The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 04, 1932, Page 1, Image 1

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    - I
Have The Statesman' fol
low yoa while on xour va
cation; mailed to any ad
dress, two weeks only twen
ty five cents.
; WEATHER ;i r
. Partly cloudy today and
Sunday, ' normal .. tempera'
. tore; Max. Temp. Friday -63,
Ilia. 49, rtrer 4 feet, 1
rain JO Inch, N. W. wind. ,
Salem,' Oregon, Saturday Horning, June 4, 1932
Nov 59
Is "Farmers' Institute" say
Members; Resolution is
Adopted by Group
Showing of Cattle Attracts
Large Crowd; Awards
Are Announced
Rumor that the state fair might
be dropped for the year -brought
swift and sharp reaction among
the members of the Marion Coun
ty Jersey club who were staging
their show as part of the Oregon
Jersey Jubilee at the state fair
grounds yesterday. The club was
called together when the report
reached the .fairgrounds and t
stinging resolution denouncing
the proposal on the ground that
the state fair is the farmers' Insti
tute and that appropiation has
been made tor the year's exhibi
tion. The following is the text of
the resolution:
"Whereas, an effort is being
made to do away with the state
fair on the plea of economy, and
"Whereas, it is a false plea,
made to coyer up other reasons,
th state fair really being the
farmers' Institute at, which infor
mation worth many- thousands of
dollars is disseminated, especially
to the dairy, live stock ard 4-H
elub Interests, and to all phases of
"The fair forms a meeting place
for farmers, stockmen and people
from all parts of the state and ad
vertises the resources of the state
In a manner which could not be
done for many thousands of dol
lars in direct advertising, there
fore be it
"Resolved, That we, the Marion
County Jersey Cattle club de
nounce any attempt to omit even
one year's fair as bad from a busi
ness standpoint, especially as the
appropriation for this year's fair
Is already made; as unfair to the
dairy, live stock and agricultural
Interests, and as disastrous to Ore
gon from an advertising stand
point. "Resolved that we call on Gov.
Meier to keep the state fair intact,
that we pledge ourselves to help
make this year's fair greater than
"Resolved further, that we ex
press our complete confidence in
our state fair secretary, Mrs. Wil
son and our appreciation of the
competent and impartial manner
in which she has managed the
Showing of Jerseys
Draws Large Crowd
The show of the jerseys made
by Marlon county dairymen at
tracted a considerable crowd. A
fine showing of choice stock was
made, indicating that the herds
are being well maintained and the
stock kept up to high standards.
Cafeteria lunch was enjoyed at
noon and those present enjoyed a
pleasant social time. The list of
winners In the exhibition was as
Club classes:
Over-year: 1st Palmer Torvend
on Darling Girl's Peggy.
Under - year: 1st Donald
gchacht; 2nd Earl Rordan; 3rd
Palmer Torvend; 4th Earl Ror
dan; 5 th Silas Torvend.
Aged bull, 1st Rex Ross, Mt
Angel, on, Greymere Scotty; 2nd.
J. R. Davis, Turner, on Rochet's
Jolly Joe.
Three year old bull: 1st L. D.
Roberts, Turner, on Ladd's Maj
esty of Ashmeade.
Two year old bull: 1st M. G
Gunderson, Sllverton on Eagle's
Masterman; 2nd Alfred Zwiach
er, Salem, on Darling's Richly
Noble; 3rd, Fred Rordan, Silver
ton, on Bertha's Pet of the
Junior yearling bull: 1st, O. E.
Beatty, Sllverton on BlondleGish
Volunteer; 2nd, M. G. Gunderson
on unnamed.
Senior bull calf: 1st. M. G.
Gunderson on unnamed; 2nd Rex
Ross on unnamed; 3rd to 5th,
Samuel Torven, Sllverton on un
namea. rourtn Fred Roraan on
unnamed. .
Junior champion bull: O. E
Beatty on Blondie BIsu Volunteer.
Senior, and grand champion
bull: M. G. Gunderson on Eagle's
Reserve champion: Rex Ross
cn Greymere Scotty.
First. Frank Clark, Salem on
Volunteer's Fern Dell; 2nd; .aged
cows:, Gunderson on Dora of Oak
j Creek farm.
Four year old cow: 1st, Gun
denon on Eagle's Charming Bet
ty; 2nd, J. R. Davis on Chime's
, Gertrude. j
Three year oWLeow: 1st, Gun
' dertion on Successor's Oxford Bes
sie; 2nd, J. R. Davis on Chime's
I y Two year old cow: 1st, Earl
Ross, Mt. Angel on Dottle's Ox
ford Mabel; 2nd, Samuel Torvend
on Rinda'a Sunbeam; 2rd, Palmer
Torvend on Darling GJrl's Peggy)
; 4th. J.- R. ; Davis on Dominion's
' Lady Bess. -yv
c Senior yearling heifer: 1st and
2nd, Gunderson on Mabel's Rosy
Jewel; and Rosy Betty Marie;
1 3rd. S.Torvend on Princess Ilene;
, ; 4th J. R. Davis on Oxford Da
mon's Gertie.
Junior yearling heifer: 1st, 2nd
and 3rd. J. R. Davis on Dominion
Oxford,Queen and Princess Olou
and Princess Osue; 4th, Rex Ross
. on Loetta. T
4 (Turn to page I, col. S)
Gehlhar and Board of Agriculture to Decide;
Hanzen Suggests Elimination. Unless
Exposition Self-Supporting
r'E unbroken succession of Oregon state fairs over a per
iod of 72 years, may be interrupted this year, with the
decision resting ;on the t shoulders
agriculture, ana me suiie ooara-oi agriculture wnica meets
here Jane 18. This situation appeared following a pertinent
suggestion made Friday by Henry M. Hanzen, budget direct
111 1 "Oor, that the fair not he held this
Marion Alsman and Miller
Bound Over, A. Alsman
Case not Settled
Marion Alsman and Thern Mil
ler, charged with burglaries of
the Bishop store and 'the Little
French shop, were bound over to
the Marion county grand Jury for
further Investigation, following a
preliminary hearing held yester
day before Justice of the Peace
Hayden. Hayden held Alma Als
man, charged with receiving stol
en property, for further Investi
Testimony given in court by
city police officers identified
goods found in the homes of the
defendants as clothing missing
from the two local stores. Melvin
Davia, later held as a material
witness by the court, testified that
after the Bishop burglary he had
heard it discussed at Alma Als-
man's home. He told of Miller
coming to the home with the
goods Identified as coming from
the Bishop store.
Davis also testified concerning
a trip to Portland made with the
two Alsmans at which time some
of the goods taken "from the Little
French shop were disposed of.
Included in the witnesses were
Officers E. C. Charlton and W. R.
New of the city police force, A.
P. Speer, proprietor of the Little
jrrencn snop, ana uaipn uooiey.
manager of Bishop's.
HILLSBORO. Ore., June 3.
(AP) A grand Jury investiga
tion of the strange death of Mrs.
Elisabeth Koeber, who was fa
tally burned in the basement of
the Free Methodist parsonage
here Wednesday, was ordered to
day by the Washington county
district attorney. The grand Jury
will meet Thursday.
A formal investigation of the
mystery case got under way today
when the woman's daughter, the
Rev. Nathalie Koeber, pastor of
the church, was called to the dis
trict attorney's office tor ques
tioning. Miss Koeber found her
mother unon returning from
shopping trip. The house was full
of smoke. The girl ran to the
basement, and there, huddled in
a corner, terribly buined and
naked, was her mother. The ashes
of her clothing dusted the base
ment floor. Mrs. Koeber was bare
ly conscious.
Tn her mnnth " tho. danehter
said, was found a quantity of
wood chips upon which two large
nieces of cloth had been jammed
Miss Koeber said several wood
splinters were removed from her
mother's mouth and throat at Che
hospital and that the mouth was
badly lacerated.
Earlier reports had indicated
that a small stick of wood, cloth
wrapped, had been forced down
the woman's throat.
Lower Division Work at
State Schools Outlined
"Lower division" education at
the University of Oregon and the
State college, under the system of
curricula being outlined by the
state board of higher education,
was explained here Friday by Dr.
M. Ellwood Smith. Smith's ap
pointment as director of lower di
vision work was announced by the
secretary of the board Friday.
Dr. Smith has been dean of the
school of arts and sciences and
director of the summer school
session at Oregon State college
since 1919.
While the term "lower divi
sion" is comparatively new in
Oregon education, the board an
nounced it will loom large In the
future conduct of the school sys
tem. In explaining the work, Dr.
Smith said it was of vital impor
tance to all high school seniors
planning to enter either institu
tion this fall.
"Unspeciallzed freshman and
sophomore work Is offered on es
sentially the same basis at bdth
Eugene and Corvallis,' under the
direction of lower division." Dr.
Smith said. "The object is to
provide the broad foundations of
a general education, such as la
WW Not
of Max Gear director of
Hansen's suggestion was mcde
In the form of a letter to the ag
ricultural director, who Is also di
rector of the state fair. In view
of the deficiencies Incurred by the
fair the past two years and like
wise the necessity of balancl g
the state budget. Hanzen states
that in the event that Gehlhar
and his advisors in the manage
ment of the fair cannot devise
some means of guarding against
a deficit "you give consideration
to discontinuing the fair this
Commenting upon the sugges
tion contained In the letter' Han
sen said that both he and Govern
or Meier hope that some plan can
be devised to permit the fair to
be held, but that any plan devised
must embrace reasonable assur
ance that no deficit is to be In
Hansen's letter Is In reference
to nrevlous conversations be
tween the budget director and
Gehlhar In which the latter sug
gested that by elimination of both
the night horse show and the
horse racing program, and calcu
lating a probable decrease of ZU
per cent In attendance, an esti
mated surplus of around 115.000
(Turn to page 2, col. 1)
John Bohannon. 74-vear old In-
dependence pioneer, will soon be I
able to return home from Salem
General hospital where he has
been confined for the past six
weeks, it was reported yesterday.
He is recovering rapidly from two
Mr. Bohannon crossed the
plains from Missouri with his
father and two brothers In 1869
and settled near Independence,
where he has lived ever since. He
was in the sash and door manu
facturing business from 1888 to
1912. In that year he retired. He
servea inree years as city mar-
shall of Independence, as alder
man, 'and as school director at the
time the new high school build
ing was constructed there.
A year ago last February Mr.
and Mrs. Bohannon celebrated
their 50th wedding anniversary.
Water Company
Files Demurrer
I O CltvS CaSe
, Z
Another step in the case of the
City of Salem against the Oregon
Washington Water company, and
others, was taken yesterday when
attorneys for the defendant com
pany filed a demurrer to the
amended complaint recently filed
by the plaintiff.
Counsel the defendants con
tend the plaintiffs complaint
does not set forth facts sufficient
to constitute a ease and also that
failure on the part of the plain-
uii to inciuae as defendants a
phrase including all property
holders In the city, makes the
complaint invalid. The demurrer
will be argued before Judge L. C.
Le welling. The case at Issue is
to determine the validity of the
32,500,000 bond issue voted De
cember l1, 1931
nceaea oy men ana women re
gardless of the careers they may
3 - m .
follow. These early studies serve
also as preparation for upper dl
vision, professional and technical
curricula in the junior and senior
"In practice the new plan will
work something like this: An en
tering freshman who knows what
line of work he wishes to pursue
may still register, and In fact is
advised to enroll, in the school of
his choice on the campus where
major work In it la located and
continue the course through - to
graduation. He is responsible,
however, to the lower division for
the fulfillment of certain group
requirements in basis subjects.
, "The student who has selected
his definite work but who for
some rtason does not desire to
Virt'I ox tie campus where major
Wb7k It thai1 field is 'given may
till, in a eoosfderabie number or
cases, register for thai school but
take his undergraduate work on
the opposite campus. This ap
plies particularly to the schools
of - business administration, tine
arts, home economics, journalism.
(Turn to page 2, col. 1)
Hi riiniv iuuhi
'Judging to be Completed in
Forenoon, Program to
Start 2:30 p, m.
More Exhibits Than Ever
In Past Come in From
Other Communities
Tho third Willamette valley
flower show will open this morn-'
ing in Will8on park. Tents are up
and exhibits are arranged and
those being brought In today will
be completed for judging so that
this part of the program may bo
completed early in the afternoon.
and not interfere with the pro
gram which starts with a talk by
W, C. Franklin at 2:30 o'clock.
The award list Includes:
Beet display by nurserymen,
not Including florists, 1st prise
35; 2nd prize, 13; 3rd prise 12.
Plants and bulbs will be awarded
In those classes not receiving cash
Most outstanding Garden Club
exhibit:' 1st prize, SB; 2nd prize
3; 3rd prize, $2.
Most outstanding display In deo-
oratlve section exclusive of garden
club: 1st prise S3; 2nd prize 22.
The program for the two days
W. C. Franklin, 2:30 p.m.. Tu
lips Digging and Planting; A.
A. Doubrara, 3:15 p.m.. Outdoor
Chrysanthemum; Miss Edith
Schryver, 4 p.m., Flower Arrange
ment; F. E. Price, 4:45, Electri
city in hot beds; Salem high
school band, 7 to 9 o'clock.
Mrs. L. I. Pearmlne, 1:30 p.m..
Recent Introductions in Daffo
dils; Fred Bauer, Jr., 2 p.m. Wa
ter Lilies; Ernest Iufer, 2:30,
Rock Gardens and Pools; Silver
ton school band 3 to 5 o'clock; L.
E. Weeks, 5 p.m. Gladioli.
A-large number of outside ex
hibitors are to be present in ad
dition to the local people. Among
those to send exhibits are Port'
lad, Eugene, Hillsboro, Albany,
Corvallis, Monmouth. Sweet Bri
ar club, Salem Heights, and Brush
College and It is expected that
more will arrive today that have
not signified their Intention in ad
City Engineer Hugh Rogers this
morning will take prospective bid
ders out to view the locations of
the 65 sidewalk Jobs for which
bids are to be let by the city
council Monday night. The many
small sections of walk will
amount to about 40,000 square
ieei auogeiner.
Question arose yesterday as to
whether or not the sidewalk im
provements could be bonded un-
der the Bncroft aet. Engineer
Rogers produced a favorable
opinion on the matter from City
Attorney Trindle and the latter
verified It. Mr. Trindle stated
that he had conferred with bond
attorneys and decided that the
sidewalk improvements could be
paid for in this manner.
The Bancroft act has never be
fore been used to finance these
minor improvements. City Re
corder Poulsen said. The cost of
the improvement plus 20 per cent
for expense to the eity constitute
a minor uen and mav be taken
np by payment at six per cent in
terest or by bonding In 10 annual
Lad Badly Hurt
In Twenty Foot
Fall From Tree
Melvin Unruh, 10 year old son
of Mr. and "rrs. Earl Unruh. fell
from a tree Friday, 20 feet to the
ground and received a compound
rracture of his leg.
The jagged edge of one of Xha
broken bones pierced the flesh
and in doing so cut an artery so
mat tne loss of blood was a ser
ious factor in the accident.
Late Friday night he was re
ported as resting well from the
Salem General hospital where be
was taken and where he will
probably have to remain for some
Two Inmates of
Feeble Minded
Home Get Away
Two youthful Inmates of the
state institution for the feeble
minded escaped last night, city
police were informed.
The two lads were Tom Sny
der. 17. lire feet tall. -medium
I complexion, thin face, . wearing
l waist overalls, and George Nivola,
I five feet seven Inches tall, me-
dfum complexion,! wearing -light
cap and waist overalls.
, As the homes, of the .boys are
In Portland, it was suspected tbey
might head In that direction. :
sidewalk jobs td
Blockade if -
16 Rides, is
Vets Threat
CLEVELAND. ' Jane 4. (AP)
Nine hundred ex-soldiers en
their way to Washington to den
maad cash bonus payments early
today Halted a Pennsylvania pas
senger fast mail train bound for
Vtf ln8,rted they
w dm cvr iua i
Railroad officials attempted to
persuade the men to leave. -
After lengthy discussion, the
reterans, who came from Detroit
and Toledo, sermitted the train
to proceed, but were quoted by
ruro&a aispaicners as saying
they would not allow any more
trains to pass through the yard
until given transportation. The
Pennsylvania, began rerouting per
ishable freight over Nickel Plate I
13th daY Aaain tO Wind UD
Empire Trial; Final
Arguments Heard
DALLAS, June 3. (Special)
Judge Arlle G. Walker will In
struct the jury in the trial of
Jay H. Stockman tomorrow morn
ing at 9 o'clock. Closing argu
ments of the attorneys were com
pleted this afternoon but Judge
Walker had already stated that
he would not submit the case to
the jury late this afternoon.
J. H. Stockman is the third of
the former officers of the Empire
Holding corporation to be tried
on a charge of devising a scheme
or artifice to defraud. Frank Kcl-
ler, former sales counsellor, was
found guilty on the 13th day of
his trial after the Jury had been
out about four hours. The trial of
Judge O. P. Coshow, former pres
ident of the corporation, resulted
In a hung jury after the Jury had
been out 28
hours. The Coshow
trial lasted 13 days and the
Stockman case will go to the jury
on the 13th day.
Dexter Rice of Roseburg gave
the final argument for the de
fense this morning. Rice picked
out the points where the state
claimed it had a case against the
defendant, gave the theory of the
defense counsel in regard to the.e
matters and retold the defense
In regard to the alleged Im
peachment of Mark McCallister,
Rice said that McCallister had
not been impeached. He stated
that he did not believe J. E. Al
lison, secretary of the Marlon
county grand jury, was a fair rep
resentative of the people who
serve on the Marion county grand
Juries, but if they were like him
they would Indict the saviour u
he came within the limits or
Marlon county.
In concluding his argument.
Rice ridiculed the state's attorney
for bringing so many aged people
as witnesses In an asserted ef
fort to work on the sympathies
,. ,., ti- iiriul the state
k.; Stockman nn
had not connected Stockman up
with the salesmen but that the
state still brought these witnesses
to influence the Jury.
Barnett Goldstein, special pros
ecutor, concluded the argument.
He accused the defense of at
tempting to lure the Jury away
from the real issues in the case
by telling of what others had
done and not meeting the facts as
presented by the state.
Salem's Cherrians played a
prominent part Friday in Leba
non's annual strawberry festival
and were heartily welcomed by
that city in the first visit of the
local organization to the Linn
county city in many years. King
Bing Hixson and 12 other mem
bers of the Cherrians made the
trip to Lebanon and acted as es
corts for Queen Edith Morgan and
her attendants both at the crown
ing exercises and at the sports
events later in the day.
An outstanding feature of the
festival waa a huge shortcake, 12
by 14 feet in size. The cake was
carried on a large track In the
parade' ad later -a dozen girls
served large pieces without cost
to everyone who desired the cake.
For mor than three hours people
were being fed and the cake had
then only decreased half In sue.
The giant cake was baked in
squares and these- were put to
gether to form the large layers.
Among the people from Salem
to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Downing, Mrs. E. C. Cross and
Mr, and Mrs. C. P. Bishop.
Miller Denies .
Fraud Charges
DALLAS, June 2 (Special)
Frank Miller, Yeeently Indicted on.
two charges of obtaining; property
under false pretenses, .was ' ar-
raignea neiore juage" waiter
here today and pleaded not gnUty
to both charges. - Judge Walker
set June 10 s the date for Mil
ler's trial on the first charged
Trial on the second Indictment
will follow June 11. '
Had Been Scheduled Junior
Hign Exercises Speaker;
Monmouth Aroused
President Landers Refuses
To Reveal Source
Asserted Order
MONMOUTH. June 3. (flne-
clal) Citizens and parent of
Monmouth school children are
voicing indignation over an al
leged Insult to Thomas H. Gentle,
ex-director of training schools,
here last night.
Mr. Gentle received an Invita
tion about three weeks ago from
the graduating class of the junior
ugA school, to deliver the com
evening. June 2. He accepted the
inviiauon ana announcements to
that effect were given the press.
Mr. Gentle made the following
statement today
"I was pleased to be asked to
talk to this class, as many of
them were beginner pupils when
I was In the training department.
I sent a formal acceptance of the
honor to the secretary of the
class, and was preparing tor the
event when at 3 o'clock on the
afternoon of June 2, the princi
pal of the junior high school came
to my home greatly upset and In
She said she had been sent by
officials Of the school to tel me
that I could not address the class
on the normal camnus or In any
0f the bulldines on same. She said
She did not know the reason for
the order and begged me not to
be offended at her. She was much
distressed, because she ' did not
know how to break the news to
the class whose members were
f0rner pupils of mine and are
very fond of me.
'I assured her that I bore no
malice but that I was neither
communist, agitator or criminal
and had had no Intention of ad
vising the pupils to do otherwise
than to follow the highest prin
ciple of conduct in their daily
"Later I asked Mr. Landers if
the objection to my filling the
engagement was raised by local
narties. He assured me that he
knew of no one locally who would
object in the slightest degree.
(Turn to page 2, col. 1)
J. O. Bailey, elected to position
No. t on the Oregon supreme
court by receiving more than a
majority of rotes east In the pri
mary election, spent 11.583.84 on
his eamoalrn. his statement or
expenditures filed with the secre
tary of state late maay showea.
Other expense items niea in
clude: -
Kenneth G. Harlan, for United
States senator, $551.53. Francis
V. Galloway tor democratic con-
rressman from second district
Emmett Howard lor congress
from the first district. $283: Ro
bert Gordon Duncan for United
States senator, $450; Harvey O.
Starkweather for the democra
tic nomination to congress from
the first district, $260.68; James
T. Brand for the Oregon supreme
court $774.66.
Roy R. Hewitt who was secona
in the campaign for position wo. 2
on the Oregon supreme court
spent $494.07; Loyal M. Graham
tor position No. 3, $65.72.
Hannah Martin for Marion
county representative $65. Wil
liam H. Trindle. for district at
torney of Marion connty $125.
Diplomas Handed to 326
At H. S. Commencement
Before an audience of 1100
parents and friends, 32$ boys and
girls yesterday morning passed
from the standing of seniors to
that ot alumni of Salem .Jiigh
school, at the annnal commence
ment exercises held at the Elsl-
nore theatre. In addition to the
32C, 19 more students were eli
gible to receive their diplomas at
the exercises, according to Princi
pal Fred D. WolL
The class of '32. ithe girls in
flowing, vari -colored pastel frocks.
the boys In dark coats and wnrt
flannel trousers, marched to their
places in the Elsinore to the mu
sic ot the "Triumphal March"
from "Alda" played by the school
band. Following the invocation by
Rev. J. M. Frans, Earle Potter, ac
companied at the piano by Eva
Cochran, aang the tenor aria from
"Where'er Yon Walk" by Handel
and Dalbert Jepson. accompan
ied by j Emory Hobson, played on
I the violin, "Sonata in A Major"
i by Handel.
In a, brief, pointed address to
the class, Burt Brown Barker.
vice-president of the University ot
Oregon, drew a material compari
son with what the graduates Ufa
might' bav..r ".."-;...,,. -.v-.,- -.
Six Swept to Death by Raging Oklahoma Roods; Eight ...
More Reported Missing, 700 Homes Washed Away
When Rush of Water Comes Suddenly; Many. Persons.
Still Marooned in Shawnee Lowlands
Series of Earth Tremors Rocks Large Portion of Mexico
With H Dead; no Report From Region Where Probably
Greatest Damage Done; Capital Jarred and Several'
Small Buildings Topple Over
were swept to death by a
tral Oklahoma today.
Five lives were known to have been lost in Oklahoma
City and a negro mail carrier perished near Seminole.
Eighty persons were reported missing in Oklahoma City
and two farm families were unaccounted for near Shawnee.
About 700 homes were washed away by the sudden
Oklahoma City flood.
Seminole, Wewoka and Bowlegs were isolated by inun
dated highways and washed out rail lines.
The known dead in Oklahoma City were Mrs. Norah
ONorrls. 50; Ella Christine Mor
Seen Over Halifax, Sydney
And Then Nothing; no
Radio is Carried
NEW YORK, June 4. (AP)
At 2 a. m., eastern standard time
today (Saturday) there had been
no report for many hours con
cerning the progress of Stanislaus
Hausner's flight from New York
to Warsaw, Poland. He took off
at 8:56 a. m., and was reported
seen at 3 p. m., yesterday over
Halifax and two hours later over
Sydney, N. S.
Hausner's huge monoplane car
ried no radio: At a cruising speed
of 100 miles an hour he hoped to
complete his crossing of the water
in 20 hours or by 4:56 a. m..
eastern standard time. His con
templated route lay over London
and Paris.
NEW YORK, June 3. (AP)
Alone in a flame-colored mono
plane, Stanislaus Felix Hausner,
-mystery" flier of Newark, N. J.,
rode eastward into the darkness
tonight headed for his native
(Turn to pfege 2, col. 3)
PORTLAND, Ore., June , I
(AP) Dr. C. C. Poling, pastor
of the First Evangelical church of
Salem, at his own reqvest waa
granted the relationship of evan
gelist at a business meeting of the
Oregon conference, holding its
49 th annual session here.
Dr. Poling will maintain resi
dence in Portland but expects to
travel widely.,
The next annual session of the
Oregon conference will be held at
the First church in Salem, begin
ning June 1. 1933.
"Every boy and girl la born
with a stick called 'life' In one
hand, and a knife called 'experi
ence' In the other," he said. MEv
ery one haa the privilege of carv
ing oat his life. The world ex
pects every boy and every girl to
whittle hie or her lire stick to
purpose. or a point."
To the parents, the speaker
commented: "What we want to do
Is not to protect these children
but to teach them how to whittle
their Uvea."
. Changing the comparison, Mr.
Barker .adjured the students to
"Look at life as tn study at mathe
maticsproblems to solve every
day. Make np your mind that
when those problems come, they
will never crush yon even though
ygn will meet some you will never
solve, nave laitn in your mental
workshop." - . , . .
At the conclusion of the ad
dress. Marie Patton, accompanied
by Miss Cochran, sang two solo.
"O Mlo Babb'ao Caro" by Schtc-
chl and -Ch. My Lover Is a Fish
erman" by Stricklaat.
La Verne Homyer. das vale
dictorian, then spoke tne . worn
of farewell for tho seniors.
: (Tarn to page 2, col. 2)
(AP) At least six persons
rush of flood waters over cen
gan, 15; Buster Glenn Morgan, 5;
Mrs. James Webster, 40, and El
len Webster, 11, her daughter.
Approximately 100 families
were marooned In lowlands north
of Shawnee. Homes of two fami
lies were surmerged in the same
vicinity and no trace of them had
been found.
Fourteen persons were reported
killed today in a series of earth
quakes that were felt through a
large area of Mexico.
Mexico City suffered consider
able damage, several small build
ings being toppled over. In down
town streets numerous cracks
were caused.
Reports of the casualties, which
were not officially confirmed. In
cluding eight dead and 14 Injured
in Colima. Mexico's smallest
state, and six dead in the state ot
Alarm was caused by the fact
that no report came from Oaxaea,
w n e r e ordinarily earthquake
cause much damage.
The epicenter, government seis
mologists said, probably was some
400 miles southwest ot the capi
tal, probably along the line be
tween Oaxaea and Guerrero state
borders. It would appear the en
tire Pacific coastal area from
Cape Corriento to Point Angel
waa shaken. 1
Mexico City proper was Jarred
by three distinct shocks beginning
about 4:55 a, m. The first was
most st ere. and lasted three
minutes. Several small buildings
were toppled over here, and
cracks appeared in downtown
STOCKTON, CaL, June t.
AP) Venice island, valuable
farm area of 3871 acres in tho
San Joaquin delta area, waa un
der eight feet of water tonight as
result ot a break in the San .
Joaquin river levee.
The break occurred as Goreon
Schleckler, mansger and co-own-f
er of the Island, was directing in
stallation of a flood gate. A pile
driver crew was rushed to work
in an attempt to dam the flow.
Those directing the work said
tidal action would probably pre
vent checking of the flood tor 10
days and estimated it would re
quire two months to drain the
island land.
Laborers at 15 camps on tbe
island piled their belongings on
the levees to save them from the
EUGENE. Ore., June 3 (AP)
A suit to test the constitution
ality of the state high school fund
Uw, or Wheeler law, began in cir
cuit court her today' be ere
Judge H. B. Norton of Medferd.
The Eugene school board la tn
plaintiff and county official wer
named defendants. The case will
bo appealed to the supreme eowrt
no matter what the outcome l
the present trial.
Larger high choola claim tho
law Is inequitable because, tbe
amount aet for each pupil I ar
bitrary, regardless of the actual . ,
cost ot educating the student.
. The ease under trial at Eugen
la almost an exact opposite to that
pending In Marlon county wber
tax-payers of non-high school dl '
tricts are plaintiffs and the object -Is
to find the high school tuition
law unconstitutional on tn '
grounds that It la burdensome
these outside districts If they do
not send a larg number of ta-.
atanta n lh fefrh achoola. "