The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 10, 1932, Page 6, Image 6

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, June 10, 1932
Graduation Exer
cises to be Held
Of Interest to many 1 the
annual graduation exerciser, of
the senior class of the Capital
Business college, which wilt be
held Friday evening at 8 o'clock
In the college rooms in the Cham
bers building on North High
Immediately following the pre
sentation of the diplomas, an In
formal reception will be held for
the students, parents and friends.
An artistic and colorful dec
orative note carried out In the
use of large baskets and bouquets
of pink snapdragons and roses
and blue delphinium will add to
the attractiveness of the setting.
Eighteen students will receive
their diplomas. This affair is
open to the public and a cordial
Invitation Is extended to all. Fol
lowing Is the program as It will
be given:
Song, America
Marian Brett. Accompanist
Rev. H. R. Scheuerman
Violin Duet Mazza
Dalbert Jepsen. Margaret Savage
B.P.W.C. chorus
.The Lawn Dance
The May Time
Reading, Victory For the Den
tist Anonymous
Marcia Fuestman
Vocal Solos Selected
Gladys Mclntyre Thomas
Mrs Kenneth Rich, accompanist
Address Otto K. Paulus
Presentation of Diplomas ....
President W. I. Staley
Song. Oregon, My Oregon ; .
Prayer .Rev. H. R. Scheuerman
Mrs. M. LeFurgy
Bridge Hostess
Mrs. Margaret LeFurgy was
hostess in her attractive suburban
home near Monmouth Tuesday,
when she entertained with a
smartly appointed bridge break
fast in compliment to members of
the Town and Country club.
A beautiful French bouquet of
pastel blossoms centered the table
where markers were placed for
' Mrs. F. W. Poorman, an addition
al guest, and for Mrs. Homer Gou
let, Mrs. Karl Steiwer. Mrs. Wil
liam McGilchrist, Jr., Mrs. George
White, Mrs. Romeo Goulet, Mrs.
Homer Smith, Mrs. Clarence
Keen of Silverton and for the
hostess, Mrs. Margaret LeFurgy.
The affair closes the activities
of the club until the fall season
A spiritualist circle will be held
Saturday evening at 8 p. m., at
the home of George Stoddard,
1420 North 4th street. Mr3. Mary
Schwedel of Portland will attend
the circle. These meetings ire
open to the public and all interest
ed are invited.
or warm weather there is
huiuiur emarier, crisper or more
comforting than simple tailored
frocks fashioned of cotton or lin
en. Here is a smart model with
straight details that are really
tunning. The bodice yoke, the
afcort sleeves repeating the square
design and the skirt seaming are
intensively attractive. Choose
white, one of the ravishing pastels
r a gay print and wear a leather
belt that contrasts.
Pattern 2343 is obtainable onlv
ill sizes 12 to 20 and 30 to 4 0.
Bize 16 requires 3 yard? of 36
irtch fabric.
fcnil fifteen cent (13et to
coin-or tarapi (coins prefer-ed ).
lor each pattern. Write plainly
yoar name, address and stjl num
ber Be aura to state aize wanted.
Teur summer wardrobe can be
planned easily and inexpensive);
with the assistance of our current
32-paga fashion catalog. The best
"f the season's afternoon, aporta
and evening frocks, lingerie, hoase
dresiea and kiddies' models all
personalty chosen by Anne Adams,
are made available through this
beautiful boak. 8nd for yeur rnpy
today. Price of catalog, fifteen
eenla. Catalog and paiurn togeth
er, twenty-five cent, tidress all
mail and ordera to Statesoaa Pat
ter Department, 43 West !7tb
Street. Kew york Cttj.
q "j 15552:
Ss Ouve M. DOAK.
Friday, June 10
Missionary society of First Baptist church, with
Mrs. H. F. Durham, 2:30 o'clock.
Graduation exercises . for Capitol Business college
students in assembly room of school. 8 o'clock; Otto
Paulus speaker; musical program; public invited.
Little Light Bearers of First Methodist church,
birthday party and celebration of 40th anniversary.
Special meeting of Auxiliary to Marlon Post, Vet
erans of Foreign Wars, with, Mrs. Roy M. Remington,
2172 Chemeketa street.
Saturday, June 11
Spiritualistic circle, Saturday, June . 11, 8 p. m. at
home of George Stoddard, 1420 North Fourth street.
Mrs. Mary Schwedel of Portland will be present. Every
one invited.
Miss Ellen Tower
Bride of Summer
Coming as a surprise to her
many friends is the news of the
betrothal of Miss Ellen Tower,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
E. Tower, 2345 North Church
street, to Melvin Hargreaves of
The announcement was made
Wednesday evening at dinner at
the Alpha Delta Pi sorority house,
with which group Miss Tower Is
Place cards bearing the news
marked covers for the chapter
members and a few intimate
friends of the bride-to-be.
Miss Tower has chosen the late
summer for her wedding date, at
which time an informal wedding
will take place at the home of
the bridegroom's parents in Eu
gene. A number of interesting
pre-nuptlal affairs are being ar
ranged to compliment the bride
elect. Mrs. Gordon Tower and Miss
Marian Fisher of Salem, were
special guests at the announce
ment party in Eugene, returning
to their home Thursday morn
ing. Bridal Shower Honors
Miss Viola Detlefs
In compliment to Miss Viola
Detlefs, whose marriage to Carl
Morrison of Independence, will be
solemnized, Wednesday, June 15,
in Independence, Mrs. Lloyd Bu
cholz and Mrs. Harry Detlefs
were Joint hostesses, Tuesday
evening, at the Bucholz home on
North Fourth street, with a pret
tily arranged pre-nuptial shower.
The bride-to-be was presented
with two lovely corsages of
dainty assorted flowers, by little
Barbara Louise Bucholz, who also
assisted with the distribution of
the bridal gifts. Those included in
the group were, Mrs. W. J. Hage
dorn, Mrs. Lucy Taylor, Mrs. E.
Graham, Mrs. Minnie Bertucci,
Mrs. Agnes Barsness, Mrs. Marna
Estep, Mrs. Bessie Doty, Mrs. Bes
sie Reid, Mrs. Margaret Verdieck,
Mstb. Amelia Dietz, Mrs. Hattie
Rogers, Henrietta Reinemer, Miss
Susanne Esau, Miss Lucille Miles,
Miss June Davies, Miss Erma Ba
ker, Miss Frances Albee, Miss
Bessie Detlefs, Miss Alice Detlefs,
Miss Helen Detlefs, Miss Evelyn
Detlefs-, and Miss Barbara Louise
Bucholz, and the hostesses, Mrs.
Harry Detlefs and Mrs. L. P. Bu
cholz. ...
'A garden party" and mite box
opening of Little Light Bearers.
will be held Friday afternoon at
2:30 o'clock, when the group will
assemble at Willson park, later
going to the First Presbyterian
church for the remainder of the
program and the serving of re
A short playlet has been ar
ranged for the afternoon, with
Mary Elizabeth Sisson, taking the
part of queen, representing the
spirit of Friendship, and Ilona
Batson, Vernlta Batson and Gene
vieve Winslow depicting Peace.
Love and Good-Will. A short pro
gram of recitations and musical
numbers has also been planned
for the occasion. The youthful
guests will be served from a dain
tily decorated table which will
carry out the "garden Idea." Mrs.
A. A. Lee, group leader, will he
assisted by Mrs. Ellie Batson, Mrs.
Charles Lisle, Mrs. H. M. Durk
heimer and Miss Elsie Miller.
The Woman's Home Missionary
society of the Leslie Memorial
church held an interesting session
Wednesday afternoon at which
time, the following officers were
elected: President, Mrs. W. J.
Lin foot; vice-president, Mrs.
Charles Lucas; treasurer, Mrs.
f v. -
.iaon uisnoDi executive secre
tary, Mrs. T. French; recording
secretary. Mrs. E. A. Rhoten;
mite box, Mrs. E. T. Barkus;
tnanks offering, Mrs. J. Orwig;
missionary education, Mrs. E. D.
Roseman; supplies. Mrs. A. C.
Bohrnstedt; Kpirltual life, Mrs. R.
Moorehead; good citizenship Mrs
B. E. Otjen; Queen Esthers, Mrs.
Mason Bishop; home guards, Miss
Faith Priday; Lenten services,
Mrs. Elizabeth proctorT
Mrs. Carlton W. Smith, nrf-
dent of the Woman's Greater Ore
gon association has announced
that the local oreaniznttnn win
discontinue their regular meet
ings, until fall when they will
resume their usual activities, un
less matters of sufficient Impor
tance come before the president
to warrant a called meeting of
the group. Further information
concerning the organization may
ii uuiamea irom u. E. Wilson at
the chamber of commerce rooms.
Mrs. W. I. Staley will be host
ees i-naay afternoon at 2 o'clock
for a meeting of the year book
commmee for the Salem Worn
ans club. Mrs. F. A. Elliott has
oeen appointed to the commit
lee to replace Mrs. W. E. Feld-
and Club
Society Editor
Golf Luncheon
Set For Friday
Members of the ladies
teams of the Salem Golf
will again meet today for
regular weekly tournament
no-host luncheon which is one
of the popular diversions of the
club. The second day of play for
the Hartman trophy will be held
and & day prize given for low
net score will be awarded. Mrs.
Guy Vincent, Smith was the win
ner of last Friday's low score.
Mrs. Alton Hurley will be
luncheon chairman for Friday,
assisted by Ray Hartman, Mrs.
William McGilchrist, Jr., Mrs. G.
W. Johnson, Mrs. E. N. Gilling
ham, Mrs. James Sears, Mrs. Guy
Vincent Smith, Mrs. Frederick
Lamport, Mrs. Arthur Rahn and
Mrs. Robert Savage.
Piano Students
Heard in Recital
Piano students of Mr3. Bertha
Junk Darby will be presented in
i-n1al Frldav Avenine at her res
idence studio at 579 North Cot-
tage street. Marciay tiseman, vio-
linist, and Mrs. W. H. Fischer,
irnraltst n.-!11 Assist nn thA nro-
eram. All narents and friends of
the students are invited to attend.
Those to be heard in recital
are. Norma Fischer, Lois Kiscner,
Vinton T o-on TlKc f -V I T, 1 Dv
A iau own, aj u- i , va v, iiuij
Barkus and Eleanor Wagner.
Silverton. Mrs. Gertrude Cam
eron presented her three groups
of younger pupils in a public re
cital at the Eugene Field auditor
ium Tuesday night before an in
terested audience. The first group
received red ribbon diplomas and
the second class received blue rib
bon diplomas. In the first group
were Jane Irish, Phyllis Adams,
. i v . .a . -1 . i ; . i i
. . , I
i .nis i.ptrarn. w 1 rna nnnp. iwiinei i
Stamey, Ruth Nelson, James Jen-
sen and George Steelhammer. The
second group contained Betty
Francis and Eileen Rahn. The
more advanced students were Bar-
bara Jean Palmer, Clarlne Reed. over the Canadian Pacific, stop
Margaret Swanson and Maurice P,n enroute at Banff and Lake
The fSoral decorations, arrang
ed by Mrs. Ed Adams, were par
ticularly' lovely Tuesday night.
Four large baskets made up of
wild ai aui yof uciummuu, dia
roses and mock orange blossoms.
were used. At the close of the re-
-i.-i ,l i .v.
local hospitals to be used In the
UV. HMrm fomornn will i
present her older students In n
Al.fiUfc vua-awu rw ...
invitational recital to be given at
her home. This erouD will include
vnn vaortn Mahal T.ondrf
u.Uv.w - -
Virginia Brown, Evelyn Davis.
Virginia Bllyeu. Eunice White.
Valda Davis, Thelma Henderson,
Billie Johnson, Marguerite Sather.
Harlan Anderson and Harold
Neighbors of Woodcraft and
friends will be especially Interest
ed in the last "round-up" of the
season, which will be held at the
Fraternal temple, Friday after
noon, when 24 circles, including
groups from Toledo and Newport,
will assemble for a Joint session.
beginning in the afternoon and
continuing through the evening
A number of organization offi
cials. Including grand guardian.
Mrs. Minnie Himer of Portland
will be in attendance.
A feature of the social part of
the day's program will be the
crowning of the queen, Miss Ruth
Dake, followed by an informal
program of music, recitations and
informal talks. The meeting is
open to all members of the organ
ization and large turn out is being
Thatcher Colt solves the
greatest case in his career!
Night Club Lady
Beginning Jane 12 in
Delta Phi Alumnae
Assemble For
The annual breakfast given by
the Delta Phi alumnae, which is
one of the outstanding social
events of commencement week at
Willamette university, will have
its regular place on the social cal
endar among the coming activi
ties. This year's motif will be the
reproduction of a 'Pallter break
fast", following in detail that de
scribed In Felix Zimmerman's
book. "Pallieter". The breakfast
will be held Sunday morning at
the Gray Belle, with reservations
being made for 40 inactive mem
bers of the chapter.
MrB. Lucille Tucker Paulus will
be toastmlstrees for the breakfast
and those taking part in the pro
gram include Mrs. Mildred Stevey
Colcord of Newberg, Mrs. Adella
Tomlinson Phillips of Portland.
Mrs. Audred Bnnch Arnold of
Corvallis, Mm. Louise Findley
Oliver of Yakima. Washington,
and Miss Lillian Scott. Mlsa Ruth
Wechter. Miss Rose Rhoten, Mrs.
Mary Notson Sackett and Mrs
Pauline Remington Cohen, all of
Mrs. Helen Sande White is Id
charge of general arrangements.
Informal Dinner
At Charlton Home
One of the enjoyable social af
fairs of the week was the infor
ma'. dinner and evening of bridge
given Wednesday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Charlton with
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bonesteele
as Joint host and hostesses.
A dainty color scheme of pink
and green was carried out ef
fectively in the table appoint
ments and card accessories. Those
In the group were Mr. and Mrs.
C. K. Knickerbocker of McMinn
ville, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. RrMi.v
and Mr. and Mrs P r.
and Mr. and Mrs. Rnii n
Steele. High score for bridge was
"t uicaemocKer,
-'..'""V3. Ul ine si Pres-
""J"" club of tn Woman's R
. e ente"ained Wed-
nesdftv rnrcnnnn . . ,u i
-y iu oome or
. UOSO iiagedOm. A Short Kilo
. - ----- w o
mess meeting was followed hv an
informal afternoon of sewing and
conversation. Those ansa-orln
mil I.
mii were Airs. Bessie Martin
Mrs IToIon 1.1. .
----- ovjuiu wil-k, Mrs. jirrie
uuniap, Mrs. Sarah Arlamo f-
r . ., ...
lizzie bmith, Mrs. Laura vih
ama Tt-o t r.;. t- i
, ..W5J. iv.u.--r vuns, .wrs. rior-
ence snipp, Mrs. Jennie S. B.
-ut-a ttnQ ine nostess, Mrs. Rose
Mrs. R. D. Paris an a
- - ' ... .11.11
flv dVd in w r Xt ! r . .
. . n l, 1wi rrainn nil rh an
Wisconsin, where they will be the
fi"ei 01 relatives and friends for
J"" summer months. They will go
by .wy f the Great Northern
oute' returning in the earlv fail
uuioe. mrs. i'arla will
greater part of the time at her
former home. PrairU a, ryt-
during her stay.
Mrs. Belle Brown, one of the
i efft . ' v v
""r mbe ?f th local power
r"7 'eaT Portland by
iurauitT ior San rranpl.o,
',k T,acaUon fr two
,cia"H ana rrienas.
I Kf Cf .
, oer? "a small
r7 p ?,? bZ. H"
-.T.""!V' wl" ,eave "oay
"r ome. wnere they will vaca
i tion ior a forthieht
Did You Eat Dinner
at the Spa Last Night?
If Not This is What You Missed
On Our Special
(Just as Good Tonight)
Fruit Cocktail Orange Juice Tomato Juke
Vermicelli or Puree of Split Pea Soup
Spring Vegetable Salad
Sour Cream Dressing Pretzel Sticks
Steamed Halibut Hollandaise
Old Fashioned Steak Bacon
French Lamb Chops
Breaded Veal Cutlets Cream Gravy
Stuffed Green Peppers Tomato Sauce
y-i Combination Vegetable Salad
Stuffed Breast of Veal "
V2 Fried Spring Chicken on Toast
Roast Leg of Pork with Apple Sauce
Spa Ice Cream or Sherbet
Chocolate, Strawberry or Pineapple Sundae
Strawberries and Cream
Fresh Strawberry Shortcake
Spa French Pastry Fruit Jello
Rice Custard Fresh Strawberry Bavarian Cream
Grapenut Cup Custard Chocolate Layer Cake
Vanilla Nut Cake .
Pies: Apple, Cherry, Blackberry, Pineapple,
Strawberry and Chocolate Sundae Pie ,
Tea - Coffee - Milk - Buttermilk - Iced Tea
Miss . Lola Millard
Guest of Honor
Friday ,
- p
On of the smart social affairs
of the spring season is the dia
ner party being planned by mem
bers - of Beta Chi alumnae club,
which will be held . Friday even'
ing at the Spa in compliment to
Miss Lola Millard, who leaves
soon for a summer abroad.
A mixed bouquet of summer
flowers guarded by lighted pastel
tapers in crystal holders will cen
ter the attractively appointed din-T
ner table where covers will be
placed for the honor guest. Miss
Lola Millard, and for the Misses
Roby Laughlin, Florence Power.
Loretta Fisher, Leila Johnson,
Eva Roberts, Josephine Baum
gartner, Marjorie Christenson,
Florence Young, June Gaines,
Harriett Hageman. Rosalin Van
Winkle, and the Mesdames
Charles Kaufman, Clarence Em
mons, Merrill Ohling, G. L. Simp
son Wallace Griffith. Ruskin
Blatchford, Edwin Thomas, Es
ther Palmer Day and George
Following the dinner the group
will form a line party at the El-
sinore theatre.
Legion Auxiliary
To Sponsor Dance
Considerable Interest is being
taken in the benefit dance which
is being sponsored Saturday even
ing at Hazel Green by the Ameri
can Legion Auxiliary. Mrs. Henry
Fournier is general chairman for
the arrangements and with the
able assistance of her committee
has planned some novel and clev
er features for the evening, pro
ceeds for the dance will go to the
auxiliary's child welfare work de
partment. Miss Leota Jones, secretary for
the A. A. A. organization, left
last evening for Klamath Falls,
where she will enjoy the week
end. During her stay in Klamath
Falls, Miss Jones will be enter
tained by the Klamath Falls
chamber of commerce in con
junction with other A. A. A. re
presentatives throughout the state
who are in session there. Miss
Jones plans to return to her Sa
lem home Monday evening. One
of the interesting features of
the meeting is a motor trip to
Crater Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. E. F: Slade re
turned home last evening from
Eugene, where they were in at
tendance at the Bakers convention
held in that city during the past
week. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Powell
of Woodburn were also among
those representing Woodburn
during the sessions. During their
stay in Eugene, Mr. and Mrs.
Slade and Mr. and Mrs. Powell
were entertained at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn McCredie.
Friends of Mrs. Harry K. Lum
mis will be interested to know of
her return Wednesday evening to
her home on South Church street,
after undergoing a major opera
tion at the Salem general hospital
two weeks ago.
Mrs. Lummis will" be happy to
greet her Informally during her
Miss Vernetia Herren, who has
been teaching school in Alaska
for the past year will visit in
Salem for the remainder of the
summer season. Miss Herren will
be remembered as a member of
the teaching staff at Parrlsh
Junior High school prior to her
departure for Alaska.
Mr. and Mrs T. A. Livesley re
turned home Wednesday evening
from a motor trip to Vancouver,
B. C, where they were guests at
the home of Mrs. Llvesley's moth
er and father, Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
DeBeck, who have proven popular
visitors to Salem.
Graduation time means more than
a sheepskin to this chat-mine miss ;
it means a wedding ring. She if
Miss Marian Ursula Palmer, of
Cynwyd, Pa-, who will become the
bride of Cadet Donald L. Hardy, of
Philadelphia, the day after his grad
uation from the United States Mili
tary Academy at West Point, N. Y.
The marriage will be solemnized in
the Cadet ChaneL
Miss Irene Ritner, who has
been a student at Oregon State
college for the past year is expect
ed home the early part of next
week to pass the summer with
ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Ritner on Center street.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Rautenkranz
are receiving congratulations up
on the birth of a daughter June
7, at the Deaconess hospital. The
little miss has been named Joyce
Marilyn Rauterkrans.
The Business Women's picnic
which was to have been held Mon
day, June 13, has been indefinite
ly postponed, with the new date
to be announced later.
Chemeketans and others who
are interested will make a trip to
Bald mountain in the Coast range
southwest of Falls City Sunday,
with William Hamilton acting as
leader. The party will leave at 8
o'clock that morning from the
Senator hotel, traveling by car 35
miles and then hiking the trail to
the top of the mountain for three
and a half miles. Return will be
made about 8 p. m.
If the weather Is clear, both the
ocean and a beautiful, extensive
view of the valley may be seen
from the fire warden's lookont
tower on the mountain top. The
transportation fee Is 70 cents.
..4. . . V, . . .
You surely will get a thrill when you see what we have
for you. This means any garment in our window or
on our sales floor, at $9.75, with French Shop service,
style and quality in every garment.
Ninety-Seven Pupift in the
County Qualify. State
Book League Test
Ninety-seven proad students
from eight different school dis
tricts in the county have been re
ceiving certificates this week
showing that they fulfilled the re
quirements of the Children's book
league. Each child receiviLg a cer
tificate had read at least one ap
proved library book each month
of the school year.
School district 4 6. taught by
Mrs. Lillian Shamer at Woodburn,
won especial honors since the
school received a certificate for
having each pupil therein meet
the requirements of the league.
The certificate winners by dis
tricts in this county, follow:
Sa learn District Ko. S: Mamie L. Bos
track, tcacker, Etkel Channer.
Jeffersea District No. 27: Mrs. Xtbel
L. UaUiat. tear her. Haael Tanaer. Bosv
ert U. Peon. Artkar Batatcr. Jaaaca Aa-
VrmoB. Ray Barker. Wr Hasted.
Waekara District Ka. : Misa Lilliaa
Shaaer. tearker. Jesse Ovre. Has Mar-
pky. Natfa Rickara. Tillie 8ckaiaer. Vi-
ckael Viatica, Bore Caanoa, Carl tr
wert. Irene Reasolke. Rraeat Oriea Mary
Riekert. Adeline Semoike, LeRay Albin
Jaka Bever.
Weodbura District Ss. 10S: Mry B.
R-Ilrd teacker . Eileea Le Febrre.
Wayne Malkey. Emma Kaesear, Lloyi
Patterson. Arrhie Dickenson, John Hock
ett, ViTiaa Miller. Arrker MarskalL Anita
Hoefer. J. C. Miller. Violet Saowley. Ray
flXaVt-'. t-UL X J. i AlaXtt&aUAX
This Is Our
You are Invited!
For the Next Three Days We
a Lot of Fun Selling
2 (Static aundll-
All on Sale at the
Sensational Price of
Dickaaaaa, Ray Miller. Cerfaaa OiU.
Ed or Scklittaakart Patricia tins. Bar-
seaa My era, Xeaaata Befcies, Seraa Jaaa
Black, veratliea JLaealx. Torn say .fiik-
kaaa. . -
Distria Xa. lt: Mra. A. IV aVkalx.
teacker, DaTid Helena, Deria Xsuer,
Rayavaaf 8auth, DeaaM Araatrang. a
ate Baaitk, AlTia CaaUosv, Ciareace
Fart. Rayateac Oerir. Lena Oesif, Riley
Smith. Haael Kelaea. Dvirk Raaaar.
EadaU EHcksoa.
DeUalt District Ka. 1J3: Aaaae laail.
teacker. Gerdoa Brava Alia Header
sea, Artkar Wattera, Baaaia Kaataoa.
Rekert Jakaaaa. Jack flaak. Laray El
liatt. Healey Raacka. ArlVe Dirkia. Rett
Jane Headeraoa, Calvia Jaaea. Heksa El
Ilatt. Has Fryer. Jasaaa Wrifbt Day.
Lamrreaaa Jekaaoa. Iarraiaa Jackaoa
&eorx Dickie, WiHiaa Head
Keitk Meeaa Alt Jaakaaa.
Baleaa Dierie Ke. 115: Alfred Baka
sea, Ila Ms Creack, Betty Boliaj. Iotala
Darr, Loie Hawriea -Vjctar Bemardi. Ed
ward Bckaaav Rvaryse Balaa. Lillian Hana
rick. Veraa FnakaWk Jeaa Hsia, Waada
Froehlick. flererWa rrwekliek. Dean Laa
derback. Clarence Straara. Lorraine
Straw a. Helen 8chH. Caralia Kirkela,
SUvertoa Diatrict Xa. S: Martka Iwd.
Jaaet Comstaek. Helea Geadkaaebt, Ma
bel Lord. Pern Ray.
New Taxes Will
Take About $235
Of $6000 Salary
If yon are married buslne?
man with one child and a net In
come of SC. 000, the federal taxes
will cost you something like $23
a year.
That sum is on the basis of fig
ures used by members of the
house and senate when the new
rates were before congress, tak
ing S, 000 as a starting point to
allow a man enough money to
buy some of the taxed luxuries.
3:00 to 3:30
-1 P
VU1 1;
Will Have
man who will serve on the In-
.,-iUtuttons. committee.