The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 03, 1932, Page 5, Image 5

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" Lioes . Hear "HorsemejTbe
"four1 horsemen" of the chamber
f commerce addressed Lions Club
members concerning Salem at the
lancheon meeting yesterday. .The
city's history was told by Douglas
McKay, chamber president and
mayor-elect; , interesting sights
about state buildings, Willamette
ytitersltysind Chemawa Indian
;chooUby L. B. Endlcott; the tn-.-
dustrlal plants, featuring the lln
- cn' mills, paper mills and canning
- plants, by W. M. Hamilton cenjc
. twrs sueh.aa state-lnstitntlons;
Silver Creek falls.", BreiteBbosb
. Springs -and: Champocg,. by WU
' llant McOttahrisC Jr.. geveraor-
elect for Rotary district No. l.-A
' song and- dance act was "given by
Jfiss Paulino JSoe Chambers.
Berry tickets priced to the times.
at' Statesman office. 115 soutn
Commercial street.
Rear 5 Rider nmk Percy
SimpsonBosebnrg miner, was in
the county Jail yesterday because
hV rode on -the .rear t ft raotor-
cT'ele .whao drnnk He .was n
able Co pay a flne of 2$ assessed
or Justice' of the Peace. Haydea.
A 'state, policeman,, stopped the
driver of the motorcycle toe weav
in alone the road. The driver ex-
plalned that Simpson, drunk, kept
tugging at his arms.
UnVsnal! Pro-season sale men's
all-wool o'coats! An are newi ui
ale toaay.
. Pleads Not Guilty Milton B.
tiA.i4(A Tavlor nleaded not
tit. Thimdi on two counts in
instlee court and trial was set tor
Jwne 10 at lu a. m. i
two ball payments of fit each.!
Tho first charge is that of law
ful possession of liquor and the
aecond is that of carrying a con
cealed weapon. Taylor was arrest
ed : near Chemawa Wednesday
Quick work, reasonable prices on
berry tickets at The Statesman
printing office. 1S South Com
mercial., Three Accidents Reported
Three automobile accidents were
reported to elty police yesterday,
as follows: Mrs. G. Williams, 117
Sewth Commercial, and Jack Stew
art 1101 North 17th, at Liberty
and Trade: Glenn Hagee. route
live, and an unidentified motor
ist at 8tate and Liberty; Albert
uwaI mi North Summer and
an unidentified motorist at State
add Liberty.
v v mm mm . , Members of
the "Y breakfast club yesterdar
morning had their wires as guests
at the 7 o'clock breakfast meet
ing. An hour of volley ball, a com
edy skit by Mrs. George Rhoten
and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duncan,
and voeaKseleetlons by Professor
D. Cameron Marshall made up the
Estate Dtsribated---Flnar ac
count of the estate of Ben G. Me
CltUand, deceased, w4s filed In
probate court here yesterday by
James McClelland administrator.
Ineome to the estate was 15111,
all coming from veterans insur
ance policy paid by the govert-
mont. Outgo was $74". Three heirs,
Ktttberine Cemmender; Charles
R. . McClelland and James MeClel
laiUL wereeaeh gtven' S1700 la
th i distribution of the estate. "
Watches tor - graduation gifts' at
nan Price, see our windows.' Pom-
eroy 4r Keeae, 379 State, -
Guest Speaker - Dr. n VaVle
Parker will address a union meet-
iuit of the Protestant churches at
Lebanon Sunday evening on-the
subject of prohibition. The meet?
lair will be . held in the auditor
ium of the First Methodist
cnurch. Rev. E. B. Lockhart is
Chairman for the united group.
Prof. J. T. Matthews will address
tht - evening ' service: at .First
t church here, i . 7- f :
Best tomato plants lri town.. 2
doit. lie.
Salem's Petland,
Kaaarene Chercb Exceptional
relecoratlon Improvements ' are
being made in the parlors of the
First Methodist church under the
direction of A. A. Slewert. A new
celling has been laid and the walls
hare been refinished. It is expect
ed that the rooms will be ready
for occupancy in about another
week. The Ladies' Aid hss been
sponsoring the work.
Permanent waves 12.45 and np
Including hair eut. Model Beauty
Parlor. (Until) Phone 7870.
Chick pox Leads Chickenpox
was the most prevalent commun
icable disease in Marion county
Turing the week ending May XI
according to a state department
of health bulletin. New eases of
disease occurred as follows:
Chlekenpox 11, mumps four,
measles three, tuberculosis one,
end scarlet fever, influents and
pneumonia, two each.
1 Revival to Start Evangelist
John W. Brown and party will
begin a revival campaign Sunday
afternoon at 3 o'clock In the big
tent across from Marion Square
and North Commercial street.
There will be special singing and
music at every service. Night
meetings will open at 7:45
PresidentWilliam H.' Murray,
813; Frankrfn D. ReosereU 141
- Presidential electors a. X i
Harry 1145; Amanda J. Hart
2041: EV T. Hedlund -X0I7: Ro
bert A. MiUer 2144: Will M. Pe
terson 2187; R. R. Turner 3190. y
Uhfversity Incorae -U Ls$
And Retrenchment tor t
Wext Year Yievved
Canvass Makes no tianges
ln"Rsults of Primary'
- Election of May 20
' Official returns on all ballots
east In the May 29 election In this
county were released .this week by
County Clerk Boyer following the
canvass of the taJiy sheets requir
ed by the lUU eleeuon laws. Two
members of the republican party
and two members ot the democra
tic party made the canvass.- The
official returns are:
Delegates to national conven
tion George L. Koehn, 5183;
Stanley Myers. 7035; W. F. Su-
gurdson, 4152; W. Li, Thompson
841; Peter W. Welch 1113; Wll
Hsra A. Carter 8383; Floyd J.
Cook. 5800; Harry L. Gross 5154;
Russel! Hawkins 7448; . Wllber
Henderson 5652. 'Seven to elect.
. ueiegaies jo jiauonaicenveni i This year. Pros-Ddney. said, the
hot, ir cuBXfoswuan mauici i ucom naa oen reaaced through
rrans: iw. uerpy si; p.-My-1 lessened income from endowment,-
er 7544. Two to elect. ; : s las well ai from' some other"
Fresiaent josepn Irwin I sources. Income from some In-
France 5132; Herbert .Hoover vestments has Ulled during the
24W. : t I bnsiness readjustment? ant mm
Tfce president- Charles S. Cur-1 funds have accumulated and not
i p i. ....
oeen invesiea Deeause or nncer-
Presldentlal electors Mrs. C. tainty in business fields. The
P. Bishop 8212; Charles H. Carey current expenses and current in
7978; Elisabeth E. Pettinger come for the year Just about bal
7815; Lloyd R. Smith 7915; David anee. but there was a deficit of
S. Stearns 7887. 18,000 carried forward from last
united States senator Ken
Reductions in Income' are ex
pected to necessitate some redac
tions In compensation of the fae
nlty at Willamette university. It
was stated by Dr. Carl Gregg
Doney, president, yesterday. At
present the university officials are
working on the budget for next
year; and faced with the prospect
ot a deficiency are considerini?
the extent of the reduction which
must be made:
neth G. Harlan 511; Robert N.
Stanfleld 3524; Frederick Steiwer
4245; Alfred E. Clark 3080; Ro
bert uoraon Dan can 404.
Congressman, first district
year, so the year will end with a
slight deficiency again.
Willamette has been more for
tunate than many similar Insti
tutions of the northwest where
reduced incomes hare caused
Charles Clair Hulet 1288; James drastic cnls in faculty salaries.
Special clean - up
plants, 15c dosen.
sale bedding
Salem's Pet-
Jory Files Statement Expen
ditures of 136.25 were made in
the primary campaign by Ed A.
Jory who sought nomination as
county commissioner, he reported
yesterday to the county clerk's of
fice here. P. L. Brown who ran for
justice of the peace in the Silver
ton district, spent 15.
Half price on men's and lady's
watches. Ideal for graduation.
Pomeroy St Keene. 379 State St.
Earless Rabbit Horn Loyal
Zelt, 1195 North 14th street, re
ports that one of a littar of six
rabbits recently born of his New
Zealand Red and Chinchilla rab
bits is earless and apparently
deaf. The bunny seems lively as
its fellows, however, and 4s grow
ing naturally." T v
To Appear Today Appear
ance ot Arthur W. Llghtfoot in
justice court at Z P. m. today was
demanded yesterday by Justice of
the Peace Hayden when Hotfoot
appaared before him. charged with
poseesslon ot intoxicating liquor.
He was arrested on the Salem-Sll-erton
lee. Prompt 'residence delivery.
Phone 5103. Ne. moderns all
steel refrigerators t cost. CsU
at Capital Ice; 550 Trade st.
fMmlased ' After
hearlnV testimony In the case of
53 state, v.. T. C
-ZZ !. .rmltttar a minor
uoperate a motor vehicle. Jus
.k. Trft Havden ye3ter
S dismissed the
lack of evidence on plaintui s
part proving tne cur.
Get your Berry tickets at
Statesman Job plant.
nm. tn Rurone Mr. and
Srraro M.nrt will
Mrs. Harry sion V 'l ,n -
Hag Named Assistant Wal
lace Hug, University of Ore
gon student and sou of George
W. Hug, superintendent of Salem
public schools, has been named
assistant director and life guard
for the men's swimming pool at
the university next year, accord
ing to word received here yester
day. Dance Friday at Hasel Green.
Campaign Talked. Dallas O. P.
West, scout executive tor Cascade
Areacouncil, and John H. Piper,
regional scout official, last night
met with jnembers of tho Dallas
American Legion post to plan the
campaign for raising that city's
portion of the scout budget for
Amended Report Filed An
amended and additional report in
tho estate of the late George E.
Parris was filed in probate court
hero Thursday. Income reported
was 1855 and outgo 1844. The
First National Bank of Cor vail Is
is -executor ot the estate..
C. A. secre-
will Join the
Mr. Stone
W. Mott 8225; W. C. Hawley
37S1; Emmet Howard 538.
Secretary of state George A
Palmlter 3488; Hal E. Hess 8197
State treasurer Milt Schem
ing 5088; Rufus C. Holman 8057.
Attorney general I. H. Van
Winkle 8218; Ear C. Bronaugh
Jr.. 3332.
state senator Charles K
Spaulding 8796.
Representatives in legislature
Mrs. Hannah Martin 5168: Otto
K. Paulas 5433; W. C. Pettyjohn
3oi; Dave W. Pugh 3912: Frank
W. Settlemler 4247; Carl Abrams
5161; Frank Davey 3884; Romeo
uouiey 4813; S. A. Harris 3220;
Konaid E. Jones 4194
District attorney Allan G. Car
son 5372; William H. Trindle
County commissioner- H. E.
King 2691; Roy S. Melson 2906:
J. H. Porter 1886: W. A. Heater
2324; Ed A. Jory 1697
Sheriff C.has. A. Ratclitf.
39S4; Joe Williams, 1465: O. D
Bower 5425; John A. Gearin, 969.
County clerk U. G. Boyer 10,-
County treasurer D. G. Dra
ger. 9321.
, County assessor O. A. Steel-
hammer 6691: Ben F. West 1970;
Lane Money ZSZ8.
county surveyor B. B. Her
rick. 9267
County school superintendent
Mary L. Fulkerson 94 34
county recorder f. Howard
Zinzer 3423; Mildred Robertson
Brooks, 7554.
County coroner Lloyd T. Rlg
don 4744; L. F. Barrlek 6640.
Delegates to national conven
tion Austin F. Flegel 1364;
Manche I. Langley 1971; Milton
A. Miller, 1969; Victor P. Moses
2050; W. H. Strayer 1324; Joseph
i. wood 1858. Four to elect.
Delegates to national conven
tion from first congressional dis
trict L.ynno M. Black 1970:
George Finley 2095; John D. Goss
137. Two to elect.
Conservation of endowment funds
hss given the university suitable
source of support even In years
or business adversity.
financial reports will be heard
at the meeting of the board of
trustees June 11.
Suit of Heusser
Against Cannery
Firm Heard Here,
Suit to determine whether Karl
Heusser haa 11500 due him from
Libby, McNeil and Llbby on a con
tract for the purchase ot cucum
bers by the defendant corpora
tion, was under way late yester
day In circuit court here. The
morning was occupied with get
ting a . Jury and opening state
ments ot counsel and a legal fight
in Judge L. H. McMahan's cham
bers over the proposed Introduc
tion of certain evidence took up
the bulk of the afternoon. .
A crowded courtroom yesterday
heard the case start. Other en
cumber raisers felt the case Is a
test one. Heusser claims the ..ack
ers graded down his cucumbers to
a price whieh was unfsir. The
csnners maintain they fulfilled
the provisions of their contract
It is not expected that 'the case
will go to the Jury before tonight.
bead the Rules Btlow Open to Everyone Nothing t B uy. AbbrerfatkNts Are t Mistakes. t
- Scattered among: the advertisements below are a few words that have been purposely mlsepelled. Find the ;
incorrect word tmderscbre them, cut out ad and paste on sheet of paper, placing date oT the issue .above the ads.
Contest Tuns for'tix cbnsecutiVe days, from Tuesday, May SI, through Sunday,' June 5th,.vPriiea wffl be :
awarded those contestant finding the largest number of misspelled words during the whole six day run of tne
-" eonteste -Mistaketf8ure4Ajage4 daily. ' -v r - : " .v ;
' . Atone end of the six flays mail or Drtng your entry 10 uie vxwiesi jmuxot, vregon awwsman, chk ." ,
Teach this office before . p. m. Wednesday, June 8th. WinnerswiU be aimoanced Sunday June 2. "3 '- i
"Auracyi Neatness and Ot be given. ;
- Prixes will be awarded In thismanrrer First prixe 5,00 and 10 rnerchxndiae prizes will be given tbe follow
ing winners. - . . - v - . " ' " ' "
- Contest is open to everyone except Oregon Statesman employes and their families.
Judges will be selected by The Oregon Statesman an d their decisions will be final
In the event you would like to enter the contest late, missing one or two previous issues, these copies may 1
be had by calling for them at The Oregon Statesman.
Hazel Dell Dai.-y meeting all com
petition. Prices as low as any In
Salem. Quality -second to none..
Phone 9622. 1230 State st.
Boardraan Article Appears
Form In Diving", an article writ
ten .and Illustrated by R. R.
Boardman, Y. M. C. A. physical
director, will appear In The Tar
get. Methodist youth's paper next
Sunday. Boardman is a regular
contributor to this and other publications.
Rooms Painted Work of re
painting and making general re
pairs In the Y. M. C. A. locker
rooms was begun 'yesterday. The
work will be so arranged that a
portion of the rooms will be open
for use all of the time.
Hammett's Car Stolen C. S
Hammett, 39 6 Columbia avenue,
reported to city police last night
that his lieht coupe had been
stolen from Chemeketa street
The car bears Oregon license
Pays $5 Fine Rudolph Helm.
arrested last weekend for soeed-
mg, paid 55 and costs Thursday way- iL,igntnui laaies- cnorus;
in justice court here. He raced
with a state police officer and
lost. He is a resident of Califor
Prof. Horner Here Prof. J. B.
Horner of'Corvallis was in the
city to attend the interstate ora
torical contest last night.
Complete ltne of thrifty, hardy
bedding plants. Salem's Petland
Senator Marks Here Senator
Willard Marks was a. Salem visi
tor Thursday.
. vnrAM on June 10, ac
rordTns; to word received here by
c a . Kell3. Y. M
tJrr. The Stones
in London
s""' f thn Port
is general kcicioij -
land Y.
Final Account Filed Final ac
count in the estate of 'the late
Clara B. Hougham, deceased, was
filed yesterday by Edward R. and
Lloyd J. Hougham. executors In
come thus far -has been $7100,
bills approved for payment are
Started and day-old baby chicks
at June prices. Salem's Petlsnd.
273 tatec
Rills to be Audited Auditing
of May claims against the county
will be begun today by the .county
court preparatory to Issuance of
the customary.: monthly warrants.
Among the extraordinary Items of
expens this month wUl be the
costs of the May 10 election,
Berry tickets: printed
Statesman plant.
r Dismissed The case of
Walter J. Gearin vs. Basil H
Gearin was dismissed yesterday in
circuit court with prejudice to
t,nh narties. A settlement was
made out of court.
Defendant Answers The Ore-
eon Feed and Flour company, de
fendant in an action brought by
Ball Bros, recently in circuit
rnnrt here, filed its answer in
court yesterday.
Coiiiing Eventr
Jne 4-5-AtilUmette Vat
ley Flower show, Willsoa
erk, ope evenings. ,
. Jane 10alem Old Tim
ers picnic, Wnisosi "park.
June 20 Mlssow l sUte
picnic. , . -
Angnst 7 Ohio MBock-
eyeM picnic. J - '
August 14 Dakota K
Farmer' Market
Fresh Chinook 10
Salmon, J b. UC
SUvers, .11
Knight Memorial
Choir Schedules
Sacred Concert
The chorus choir of the Knight
Memorial church will present a
saered concert Sunday night at 8
o'clock. Donald J. Allison is ac
companist. The progum follows:
"Crown Him With Many
Crowns" (Wilson) choir: "Light
That Never Faileth" (Bosler)
men's chorus: "Still With Thee"
(Heyser) choir; "Round the
Throne of God Eternal" (Doni
zetti) Quartet: "Any Way, If Thy
"Just As I Am" (Parks) choir;
"Crossing the Bar" (Rile) choir.
Ob ltuary
At the residence, 354 North
21st street. Wm. H. Getchell,
aged 70 years. Survived by three
cousins, Mrs. J. D. Hayes, Salem,
Percy C. and D. L. Getchell of
Portland. Funeral services will be
held from the Clough-Barrick
chapel Friday, June 3, at 2 p. m.,
with Rev. Britton Ross of the Flm
Baptist church officiating. Please
omit flowers.
Fouke Party to
Return Saturday
Rev. Hugh B. Fouke and party
will be home tomorrow night
from Atlantic City. New Jersey
where for the past month tbey
have attended the general confer
ence of the Methodist ehurch. Rev.
Fouke was one of the ministerial
delegates from . the Oregon con
ference. He will be back in his
pulpit at the Jason Lee Memorial
church both Sunday morning and
evening. Friends received wired
word from him yesterday -when
he was in Rock Springs. Wyom
ot viMMMtn wimm mum A
Bm4 UWia Um4 awl M4f
Mallta bmo. Mtal vftk Blua V
KJtkM. T.h Bar V
f yaar Dravirtat. Ask for
H. Slfet. RHUN. Bar Nl
Pelcrefit illemovial
Jatt Tea SQnote rroa tha Heart
of Town
350 N. Liberty St.
established 1803, Tel. 8032
Conveniently Accessible
Perpetual care provided tar
Prices Reasonable
1B3H tueais
jaiBM Pioo pus ioh 'naapoK
Off-IS oj (MV It H
Dr. Chan Lam
. Chinese Medieine
Office hours
Tuesday and Satur
day 2 to 5 p. m.
Cwee 1 and S
143 N. Commerelal
- ftatem-
Salem, Oregon
Established !868
Commercial and Savings Departmep't
Card Tables and
Chairs to Rent
Call 60l. L'sed 1'urait
1S1 North High
Holly wood Saper Service
- 'ltrodocory serrke.
51.00 Free $1.00
; VeU after Jnae 90tlt - J ,
" Texace Certified Labricetiea '
We will completely lubrt
cate (grease) your car tree
of charge upon pretention
ot this ad. Complete one '
stop Service, Washing. Tire
Service .
C. Chet Lindley
Phone sess
S08S Fair tiroaml Road
Men's Wear
Suits Tailored to Your
Indevldual Requirements
21 50 to 47
We Fit the Hard to Fit
Prize a pair of pajamas
214 N. High, Senator Hotel
YES! "
We are the factory author
ised service ststion for Hy
draulic, brakes in Salem.
We carry a complete stock
of repair . parts and receive
all the latest Information on
how to service the brakes ot
ydur car Drive 1p tor free
Salem's Brake Kpertattet
2T5 S. Commercial St.
Tel. 5161
Custom Made
Foundation Garments
Any Style
Coraclette, Front Lace,
Rack Lace, Girdle,
Abdominal Sepnort
Any model you wish. This
is an unusual- opportunity
tor the ladles in Salem to
enjoy the style and comtert
ot tailor made garments.
Satisfaction is guaranteed
to every customer.
Arehart & Aldrich
420 Court St. Tel. fWS
C. L. Wellman. Ph. G.
Tel. 1H In "The Market"
Fer Graduation, 3-Piece
Pyralin Sets $3.85
No other
Electric Refrigerator
Offers you the many souper
lor features, that the
New Majestic
possesses See the models
priced from
S113.50 to S49.V30
Vibbert & Todd
404 State St.
Priae a 4.00 FJectric
Popcorn Popper
Coney Island
Tbe Best Place to Eat
Merchant's Lunch
Blu Plate
Open frm 6 a. m. t! 1
479 Court St.
i x
r? tithfq
ymmm m a . .4 .
Finer fabrics then we.
hare erer: shown, now
as low as.
vp to
We Have the Only
Complete Radio
and Tube Testing
in Salem. Call us
Salem Radio
54 Ferry St. Phone 494
...... 1 .C ..
The Best and Most Dtf
liqious You Have Ever
Tasted. They Melt In
Your Mouth.
.. Baked in our owne
Salem Dental Clinic i
' Dp;FC.Jone5Deajsl iv
" 1 10 Yt N. Commercial si State vf
Tailor - FBraJeber Clethier
4ga State
See our used cars before
you buy. A complete
stock of fine cars.,
Chrysler and Plymouth
Sales and Servic
Salem Automobile
The largest "Dental office in the ;
Special Plate prices city, and the only one riving the
this week with free highest class Dentistry, at Port
extraction land Prices.
Jill lags reduced 23 nPHMTiqiTTV
this- weak
485 So. Commercial
Pbone 4A7S
Your Opportunity
Model T Ford Roadster.
Good tires and fair running
A snap at only . .
ltlO Bulck S pass. Sedan in
Al shalpe
for only flOU
Otto J. Wilon
ZHH N. Commercial
Globe Body &
Fender Works
Special Prices on car
Billy Durkee, Mgr.
444 Ferry St.
Phone I41
Often Imtated But
Never Equaled
Were it not so good it would
never be copied
One Bite Calls for Another!
Karmelkorn Shop
130 So. High St.
McKay! Used Cars
1931 Chev. Special Sedan,
mohair upholstering, new
six ply tires, good finnish
and runs like new, $163.00
down and $sS.OO per month.
Trade in your old car as
part on all ot tbe down pay
ment. Many more to choose
McKay Chevrolet Co.
S33 Center, Phone SI 39
4 SO X. Com!
The (icneine
Trial Pakage $1.00
We Deliver Anywhere
Phone 6147
Crazy Crystal Co.
423 Court St. Salem. Ore;
Club Fountain
Under New Management
We're the Uik of the town
Our lie Lunch satisfies. Try
us once aud yon will see
why everyone asks us how
eaa you put out that excel
lent meal at such low cost.
Well, we're not Scoch
Mert te Bat re Theatre
A low overhead and an
increasing- volume of
work enables us to an
swer the popular de
mand for Fine Portrai
ture at remarkebly Low
"Cyn" Cronise
Camera Studio
Cowrt and Commercial St.
Phooe 5014
Photo Studio
High grade Portraits, spe
cial rates to students all
through June. Something
different In Kodack Finish,
lag as every print has a fan
cy border. We can save you
moaey. Give us a trial. Sat
isfaction always.
442 State 8C ever Gray
Belle, Phone S43S
Prize a 8x10 Photo of self
or any member ot family
1924 Studebaker touring in
first class mechanical con
dition. Very good tires.
Prk. $80.00
1927 Graham 1 ton truck la
Al condition throughout. It
is suited ror milk delivery &
farm produce. See this be
fore you by. CQCft
Special Pries .... -900J
Rock and Wenzel
544 Ferry St.
The Best Haircuts
in Town
LtO C more ?
Competent Barbers
Come in and Be Pleased
Lue, Claud and Frank are
specialists at cutting ladies'
hair. Satisfaction allways.
Trie Best
Barber Shop
139 So Liberty
for a Limited Time
Marinello A A
Permanent vOUU
Salem's oldest shop
Evenings by Appointment
Phone 8916
Export Barber Service
Marinello Beauty
9 245 High St.
Prise a 3.O0 Permanent
Suits and. overcoats CA
cleaned and pressed OUC
Ladles' dresses. Tr coats
cleaned and 7Kn
pressed I uC up
We In no wsy cut the qusl
Itt of our wark at these
483 Center St, near High
nui IWt
iaaak-- v
ISO Xe. High St. , Ph. S71S
soft, natural wave with
ringlet cads, using enly gen
uine raatenials. ...
' Finger Wuve S4e
Children'! remanents SS.SY
Mildred's Beauty Shoppe
aSS No.. High St.
-Phone B839
Modern House
for Rent
New 4 room house, gas
range, water heater, base
ment, fireplace, garadge.
See It at 2430 Myrtle are
one. Pruitt Bros.
General Contractors
TeL 8O02
24 IP Myrtle Arenoe
June Special .
-' This ad Is worth- '
$1X0 on any Job at $10
$2X0 on any Job at $20
- $S.0on any Job at $50
" Complete Motor .
G: A.: RajTmond
Machine Shop.
' 824 ChetaekeU St. V
Pboee &454
Prtae Free Valae Gristd e
4 er rynsKler car
Real Values
1921 Olda Sedan $895
1921 Nash Coupe.... 425
1929 Oakland Sedan.. 595
1929 Essex Challenger. 225
1927 Blck 4 pass. C 225
1929 Ford 4 dr. Sedan 254
1928 Whippet Coupe.. 145
1924 Star Sedan 95
1927 Ford Toortng. . . 45
State Motors. Inc. '
525 Chemeketa
Spring and Summer
Storage Rites
Per Day 20c Day Per Month
$2.50. Per Nite SOc. Nile
Per Month $2.54. Day and
Nite Per Month 13.00. Day
and Nite Per Week $1.25.
Show Parking 10c
We SelkGas, Oil and Tires
Drive la for Are sad Water
Gty Storage Garage
544 Ferry Street
Phowe 4830
Complete Auto Eclectric
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4G4 N. Liberty
Phone 5178
Prize, a Klaxon Horn
Before buying your winter's
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your advantage to investi
gate. Get our new low price on
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Teo. M. Barr
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164 S. Commercial St.
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5 !.":?.: $175.00
1 Gen. Motors Radio Reg.
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1 New Electric Raag. Reg.
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Leads in New Car Valve
That's why you can buy
such wonderful values la
slightly used Pac sards. For
Instance, a 1929 Packard S
Sedau that looks like new
for $1050. Enjoy Packard
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for less than the cost ot a
medium priced car.
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Willamette Bridge
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For men. manicures, sham
poos and, scalp treatment.
We can and do grow hair.
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Hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.
Other hours by appointment
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208 Mason tc Temple
: Electric Washlers
Easy, Ceanloa, Automatic.
Toss, tayta.-Tnbas.:Thor.
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Used. Washers AA .
Ot all kinds -JOaUU p
Distributors for Msrlon asd
Clackamas Counties -'
S39 N. High. - Salem
Phone 4922 -