1MK i PAGE FOUR The OREGON STATES31AN.' Salenu' Orego Friday Morning. Jane 16,' 1032 HI "The Forgotten Man" "EMBERS of LOVE" U,k "ATo Faror Strays IT; No Fear Shall Awe" From First Statesman, March 28, 1851 THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING CO. Charles A. Sprague, Sheldon F. Sackett, Pbliehr Charucs A. Sprague - Editor-Manager Sheldon F Sackett Managing Editor Member of the Associated treM Tb Associated Press Is axcluslTely entitled to the us for publica tion et all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited la Pacific Coast Advertising Representatives: Arthur TV. Stypes, Inc-, Portlar.3. Security Bid. Sao Francisco. Sharon Bids. : Loa Angeles. W Pac. BIdg. Eastern Advertising. Representatives: Ford-Paraona-Steelier, Inc.. New York. 171 Madison Ave.; . Ohlcairo. S N Mlchl in Ave Entered at the Poetoffiee at Salem, Oregon, a Second-Claee Matter. Published every morning exrept Monday." Bruintu off re tin S. rnwwrto Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Hall Subscription Rates, in Advance, t Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday., I Mo SO cents; Mo. $125; S Mo. ttM ; I rear 14.00. Elsewhere 60 cents per Mo., or $5 00 for 1 year In advance. By City Carrier: 45 cents a month: $5.00 a year In advance. Par Copy 1 cent On trains and News Stands 5 cents s New View, Yesterday Statesman reporters asked: "Should Governor Roose velt prompt! remove Mayor Walker?" Inquiry on Wealth ENATOR McNARY blocked consideration of LaFollette's resolution calling on the department of commerce to make a report on the distribution of wealth. McNary's ob jection was not personal, he stated, but due to his feeling the matter should go over under the rules to another day. - We should like to see such an investigation made. There is much loose talk about how wealth is distributed, but no one can give definite proof of his assertions or quote any dependable authority. For instance the claim is often broad cast that some 5 per cent of the people own 80 of the wealth of the country. We do not believe these figures would be sustained under an impartial investigation. The wealth of the country is in its farms, its factories, its railroads, its mercantile establishments, its homes and apartments. The tendency in late years has been for most enterprises to take corporate form and for the bonds and Btocks representing ownership equities to be widely distrib uted. Thus the railroad bonds are held chiefly by savings banks and insurance companies. But these are the savings not of just a few individuals but of the masses of the people. Our only hope is, that if such an investigation is or dered it moves more swiftly and more satisfactorily than the one ordered on the resolution of LaFollette, pere, for valua tion of the railroads. The elder LaFollette got congress to have the interstate commerce commission evaluate the rail roads. He said it would cost a million or so and wouid reduce the valuation of the roads decidedly and thus permit lower rates. The commission has been working on the job for about 20 years and it isn t finished yet. The cost has run into tens of millions. The basis for val nation has not even been finally adjudicated yet. And now congress is about to pass a new rule for rate-making under which valuations will be of no ponsemience. as in truth com- metiHnn riaa olroarlv maAo triom Mr' H Vinson, housewife I ....-, . . "I don't know how to answer ! But let us have the younger LaFollette's inquiry into that: I hadn't given it a thought. ownersnip or weaitn. it win De found tnat ownership ana Yes, I've read a uttie about it." control are quite different. Many men at the head of vast in M ill ii a x il at ausxxies are not weaitny inemseives. ut tney manage uie Mrs. P. D. VanAasdeii, house- Dusmesses tor the owners, such an inquiry, properly con- wife i "I don't think i could an ducted would be costly and prolonged ; but it might be worth ?wer tha.t. qufftio.n now,; 1 naT On rk;--o E.EUiott, mechanic: "If proven -u&v gamy, walker should be re- fH-UR idea of no place to go next week is the republican na- moved otherwise! let him serve J tional convention in Chicago. The business is cut and n,s term dried with the exception of a prohibition plank. On this Question the verbal experts are striving to find a nhrasine B. Mitchell, laborer: "Yea. which will face both ways, at least lose no votes from wets PalkI al,(iMb,9emTef "al1 j fi :n , j v i -ii x. newspaper criticisms are true." ui uues. xi win w piano, iiu uuuui which win represeiib tight-rope walking in its delicate balance. Resubmission is merely passing the, buck. Usually conventions have strife and action and color. The leaders or the country assemble, the big men are tnere with retinues of attendants. This year there are no big neyi "Mayor walker is quite men and the leaders are in a comatose condition. A few sen- prominent man and brings a great tnro ri11 of onrnrl in T'Vi a norttr VioMra will K Vii deal of publicity to New York. I "6&"- - y don't believe Roosevelt has the ones who do the party chores and in return expect the fa- power to put him out. it's a ques- vors and the jobs and the perquisites that go with political tion whether or not he should be control. fired, considering the publicity he A Fortunately the session will be brief. While this will be brlDgs to the clty il i j.1 rrti t i n i 01.1. l. i I oara on uie vincagu uutei&eepers ana outie street stures who i tj. g. Dragcr county treaanreri pungled up a quarter of a million to finance the show, it will "Oh, i don't know much about it: be easy on the delegates who cross the country at their own it keeps us busy watching our own expense to take part in the conon j The real agony of party politics this year will-start their lobs in about the aame man- when the convention is over and the managers, hat in hand, I ner that Walker got his and they start calling on the good angels. Wall street will give as , td together, smith much milk as a stripped cow this year. One party will be as l out wealthy in every large bad off as another for the campaign ', SO the chances f or0- I citv In the country there Is a arrest ing much more than printing speeches of acceptance look deal of money secured through po- Paul R. Hendricks, Insurance agent: "I don't know much about It but It looks like it" Robert Kutch, teacher, attor- a slim. litical power.1 BITS for BREAKFAST CHASTER raTY-THSKS Che wanted Bess to coma to 6aa Tiaadaea for the twa weeks, to brine all the ehildnra. and stay with her at the ralrnonu Kotda thosld have children to slay with. aad they were his own cousins . . , Bat Bess, shy or Independent. weald not coma. She Invited Lfly Loo to come op to Woedlako after the opera season. Instead. "I easily take care of yon and the hoy. aha wrote, "bat dout bring any Trench maids with yon. Wo stdl oat in the kitchen and proud of it " f She would have loved to see her father. Bat ho was off in the hack outmtry working on a sheep ranch, may said, and there wasnt any fray ex getting mau to aim. Hay didnt have much rood to port of him. It seems that he was Spaying attention'' to Mrs. Veemer, the dressmaker in Woodlake, quite nn ordinary woman, red cheeked, well upholstered, good na tared, and toertalnly not too renned. "He should bo restrained " May aid.' "The old fool, wanting to get anarried again, after all the putting no Mother did with him! After the . way she tried to make a decent citi zen oat of him! "I When Lfly Loa did not answer, . ahe cried, "Oh, well, you've been " iaway so long that nothing matters to you. You dont care what Dad does, and we're all just ancient his tory to you. I dont suppose you'd ' oven know Eentfield Sargent if you saw him. Yon know, you were (lucky to get out of that. Good heavens, Lily Loo, you almost Inissed everything, just by being w silly as to go and get married the way you did! By this time you'd cv vll "j iee There's an old fellow eataide who's determined te - Madame Lansing." said Farmers. -1 y. have been an old married woman, "Tj ,Iw , like to, and maybe a couple c chm They would have loved the By R. J HENDRICKS- Days of old Douglas: Rose was a sincere booster for his town. He donated three acres of land and $1000 for the court house. He gave the sites for school houses and churches, and contri buted 11400 toward the cost or construction of the first public school building. S The first clapboard shanty of Aaron Rose was located at about tbe center of the present city. He later built a nice residence in the southern part of the town, as the writer remembers It, and lived there to a good old age. He was from Michigan, and came to south ern Oregon by way of California. S S W Rufus Mallory, who taught school at Roseburg and read law there, and married Rose's daugh ter Lucy, represented Oregon in the lower house of congress from 18S7 to 1869. He came to Salem and was a leading lawyer here. The Salem Directory for 1871 listed the law firm of Mallory A Shaw, with their office in "Gray's brick, ' corner Liberty and State. (The northwest corner, where the Catlin building Is now, with the Hartman store in the first floor corner.) The Mallory residence was given also as "corner Liberty and State." His partner was J. J. Shaw, residence 13th between State and Court. Judge Shaw was prominent in practice here for many years thereafter. Rufus Mallory some years later went to Portland, but he still call ed Salem his home, and, until far into the eighties, or early nine ties, Mrs. Lucy Rose-Mallory lived in the capital city. She had a liter ary flare, became a spiritualist and advance thought advocate. and at one time published a sprightly magazine, having her of fice In the Reed opera house block, now occupied by the Miller store. The Statesman office had the job of printing the magazine. V S The Salem district has always had many people from old Doug las, In and out of official life. Miss Mary Chadwlck still occupies the old home of her father. Gov ernor S. F. Chadwlck. at 401 North Capitol, with large and sightly grounds. The state offices and Institutions here have their full share of people from old Douglas of course not having rererence to the inmates. V S In the late seventies and early eighties, the largest general store in Salem was the establishment (Continued on page 9) The Safety Valve - - Letters from Statesman Readers It's been a hard season on congressmen. Ruth Bryan Owen has been defeated ; and early reports were that Gilbert Haugen of Iowa, one of the oldest in the congress, was run ning behind his younger opponent. We have not seen the final returns. It might be better for the country if the mem bers of the lower house had a four year term and were chos en at the same election as the president. Party control would then be more firm for the whole period and perhaps an ad ministration could really administer. We have not had an effective administration in this country since President Wilson s first term. Daily Health Talks By ROYAL S. COPELAND. M. D. Not since 19S0 has there been such an eruption of orange plates on the highways of the state. Some are decrep it cars which serve a home on wheels for the occupants. The accoutrements of housekeeping show the families are out hunting new locations. Others are fine new cars, bearing the first of the tourist army. Schools are closing, and the Pacific highway becomes a corridor of travel. Better weather lures folk to the roads; and whether they are bond or free they seek the allurement or the profit from this evergreen land. . T11Political integrity isn't dead yet. Evanstbn and Oregon in Illinois, Auburn, N. Y., and Sparta, Mich, have told con gress they want no postoffices which are listed for them in the big Garner pork barrel bill. - f a3 8Uggested that taxpayers organize and march to Washington under threat to remain until congress knocks a billion off of expenses. The taxpayers have to stay home and work. Science has come to the wide open spaces. An airplane Is used m horse wrangling on the big ranches of Nevada. To qualify, does the aviator-wrangter wear chaps and a ten-iral-lon hat? K 3nss METER IN EUGENE BRUSH CREEK, June 9 Miss Althea Meyer, who is employed in the water commission office at Silverton, and whose home is at Brush Creek, will go to Eugene for the weekend and be the guest of Miss inga Goplerud and her brother, John, will both be grad uated from the university Monday.-Their parenU aro Mr.- and Mrs. John G. Goplerud of Brush tree. nutiBAHU, June 9 Mrs. J S. Blair and Mr. and Mrs. Allen rrom Carlton spent Wednesday at the home of Mr, and Mr- George Le filer and attended the mnerai or Miss Nellie Brown. sure, ai me uuboard ceme tery, Wednesday afternoon. 2 )R many years little known concerning hook worm. The disease was commonr particularly in the South ern States, but there, as elsewhere Where persons go barefoot and in this way eon tract the dis ease, its true nature was un suspected. It was esti mated at one time that more than 39 per cent of school children in the South had this disease, and though the dis ease is not as nrevalent as formerly, a recent publication announces that hook worm victims are still to be found in some States. - Hookworm is caused by small worms which enter the, body through the skin, reach the circula tion and eventually are carried to the intestines. There they barrow into the walls of the intestine and do severe damage to the health of the individual, before they aro elfminated. In 1915 the Rockefeller Sani tary Commission discovered that the disease could be prevented. To accomplish this, they found it necessary to pass sanitation laws and to instruct five public in per- eonal hygiene and the dangers of walking about barexooc Dr.Cepelaad "Uneinaria Americana" is the sdentifie name of the worm that buses this disease. It is often referred to as the "germ of laxi- ness," because its victims have no "pep1 or strength. They show definite signs of backwardness and have low resistance to disease. At first they complain of minor stomach disturbances. These symp toms disappear upon the taking of food. There is a yearning for odd articles of diet, such as clay, dirt, resin, chalk and hair, because eat ing these substances gives relief and comfort. The hookworm sufferer has a pale complexion. Is thin and un dernourished, complains of dizxi ness. palpitation and shortness of h&reath upon the slightest exertion. and soon becomes mentally dun and physically unfit for any kind of work. Children with this disease have Erotaberant abdomens and aro far elow the average size. They are retarded in mental and physical development, shiftless and irre sponsible, and eventually become a burden to the community. Fortunately the treatment of this disease Is simple. "Thymol' or "carbon tetrachlorid,' is the remedy, and often just a few doses clear . the Intestines of all the worms and eggs of the hookworm. It Is estimated that a single dose will remove 95 to 100 per cent of the worms. .. The advantage of thymol over other drugs previously used is that the patient need not stay In bed or remain inaettvodoring the treatment. me, and maybe a coupls kids Lily Loa smiled. "What about Robin T "Oh, he'a just a fad with you. A child that isnt your own isn't any more trouble than any other kind of pet. Bess said that! It's just an extravagance, that's all. And here you axe, with the world at your fingertips with everything!" "Yes," Lily Lou said, "with everythingl" And after May had gone she took Robin on her lap and played Cow boy and Indian until he was sleepy. "Yes everything," she thought "or, as near everything as one gets" And then she smiled a little as ahe thought of what May would have thought if she had told her she would have traded everything for what she had a home, even a shabby home, and someone who loved her Answers to Health- QuerieoTf T. M. C Q. What de yon ad vise for elly hairT A -hampoo the hair frequent ly and use a good hair tonic. Send self -ad dressed stamped envelope for full particulars and repeat your one etlim dWitsfet. int. a June 6th, 1931 Editor: Oregon Statesman City Dear Sir: One haa only to make a trio el ther north or south on our high ways to see how many machines are licensed with other than Ore gon plates. What is the answer to this? Is it that there are so many outside machines traveling Oregon roads or is it that owners are evading the high license fee that prevails In Oregon? On a recent trip to Portland the writer counted more machines with either California or Wash ington plates on thanhero were Oregon and It does not seem pos sible that this condition could pre vail unless many of these ma chines are evading the getting of licenses for thli state. All anyone has to do Is to check the cars that stand on our streets in Salem or any other city and find that there are thousands that are living right here, or in other cities, with plates from some other states while we that have gotten our licensee for Oregon are supporting the High way Departments. We hear arguments regarding the lowering of the license fee In this state but It will never be done unless there is a more careful check made on the many machines that are now operating In the state with, other than Oregon Plates. Surely the Highway and local police could make a more careful check and inalst that these owners are forced to do as others. GEO. A NEEP. THE MILLION AIRES AND TAXES Editor Statesman: Since congress has shown a dis position to make tho millionaires pay their Just proportion of the expenses of the government through taxes under various clas sifications, we may now expect a number of them to suddenly chsnge their views on prohibition and come out on tho wet aide of tho question in tho hope that tho return to legalised liquor 'under a heavy tax bill will provide rev enue sufficient to materially bring about a reduction In their taxes. As Clarence True Wilson pertl- nenuy rem arcs: "Tho high prin ciple of tho Raskobs. Dunonta. Smiths and Rockefellers seems to bo to let the poor man's thirst pay the millionaire's taxes." . ' W. C. CONNER, Salem, Oregon. Traviata was a triumph. With Tony conducting. Tony ever watch ful of Ver interests, Tony jealous of every pat of applause anyone else rot! Madame Butterfly on Wednesday, and a packed house. That was. the big night for her. Snow Maiden was a good part, she liked it, but a matinee didn t count so much. There had been letters and flow ers and friends Tony's friends friends of the theater and the world of art and music- She wasn't disappointed. She had not expected any of the people she used to know. Once upon a time she would have expected Ken, but if he failed her when her mother died, naturally he'd fail her now. She couldn't help hoping that Ken's father would read about her. He had laus-hed at her when she LI said she'd be a star. Well, she was. Her name had been written in elec tric lights. She was young yet years ahead for greater glories. . . . Might as well fight for them. . . . It would help Robin. . . . She brought him with her, to see the Snow Maiden. It was a treat she had promised him. Bess had not fairy opera. She thrilled to see her little boy's sparkling eyes, as he stood in her dressing room and admired her in her gown of frost and Stardust. "You look just like a fairy prin cess," he told her, seriously. A rather made-up princess," she told him, laughing at her reflection in the brightly illumined mirrors. But she did look like a child's dream of fairyland, with the glori ous glittering head-dress, the filmy white of the gown, her black hair in long curls, like a doll's, case ad ing down her back. After the performance Marie brought Robin back to the dressing room. He was scarlet with excite ment. Mother, I wish you would be the Sleeping Beauty some time. would like to see you be the Sleep ing Beauty. Dont they have an opera of that? Then I wish to see one with cowboys, like Auntie Vera's opera, mother, can't we have one like that, please?" He was talking about Vera Voti paka, and her role of Girl of the Golden West, with which he had been much impressed. "Some day. Well see, darling! She knelt beside him, still in grease paint and glittering draper ies, holding his little hands. George Farmers, the publicity manager, tapped at her door, "There's an old fellow who's de termined to get in to see you, Madame Lansing. Says his name is Lansing, and he's a distant rela tive. De you want te see him? Lily Lou's heart bounded. Stopped beating for a second. Dadi Her own father it must be! It was. He followed close at the publicity manager's heels, a little shy, but not too much Impressed with all the show, the unfamiliar surroundings, the little group of admirers who waited outside. "Dad!" she hugged him, laughing and crying, a little hysterical at the thought of having him here, in the city, at her performance She scanned his weatherbeaten face anxiously. He hadnt changed much. He seemed a little younger, a little happier, a little more like Uncle Eph. ... "Oh, Dad you don't know how I've wanted to see you!" She hid her face on his shoulder. still laughing and crying, not know ing just what to say. "I was proud of you, Dolly," he told her, holding her off at arm's ength to look at her. "You sang all your notes true, and you looked very handsome. I bought me a good two dollar seat, and it was worth it " "Dad, you could have had the stage box the front row anything!" Now, dont you go throwing your money away. You save your money, Lily Lou! I didn t mind the two dollars. Didnt I say it was worth it!" She looked at him. His old, shiny suit, his carefully combed hair, the collar that was too large, and frayed along the edges. Her heart was bursting. "Yes. I came down from the lake last night," he said. "I dont always read the papers every day. I'm up at your Uncle Eph's place most of the time now, and sometimes I kind of let the papers pile up and read them all at the end of the week. So when I saw you were here " "I tried so hard to find you. Dad. Bess " "Yes, I know. Bessie, she doesnt like me herding sheep up there. Venter's kind of putting on the dog lately, and I guess she wants I should dress up more. It's kind of a relief for me not to dress up, Dolly. I guess I'm kind of a care less old man now. But I slicked up for today " "You could have come in your dungarees!" "Yes, you and me . . . sort of alike, Dolly. That your boy?" She had forgotten Robin, playing quietly in a corner. For one hideous moment she he W tated. The lie that had been so easy before was impossible now. And yet . . . The old man did not wait for her to answer. "Come see your grand-dad, son," ho said, holding a horny hand out to the child. ... j (Ts Be Co time- CoeyrUfct by iac Features Sr Seat, tail. - Daily Thought The heights by great men reach ed and kept. Were not attained by sudden fUght But they' while their companions slept. Were towering upward in the night." Longfellow. to New York last fall, from Falls City cannery under control of the Oregon growers association, was responsible for a a. order for 10 cars of this year's product. Yesterdays . . Of Old Saleai Town Talks from The States man of Earlier Days June 10, 1907 Salem high lads had the Uni versity of Oregon baseball team beaten by a two to one acore up to the eighth Inning here yester day, when the "Oregon Spirit" took advantage of a Salem error and chased in two runs for me visitors, giving them the game by a 3 to 2 score. Keenes, in aaai tlon to pitching fine ball, made three singles and two doubles. Jones caught. At the annual commencement exercises of Dallas college, among those upon whom were conferred honorary degrees was Rev. Henry D. Kimball. D. D., dean of tbe Kimball college of theology, affi liated with Willamette university, who received the degree of doctor of laws. Despite the fact that only a few dashes of rain touched Salem yes terday and tbe day before, heavy showers are reported a tew miles south of town, which did much good to growing crops. - Jane 10. 1023 ' , Wayne Miller, special educa tional Held agent for tho Y. M. CaJ A.. Is now In Salem, sent here to carry on a branch of tho Y. M. C A. college. Some 285 courses are offered In every line of endeavor. - j .-. A earload of gallon-canned wa ter pack apples that were shipped WASHINGTON The soldiers bonus bill was formally presented to the senate last night The blU has five provisions: Adjusted service pay If credit does aot ex ceed $50; adjusted service certif icate with bank and government loan provisions; vocational train ing aid; farm and home aid; land settlement aid. y Play Safe With A Safety Deposit Box DID you ever stop to think whet might happen to your valuable papers and ewelry? Lot by tiro, tneft or carelessness would bo far mora expensive than the Kfe time expense of a Safety Deposit Box. Rent a Safety Deposit Box from us TODAY. START SAYING REGULARLY NOW We Welcome YOUR Banking Business CTATEO NATIONAL DANK SALEM, OXE. M her Feetsrei Reserve Sr e Stroosj Baaltf TaoorffaRy Manages? 0,