The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 10, 1932, Page 3, Image 3

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, Jmte 10, 1932
Centipede Found in Various
Sections; no Control
Method Known
The small Insect which has both
ered gardeners in this vicinity
this spring is the- Sytnphnid, it
has ; become known through In
quiry made by Mrs. O. B. Lyday
to the department of entomology,
Oregon State college. The insect
is one' of the worst garden prob
lems at this time. It eats the hair
like roots of seeds, such as beans,
peas' and cabbage
Mrs. Lyday sent a sample of
the pest to Corrallls, and reply
of A. O. Bouquet of the yegetable
crops section, O. S. C, says in
"While I have officially refer
red your letter and bottle of in
sects to the department of en
tomology in charge of insect con
trol neyertheless I wanted to
write to you at this time regard
ing this; insect inasmuch as un
fortunately I am also too well ac
quainted with it. It is called the
Symphllif, sometimes called the
garden centipede. "While it has
been prevalent In the state for a
number of years. It has eridently
not been generally distributed
until more recently.
"In our vegetable crops acre
age or the college, four miles
from Corrallls, we ar now be
ginning to experience consider
able trouble from these insects
Last year was one of the worst
attacks especially on cabbage and
cauliflower. I have found them in
many gardens -in Corvallis. So far
no known method of control Is
available. Due to their small size
and depth of soil ;to which they
may go, comparatively shallow
soil treatments seem to have been
of little benefit. I find these in
sects pretty well scattered now,
for example, I was recently up on
the hill land above Crawfordsville
and found a bad attack on toma
toes In a greenhouse there. On
small acreages of land possibly
some sterilization may be done
but in an out-door garden. It
would probably be impossible.
"Frankly I want to tell you
that I consider this insect one of
the worst garden problems we
have at the present time due to
Its size, reproduction and its liv
ing at various depths of the soil.
Various potent materials have
been used by the department of
entomology but without very
much success so far. Even though
one should treat the seed, say
with Semesan, it would apparent
ly nave no errect In protecting
the young plant afterward. The
fine feeding roots of the plants
seem to be the main food of the
"Most of our garden insects are
controlled but it is generally
agreed both here and in Califor
nia that no successful control of
the Symphyilid is yet practiced.
In California, flooding the land
for a certain number of days seem
to be beneficial but of course this
is impossible in most instances.
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Seniors who recently received their diplomas from Gervals hieh school are shown above, left to right:
top row Catherine Mntter, Lawrence Adelman, Lena Rlggi, Carl Francis, Louise Lemery; eecond
row Edward Naftzger, Florence DuRette, Bradford Sypher, Evanelle Esson, Stanley DeJardin; third
row Dorothy Minaker, Floyd Seely, Charles Fltzger, Kenneth Manning, Maxine rhillips; fourth
row Elwald Susee, Marie Daniels, Evelyn Henny and Anton Schlechter. -
Photos by Kennell-EUla
Missiorw GROUP
Woodburn N
Evangelical C. E.
Surprises Member
At Birthday Event
bers of the Evangelical Christian
Endeavor society held their busi
ness meeting and social at the
home of Miss Anna Klampe, Tues
day night. As this was the birth
day anniversary of one of the
members, Beulah Wilson, a .sur
prise was planned for her. The
guests gathered at the Klampe
Following a brief business ses
sion presided over by the presi
dent, Laura Kihs, games and con
tests made the time pass very
quickly. At a late hour, refresh
ments were served to the honor
guest, Beulah Wilson,- Rosalie
Pullen, Rev. and Mrs. G. F. Lien
lng and daughter Florence, and
her cousin from Astoria; Helen,
Laura, George and John Klbs,
Robert Gulvin, Geraldine Jones,
Frances Weddle, George, Glenn,
and Virgil Wilson, Nettie Reeves
and Anna Klampe.
though much discussion of the
city's problems was the order of
things Tuesday night at the
meeting of the city council, nev
ertheless very little business was
actually transacted. City Record
er Beach was instructed to write
a letter of appreciation and
thanks to the Ray-Brown can
nery, as the cannery's well fur
nished water to Woodburn homes
while the city's water system was
being revamped. The cannery re
fused to take any money for the
Two bids for doing necessary
work on the library were re
ceived, though neither on was
accepted. The woodwork in the
library is to be painted and the
interior walls are to be calso
mined. Bids were submitted by
Donald Reese and John Leek.
The matter of having an en
gineer makes a true evaluation
of Woodburn's water system was
discussed. R. H. Corey of Salem,
who recently completed maps of
the water py -fem, has submitted
a bid of $12i' for the work. Part
ly for the reason that councilman
Espy was absent, no action was
The matter of officially adopt
ing the ordinance providing for
the evacuation of Arthur street,
between Second and Third streets
was left open.
The street committee indicated
it favors that the depression on
Bryant street be filled in with
dirt and a cement sidewalk built
across it. W. J. Uppendahl has
offered to furnish the dirt free if
he will be given the Job of put
ting it in at 25 cents a yard. The
total cost would probably be J 40.
Ladies Aid Meets
An interesting meeting of the
Ladies Aid society of the Wood
Durn rresbyterian cnurch was
held Wednesday afternoon in the
social rooms of the church. A fea
ture of the program was a thor
ough review of the book "Rice",
written by Louise Jordan Milan
by Mrs. C. R. Duncan, who had
charge of the program. Alice May
Adams and Patty Smith played
piano solos and then the two
played a duet. A short hut in
teresting speech concerning Sun
day school work and methods of
holding the children's Interest in
the church was given by Mrs
Stanley Adams. Mrs. J. C. Wil
liams led the devotional services.
The calling committee for the
month of July was appointed:
Mrs. C. R. Duncan, Mrs. J. C. Wil
liams and Mrs. Myrtle Clark.
Hostesses for July's meeting will
be Mrs. Lester Smith, Mrs. W
L. Boh, Mrs. Stanley Adams and
Mrs. Clara Pike. The meeting will
be held at the home of Mrs. Ad
ams. Hostesses for W e d n e s d ay's
meeting were Mrs. Delia Overton,
Mrs. Myrtle Clark, Mrs. Maude
Mochel and Mrs. H. F. Orr.
A Woodburn boy, Ralph David,
will receive a bachelor of arts de
gree from the University of Ore-
He is the son of Mrs. N. R. Dick
ey. Ralph has worked for the
Oregon Dally Emerald, student
publication, ever since he started
to Bchool. He has been a general
reporter, chief night editor and
a member of the editorial staff.
He was named star reporter last
year. Besides being a member of
Sigma Delta Chi, Journalism hon
orary fraternity, he is a member
of the Order of the Emerald "O",
which is made up of outstanding
members of the paper staff. He is
also a member of the Alpha Beta
Chi fraternal fraternity.
Another graduate from Wood
burn high school, Adelaide Zoe
Benjamin, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Benjamin of Gervals,
is also seeking a bachelor of arts
degree. She graduated from the
school in 1928. She has
GERVAIS, Jane 9 The Wom
en Missionary society wuimeet
at the Presbyterian church next
Wednesday Jane 15, for the
semi-annual all day meeting. At
this time the study book, "Liv
ing Issues in China", by Henry
T. Hodgln, secretary of the Na
tional Christian council in China,
will be read by members of the
society. Lunch will be served" in
the social rooms at noon.
Children's day will be observed
at the Presbyterian church next
Sunday, June 12. A merged Sun
day school and church service
with members of the Sunday
school taking part on the. pro
gram and a short sermon by the
pastor. Rev. Grafious. Special
music will be rendered.
LeBrnn Services
Funeral services for Alfonse
LeBrun, who was killed Sunday
afternoon when a car in which
be waa riding collided with a car
occupied by four. Portland men
near Hubbard, were held at the
St. Louis Catholic church at 10
o'clock Wednesday morning, Rev.
LFather Krause officiating. Bur
ial was In the church cemetery,
Reports were eurrent Wednesday
morning that two of the men in
th Portland car had died, and
that Anton Vaendetbeck, driver
of the LeBrun car was not recov
ering as satisfactorily as could be
A large delegation from Ger
vais chapter, O. E. S., went to
Salem Tuesday night where they
were guests of Chadwick chapter,
Other visitors were present from
Woodburn and Turner. Gervals
chapter at its meeting Friday
night voted to take a recess until
Guests of Dr. and Mrs. A. B.
Adkisson this week are Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley Crouch, newlyweds
of Eugene, who spent the week
end here. Mr. Crouch is a nephew
of the doctor. Mr. and Mrs. T. T.
McKensie of Salem were dinner
and overnight guests at the Ad
kisson home Wednesday, and
Thursday night Mrs. Adklsson
gave a pajama party for the Girl
Scout troop. Lunch was served
late in the evening and the girls
had breakfast with Mrs. Adkisson
before going home.
gon this spring. Ralph, who has
been active in activities at the high
university, graduated from I served as vice president of Su
Woodburn high school in 1925. san Campbell hall.
LISTEN! . . . "VOICE OF 76" . . . TONIGHT 8 . .
Unrestricted Choice
of Any Suit in
the Store
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noon & basket lunch was served.
Several f the mothers ot the com
munity attended.
TJe graduation exercises were
held In the school house Friday
night. Those receiving diplomas
from high school were Frank
Dueltgen, Earl Gage and Robert
Skelton. The eighth grade also
received diplomas: Willamette
Dyer, Ljrle Ritner, Loy Breyon and
Rebbecca WHlmana. The speaker
for the evening was Dr. W. A.
Warrington ot the Oregon State
college. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Van
Den Bash and the high school
girls furnished the music
Farmers Stacking Hay
On Account of Rains
cal apland farmers are stacking
their ( hay after the . protracted
rainy spelL The picking of Mar
shall berries continues in the
numerous large patches in the
vicinity. People with large fam
ilies are doing fairly well, aver
aging up to a dollar and a half
per day apiece in sonrb instances.
Mr. and Mrs- J. Fred Foster re
turned yesterday from a four-
day visit to Astoria, where- B.
If. Foster is employed as a fisherman.
Clinton Kennedy and Floyd
Dish, brothers-in-law, are moving
with their families to Silverton.
The men have a wood-cutting
contract near that city. Kennedy
has been employed the past year
on the W. E. Knower fruit farm
and the Dish family came recently
front Washington where they
have been living.
SILVERTON, June 9. In the
absence of Wanda Anderson, most
excellent chief, Lavon Bowen pre
sided, at the regular meeting of
the Pythian Sisters. Home temple
No. 21, held Tuesday night at the
Knights of Pythias hall. Ruth Mc-
Plke filled the place of Anne Had-
ley, past ehief, who was also ab
The election of grand represen
tative to the grand lodge to be
held in Portland in October result
ed in the choice of Ruth McPike,
with Lavon Bowen as alternate.
The lodge members voted to ap
ply to the grand chief for a spe
cial dispensation for a vacation in
July and August.
Much altruistic work was re
ported by members. This included
12 sick calls and 12 bouquets.
It was voted to hold a memor
ial servlee for departed members.
the services to be held June 26.
The sum paid to the maintenance
fund of the children's unit of the
Oregon-Washington Pythian home
was reported as J 39 The Sisters
voted to hold a social night at
their next meeting night and to
Invite the Knights and their fam
ilies as special guests. Strawber
ries will be featured.
The refreshment committee is
composed of Chloe Stayner, Nor
ma Storaaslie, Josie Stalker, Rose
Specht, Essie Specht, Mabel Stor
11 and Florence Williams. The pro
gram and entertainment group
consists of Myrtle Eastman Lucy
Eastman. Lillian Heald and Ethel
Three Pedee Boys
Receive Diplomas
From High School
PEDEE, June 9 The school
ended here Friday with an all day
picnic at the school house. The
grade school held its art exhibit
in the forenoon. The day was
spent in playing games and at
SILVERTON, June, 9 Miss
Merl Bowen, who has been teach
ing In Cottage Grove for the past
few years, has returned to Sil
verton and will spend the sum
mer with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. G. Bowen. Miss Bowen, who
is a graduate of Oregon State col
lege, taught in the Silverton high
school and at Baker before going
to Cottage Grove.
'cd'fy of the Valley
There's More Than Style
in These Fine Rings t
There's VALUE! Fancy a ring of latest de
sign, in i8k white-gold, decorated with two
fine diamonds and set with a brilliant, blue
white center stone selling at 50. These are
prices of the new era.
And there's the charming wedding ring that
matches . . . Five more brilliant small dia
monds are found in this smart design,
priced at 25 So there's your Bridal Set
for 75 both rings of fine quality, and are
perfectly matched.
Monthly payment terms cheerfully arranged
Pomeroy & Keene
379 State Street, Salem
No Wonder
Thatcher Colt
Was Baffled!
Lola Carcwc had become a tradition in the gay night life of New York. Dazzlingly ;
beautiful, tantalizingly enigmatic, she appeared alone at all the night clubs, familiar
to everyone, yet known by no one in the dizzy whirl of Gotham gaiety.
Then, almosrundcr the eyes of Thatcher Colt, brilliant
super-detective, she was murdered! Mystery piled on mys
tery! The baffling case reaches a peak of interest that will
hold you to the very end of this enthralling new serial
Wf 3 The
ft w
of the
fit Club
by ANTHONY ABBOT, Author of "Murder of the Choir Singer''
Don't Miss a Single Instalment - - - Begin it Sunday in