The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 04, 1932, Page 2, Image 2

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    . ;. t;.
The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, June 4, 1932
'V i
Had Been Scheduled' Junior
High Exercises Speaker;
Monmouth Aroused
- (Continued from pax 1)
naked him it he wu told from
Portland or Salem to cancel my
address. Ho aald he could not an
awer that ouestion.
I aat in tho audience how
ever, that night, and heard tho
oxerdsea. Dr. A. 8. Jensen Kinaiy
took mi nlaco on tho program.
The assembly was crowded to tho
doors with friends to hear me,
for It was my first local appear
ance since my serious illness two
years ago. Thoao who learned
what had happened condemned
thm action in Terr severe terms,
nd felt that It was heneath tho
dignity of such authorities.
"When I reached homo after
iTtnr h Maamblr. I found a
Ifr OUVH It DfiA
a ir.r Tw ivni la 'Th
iron Mas,"
Today Richard Arlea is
"Sky .Bride.'
Today Bob Steel in "Ner-
ada Bnckaroo.
(Continued from page 1
mve crises wore awarded by
Principal Fred D. Wolf. To Josie
Aeklln went first nrue xor me
lawn awaiting my re u n. xuo, - COurse: to Esther Black, tho
desired to know the details of tho iL
Is "Farmers' Institute" say
Members; Resolution Is
Adopted by Group
larre rroun of tho Junior hlgu I . " . Mflt
affair. I rave tnem sucn iniorma-i . .... T 4 nrili.rr
tlon as I had. They resented this . . etudent making beet
interference witn tneir Pjosram - dM In American History was
after their choice of speaker had awarde4 to Meison. student
-een auowea 10 siana ior iu. bod president during the past
weeks, and had been approred
both bT tho principal of tne jun-l wiitar nrnAndfnMAr. ad Indeed
lor high school and by the direc- thft moat outstanding boy in tho
tor of training schools." rocational department, was
awarded tho Dr. W. B. Morse-
Mr. Gentle was one of the wit- Hartman Brothers prize, a gold
nesses against President uanaers w&tch.
of the normal school at the hear
ings regarding Landers admini
stration here last winter.
The annual Albert prize of $25,
for tho student selected by fac
ulty and classmates as having
made the,greatest progress toward
character and service, opportun
ity considered, was presented to
Hanna Evmann.
Leora Gerlg received special
mention as neither having missed
school nor been tardy daring all
of her grade and high school career.
Diplomas were presented by Su
perintendent George W. Hug as
the names were called off by Prin
cipal Wolf.
When tho seniors were again
seated, Emery Hobson played a
difficult piano solo, "Scherzo in C
(Continued from page 1)
law, literature, language and art.
physical education, science ana
social science
"Students not yet decided on
their choice of major work may sharp Minor, Op. S" by Chopin.
to either campus where they Rev. A. J. Newfeld delivered jthe
will bo enrolled merely as lower benediction.
division students lndifferentiated Tho new Salem high school al
as to schools," Dr. Smith contln- umnl then marched out of the th fr
eed. "In this they will have op- atre to tho music of the band,
portunlty to 'explore' the various while tho larger portion of the au-
(t M nojj penan3)
Senior heifer calf: 1st, Frank
Clark: 2nd, Box Ross; Jrd, Don
derson: 4th, Fred Rordan; Sth,
J. R. Davis; 6th, Palmar Torvend,
all unnamed ozcopt tho Doris
heifer which is Oxford Dominion
Sunbeam. - -
Junior heifer calf: 1st, Donald
Schacht, Sllverton; 2nd, M. O.
Beatty, Salem; Ird, Frank Clark:
4th and Sth, Rex Ross; 6th, Silas
Torvend: all unnamed. i
Junior champion heifer, Frank
Clark on Broadland Xenla,
Sonior and grand champion
cow: Frank Clark on Volunteer's
Fern Dell. .
Get-ot-lre: 1st and 2nd, Gun-
derson on get of Eagle's Double-
boy and Lion Farm Successor;
2rd. Rex Ross on got of Lion's
Farm Come Some; 4th J. R. Da
vis on get of Jolly Chimes.
Produce of cow: 1st and 2nd,
Gunderson; 3rd, Rex Ross. ,
Best three cows: Gunderson.
There are nine cups which are
awarded. Tho cups aro gifts of
nrms ana organizations and must
bo won three times to give per
manent possession. Tho cuds were
on display at the exhibition and
attracted attention. Somo have
been won throe times but turned
back for further competition. The
cup awards aro as follows:
Grand champion bull and grand
champion cow, each silver cup
presented by Msrion County
Bankers association.
Reserve champion bull, cud
presented by Marlon County Jer
sey cattle club.
Reserve champion cow, cup pre
sented oy jriscner Flouring Mills,
Produce of cow, cup presented
Dy uregon Gram Co. of Turner.
Get-of-slro, cup presented by
Hodgen Brewster Milling Co.,
Best three cows, 'cup presented
by Albert Bros., Portland.
Two cups presented to Four-H
club winners in over-year and un-der-year
class, by Marlon County
Jersey cattle club.
campaign, tho largest sum filed
tor any candidate for tho legisla
ture. - ' -vr "f -
Tho" statement submittal by
Sam Davidson, treasurer of tho
contributors, was aa follows:
Funds were received from Da
vid Flnkalsteln, 1 Abo Ro-
senfeld S47I.0K; Charles E. Wa
11a If 1.11, D. Hemerovshy f I
02. Louis Rothmau,2Ilt.2l, if.
L. Oumbort tlll.02. M. Jaeoby
$471.01. Edward Hlrstel $111:01
and 8am Davidson $411.01.
Expenditures during February
were $440.47. March $1100.0$.
April $1100.0$ and Hay $2001.1$.
book on m 1
1 a month's vacation trip. ; They ex
pert .to - visit slater- of Mr.
I Thompson's. Mrs. Frank Starnea,
ta Cheyenne. Wyo and a friend.
Mrs. Brown, formerly 4t Port
land, la Pueblo, Colo.
1 Ex-Postmistress
-i gm 1 In solemn, almost aorrowxu
t ZlCeS Charge Ot I procession, the WtU&mette uni-
r 0 ty Ct I Terslty seaiors Friday morulas.
Defrauding L. O. I bedecked lm caps and gowns.
I marched ever tho croaking floor
PORTLAND. Juno $. Mrs. I wuiwr uau xm ae piae-
Every veteran who has Joined,
or becomes a member of tho
American Legion for 1122. and
whoso card and duos aro of rec
ord with tho national organiza
tion for July 10. will receive
without charge a 22-page maga
zine also booklet describing an
federal and state laws pertaining
to world war veterans.
This announcement was made
by Irl S. McSherry, commander
ot Capital post No. t, American
Legion, following advice received
from national headquarters in Indianapolis.
Not only will there be a full
description of all such laws but
there will be suggestions as to
how claims may bo started and
followed through.
"Often an ex-eervlce man knows
in his own heart that ho has a
Just claim for compensation, but
too often the lack of information
as to tho proper method of pro
cedure prevents the case from re
ceiving the attention it deserves,"
MeSherrv stated.
The booklet will be available
only to members of the Legion
It has been especially written to
meet tho requirements of 'every
world war veteran and to answer
the many questions relative to
OSHKOSH. WU- Juno 1 (AP)
-Betweea breakfast and lunch
time today. Leonard Trttt, Sl
ehaagod his statu from eltlsoa to
lifer la tho state pnsoa. -
Mi r m . rrtt At, ui mo rii.HM niVBhri. fAmartvlos there as Willamette students
od his wife, MaboL IT, ta her I postmistress at Bar View, waal" time
homo la Omro, Wis. I arrested yesterday at Twla Bocks 1 Clarence Poor, president ot tho
$:I0 a. mH ho surrendered at lorn a secret indictment returned I anior olaaa. took charxo of tho
Oshkosh, tea miles away. I by tho federal grand Jury chart-1 chanel nrorram aad voiced tho
10:11 a, a.. District Attorney I tag her with embezzling about 1 tteitngs ot farewell for himself
rranx a. &ooxo proparea a nm 1 I90 front postoriiee ruuas. iAna ftu classmates.
degree murder complaint aa 1 Mrs. Blanchard was arraigned l pnfMur Matthews was called
True waivea n earing. 1 m federal court aero today, givea
10:Ki a. m aeatenee , of life I ttntU Tuesday to enter her plea.
tmprisonmontwaa pronoun cea. and released oa her owa recog
II noon. Sheriff Arthur Nelson I alzanco.
delivered Trttt to the state prlo-1 She was removed as postmls-
on. 22 miles away, ia time tor the 1 tress last March.
mid-day prison meal.
Tritt said ho shot his wife be
cause oho insisted upon a divorce. I Qrnxirharriac af
He also vonnded their twe eons .Otl dWUCl I ACS O.L
Both are expected to recover.
state highway commission at tho
eouaty eoart road day meeting
Friday. Court members signified
that they did not know what tho
state would do about it Right ot
way matters caused considerable
difficulty oa tho surrey. This sur
rey has been continued from time
to time and as Friday was tho fi
nal day tor tho question It was
necessary to dismiss It,
A road to tho Wood burn city
park petitioned tor by W. O.
Without aad others, was ordered
lowed by the court, aa was also
a road aakod for by Mrs Bcnon
balchler and others aear Scotts
Mills. - A favorable viswer's re
port was adopted oa a road east
ot Salem petitioned for by Harry
B. Martin and others.
market with berries of high qual
ity and buyers could hare them
MarshSeld High
Wins Chemistry
Honors in State
CORVALLIS, Ore., June 2
(AP) Marshfleld high school
won tho Oregon chemistry contest
eondncted annually br the Oregon 1 virtually at their own prices.
section of the American Chemical I Orowera in the Lebanon and
society. Dr. S. C. Gilbert, nrofes-
sor of Dhrslcal chemistry at Ore- i they would throw their fields
gon State college, announced to-1 open to tho public and let tho
day. pickers have the berries for wnev-
Second place went to Lincoln I ever they would pay, or for noth
high school, Portland, and third lng at all
to Cloverdale high school.
Cyril McKenne of Marshfleld
was the Individual high scorer.
oa la accordance with custom to
xtvo a partinx message to tho sen
iors. His message was brief and
homely, the one aim being to
warn tho students ot tho clutches
ot procrastination.
"Gentlemen cannot buy razor
blades ia the bathroom, nor can
ladles wash behind their ears in
church," he stated.
Elizabeth Ogdea aang Paul Ir-
t t W YTTf 1 1
Cent Per Pound ? . t sou-
lor cuajrai ti; ;( iiiiv,
ed here today for one cent a
Albany Sell For
other students, marked the close
of senior chapel and lowerclass-
Warm weather has flooded th. I JryJX0!7
Loss is $30,000
In Three Alarm
Fire in Seattle
SEATTLE, June 2 (AP)
Damage of upwards ot $20,000
waz done by a tire which swept
through a two-story wooden build
ing which housed the Reliance
Iron and Wire works and three
other concerns late tonight. Three
alarms were turned in and 35
pieces of fire equipment went to
the scene.
A number of nearby wooden
buildings, including the Goodwill
ndnstries plant, were endanger
ed. The building was virtually destroyed.
Lacomb districts indicated today Skull Fracture ,
Not Recognized
For Over Week
Linn Tax League
Seeking Changes
For Income Law
ALBANY, Ore., June 2 (AP)
The Linn county tax league to
day took steps to begin circulation 'f,..-. .
field) of education while getting
fundamental general work In the
four great groups of physical, bi
ological and social sciences, lan
guages, literature and art,
"Students not in the technical
or professional schools are re
quired to select any three of the
four groups for a year's sequence
ot study and one for a two-year
sequence. Meanwhile all students
in the first two years of study.
but particularly those not In the
technical or professional curri
cula, will havo the help and guid
ance afforded by a definite organ
ization of group chairmen and
other advisers made np of faculty
members In each of the four ma
jor groups of undergraduate
study. This organization will de
pend also on the specialized help
and cooperation afforded by the
personnel and guidance staffs and
the registrar's office."
dience remained seated.
(Continued from pag 1)
A wave of farewell and shout
ed wish of good luck from his
young wife, Martha, sent the reti
cent 31-year-old amateur pilot on
n. ci, T.n vrnn t,m uu yrujwiea vu mne Lilgnt
won from the Alpha Psl Delta Q .a"er, he 1If,tea hta,Tlly
ir, . mna-hir ,i..h loaded Bellanca plane from Floyd
game of the Willamette unlver- Bennett field at 8:46 a. m., (east
slty do-nut league Friday noon. er "tandard time).
by his side and prepared the food
he would need for his aerial
15 to 2.
Both teams had won 10 and
lost two games In the regular
league and had previously split U?unt' "Pf1 8l,ent
(Continued from pas 1) -
can be built up with which to
wipe out the deficit already fac 1
by the fair. ,
. The fair Is carrying a deficit ot
about $8,000 incurred in 1930,
and principal and interest on out
standing bonds amounting to $7,-
400 are due inOctober, Hanzens
letter stated. Last year the fair
itself returned a profit, but it was
absorbed by the overdraft on the
premium list of about $11,500. it
- was stated. The state legislature
appropriated $37,50) for the fair
each year, but which proved in
adequate for the premium list as
outlined by the previous fair
Hospital Makes
Bonds Payment
' The Salem General hospital re
tired $3500 of its outstanding
bond issue June 1, as - well as
meeting the Interest on the bal
ance outstanding. This makes
. 113.500 principal out of the $65,
00 total issue which has been
ivaid eft. The bonds are due seri
ally, the next payment due Jane
1, 1022, being $4000.
games. Ia the playoff game Frank
Haley's work In left field was a
feature with the cocky little "ban
tam" picking flies out ot the at
mosphere from all angles
Hausner to Land's End as ho
headed out above the cold waters
of the North Atlantic. She then
instructed her pilot, John Coyne,
to take her to Newark airport.
Scout Campaign
Progress Noted
r Mnn nnt Accompanied by the Rev. Paul
on'a offerings consistently and .
usually knocked pop flies when ww Y u -mir s cnurca w
Sni.i wk InAdAfl. Jim Bur.
Aatt'n hnm rnn In1 thft ftiehth
S;Vwea,106rrthZedof a r'U7'Barde Campaign
Expense Paid by
9 Contributors
Contributions to promote the
nomination of Jack N. Barde of
Portland for nfntA unitiir f mm
Few reports were made b; Mnltnonili Mnntr r mt. hr
. a a a e- a i I v " w
worserB in w doj ocoui unau- nlne. contributors. It was revealed
ciai anve yesierasy dui progress Dy a iengthy statement of expen
m tne solicitation was maae. i ditures and disbursements filed
cnairman T. A. winaisnar re- witn the secretary of state Frl
ported last night. All the com- aay. th Barde contributors
mlttees are being asked to report spent $4780.43 to the pre-primary
at scout neaaquarcers in iae iri
National bank building today in
order that a summary may be
made of the results to date.
The drive probably will be con
tinued Into next week.
Cannery Suit to
Reach End Today
Caso of Karl Heusser against
Llbby, McNeil and Llbby is to go
to the Jury in circuit court here
todsy following arguments by at
torneys on both sides of the snlt.
Taking ot testimony closed at
4:30 p. m. Friday. Fifteen hun
dred dollars Is sought by plaintiff
to reimburse him for cucumbers
sold to the defendant and alleged
ly "graded down" below contract
tho general election ballot next
fall a measure providing Tor re
vision of the state income tax
laws. The proposed changes vir
tually would eliminate present ex-
! ...J m.V. I
vuinuus AUU WOM uiudi yiuv'
KEIZER, June 2 Mrs. 3. J
Ostrander of Salem and Mrs. Ma-
Kneeves of Portland,
sions to cover the deficit facing "ihi!I! 0l.UJ:.-?? ?2
the state through reduced income
tax returns.
Members of the league met to
day with Earl Fisher, member of
the state tax commission.
Seven Bridges
Will be Built
RoaSmxster Johnson Thursday
decided on 'construction of seven
bridges on side roads between
Marlon and Greens bridge, after
making a tour of inspection over
that section. Four of the bridges
are fairly largo while the others
are of smaller type.
He expects to send the bridge
crew into that section in about a
week. All of the bridges are ot
wood construction ad replace
ments will be of tho same mater
Thompson of Kelser, left Port
land by motor Friday morning for attend.
BEND. Ore., June 2 (AP)
The annual convention of tho Ore
gon Music Teachers' association
will open in Bend June 15 and
will continue three days. More
than 150 teachers from all sec
tions ot the state are expected to
BEND, Ore.. June 2 (AP)
More than a week after he was
injured in an automobile acci
dent on the Columbia River hlgn-
way near Hood River, Ernest
Crockatt, educational director for
the state game commission, learn
ed hero today that he had a frac
tured skull.
Tho fracture was discovered by
an x-ray examination by Dr. J.
C vandervert. member of the
game commission.
Crocket twaa injured when a
truck forced hU automobile from
the highway and It plunged over
a 40-foot embankment.
Farmer Injured
By Horse's Kick
Is in Hospital
One of those accidents which do
not occur so often now as In "the
good old days" occurred last
Harry Martin, farmer living m
the vicinity of Pen road, suffered
such painful Injuries as the result
of being kicked by a horse early
last night, that It was necessary
to remove him to a hospital. He
was taken to Salem General hos
pital by Salem ambulance.
Late reports were tnat nis im
mediate condition was good.
County's Survey
Of Silver Falls
Route Rejected
The survey on the South Silver
Falls route was rejected, the res
olution calling for it dismissed
and the selection of a route for
that road left solely up to tho
REEDSPORT, Ore.. June 2
(AP) Carl Johns. 27, of Esst
Gardiner, drowned in the Cmpqua
river last night. His body waa re
covered today. He waa believed
to have fallen overboard while
preparing to put out a net.
Too Late to Classify
FOR SALE 124 Oakland delivery.
2 15 Cbemeketa Street.
Berry Growers
Agree to Hold
For 75c Price
GRANTS PASS, Ore., June 2.
(AP) A committee of local
strawberry growers today began
obtaining signatures of growers
to an agreement not to sell their
berries for less than 75 cents a
crate. The movement is sponsor
ed by the Southern Oregon Pro
tective league, which was organ
ized this week at Crown Point
Forty-eight growers had signed
the agreement at 0 o'clock this
Great Time Today at
12:45 P. M.
Mickey Mouse Club
o o o o
Genuine Frigidaire
A Homo Owned Theatre
Mickey Moose Party &
Matinee Today 1:30 P. M.
Free Milk Popslrle to
Earh Boy and Girl
ur3 n7 tv7 m
GALVESTON, Tex., June 2
XAP) Ray Jacobs, first baseman,
(was purchased from Portland of
the Pacific Coast league tonight
by Del Pratt, manager ot the Gsl
veston Bucs. Jaeobs is expected to
report to the Texas league team
la Dallas June 8.
"aitomeOiTvedTherfre' 7
I A thrill-story of daring
feats in the air-lanes
Jack Oakie. .
Dick Arlen
Rob't. Coogan
We are offering a limited selection of Frigidaire Electric
Refrigerators (last year models) at greatly reduced
prices for quick disposal
Attend Our
9 o'Clock Show and
Stay for Preview
11:30 PJH.
Smith I
M Dale in
Chae. Butterwortfa
with ;
Dorothy ReviCT, Boris Karloff
Coming: Sunday Monday
All the dramatic power, the
emotional fire that only Rob
inson can attain ia poured in
to this pietnre that is more
than a picture
ft cn Experience!
Were $185 g
Robert Boswotth, Ralph Iboo,
Marion Shilling
WtllUm Coiller. Jr.,
Completely Installed Don't Miss This Chance