"th OUliGON STfrli-aifiNp SaleaTOrcgon, Friday Morning, Jane lCl&f Local News Briefs Revival Series ReT. E. W. Winn of South Haven. Mian., Is conducting a series of revival ser vices ..at the Free Methodist church, ' N. 'Winter and Market streets, each nlht at 7:45. ReT. Winn la also conducting a bible study and prayer meeting each morning until Friday at o'clock. Services "will continue all next week. Sunday, morning the re rular auarterly- meeting services r will bo held, consisting ot fellow- hip meeting at 19:45: sermon at 11:15 and administration of the sacrament of the Lord's supper i at IX o'clock. ..Berry ticket priced to tho time. , at Statesman office. 215 South Commercial street. .Warrant Arrives The Marlon county court yesterday received a , warrant ot 10.0S from the Clackamas county court, made in niTintnt of that county's share of cost of the Pudding river bridge t east ot HubhardLThe bridge was constructed for both counties last , lummer, Marion county advanc ing the money. The court here ex nmftmH tha moneT sooner and Wednesday .Requested H e d d a Swarts, county engineer, to take up tho matter ot collection with the Clackamas county officials. First Christian church food sale Saturday, 34 State st. Ministers to Portland In or der to meet "Bishops Lowe and Bradley and confer with them about problems of the church, Hugh Fouke, T. D. Yarnes and M. A. Marcy will drive to Port land this morning. Tho two bish ops arrive from the east at 7:35 a. m. Bishop Lowe was painfully injured In an auto accident In the middle west on his return from Atlantic City but he is now con siderably recovered. All haircuts 25c. Dubois barber shop, basement Masonic bldg. Stein Expected SoonJudge W. F. Stein, California man who spent tho winter and spring hero in tho real estate business. Is ex pected to return hero soon from Los Angeles where ho has been lining up prospective purchasers for Willamette valley property. Ho reports finding hotels and apartment houses which, former ly were only partially filled, now nearly sold out, a sign of better business, he thinks. Diamonds, watches and Jewelry at our price sale. Hartman Bros. .Demarais Returns Karl A. Demarais, traveling passenger agent of the Southern Pacific, is moving to Salem from Portland this week, and has taken a house at 141 Luther street. Demarais formerly resided in Salem but has been moved about considerably tho last few years. He hopes to remain permanently In Salem. Quick work, reasonable prices on berry tickets at The Statesman printing office, 21 souin vion mereial. Runs Over Tricycle Matt J. Dorks. 1305 South 14th street. yesterday reported to police that he ran over a tricycle with his autombile. Two other mishaps wr resorted: Fiord Rudie, 1410 McCoy avenue, and an unidenti fied motorist, at Union and North ranitol: C. E. Bowen, 1070 Norm Fifth, and H. W. Bowman of Se attle, at Commercial and Myers. Wedding gifts, nice assortments at our H price sale. Hartman Bros. Ketch's Move Here Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kutch of Dallas have taken up summer residence here Mr. Kutch. a graduate of Willam ette university law school last rear, has -been teaching at Dallas high school. Mrs. KuUh, formerly Helen Cochran of Albany, will be graduated from the university next Monday. All haircuts 25c. Dubois barber shop, basement Masonic bldg. ' Ttoods Visited Scout Execu tive O. P. West last night visited th Rotarian trooo. No. 1, at Leslie Junior high school, confer rine also with the troop commit teenien, then went to Liberty to dlreet organization of the new Troop No. 16. Don Douris, Salem scoutmaster, who has helped start this troop, assisted last night. Ice. Prompt residence delivery. Phone 5603. New modern all-steel refrigerators at cost. Call at Capi tal Ice, 560 Trade st. Itro Licenses Given Two mar riage licenses were Issued yester day at the courthouse. They went to Arthur V. Kuenzl, 26, 1445 Mc Adam road, Portland and Martha Kellerhals, 20. SUverton. and to Kenneth M. Robinson, 23, Shaw, . and ; Edna Alice Shanberger, Shaw. Spa ke cream made the. old fashioned way and from pure cream. Krenz Brings Suit Suit to col lect an obligation of 11563 to gether with interest and costs was brought yesterday in circuit court by Albert Krenx against John Williamson and others. Every article in every department has been reduced for Shipley's Juno Surprise Clearance Sale, which is now in progress. Coming Events June 11-13 Commence , ment exercises at Willam ette, university. June 14-17 State grange , convention, Silverton. Jane 19 Salem Old Tim ers picnic, Wlllson park. Jane 38 Mlwoa 4 st.te . pieniC. r : . July Independence day .celebration sponsored by American Legion, state fair grounds. August 7 Ohio "Buck eye fjicnic.' - Angnst 7-21 -Annual Cbe .meketan outing t Spirit . Lake ... - . . ' Angnst 14 Dakota pU aic. - - Waltham UJewel men's wrist watches $14.35 at Hartman Bros. H price sale. Services for fs Sunday night at the First Methodist church the Willamette university T. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. members will have charge of the services, with Dorothy Rose representing the lat ter and Eugene Smith, the former. Rev. H. C. Stove? ot tho Knight Memorial Congregational church, will deliver the address. For Sale Studebaker Comman der sedan, run little more than 6000 mL In perfect condition. good as new. Can be seen at 175 S. 17th St. Name Delegates The First German Baptist church, North Cottage and D streets, has named the following delegates to the Pa- ciric German Baptist convention in Tacoma Juno 15 to 19: Rev. G. W. Rutsch, minister; Rev. G Sehunke. Rev. and Mrs. F. Bueer- mann and Miss Helen Winkelman. Ladies' & children's haircuts 25c. Elite Beauty Shoppe, phone 7728. Holiness Sleet An all-day meeting of the Marlon county Holiness association will be held Tuesday, June 14. at Scotta Mills in the Friends church there, it Is announced. Church services will bo held at 10:30 a. m. and 2:30 m. Spa French pastry served with meals or to take out. Statutory Charge Birdie Sten- son and Daniel Dobbins, facing a morals charge, were in justice court yesterday. The case was con tlnued for investigation and the defendants released on their own recognisance. 16-in. old fir $2.75 load. 16-in oak $3 per load. Tracy's. Phone 3986. Operetta Tonight The state in stitution for feeble-minded will present a spring exhibit and oper etta, "The Inn ot tho Golden Cheese," tonight at 8 o'clock at the school. A general invitation to the public is extended. Get your berry tickets at The Statesman job plant. Wrong License W. J. Da venport, haled Into justice court on charges of operating a motor vehicle with dealers' license plates, pleaded not guilty and trial was set for June .32 at 10 a.m. All haircuts now 25c. Model Beau ty Parlor, 112 N. Commercial. Miss LLnle Leader Esthel Lislo will bo the speaker at the meeting of the Young People's Forum at the First Methodist church at 6:30 Sunday evening. She will talk on settlement work. Spa French pastry served meals or to take out. with At Camp Saataly Mrs. Ell xabeth Gallaher and Mrs. M. B Wagstaff ot tho local Y. W. C. A. spent Wednesday at Camp San taly above Mehama. Women who appreciate real bar gains have attended Shipley's storewide June Clearance Sale and expressed their unified ap proval of tho reduction in prices afforded. Harding Visit W. C. Hard Ing, secretary ot the chamber of commerce at Roseburg, was caller Thursday at the local chamber. Berry tickets; printed Statesman plant. at The Speeding is Charged George 1 . 0 - m - . ' " " iiKcim sanpFicI ormer Salem man Placed On Park Board; Heads Important Work Carle F. Williams, for many years a resident of Salem, has been named upon the Seattle park board in connection with tho reorganization now being made by the new mayor, John F. Do re. Ho was named chairman ot the 200 committees of tho park board. Mr. Williams was for a long period connected with The States man organization, part ot the time as editor and manager ot the Northwest Poultry Journal. He has worked in similar lines in Seattle, including advertising and printing. The Seattle park board has ex- elusive supervision of all parks, boulevards, golf courses, play fields and swimming beaches, and in 1931-32 had a budget ot $800,- 000. Employes in the park depart ment of Seattle number into tha hundreds, with a payroll the past year of approximately $490,000. Under the new administration these figures are to be cut nearly in half. At the first meeting of the new board $27,500 in salaries were cut out of the budget for th coming year. And this is just a beginning. Seattle parks, squares and places number more than 60, playfields over the city number 34, with many bathing beach ea for the public, as well as several beautiful golf links. The opera tion and malntainence of all these is under the direction su pervision of the park board. Tho zoo, located in Woodland Park houses hundredsx of animals brought together .from many climes; birds, snakes, lions, leop ards, elephants, deer, elk and many peculiar specimens with more peculiar names. Vacation Bible School Enrolls Record Number Enrollment at the Jason Lee daily vacation bible school yester day rolled up to 175 boys and girls, the largest yet recorded and far beyond expectations of the leaders. So large are the classes that five additional assistants have been secured to aid in the instruc tion and recreation of the chil dren: Miss Helen Fletcher. Miss Katherine Barker, Miss Eunice Packard, Miss Wilma Godsey and Miss Gatha Bressler. The school opened Monday for a three-week period, with classes held each morning from 9 o'clock to noon. Registrations will not be accepted after this week. Beechler, 1116 Court " street, yes terday was arrested by city po lice on a charge of speeding, ac cording to police records. Wedding gifts, nice assortments at our price sale. Or. Chan Lam Chinese Medicine Office boors Tuesday and Satur day a to 5 p. m. Roams and S 14S N. Commercial 8a I em Days' Wear per Flor$him Shoes give mor style per dollar, more wear per pair, more satisfaction any way you choose to judge them. . . . One pair will prove conclusively that it's not what you pay but what you get that counts U ndcr the DOm&w-; NY hopes for a moratorium on new automobile license plates were frustrated yes terday. A dispatch from Portland said the governor did not expect to issue a 39-day delay la new licenses. Thenars dae July 1, and Secretary ot State Hal E. Hoss said he had his increased staff ready to- handle the demands. Early license applications thin year shew a marked de crease over previous years Hoss said. This he believed partly due to rumors of a SO day extension. From now on be experts the sale of plates to start heavily. Well, that's another item to consider in this month's budget. Al Llndheck, the dean of the capitol press room and corres pondent for the Oregon Journal the rest of the time, is already bemoaning lack ot rain. The first hot day of summer, in fact about the only day ot summer finds Al out waiting for cooler weather and some rain. This time. Al, we hope you are disappointed. State Senator Isaac E. Sta ples was here from Portland yesterday, as was also Major "Scootie" Dutton of the Oregon National Guard. They probably heard Salem was enjoying sum mer twrather and came down to find Out what it was. Both were seen with certain high army officials of Salem at luncheon. Wayne pettlt is back someplace In Oregon after visiting in San Francisco and enjoying the Eu reka earthquake. At least he was here late Wednesday night, left a note at the press room and con tinued on his vacation. He will be back Sunday night to resume his Oregonian duties. Miss Aileen Phillips, secre tary to Hal K. Hoss, left last Xoack At the residence, 365 South 18th street, June 8. Mary Noack, aged 72 years. Wife of George Noack of Salem; mother of Min nie, Martha Alma, George A.. Paul B., and John Noack, all of Salem. Funeral services Friday, June 10 at 1:30 p.m. from the chapel of W. T. Rigdon and Son. Interment Cltyview cemetery. Anlt At Santa Anna, Calif., June 7, Frank S. Ault. aged 7 years. Survived by widow, Clara; sons. Ray of Santa Barbara, Clyde ot Bermuda islands and Merle of Portland. Funeral services will be held from the Clough-Barrlck chapel. Friday, June 10 at 1 p.m. with W. C. Kaatnsr oftieiaUng Interment Cityview cemetery. , 5eleret IHemoriai Uoderat!? ISM SfltK Pricad A PARR CKMETERI VfTTB PERPETUAL CARE Jut Tra MlaatM rroa Us Ksart Tree CITY VIEW CEMETERY Established 1803 Tel. 8882 Conveniently Accessible Perpetual care provided for Prices Reasonable Most Styles Dollar Ob ltuaryj 9ccumnces ud gos at the center f Orifoa' utf fforcrnment night for Chicago and St, Lou is to attend sua International convention of Zonta, She Is president of the 8atom organ ization. Her mother is accom panying her east. She win visit the republican national conven tion In Chicago for a day, and expects to be bark in two weeks. During her absence Miss Leotn Benll ef the department will take care ef her duties. . Hoas rot a chance to swear the other day. He says this Is news because he usually gets sworn at. He swore in Otto R. Hartwlg as a member of the state industrial commission. Hartwig is Already on the job and yesterday report ed that so far he thinks he will like it very much. Hartwig is well known here as be was formerly president ot the state federation ot labor. All the women at least at the University r Oregon are lire ones. This was indicated by n query received recently by the secretary of state asking Hoss if there was a law against ob taining female cadavers. ' The query from the aniversity stated they has enough male cadavers but con Id not get any one of the other sex. The unusual query came from tha professor ot sociology at the uuiversity, who wanted tho bod ies for class study. Hoss replied that while he didn't have any such corpses around his office. there was no law prohibiting him from obtaining same, that is if he obtained them withont resorting to murder. Probably the reason for the query was that at one time some ivcb ten's organizations protested the use by medical schools of unclaimed female cadevcrs. However the princi pal point in the query was the statement that women seem to bo more in demand than men, even after they are dead. Wet Candidates Ahead in Count JACKSONVILLE, Fla.. June 9 (AP) Candidates advocating repeal of the 18th amendment or a referendum on the prohibition lzsuH led the field in the four con gressional contests of yesterday's democratic primary that gave Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt of New York an overwhelmiag preferential vote for the presi dential nomination. 1 T; LohJ & vMk. iTOfr 'V 'IP ilk a (ST il TES AT 25 Commencement Events Will Start Friday; Museum Will be Dedicated UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Jane 9 There will be 25 Mar ion county students among the raoro than 700 candidates for de grees at the impressive eeremon- lea of commencement at the University ot Oregon, to be held this year from June 10 to 13. Those from Marion county who will receive degrees if they com plete their requirements, include the following. Helen Harriett Darby, Grace Katherine Rhoades. Carl J. Lem ke. Glenn Walker. Maurice Wood. Velna J. Alexander. Edward El bert Siegmund. Mildred Jean Carr. Howard B. Mlnturn. Robert Bishop. Ivan Kafoury. William G. East, Edward W. Fisher, Avery Thompson and Frederick O. Brad shaw, undergraduate degrees, and Ronello B. Lewis, and Robin E. Moser, graduate degrees, all of Sakm; Sister Bernadette Eberle, Mt- Angel; Ralph R. David, Woodburn; Verna Smolnisky, Hubbard; Francis E. Sturgis. Brooks; Adelaide Zoe Benjamin. Gervais; Inga Maria Dorothea Goplerud, John Carl P. Goplerud, Lawrence E. Opedal, Silverton. Dedication of the beautiful Prince L. Campbell Fine Arts mu seum, financed by the citizens of Oregon through a gift campaign and under construction the past two years, will be included on the week-end program, to which vis itors from all over the state are expected. Ceremonies and enter tainment for the graduating sen iors and for the alumni who will return for this occasion will fill the days from Friday evening, June 10 to Monday morning, June 13. Dedication Will be Held on Saturday Formal dedication of the Fine Arts museum will be held Satur day afternoon. At 5:30 the class es will hold reunion dinners, fol lowed by the beautiful flower and fern procession, which this year will center around the Pioneer Mother statue in the Woman's Quadrangle. Both Avery Wallace Thomp WHEN IN TILLAMOOK STOP AT HOTEL NEFF Rates f 1.00 to tl.90 Modern, Hot and Cold Water, Steam Heat nominate ffawr ttlhi IPneMeimey ... 99 '.,0 Your Newspaper Will Bring the Story by THE ASSOCIATED PRESS THE two major political parties meet in June to choose their candidates for the presidency of the United States. The pre-convention campaigns already are under way, leading to the dramatic climax of balloting at Chicago. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS staff of expert political observers and writers will be at the conventions to report the news. Millions of newspaper readers throughout the country will be informed through AP" dispatches, complete, intelligent and accurate portrayals of daily happenings. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS record for faithful, unbiased reporting makes 'AP" a symbol of trustworthiness . CONVENTION NEWS DAILY COMPLETE ACCURATE A MEMBER - NEWSPAPER son and Edward Worth fisher are completing their course la the University of Oregon law school. Thompson will be a can didate for a doctor of jurispru dence degree aad Fisher for a baehelor ef laws degree. Thomp son had been aa outstanding student la both his regular and his law school work, fa 1927 and 192S he toured the world as a member of the Round-tbe-Wbrld debate team of the university. He is a member ot Phi Gamma Delta fraternity, of Delta Sigma Rho, debate honorary organiza tion, and is a graduate of Sa lem high school with the class of 1925. Edward Fisher has made him self known oa the campus not only through his excellent work in the law school, but through his musical ability. 'He was a charter member of the' Polypho nic choir, and as a member of the board ot directors, has taken a leading part in promoting the huge singing organization. Be fore the choir was formed, he was a member of the Glee club. He is a member of Phi Delta Phi, honorary law fraternity and Sigma Nu. social fraternity. Fish er is a graduate of Salem high school with the class ot 1927. Bishop and Kafoury Active en Campns Robert Bishop and Iran Ka foury, both students in the school of business administra tion, are candidates for the de gree of baehelor of science. Bish op, a member of Beta Theta Pi fraternity, has taken an active part in student affairs, having been vice president one year of the Interfraternity council, a member of the Junior Prom com mittee last year, and a member of the swimming team. Kafoury has served on numerous student committees. Both are graduates of Salem high school. Velna Juanita Alexander and Howard B. Minturn have taken their work in the school of archi tecture and allier arts, and both are seeking the bachelor of sci ence degree. Miss Alexander Is taking normal arts, preparatory to teaching. She took an ac tive part in Big Sister work on the campus, which Is organized for the purpose of acquainting new girls with the campus, and ir FRENCH PASTRY The finest we have ever served. This fine product made for us by a former Haxebrood artist. Serv ed with all meals and lunches. THE SPA rouNoics insi OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS has served - on the X.; .W.! CLA, . board. Mlnturn is a member of ' the mathematics club, and was'oa the University rifle team. : Carl H. Lemke. a student ef music,' is a candidate for a ba chelor of arts ' degree: ' Lemke graduated from the state school , for the blind in 1921. Glen Ev erett Walker, another graduate of the state school for the blind, and a student ot English litera ture at the university, la a can didate for a bachelor of arts de gree. Helen Harriett Darby, who is studying English literature, . is seeking a bachelor ef arts de gree. Miss Darby la. a member ot Delta Delta Delta sorority, and last year was a member ot the Homecoming directorate. She graduated from Salem high school in 1923. Grace Katherine C. Rhoades. a .transfer from Willam ette university, is a candidate tor a bachelor of arts degree. Miss Rhoades graduated from Sa lem high school, and then attend ed Willamette university for three years, before coming to Oregon. Maurice Wood, a psychology student, is a candidate for a bachelor of arts degree. Wood attended Oregon State college for o years before enterinr the university. Edward Albert Sieg mund. a member of Beta That. Pi fraternity. Is seeking a ba- cneior of science degree. Mil dren Jean Carr, not now en rolled in the university, la a can didate for a baehelor ot science degree. William G. East, who is com pleting his law course at the uni versity of Oregon, is a candidate for a bachelor of laws decree. East is a member of Delta Tau Delta fraternity. Ronello B. Lewis and Robin E. Moser are both seeking graduate degrees, Lewis that ot master ot business administration, and Mo ser that of master of arts lu chemistry. v-4aX - V t A. car .fin. fans niAstewn HUI .---1r ' ii i. sou rr p&ugcots arxarwm eejter ess 41 T V . 1l if a. - gr PIANOS TO 1 RENT 1 Call ay 10, Used . Furniture I H Department I U 151 North High I l