisy were to-
He was, as her father said, I STetner again T
changed. She bit her lip. An old,!
nervous ' habit, forgotten years I
ago ... I waited for hours, sir," Marie
"It was nice of you to come," she told Tony. "I had Robin In bed,
said, looking at his broad shoulders, and the child was asleep, but they
his tanned face, his whole alien woke him up. I dont like to have
being. him wok up. He's a high-strunr
He took her hand. "It waa nice I child. He hadnt ought to be woke
of you to let me come. I would not! op like that, and get aD excited.
Mar and Be were disgusted.
Imply disgusted to hear that Ken
and Lay Lou were married agam,
"My goodness, NOW! when ah'
got her career In her hands! Sh "
should hay stayed wjja mm m tn
first place ti she wanted him. Oh,
tt just makes me SICKl" May said.
"Wen, If she's happy . . seas
said doubtfully.
Yes, but it lant erenaa if a
had amounted t anything I Ray
mond got th ' low down on th
whole thing. Didnt I ten yon that
Ken broke with his father nght
after lily Lou left for th cast th
first time, and acted perfectly dla
gracefully down ther In South
America T Baymona saya n
BOASTED about going down there
to drink himself to death . . . yea,
I know he doesnt drink now, I'm
just telling you what this fallow
told Raymond."
"But LDy Lou said he'd mad a
big success with hi coffee planta
tions. Sh said distinctly that he
did an that by himself, without any
help' from hi father and that was
why ah waa so proud ox html"
"Oh, fudge I" May said. "Is ther
any class in a coffee plantation!
Shipping coffee t If he wanted to
do shipping why didnt he stay with
his father, and hav aS that capital
in back of himf Her he la nothing
but a shipper when all th time h
could hav been in 'his father's
officer 1
Bessie worked on the sock sh
was darning. "WelL it's taught me
something. I'm going to let my
kids live their own live. Hes w
broke our necks to make 'an opera
singer out of Lily Lou and an she
wanted was that Ken Sargent.
"And Ken's father broke his neck
to keep them apart and take Ken
in the business, and after five years
they're together again and Ken's
still not in his father's business!"
have intruded, but your father "
"Yes he told me."
"I've been to every performance,
of course. But I wouldn't have in
truded" "No, of course not," she mur
mured, scarcely conscious of what
she was saying. Ther seemed to
be nothing left to aay.'
Here she waa, arid her he was,
and fiv years, five, long hard years
stood between them.
ments is $75,000, which will open
to commerce a more productive
country than th Willamette val
ley. S
" 'Senator Williams (George H.
Williams 1811 to 1871). th
champion of southern Oregon, In
troduced a bill in congress to au
thorise the secretary of war to
make th necessary Improvements,
but the bill failed to pass.
" 'While we believe it to be the
duty of congress to make improve
ments upon the navigable streams,
w ara happy to say that in this
matter we shall not wait for their
action, but will help ourselves.' "
"About the first of February
following, the Enterprise left
Scottsburg on her first trip up th
river, and ascended above Saw
yer's rapids, but, finding the wa
ter diminishing, sh returned to
Scottsburg, and made no further
effort. The winter was uncom
monly dry, and the Umpqua re
mained very low. In January of
1871, th stat legislature memor
ialized congress for an appropria
tion of $75,000 to improve th
navigation of the Umpqua. Some
months before this, namely, in
1870, two officers of th U. S. en
gineer corps. Col. Williamson and
Lieut Herren, were detailed to
make a survey of the river, in or
der to ascertain ita navigability.
rney reported . that it could xba
mad navigable for about seven
month In the year, with a depth
of four feet above low water, from
bcottsourg to Roseburg, for about
$zz,000; and that a steamer could
then carry freight to Roseburg
tor $20 per ton, and the amount
saved annually on imports would
pay for the Improvements."
(Continued tomorrow.)
Madame Lansing hadnt ourht to
stay up an hours like that after a
performance, either. Shell lose her
voice, she will. She's frafl. I dont
Tony took his hat "I wont wait
to see her," he said. "Just give her
my love and tell her she's magnifi
cent In everything ahe does even
the foolish things. That la, if she
asks for me. She may not think
June 11, 1007
Th reports that were received
in this city last Wednesday that
Thomaa Quick had been killed
on a steam shovel on th Colum
bia river proves at this time un
founded. However, Mr. Quick's
grave was 'dug and preparations
made for his burial here before
the news to the contrary waa
received. Tillamook Herald.
We have Just received another
carload of ClarVa- celebrated
buggies, carriages, surreys and
spring wagons. This is probably
one of th best lines manufac
tured la the United States, strict
ly up to date in style, finish and
appearance. Adv. by Wade.
Pearce Co.
Improvement Club
Will Hold Final
Meeting Tuesday
AMITY. Jan 10-Th Woman'.
Civlo Improvement club will meet
ueeday, Jun 14, th horn of Mrs.
A. W. Newby, for th last meet
ing of th club year. Plans ar be
ing mad for a special feature on
th program. Th hour Is at 2:20
p. m.
A Children' Day pageant, "A
Garden of Praise", will b rtvea
at th Methodist church Sunday
. ... .
. .. jaauaews underwent
major operation recently when he
had his left leg amputated abov
th kne. th cans being a blood
clot that had formed following aa
operation xor adhesions.
I Yesterdays
Of Old Sakaa
Town Talks from Th States
man of Earlier Day
The newspapers had the most t
There waa a large picture of
Lily Lou and Ken, as- they-were
sailing for South America, right
after the wedding.
Lily Lou was the proverbial opera
star, wrapped in chinchilla, with
orchids, large as any Nita Nahlmaa
ever wore on her shoulder, smiling
Ken, wearing a polo coat that
wasn't very different from the on
he wore in the old commuting days,
stood in the background, holding
small Robin, a youthful sailor in
blue reefer and cap, by the hand.
The newspaper caption read:
"Madame Lily Lou Lansing, with
her husband, Kentfield Carey Sar
gent, on board the steamer Guada
lupe With them is Robin Lan
sing, Madame Lansing's child by a
former marriage."
Tony was much amused when h
saw the picture and the caption.
He and his friend, the chorus
master, celebrated Lily Lou's wed
ding, in a little Italian restaurant
and .waxed sentimental before th
evening was over.
"Fame," said the chorus master,
"Fame in her ringers! And now sh
wffl never sing again! What a mis
fortune." Tony wrapped several yards "f
spaghetti loosely around hi fork.
When most of it had disappeared!
down his gaping throat he looked
at his friend with wise, dark eye
and shook his head.
"Fame? Poof!" he said. "It I
nothing. Does it matter if you ar
famous, when you are happy?
Justice Speedy
In Slaying Case
KELSO. Wash. June 10 (AP
Slightly mors than 24 hour
after Arthur M. Wines. 28. waa
shot and killed here Wednesday. J.
c. com, 3 8, nls friend and room
mate, was sentenced to serve
from 18 to 22 years in the stat
penitentiary after pleading guilty
to the slaying. Cobb, who ex
pressed remorse, said he killed in
self defense during a drinkinr
bout. He was convicted of second
degree murder.
Chester Fraser. aon of Alder
man A. L. Fraser, Is now building
an automobile which he says will
be th neatest runabout in th
city. It will be propelled by a
four-horse-power gasoline engine.
Jane 11, 1923
The stat fir marshall has no
authority to prevent the as or
the retail sale of firecrackers
and other Fourth of July com-
ousuoies, acco-dlng to an opin
ion of Attorney General Van
Winkle, which overturna an or
der issued by th state fir mar
shal some time ago.
saiem nas Deen selected as
state neadquarters of the Ore
gon branch of the Sanity league
or. America. "II you are in fa
vor of light wines and beer and
ar opposed to blue laws, join th
eanny leagie" is on of the or
ganisation's slogans. Fred W.
Jobelman is stat agent tor th
There ar jome beautiful fir
logs In th river, with th Spauld-
ing brand on them, but they're
really whit elephant. Nin feet
in aiam:er, th logs ar too
large to go through th local
mill. Th will either b shinned
t Portland, or split with dyna
mite. .
Thirteen acres of broccoli
planted by tanners In Cravn
county, if. c.. yielded a return
of 4,200.
NEW YORK. June 10 (AP)
More than $102,000 was raised
toward the democratic presiden
tial campaign fund goal of $1.-
500,000 from May 2$ to June 4,
John W. Davis, general chair
man, reported Thursday.
KEIZER. June 10 Mrs. Ruth
Balr and daughter Joan of Bay
City, and Mr. and Mr. Floyd
Kester and son Gene cam horn
to attend the funeral of their lit
tle nephew, Melvin Unruh. Mrs.
Balr will remain for a short visit
Thatcher Colt solves the
greatest case in his career I
Night Club Lady
Beginning Jan 12 la