PAGE TEN The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Moraln?, Jane 5, 1932 V' Third Annual Willamette, L AT Trip There to View Many Attractive Plantings Well Worth While Are you drirlng today? If to try Salem Heights and Tlew with a studying eye the gardens to be found there. Salem Heights is Justly proud of Its array and as the advancing of years marches along It has a splendid ambition to add to this collection in such manner as to make Salem Heights stand for a spot of beautiful gar dens. Beautiful Belcrest Is a part of Salem Heights and is known far and wide for its beautiful flowers and shrubs. The following gardens are all located In Salem Heights: Ernest Iufer's perennial and rock garden. Mr. Infer is a well known landscape architect. Jay Morris' peony garden and greenhouse. King Bartlett Iris garden. Mrs. Margaret Watt's perennial and rock garden. A quaint English garden In a beautiful setting. Mrs. Myron Van .Eaton's rose garden. Many of the new and bet ter roses are growing here, also iris, columbine, lilies and flower ing shrubs. Dean Erickson's iris and peony garden. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Gil call their home on a hill top "Boulder Knoll." Thelr's Is a natural rock garden. Many native plants and shrubs are found here in a natur al setting. Mr. Gil's specialty Is large chrysanthemums. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burton have a snug little home tucked back into a fir and oak- grove, a quiet retreat for a business man and his wife. Mr. and Mrs.-Frank Miller have a nice borne and garden on the Pa clflc highway worth more than a nassing glance. Mrs. Miller has some excellent roses. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sawyer have a home with a spacious lawn on the Liberty highway. Mrs. Sawyer grows many flowers and shrubs. J A X. Fulkerson is noted for the wonderful asters that he grows on his place near the creek. The new home of Dr. and Mrs. Fred Burger Is in a beauty spot. Storage satisfaction is what you are looking for. The search is end ed. Here you will find the name and address and phone call of mov ing and storage serv ice that is right. mm HEIGHTS jj Install an jj in Now at a Saving! Clean, economical heat no dirt or ashes fully Automatic, even heat Spe3afl Smiimninmei? FcSce . Investigate Now! NELSON EJcog: Dun. M"lt.?,Jtaf. Ptambtafc Heating, Sheet Metal 355 Chemeketa Street Phone 3810 "" . - - III I Moving - Storing - Carting Larmer Transfer & : Storage v PHONE 3131 . We Al6 Handle Fuel Oil and Coal SIMPLE LINES AND WOODWORK CUT HOME COST The very elements that give this house a distinctive appeal also further its economy. Ita lines are regular and there is no special mill work anywhere to add either to cast of material or to time required in building. But no sacrifice of beauty Is en tailed rather the opposite. For Instance, the shutters can be made by the carpenter on the job, three to five boards being nailed together, without mould ing. The clapboards can be made of any well seasoned lumber which will stand the elements,, white pine or cypress being 'among these. Uneven edges and surfaces will bring out the desired effect. The material used . in the porches is the same, the roof probably being of shingle. If any finish is used on the woodwork it should be such as to bring out Its natural character, the adz marks showing through and the rough edges of the clap board and trim being very effec tive. The lower part of the exterior walls is of stucco, stone or per haps whitewashed brick. The frames around the win dows are typical of the house. They are made from simple ads marked pieces of wood about 3 by 4 at the jambs and 4 by f lintel mullions between windows 1 by 4, either of cypress, oak or white Pine, There Is nothing difficult about the chimney construction. It comes out just at the center of the ridge, directly ever the fireplace In the living room. The dining room and living room share the comfort and shade of the porch. Both are cross-ventilated, and the living room catches breezes from three sides. The location of the kitchen at the front of the house keeps mod ern housekeeping requirements in mind and puts the housewife within easy reach of the front door. There are three bedrooms, two They have a lake stocked with trout, wild geese, two deer, many flowers and shrubs and a large lily pool. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Morgan have a beautiful flower and vegetable garden. E SEATTLE. A total of 321 mills reporting to the West Coast Lumbermen's association for the week ending May 28 operated at 20.8 per cent of capacity, as com pared to 23.5 per cent of capacity for the previous week and 44.3 per cent for the same week last year. During the week 1SX of these plants were reported as down and 125 as operating. Current new business of 216 identical mills was 5.9 per cent over production. This group re ported production approximately 6,000,000 feet less than the pre vious week. Shipments for the week were 15.7 per cent over production. Inventories, as reported by 144 mills, decreased 9,000,000 feet from the week ending May 21 and are 18.4 per cent less than at this time last year. Unfilled orders declined 4,830. 000 feet from the previous week New export business received dur ing the week was 3,018,754 feet less than the volume reported for the previous week. New domestic cargo orders were 449,811 feet over the previous week, new rail business decreased 2,489,474 feet while the local trade declined 366,743 from the previous week's business. STOCKS OF MB baths and a sleeping porch up stairs. One of the baths opens on the stair hall and the other, with a private dressing room. Is for the owner's bedroom. . The lot best suited for this house would be 75 by 12S feet, HOW By LILLIE L. MADSEN This week's "How Does Your Garden Grow?" will assume the qualities of hash, I fear, for I have received so many inquir ies during the past two weeks that I decided to answer them all at once as nearly as I can. Some of the an swers are a rep etition, for, it seems, some of the readers have aissed the an swers to Bimilar UTUrn Madsea questions some time ago. Such an one is" What shall I do to control the rust on holly- nocksT" Again I answer, "Spray." Use either a diluted Bordeaux mixture or a solution of sulphide of potassium at the rate of one ounce to two gallons of water. This will not discolor the foliage. As a matter of fact the Bordeaux mixture will not discolor the foli age if the mixture la not too strong. Snapdragons like a limed soil, enriched with leaf mold or de cayed manure. Have you cut off the dead blooms from your lilacs? If you haven't, you should do so at once. This will Induce better bloom for next season. Did you know that cottonseed meal was an excellent fertilizer for rhododendrons and azaleas? It contains the nitrogen which is so essential to" their successful growth. And did you know that a teaspoonful of powdered alum or a small dose of aluminum sul phate, the cheaper of the two. and really the same thing, added to the soil about the azaleas and rhododendrons, will keep the soil acid? If your azaleas or rhodo- Tel. 6627 and .... .. J. W. COPELAND YARDS Wallace Road, 200 yards north of the bridge Tel. 6627 Patronize Your Salem Building Trades LADD & BUSH, BANKERS Salem, Oregon Established 1868 Commercial and Savings Department flQCSl Manufacturers of BOND LEDGER GLASSINE GREASEPROOF TISSUE Support Oregon Products Specify "Salem Made" Paper for Your Of i ice Stationery Valley Flower Show Brilliant Affair although a smaller one might be used. There should be room for a flower garden, a lawn and trees. Subject to the usual local fac tors, the cost should run from $6000 to $8000. DOES YOUR GARDEN GROW? deudrons aren't doing well you might try adding a teaspoonful of either of these to the soil. Lilacs aren't the only shrub to be pruned at this season of the year. Most of your spring-flowering shrubs should be pruned back now or as soon as they are through blooming. If you prune off some of the flowering wood from this year your plants will gain in vigor for next season's bloom and will also appear more neat during this summer. It has been suggested that a few top minnows be -added to the pools as these feed on the surface of the water and do away with a much greater quantity of the mosquito larvae than do the small fancy goldfish. Speaking of pool fish, one Sil- verton gardener recently had a lesson In "what not to do." The gardener decided that a green bottom in the pond would be very attractive so proceeded to lift out the fish, paint the cement bottom green, leave it stand for a few days and then put her fish back in. The fish disliked the paint so much that only two of the 50 fish survived, and these two were rescued when the others began to die. Mrs. Gardener removed the paint and added more fish, whether or not the effects of the paint would have worn off or not I do not know, but I Imagine that after sufficient time had elapsed the fish would not be harmed. Have you remembered that this is the season of the year to di vide your primulas. If they have VIBBERT & TODD Things Electrical Motor Rewinding, Repairing. Installing Radio Supplies, Contracting Motors Phone 0140 466 State St. COPELAND'S HAVE SCREENED SALEM HOMES FOR YEARS Screens made to order and installed our representative will call o IPSM increased to several crowns these can be separated and planted in loose soil ' and watered (unless this rain keeps np) until growth haa started. Nearly all of your primroses should be divided at least once In three years to do their best. It they are cot divided until autumn you are apt not to have . so very many blooms, al though they will still give you quite a nice display. I suppose I shouldn't tell this, but this year I divided mine In early March. Just as they were beginning to bloom. I was really surprised at the amount, of flowers I got after doing such a thing to them. How ever, I do not advise doing this as I have had better results when I followed the rule of dividing just after blooming season. Speaking of primroses it is Interesting to grow them from seed and certain varieties ger minate easily. Others are exceed ingly slow In germination. I have planted primrose seed in June and have had nice large plants by autumn. I set these out in Sep tember and they bloomed the fol lowing spring. For those who en joy collecting, primroses are ideal as there are. several hundred va rieties and one can never be sure he has them all. And there are primroses for almost every sort of soil and location. Few of our western houses list very many varieties. But I have found an English house with a branch In this country that has several doz en varieties listed. England one thinks of, of course, as the home of the primrose. To anyone who is seriously in terested in the growth and col lection of primroses I might sug gest that the state library has some very Interesting material on their culture. And now it seems I have stray ed along the "primrose path," a favorite one of mine. Funeral is Monday At Dallas Church For Mrs. R. Grant DALLAS, June 4 Funeral ser vices will be held at the Methodist church here Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock for Rosa-Ella Grant, 51, who died at the Dallas hospit al Friday night. Rev. J. W. War rell will officiate. Mrs. Grant was born in Liberty Hill, Tenn., Dec. 15, 1880. She is survived by her husband, Wayne S- Grant, and seven children: Eth el of Chicago, Burty, Odess .and Enoe, all daughters, and Virgil, Cloyce and Estan, all of Dallas v 150 IS FROM JEEP WEIL Kenneth Russell Plunges After Young 'Daughter; Both Recovered CLOVERDALE, June 4. Betty June, the four-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Russell, narrowly escaned drowninr on Thursday afternoon, when boards over tne well gave way, causing her to fall lato the 20-foot ratl in which .was six feet of water. Luckily Mr. Russell, who was In the field, and the Cummlngs family, who Mve nearby, heard the mother's frantic cries. Mr. Russell plunged Into the well and reached the baby and was table to keep her and himself above water until she could be drawn from the well with ropes frou above by C. Cum mlngs and N. Bit.. Mrs. Russell ran to the home of W. Morris for help in reviving the baby and for more men to get her husband from the well. Mr. and Mrs. Morris came, she to give first aid and h to assist the men. Great difficulty was met In ret ting Mr. Russell out of the well, and he spent half an hour la the Remains are at the Henkln and Thomas parlors. CHILD BOB LUMBER It's quality that counts It's quality that saves time and expense. When you buy lumber and building materials from us you save on time and expense as well as having qual ity material to work with. GABRIEL 610 N. Capital MY ABERDEEN STORE COMPLETE STOCK BROUGHT TO SALEM TO BE SOLD Att If mm (S)yim IPi?nse DIAMOND RING WEE EACH DAY 3TW5 SALES EDAlIlLir One Week Only DIAMONDS SILVERWARE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FISHING TACKLE Come Early for Prizes Nothing Resej-ved HUNDREDS OF PERUSES N. Commercial . . cold 'water. An hour and a 'half was spent in reviving the baby but last reports are that aha Is as well as could be expected after her experience. EIGHT DEM PUPILS GRADUATED RICKREALL. June Josiah Wilk, Polk county school superin tendent, gave the address to the eighth, grade graduation class Wednesday night at the hlch school auditorium at which time five girls and three boys received their diplomas: Florence Coville, Margaret Cunningham, Elizabeth Delbele, Beatrice Reimerr Betty Stubblefield. Harold Burch. Mer ton Coville and Elbert Ragsdale. The Examination of Eyes and Accurate Fitting of Glasses a Specialty OPTOMETRISTS 333 STATE ST. BUILDING MATERIALS of Quality Powder & Supply Co. Phone 9191 CONSOLIDATION Sale BUY NOW! JEWELRY STORE S. LV Today The "American Legion medal was awarded to Merton Coville and presented by Jack Eakin of Dallas. The progTam follows: proces sional, Catherine McEwen; group of songs, grade school Glee club; class prophecy, Beatrice Relmer; class will, Elbert Ragsdale; pre sentation of Palmer awards, Miss GUlam; presentation of American Legion medal. Jack Eakin; pre sentation of diplomas, F. E. Pence. Marjorie Dew introduced the speakers. Sturdy 14' Rowboat For Fisherman or'Vacationlst At this price yon can easily af ford to own your own boat. This graceful, sturdy 14' mod el will meet your every re quirement. We ask yon to Judge for your self by seeing it at our yard. They must be good for we sold 5 last week to one of the out standing resorts on the Wil lamette River. Be lit to your order if yon wish by expert-' enced boat builder. Omr Price $15.00 Cobb & Mitchell Co. Everything la Bafldiag Material 849 So. 12th TeL 7443 and Starts WATCHES CLOCKS LUGGAGE SPORTING GOODS ALSO UNREDEEMED PLEDGES Stevens, 'Auctioneer , SALEM, ORE. .